Zencart indiaPekerjaan
Idegajah Productions (merupakan anak usaha dari Salam Ganesha ITB) Membuka peluang untuk menjadi Freelance Mitra Affiliator/Sales online (dari rumah) Kami dengan kouta terbatas. Untuk memasarkan event production dan organizer Kami secara online (dari rumah). Tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai berikut : 1. Memasarkan produk secara direct selling via online 2. Aktif melakukan aproching ke pembeli potensial yang dituju. 3. Mengelola chanel penjualan dan membuat data base sales chanelnya. Benefit : Insentif penjualan sepanjang waktu berdasarkan jumlah book. Mentoring dan networking yang luas Segment Market yang Dituju : 1. Coffee shop 2. Restoran 3. Kampus 4. Perusahaan konvensional Jangan lama-lama, mari coba untuk apply.
...terdepan di bidangnya. Kami membantu perusahaan untuk meningkatkan penjualan secara signifikan dengan jaminan CAC. Spesialisasi utama perusahaan kami adalah meningkatkan penjualan layanan telekomunikasi. Saat ini kami memutuskan untuk memperluas jangkauan kami ke mancanegara. Untuk itu, yang kami lakukan adalah bermitra dengan penyedia layanan internet (ISP) dan operator seluler di Indonesia dan India. Di Rusia kami telah beroperasi selama 13 tahun dan bekerja sama dengan perusahaan penyedia internet dan operator seluler ternama (saat ini ada lebih dari 50 mitra). Kami menambah 10 000 pelanggan baru untuk masing-masing mitra di setiap bulannya dan memiliki rata-rata pendapatan tahunan hingga $10 juta. Saat ini, kami sedang mencari mitra di Indonesia dengan kriteria sebagai ber...
...kesulitan dengan Google, karena Robot sangat lambat dalam menambahkan halaman kami untuk di-scan. Apa yang dapat Anda sarankan untuk mengoptimalkan situs kami? Kami akan berterima kasih jika Anda dapat menyertakan portofolio dari kasus-kasus yang pernah Anda selesaikan sebelumnya. Dan berikut hal-hal yang telah kami lakukan untuk mengoptimalkan situs kami: Mengadaptasi struktur situs dengan situs India Pengoptimalan template untuk halaman-halaman utama Tambahkan situs ke G Search Console Mengumpulkan semantic core di bawah kategori utama situs Tambahkan internet rumah ke skema struktur situs Mengumpulkan semantic core di bawah provider-provider utama Mengumpulkan semantic core untuk provinsi-provinsi utama Memastikan ke help center apakah konten di additional field akan
Saya sudah mempunyai website yang telah online dan ingin mengcopy nya di domain lain. Website yang sudah terbuat berbasis wordpress terintegrasi woocommerce. Harus memasukkan API ongkos kirim (India). Butuh cepat. NB : Kalau hasil kerja bagus, kami ada beberapa projek pengembangan website. Kerja sama bisa berlanjut. Harga bisa negosiasi. Terima kasih.
...Import Resmi (All-In) 4. Specialist Import Undername 5. Specialist Export Undername 6. Specialist Handling Barang Bekas (All-In) Rutin schedule Import consolidator kami sebagai berikut : 1. Amerika Serikat(Usa) Dari (Semua Negara Bagian) 2. Canada (Semua Negara Bagian) 3. Europa (Semua Negara Eropa Barat Dan Europa Timur) 4. Asia (China - Japan - Korea - Thailand, Vietnam, Filipina, India - Semua Negara Asia Lain Nya) 5. Australia (Semua Negara Bagian) 6. Singapore, Malaysia to Jakarta Door To Door Service Rate yang kami tawarkan sudah termasuk ex-works rate dari origin, Freight Charges air/sea, Pajak dan bea masuk Di Indonesia, Sea port/ air port charges di Indonesia serta delivery charges to Door penerima. Kami bisa memberikan harga yang murah dan kompe...
Hai Mascot India, saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan Anda proyek saya. Kita bisa diskusikan setiap detailnya di kotak obrolan.
