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    2,000 zencart india pekerjaan ditemukan

    Idegajah Productions (merupakan anak usaha dari Salam Ganesha ITB) Membuka peluang untuk menjadi Freelance Mitra Affiliator/Sales online (dari rumah) Kami dengan kouta terbatas. Untuk memasarkan event production dan organizer Kami secara online (dari rumah). Tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai berikut : 1. Memasarkan produk secara direct selling via online 2. Aktif melakukan aproching ke pembeli potensial yang dituju. 3. Mengelola chanel penjualan dan membuat data base sales chanelnya. Benefit : Insentif penjualan sepanjang waktu berdasarkan jumlah book. Mentoring dan networking yang luas Segment Market yang Dituju : 1. Coffee shop 2. Restoran 3. Kampus 4. Perusahaan konvensional Jangan lama-lama, mari coba untuk apply.

    $268 Average bid
    $268 Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    ...terdepan di bidangnya. Kami membantu perusahaan untuk meningkatkan penjualan secara signifikan dengan jaminan CAC. Spesialisasi utama perusahaan kami adalah meningkatkan penjualan layanan telekomunikasi. Saat ini kami memutuskan untuk memperluas jangkauan kami ke mancanegara. Untuk itu, yang kami lakukan adalah bermitra dengan penyedia layanan internet (ISP) dan operator seluler di Indonesia dan India. Di Rusia kami telah beroperasi selama 13 tahun dan bekerja sama dengan perusahaan penyedia internet dan operator seluler ternama (saat ini ada lebih dari 50 mitra). Kami menambah 10 000 pelanggan baru untuk masing-masing mitra di setiap bulannya dan memiliki rata-rata pendapatan tahunan hingga $10 juta. Saat ini, kami sedang mencari mitra di Indonesia dengan kriteria sebagai ber...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    ...kesulitan dengan Google, karena Robot sangat lambat dalam menambahkan halaman kami untuk di-scan. Apa yang dapat Anda sarankan untuk mengoptimalkan situs kami? Kami akan berterima kasih jika Anda dapat menyertakan portofolio dari kasus-kasus yang pernah Anda selesaikan sebelumnya. Dan berikut hal-hal yang telah kami lakukan untuk mengoptimalkan situs kami: Mengadaptasi struktur situs dengan situs India Pengoptimalan template untuk halaman-halaman utama Tambahkan situs ke G Search Console Mengumpulkan semantic core di bawah kategori utama situs Tambahkan internet rumah ke skema struktur situs Mengumpulkan semantic core di bawah provider-provider utama Mengumpulkan semantic core untuk provinsi-provinsi utama Memastikan ke help center apakah konten di additional field akan

    $43 / hr Average bid
    $43 / hr Rata-rata
    17 penawaran

    Saya sudah mempunyai website yang telah online dan ingin mengcopy nya di domain lain. Website yang sudah terbuat berbasis wordpress terintegrasi woocommerce. Harus memasukkan API ongkos kirim (India). Butuh cepat. NB : Kalau hasil kerja bagus, kami ada beberapa projek pengembangan website. Kerja sama bisa berlanjut. Harga bisa negosiasi. Terima kasih.

    $156 Average bid
    $156 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    ...Import Resmi (All-In) 4. Specialist Import Undername 5. Specialist Export Undername 6. Specialist Handling Barang Bekas (All-In) Rutin schedule Import consolidator kami sebagai berikut : 1. Amerika Serikat(Usa) Dari (Semua Negara Bagian) 2. Canada (Semua Negara Bagian) 3. Europa (Semua Negara Eropa Barat Dan Europa Timur) 4. Asia (China - Japan - Korea - Thailand, Vietnam, Filipina, India - Semua Negara Asia Lain Nya) 5. Australia (Semua Negara Bagian) 6. Singapore, Malaysia to Jakarta Door To Door Service Rate yang kami tawarkan sudah termasuk ex-works rate dari origin, Freight Charges air/sea, Pajak dan bea masuk Di Indonesia, Sea port/ air port charges di Indonesia serta delivery charges to Door penerima. Kami bisa memberikan harga yang murah dan kompe...

    $469 Average bid
    $469 Rata-rata
    13 penawaran

    Hai Mascot India, saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan Anda proyek saya. Kita bisa diskusikan setiap detailnya di kotak obrolan.

