Logo Design is a crucial aspect of building a strong brand identity and effectively communicating the essence of your business to potential customers. A professional logo designer can help you create a visually appealing and memorable logo tailored to your brand's requirements, making it easier for customers to recognize and trust you. With Freelancer.com, you can easily hire skilled and experienced Logo Designers to bring your ideas to life and establish a solid foundation for your brand.

Here are some projects that our expert Logo Designers made real:

  • Developing unique and striking logos for businesses across industries
  • Designing eye-catching business cards to leave a strong first impression
  • Creating compelling graphics for print merchandise such as t-shirts and related business swag
  • Crafting beautiful imagery for special interests like pet illustrations or iconic brand imagery
  • Developing visually striking LinkedIn cover pages or other social media profiles
  • Reinventing existing graphics and layouts for improved design aesthetics
  • Building cohesive branding elements, including logos, fonts, color schemes, etc.
  • Designing digital assets like podcast user group logos or R&D company visuals

In summary, hiring a professional Logo Designer through Freelancer.com will not only help you achieve a stunning logo design that embodies your brand but also provide you with access to versatile designers who can deliver across a range of other branding design requirements. Having an expert Logo Designer in your corner gives you the necessary tools to establish successful customer recognition of your products and services.

If you're excited about working with our talented Logo Designers, don't hesitate any longer! Post your unique project on Freelancer.com today and find the perfect Logo Designer match who will help elevate your business identity in no time.

Dari 865,320 ulasan, klien menilai Logo Designers kami 4.9 dari 5 bintang.
Rekrut Logo Designers

Logo Design is a crucial aspect of building a strong brand identity and effectively communicating the essence of your business to potential customers. A professional logo designer can help you create a visually appealing and memorable logo tailored to your brand's requirements, making it easier for customers to recognize and trust you. With Freelancer.com, you can easily hire skilled and experienced Logo Designers to bring your ideas to life and establish a solid foundation for your brand.

Here are some projects that our expert Logo Designers made real:

  • Developing unique and striking logos for businesses across industries
  • Designing eye-catching business cards to leave a strong first impression
  • Creating compelling graphics for print merchandise such as t-shirts and related business swag
  • Crafting beautiful imagery for special interests like pet illustrations or iconic brand imagery
  • Developing visually striking LinkedIn cover pages or other social media profiles
  • Reinventing existing graphics and layouts for improved design aesthetics
  • Building cohesive branding elements, including logos, fonts, color schemes, etc.
  • Designing digital assets like podcast user group logos or R&D company visuals

In summary, hiring a professional Logo Designer through Freelancer.com will not only help you achieve a stunning logo design that embodies your brand but also provide you with access to versatile designers who can deliver across a range of other branding design requirements. Having an expert Logo Designer in your corner gives you the necessary tools to establish successful customer recognition of your products and services.

If you're excited about working with our talented Logo Designers, don't hesitate any longer! Post your unique project on Freelancer.com today and find the perfect Logo Designer match who will help elevate your business identity in no time.

Dari 865,320 ulasan, klien menilai Logo Designers kami 4.9 dari 5 bintang.
Rekrut Logo Designers


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    Saya memulai penjualan produk perawatan kulit Skintific secara online dan membutuhkan seorang freelancer terampil dalam pemasaran digital untuk membantu saya merancang dan melaksanakan strategi yang efektif untuk meningkatkan penjualan. - Kreatif dalam membangun dan mengelola kampanye iklan online. - Berpengalaman dengan SEO dan konten marketing untuk meningkatkan traffic organik. - Keahlian dalam pemasaran media sosial untuk menargetkan audiens yang tepat dan meningkatkan engagement. - Kemampuan analisis data untuk mengoptimalkan strategi pemasaran berkelanjutan. - Pengalaman dengan e-commerce dan penjualan produk perawatan kulit akan menjadi nilai tambah.

    $1737 Average bid
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    Pembagian flayer bertujuan untuk mengundang atau mengajak orang" yang berkumpul di suatu titik untuk bisa berbelanja di toko/tempat jualan

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Rata-rata
    5 penawaran
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    Video sinematik adalah video yang tampak seperti film . Memahami sinematik lebih dari sekadar definisi. Menurut Merriam-Webster, sinematik berarti "dari, berkaitan dengan, menyiratkan, atau cocok untuk film atau pembuatan film". Mungkin sesuatu yang direkam dan ditayangkan sebagai film.

