Web design templates kidsPekerjaan
...use basic functions like SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, as well as advanced functions like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and pivot tables for data analysis. These functions allow me to work faster and more efficiently with large and complex datasets. Creating Financial Reports: Excel makes it easy to create financial reports, whether it’s a profit and loss statement, balance sheet, or cash flow statement, by using templates and formulas. I also leverage charting and graphing features to visualize financial data in a more digestible format. Data Analysis: Using Excel's analytical tools to create projections or financial analyses based on data. This is helpful in making more informed decisions backed by solid data. Excel also enables me to ensure data accuracy by setting input validation, usi...
...-DisplayName "Allow NTP" -Enabled True -Protocol UDP -LocalPort 123 -Action Allow 9. Mengonfigurasi NTP di Group Policy (Opsional) Untuk mengonfigurasi pengaturan NTP pada banyak komputer di domain secara otomatis, Anda bisa menggunakan Group Policy. Buka Group Policy Management dan buat GPO baru untuk mengonfigurasi pengaturan waktu: Masuk ke Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > System > Windows Time Service > Time Providers. Di sana, aktifkan opsi Configure Windows NTP Client dan tentukan server waktu NTP yang digunakan. Terapkan kebijakan ini ke seluruh domain atau unit organisasi yang sesuai. 10. Mengonfigurasi Stratum untuk Windows Server Jika PDC Anda harus bertindak sebagai sumber waktu yang lebih akurat, Anda bisa mengonf...
Membuat video animasi story anak sederhana sesuai dengan story yang di buat. durasi animasi 4 s.d. 7 menit. sesuai dengan prompt terlampir.
Perusahaan sedang berkembang membutuhkan seorang business development untuk membangun dan merumuskan strategi untuk masuk ke market baru, detail dengan eksekusi action plan,melakukan riset SWOT.
Membuat Sebuat Form Pendaftaran Pelamar Pekerjaan Bebasis PHP & Mysql. Silahkan Kirimkan Contoh Project Yang Saya Inginkan. Contoh Yang Ingiin dibuat Seperti ini :
Kami adalah sebuah startup digital yang sedang dalam tahap User Acquisition (pencarian customer). Syarat Freelancer: - Memiliki akses ke komunitas dengan jumlah besar - Memiliki skill sales / marketing Tugas: - Memperkenalkan platform kami (platform sewa menyewa) dan mencari user untuk sign up Kategori Sewa: - Baby & Kids (Komunitas orang tua dan anak) - Hobby (Komunitas Gaming) - Music (Komunitas Musisi Muda) - Sports (Komunitas Camping, dll) Benefit: - Komisi / Insentif untuk setiap user yang daftar - Bonus setiap user yang berhasil sewa di platform
App android studio data logger, segala aktifitas hp mobile yang digunakan anak-anak dan bisa dipantau kapanpun datan...posisi HP anak dari perangkat mobile android milik orang tua. 7. Orang tua bisa lock-screen hp/mobile anak kapanpun by remote bila perintah kunci password atau pin aktif. 8. Bisa mode premium user google in-app purchase atau berbayar untuk orang tua, dalam me-nonaktifkan iklan Admob dan agar bisa membuka fitur pembatasan kapasitas simpan pada database. 9. Dasboard membership wordpress untuk versi web dan app mobile android agar bisa melihat data sesuai level-nya user Admin untuk melihat siapa saja yg telah terdaftar baik yg sudah menjadi member berbayar maupun gratis, serta untuk melihat aktifitas anak oleh orang tua sebagai user parent premium/berbayar dan user f...
proyek ini adalah membuat animasi berjangka 5 menit untuk sebuah lagu anak"
Design a brochure (A5 vertical) for a course of reading Qur'an for elementary level students. Pics reference please use from the existing designs attached. Final file hi res vector in Ai A5 vertical. Wordings in brackets (" ") Brochure consists of 3 parts: 1. background (why) "Salah satu amalan yang tidak putus setelah kita meninggal adalah Do'a Anak yang Sholeh. (bukan Anak yang pintar Matematika)" Translate: one of the points in front of God that never ceased after we died is good kid (not kids w good grades in math) 2. what "Pastikan Anak Kita bagus bacaan Qur'an nya. Telah dibuka Kursus Tahsin untuk anak usia SD" Translate: make sure our kids can read Qur’an properly. Now open Tahsin (reading Quran) course for ...
para hacer email templates y banners para popups.