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Menulis sejumlah artikel Artikel seperti List film india terkeren Sebuah cerita pendek yang sering muncul dalam kehidupan, artikel tentang lagu, desain tentang kesehatan

    $81 Average bid
    $81 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    ...pasar, dengan kapitalisasi pasar di Bursa Efek Singapura. Kegiatan bisnis utama adalah budidaya kelapa sawit, pengolahan dan pemurnian dari Crude Palm Oil (CPO) dan Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO) menjadi minyak goreng, khususnya sayuran lemak, oleokimia, biodiesel dan pupuk. Saat ini unit bisnis beroperasi di lebih dari 20 negara di empat benua, dengan fokus utama pada Indonesia, Malaysia, Cina, India dan Eropa (perkebunan terbesar di Indonesia dan Malaysia). Persyaratan: a. Kualifikasi Diploma dan Sarjana (S-1) dari berbagai jurusan: Teknik Teknik Industri, Teknik Lingkungan, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Arsitektur, Fisika, Kimia, Teknik / Teknologi Informasi, Ekonomi, Ekonomi Administrasi, Ekonomi Keuangan, Ekonomi akuntansi, Ilmu Pertanian, Ilmu Perkebunan,...

    min $32 / hr
    min $32 / hr
    0 penawaran

    Menulis sejumlah artikel Artikel tentang artis india Banyak film bollywood di indonesia, membuat para penggemarnya ingin tau kehidupan pribadinya.

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    Pekerjaan ini adalah pekerjaan Audit Keselamatan dalam transportasi laut, dengan objek Auditee adalah Crew kapal bulk, kapal tanker, dan sejenis kapal niaga lainnya yang kebanyakan berbendera internasional. Oleh karenanya saya membutuhkan orang yang mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dalam bahasa Inggris. Seseorang yang berkomitmen kuat, disiplin, bertanggung jawab, amanah, bisa internet pakai kom...->Mampu bekerja sendiri. dan tidak takut memasuki kawasan pelabuhan Semarang. ->Gaji dihitung per Audit atau perhari, minimal 400rb. Detail di sesi wawancara. PEMINAT ga perlu bertele-tele, langsung hub. saya di WA 08994014017, atau telp di 081332648776. Lowongan MENDESAK, Hanya 1 orang. Closing date: 5 hari sejak iklan ditayang. Head Collection Indonesia of SEAHANS MARINE SERVICE...

    $26 - $42
    $26 - $42
    0 penawaran
    Telemarket for me
    Berakhir left

    Rich India Housing Pvt Ltd,, MBT Corporate,No; 2/26,3rd floor,Kodambakkam.

    $135 Average bid
    $135 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    ...Children (7) Chile (8) China (23) Colombia (7) Congo (1) Costa Rica (4) Croatia (2) Cuba (1) Curacao (2) Cyprus (5) Czech Rep (2) Djibouti (1) Dom. Rep (22) Educational (14) Egypt (17) El Salvador (7) Eritrea (1) Finland (1) France (14) Georgia (2) Germany (46) Ghana (2) Greece (27) Greenland (1) Guatemala (2) Haiti (4) Honduras (10) Hong Kong (2) Hungary (27) Iceland (1) India (57) Indonesia (36) Iran (29) Iraq (13) Ireland (3) Israel (7) Italy (38) Japan (2) Jordan (2) Kazakhstan (1) Kenya (1) Korea North (1) Korea South (13) Kosovo (3) Kurdistan-Iraq (12) Kuwait (7) Latvia (2) Lebanon (10) Libya (1) Lifestyle (12) Lithuania (1) Luxemburg (1) Macau (1) Macedonia (10) Malaysia (9) Mali (1) Malta (4) Mauritania (1) Mexico ...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 penawaran

    Village:Ellikatta,Mandal:kalwakurthy,Post:509324, Dist::telangana,Country: India CELL;9642367946

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    ...warna maroon bercampur ungu agak kehitaman. Warna dagingnya pun merah muda atau seperti warna daging salmon. Pisang ini memiliki sedikit rasa raspberry. Selain itu pisang ini mengandung beta karoten yang lebih banyak dan vitamin C dibandingkan dengan pisang kuning biasa. 5. Pisang Plantain Pisang ini tidak cocok dikonsumsi mentah karena perlu dimasak dengan benar. Pisang ini biasanya ditemukan di India dan tumbuh dilingkungan yang eksotis. Saat masak pisang ini memiliki warna hijau dan hampir hitam. Dagingnya lembut dan berwarna kuning atau sedikit merah muda. 6. Pisang Cavendish Pisang ini sangat terkenal di AS. Pada umumnya pisang ini dapat dimakan segar serta dapat digunakan untuk membuat kue, pie, muffin, yogurt, smoothies, puding dan custard. 7. Pisang Jari Pisang ini ...