    $570 Average bid
    $570 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Saya mencari seorang profesional yang berpengalaman dalam penulisan proposal bisnis untuk membantu saya dalam menyusun proposal pendanaan yang meyakinkan. Proposal ini akan digunakan untuk mengajukan pendanaan guna mengembangkan bisnis travel saya. Keterampilan dan pengalaman yang saya cari meliputi: - Kemampuan penelitian pasar dan analisis keuangan yang kuat - Pengalaman dalam menyusun proposal bisnis atau pendanaan, khususnya di industri travel - Kemampuan untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan bisnis yang efektif - Kreativitas dalam menyajikan informasi yang menarik bagi calon investor atau lembaga keuangan - Kepiawaian dalam penggunaan data dan statistik untuk mendukung rencana pengembangan bisnis Tujuan utama dari proyek ini adalah untuk menghasilkan dokumen yang akan meningkatkan ...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Rata-rata
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    Mensejahterakan para pedagang

    $39 / hr Average bid
    $39 / hr Rata-rata
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    Proyek saya terkait pembuatan power point, penulisan, editing serta desain

    $19 / hr Average bid
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    $17 / hr Rata-rata
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    Judul proyek desain yang mudah di kerjakan dan kreatif dapat membuat perbedaan yang signifikan dalam persepsi terhadap suatu proyek.

    $11 Average bid
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    Saya ingin membuat proyek poster promosi

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    saya ingin memulai belajar mnjadi freelance

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    Proyek ini melibatkan usaha kuliner yang lebih berkembang dan maju.

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Rata-rata
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    ? Lowongan Freelance Graphic Designer! ? Kami sedang mencari desainer grafis freelance berbakat untuk membantu kami di HOPE Perfume. Jika Kamu memiliki attention to detail, kreativitas yang luar biasa, dan passion dalam dunia desain grafis, ini adalah kesempatan yang tepat untuk Kamu! Apa yang Kami Cari: ✨ Kreativitas dan inovasi dalam desain ✨ Pengalaman dalam menggunakan perangkat lunak desain lainnya (apapun itu) ✨ Portofolio yang menunjukkan kemampuan dan proyek-proyek sebelumnya ✨ Kemampuan bekerja secara mandiri dan menyelesaikan proyek tepat waktu Yang Kami Tawarkan: ? Proyek-proyek menantang dan bervariasi ? Fleksibilitas bekerja dari mana saja ? Kompensasi yang kompetitif ? Kesempatan untuk memperluas portofolio Anda dengan proyek-proyek menarik Cara Melamar: Daftarkan diri K...

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    Saya butuh usaha buat toko jualan

    $20 / hr Average bid
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    Bisnis online
    3 Hari left

    Saya sudah menjalankan bisnis online selama 3tahun dengan menjual skincare,baju,produk rumah tangga dll

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    logo yang menggambarkan makanan kekinian dengan ciri khasnya sendiri

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Rata-rata
    16 penawaran
    Disend logo
    3 Hari left

    Disend logo aplikasi atau game atau untuk orang yang ingin membuat disend

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    Ini adalah logo yng ada dipikiran saya mungkin simpel tetapi dapat diingat

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    Gambar ini menjelaskan bahwa setulus apapun itu jika dia sudah MEMILIH orng baru apa yg bisa kita lakukan

    min $50 / hr
    min $50 / hr
    0 penawaran
    desain logo
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    tentang logo logo game, bisnis

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    Mempromosikan produk-produk ke berbagai Sosmed yang aktif dan membuat pendapatan meningkat,agar sesuai dengan target yang di minati oleh anda

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    15 penawaran


    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Rata-rata
    5 penawaran
    1 hari left

    Tentang foto alam dan suasana desa yang indah

    $412 Average bid
    $412 Rata-rata
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    logo jualan makanannn posterrrr

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Rata-rata
    6 penawaran
    sales marketing
    22 jam left

    pada dasar nya sayaa membukaa usahaa kecil kecilan melalui handphone,seperti jualan barang online dan skrngg alhamdulillah ada kemajuan bisa buka toko

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    $342 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    Proyek sampah sekolah merupakan kegiatan yg di lakukan untuk mengurangi sampah dan menjaga tentang kebersihan sekolah.

