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    2,000 looking senuke professional pekerjaan ditemukan

    I am a creative writer specializing in novel writing, offering my services to bring your story ideas to life. With a passion for storytelling and a flair for crafting compelling narratives, I am the ideal candidate to help you write your novel. My service includes: - Development of plot and cha...story and language - Ensuring the novel's tone and style are consistent throughout I have a keen eye for detail, excellent command of language, and the creative intuition needed to develop unique and memorable stories. Whether you need a ghostwriter to translate your ideas into a full-fledged novel or a collaborative partner to help you flesh out your existing work, I am here to assist. I am looking forward to turning your concept into an engaging and well-crafted novel that resonate...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Rata-rata
    19 penawaran

    Saya sedang mencari beberapa orang untuk mengerjakan project SEO & Google Ads untuk website judol. Job Desc nya sebagai berikut : - Membantu hunting Aged Domain untuk kita naikan dengan hard keyword di sekitar niche judol. - Membantu mengerjakan dan maintain Google Ads dengan keyword seputar judol. Apabila ada yang merasa mampu dan sanggup mengerjakan silahkan submit ketertarikan anda dan kita bisa bicarakan mengenai besarnya fee dan kesepakatan kerja kita..

    $791 Average bid
    $791 Rata-rata
    18 penawaran

    The actor will be available one day some time next week to film in central London. Let me know your hourly rate -- we have budget.

    $24 - $297
    $24 - $297
    0 penawaran

    Bagi kalian yang memiliki keahlian menulis dan ingin mendapatkan job freelance, silahkan lihat penawaran ini ya. Kriteria : 1. Tau tentang SEO Writing 2. Memiliki minat dan pengetahuan menulis Ketentuan : 1. Pekerjaan ini dilakukan secara online dan tidak dibatasi jam kerja 2. Dapat menulis artikel sebanyak 1000+ kata per artikel 3. Mampu menggunakan SEO Tools 4. Tema yang diusung terkait pendidikan dan pekerjaan 5. Dilarang untuk melakukan plagiarism 6. Artikel yang dibutuhkan sebanyak 30 Artikel Indonesian Bidder Only

    $143 Average bid
    $143 Rata-rata
    37 penawaran

    Nama saya Gazan, founder dari Zanana Chips Zanana Chips adalah brand/merek terpopuler dalam kategori keripik pisang kekinian di Indonesia, pertama kali dipasarkan pada tahun 2013, hingga kini sudah dinikmati oleh konsumen yang tersebar di Indonesia, Singapura, Malaysia, China, Hongkong, Brunei, Korea. Walaupun produk kami sudah dicoba jutaan konsumen, namun ketersediaannya belum merata di pasar (toko-toko). Produk kami sampai saat ini masih tergolong sulit ditemukan. Atas dasar hal tersebut, kami memerlukan partner distribusi yang punya value dan semangat yang sama untuk membahagiakan konsumen, membuka lapangan pekerjaan, meningkatkan taraf hidup karyawan, melalui kegiatan distribusi/penjualan produk Zanana Chips. Kami akan melakukan ekspansi dan bekerjasama dengan distributor...

    $170 Average bid
    $170 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    halo, kami sedang mencari freelancer untuk menulis news articles & additional tasks. Mengetahui berita2 terbaru, hangat, trending Paham berbahasa Indonesia & English Mampu kirim update sesuai tenggat waktu

    $115 Average bid
    $115 Rata-rata
    76 penawaran

    Membatu Anda dalam penyusunan laporan Pajak baik Badan (Perusahaan) maupun Orang Pribadi sesuai dengan ketentuan dan peraturan pajak Indonesia. Meliputi : Masa SPT PPh21, PPh23, PPh4(2), PPh15, SPT Tahunan Badan / Orang Pribadi, PB1 untuk Restoran dan masalah pajak lainnya..

    $124 Average bid
    $124 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    Saya membutuhkan penulis konten profesional untuk konten blog: 1. Mampu membuat artikel bahasa Indonesia dengan baik 2. Pernah/berpengalaman membuat artikel untuk blog 3. Topik/tema artikel general, pendidikan, sejarah, travel, tekno dst 4. Siap membuat artikel sesuai requirement dr saya 5. Jumlah kata sekitar 1500-3000 kata untuk 1 artikel. Yang berminat dan memiliki skill silahkan kirim cv lengkap, sertakan karya yg pernah dibuat.

