Voicexml outsourcing russiaPekerjaan


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    2,000 voicexml outsourcing russia pekerjaan ditemukan

    ...membutuhkan seseorang yang bisa membuatkan saya tutorial memakai odoo untuk modul HR dan Payroll sesuai ketentuan hukum di Indonesia. Tutorial yang diminta nanti berbentuk file boleh pdf, atau docx. Setelah file tersebut jadi, maka kita nanti akan mengadakan gmeet session untuk anda mengajarkan saya dari apa yang telah anda buat tadi. Use Case nya seperti ini: 1. Perusahaan penyedia jasa pegawai outsourcing 2. User dari perusahaan tidak bisa menginstal app sendiri dari aplikasi odoo, tapi sudah kita set aplikasi apa saja yang tersedia yang bisa diakses. 3. Departemen-departemen terdiri dari Direksi, HR, Finance, Operasional 4. Setiap departemen memiliki manager dan staffnya masing-masing 5. Jenis pegawai ada Staff, OB, Teller, Driver, Security 6. Kontrak ada permanent ...

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran
    IT Internal Auditor
    Berakhir left

    Proyek outsourcing tenaga internal auditor TI, untuk klien kami di suatu bank di Tangerang. Ruang lingkup pekerjaan mencakup semua pekerjaan yang diperlukan dalam melakukan audit teknologi informasi. Jam kerja 8.30 - 17.30 WIB. Keahlian yang dibutuhkan yaitu keahlian dalam audit teknologi informasi.

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    bisnis outsourcing yang bergerak di bidang facility services atau cleaning service

    $449 Average bid
    $449 Rata-rata
    13 penawaran

    INFO Lowongan Kerja TERBARU di PT. Angkasa Surya Teknik BAGI ANDA yang SERIUS pengen KERJA Silahkan Apply Cv Lamaran / Data Diri Lewat WhatsApp di No. 0882=9532=8446 Dengan Format : Nama Lengkap: = Tempat/Tgl. Lahir: = Pendidikan Terakhir: = Alamat Lengkap. PT. Angkasa Surya Teknik adalah salah satu ...memberitahukan jadwal interview / panggilan kerja lewat Email, WhatsApp, Sms /Telpon. (Diharapkan Nomor Hp / WhatsApp dan e-mail anda selalu aktif) Note : --> Selagi Iklan masih tayang, itu berarti Lowongan masih berlaku --> Proses Interview / Wawancara Kerja Akan Langsung Diinformasikan Melalui Email / Whatsapp --> Hasil Seleksi Tidak Bisa diganggu gugat --> Proses Seleksi Tidak Melalui Yayasan/outsourcing --> Silahkan share ke saudara , keluarga dan teman anda jika ...

    $35 Average bid
    $35 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran
    Staff Administrasi
    Berakhir left

    INFO Lowongan Kerja TERBARU di PT. Angkasa Surya Teknik BAGI ANDA yang SERIUS pengen KERJA Silahkan Apply Cv Lamaran / Data Diri Lewat WhatsApp di No. 0882=9532=8446 Dengan Format : Nama Lengkap: = Tempat/Tgl. Lahir: = Pendidikan Terakhir: = Alamat Lengkap. PT. Angkasa Surya Teknik adalah salah satu ...memberitahukan jadwal interview / panggilan kerja lewat Email, WhatsApp, Sms /Telpon. (Diharapkan Nomor Hp / WhatsApp dan e-mail anda selalu aktif) Note : --> Selagi Iklan masih tayang, itu berarti Lowongan masih berlaku --> Proses Interview / Wawancara Kerja Akan Langsung Diinformasikan Melalui Email / Whatsapp --> Hasil Seleksi Tidak Bisa diganggu gugat --> Proses Seleksi Tidak Melalui Yayasan/outsourcing --> Silahkan share ke saudara , keluarga dan teman anda jika ...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Rata-rata
    56 penawaran

    Dibutuhkan freelance desain website yang dapat bekerjasama dan berdiskusi langsung di area jakarta pusat. Melakukan design awal untuk launching website perusahaan outsource yang baru berdiri dengan tampilan yang modern dan professional. Waktu pengerjaan : 3-7 hari kalender

    $223 Average bid
    $223 Rata-rata
    14 penawaran

    Membuat aplikasi database karyawan dan sistem payroll untuk perusahaan outsourcing