Hi, Saya membutuhkan jasa personal shopper untuk barang-barang anak. Jangka waktu kerja nya adalah 8 hari. Dalam satu hari akan ada 2 shift (08.00 - 16.00 WIB dan 16.00 - 00.00 WIB) akan berbelanja sampai ke area yang 24 jam juga. Lokasi di Jakarta dan Tangerang Selatan. Kandidat prefer perempuan (jika terbiasa berbelanja terutama produk anak-anak menjadi nilai plus) Memiliki visual skills yang baik, update terhadap trend-trend terbaru, dan termasuk social media addict (Pengguna Instagram, Facebook dan Pinterest) [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin]
Anime adalah sebuah tontonan yang wajib bagi para kids zaman now. Dan Akibatnya, Kini di indonesia banyak sekali event-event tentang Anime di Indonesia. Bahkan disetiap daerah, sangat wajib sekali di adakan event setiap tahunnya. Seperti Anime fest, Japan Matsuri, Bunkasai, dll. Bahkan di event-event biasa sering ada Cosplayer-cosplayer garapan Anime. Itu menandakan bahwa Anime sudah dapat diterima diberbagai kalangan. Akibat maraknya event-event Anime di Indonesia, terciptalah organisasi para wibu. Sampai saat ini asal-usul wibu masih belum ditemukan. Ada yang bilang wibu lebih tinggi dari otaku karena wibu adalah manusia aktif dalam memeriahkan sistem peranime an Indonesia walaupun nolep. Yang tersedia di event-event ini bukan hanya Cosplayer, Festival, dan Merchandise. Mela...
Saya memerlukan sejumlah desain grafis Saya ingin membuat beberapa design graphic untuk kids tees
Nama logo adalah MINIME KIDS Saya membutuhkan desain logo Saya bergerak di bidang fashion anak. Saya ingin membranding Toko saya melalui logo,maka dari itu saya membutuhkan sebuah logo yang berkualitas dan bagus karena nanti logo ini akan di pakai untuk desain paper bag,kartu nama dll. Saya membutuh logo yang unik, simpel,menarik,eye catching, mudah diingat,dibaca,mempunyai makna dan terlihat profesional. Tetapi masih mengandung unsur anak, jika orang melihat logo saya mereka akan tahu kalau saya menjual produk fashion anak-anak
(Indonesian Only) Dibutuhkan 40 desain stiker (stiker disini definisinya adalah yang digunakan di messaging app) + 2 (bisa copy/clone dari 40, cuman menyesuaikan size/tulisan) yang temanya "Indonesia Banget." ...menyesuaikan size/tulisan) yang temanya "Indonesia Banget." Stiker yang di desain harus: - orisinil (bukan copy-paste karakter / tema, apalagi jiplakan karya orang lain) - hasil harus berupa vektor Adobe Illustrator (AI) - berwarna - dapat dengan jelas mendeskripsikan artinya - setidaknya mengandung seorang karakter - exaggerate expression (ekspresi karakter yang berlebihan) - fun dan kids friendly - hak cipta sepenuhnya milik saya This project require that you are fluent in Indonesian language. To verify this please submit your...
Dibutuhkan 40 desain stiker (stiker disini definisinya adalah yang digunakan di messaging app) yang temanya "Indonesia Banget." Stiker yang di desain harus: - orisinil (bukan copy-paste karakter / tema, apalagi jiplakan karya orang lain) - hasil berupa vektor Adobe AI - berwarna - dapat dengan jelas mendeskripsikan artinya - setidaknya me...adalah yang digunakan di messaging app) yang temanya "Indonesia Banget." Stiker yang di desain harus: - orisinil (bukan copy-paste karakter / tema, apalagi jiplakan karya orang lain) - hasil berupa vektor Adobe AI - berwarna - dapat dengan jelas mendeskripsikan artinya - setidaknya mengandung seorang karakter - exaggerate expression (ekspresi karakter yang berlebihan) - fun dan kids friendly - s...
