Website can unblur picturePekerjaan


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    2,000 website can unblur picture pekerjaan ditemukan

    Australian GTA 5 RP Fivem Server

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    Desain poster, baliho dan semacamnya

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Rata-rata
    67 penawaran

    Situs Web sudah Jadi () Tugas anda adalah 1. Pada halaman Registrasi ada fitur ambil foto. Buatlah foto yang di snap di laman tersebut tersimpan (terserah anda di mana) lalu gambar tersebut menjadi profile picture pengguna. note: fitur upload profile picture sudah tersedia. 2. Memasang payment gate midtrans untuk checkout

    $93 Average bid
    $93 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    Tentang salah satu game di HAGO, bernama Lempar Pisau. tolong dibuatkan Game Highlights untuk 1 Theme song, beberapa video, beberapa picture, 1 subtitles yang sudah kami sediakan. syarat: 1. Game Highlights harus "kawin" dengan Theme Song nya 2. Game Highlights harus "kawin" dengan Subtitles nya 3. Game Highlights harus "kawin" dengan Picture nya Theme song, berdurasi 2:18 menit. adapun gambaran sederhana, dapat dilihat pada lampiran ini. terima kasih.

    $300 Average bid
    $300 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran
    jeffri hutauruk
    Berakhir left

    Need a picture of the character of boys and girls aged 5-6 years with various expressions (happy, sad, etc.) and position (standing, running, etc.). This character is about to be used in storybooks. Picture styles can be seen in the attachment. Preferably in adobe illustrator format.

    $110 Average bid
    $110 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    Deadline- 2-3 weeks DiTenun merupakan kolaborasi multidisiplin antara kesenian dan keterampilan tradisional menenun yang digabungkan dengan kecanggihan teknologi yang dapat membantu memudahkan proses desain dan mengembangkan desain DiTenun membuat perancangan dan pembuatan motif tenun baru dengan mudah, cepat dan otomatis. Selain aplikasi berbagai pr...aplikasi DiTenun berbasis Web dan produk barang seperti buku cetak motif dan motif digital berkualitas profesional, produk fashion, produk home decore, dan produk lainnya. Extra details about the project: 1. Hopefully there is feedback from every process carried out, both error and notification successful, etc. 2. neater and dynamic layout 3. The shape is more interesting without losing the picture that I gave in the prototype

    $202 Average bid
    $202 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    Kami ada kendala mengenai hasil penelusuran website kami di mobile version, dimana snippet untuk thumbnailnya tidak sesuai dengan yang kami harapkan karena memotong logo perusahaan kami seperti attached picture

    $39 Average bid
    $39 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    Saya membutuhkan gambar untuk launching official store saya di tokopedia dengan spesifikasi sbb: 1. Head Ban...akan di link ke category product Lihat gambar yg saya lampirkan, dari gbr tsb adalah contoh Head banner, slider banner & small banner. I need an image to launch my official store on the website, with the following specifications: 1. Head Banner, size 1200 x 300 px, as much as 5 pcs, where my banner describes the profile of my company. 2. Slider Banner, size 1190 x 450px, as much as 15 pcs, it contains superior products that we sell 3. Small Banner, size 300 x 160px, as much as 20 pcs, it contains only product photos that will be linked to the product category See the picture that I attached, from the picture they will be an example of the Head banner, s...

    $49 Average bid
    $49 Rata-rata
    12 penawaran

    Saya memiliki website yang belum banyak konten produk nya , produk showcase yang saya inginkan adalah tentang barang cetakan . buatkan minimal 5 jenis mockup produk cetak sesuai dengan kategori produk pada web tersebut , konten nya tidak boleh berisi merk brand lain . ukuran konten adalah 477 px x 374 px . Misal : Kategori Shopping Bag -Shoping bag 1( Minimal 3 Picture berbeda) Warna Background Harus sama -Shoping bag 2( Minimal 3 Picture berbeda) Warna Background Harus sama -Shoping bag 3( Minimal 3 Picture berbeda) Warna Background Harus sama -Shoping bag 4( Minimal 3 Picture berbeda) Warna Background Harus sama -Shoping bag 5( Minimal 3 Picture berbeda) Warna Background Harus sama