Menulis sejumlah artikel Artikel seperti List film india terkeren Sebuah cerita pendek yang sering muncul dalam kehidupan, artikel tentang lagu, desain tentang kesehatan
...pasar, dengan kapitalisasi pasar di Bursa Efek Singapura. Kegiatan bisnis utama adalah budidaya kelapa sawit, pengolahan dan pemurnian dari Crude Palm Oil (CPO) dan Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO) menjadi minyak goreng, khususnya sayuran lemak, oleokimia, biodiesel dan pupuk. Saat ini unit bisnis beroperasi di lebih dari 20 negara di empat benua, dengan fokus utama pada Indonesia, Malaysia, Cina, India dan Eropa (perkebunan terbesar di Indonesia dan Malaysia). Persyaratan: a. Kualifikasi Diploma dan Sarjana (S-1) dari berbagai jurusan: Teknik Teknik Industri, Teknik Lingkungan, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Arsitektur, Fisika, Kimia, Teknik / Teknologi Informasi, Ekonomi, Ekonomi Administrasi, Ekonomi Keuangan, Ekonomi akuntansi, Ilmu Pertanian, Ilmu Perkebunan,...
Menulis sejumlah artikel Artikel tentang artis india Banyak film bollywood di indonesia, membuat para penggemarnya ingin tau kehidupan pribadinya.
Pekerjaan ini adalah pekerjaan Audit Keselamatan dalam transportasi laut, dengan objek Auditee adalah Crew kapal bulk, kapal tanker, dan sejenis kapal niaga lainnya yang kebanyakan berbendera internasional. Oleh karenanya saya membutuhkan orang yang mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dalam bahasa Inggris. Seseorang yang berkomitmen kuat, disiplin, bertanggung jawab, amanah, bisa internet pakai kom...->Mampu bekerja sendiri. dan tidak takut memasuki kawasan pelabuhan Semarang. ->Gaji dihitung per Audit atau perhari, minimal 400rb. Detail di sesi wawancara. PEMINAT ga perlu bertele-tele, langsung hub. saya di WA 08994014017, atau telp di 081332648776. Lowongan MENDESAK, Hanya 1 orang. Closing date: 5 hari sejak iklan ditayang. Head Collection Indonesia of SEAHANS MARINE SERVICE...
Rich India Housing Pvt Ltd,, MBT Corporate,No; 2/26,3rd floor,Kodambakkam.
...Children (7) Chile (8) China (23) Colombia (7) Congo (1) Costa Rica (4) Croatia (2) Cuba (1) Curacao (2) Cyprus (5) Czech Rep (2) Djibouti (1) Dom. Rep (22) Educational (14) Egypt (17) El Salvador (7) Eritrea (1) Finland (1) France (14) Georgia (2) Germany (46) Ghana (2) Greece (27) Greenland (1) Guatemala (2) Haiti (4) Honduras (10) Hong Kong (2) Hungary (27) Iceland (1) India (57) Indonesia (36) Iran (29) Iraq (13) Ireland (3) Israel (7) Italy (38) Japan (2) Jordan (2) Kazakhstan (1) Kenya (1) Korea North (1) Korea South (13) Kosovo (3) Kurdistan-Iraq (12) Kuwait (7) Latvia (2) Lebanon (10) Libya (1) Lifestyle (12) Lithuania (1) Luxemburg (1) Macau (1) Macedonia (10) Malaysia (9) Mali (1) Malta (4) Mauritania (1) Mexico ...
Village:Ellikatta,Mandal:kalwakurthy,Post:509324, Dist::telangana,Country: India CELL;9642367946
...warna maroon bercampur ungu agak kehitaman. Warna dagingnya pun merah muda atau seperti warna daging salmon. Pisang ini memiliki sedikit rasa raspberry. Selain itu pisang ini mengandung beta karoten yang lebih banyak dan vitamin C dibandingkan dengan pisang kuning biasa. 5. Pisang Plantain Pisang ini tidak cocok dikonsumsi mentah karena perlu dimasak dengan benar. Pisang ini biasanya ditemukan di India dan tumbuh dilingkungan yang eksotis. Saat masak pisang ini memiliki warna hijau dan hampir hitam. Dagingnya lembut dan berwarna kuning atau sedikit merah muda. 6. Pisang Cavendish Pisang ini sangat terkenal di AS. Pada umumnya pisang ini dapat dimakan segar serta dapat digunakan untuk membuat kue, pie, muffin, yogurt, smoothies, puding dan custard. 7. Pisang Jari Pisang ini ...