Pekerjaan ini akan menghasilkan 2 template: (1) template flash interaktif (2) template flash non-interaktif. Masing-masing template dibuat dengan 1 storyboard dan menampilkan paling tidak 3 tampilan mockup. Mate...menghasilkan 2 template: (1) template flash interaktif (2) template flash non-interaktif. Masing-masing template dibuat dengan 1 storyboard dan menampilkan paling tidak 3 tampilan mockup. Materi gambar yang digunakan harus bebas lisensi File FLA harus disertakan -------------------------- This job will produce 2 templates: (1) interactive flash mockup (2) non-interactive flash mockup Each template will be design using 1 storyboard and has at least 3 mockup design. All pictures used must be royalty-free (no license needed) Final FLA...
design T shirt,ilustration kids,,painting
Halo, saya sudah memiliki website dan saya kurang suka templatesnya. Jadi di sini saya memerlukan designer templates untuk website/ jasa untuk design website. Thx
Wola, sebuah perusahan yang bergerak di bidang perlengkapan ultah anak (kids’ party supplies) sedang membutuhkan jasa freelance accountant dan admin. Syarat: 1. Min 23 tahun 2. Min D3 akutansi 3. Mempunyai pengalaman bekerja dalam bidang akutansi minium 2 tahun. 4. Domisili Jakarta 5. Menguasai Excel dan Zahir/Accurate Accounting Lingkup kerja: 1. Membuat laporan keuangan. 2. Mendata semua proses transaksi 3. Mengorganisir agar semua piutang terbayar setiap bulannya (menelpon/follow-up dengan bagian accounting dari pihak kedua) 4. Follow up dengan atasan setiap minggunya dengan telp. Minimal bertemu muka 1X dalam sebulan. Benefit: 1. Dapat bekerja dari rumah. 2. Waktu kerja fleksibel 3. Gaji setiap bulan Rp. 2.000.000 (bisa negosiasi sesuai pengalaman dan...
Saya ingin membuat sebuah marketplace yang diintegrasikan dengan system reseller dan dapat diakses oleh puluhan ribu orang perharinya. Fokus market kami adalah baby & kids. Website ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan orang Indonesia yang ingin berjualan tapi tidak memiliki produk, mereka dapat membeli system kita sekaligus semua produk yang ada di dalamnya. Semua contact seperti HP, Pin BB, email dll yang ditampilkan adalah milik reseller (jika perlu tidak pakai pelayanan, seperti sistem affiliate). Jadi, customer yang ingin order dapat langsung menghubungi pihak reseller. Nama domain untuk website ini adalah Contoh kasus : Adam ingin berjualan tapi tidak memiliki dana dan produk yang banyak. Maka kita tawarkan untuk "membeli" toko kami dan semua barang yang ada di dala...
ingin membuat website kami lebih menarik sehingga lebih user friendly buat teman2 yang ngisi berita dan enak di pandang.
Pekerjaan ini akan menghasilkan 2 template: (1) template flash interaktif (2) template flash non-interaktif. Masing-masing template dibuat dengan 1 storyboard dan menampilkan paling tidak 3 tampilan mockup. Mate...menghasilkan 2 template: (1) template flash interaktif (2) template flash non-interaktif. Masing-masing template dibuat dengan 1 storyboard dan menampilkan paling tidak 3 tampilan mockup. Materi gambar yang digunakan harus bebas lisensi File FLA harus disertakan -------------------------- This job will produce 2 templates: (1) interactive flash mockup (2) non-interactive flash mockup Each template will be design using 1 storyboard and has at least 3 mockup design. All pictures used must be royalty-free (no license needed) Final FLA...
Saya mau membuat website jual beli online (prefer memakai open cart) yang program admin panel nya terintegrasi (sync) dengan program akunting toko, terutama untuk kemudahan update stock. program akunting yang telah ada sekarang adalah MYOB v13. Design / templates diberikan oleh saya.
