Title: Becoming the Best Candidate in Making T-Shirts
Background: T-shirt is the most practical type of clothing to be used in all kinds of activities. The various variations ranging from colors, shapes, images, make this type of clothing a daily sight. There are many different reasons you might choose to design your own t-shirt. It can be for selling, designing merchandise for the workplace, as a gift or even just for personal use1.
Purpose: The aim of this proposal is to be the best candidate in making t-shirts with unique and attractive designs.
Knowing the target audience: It is important to know the target audience when designing t-shirts. Apart from having to represent your brand, the t-shirt must also be something you are proud to wear in public1.
Using appropriate colors: If your brand has certain colors, or already has a certain color palette, you can use these colors as a guide1.
Grab attention: Gaining attention doesn't always mean your t-shirt has to be bright and flashy. Sometimes, a clean and minimalistic design, accompanied by a flashy slogan, cute icons, and a catchy hashtag can be all you need to grab attention