    $1710 Average bid
    $1710 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran
    High Tw india
    Berakhir left

    need indian twitter asap at sss

    $109 Average bid
    $109 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    ...Departemen lainnya yang terkait. Kita tidak dapat membayangkan dengan anomali cuaca yang dialami oleh Thailand dan Vietnam, sehingga kedua negara tersebut terkena bencana banjir dan baru-baru ini membatasi kebijakan eksport pangannya untuk menjaga ketahanan pangan di negaranya. Dan ini akan menyulitkan posisi Indonesia dalam kebijakan importnya, karena harus mencari negara alternatif diantaranya India dan China. Kitapun belum mengetahui sejauhmana kurun waktu mereka berkeinginan untuk mengeksport produk pangan ke Indonesia terlebih kedua negara itu mempunyai jumlah penduduknya yang banyak dan tentunya membutuhkan pangan yang sangat banyak sehingga kebijakan eksport yang dilakukan sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah. Hal ini harus diimbangi oleh kemandirian pangan di Indonesia dan tidak ...

    $20000 / hr Average bid
    $20000 / hr Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    ...Departemen lainnya yang terkait. Kita tidak dapat membayangkan dengan anomali cuaca yang dialami oleh Thailand dan Vietnam, sehingga kedua negara tersebut terkena bencana banjir dan baru-baru ini membatasi kebijakan eksport pangannya untuk menjaga ketahanan pangan di negaranya. Dan ini akan menyulitkan posisi Indonesia dalam kebijakan importnya, karena harus mencari negara alternatif diantaranya India dan China. Kitapun belum mengetahui sejauhmana kurun waktu mereka berkeinginan untuk mengeksport produk pangan ke Indonesia terlebih kedua negara itu mempunyai jumlah penduduknya yang banyak dan tentunya membutuhkan pangan yang sangat banyak sehingga kebijakan eksport yang dilakukan sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah. Hal ini harus diimbangi oleh kemandirian pangan di Indonesia dan tidak ...

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Rata-rata
    13 penawaran

    I need to have the attached excel spreadsheet completed in the next 2-3 weeks maximum. The information I need is related to Alcohol - table wine. There are 15 countries across Asia that I need completed. The excel tabs are numbered in order of priority starting with #1 Thailand, then #2 China Shanghai all the way down to #15 India. These must be completed in this order. They must be in english. I have completed 2 examples on #7 Singapore for you to review as to how i want this completed, any question please ask. I am only looking for major companies and businesses, I am not interested in small companies. For example a wine retail shop company must have 20 or more shops, I am not interested in companies with 3, for example. The spreadsheet is clear to the country and categ...

    $84 Average bid
    $84 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    ...custom clearance import via udararn- Jasa custom import borongan (ALL IN)rn- Import door to door service by sea/air rn- Custom import EX_WORK,FOB,C&F dan CIF jakartarn- Sewa Under name consignee untuk importrn- Jasa ekspedisi dan cargornrnKAMI TURUT BEKERJASAMA DENGAN AGENT DI BERBAGAI NEGARA : rnrnSouth East AsiarnAustralia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Fiji Island, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Laos, Maldives, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, North Island, South Island, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Pacific, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam.rnrnMiddle EastrnUnited Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iran, Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, Yemen.rnrnChinarnDalian, Ningbo, Qingdao, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Fuzhou,...