    $127 Average bid
    $127 Rata-rata
    24 penawaran

    Hallo, Saya sedang membutuhkan seorang penulis Indonesia yang berpengalaman dan profesional di bidang khusus kesehatan ibu dan anak. Terutama kesehatan buat ibu yang hamil dan perkembangan bayi sejak lahir dan anak dibawah 5 tahun. Penulis yang berpengalaman menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia yang tepat dan benar dalam penggunaan tata struktur bahasa Indonesia yang benar. Dan juga mampu menulis minimum 30 artikel dalam sebulan. Tidak boleh copy paste dari internet atau majalah lainnya. (plagiat free 100%) Kalau bisa mendapatkan informasi buat menulis dari seorang dokter atau bidan atau orang yang berprofessi dibidangnya dan jika bisa dicantumkan namanya. Jika anda seorang penulis yang berpengalaman dan serius ingin bekerja dengan saya, saya akan memberikan gaji per bulan tergantung dari pen...

    $119 Average bid
    $119 Rata-rata
    28 penawaran

    Kami sebuah brand fashion lokal yang sedang mencari penerjemah bahasa Jepang. Dengan ruang lingkup pekerjaan: 1. Melakukan translate dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Jepang. 2. File akan dikirimkan dalam bentuk word atau referensi bisa diberikan melalui website terkait 3. Terdapat dua projek yang akan di-translate 4. Fee akan dihitung per kata

    $2522 Average bid
    $2522 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    Membuat video mengenai company profile perusahaan Zimmer Rattan, mulai dari proses shooting video hingga editing. Durasi 90 detik.

    $134 Average bid
    $134 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    Membuat video mengenai company profile perusahaan Zimmer Rattan, mulai dari proses shooting video hingga editing. Durasi 90 detik.

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Kami sebuah brand fashion lokal yang sedang mencari penerjemah bahasa Jepang. Dengan ruang lingkup pekerjaan: 1. Melakukan translate dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Jepang. 2. File akan dikirimkan dalam bentuk word atau referensi bisa diberikan melalui website terkait 3. Terdapat dua projek yang akan di-translate 4. Fee akan dihitung per kata

    $87 Average bid
    $87 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    Saya ingin membuat sebuah editing video tentang parade tari daerah yang ada di seluruh indonesia dan mejadikan sebuah video tersebut gabungan antara dari berbagai budaya dan ciri khas masing-masing daerah.

    $2833 Average bid
    $2833 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    Membuat video mengenai company profile perusahaan Zimmer Rattan, mulai dari proses shooting video hingga editing. Durasi 90 detik.

    $132 Average bid
    $132 Rata-rata
    14 penawaran
    $138 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    [INDONESIA RESIDENTS ONLY!] Halo, Saya membutuhkan lebih banyak freelancer [Penulis Review yang Berpengalaman] untuk sebuah website perbandingan harga di Indonesia. You will be providing attractive product description of the topics given. Saat kamu melakukan penawaran, dimohon untuk menjelaskan pengalaman menulis deksripsi/review Anda dan diawali dengan, "Sa...merasa tingkat kontras 50000:1 yang dimiliki oleh harga Forsa 17 in. LS-1701 murah ini tak membuatmu puas. Maka kamu bisa menjadikan response time dari harga Forsa 17 in. LS-1701 murah yang sudah mencapai 5 ms menjadi pertimbangan untukmu, agar nantinya saat kamu mengaplikasikan harga Forsa 17 in. LS-1701 yang kamu bayarkan ini sebagai monitor game tak mengecewakanmu. ==================== Looking forward to wo...

    $54 Average bid
    $54 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    Halo, Saya membutuhkan lebih banyak freelancer [Penulis Review yang Berpengalaman] untuk sebuah website perbandingan harga di Indonesia. You will be providing attractive product description of the topics given. Saat kamu melakukan penawaran, dimohon untuk menjelaskan pengalaman menulis deksripsi/review Anda dan diawali dengan, "Saya telah membaca petunjuk dan d...merasa tingkat kontras 50000:1 yang dimiliki oleh harga Forsa 17 in. LS-1701 murah ini tak membuatmu puas. Maka kamu bisa menjadikan response time dari harga Forsa 17 in. LS-1701 murah yang sudah mencapai 5 ms menjadi pertimbangan untukmu, agar nantinya saat kamu mengaplikasikan harga Forsa 17 in. LS-1701 yang kamu bayarkan ini sebagai monitor game tak mengecewakanmu. ==================== Looking forward to wo...

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    I am having a base of expertise in the field of informatics, i wants to increase capacity and become a powerful programmer.