    $117 Average bid
    $117 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    pythondeveloper Dicari Pengembang pemrosesan Python Image berdasarkan Kontrak .... Untuk pemrosesan gambar lantai produksi dari jeruji besi berlubang. Lingkup meliputi identifikasi objek, identifikasi pola, identifikasi lubang dan pengukuran dari tepi dan antara lubang yang berbeda Silakan bagikan pengalaman Anda dalam proyek serupa dan Keterampilan ditetapkan di @ untuk diskusi lebih lanjut. Juga berikan detail kontak Anda

    $10 - $10
    $10 - $10
    0 penawaran
    Proyek desain -- 2
    Berakhir left

    make a changes a picture in the websites

    $277 Average bid
    $277 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    Saya sedang membutuhkan rekan untuk pembuatan website company profile. Domainnya sudah dimiliki, saya beli dari hostinger. Content saya siapkan. Menu di website hanya 4 (Home - About Us - Product - Contact Us), kurang lebih seperti itu. Sifatnya static. Hanya butuh 1 sisi di home page untuk update promosi atau newsletter bulanan yg sifatnya picture

    $122 Average bid
    $122 Rata-rata
    25 penawaran

    ...Mampu memberikan ide untuk tema foto & video Mohon untuk mencantumkan : - Fee yang diinginkan - Portofolio yang berisi hasil foto / video, hasil design dll Terima kasih ________ We from Masada Village Resort & Organic Farm are looking for freelance photographers for 1 working day. Shooting a villa located in Puncak, Cisarua. The example of the photo we want is more or less like the picture attached. Job Role : - Take photos of all units in Masada Village (5 Villas and 8 Glamping Camp) - Organize photo concepts according to the desired theme of the creative team using several properties such as tumblr lamp, dream catcher, etc. - Do photo editing Requirement : - Have high creativity to produce interesting photo photos - Mastering photogr...

    $172 Average bid
    $172 Rata-rata
    12 penawaran
    best picture
    Berakhir left

    Proyek gambar ini merupakan foto pada senja hari di Pekanbaru Riau Indonesia

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Rata-rata
    13 penawaran

    Selamat Malam. Disini saya membutuhkan website dimana jasa yang ditawarkan adalah jasa pengiriman surat. Website dibuat dari 0. Didalam website itu sendiri saya membutuhkan 5 halaman utama. 1. Homepage (company description) 2. akan ada section (envelope dan letter) untuk dibagian letter itu sendiri, saya ingin customer dapat input text yang nantinya akan muncul preview setelah input text selesai. Dan pada section letter akan ada tambahan dimana di letter tersebut customer dapat upload foto. (contoh website/website acuan akan saya berikan nanti) 3. Sign up and log in page. Jika memungkinkan sign up menggunakan email, twitter dan instagram. 4. Payment check out page. 5. My page. (diisini nantinya customer dapat melihat detail pengiriman service letter...

    $1166 Average bid
    $1166 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    ...Komoditas Menampilkan harga komoditas berupa: - CPO - Rubber - Sugar Soybean Oil yang diinput oleh sysadmin secara berkala dan dapat ditampilkan dalam bentuk grafik (memungkinkan ada tambahan komoditas lain yang di upload) 3. Internal sharing Memudahkan user dan admin untuk barbagi informasi berupa ringkasan kliping, artikel atau harian berita Informasi bisa di upload dalam bentuk text, picture, pdf, dsb menu dilengkapi dengan menu search 4. Portofolio kelapa sawit Memudahkan admin untuk input portfolio secara bulanan, data dapat ditampilkan dalam bentuk excel dan grafik 5. Summary Kinerja Perusahaan Untuk melihat dan membandingkan kinerja perusahaan di CB 6 User dan admin menginput data berupa LOS, data ini yang kemudian secara otomatis akan diolah dalam bentuk gr...