    $750 Average bid
    $750 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    ...custom clearance import via udararn- Jasa custom import borongan (ALL IN)rn- Import door to door service by sea/air rn- Custom import EX_WORK,FOB,C&F dan CIF jakartarn- Sewa Under name consignee untuk importrn- Jasa ekspedisi dan cargornrnKAMI TURUT BEKERJASAMA DENGAN AGENT DI BERBAGAI NEGARA : rnrnSouth East AsiarnAustralia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Fiji Island, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Laos, Maldives, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, North Island, South Island, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Pacific, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam.rnrnMiddle EastrnUnited Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iran, Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, Yemen.rnrnChinarnDalian, Ningbo, Qingdao, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Fuzhou,...

    $649 Average bid
    $649 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran
    need india expart
    Berakhir left

    i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    I need an experienced SolidWorks professional in ruderpur india to assist in converting a physical part into an intermediate-level 3D model. The task involves assembling the original part to a drawing. ONLY BIT IF YOU ARE IN RUDEPUR INDIA Key Requirements: - Real part conversion into a 3D model - SolidWorks proficiency - Intermediate detail level Ideal Skills: - SolidWorks expertise - 3D modelling - Attention to detail - CAD proficiency

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Rata-rata
    18 penawaran

    ...on the FTA portal within 20 business days of any changes or document renewals. If you need support with the amendment process, kindly inform us promptly so we can assist you in submitting the updates on time. I am a professional Tax Analyst with over 10 years of expertise in Tax Accounting, Tax Advisory, Tax Return/Refund Filing, Tax Registration/De-registration, and Tax Audits across the UAE, India, and Nepal. With a strong background in consultancy, I have successfully managed more than 250 assignments for various companies, delivering tailored solutions to meet their tax-related needs. I offer the following services at competitive rates. Feel free to reach out for assistance: VAT/Corporate Tax Registration in the UAE VAT/Corporate Tax Return Filing in the UAE VAT/Corporat...

    $36 / hr Average bid
    $36 / hr Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    I'm looking for a high-quality database focused on CFOs, Finance Controllers, and Heads of Finance within India, preferably from Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), but any industry will be considered. The database should ideally contain all of the following: - Full name and title of the finance executives - Contact details, including official company email and phone - Company name and location Total number of data entries: At least 1000 contacts. No upper limit Skills and Experience: - Data mining and database creation - Familiarity with finance industry and executive roles - Proficiency in sourcing accurate and verified contact information

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Rata-rata
    30 penawaran

    we are looking for an actress for a one-day brand shoot with FastInfo Pvt. Ltd. The details are as follows: Age Requirement: 25-30 years Language Proficiency: Fluent in Hindi Shoot Date: March (exact date to be confirmed) Remuneration: ₹10,000- 15,000 Location: Yet to be finalized (in Kolkata) Brand: FASTINFO CLASS ONLINE LEGAL INDIA: Office location:!4m2!3m1!1s0x3a0275a95abaaaab:0x8b2dc90ddbe2636c?entry=s&sa=X&ved=1t:8290&hl=en-in&ictx=111

    $17 - $144
    $17 - $144
    0 penawaran

    I'm seeking a professional to set up a minimalist-style Shopify dropshipping store targeted at the Indian market, with a focus on electronics. The store should come equipped with a premium theme, 30 carefully curated winning products from this niche, a custom-branded logo, and a selection of sales-boosting apps. Key Responsibilities: - Design and launch a robust, user-friendly Shopify store featuring a minimalist aesthetic. - Identify and source 30 winning electronics products for the store. - Create and implement a branded logo. - Integrate and configure effective sales-boosting apps. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven expertise in Shopify and dropshipping. - A keen understanding of the electronics market. - Graphic design skills for logo creation. - Experience with sales-boosti...

    $59 Average bid
    $59 Rata-rata
    18 penawaran
    Custom BGMI India APK Development
    9 jam left

    I'm in need of a skilled freelancer to create a modified version of the BGMI India APK for both Android and iOS. This custom APK should include: - ESP - Skin hack ( x suit + car ) - Unlimited coins - No ads - All levels unlocked - A hack - An aimbot with an anti-ban feature Additionally, I would like custom skins for characters to be incorporated into the design. There are no multiplayer restrictions required, so the game can be played freely without limitations. The ideal candidate for this project should have experience in APK modification and game development. A week is the timeline for this project, and I would appreciate any suggestions for further modifications or enhancements that could improve the game experience. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

    $2487 Average bid
    Sorotan Mendesak
    $2487 Rata-rata
    16 penawaran

    I'm seeking an SEO expert for my website My primary aim is to improve the site's ranking for specific keywords: - deals and coupons website - earn money online - find prices I need someone who can effectively enhance my website's visibility on Google search. The targeted region for this SEO campaign is India. Skills & Experience Required: - Proven track record in SEO - Expertise in keyword optimization - Familiarity with the Indian digital landscape - Ability to enhance site performance Please, only bid if you're capable of driving significant traffic to my website and improving its ranking for the aforementioned keywords.