    $2725 Average bid
    $2725 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    BINTANG MOTOR adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi mobil ber merk Wuling, sebuah merek mobil dari Tiongkok. Ini merupakan investasi tiga perusahaan otomotif dari luar negeri (Penanaman Modal Asing...diri VIA SMS / WA dengan format : • BINTANG MOTOR • Nama : • Tempat Tanggal Lahir : • Pendidikan terakhir : • Alamat Sekarang : • Pengalaman Kerja Jika Ada • KIRIM KE (WhatsApp) : 0877=7449=2670 • email:mustapadesky@ Informasi Tambahan Lokasi Seleksi/Test ditentukan oleh BINTANG MOTOR Hasil Seleksi Tidak Bisa diganggu gugat Proses Seleksi Tidak Melalui Yayasan / outsourcing Hanya calon tenaga kerja yang dapat memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi dan wawancara kerja. DEMIKIAN INFO LOWONGAN KERJA BINTANG MOTOR

    $519 Average bid
    $519 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    Kami dari PT. Tripilar Investama, penyedia jasa outsourcing pengemudi (supir) passenger vehicle B2B, membutuhkan seseorang untuk mendesain company profile kami. Pekerjaan mencakup berkolaborasi dengan kami untuk urusan content yang diperlukan, detil2nya dan juga pengambilan gambar (jika perlu).

    $493 Average bid
    $493 Rata-rata
    14 penawaran

    Halo semua, kami perusahaan Total IT Consulting & Solution Platform yang menyediakan konsultasi bisnis & IT untuk berbagai industri dan mempertemukan solusi teknologi untuk beragam keperluan bisnis membutuhkan banyak developer untuk proyek #onsite di Bandung dan Jakarta. Berikut gambaran singkatnya: Proyek: Digital Banking Jenis Kerjasama: Agile Outsourcing (Onsite Bandung / Jakarta) Klien: Perusahaan IT Untuk proyek ini konsumen perlu talent dari Bandung & Jakarta yang bersedia onsite, yang sebelumnya akan melewati proses interview. Untuk pekerjaan ini Anda boleh mendaftar sebagai software house / perorangan / tim. - Sertakan kata [SH] untuk Software House (memiliki ijin usaha) - Sertakan kata [T] untuk team (belum memiliki ijin usaha) - Sertakan kata [FL] untuk Fre...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    Sedikit perkenalan tentang kami, WGSHub adalah perusahaan Total IT Consulting & Solution Platform. Kami menyediakan konsultasi bisnis & IT untuk berbagai industri dan mempertemukan solusi teknologi untuk beragam keperluan bisnis. Proyek: Digital Banking Jenis Kerjasama: Agile Outsourcing (Onsite Bandung / Jakarta) Klien: Perusahaan IT Untuk proyek ini konsumen perlu talent dari Bandung & Jakarta yang bersedia onsite, yang sebelumnya akan melewati proses interview. Untuk pekerjaan ini Anda boleh mendaftar sebagai software house / perorangan / tim. - Sertakan kata [SH] untuk Software House (memiliki ijin usaha) - Sertakan kata [T] untuk team (belum memiliki ijin usaha) - Sertakan kata [FL] untuk Freelancer Disini kami mencari talent Junior & Senior untuk berperan s...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    Saya butuh pengelola sosial media, terutama Instagram dan Facebook, di perusahaan penyedia perawat rumah dan medis (outsourcing); untuk menjadi admin, membuat konten kreatif terkait kesehatan dan perusahaan (postingan seminggu 2-3 kali), termasuk mengelola instagram& facebook ads.

    $140 Average bid
    $140 Rata-rata
    21 penawaran
    Berakhir left

    Kami PT Jola Mitra Utama, Perusahaan Jasa yang bergerak di bidang penyediaan tenaga kerja (HR Resourcing/Outsourcing, HR Consultant dan Head Hunter) saat ini bekerja sama perusahaan Multi Nasional membutuhkan tenaga kerja Programmer untuk PKWT (Project short term 4 sd 5 bulan). Kontrak kerja dimulai segera sd bulan April 2018. Dapat dilanjutkan apabila masih ada kebutuhan. Berlokasi di Jakarta.