...Departemen lainnya yang terkait. Kita tidak dapat membayangkan dengan anomali cuaca yang dialami oleh Thailand dan Vietnam, sehingga kedua negara tersebut terkena bencana banjir dan baru-baru ini membatasi kebijakan eksport pangannya untuk menjaga ketahanan pangan di negaranya. Dan ini akan menyulitkan posisi Indonesia dalam kebijakan importnya, karena harus mencari negara alternatif diantaranya India dan China. Kitapun belum mengetahui sejauhmana kurun waktu mereka berkeinginan untuk mengeksport produk pangan ke Indonesia terlebih kedua negara itu mempunyai jumlah penduduknya yang banyak dan tentunya membutuhkan pangan yang sangat banyak sehingga kebijakan eksport yang dilakukan sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah. Hal ini harus diimbangi oleh kemandirian pangan di Indonesia dan tidak ...
...Departemen lainnya yang terkait. Kita tidak dapat membayangkan dengan anomali cuaca yang dialami oleh Thailand dan Vietnam, sehingga kedua negara tersebut terkena bencana banjir dan baru-baru ini membatasi kebijakan eksport pangannya untuk menjaga ketahanan pangan di negaranya. Dan ini akan menyulitkan posisi Indonesia dalam kebijakan importnya, karena harus mencari negara alternatif diantaranya India dan China. Kitapun belum mengetahui sejauhmana kurun waktu mereka berkeinginan untuk mengeksport produk pangan ke Indonesia terlebih kedua negara itu mempunyai jumlah penduduknya yang banyak dan tentunya membutuhkan pangan yang sangat banyak sehingga kebijakan eksport yang dilakukan sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah. Hal ini harus diimbangi oleh kemandirian pangan di Indonesia dan tidak ...
I need to have the attached excel spreadsheet completed in the next 2-3 weeks maximum. The information I need is related to Alcohol - table wine. There are 15 countries across Asia that I need completed. The excel tabs are numbered in order of priority starting with #1 Thailand, then #2 China Shanghai all the way down to #15 India. These must be completed in this order. They must be in english. I have completed 2 examples on #7 Singapore for you to review as to how i want this completed, any question please ask. I am only looking for major companies and businesses, I am not interested in small companies. For example a wine retail shop company must have 20 or more shops, I am not interested in companies with 3, for example. The spreadsheet is clear to the country and categ...
...custom clearance import via udararn- Jasa custom import borongan (ALL IN)rn- Import door to door service by sea/air rn- Custom import EX_WORK,FOB,C&F dan CIF jakartarn- Sewa Under name consignee untuk importrn- Jasa ekspedisi dan cargornrnKAMI TURUT BEKERJASAMA DENGAN AGENT DI BERBAGAI NEGARA : rnrnSouth East AsiarnAustralia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Fiji Island, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Laos, Maldives, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, North Island, South Island, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Pacific, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam.rnrnMiddle EastrnUnited Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iran, Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, Yemen.rnrnChinarnDalian, Ningbo, Qingdao, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Fuzhou,...
...custom clearance import via udararn- Jasa custom import borongan (ALL IN)rn- Import door to door service by sea/air rn- Custom import EX_WORK,FOB,C&F dan CIF jakartarn- Sewa Under name consignee untuk importrn- Jasa ekspedisi dan cargornrnKAMI TURUT BEKERJASAMA DENGAN AGENT DI BERBAGAI NEGARA : rnrnSouth East AsiarnAustralia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Fiji Island, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Laos, Maldives, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, North Island, South Island, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Pacific, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam.rnrnMiddle EastrnUnited Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iran, Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, Yemen.rnrnChinarnDalian, Ningbo, Qingdao, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Fuzhou,...