    $303 Average bid
    $303 Rata-rata
    75 penawaran

    I'm looking for an expert to aid in the full monetization of my YouTube channel. The specific tasks include: - Increasing subscribers: I've primarily used Instagram for social media promotion, but I'm open to other suggestions. - Meeting watch time requirements: I need strategies to keep viewers engaged and coming b...other suggestions. - Meeting watch time requirements: I need strategies to keep viewers engaged and coming back for more. - Optimizing content for ads: I need my content tailored to maximize ad revenue. The ideal candidate should be well-versed in YouTube's monetization policies and strategies, have a deep understanding of social media promotion and content optimization, and ideally, be based in India. Please reach out with your strategies and pro...

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    ...dedicated and savvy marketing agent to promote the Sikkim gambling platform. Your primary task will be to attract and invite online users from all over India to join and play on this exciting platform. Compensation is attractive - you'll earn a daily commission along with a salary that's 30% of the total profit you generate each day. Key Responsibilities: - Promote the Sikkim gambling platform across various channels. - Attract and invite online players from across India. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in marketing. - Familiarity with the online gambling industry. - Understands the dynamics of online user engagement in India. Preferred Marketing Strategies: - Proficient in Social Media Marketing. - Able to strategize and execute E...

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    I'm looking for assistance to register an LLC in Wyoming, USA from India, with an EIN. The purpose of this LLC will be for E-commerce activities.

    $315 Average bid
    $315 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    I'm in search of a direct supplier who can provide a substantial number of SMS verification numbers from the USA, UK, and India. The numbers need to be delivered in bulk and via an API endpoint or any other efficient method. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in providing SMS verification numbers - Familiarity with international number provisioning, particularly from the USA, UK, and India - Ability to deliver numbers in bulk - Proficiency in setting up or using an API for number delivery - Strong understanding of SMS verification use across different sectors

    $265 Average bid
    $265 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    I'm seeking a seasoned professional to manage my Meta ad campaigns for my e-commerce clothing store targeting India. My objective is to maximize ROAS while minimizing ad spend. Key Responsibilities: - Strategize and execute cost-effective ad campaigns on Meta. - Leverage ongoing promotional offers to drive sales: - Buy 2 Get 1 Free - Buy 3 Get 2 Free - Buy 4 Get 3 Free - Buy 5 Get 5 Free Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Meta advertising, specifically for e-commerce. - Strong understanding of the Indian market. - Ability to optimize campaigns for low ad spend and high ROAS. Please note that I primarily sell clothing, but the focus is on maximizing sales through effective ad management.

    $48 Average bid
    $48 Rata-rata
    20 penawaran

    I'm looking for a talented copywriter from India, who understands the nuances of Indian consumer thinking, to generate compelling Meta ads copy for my eCommerce store. Your copy should include various promotional offers such as 'buy 2 get 1 free', 'buy 3 get 2 free', 'buy 4 get 3 free', and 'buy 5 get 5 free'. Your job will be to: - Craft engaging ad copy that resonates with the Indian audience - Strategically incorporate the promotional offers into the copy - Help drive my primary goal of increasing sales through this campaign Understanding of the Indian market and consumer behavior is crucial for this role. Ideally, you should have experience with eCommerce and Meta advertising.

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Rata-rata
    15 penawaran
    Cinematic Video Editing
    5 Hari left

    I have around 100+ small video clips from a bengali ritual that need to be professionally edited into a beautiful, seamless video. This project requires a skilled editor with a cinematic style, who is also a content creator from West Bengal, India and understands the cultural aspects of a Bengali ritual. Key Requirements: - Cinematic video editing: The final video should be over 20 minutes long and will require a modern, cinematic style of editing. - Bengali cultural understanding: As this video is from a baby shower ceremony, a good understanding of Bengali culture is essential to editing the video in a way that resonates with the intended audience. - Music selection: The video should include relevant, modern Bengali songs as background music. The ability to select appropriate son...