    $549 Average bid
    $549 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Kami adalah perusahaan real estate online internasional berbasis di Singapura. Sebagai salah satu portal real estate yang berkembang paling pesat di Asia, kami terus berusaha untuk mengembangkan tim kami. Kami sedang mencari freelance photographer yang berdomisili di Jakarta atau sekitarnya untuk mengambil foto beberapa daerah di Jakarta untuk di publish di blog perusahaan kami yang kami targetkan akan mencapai ratusan ribu pembaca setiap harinya. Foto akan di credit dan profil anda akan kami tampilkan di blog. Kriteria Fotografer: * Pria / Wanita. * Berdomisili di Jakarta. * Menguasai teknik basic fotografi dan basic lighting. * Memiliki kamera DSLR * Dapat bekerja dengan *deadline* **yang ketat * Dapat bekerja dengan orang lain Job Description: * Memoto daerah-daerah di...

    $111 Average bid
    $111 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    Kami adalah perusahaan real estate online internasional berbasis di Singapura. Sebagai salah satu portal real estate yang berkembang paling pesat di Asia, kami terus berusaha untuk mengembangkan tim kami. Kami sedang mencari freelance penulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia untuk menulis artikel-artikel tentang kehidupan di Jakarta dan properti. Kriteria Penulis: * Pria / Wanita. * Menguasai teknik basic fotografi dan basic lighting. * Dapat bekerja dengan *deadline* **yang ketat * Dapat bekerja dengan orang lain Job Description: * Penulisan artikel 400-500 untuk website / blog properti * Deadline rata-rata 5 hari - 1 minggu Pembayaran akan dilakukan per artikel setelah artikel di publikasi. Budget bisa di negosiasi apabila kualitas artikel bisa dipercayai. Untuk informasi da...

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran
    Berakhir left

    Translate english into bahasa indonesia Translate bahasa indonesia into english Translate mandarin into english Translate english into mandarin Translate mandarin into bahasa indonesia Translate bahasa indonesia into mandarin

    $88 Average bid
    $88 Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    membuat desain/ logo yang semenarik mungkin untuk seorang dj seperti :logo2 diskjockey terkenal semakin kreatif logonya bayarannya semakin tinggi, kembangkan tulisan ini: "S4LVOLSKY" anda bisa melihat logo2 disk jockey terbaik di google silahkan cari

    $86 Average bid
    $86 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    Looking Opencart Expert for Install Opencart Template

    $116 Average bid
    $116 Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    Looking Opencart Expert for Install Opencart Template

    $156 Average bid
    $156 Rata-rata
    13 penawaran

    penjualan website dengan spesifikasi space 20GB bandwith 200GB harga tergantung pembeli komisi dan rincian harga bisa anda lihat di attachment

    $61 Average bid
    $61 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    I am looking for hard working staff who can work in 8 hours a shift from home daily, must have own computer and provide training .basic salary will be 150$ ,later will increase after checking hard working and learning experience required. If the amount seems low to you then do not apply ,i will not negotiate it.

    $151 Average bid
    $151 Rata-rata
    52 penawaran

    I am in need of an expert to verify the ownership of my land in Rawalpindi. Key Responsibilities: - Verify the ownership of the land based on the provided documents (Sale deed, Land registry) - Provide a comprehensive report of the findings Ideal Skills: - Familiarity with land verification processes in Pakistan, particularly Rawalpindi - Experience in dealing with land records - Strong attention to detail - Excellent report writing skills Documents Available for Verification: - Sale deed - Land registry Please note this is an urgent hiring, I would appreciate a quick turnaround.

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    Find someone who can sell the currently developed software within the three countries below. (UK, Germany, Canada etc..) The products sold are casino data analysis programs. Please participate only those who are confident.

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    I'm looking for a skilled photo editor with a sharp eye for detail. The tasks will involve: - Image Retouching: Enhancing the overall quality of the images, making them more visually appealing. - Skin Smoothing: Providing a polished look to portraits. - Object Removal: Cleaning up images by eliminating unwanted elements. - Enhancing Details: Making specific aspects of the images stand out. I have some ideas about the style I want, but I don't have specific reference images. Therefore, I would appreciate a professional who can help guide me towards the best approach. Please, only apply if you have significant experience in photo editing and can provide examples of your previous work.

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Rata-rata
    22 penawaran

    I'm looking for a skilled designer to create 3 eBooks for my coaching brand. The content is already prewritten, so your main task will be to transform the text into visually appealing, professional-style eBooks that align with my brand. Key Requirements: - Design 3 eBooks based on prewritten content - Adhere to provided brand guideline document - Deliver final product in PDF format Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Familiarity with eBook formatting - Ability to interpret and implement brand guidelines If you have a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating professional, visually appealing eBooks, I'd love to hear from you.