    $2798 Average bid
    $2798 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran
    Studio Mata Satu
    Berakhir left

    Desain sebuah logo Mengerjakan kreatif seni mulai dari logo beserta thema picture untuk brand yang baru maupun sudah berjalan.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran
    Editing picture
    Berakhir left

    saya ingin memperindah foto yang kurang bagus

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Rata-rata
    25 penawaran

    ...seefektif mungkin. 5. GTD workflow (1 halaman) Membuat ulang gambar dari GTD Workflow yang terlampir agar lebih sesuai dengan desain lainnya. 6. Bullet journal signifier (1 halaman) Tabel yang berisi penjelasan key dari simbol bullet Bagian isi utama ---------------------- 1. Yearly theme Terdapat space kosong untuk brainstorming, my theme, dan goals dalam setahun. Intinya "Big picture" dalam setahun. 2. The future log (roadmap) Berisi space kosong untuk pemilik journal untuk mengisi target yang akan dicapai pada bulan tertentu. 3. Monthly dashboard (6 halaman) Berisi tabel seperti kalender dengan template hari sehingga pemilik journal bisa menyesuaikan tanggal pada bulan yang diinginkan. Serta terdapat bagian kosong yang berisi personal foc...

    $224 Average bid
    $224 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran
    Design a T-Shirt
    Berakhir left


    $168 Average bid
    $168 Rata-rata
    16 penawaran

    Copy website saya yang sudah publish di WIX. Mengapa saya butuh rebuilt this website from scratch? Karena ternyata dengan memakai WIX platform itu tidak bagus untuk SEO. Indexingnya parah sehingga website saya tidak bisa bagus search ranking di Google nya. Tolong berikan solusi buat saya. FYi, website yang saya maksud adalah Berikan proposal kepada saya, penawaran untuk rebuilt the website (using the same content, design, picture, dll). Sy mau functionality nya minimal menyerupai (termasuk animasi nya, highlight when cursor hovered on, dan lainnya). CMS nya sy prefer pakai Wordpress.

    $368 Average bid
    $368 Rata-rata
    13 penawaran

    I want to design from which you offer

    $156 Average bid
    $156 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    saya akan menuliskan beberapa artikel untuk blog/website saya akan membantu anda untuk artikel blog anda/review blog anda

    $1 / hr Average bid
    $1 / hr Rata-rata
    1 penawaran
    Create an Animation
    Berakhir left

    sometimes I designed a picture wpap . I can also create animated images. terkadang saya mendesain sebuah gambar wpap. saya juga bisa membuat gambar animasi.

    $195 Average bid
    $195 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    Mengedit pengkodean, aplikasi android Augmented Reality Mobile Programing menggunakan Unity, c# atau java. Fungsi yang dibutuhkan adalah: 1. Marker digunakan untuk memanggil 3D untuk fitur Picture, Hasil Picture disimpan ke Galery HP 2. Marker digunakan untuk memanggil Video untuk fitur Video, (user melihat dan mendengar suara dari video) 3. Marker digunakan untuk link pada sosial media dan web, link apps lainnya Material yang akan di Provide: 1. 3 (tiga) 3D untuk fitur Picture dengan file type .fbx 2. 1 (satu) video 3. User Interface (bacground, loading, tombol menu, tombol social media, tombol fungsi kamera. 4. Source Code Waktu pengerjaan 2 hari, dengan kondisi progress di hari pertama dan selesai di hari kedua. untuk percakapan lebih lanjut, wa ...

    $361 Average bid
    $361 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    You will receive an initial concept design of brochures within 5-7 working days. Full color brochure brochure (CMYK) Brochures are ready to ride offset printing You can use your own picture (if any images or special request) or a stock image of our 1 (one) brochure and a revised draft of up to 1 (one) time. Create graphs, diagrams, flowcharts or maps will be charged separately. Body copy you have to prepare yourself in the form of Microsoft Word

    $67 Average bid
    $67 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    pop culture over time, always synonymous with the art of visualization which outline can be said to be very " abstract " , Wojirsch argues , illustration is a picture of unread messages that can decipher the story , in the form of drawings and writings , which forms a compelling graphical information . So as to explain the meaning contained in the hidden message (1995 ) . I actually can not draw , but I'm excited to write something barbau art and comment .

    $271 Average bid
    $271 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    menulisasdaadadad aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 penawaran
    i can type article
    Berakhir left

    menulisasdaadadad aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    1. You get FTP. 2. You need install WORDPRESS (with Hebrew language support) 3. Produce a pattern like that in the picture (the picture is not reversed, the display should be left to right) 4. Simple CSS we can after that change colors and backgrounds. 5. Clicking on any title in the menu shows the same view, clicking on an article introducing the article

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 penawaran

    saya bisa mengedit foto dengan cepat, dan saya juga rajin bekerja. saya juga bisa mendesain blog

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    I am looking for hard working staff who can work in 8 hours a shift from home daily, must have own computer and provide training .basic salary will be 150$ ,later will increase after checking hard working and learning experience required. If the amount seems low to you then do not apply ,i will not negotiate it.