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    ...Order Processing & Status Sync: • Automatically push orders to Shiprocket when vendors mark them as “confirmed” or “processing”. • Sync order status updates from Shiprocket back to Pokketo via webhooks. • Ensure correct tracking details are updated on the customer’s order tracking page. 4. Additional Requirements: • Allow vendors to select a manual shipping option for local couriers (DTDC, India Post, etc.) and update tracking details manually. • Implement WhatsApp & SMS notifications to customers with tracking details. Skills Required: • Laravel (PHP) • React.js • API Integration (Shiprocket, Webhooks) • MySQL • Experience with multi-vendor e-commerce platforms (6ammart knowledge ...

    $260 Average bid
    $260 Rata-rata
    22 penawaran

    New Junior level freelancer from Pakistan or india of laravel. I need at low budget. I am looking for a junior level Laravel developer to help me with a new project. The tasks will involve bug fixing and potentially database management. The ideal candidate should have a good understanding of backend development and be able to work with existing code. Experience with web application and API development would be beneficial. Please note this is a junior level position, suitable for someone looking to gain more experience in Laravel development.

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Rata-rata
    62 penawaran

    I'm in need of an unconventional email marketer with expertise in bulk email blasting via Microsoft 365 accounts. The goal is to send 50,000 to 100,000 invoices daily to the USA within a 5-7 hour timeframe. Key requirements: - Use of innovative methods to achieve high inbox delivery rates (70-80%). -...metric. Preferred experience: - Familiarity with invoicing platforms such as PayPal, Xero, or Docusign. - Proven experience in email marketing targeting the USA, UK, and Australia. - Understanding of metrics like open rates, click rates, and conversion rates. Compensation will be strictly performance-based, released only upon successful email conversions. Candidates from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India are preferred. Please reach out if you can provide a unique solution to ...

    $111 Average bid
    $111 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    I'm in need of validated, active, and responsive USA consumer email databases, specifically targeting individuals aged 50 years and above. Requirements: - Regular su...databases from specific domains: Comcast, Cox, AOL, Earth Link, SBC Global, Hotmail. Expectations: - Daily updates and cleaning of the email databases to maintain quality. - Use of third-party service verification to ensure email addresses are active and responsive. - Sourcing of email databases primarily through online purchases. Important Note: - I'm particularly inclined to work with sellers from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. - Quality is paramount. If I receive subpar databases, I will file a dispute and request a refund. - I'm looking for someone who understands the importance of delivering...

    $48 Average bid
    $48 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    I'm seeking a skilled videographer and video editor to create a compelling live-action advertisement for my service. This video should primarily aim at promoting the service and driving customer engagement. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in live-action video production - Experienced in crea...driving customer engagement. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in live-action video production - Experienced in creating service-based promotion videos - Strong video editing skills - Creative storytelling abilities - Understanding of customer engagement strategies through video content This will be an advertisement video for a startup company, who is going to provide the services in pan India. Looking for collaboration for a long term, income basis on agreed terms ...

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    I'm Ramesh from Delhi, India, seeking a night shift female assistant for my massage products business. Freshers are welcome, and nationality is not a barrier. Key responsibilities include handling client inquiries, demonstrating products over video calls, and managing appointments and schedules. Qualities I'm looking for: - Good communication skills: You'll need to interact with clients and demonstrate products, so being able to clearly convey information is essential. - Flexibility in working hours: This is a night shift role, and sometimes you may need to adjust your schedule to accommodate client needs. Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience, and will be given right for the right person.

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    ... display, and shopping campaigns. Lead Generation & Performance Tracking – Ensure high-quality leads that convert. Campaign Analysis & Optimization – Monitor performance, reduce costs, and improve ROAS. Client Communication – You’ll also be speaking with clients, so you must be able to explain ad strategies, performance reports, and technical terms clearly. Requirements: Must be based in India. 1-3 years of proven experience in Meta Ads & Google Ads. Proven track record of delivering quality leads for: E-commerce (Clothing & Fashion Brands) Credit Solutions & Finance Various Business Niches Deep understanding of technical ad terms (CTR, CPC, ROAS, Pixel, Lookalike Audiences, etc.). Fluent in English (must be able to commun...

