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Email berhasil diverifikasi.
Muhammad H.
I am a skilled and dedicated freelancer.
$3 USD / jam
Pakistan (7:11 AM)
Bergabung Agustus 6, 2023
$3 USD / jam
Welcome to my freelancing oasis, where creativity knows no bounds and excellence finds its home. As a multi-talented freelancer, I dance effortlessly between words, colors, and pixels, crafting captivating content and awe-inspiring designs that breathe life into dreams. My commitment to delivering nothing short of perfection drives me to embrace challenges with open arms. Every client's dream becomes my own, and together, we sail through the seas of innovation, leaving a trail of exceptional results in our wake.
City University of Science and Information Technology
2020 - 2023
3 tahun
BS Computer Science
2020 - 2023
3 tahun
Diploma in Information technology
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Technical and Commerce Education
In this Course we learn to design and develop software applications, create and manage databases, configure and troubleshoot computer networks, and build websites and web applications. we also acquire knowledge of computer hardware components, operating systems, and IT project management.
Networking Essentials
Cisco Networking Academy
A Network Essentials Degree is a comprehensive educational program designed to equip students with the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field of computer networking. This degree program focuses on essential concepts, technologies, and best practices that form the backbone of modern network infrastructure.
Undangan berhasil dikirim!
Terima kasih! Kami telah mengirim Anda email untuk mengklaim kredit gratis Anda.
Anda sesuatu yang salah saat mengirimkan Anda email. Silakan coba lagi.