    $151 Average bid
    $151 Rata-rata
    52 penawaran

    I'm looking for a seasoned developer to create a Windows desktop application that captures user data. The application should facilitate: - User Data Input: Users should be able to input their name, company name, and other relevant details. - Capture/Retake Picture: The application needs to be able to interface with the user's webcam to capture or retake their photo. - Capture Fingerprint: The application should integrate with a DigitalPersona U.are.U 4500 fingerprint scanner to capture the user’s fingerprint. - Save Data: All captured data (user information, photo, and fingerprint) must be stored securely within the application. - Export to PDF: The application should generate and export a PDF report that contains all the captured data. A sample PDF output is at...

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    ..."Hoopoe" bird in Arabic, known for its distinct appearance and symbolic qualities like wisdom and guidance. However, the logo design should not directly depict the bird. Instead, we seek an abstract, creative design that subtly embodies the essence of the bird while reflecting our real estate business. The logo will be used across various media and communication materials, including our letterhead, website, business cards, and signage. Design Objectives: Brand Identity: It is a Saudi/Arabic brand so we need to show the cultural elements behind the meaning of the company name which is Alhudhud (Hoopoe). Understanding the Islamic culture and values is a big plus. We need a modern, sleek, and professional logo that resonates with both individual clients and business part...

    $51 Average bid
    306 entri

    I'm seeking a talented illustrator who can create captivating T-shirt designs inspired by nature. The designs should incorporate elements of both animals and plants. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in illustration, with a strong portfolio of nature-themed designs - Understanding of T-shirt design requirements - Ability to create appealing and marketable designs Hi, we would like 15 new designs for our company for t-shirts and store signage. You can use the original company logo font in designs; however, we would like some of them to be different. We need one new design font that pays a nod to the original 1944 font but is modern.   Here is a list of the requested designs. We want all our designs to reflect our actual store pets. 1. Parrot design - 2...

    $839 Average bid
    $839 Rata-rata
    60 penawaran

    i need a photoshop designer, very simple task to do, just cut the image in diffrenet parts, and round the corner, who can teach me, 100 rupees per hours

    $1 / hr Average bid
    $1 / hr Rata-rata
    13 penawaran

    I'm looking for an SEO specialist who can drive at least 50,000 organic visitors to my blog posts through Off-Page SEO techniques, all within a limited budget. Key Requirements: - Focus on targeting a national audience. - Proven track record in increasing blog traffic through Off-Page SEO. - Ability to work within a limited budget. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in SEO with a strong focus on Off-Page techniques. - Extensive experience in driving traffic to blog posts. - Exceptional skills in budget management for maximum ROI.

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Rata-rata
    38 penawaran

    Hi rabiulkhan866, I'm back again with a much simpler task if you can do it. I have a picture of a moon / cloud cutout. I just need them to be made into a pictures that i can get cut as cutouts. Moon 110cm wide and about 170cm tall (if its a bit more less due to pixelation etc or watever thats fine). The two moon cutouts on the floor about 110cm wide.

    $7 Average bid
    $7 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    ...incorporates text that would be seen as sports styled. Minimalist. See the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader picture for inspiration and FONT choice. Key Requirements: - The logo should be primarily text-based, with the words "Making The Team" being the focal point. - It should have a retro feel, reminiscent of the golden age of sports broadcasting, while still being modern and appealing to today's audience. - There should be versions of the logo that are clean, minimalist text-only designs, as well as more complex designs. - The logo should ultimately be clean and simple, with the option to add in more complex elements as needed. The text should have glowing on the edges, or different colors. (see picture) Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Experienc...

    $25 Average bid
    707 entri

    I'm seeking a skilled photo editor to create a realistic image of my partner holding our newborn baby. The photo will be used as a personal keepsake, so it’s important that the final result looks as authentic as possible. Requirements: - Seamlessly integrate a separate clear image of a baby into a full-body picture of my partner. - Maintain consistent lighting and shadows for realism. - The final image should retain the original resolution. - The baby should appear cradled in my partner's arms, asleep in a hospital blanket.