i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata
I am in need of a seasoned SEO expert to boost my WordPress website's visibility on a global scale with particular focus on the India, United States, United Kingdom, and various African countries. Key Requirements: - Conduct a comprehensive one-time SEO audit and implement necessary fixes across approximately 100 posts and pages. Most of the pages have right meta information and keyword and rank 60+ on Rank Math Pro score, but still need an expert to check. - Optimize the site using the Rank Math Pro SEO plugin I already have installed. - Execute off-page SEO strategies to enhance the ranking of 10 select keywords. - Utilize a list of keywords I have prepared. - Benchmark against specific competitors and industry standards I will provide. - I dont need content writing suppor...
I'm working on a project that involves mapping infrastructure locations on the district map of India using Power BI. The mapping will primarily focus on various touch points. I am looking for an expert in the Arc GIS module of Power BI to help enhance the visualizations. You will not need to handle data collection or initial mapping, as all details will be provided by me. Your role will be to assist with visual enhancements, which will include: - Heat maps - Cluster maps - Custom icons and symbols Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with Power BI and the Arc GIS module specifically. Skills in visual design and data presentation will be highly beneficial. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in your bid.
...and innovation. 4. Lots of visuals like static illustrations, multiple small animated gifs, infographics and interactive content. 5. Text only to be provided by SSCG, vendor to create visuals based on text to convey information 6. Product imagess to be provided by SSCG 7. Web Crawler software to be incorporated. The purpose is to have a section that would display air pollution related news for India 8. AQI display meter integration from various sources 9. Chatbot integration 10. About 14-15 total pages plus a BLOG page 11. The website has to tell a story. 12. The product is related to health industry, specifically related to air pollution. It's a pressurized chamber that provides a ZERO AQI environment to the user. 13. Brand palette and typography to be decided by the web...
I'm on...The ideal candidate should be based in India, speak fluent English, and have significant experience in administrative tasks, research and consultation, as well as communication and scheduling. The job will be remote. Key Responsibilities: - Handling various administrative tasks - Conducting research and providing consultations - Scheduling and managing communications Ideal skills and experience: - Over 6 years in a senior-level assistance role - Fluent in English with excellent communication skills - Background in how to open a foreign company in India preferred - Proficient in managing administrative tasks and conducting research Please note that a key preference for this role is a candidate with a background in how to open a foreign company in India....
...Logo for RVM Constructions Description: We are looking for a professional motion graphic designer to create a 15-20 second logo animation that showcases our company's transition from RVM Constructions India Private Limited to RVM Constructions India Limited. The animation should reflect our brand identity as a progressive infrastructure accelerator specialising in the creation of future-critical assets. Key Elements: Company Name Transition: The words "Private Limited" should be dynamically removed (e.g., strike-through, breaking apart, dissolving, etc.). The new name "India Limited" should appear with an impactful animation. Tagline Integration: Include our tagline, "Powered by Obsession," at the end of the anima...
...(30–60 seconds) showcasing the farmhouse. - One Instagram story post with a link to our page or booking site. Key Features to Highlight: - Scenic views, modern amenities, exclusive experiences. - Content should convey the warmth and adventure of a peaceful yet fun getaway, appealing to families, friends, or solo travelers. Qualifications: - Influencer with a follower base primarily from Punjab, India. - Previous experience in promoting lifestyle or travel-related content. - Ability to capture and convey the unique features and tone of our farmhouse. We Provide: - A detailed brief, including key points to feature in the reel. - Access to photos, videos, or other assets if needed. To Apply: - Share your Instagram handle. - Provide engagement rates, past promotional collab...
SEO Expert Required for We are looking for an experienced SEO professional to optimize our website's performance, address existing issues, and manage ongoing SEO efforts to improve our rankings and visibility. Our primary goal is to attract potential franchise partners for Wowkids Preschools in India. Responsibilities: Conduct a detailed SEO audit of the website. Identify and fix all technical SEO issues (on-page and off-page optimizations). Optimize website content using 20 target keywords related to preschool franchises. Improve website structure, meta tags, alt texts, internal linking, and mobile responsiveness. Enhance website speed and overall user experience (UX). Perform detailed competitor analysis of 5 key competitors, including their strategies for content, backlin...