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Rata-rata
    16 penawaran

    Saya mencari seorang profesional yang berpengalaman dalam penulisan proposal bisnis untuk membantu saya dalam menyusun proposal pendanaan yang meyakinkan. Proposal ini akan digunakan untuk mengajukan pendanaan guna mengembangkan bisnis travel saya. Keterampilan dan pengalaman yang saya cari meliputi: - Kemampuan penelitian pasar dan analisis keuangan yang kuat - Pengalaman dalam menyusun proposal bisnis atau pendanaan, khususnya di industri travel - Kemampuan untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan bisnis yang efektif - Kreativitas dalam menyajikan informasi yang menarik bagi calon investor atau lembaga keuangan - Kepiawaian dalam penggunaan data dan statistik untuk mendukung rencana pengembangan bisnis Tujuan utama dari proyek ini adalah untuk menghasilkan dokumen yang akan meningkatkan ...

    $23 / hr Average bid
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    3 penawaran
    8 jam left

    Saya ingin mendesain karakter seekor monyet yang berjalan 2 kaki dan memiliki pemikiran yang modern, style yang modern, dan dan dapat berbicara layaknya manusia modern.

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    I'm seeking a talented designer to craft a minimalist logo for my brand, Silk and Velvet. The logo should exude elegance and sophistication, with a primary focus on intertwining silk and velvet textures. Target audience is primarily female age 25-35 Key Requirements: - The logo should be minimalist yet luxurious and timeless. - Deep purples, golds, and rich burgundies should be used to evoke a sense of luxury. - Silk should be the most prominent texture, emphasizing its smoothness and elegance. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in minimalist design - Strong understanding of luxury branding - Proficiency in using specified color palette - Ability to creatively represent textures in a logo. Please refer to the attached PDF for full details.

    $60 Average bid
    14 entri

    I'm in need of a complete branding package for my small business in the chemical industry. This includes a modern logo, business card, letterhead, and name plate design. Key Requirements: - A modern design style - Incorporation of my company initials, industry-related icons, and abstract shapes into the logo - A subtle but professional color scheme, avoiding overly bright or flashy colors Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Strong understanding of modern design principles - Ability to create subtle yet professional designs - Experience in designing for the chemical industry or similar fields is a plus Please ensure your portfolio showcases relevant examples of your work. I am looking for a designer who can understand the essence of my business and translate it...

    $66 Average bid
    $66 Rata-rata
    34 penawaran
    Closemate Rebranding & IP Design
    6 Hari left

    I am looking for a professional to assist in the rebranding of my apparel accessories company, Closemate. This project includes: - Crafting a compelling brand story - Developing a strong brand philosophy - Creating an impactful brand slogan - Defining the brand core - Comprehensive IP design There are no limitations to the type of IP design, so creativity and versatility are key. This could range from a character mascot to a logo, or a symbol or icon. The primary goal of this rebranding effort is to make the brand more suitable for the EU and US markets, so you must be familiar with native culture. Skills in market analysis, brand strategizing, and creative design are essential for this project. Prior experience with rebranding for international markets will be a significant advantage. ...

    $334 Average bid
    $334 Rata-rata
    31 penawaran

    I'm seeking a skilled logo designer to create a minimalist style logo for personal use. The designer should have a strong portfolio of minimalist designs and be able to understand and interpret personal branding into this style. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to interpret personal branding into design Experience: - Previous work on minimalist logo designs - Proven track record with personal branding projects

    $730 Average bid
    $730 Rata-rata
    65 penawaran

    I'm hosting a homecoming college party and need a modern and sleek flyer to promote it. The flyer should include: - The date and time - The venue location - The dress code Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, knowledge of modern design principles, and experience creating event flyers. Please provide samples of your previous work that align with this project.

    $66 Average bid
    $66 Rata-rata
    97 penawaran
    Modern Logo Design Expert Required
    6 Hari left

    I'm in need of a talented graphic artist who specializes in logo design. My vision is for a modern style logo, utilizing a neutral tones color scheme. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software - Strong portfolio of modern logo designs - Excellent understanding of neutral color palettes - Ability to deliver high-quality, creative work on time.

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Rata-rata
    77 penawaran

    I'm in need of a logo with a classic style that incorporates circles. The logo should be rendered in a monochrome color scheme, specifically black and white. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator - Understanding of Classic Design Aesthetics

    $338 Average bid
    $338 Rata-rata
    80 penawaran
    Trophy icon Logo Creation
    3 Hari left

    I have a drawn out logo that I want to be created. The design in the middle should be WHITE, within the box should be SKY BLUE, and the border should be GOLD. The star should be RED. File Requirements: - Final logo should be delivered in PNG, JPEG, and SVG formats. - An additional version with a transparent background is needed. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design and experience with logo creation. Please provide examples of previous work.

    $45 Average bid
    99 entri

    I'm in need of a video editor for my cooking youtube videos will be under 10 minutes and include video editing, subtitles Ideal skills would be: - Proficiency in video editing software - Creativity in enhancing viewer engagement - Knowing marathi language will be plus I am looking for a professional who can deliver high-quality, engaging content. Experience with tutorial videos is a big plus.I will share pieces of the video shooting , He / She needs to merge them , edit them properly and send it back to me.

    $7 Average bid
    $7 Rata-rata
    20 penawaran

    I'm looking for a talented graphic designer who specializes in creating eye-catching social media visuals, particularly for Instagram. The ideal candidate should be proficient in understanding the aesthetics that work best on this platform and can deliver high-quality, original designs tailored to my brand's identity.

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Rata-rata
    28 penawaran

    I'm in need of a professional designer to create a flyer for an upcoming kindergarten event, celebrating the saint martin. The legend says that saint martin cut its voat in two pieces to help a poor (and vold) person. Every year in november, German children are processing in the streets with candlelights for the evening of saint martin day. Our french/german kindergarten is organising an event for this celebration. We need a flyer for that. It should reflect the festive / childish / seasonal aspect of the event. Key Requirements: - Design a fun and visually appealing flyer - Incorporate cartoon characters into the design - The design should be suitable for a kindergarten audience Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Experience with children's designs - Familiarity with designing ...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    82 penawaran

    I'm looking for a classic, text-based logo for my business, 'NAFZAC'. The logo will be used across various products, so it needs to be versatile and easy to replicate. - Style: The desired style for the logo is classic. It should convey a sense of timelessness and reliability. - Color Scheme: The logo should be designed in a single color. This will enhance its versatility and ease of application across different mediums. - Design Elements: The logo should be text-based only. I would like to see a range of creative treatments of the 'NAFZAC' text. The final deliverable should include the source file as well as all the fonts and elements used in the design. Ideal skills for this project include graphic design, typography, and brand identity development. Previous...

    $10 Average bid
    263 entri

    Project Overview: MindX is a company that needs a professional logo that reflects its brand identity. We are looking for a design similar to companies like Freshworks and Zoho, which have a modern, clean, and professional appearance. Company Name: MindX Project Overview: We need two logos: Company Logo - for MindX. Product Logo - for our current product, "Inventory". Requirements: Style: Modern, professional, clean (like Freshworks, Zoho). Color Scheme: Primary color: #0000CD (Deep Blue), with black or white accents. Elements: Simple and innovative, representing technology and intelligence. Deliverables: Logos in Vector Format (.ai, .eps, .svg). Variations: Color, black & white, icon-only, and transparent background versions. Budget: ₹8000 to ₹10000

    $59 Average bid
    $59 Rata-rata
    48 penawaran

    I'm looking for a talented ui/ux designer experience in figma to create 10 - 12 android screens for a mobile app tailored for movers Key features : - a sleek, modern and minimalist visual style - fully optimized for android platform - facilitates both object dimension and container suggestion - logo Ideal skills : - proficiency in figma - android ui/ux design experience - strong understanding of modern minimalis desain principles - ability to create intuitive and unlser- friendly interfaces - experience in designing for apps using recognition technology

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Rata-rata
    73 penawaran

    I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create a series of vector-based sticker designs inspired by Colorado's (U.S.A. State) camping and ski/snowboarding culture. AI GENERATED ART WILL BE REJECTED Key Elements: - The stickers should incorporate bright colors and a Colorado (state text in some designs. - The design should be primarily camping-themed, but also include elements of skiing/snowboarding and general Colorado landmarks. - Specific camping elements to include are tents, campfires, mountain landscapes, and wildlife. Silhouettes and hiking elements should also be considered. Colorado State Flowers, Wild Flower felids. Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating vector-based designs. - Strong understanding of bright, appealing color palettes. - Previous work involving o...

    $35 Average bid
    Bergaransi Bersegel
    29 entri

    I am looking for a creative, passionate, female designer who can develop a complete visual system for 'Ellagoal', a brand dedicated to female professional soccer wear. This includes designing a logo, a comprehensive rebranding package, and crafting an engaging slogan and brand story. Key Responsibilities: - Logo Design: Create a unique and appealing logo that resonates with the brand's identity and target audience. - Complete Rebranding Package: This includes a fresh perspective on the brand's image, with a focus on appealing to female professional players. - Slogan and Brand Story: Develop a catchy slogan and an inspiring brand story that captures the essence of the brand and engages the target audience. Ideal Candidate: - A female designer with a deep understanding...

    $316 Average bid
    $316 Rata-rata
    52 penawaran
    Logo Design for Design Agency
    6 Hari left

    I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a typography-based logo for my design agency with a brand identity emblem or sign. The logo should be versatile enough for both online and print use. While I'm open to your creative suggestions for color, the design should maintain a professional and appealing aesthetic. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in typography and graphic design - Experience designing logos for both online and print - Strong portfolio of typography-based designs - Ability to create visually appealing designs in a professional context - Open-mindedness and creativity in color selection

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Rata-rata
    36 penawaran

    I'm looking for a modern style logo for my caravan park. The logo should be simple yet distinctive, incorporating small camping elements and an eagle that is similar to or close to my existing logo. The color scheme can be black/white or simple colours and designs. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Illustrator - Branding Please include a portfolio of your previous work, especially any logo designs you've done that fit a modern style.

    $1380 Average bid
    $1380 Rata-rata
    26 penawaran

    I'm looking for a talented UI/UX designer experienced in Figma to create 10-12 Android screens for a mobile app tailored for movers. Key Features: - A sleek, modern and minimalist visual style - Fully optimized for Android platform - Facilitates both object dimension and container suggestion - logo Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Figma - Android UI/UX design experience - Strong understanding of modern minimalist design principles - Ability to create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces - Experience in designing for apps using recognition technology

    $54 Average bid
    $54 Rata-rata
    39 penawaran

    Company Overview: We are an AI research and development company focused on advancing artificial intelligence technologies and providing innovative AI solutions to startups and other organizations. Our target market includes tech-savvy businesses seeking cutting-edge AI solutions to drive growth and innovation. Project Objective: To create a professional, modern logo that effectively represents our brand and resonates with our target audience of startups and other organizations. The logo should communicate our expertise in AI, our innovative approach, and our commitment to professionalism. Target Audience: Primary Audience: Startups and tech-focused organizations seeking advanced AI solutions. Secondary Audience: Established organizations exploring AI-driven innovation and partnerships. ...

    $20 - $171
    $20 - $171
    69 penawaran

    I am starting an electrolysis company and I need a unique name and a minimalist modern logo. The logo shouldn't include the word 'electrolysis' as I may expand into other services in the future. Key Aspects: - Logo Style: I envision a minimalist and modern design. - Color Scheme: The palette should consist of warm, neutral, timeless tones such as greens, browns, and nudes. - Imagery: The logo should be simple, timeless, and in line with a minimalist modern aesthetic. Ideal Skills: - Branding & Naming: Proven experience in creating catchy, relevant company names. - Graphic Design: Expertise in modern, minimalist design and logo creation. - Color Theory: Strong understanding of warm, neutral color schemes. I look forward to seeing your creative proposals.

    $53 Average bid
    $53 Rata-rata
    71 penawaran

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