    $83 Average bid
    $83 Rata-rata
    135 penawaran

    I'm looking for a proficient mobile app developer who can create an engaging and interactive Android-based social networking app. Key requirements: - Proven experience in mobile app development, specifically for Android - Strong skills in UI/UX design to ensure the app is user-friendly and visually appealing - Previous work on social networking apps would be a significant advantage - Ability to integrate features such as messaging, friend requests, and news feeds - Implement extensive user privacy controls to manage who can see their posts, photos, and personal information. - Add a feature for live streaming where users can broadcast live videos to their friends or followers. - Incorporate content moderation tools to report and manage inappropriate content or be...

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Rata-rata
    33 penawaran

    I am in need of a 3D model of a sports car that can be used for 3D printing. I want a 3D design Take it to a specialized printing press to print this shape as a 3D model As shown in the picture... a Porsche car Length x Width x Height 1/10th: 45cm x 18cm x 13cm Key Requirements: - Experience in creating intricate and precise 3D models. - Understanding of the requirements for a model to be 3D printed. The ideal freelancer for this project would be someone with a keen eye for detail and a strong background in 3D modeling, ideally with a focus on automotive designs. The ability to deliver a model that is both visually impressive and functional is key.

    $126 Average bid
    $126 Rata-rata
    32 penawaran

    I'm looking for a professional photo editor to remove a bra strap from a picture. The strap is located in a complex part of the photo, specifically on my arm. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop. - Experience with intricate image manipulation. - High attention to detail. Please ensure the edited image looks natural and seamless after the removal.

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Rata-rata
    79 penawaran

    More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For an existing business What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Detailed project proposals How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Rata-rata
    74 penawaran

    Silakan Daftar atau Login tuntuk melihat rincian.


    I'm in need of a skilled photo editor who can seamlessly integrate a separate clear image of a baby into a full-body picture of my partner, making it look as though they're holding the baby. The final product should be a realistic portrayal, not an artistic or minimalistic interpretation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in advanced photo editing software - Extensive experience in realistic photo manipulation - Keen eye for detail and ability to maintain consistent lighting and shadows This final edited photo will be used as a personal keepsake. The background should remain the same as in the original full-body picture of my partner. The final image should maintain the original resolution of the full-body picture. The baby should be edite...

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Rata-rata
    113 penawaran
    Trophy icon Cartoon Caricature Logo Design
    2 Hari left

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can convert a picture into a caricature-style cartoon for my logo. The caricature needs to be smiling, and it should have specific elements: a chef hat, big cheeks, and holding a whisk and a spatula. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating caricature-style cartoons - Previous experience designing logos - Ability to capture specific requested elements in the design - Strong communication skills to ensure understanding of the project requirements Please include samples of your past work that align with this project. Looking forward to seeing your proposals!

    $100 Average bid
    376 entri

    ...Length: 500 words Style: We prefer the writing style of Walt Mossberg Pictures: Please include a suggested picture. We prefer Creative Commons free commercial use licensed pictures, but we are open to other suggestions. We are seeking a skilled writer to create a 500-word technical blog post for the topic listed above. The ideal candidate should have experience in technical writing and be able to distill complex information into clear, engaging content. In addition to the blog post, we would like you to suggest a relevant image that complements the article, which we may consider purchasing the license for. If you have a portfolio of similar work, please share it with your application. You can reference to see what we're looking for. Here are some resources for find...

    $50 Average bid
    23 entri
    Bubble MVP for AI Social Network
    6 Hari left
    Terverifikasi a safe and reliable environment with optional identity verification. 2. Key Features 2.1. User Registration and Authentication Registration Form: Fields: Email, password, first name, last name, phone number, municipality. Real-time validation (email format, password strength). Document and Selfie Upload: Optional. Supported file formats: PNG, JPG, PDF. Purpose: Identity verification. Profile Picture: Optional. Supported formats: PNG, JPG. User Status: Pending: Registered but not yet verified. Verified: User validated with documents. Rejected: Verification failed. 2.2. Contact Invitations Optional Feature: Field to enter multiple email addresses separated by commas. Predefined Message: Text: "Join our social network to discuss relevant and secure topics. Sign up here:...

    $620 Average bid
    $620 Rata-rata
    18 penawaran