I'm looking for a dynamic and creative video content creator and influencer to represent my new start-up. Ideal Candidate Profile: - A young woman with a vibrant personality - Strong brand storytelling skills to drive product promotion and boost brand awareness - Proficient in tailoring content for Facebook and Instagram - Fluent in English, Hindi, and Telugu - Based in Hyderabad, India Role Overview: Your main responsibility will be creating engaging video content that effectively communicates our brand's message and amplifies our visibility on social media platforms. If you're passionate about creativity and storytelling, I would love to hear from you!
I'm looking for event organisers from India, Bangladesh, or Pakistan to help with an AI video recording project. The goal is to document an event using AI facial recognition technology. Key Aspects: - The primary purpose of this project is event documentation - The event will be documented using AI facial recognition technology - The AI facial recognition will be used for interactive features during the event We're initially aiming to document an event with 200 participants. The ideal freelancer would have experience with event organisation and a strong understanding of AI technology. Prior experience with interactive AI features is a distinct advantage. Please get in touch if you're based in the specified countries and can assist with this project.
...moved to hourly pay of $2/hr, Once you start getting clients on board, We start growing, And you grow with the company. The hourly will be increased based on performance. Goal: Your job will be to pitch our service to the CPA and bookkeeping firms. You will be given a script and a calling list. You will need to have a US number( as caller ID) and your own dialer to make calls. Freelancers from india will be given priority. Ideal Skills: - Experienced in B2B cold calling - Excellent communication and persuasion skills - Familiarity with bookkeeping and CPA services is a plus Responsibilities: - Conduct cold calls to bookkeeping and CPA firms - Set appointments for further discussion - Gather necessary information during calls, including but not limited to: - Current service ...
I'm looking to conduct an in-depth survey focused on the age demographics of adults (20-64) in India, projected for the year 2050. The primary aim is to gather data on the employment status, education level, and health statistics of this adult population. Key aspects of the project include: - Designing a comprehensive survey targeting the specified age group. - Collecting data on employment status, education level, and health statistics. - Analyzing the data to provide insights on the adult population in India by 2050. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in demographic research, survey design, and data analysis. Understanding of India's current socio-economic landscape would be a significant advantage.
I'm seeking a web developer to create a comprehensive sports tournament management website. The site should facilitate player registration, tournament search, fixture generation, scoring and processing payments. Key Fe...Notifications on Updates: Users should receive notifications about updates to their profile, upcoming tournaments, and scores. Payment Methods: The website should support various payment methods including Credit/Debit Cards, PayPal, Bank Transfer, as well as options specific to India. Ideal Skills: Extensive experience in web and mobile app development, preferably with a focus on sports management systems. Knowledge of secure payment processing and user-friendly interface design is crucial. Familiarity with India-specific payment methods will be a ...
I'm looking for a professional to assist me with my quarterly GST filing. Ideally, I'm hoping to work with someone based in Indore. Key Requirements: - Expertise in GST filing, specifically on a quarterly basis. - Familiarity with the GST rules and regulations in India. - Based in, or able to meet in, Indore. Please note, at this stage, I only need assistance with the filing and not with GST reconciliation, returns, compliance, or audit support.
I'm seeking a reliable person to visit a company in Vapi, Gujarat, India. The task involves meeting with a person in an appropriate position at the company, providing them with specific information, and then reporting back to me with the details of the discussion. The ideal candidate should have strong communication skills, be able to express ideas clearly and confidently, and present information effectively.
Responsibilities: Visit restaurants and cafes in India to gather data on: Whether excess food is left at the end of the day. How the excess food is managed (e.g., thrown away, donated, stored, etc.). Quantity and type of excess food (e.g., prepared meals, raw ingredients). Shelf life of the excess food. Willingness to sell excess food at a lower price. Submit detailed reports with photos (if needed) and a checklist. Requirements: Strong interpersonal and communication skills to interact with restaurant staff. Ability to ask questions tactfully. Smartphone with basic spreadsheet or data collection app knowledge. Familiarity with local food industry practices (preferred).