    $180 / hr Average bid
    $180 / hr Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Kami PT Jola Mitra Utama, Perusahaan Jasa yang bergerak di bidang penyediaan tenaga kerja (HR Resourcing/Outsourcing, HR Consultant dan Head Hunter) saat ini bekerja sama perusahaan Multi Nasional membutuhkan tenaga kerja free lance.

    $343 Average bid
    $343 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran
    Find me some Leads
    Berakhir left

    Pekerjaan ini adalah untuk mencarikan leads pelanggan untuk perusahaan digital kami. Pelayanan kami meliputi: 1. Web Developing and Optimization 2. Social Media Management 3. Digital Advertising 4. Mobile Apps 5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 6. Social Media Optimization (SEM) 7. Digital Staff Outsourcing 8. Mobile Marketing Info lengkapnya bisa dilihat di Target achievement: 10 Users Silakan bertanya bila ada yang masih belum dipahami Salam hangat, Naga Indonesia Digital Cognitive

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 penawaran

    membutuhkan programmer yang dapat datang di tempat satu bulan bekerja sebagai worker kami, atau programmer outsourcing programmer PHP Development berbasis laravel, minimal outsourcing harus datang ialah 2 hari seminggu . ruang lingkup kerjaan mencakup proses bisnis dari situs web yaitu customer cart --> virtual account--> shipping

    $1539 Average bid
    $1539 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    Dibutuhkan SEGERA Programmer untuk proyek WEBSITE dengan pengerjaan ASP.NET Mengenai detail project, kami akan diskusikan lanjut secara personal dengan freelancer untuk melindungi privasi klien. Kami adalah sebuah perusahaan advertising agency yang membutuhkan beberapa freelancer untuk outsourcing proyek kami. Atas perhatiannya terimakasih Mohon mengcontact kami ke telp +622165830476

    $162 - $487
    $162 - $487
    0 penawaran

    ... Yemen.rnrnChinarnDalian, Ningbo, Qingdao, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Macou, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Shantou, Haikou, Macou , Beijing, Xingang, Beijing, Dongguan, Foshan, Huangpu.rnrnEurope.rnAustria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, El Salvador, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Yugoslavia.rnrnAmerica ( U.S.A) .rnLos Angeles, Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Buffalo, Charleston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Dayton, Houston, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Memphis, Miami, Minneapolis, New Jersey, New Orleans, New York, Oakland, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburg, Portland...

    $750 Average bid
    $750 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    ... Yemen.rnrnChinarnDalian, Ningbo, Qingdao, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Macou, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Shantou, Haikou, Macou , Beijing, Xingang, Beijing, Dongguan, Foshan, Huangpu.rnrnEurope.rnAustria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, El Salvador, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Yugoslavia.rnrnAmerica ( U.S.A) .rnLos Angeles, Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Buffalo, Charleston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Dayton, Houston, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Memphis, Miami, Minneapolis, New Jersey, New Orleans, New York, Oakland, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburg, Portland...

    $649 Average bid
    $649 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Deseo contratar outsourcing un diseñador o una empresa diseñadora, que elabore constante para mi empresa avisos impresos para revistas, vallas, flyers, calendarios, pendones otros. somos una empresa de comunicacioes que presta su servicio a terceros.

    $168 Average bid
    $168 Rata-rata
    84 penawaran

    Project Title: Outsourcing Creative Art Designers for Agency Portfolio Visual Content Project Description: We are a digital agency seeking creative art designers to help us craft a compelling agency portfolio with dummy projects that showcase our design capabilities. These visual assets will be used as part of our online portfolio to highlight our expertise in graphic design. The goal is to produce high-quality and visually appealing content that reflects our creativity and showcases the following services: • Logo Design • Brand Identity Creation • Social Media Graphics • Infographics The final deliverables should represent the type of work we do for our clients, though they will be dummy or mock-up projects that don’t represent actual clients but d...

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Rata-rata
    129 penawaran

    Project Title: Seeking Creative and Multilingual CMS-Based Website Development Providers Project Description: We are a digital agency looking for highly creative and reliable outsourcing partners to handle small, standard website projects. These websites will be built using a CMS (e.g., WordPress) and cater to multilingual audiences, primarily targeting Middle Eastern markets. The ideal provider should excel in front-end development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and CMS customization, while ensuring that websites are visually engaging, user-friendly, and culturally adapted for Arabic (RTL) and English (LTR). Project Scope: Typical Website Structure: Our projects typically include the following pages: 1. Home Page: Creative, visually appealing, and engaging. 2. About Us: Highlight...