    $236 Average bid
    $236 Rata-rata
    150 penawaran

    I'm launching a small business and seek a professional vintage-style logo that communicates my brand's identity effectively. Key Requirements: - Design a vintage logo with a modern touch - Incorporate relevant business-related icons or symbols - Ensure the design is clean, professional, and suitable for a variety of mediums (digital, print, etc.) Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Strong understanding of vintage design elements - Experience in logo design, particularly with business-related imagery - Creative problem-solving skills to conceptualize unique, fitting symbols Please include a portfolio of similar past projects. Thank you!

    $42 Average bid
    $42 Rata-rata
    64 penawaran

    Requirements: For PC or Smartphone tutorials (examples provided below): PC: @knowledgebase7115/videos Smartphone: Strong English skills with a clear accent. Consistency: Minimum of 5 videos/day (Monday-Friday). Simple, low-quality recordings (minimal editing required). Reliable com...Strong English skills with a clear accent. Consistency: Minimum of 5 videos/day (Monday-Friday). Simple, low-quality recordings (minimal editing required). Reliable communication and ability to meet deadlines. Offer: 35 videos per week $1 per video Topics and reference videos provided. You’ll create your own version. Please only message if you: Agree to the price. Have sample work to share. Looking forward to working with reliable creators!

    $1750 Average bid
    $1750 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    I'm seeking a professional and formal talking head video producer, with a special focus on attracting new subscribers to my channel. The goal is to leverage these videos to increase my viewer base, so engaging content is crucial. Key Requirements: - Experience in producing professional and formal talking head videos - Ability to incorporate B-roll footage seamlessly - Understanding of subscriber growth strategies Ideal Skills: - Video production and editing - Content strategizing - Understanding of YouTube's algorithm and engagement metrics Please include samples of your previous work, specifically any that aligns with a professional and formal style.

    $951 Average bid
    $951 Rata-rata
    89 penawaran

    I'm seeking a business partner to help me pitch my website design services to potential clients. Your primary responsibility will be client outreach and service promotion. Ideal candidates should possess: - Excellent communication skills - Experience in client pitching - Understanding of website design services - Marketing acumen The primary focus will be promoting our services to businesses in need of website design. Experience in the marketing field is a plus. Skills and experience that would be beneficial: - Knowledge of e-commerce and portfolio website design - Familiarity with creating informational business websites - Experience with service promotion in the digital space. Let's connect and grow our business together.

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Rata-rata
    12 penawaran

    I am looking for a voice-over artist with a professional and formal tone for my company profile. The voice-over should appeal to potential clients, so it needs to convey trustworthiness and competence. Ideal skills and experience: - Previous experience in corporate voice-overs - Ability to deliver a clear, engaging and high-quality recording - Native or near-native proficiency in English

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Rata-rata
    18 penawaran
    Looking for a SEO Expert
    6 Hari left

    Looking for a Freelance SEO Expert We are seeking an experienced and results-driven Freelance SEO Expert to help optimize our website, improve organic search rankings, and drive targeted traffic. If you’re passionate about SEO, up-to-date with the latest trends, and capable of delivering measurable results, we’d love to collaborate with you! What We Need Expertise in on-page and off-page SEO strategies. Ability to perform in-depth keyword research and competitor analysis. Experience in optimizing website structure, content, and meta tags. Proficiency with SEO tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Ahrefs, or SEMrush. Knowledge of the latest search engine algorithms and ranking factors. A proven track record of driving organic growth and improving search ra...

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Rata-rata
    81 penawaran

    Hi I will share the details with the shortlisted candidates. Thanks

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr Rata-rata
    100 penawaran

    I'm seeking a tax professional to review the tax filing of my family member who is self-employed in India. She has done a significant amount of the work herself, but I need an expert to provide a professional opinion and make necessary modifications based on the advice given. Key Areas for Review: - Deductions and Exemptions: Assessing what has been claimed and ensuring nothing is overlooked. - Income Reporting: Verifying the accuracy and completeness of reported income. - Tax Credits: Evaluating the eligibility for and application of tax credits. Ideal candidate should be: - A certified tax professional with experience in Indian tax regulations. - Familiar with self-employed tax filing. - Able to provide clear, concise, and actionable feedback. It is quite str...