I'm seeking an expert with a deep understanding of Open...knowledge and skills. Key Requirements: - Deep understanding of Open Interest data - Expertise in the Futures market - Proficiency in Python for algorithm development - Experience with data sourcing from NSE India Your primary task will be to develop an algorithm based on Open Interest data that can be executed in the Futures market. Understanding how to interpret and leverage Open Interest data is crucial. Your ability to code this algorithm in Python and execute it successfully will be key to the project's success. Please ensure you have access to and can source Open Interest data from NSE India, as this will be the primary data source for the project. Your bid will not be considered if you do not have ...
...Requirements: 1. Proven experience in graphic design, particularly in creating brochures or similar print materials. 2. Strong portfolio showcasing previous design work. 3. Proficiency in design software such as Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. 4. Excellent understanding of layout, typography, and color theory. 5. Ability to meet deadlines and work independently. About Us: ASCLER India Solutions is one of the main providers of Heat Pumps, which Specializes in researching, assembling, and promoting sustainable items. The essential focal points of the business lie in serving individuals living privately or working in the business and modern territories by giving them canny warming and cooling arrangements. The wide scope of our warmers begins from the exceptionally es...
I'm in need of a budget-friendly social media marketing...quality leads for my AI chatbot and website development project. Key Requirements: - Expertise in managing Facebook and Instagram ads - Ability to create affordable ad campaigns targeting specific demographics - Experience in generating leads from India I've been facing challenges with my Facebook ad account being banned, so I need someone with the skills to create and manage ads on my behalf. While I'm open to exploring alternatives to Facebook, I do prefer traditional methods. Demographics To Target: - Age and gender - Location within India - Interests and behaviors Your goal will be to create and manage ads that generate quality leads for my business. Please, only apply if you can create and mana...
I'm seeking a seasoned digital marketer to create and manage a Google Ads campaign focused on promoting my Santorini Island tours. The primary aim of this campaign is to generate bookings, with a targeting focus on USA clients and several additional countries. Key Target Markets: - Primarily targeting clients from the USA - Also targeting clients from Canada, the United Kingdom, Sweden, India, Norway, and Denmark Goals: - The main goal of this campaign is to generate bookings. Skills Needed: - Prior experience with Google Ads is a must. - Knowledge of digital marketing strategies for the tourism sector is a strong advantage. - Excellent understanding of targeting strategies to reach specific geographical locations. - Ability to create compelling ad copies that drive convers...
I'm looking to expand my home decor brand through franchise partners across Maharashtra. Currently, we have 25 stores across India, and we need your expertise to find potential partners. - You will primarily work with franchise brokers to locate potential partners. - Ideal candidates for this venture should have a specific financial investment capability, as well as being located in major cities. The minimum investment should be 12 lakh for tier 2 cities and 25 lakh for tier 1 cities. - The company is committed to providing comprehensive training and support, marketing and promotional materials, as well as ongoing operational assistance to all new franchisees.
...businesses to navigate complex legal landscapes. About FFreedom App: India’s Largest Mentorship Platform: With over 1 crore downloads and 10 lakh active users, the FFreedom App connects experts with learners across the country. Expert Connect: A revolutionary feature enabling professionals to share their expertise through quick, focused mentoring sessions. Nationwide Reach: Help users across India while building your brand as an industry leader. Why Join FFreedom App? ✅ Set Your Own Fees: Charge ₹10 - ₹1000 per minute based on your expertise. ✅ Work Anytime: Flexible schedule to mentor at your convenience. ? ✅ Earn Effortlessly: Receive 70% of your earnings directly in your bank account. ? ? Limited Time Offer: Be among the first 3,000 experts to join for FREE! Key Respo...