    $161 Average bid
    $161 Rata-rata
    291 penawaran

    I need a professional linguist with expertise in historical texts to authenticate an ancient Russian letter. The analysis should cover grammar and syntax, vocabulary and terminology, and stylistic elements. I need someone with a good letterhead and credentials and provide a detailed report of your findings. Should be living in Russia

    $114 Average bid
    $114 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    ...seeking experienced business associates, consultants, or vendors with a strong network in the USA healthcare industry. The ideal candidate will help us secure RCM projects from hospitals, clinics, and healthcare organizations. Your Role: Utilize your network and expertise to identify healthcare providers in need of RCM solutions. Connect Abstract Digiops LLC with potential clients requiring RCM outsourcing. Assist in facilitating discussions and partnerships between us and healthcare organizations. Drive revenue by onboarding new RCM projects to our portfolio. Who Should Apply? RCM professionals or consultants with strong relationships in the US healthcare industry. Vendors with proven experience in project acquisition for RCM services. Individuals or companies who understand ...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Rata-rata
    3 penawaran
    Trophy icon Modern Hunting Gear Logo Design
    7 Hari left

    I'm in need of a sleek, modern hunting logo. The design should not be cluttered but still convey the essence of the hunting lifestyle. Ideal Candidates: - Proficient in modern design aesthetics - Prior experience with logo design - Understands the hunting culture Our Brand name is Gooxota,please use brand name to design the logo, you can comb...lifestyle. Ideal Candidates: - Proficient in modern design aesthetics - Prior experience with logo design - Understands the hunting culture Our Brand name is Gooxota,please use brand name to design the logo, you can combine some hunting gear for the brand name. The logo should be simple and easy remember. Gooxota relevant products are hunting gear. Gooxota = Go+Oxota, Oxota means hunting in Russia language. Please propose a suitab...

    $80 Average bid
    1175 entri

    As a Year 12 student working on an animated music...with exaggerated features and a complex, realistic appearance - Design casual clothing for the characters - Ensure the characters are capable of expressing emotional interactions like hugging and holding hands as well as walking The video will depict the characters interacting in various casual settings around a town, such as walking along the beach or having a picnic. Please be aware that outsourcing this part of the project is allowed under NESA guideline, and i will credit any collaborating modeller in my folio and video credits. Please Note: As a student, my budget is limited. I appreciate your understanding. The image below is a reference image for the kind of quality i'm hoping to achieve but i'm also open to l...

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Rata-rata
    65 penawaran

    As a legal outsourcing firm, we're looking to streamline our operations by automating routine tasks. The ideal candidate will be able to assist us in automating the following: - Document Generation: Primarily internal memos. - Client Communication: Mainly through email. - Data Entry: Help us free up our resources by taking over this repetitive task. An understanding of the legal field and experience with automation in a similar context would be advantageous. Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid.

    $308 Average bid
    $308 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    ...linkedin Should have worked on Instantly apps - CRM for marketing mails. Should have worked on US Based organization Should have worked in IT Organization Remote Job InterSources Inc. is seeking an experienced and results-oriented Global Digital Marketing & Brand Strategist with a minimum of 3 - 5 years of experience in digital marketing and branding. As a leader in IT consulting, staffing, and outsourcing services, we need a strategic professional who can position our company as the go-to partner for businesses seeking innovative tech solutions. This role will take ownership of branding, inbound marketing, content creation, and digital campaigns, ensuring that InterSources Inc. is effectively communicating its value across all channels. The successful candidate will be a ...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Rata-rata
    17 penawaran
    Community Manager
    Berakhir left

    ...linkedin Should have worked on Instantly apps - CRM for marketing mails. Should have worked on US Based organization Should have worked in IT Organization Remote Job InterSources Inc. is seeking an experienced and results-oriented Global Digital Marketing & Brand Strategist with a minimum of 3 - 5 years of experience in digital marketing and branding. As a leader in IT consulting, staffing, and outsourcing services, we need a strategic professional who can position our company as the go-to partner for businesses seeking innovative tech solutions. This role will take ownership of branding, inbound marketing, content creation, and digital campaigns, ensuring that InterSources Inc. is effectively communicating its value across all channels. The successful candidate will be a ...