    $29 / hr Average bid
    $29 / hr Rata-rata
    20 penawaran

    As a growing construction company, we are seeking a skilled web developer to create a modern, sleek, and professional website that will help us attract new clients, particularly in the commercial sector. Key Requirements: - The website should be inspired by , mirroring its structure but with our unique branding and services. - It should showcase our basic services without limiting our vast capabilities. - Key sections of the website include: Home, About Us, Services, and Contact Us. - The overall design should be modern and sleek, appealing to contemporary aesthetics. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in designing and developing professional construction websites. - Exceptional understanding of modern, sleek design principles. - Ability to create a flexible

    $159 Average bid
    $159 Rata-rata
    266 penawaran

    I'm seeking a freelance sales professional dedicated to promoting and onboarding retail shops, local businesses, and service providers to my platform, Voythia, which operates exclusively in France. Your key responsibilities will involve reaching out to companies via phone calls, elucidating the advantages of joining our platform, and facilitating their onboarding process. Key Responsibilities: - Engaging retail shops, local businesses, and service providers and convincing them to join Voythia - Utilising phone calls as the primary method of communication - Highlighting the key benefits of our platform: increased customer reach, cost savings, and enhanced marketing opportunities Compensation: - Earn €20 per company that remains active post a 7-day trial - Additional mo...

    $1945 Average bid
    $1945 Rata-rata
    15 penawaran

    Autodmer is Seychelles' first dedicated second-hand vehicle platform, born from the challenges many face when buying and selling cars. The idea began in 2019 with a simple WhatsApp group and has grown into a trusted community of over 400 members. Autodmer is built on the principles of transparency, trust, and security, ensuring buyers and sellers have a reliable space for their transactions. For now, we have an active WhatsApp group and an inactive Instagram account. I want to revive the instagram account through the use of high quality content

    $33 Average bid
    $33 Rata-rata
    22 penawaran

    I offer professional graphic design services to support the development and success of your business. An attractive and professional design can be a key element in strengthening your brand image, enhancing visual appeal, and differentiating your products or services from competitors. Services We Offer: Logo Design Flyer and Brochure Design Poster and Banner Design Billboard Design Why Choose Us? Customized Designs: We collaborate with you to create designs that align with your brand identity and the specific needs of your business. Creativity and Professionalism: Our designs combine creativity with practical solutions, ensuring a final product that is both visually appealing and functional. Experience and Expertise: With experience in various design projects, we have the ca...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Rata-rata
    113 penawaran

    I'm seeking a designer to create a modern, professional logo for my website. The unique aspect of this logo will be its incorporation of a QR code into the design and structure of the logo itself. Key requirements: - A minimalist yet appealing design that aligns with a professional vibe. - Utilization of a blue and white color scheme to reflect my brand identity. - An understanding of how to effectively integrate a QR code into a logo without compromising aesthetic appeal. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in graphic design and specifically logo creation. - A strong portfolio showcasing modern, minimalist and professional designs. - Expertise in QR code integration into design. - Excellent understanding of color theory and application, particular...

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Rata-rata
    37 penawaran

    I'm seeking an expert to build a compelling LinkedIn profile for me, tailored specifically for job opportunities in the healthcare industry. The main goal o...industry. The main goal of this project is to enhance my visibility and attractiveness to potential employers, significantly improving my prospects in the job market. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in LinkedIn profile optimisation - Deep understanding of the healthcare industry - Skills in personal branding and networking strategies - Ability to articulate professional experience and skills effectively A strong LinkedIn profile can significantly improve job prospects and networking opportunities. The successful freelancer will understand this and be able to deliver a profile that mee...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    I'm looking for a designer to create a product brochure for an automatic cash machine aimed at B2B. The brochure should be professional and have a sober style, reflecting trust and reliability. In the brochure, we need to include: - Machine specifications - A small logo of Paypro using tones of black/gray or black/blue Please provide an example of the template you plan to use in your proposal.

    $100 Average bid
    80 entri

    Hi there, I’m looking for someone to help me annotate construction plans. The task involves identifying specific elements called "modules" on the plans and marking them accurately using an annotation tool like LabelImg or similar. I’ll provide: The plans (images or PDFs) A simple explanation of what a "module" is and how to identify them. If you’ve worked with annotation tools before or you’re detail-oriented, this job is for you! ?

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    55 penawaran

    I'm seeking an expert to develop a marketing reel aimed at industry professionals. The project involves a voice-over with a formal and professional tone, coupled with relevant images. Key Requirements: - Experience in creating marketing reels - Ability to source or create appropriate images - Professional voice-over capabilities or access to a professional voice-over artist - Understanding of industry standards and expectations Payment: $2 for each reel.

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    34 penawaran