Saya mau membuat website jual beli online (prefer memakai open cart) yang program admin panel nya terintegrasi (sync) dengan program akunting toko, terutama untuk kemudahan update stock. program akunting yang telah ada sekarang adalah MYOB v13. Design / templates diberikan oleh saya.
Dicari penulis freelancer sejumlah articles terkait mengenai ibu dan anak (Moms, kids, and lifestyle) bisa dalam bentuk original content atau translate dari portal berita lainnya seperti , , dll
Dicari penulis freelancer sejumlah articles terkait mengenai ibu dan anak (Moms, kids, and lifestyle) bisa dalam bentuk original content atau translate dari portal berita lainnya seperti , , dll
Dicari penulis freelancer sejumlah articles terkait mengenai ibu dan anak (Moms, kids, and lifestyle) bisa dalam bentuk original content atau translate dari portal berita lainnya seperti , , dll
Dicari penulis freelancer sejumlah articles terkait mengenai ibu dan anak (Moms, kids, and lifestyle) bisa dalam bentuk original content atau translate dari portal berita lainnya seperti , , dll
Ingin meredesign website saya , saat ini sudah dengan sistem replika www, bisa menjadi www, yang saya harapkan ,: tampilannya bisa lebih ringan , lebih informatif , gadget friendly - responsive theme ,saya sudah ada acuan juga untuk ini saat ini , artikel tidak bisa menempelkan user id artikel bisa juga di tempel dgn user id , jadi ketika admin membuat artikel , lalu member memanfaatkan artikel untuk di share , id user tersebut bisa menempel ( bisa menggunakan wordpress , atau cms lainnya ) ada beberapa website yang saya jadikan referensi , lebih lanjut bisa kontak saya
Ingin meredesign website saya , saat ini sudah dengan sistem replika www, bisa menjadi www, yang saya harapkan ,: tampilannya bisa lebih ringan , lebih informatif , gadget friendly - responsive theme ,saya sudah ada acuan juga untuk ini saat ini , artikel tidak bisa menempelkan user id artikel bisa juga di tempel dgn user id , jadi ketika admin membuat artikel , lalu member memanfaatkan artikel untuk di share , id user tersebut bisa menempel ( bisa menggunakan wordpress , atau cms lainnya ) ada beberapa website yang saya jadikan referensi , lebih lanjut bisa kontak saya
I'm looking for a skilled designer to convert a database of social media ads into editable Canva templates. There are around 1,400 ads that need to be converted, and more will be added to the database over time. As such, there is a big chunk of work up front, and then on-going work when new ads are added to the database. Key Requirements: - Experience with Canva and graphic design - Ability to create user-friendly templates - Familiarity with social media post design The templates should allow for easy customization of: - Text - Images - Colors - Icons The ideal freelancer will have a keen understanding of social media aesthetics and brand consistency.
I am in need of a talented Canva designer who can create engaging and entertaining activity books and planners for children aged 6-8 years old. The design style should be cartoonish, appealing to young children while also being suitable for educational purposes. Key Responsibilities: - Design children's activity books and planners in a cartoonish style - Incorporate a variety of activities such as puzzles and games, coloring pages, and learning exercises Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Canva - Experience designing for children - Strong understanding of cartoonish design styles - Ability to create engaging and age-appropriate content
...Custom Business Solution Description: We are looking for a skilled Workflow Automation and Website Development Specialist to help design and implement a tailored solution for our business. This project includes creating an efficient, automated system for streamlining operations and developing a professional website to showcase our services. The system will integrate various tools to manage client interactions, creative processes, and secure delivery seamlessly. Project Scope: Data Collection Automation: Build systems to gather and organize client data effectively. Client Communication Workflow: Automate email outreach and client interactions using predefined templates and workflows. Creative Process Automation: Integrate tools for content generation, text-to-speech, a...
I'm looking for a finance expert to help me create a comprehensive personal finance management spreadsheet template. This template should cater to various aspects of my financial life, including: - Budgeting - Investment tracking - Offering personal advice --- Need to make Short call to explain what i need exactly --- The spreadsheet should be of...life, including: - Budgeting - Investment tracking - Offering personal advice --- Need to make Short call to explain what i need exactly --- The spreadsheet should be of an intermediate complexity, meaning it should include charts and summaries but not be overly complicated. Ideal skills for this job include: - Strong experience with personal finance - Expertise in developing spreadsheet templates - Ability to provide personal...
...between four sections without cluttering a single page. The design should be responsive and work seamlessly on desktop and mobile devices. Project Requirements: -Develop two new WordPress pages with tabbed navigation (3 tabs per page, 4 sections total). -Ensure seamless integration with our existing website design and theme. -Implement responsive development to ensure smooth functionality across all devices. -Optimize for fast loading speeds and SEO-friendly structure. -Ensure easy content management so we can update text/images in the future. Ideal Freelancer: -Strong experience in WordPress development (custom page builds, templates, or plugins if required). -Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. -Experience with responsive design and mobile opti...
...data in a relational database and provides an interactive web interface for managing and viewing this data. Additionally, the system should allow user management with specific functionalities for assigning and managing invoices. Project Requirements 1. Data Migration Modify the current Python script to insert data directly into a relational database (e.g., PostgreSQL or MySQL) instead of exporting it to a CSV file. 2. Database Design a database to store: Invoice Data: Invoice number, date, amount, client, supplier, details, etc. Users: Name, email, password (encrypted), roles (admin/user), and assigned root folder. Metadata: Additional information such as upload date, validation status, etc. 3. Front End (User Interface) Create a web interface using Django (pref...
I am looking for a long-term web designer who can implement and change my website based on templates based on Worpress and everything that is necessary for a successful go-live of a website.
I'm looking for a talented developer who can create an AI-powered chatbot that caters specifically to the needs of legal professionals. Key Features: - The chatbot should be capable of answering complex legal questions. - It must provide links to relevant case studies and precedent decisions. - It should offer legal document templates. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in AI and chatbot development. - A solid understanding of legal terminology and principles. - Experience in creating user-friendly interfaces for high-stakes professionals.
...functionality: The site must include product filtering and search, as well as user reviews and ratings. - Visual Style: The overall design should adhere to a minimalist aesthetic, focusing on simplicity and functionality. A modern, aesthetic and innovative. - Quick loading times on both desktop and mobile devices - Incorporation of interactive product sliders, interactive forms, and animated backgrounds - Inclusion of innovative, engaging, and interactive design elements The primary goal of the website is to generate leads/inquiries, at the same time it should be innovative in design and interactive and it must be developed using the React framework. The design should be a unique and interesting way to showcase the product & services details. Ideal Sk...
...Slides). - Email signatures, including important links. 3. **Website:** - Design and structure for a single-page website ("one page"). 4. **Graphic Identity:** - Primary and secondary fonts. - Logo featuring the following slogan: "One City, One Club, Our Story." 5. **Merchandising:** - Designs for t-shirts, caps, mugs, keychains. #### Graphic Requirements: - **Color Palette:** - Primary color: #7A303F - Additional colors: #F7F4EA and #04151F - **Desired Style:** - Clean, minimalist, and elegant. - **Prohibited:** No icons representing cameras, footballs, or any other direct symbols. #### Expected Deliverables: - Ready-to-use files (formats .png, .jpeg, .svg, etc.). - Editable templates for presentations and social media asse...
I'm seeking a web developer to create a visually appealing, interactive, SEO-friendly, and responsive website for my specialty coating products. The primary goal of the website is to generate leads/inquiries, at the same time it should be innovative in design and interactive and it must be developed using the React framework. The design should be unique and interesting way to showcase the product details. Key Requirements: - A modern, aesthetic and innovative. - Quick loading times on both desktop and mobile devices - Incorporation of interactive product sliders, interactive forms, and animated backgrounds - Inclusion of innovative, engaging, and interactive design elements - provision to add blogs from our side. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React fr...