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to help me digitalise a card game for a teambuilding programme. This should be a mobile game, web-based if possible, with a realistic visual style. Key Requirements: - Development of a multiplayer mobile card g...should be a mobile game, web-based if possible, with a realistic visual style. Key Requirements: - Development of a multiplayer mobile card game - Development of a platform for client management, where clients can purchase license, generate link to play the game for their programme - Development of the facilitator dashboard - The proposed server needs to be able to support players from China and Russia Ideal Skills and Experience: - Mobile game development - Experience with realistic game design - Understanding of multiplayer card...

    $7897 Average bid
    $7897 Rata-rata
    54 penawaran

    I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a high-quality, SEO-friendly WordPress website for my outsourcing customer service and back office solutions company, Name - ssistances.com. Key Objectives: - The primary goal of the SEO strategy is to improve search engine rankings, leading to increased visibility and organic traffic. - The target audience for this website is small business owners. Therefore, the site should be tailored to appeal to this demographic, addressing their unique needs and challenges. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating lead generation websites, particularly on WordPress. - Strong SEO expertise, with a track record of improving search engine rankings for previous clients. - Understanding of the needs and challenges faced by sm...

    $97 Average bid
    $97 Rata-rata
    119 penawaran

    We are a recruitment company that can assist with permanent staffing across various industries including Information Technology, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Edtech, and BPO. The geographic focus spans India, Europe, UAE, USA, Australia, Singapore, and Russia. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and recruit suitable permanent staff across the specified industries and regions. - Conduct preliminary assessments and interviews to shortlist candidates. - Provide training services for the recruited personnel. Ideal Candidate Should Have: - Extensive experience in permanent staffing recruitment. - Industry knowledge and connections in IT, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Edtech, and BPO. - Ability to operate and recruit across multiple international geographies. - Skills in providing training ser...

    $83 Average bid
    $83 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    I'm seeking an experienced digital marketer to run a lead generation campaign for my accounting outsourcing firm, specifically targeting accounting businesses in Australia. Key Requirements: - Expertise in both Google Ads and Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Ads - Proven track record in lead generation - Experience in targeting and reaching accounting businesses - Understanding of the accounting outsourcing industry would be advantageous - Excellent analytical skills to measure and optimise ad performance The primary goal of this campaign is to generate leads, and it will focus on both Google and Meta Ads platforms. If you have the skills and experience to help my business grow, I would love to hear from you.

    $195 Average bid
    $195 Rata-rata
    12 penawaran

    Job Title: VPN App Testing in Russia – Comprehensive Performance and Line Testing Plan Description: We are seeking a freelancer based in Russia to thoroughly test our VPN application. The testing will include evaluating connectivity, performance, and competitive benchmarks to ensure a high-quality user experience. The task should be completed within 24 hours. Responsibilities: VPN Line Testing Plan: Use the VPN exclusively within Russia for all testing. Verify IP addresses before and after connecting to the VPN for multiple countries. Download and Upload Speed Test: Objective: Evaluate VPN performance for handling data uploads. Tools: Use Speedtest by Ookla or Fast.com. Run tests before and after connecting to the VPN, comparing results for nearby and distan...

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    I'm seeking a social media expert to manage our LinkedIn and Facebook accounts for my accounting outsourcing firm. The primary objective is to bolster our brand visibility. The ideal candidate will have experience in creating and promoting a variety of content types, including: - Educational content and tips related to accounting and outsourcing - Client testimonials and case studies to build trust and credibility - Company news and updates to keep our audience engaged - Strategic promotions of our services - Increase audience size Your expertise in social media management can help us reach a wider audience and establish our firm as a go-to resource in the accounting outsourcing industry.

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Rata-rata
    17 penawaran

    I'm looking for a professional with experience in appointment setting to help generate sales meetings for my accounting outsourcing business, specifically targeting accounting business owners in the US. Key Responsibilities: - Set up sales meetings with accounting business owners. - Focus on generating new clients for our accounting services. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in appointment setting or sales. - Understanding of the accounting industry is a plus. - Excellent communication and persuasion skills.

    $72 Average bid
    $72 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    I'm seeking a business development professional who can source leads for my HR consulting and compliance services in the finance industry. The specific areas of focus will include: - Labor laws and regulations - Employee benefits and compensation - Manpower outsourcing - Payroll outsourcing - One-time registration - Renewal - Compliance outsourcing - HR audit services to ensure compliance with labor laws. Ideal candidates would have previous experience or relevant contacts and a deep understanding of HR compliance. Strong networking and communication skills are a must, as is the ability to generate quality leads that can convert into business opportunities.

    $76 Average bid
    $76 Rata-rata
    12 penawaran

    We are looking softwares companies information/Database of Dubai/USA location. Which outsourcing project in India in following technologies. .Net, C#, Asp.net, node js, python, Microsoft technologies, QA, testing, Java , React, react native, Golang etc We need information, Website name, contact number, address, mail id

    $78 Average bid
    $78 Rata-rata
    14 penawaran

    ...providing cutting-edge web and mobile app development services, with expertise in: - MERN Stack Development - React Native Development - Generative AI (LLM) Development - Custom E-commerce Solutions - Outsourcing and White-Label Services Our solutions focus on reducing costs, improving quality through stringent processes, and ensuring robust security with NDAs. Responsibilities: Reach out to potential clients in USA (preferably NYC) and UK, promoting our tailored services. Build and nurture client relationships to convert leads into sales. Educate potential clients on the benefits of outsourcing and white-label development with us. What We Offer: Attractive commission for every successful sale. Training and support to understand our services and USPs. The flexibility to...

    $1762 - $2937
    $1762 - $2937
    0 penawaran

    I'm looking for a software developer with expertise in designing, building, and maintaining Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and HR outsourcing software. The ideal candidate should be able to create a scalable, efficient, and user-friendly web-based application that automates HR tasks and streamlines recruitment processes. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a web-based ATS and HR software - Ensure the software automates HR tasks - Include functionalities for ATS and employee mobilization - Maintain and optimize the software for efficiency Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in software development, particularly with ATS and HR software - Strong understanding of HR processes and recruitment strategies - Excellent web-based application development skills - Ability to desi...

    $398 Average bid
    $398 Rata-rata
    21 penawaran

    I'm looking for a software developer with expertise in designing, building, and maintaining Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and HR outsourcing software. The ideal candidate should be able to create a scalable, efficient, and user-friendly web-based application that automates HR tasks and streamlines recruitment processes. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a web-based ATS and HR software - Ensure the software automates HR tasks - Include functionalities for ATS and employee mobilization - Maintain and optimize the software for efficiency Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in software development, particularly with ATS and HR software - Strong understanding of HR processes and recruitment strategies - Excellent web-based application development skills - Ability to desi...

    $331 Average bid
    $331 Rata-rata
    23 penawaran

    I need a proficient web scraper who can extract detailed company information from various sectors in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The sectors include IT and Technology, E-commerce, Fintech, Digital Services, Shared Services and Outsourcing (SSO), and Energy Companies. The specific company details required are: - Contact Information - Company Address - Company Email - C-Suite Level Name - C-Suite Level Contact - C-Suite Level Email - Industry Category/Classification - Company Website URL The extracted data should be delivered in an Excel spreadsheet. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficient in web scraping - Familiarity with data extraction from the specified sectors - Able to deliver data in the specified format - Attention to detail - Good underst...

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Rata-rata
    29 penawaran

    I'm seeking a CPA based in Australia, with a strong background in tax preparation specifically for the KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing) industry. The candidate will assist with a range of tax-related tasks including: - Filing annual returns - Tax planning and strategy - Handling tax disputes Ideal skills and experience for the job would include extensive knowledge of Australian tax laws, experience working within the KPO industry, and a proven track record of successfully handling tax disputes. Strong strategic planning skills and attention to detail are also crucial. Please provide your relevant experience and qualifications in your bid.

    $278 Average bid
    $278 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    As a prominent technical consultancy and outsourcing firm in Romania, TMC România, part of an international group, is seeking a Low and Medium Voltage Design Engineer for one of our B2B clients specializing in photovoltaic park development. This role offers the chance to work in a professional environment on large-scale projects with a focus on sustainability. The chosen engineer will be responsible for: - Designing electrical systems aimed at optimizing the performance and efficiency of photovoltaic parks. - Ensuring all designs comply with safety and regulatory standards. Proficiency in the following software is essential: - AutoCAD: for creating detailed technical drawings and schematics. - PVSyst: for performing system simulations and analyses. The engineer wi...