### Project Description: - **Restaurant Name:** Torre, a high-end fine dining restaurant in Pune, India. - **Cuisine Style:** Predominantly Spanish with influences from the Mediterranean, Mexico, Tex-Mex, and Southeast Asia. - **Menu Structure:** Includes categories like soups, salads, live tableside specials, tapas, tacos, flatbreads, pastas & risottos, mains, and desserts. - **Design Purpose:** Reflect a blend of elegance and cultural authenticity, suitable for a fine dining experience. ### Design Requirements: - **Theme:** Sophisticated yet inviting, aligned with Torre's branding as a journey of flavors. - **Typography:** Clear, elegant fonts with options for bilingual (English/Spanish) integration. - **Color Palette:** Colors that evoke warmth and the Mediterranean aes...
I am in need of a full-fledged YouTube manager for my channel dedicated to general information topics in Hindi, covering subjects like examples : 'Delhi Pollution' 'Voting Methods in India'. Etc etc Responsibilities: - Primarily focused on the SEO of our videos. - Conducting extensive keyword research. - Optimizing metadata for maximum reach and engagement. - Implementing strategies to improve audience retention. - Run add to make things kick start - Make attractive thumbnail and suggest topic names for better ranking in youtube Your expertise and experience in these areas will be crucial to our goal of achieving monetization through inorganic growth and effective SEO strategies. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in YouTube SEO, particularly in the context...
Job Title: Affordable Architectural Design and 3D Rendering for 3-Story Container Home --- Job Description: I am looking for ...deliverables: 4 weeks --- How to Apply: Submit your portfolio, specifically projects related to container homes or similar architectural work. Include a brief description of your experience and approach to the project. Confirm that you can meet the timeline and budget. --- Additional Notes: 1. Preference will be given to freelancers from regions where this budget aligns with market rates (e.g., India, Philippines, Bangladesh). 2. Designs must prioritize functionality and modern aesthetics. 3. Payments will be made in milestones: 30% upfront after initial agreement. 50% after blueprints are delivered. 20% upon final approval of all del...
...mainly decorative accessories. The photoshoot will take place exclusively in an indoor location in Delhi, India What We’re Looking For: • Dependability and Professionalism: Reliability and trustworthiness are non-negotiable. • Modeling Versatility: Ability to model both luxury and lifestyle items with confidence. • Portfolio Required: Please provide digital or physical photos or videos that demonstrate your modeling abilities. • Team Player: A positive attitude and willingness to collaborate with photographers and the creative team. • Long-Term Commitment: Interest in becoming a consistent face for our brand and growing with us. Willingness to potentially travel to other cities in India for a photo shoot. Interview Process: 1. Part One: ...
...Trustworthiness: We need someone with integrity. Deliver what you commit to. - Collaborative Attitude: Ability to work well with models, stylists, and a team to achieve outstanding results. - Detail-Oriented Professionalism: A sharp eye for composition, lighting, and aesthetics. - Long-Term Commitment: A genuine interest in growing a business. Willingness to potentially travel to other cities in India to lead photo shoots. Interview Process: 1. Part One: Meet us over coffee on January 30th to discuss the role, share your photography & videography portfolio, and ensure our personalities and goals align. 2. Part Two: The following week, participate in a test shoot where you’ll photograph 2–3 models in different attire (up to 20 images) with your own camera to dem...
I'm looking to sell my restaurant in India and need help creating listings on the top 4 platforms. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Experience in real estate or business sales listings - Proficiency in writing engaging and persuasive descriptions - Skills in photo editing or selecting appropriate images - Familiarity with the top selling platforms for business listings Your tasks will include: - Writing compelling descriptions of the restaurant - Uploading high-quality images - Completing all necessary steps for a successful listing Freelancers with a background in the restaurant industry or real estate are preferred. Thank you!
Our long term server admin passed away and we require a new person to take over ongoing server support. We run a small business with 2 servers running Proxmox and 4 VMs. (3 Linux 1 Win) We run a separate Proxmox backup server. We r...updates etc. You need of course to be fully able to work with all of the above, and also be available during NZ time in mornings and evenings. (Our previous admin was from Serbia and this time zone worked ok) We will pay a one off hiring fee to FreeLancer and work with you on an hourly rate moving forward. Please quote your hourly rate in applications. Please do not apply if you live in: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Russia. Please do not send auto-applications, they will be ignored. Please do not make contact outside Freelancer, you will b...