    $93 Average bid
    $93 Rata-rata
    29 penawaran

    ...lookout for a talented and innovative Furniture Designer. Our goal is to create modern, high-quality furniture pieces that balance functionality with aesthetics. Responsibilities: - Design and develop modern, ergonomic, and durable conference tables and lounge seating. - Create detailed 3D models, sketches, and technical drawings for production. - Collaborate closely with our manufacturing teams in India and China to ensure feasibility and uphold quality standards. - Conduct market research on trends, materials, and sustainability practices to inspire innovative designs. - Work with clients and internal teams to deliver bespoke furniture solutions. Key Features: Our office desks and chairs must incorporate: - Ergonomic adjustments for comfort and health. - Storage options seaml...

    $259 Average bid
    $259 Rata-rata
    12 penawaran

    I'm seeking a talented content writer to develop comprehensive educational materials aimed at helping candidates prepare for competitive government exams in India, such as the SSC CGL. If you've personally prepared for these exams, your insight will be invaluable and gives you an edge. Content Focus: - General Awareness: The content should cover all aspects of General Awareness, with a particular emphasis on Indian History and Geography. Content Types: - Detailed Articles: You will need to write in-depth articles that cover various General Awareness topics. - Practice Questions with Explanations: You will also need to create practice questions accompanied by detailed explanations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in content writing, particularly in the...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Rata-rata
    19 penawaran

    Greetings from India! I'm a dedicated software developer, passionate about delivering high-quality results with a creative twist. My goal is to become your top choice on every freelancer platform. I specialize in: - Software development: I have a strong grasp of various programming languages and software development methodologies. - Technology: I stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in the tech field. I strive to: - Complete every task to the best of my ability. - Enhance the quality of work to exceed your expectations. Let's collaborate and create something extraordinary!

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    I need a budget-friendly replica of my existing Canadian website, , tailored for launching a business in Bangalore, India. My startup aims for a similar design and content, with minimal modifications. Key Requirements: - Reuse of existing website content and design. - Creation of a Job Support section. - Addition of a WhatsApp query icon. - Incorporation of a few more courses. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in website development with a focus on budget-friendly solutions. - Experience in content and design replication. - Ability to make minor design modifications as needed. All content will be provided. No new design or content creation is required. Most of the adjustments will be minimal.

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Rata-rata
    40 penawaran

    I'm seeking a skilled professional (prefer India based) to enhance my Facebook and Instagram Ad accounts. The primary objective is to boost sales for my coaching services. There are 2 different coaching services run on 2 different domains/website. Looking for someone who can help in next 3-5 days. Key Tasks for each coaching service: - Streamline my existing ad accounts for efficiency and effectiveness. - Create and set up two sample ads that can run on both platforms. Guide me to take it from there. - Ensure the ads target the right audience, specifically professionals aged 25-45 years, specific demographics, in a cost-effective manner. Ideal Skills: - Deep understanding and experience in social media advertising. - Proven track record of creating successful ad campaigns. - ...

    $172 Average bid
    $172 Rata-rata
    15 penawaran

    I'm looking for a comprehensive chemistry book aimed at middle school students in India. The book should have detailed and thorough explanations and cover the following sections: - Theory explanations: These should be clear, accurate, and appropriate for the grade level. - Practical experiments: Include a variety of hands-on experiments that can be done with common household items. - Question and answer exercises: At the end of each chapter, there should be a set of questions that test the students' understanding of the material. Ideal candidates for this project are those who have a strong background in chemistry and experience in writing educational materials. I would also prefer someone who is familiar with the Indian school curriculum. The aim is to create a book tha...

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Rata-rata
    14 penawaran

    I'm looking for suppliers of modern decorative items, such as vases, fancy light, resin and wall art, for my home decor website 'EleganceBeyond'. The suppliers should be based in India and have the capability to provide quality products at reasonable prices. Key Responsibilities: - Find and vet potential suppliers of modern decorative home items in India. - Assess the quality, price, and supply capacity of these suppliers. - Explore and present suppliers who offer customization options for their products. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in product sourcing from India, particularly in the home decor sector. - Strong understanding of modern design aesthetics. - Excellent negotiation and communication skills. - Ability to assess produ...

    $259 Average bid
    $259 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran