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    2,000 web classes kids pekerjaan ditemukan

    Membuat video animasi story anak sederhana sesuai dengan story yang di buat. durasi animasi 4 s.d. 7 menit. sesuai dengan prompt terlampir.

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran
    $148 Rata-rata
    39 penawaran

    Kami adalah sebuah startup digital yang sedang dalam tahap User Acquisition (pencarian customer). Syarat Freelancer: - Memiliki akses ke komunitas dengan jumlah besar - Memiliki skill sales / marketing Tugas: - Memperkenalkan platform kami (platform sewa menyewa) dan mencari user untuk sign up Kategori Sewa: - Baby & Kids (Komunitas orang tua dan anak) - Hobby (Komunitas Gaming) - Music (Komunitas Musisi Muda) - Sports (Komunitas Camping, dll) Benefit: - Komisi / Insentif untuk setiap user yang daftar - Bonus setiap user yang berhasil sewa di platform

    $127 Average bid
    $127 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    App android studio data logger, segala aktifitas hp mobile yang digunakan anak-anak dan bisa dipantau kapanpun datan...posisi HP anak dari perangkat mobile android milik orang tua. 7. Orang tua bisa lock-screen hp/mobile anak kapanpun by remote bila perintah kunci password atau pin aktif. 8. Bisa mode premium user google in-app purchase atau berbayar untuk orang tua, dalam me-nonaktifkan iklan Admob dan agar bisa membuka fitur pembatasan kapasitas simpan pada database. 9. Dasboard membership wordpress untuk versi web dan app mobile android agar bisa melihat data sesuai level-nya user Admin untuk melihat siapa saja yg telah terdaftar baik yg sudah menjadi member berbayar maupun gratis, serta untuk melihat aktifitas anak oleh orang tua sebagai user parent premium/berbayar dan user f...

    $211 Average bid
    $211 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    proyek ini adalah membuat animasi berjangka 5 menit untuk sebuah lagu anak"

    $163 Average bid
    $163 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    Design a brochure (A5 vertical) for a course of reading Qur'an for elementary level students. Pics reference please use from the existing designs at...brackets (" ") Brochure consists of 3 parts: 1. background (why) "Salah satu amalan yang tidak putus setelah kita meninggal adalah Do'a Anak yang Sholeh. (bukan Anak yang pintar Matematika)" Translate: one of the points in front of God that never ceased after we died is good kid (not kids w good grades in math) 2. what "Pastikan Anak Kita bagus bacaan Qur'an nya. Telah dibuka Kursus Tahsin untuk anak usia SD" Translate: make sure our kids can read Qur’an properly. Now open Tahsin (reading Quran) course for kids elementary age. - where (address and phone number) &qu...

    $100 Average bid
    39 entri

    Hi, Saya membutuhkan jasa personal shopper untuk barang-barang anak. Jangka waktu kerja nya adalah 8 hari. Dalam satu hari akan ada 2 shift (08.00 - 16.00 WIB dan 16.00 - 00.00 WIB) akan berbelanja sampai ke area yang 24 jam juga. Lokasi di Jakarta dan Tangerang Selatan. Kandidat prefer perempuan (jika terbiasa berbelanja terutama produk anak-anak menjadi nilai plus) Memiliki visual skills yang baik, update terhadap trend-trend terbaru, dan termasuk social media addict (Pengguna Instagram, Facebook dan Pinterest) [Removed by Admin]

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran
    Event berkecamuk
    Berakhir left

    Anime adalah sebuah tontonan yang wajib bagi para kids zaman now. Dan Akibatnya, Kini di indonesia banyak sekali event-event tentang Anime di Indonesia. Bahkan disetiap daerah, sangat wajib sekali di adakan event setiap tahunnya. Seperti Anime fest, Japan Matsuri, Bunkasai, dll. Bahkan di event-event biasa sering ada Cosplayer-cosplayer garapan Anime. Itu menandakan bahwa Anime sudah dapat diterima diberbagai kalangan. Akibat maraknya event-event Anime di Indonesia, terciptalah organisasi para wibu. Sampai saat ini asal-usul wibu masih belum ditemukan. Ada yang bilang wibu lebih tinggi dari otaku karena wibu adalah manusia aktif dalam memeriahkan sistem peranime an Indonesia walaupun nolep. Yang tersedia di event-event ini bukan hanya Cosplayer, Festival, dan Merchandise. Mela...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran
    Design project
    Berakhir left

    Saya memerlukan sejumlah desain grafis Saya ingin membuat beberapa design graphic untuk kids tees

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Rata-rata
    18 penawaran
    Trophy icon Mendesain sebuah Logo Fashion Anak
    Berakhir left

    Nama logo adalah MINIME KIDS Saya membutuhkan desain logo Saya bergerak di bidang fashion anak. Saya ingin membranding Toko saya melalui logo,maka dari itu saya membutuhkan sebuah logo yang berkualitas dan bagus karena nanti logo ini akan di pakai untuk desain paper bag,kartu nama dll. Saya membutuh logo yang unik, simpel,menarik,eye catching, mudah diingat,dibaca,mempunyai makna dan terlihat profesional. Tetapi masih mengandung unsur anak, jika orang melihat logo saya mereka akan tahu kalau saya menjual produk fashion anak-anak

    $65 Average bid
    Sorotan Bergaransi Kontes Teratas
    91 entri

    (Indonesian Only) Dibutuhkan 40 desain stiker (stiker disini definisinya adalah yang digunakan di messaging app) + 2 (bisa copy/clone dari 40, cuman menyesuaikan size/tulisan) yang temanya "Indonesia Banget." ...menyesuaikan size/tulisan) yang temanya "Indonesia Banget." Stiker yang di desain harus: - orisinil (bukan copy-paste karakter / tema, apalagi jiplakan karya orang lain) - hasil harus berupa vektor Adobe Illustrator (AI) - berwarna - dapat dengan jelas mendeskripsikan artinya - setidaknya mengandung seorang karakter - exaggerate expression (ekspresi karakter yang berlebihan) - fun dan kids friendly - hak cipta sepenuhnya milik saya This project require that you are fluent in Indonesian language. To verify this please submit your...

    $108 Average bid
    $108 Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    Dibutuhkan 40 desain stiker (stiker disini definisinya adalah yang digunakan di messaging app) yang temanya "Indonesia Banget." Stiker yang di desain harus: - orisinil (bukan copy-paste karakter / tema, apalagi jiplakan karya orang lain) - hasil berupa vektor Adobe AI - berwarna - dapat dengan jelas mendeskripsikan artinya - setidaknya me...adalah yang digunakan di messaging app) yang temanya "Indonesia Banget." Stiker yang di desain harus: - orisinil (bukan copy-paste karakter / tema, apalagi jiplakan karya orang lain) - hasil berupa vektor Adobe AI - berwarna - dapat dengan jelas mendeskripsikan artinya - setidaknya mengandung seorang karakter - exaggerate expression (ekspresi karakter yang berlebihan) - fun dan kids friendly - s...

    $141 Average bid
    $141 Rata-rata
    20 penawaran

    design T shirt,ilustration kids,,painting

    $55555 Average bid
    $55555 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    ...good at JavaScript (jQuery) 3. Very good at CSS3 4. Very good at VB.NET / WinForms 5. I am using SmartAdmin template, if you have used it before it will be great. If not, with the 2 required skills above, it will be piece a cake to you. 6. You can work alone, with your friends, colleagues, I don't care, I only want to see results. The following are available: 1. Business Layer Classes 2. Data Access Classes 3. Database (SQL Server 2008 R2) 4. You'll be pushing code to Bitbucket everyday (maybe every 3 hours in a day I have to check your progress). 5. Logic is there 6. Logic is there 7. Really, logic is all there, you only need to port the code... 8. Source code, DB and executable to the old app which REQUIRE an XP VM with SQL Server 2008 R2 and VS...

    $439 Average bid
    $439 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Wola, sebuah perusahan yang bergerak di bidang perlengkapan ultah anak (kids’ party supplies) sedang membutuhkan jasa freelance accountant dan admin. Syarat: 1. Min 23 tahun 2. Min D3 akutansi 3. Mempunyai pengalaman bekerja dalam bidang akutansi minium 2 tahun. 4. Domisili Jakarta 5. Menguasai Excel dan Zahir/Accurate Accounting Lingkup kerja: 1. Membuat laporan keuangan. 2. Mendata semua proses transaksi 3. Mengorganisir agar semua piutang terbayar setiap bulannya (menelpon/follow-up dengan bagian accounting dari pihak kedua) 4. Follow up dengan atasan setiap minggunya dengan telp. Minimal bertemu muka 1X dalam sebulan. Benefit: 1. Dapat bekerja dari rumah. 2. Waktu kerja fleksibel 3. Gaji setiap bulan Rp. 2.000.000 (bisa negosiasi sesuai pengalaman dan...

    $173 Average bid
    $173 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    Saya ingin membuat sebuah marketplace yang diintegrasikan dengan system reseller dan dapat diakses oleh puluhan ribu orang perharinya. Fokus market kami adalah baby & kids. Website ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan orang Indonesia yang ingin berjualan tapi tidak memiliki produk, mereka dapat membeli system kita sekaligus semua produk yang ada di dalamnya. Semua contact seperti HP, Pin BB, email dll yang ditampilkan adalah milik reseller (jika perlu tidak pakai pelayanan, seperti sistem affiliate). Jadi, customer yang ingin order dapat langsung menghubungi pihak reseller. Nama domain untuk website ini adalah Contoh kasus : Adam ingin berjualan tapi tidak memiliki dana dan produk yang banyak. Maka kita tawarkan untuk "membeli" toko kami dan semua barang yang ada di dala...

    $975 Average bid
    $975 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Dicari penulis freelancer sejumlah articles terkait mengenai ibu dan anak (Moms, kids, and lifestyle) bisa dalam bentuk original content atau translate dari portal berita lainnya seperti , , dll

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Dicari penulis freelancer sejumlah articles terkait mengenai ibu dan anak (Moms, kids, and lifestyle) bisa dalam bentuk original content atau translate dari portal berita lainnya seperti , , dll

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Rata-rata
    44 penawaran

    Dicari penulis freelancer sejumlah articles terkait mengenai ibu dan anak (Moms, kids, and lifestyle) bisa dalam bentuk original content atau translate dari portal berita lainnya seperti , , dll

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    26 penawaran

    Dicari penulis freelancer sejumlah articles terkait mengenai ibu dan anak (Moms, kids, and lifestyle) bisa dalam bentuk original content atau translate dari portal berita lainnya seperti , , dll

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Rata-rata
    30 penawaran

    I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create an engaging and user-friendly website for offering live Italian lessons. The site will cater to both one-on-one sessions and group classes, and will need to include a robust scheduling system for managing individual and group lessons. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in web development and design - Experience with integrating video conferencing tools - Knowledge of creating interactive, user-focused platforms Key features of the website will include: - A seamless interface for both instructors and students - A reliable scheduling system for lessons - Potential for future integration of student progress tracking and video conferencing tools. Your main goal will be to create a platform that is n...

    $469 Average bid
    $469 Rata-rata
    171 penawaran

    ...Keras, Scikit-learn, or similar. Ability to clearly explain complex concepts in a practical and approachable manner. Strong teaching skills and a focus on active learning. Must be fluent in Spanish (spoken and written). Design a 12-week structured course with theoretical and hands-on modules. Provide real-world examples and practical projects to ensure skill application. Optionally deliver the classes online (if applicable). Create additional materials such as presentations, guides, and participant resources. Course Objective: Enable participants to: Understand the fundamentals of Machine Learning and its practical applications. Design, train, and evaluate Machine Learning models. Use essential tools and libraries in real-world projects. Apply these skills in sectors like mark...

    $4278 Average bid
    $4278 Rata-rata
    27 penawaran - Reporting and Analytics: The app needs to provide insightful reports about the studio's operations. - Dynamic Ride Addition: The app should allow for the flexible addition of special rides. User Roles: The app should cater to three distinct user roles: - Spin Instructors: They should have the ability to manage rides and see how many riders have signed up for their class and also switch classes with other spin instructors. - General Staff: They need access to manage memberships, payments and other administrative tasks. - Studio Members: The main users of the app, they should be able to book bikes, make payments and track their progress. -management staff view which determined instructor pay. I would like to be able to set a base pay plus a $1 incentive per bik...

    $15 - $25 / hr
    Bersegel PK
    $15 - $25 / hr
    32 penawaran

    I'm looking for a talented animator to create a 2D animation video aimed at entertaining school-age children. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 2D animation - Experience in creating content for children aged 6-10 - A portfolio showcasing previous work in kids' entertainment Your task will be to develop an engaging, high-quality animation that captures the attention of young viewers and keeps them entertained. Please provide examples of your past projects that align with this description.

    $54 Average bid
    $54 Rata-rata
    27 penawaran

    I'm seeking a talented illustrator to bring my children's book to life. The book is aimed at the 5-7 year age group and requires 45 cartoonish-style illustrations. It explains the challenges, and special gifts, of a child with high-functioning autism, and provides examples of accommodations. The main child is a gender-neutral mixed-race (black-white) 5 year, 3 months, and 27 day year old person, and we walk through the challenges they face. A good imagination, and creative skills, are highly valued. I am looking for inspiring visuals. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Knowledge of Autism Spectrum disorder preferred (a VERY strong preference for someone, with Autism, to do this book) - Proven experience in children's book illustration - Strong portfolio of cartoonish-styl...

    $150 Average bid
    539 entri

    I'm seeking an illustrator to create a simple, bold, and Kindle-approved coloring book with a fantasy theme aimed at children. The illustrations should be easy for kids to color yet engaging enough to capture their imagination. The ideal candidate needs to have: - Experience in creating children's illustrations. - A strong portfolio of simple and bold designs. - Capability to work on a fantasy theme. - Knowledge of Kindle formatting requirements. - Ability to create engaging, kid-friendly designs.

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Rata-rata
    145 penawaran

    I'm looking for a Swedish translator (English to Ewedish) to help with a kids' dictionary book. The target audience is early learners, specifically children aged 4-7 years. Ideal skills and experience: - Native Swedish speaker - Experience in translating children's literature or educational material - Ability to convey age-appropriate language and concepts - Attention to detail for accuracy and consistency - Good understanding of the needs and interests of early learners

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    7 penawaran

    Hey! We are looking for a talented artists who can create us a short 3D cinematic teaser (~1.5-2min) in Blizzard Ent. Hearthstone style for our zodiacal kids apparel brand. We have a confirmed script and some concepts (we will have 2 main characters and couple locations) and need professionals who will take care of them. This would be a great example of what we are looking for. We are a startup company and we don’t have a crazy budget, but we are interested in creating quality products and are looking for partners in this endeavor. Please feel free to contact us and we will send you materials.

    $46 Average bid
    $46 Rata-rata
    18 penawaran
    Existing MERN System Enhancement
    6 Hari left

    ...student performance. ○ Student Login: View performance, submitted assignments, and evaluation feedback. ○ Admin Login: Manage users, classes, subjects, and system configurations. ● Features: ○ Customizable permissions for each role. 2. Organization Level – Multiple Teachers Enable multi-user support at the organizational level for collaborative management. ● Assign multiple teachers to a single class or subject. ● Introduce subject-level permissions for teachers, ensuring they only access relevant data. ● Shared access to evaluations for co-teachers, with version control for changes. 4. Class and Section Mapping Streamline the process of mapping subjects to classes and sections. ● Hierarchy: ○ Organization → Class → Section → Subject. ● Dynamic Mapping...

    $93 Average bid
    $93 Rata-rata
    27 penawaran

    I'm looking for a talented animator to create a 4-minute AI-driven video in a Disney/Pixar style for kids aged 2 to 10. This project is purely focused on creating an entertaining piece without any sound or specific moral lessons. Key Aspects: - I will provide access to Midjourney for character design and Hailuoai for the video production. - Consistency is key: the same characters must be used throughout the video. - I will supply scene definitions and timings, which will number around 14 (+/-). - Each scene must be approved by me before moving onto the next. - The final video should be delivered in a 16:9 ratio, at a minimum resolution of 720P. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in using AI animation tools, particularly Midjourney and Hailuoai. - Previous experience in creating c...

    $111 Average bid
    $111 Rata-rata
    39 penawaran

    I'm seeking a clear and friendly Hindi voiceover artist for my educational YouTube channel aimed at children. Your role will involve voicing various content across the channel to engage and educate our young viewers. Experience in voiceover work, especially for children's content, is a plus. Your voice should be able to convey information in a clear and approachable manner, making learning fun and accessible.

    $249 Average bid
    $249 Rata-rata
    17 penawaran

    I'm looking for a talented video editor who specializes in editing content for kids. The videos will primarily focus on entertainment and need to be fast-paced with lots of effects. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience editing children’s content - Proficiency in creating fast-paced, effect-heavy videos - Understanding of what appeals to kids - Experience with YouTube content editing - Creativity and attention to detail

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Rata-rata
    115 penawaran
    Product Landing Page
    5 Hari left

    I need a landing page for a product - Football mat for kids. We are going to launch a facebook ads directing to that page where cutomers can order the product. Plus some pictures, links to videos in youtube and description Ideal Skills: - Web design - UX/UI - HTML/CSS - JavaScript - Experience with product landing pages Please provide examples of previous product showcase landing pages you've designed. If you have experience with facebook ads will be advantage, so you can help me with entire project.

    $131 Average bid
    $131 Rata-rata
    304 penawaran

    I'm looking for a social media marketer and content creator to help promote my dog and kids interactive toys brand on Instagram. The main goal is to drive sales, so the content needs to be compelling and geared towards conversion. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging Instagram content, primarily customer testimonials - Develop eye-catching reels to increase visibility and engagement - Strategically increase followers with a sales-driving focus The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proven experience with Instagram marketing - Skills in content creation, particularly video - Ability to strategize follower growth with a focus on driving sales Let's work together to make this brand a household name!

    $90 Average bid
    $90 Rata-rata
    27 penawaran

    I have a logo that needs to be polished and made professional. The color scheme should be kid-friendly, specifically light blue and orange. The icon in the logo needs a slight shape change to enhance the overall design. Skills Required: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator or equivalent software Experience in designing for children's products or services would be a plus.

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Rata-rata
    49 penawaran

    I'm looking for someone who is smart and can record some action songs for preschool kids. No previous experience is required. You only have to act/dance based on the songs I give. You will get the payments for each video song you record. You can just use your phone camera to record the videos. Please take a look at the example videos:: ---------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- - Record in a clutter-free environment with a simple background to maintain focus on the performer. - Use natural lighting or a bright environment to ensure video clarity. - Ensure videos are recorded in at least 1080p HD resolution. NOTE: I will provide you with all the reference

    $624 Average bid
    $624 Rata-rata
    26 penawaran

    ...Threads, and LinkedIn. Engaging with the audience through comments and messages. Scheduling posts using provided calendars and tools. This will include post AND videos Also be able to create videos from existing viral videos/sounds that relate to our niche Our Niche: Therapy needed in workplace with the goal of speaking gigs Rest for career focused women with the goal of women signing up for our classes Graphic Design Designing graphics in Canva based on detailed instructions. Ensuring the visuals align with the brand’s style, colors, and tone. Editing and creating images/videos as needed for social media or promotional campaigns. [Removed by Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions] Sending follow-up emails to RSVPs a...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Rata-rata
    67 penawaran

    I'm looking for someone who is smart and can record some action songs for preschool kids. No previous experience is required. You can just use your phone camera to record the videos. You only have to act/dance based on the songs I give. You will get the payments for each video song you record. Please take a look at the example videos: ---------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- - Record in a clutter-free environment with a simple background to maintain focus on the performer. - Use natural lighting or a bright environment to ensure video clarity. - Ensure videos are recorded in at least 1080p HD resolution

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Rata-rata
    29 penawaran

    I'm seeking a talented 2D animator skilled in crafting engaging, cartoon-style animations aimed at a children's audience. The content will primarily be for entertainment purposes, so experience in this realm is crucial. Key requirements: - Expertise in 2D cartoon animation - Previous work in children's entertainment - Ability to create appealing, age-appropriate content

    $82 Average bid
    $82 Rata-rata
    21 penawaran

    I'm seeking a skilled Android app developer to create a minimalistic timetable app designed for class schedules. The app should feature a countdown timer and a Pomodoro timer, making it a useful tool for time management and study sessions. Key Features: - Simple, user-friendly interface - Timetable for class schedules - Countdown timer - Pomodoro timer - Notification reminders for upcoming classes or tasks Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android app development - Previous experience in timer feature integration - Able to design a minimalistic and intuitive user interface - Knowledge of implementing notification systems in apps The goal is to create an effective and uncomplicated tool for students to manage their time and tasks. Please include examples of previous apps you...

    $68 Average bid
    $68 Rata-rata
    39 penawaran

    ...Banquet Hall: A G+1 building dedicated to food and beverage services, with a banquet hall capable of hosting 350 guests for events such as weddings and conferences. • Open Dining Deck Area: An outdoor dining deck designed to accommodate 50 people, with stunning views of the surrounding nature. • Swimming Pool: Preferably an organic, freeform-shaped pool that blends with the natural surroundings. • Kids Play Area: A dedicated space for children’s recreation, ensuring a family-friendly atmosphere. • Outdoor Activities Areas: Open spaces dedicated to outdoor games and recreational activities like yoga, nature walks, and adventure sports. • Indoor Games Room + Gym Area: An indoor entertainment and fitness space for guests to unwind and stay active. &bul...

    $1842 Average bid
    $1842 Rata-rata
    20 penawaran

    ...tree and thought it was the perfect spot to draw. As he sat down and began sketching, he noticed a group of kids playing nearby. They stopped their game and stared at him. Whispering among themselves, they started walking over. "Hey," one of the boys said, his tone sharp. "What are Syou doing sitting there? "Marcus looked up, confused. "I’m just drawing. Why? "The boy sneered. "That’s not your bench." "My bench?" Marcus asked, bewildered. "It’s just a bench. "The group laughed, but it wasn’t a kind laugh. "That bench isn’t for people like you," another kid said. "Go sit somewhere else."Marcus’s heart sank. He didn’t understand. People like him? He tried to ask...

    $79 Average bid
    $79 Rata-rata
    17 penawaran

    I'm looking for someone who is smart and can record some action songs for preschool kids. No previous experience is required. You only have to act/dance based on the songs I give. You will get the payments for each video song you record. You can just use your phone camera to record the videos. Please take a look at the example videos:: ---------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- - Record in a clutter-free environment with a simple background to maintain focus on the performer. - Use natural lighting or a bright environment to ensure video clarity. - Ensure videos are recorded in at least 1080p HD resolution. NOTE: I will provide you with all the reference

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Rata-rata
    26 penawaran
    K-12 Dance Studio Design -- 2
    4 Hari left

    I'm looking for a professional to create a design for a dance studio in our K-12 school. The studio will primarily serve recreational classes, teaching various dance forms. The room size is 29 ft by 29ft. The design must include: - Mirrored walls: These are essential for helping students learn and improve their dance skills. Key features that are not part of the current project but may be necessary in the future include a sound system and barre installations. Therefore, understanding how these could be incorporated down the line would be beneficial. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in designing dance studios or similar spaces, understanding the requirements of a K-12 educational environment. Please include examples of relevant past projects in your b...

    $105 Average bid
    $105 Rata-rata
    25 penawaran

    I'm seeking a programmer to create a data extraction tool that search TripA...specifically focus on gathering:l and sabing - Ratings and scores - User comments and feedback - Dates of reviews The extracted data should be formatted into an Excel file. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience with developing web scraping tools, data extraction software, and a solid understanding of how to navigate and extract information from TripAdvisor. Programming skills in Python, R or similar languages are highly desirable. Program should execute search on different keywords like: restaurant vegan, restaurant London, kids activity in Paris and so on, to extract contact data like: nane, website, phone, email, WhatsApp, photo plus reviews and ranks and to send data ...

    $439 Average bid
    $439 Rata-rata
    107 penawaran

    **ONE ENTRY PER DESIGN OR YOU WILL BE BLOCKED** USE AN OCTOPUS AS MASCOT I'm seeking a modern and sleek logo for my company, Nexus Box Studio, which specializes in sign and toy 3D printing. Key Requirements: - The design should be bold and vibrant, reflecting a playful undertone appealing to both adults and kids. - I want the incorporation of typography and elements of 3D printing into the logo, with a touch of fun. - DO NOT USE A BOX in the design Ideal Skills: - Proficient in modern design trends - Strong understanding of typography - Understanding of 3D design and printing to use elements to create this logo - Capability to create playful yet sleek designs No more then 3 colors in the logo. This is our etsy store: ***We

    $150 Average bid
    1537 entri

    I'm in search of a dedicated and skilled online teacher who can engage and educate my 2nd and 3rd grade Texas school kids in Math and English. Key Requirements: - Teaching subjects: Math and English - Format: Online sessions - Availability: 6-10 hours a week Ideal Skills: - Experience teaching elementary school children - Proficiency in Math and English - Strong online teaching capabilities - Familiarity with Texas school curriculum - Ability to create engaging and interactive lessons

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Rata-rata
    18 penawaran

    I'm looking for a professional graphic designer to create a logo for my kids clothing brand "marsmini". I have a specific image in mind for the logo and it needs to be executed in a modern style with multiple colors. The logo should be in lower case and designed to be exactly the same as the reference image I will provide. Key Requirements: - Expertise in graphic design and logo creation - Ability to create a logo from scratch, not using AI or website-generated designs - Experience in modern style design - Previous work with colorful, multi-tone logos - Willingness to make multiple revisions based on feedback Final Deliverables: - The final logo should be provided in PNG format. Please only apply if you can create a unique logo and not simply recreate or manipulate...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Rata-rata
    35 penawaran
    Cartoon Character Design for Kids
    3 Hari left

    I'm looking for a talented illustrator to create cartoon-style characters for a boy and girl. These characters should appeal to children aged 4-8 years and embody a playful personality. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in cartoon-style illustration - Experience in creating children's characters - Understanding of playful design traits Your task will be to design characters that are visually appealing to young children and able to convey playfulness. Please provide a portfolio showcasing your relevant work.

    $5 - $9 / hr
    Bersegel PK
    $5 - $9 / hr
    35 penawaran

    I need a talented designer to create a simple, fun, and child-friendly 30-page coloring book themed around Indian Hindu Gods. It's intended for 3-5 years old kids and aims to foster cultural awareness while providing entertainment. Key Requirements: - Each spread will include a blank page on the left and an illustration on the right, formatted for KDP specifications - Use of simple level illustrations - Book Cover required - Adherence to 8.5" x 11" trim size with bleed, print-ready PDF - Originality is key, no stock or copyrighted images. AI images are acceptable Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in children's book design - Strong understanding of KDP formatting - Ability to create simple yet engaging illustrations - Familiarity with Indian Hind...

    $42 Average bid
    $42 Rata-rata
    126 penawaran