...-Automated Sales Funnel Creation: Offer pre-designed templates for different types of properties and markets. -Integrated CRM: Include relationship management features specific to the real estate sector, such as property tracking and interaction history. -Customizable Landing Pages: Allow users to create personalized landing pages for different marketing campaigns. -Communication Automation: Integration with instant messaging platforms (e.g. WhatsApp, SMS) in addition to emails. -Performance Analysis: Provide detailed reports on the performance of sales funnels and marketing campaigns. -Resource Library: Offer templates, training and webinars on effective real estate marketing strategies. Technical Requirements -Platform: Develop in modern web technologies (e.g., ...
I am in need of a talented WordPress developer who can create a custom plugin for me. The plugin should manage a custom post type with integration to a Firebase Firestore database. Key Requirements: - The custom post type should support CRUD operations and role-based access control. - Data from this custom post type should be displayed using the standard WordPress pos...control. - Data from this custom post type should be displayed using the standard WordPress posts layout. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with WordPress plugin development. - Proficiency in managing custom post types in WordPress. - Familiarity with Firebase, particularly Firestore. - Understanding of role-based access control systems. - Ability to design layouts according to standard WordPress ...
...Homepage must include sections such as 'About Us', 'Services Overview', and 'Contact Us'. - The design style should be modern and minimalist, steering clear of bold colors or excessive clutter. - The site should be optimized for business promotion, with clear, engaging content and easy navigation. We will provide all the content We will provide developer access to godaddy this is where the website will be hosted You will need to setup the email (we will buy this from godaddy and link it to the contact us form and the inbox) the dead is 7 days we want a spannish flag on the background you will need to find all the igames yourself you can find free ones to use. Please send us examples and templates - the budget is fixed because we have to...
I'm seeking a professional to create post templates and infographics for my new brand on LinkedIn and Herohero. The focus will be primarily on designing eye-catching and engaging social media graphics that align with the brand's overall identity and message. Ideally creating templates for presentations, documents and social media posts in Canva - to be editable. The brand is a business consulting brand. Idea is to have minimal design, easy colours. I already do have a logo. Website - Key Requirements: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly for social media - Proficiency in creating designs using tools like Canva - Strong understanding of branding and ability to create consistent, brand-aligned graphics The ideal candidate will have a po...
...help me enhance our existing mobile application. The app, currently available on the App Store, has been developed using React Native and we have Figma templates and a Postman collection for the backend API ready to go. Key Responsibilities: - Integrate new functionalities into the app, primarily focused on implementing in-app subscription plans. - Utilize the provided Figma templates for user interface enhancements. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React Native - Experience with mobile app development - Familiarity with integrating in-app purchases, specifically subscription plans - Ability to understand and implement from Figma templates - Knowledge of performance optimization techniques I am looking for someone who can understand the technical requirements and ...
I'm in need of a skilled graphic designer to create an "A" icon that resembles a star but also a child character that can stand alone. Attached is the logo so far for SA Kids. I need the A in SA to be a child friendly cartoon character that looks like the letter A and also a star. The font used is called Starborn.
...Lead the end-to-end proposal process, including RFI/RFQ/RFP analysis, strategy development, and submission. Review solicitation documents for technical requirements and compliance. Collaborate with technical teams to gather and organize response content. Write, edit, and package high-quality proposals tailored to client needs. Manage schedules to ensure timely, compliant submissions. Develop templates and maintain reusable content. Facilitate reviews and incorporate feedback. Build partnerships for joint bids and conduct post-submission evaluations. Collaborate on technical approaches and translate complex concepts into clear narratives. Ideal Skills: Proficient in proposal writing and editing. Intermediate understanding of IT and software development concepts. Excellent time ma...
As the owner of a PMU business, I'm in need of professional assistance to create and populate digital Aftercare instructions and Consent forms. I need a computer-literate person who can upload templates relating to PMU Eyebrows and Tattooing. Adapt them to my business. I need consent , procedure, and after care forms. Key Tasks: - Design and build digital Aftercare instructions forms - Create and fill digital Consent forms, including sections for: - Medical history - Procedure details - Signature and date Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in digital form creation software - Prior experience with client-related forms in a medical or beauty context highly desirable - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to understand and include necessary PMU-spe...