    $32 / hr Average bid
    $32 / hr Rata-rata
    17 penawaran

    TMC România este o companie de outsourcing È™i consultanță tehnică, parte a unui grup internaÈ›ional cu prezență în 16 țări È™i peste 2,800 de specialiÈ™ti la nivel global. Oferim expertiză în diverse domenii tehnologice, inclusiv inginerie, IT, energie È™i proiectare, având un model de colaborare flexibil È™i adaptat nevoilor clienÈ›ilor noÈ™tri. În prezent, suntem în căutarea unui Inginer Proiectant de Joasă È™i Medie Tensiune pentru unul dintre clienÈ›ii noÈ™tri (B2B), specializat în dezvoltarea parcurilor fotovoltaice. Această oportunitate oferă posibilitatea de a lucra într-un mediu profesional, cu proiecte de amploare È™i focus pe sustenabilitate.

    $32 / hr Average bid
    $32 / hr Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    ...DESIGN and coding abilities. We have some unique ideas that will help sell our services (and bring YOUR COMPANY more business too, as we will be outsourcing ALL website design projects to the winner of this project. We want to only do SEO, social media, and other services ourselves.) You MUST be a design ROCKSTAR! Have the WOW factor in your work! Be a perfectionist. You're not only creating OUR WEBSITE, but showing us that you can create amazing websites for OUR CLIENTS in the future. So, be ready to step it up! When we do website design, we do HIGH END quality work, we expect the same. This is your audition for the role of our outsourcing partner. We will need this build within an ecommerce framework, utilizing the payment gateway (API integration in th...

    $2003 Average bid
    $2003 Rata-rata
    117 penawaran

    Design a mixed-purpose IO PCB in KiCAD. Puropose of this board is for neat integration of hydronic heating system controls. Project is only for hardware design, but would consider outsourcing software at a later date. The hydronic system has the following hardware, all ultimately brolen out from the board 16no 1-Wire sensor connection terminals 16no 24V Thermic manifold actuators -4 mains powered pumps/valves -Solar equipment on RS485. Board design elements 1) Assuming external PSU having 24V and 5V rails, provide polyfuses and power indicators. 2)Generate necessary lower voltage supply rails via linear regulators off 5V Separate polyfuses for each 1-wire device group supply 3)Provide footprint for microcontroller board, routing power, UARTs and i2c buses to it. 4)Provide 1 DS248...

    $646 Average bid
    $646 Rata-rata
    36 penawaran

    I'm looking for a skilled SEO specialist who can craft optimized, engaging, and professional content for my accounting outsourcing business, Vital Outsol. This project involves creating content that appeals to two key audiences: the Australian and USA markets. Key Responsibilities: - Develop SEO-friendly content highlighting our services: bookkeeping, tax preparation, and financial consulting. - Ensure the content has a friendly and approachable tone, while still being professional. - Focus on driving conversion rate. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SEO and content creation. - Understanding of the accounting industry. - Ability to write in a friendly and approachable, yet professional tone.

    $70 Average bid
    $70 Rata-rata
    24 penawaran

    I'm looking for a professional live-action video that introduces my company. The tone of the video should be professional. We are a service based business, helping clients with accounting, bookkeeping, finance outsourcing and digital marketing. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in live-action video production - Ability to convey a professional tone - Experience in corporate video creation - Strong scriptwriting skills for business context - Excellent editing skills to ensure a polished final product - Skillful operation of high-quality cameras and equipment - Ability to create detailed storyboards for the video The desired length of the video should be 1-2 minutes. NEED THIS URGENTLY IN 24 HOURS.

    $43 Average bid
    $43 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    I require an essay focusing on International relations theories, specifically Offensive Realism, Constructivism, and liberal institutionalism. The primary aim of this essay is to apply these theories to real-world scenarios, with a particular emphasis on the current situation regarding Russia supplying North Korea with weapons in violation of UN sanctions. Simple 12th grade reading level and wording. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Strong understanding of International Relations theories. - Excellent essay writing skills. - Experience in applying theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios. - Ability to analyze complex geopolitical issues.

    $93 Average bid
    $93 Rata-rata
    103 penawaran