List proxy web 2009Pekerjaan
Butuh Yang Bisa Buat Konfigurasi Proxy Untuk HLS / M3U8 Untuk Mengatasi Rate Limit Dari Server Origin 1. Mengatasi Rate Limit 2. Implementasi Caching Untuk Penghematan Bandwith 3. Implementasi Referer Untuk Melindungi HLS
saya ingin mengubah script php pada tiap api di ubah menggunakan bahasa nodejs lalu dengan penerimaan sql id contoh {id},script saya juga menggunakan proxy,dan saya juga butuh mengambil tiap request pada api dan juga berikan comment setiap fungsi agar saya bisa mengerti untuk update di masa yang akan datang
Disini saya membutuhkan software penambah view untuk live stream facebook. Adjustable : - Jumlah Views - Kapan harus memulai kapan harus berhenti - bisa menggunakan proxy
- Need untuk revamp tampilan website lama - Fungsi hanya menampilkan list product sesuai kategori
Anda akan melakukan membantu mencari dan menggali data dari internet secara legal sebagai proses dari list building strategi pemasaran kami.
Ingin membuat link ip, domain ip, link proxy, link apache, saya bisa membuatkan atau mengjarkan anda, untuk lebih jelas wa 0 delpan 5 sembilan 5 sembilan 8 sembilan 0 delapan 8 sembilan
Saya membutuhkan plugin AGC untuk wordpressengan kriteria : 1. Salin manga dari banyak web manga berbahasa indonesia (AGC, Update / Cron job juga untuk cek manga sehari sekali) 2. Data simpan di bloger (gambar / database) 3. mendukung mode Otomatis (semua manga) dan Manual (manga tunggal) 4. Pengaturan proxy untuk melewati anti-crawler Itu saja, atau lebih simpelnya buatkan plugin agc seperti pluginya Mangaboot untuk theme madara ( )
Dicari Sales untuk menjual produk sambal dan frozen food di area jawa, kalimantan, sumatera, dan sulawesi kami perusahaan yang sudah berpengalaman memproduksi produk makanan sejak 2009 ingin meluaskan area pemasaran kami, yang berpusat di area jawa timur dan jawa barat.
Saya ada kebutuhan untuk dibuatkan aplikasi android dan cetak struk ke printer blutooth. Aplikasi yang sederhana dimana didalamnya kita inputkan nomor rekening,nama rekening tujuan, nominal transfer dsn kemudian simpan dan masuk ke dalam list transaksi. Saat simpan transaksi tersebut langsung proses print ke thermal printer. Dalam modul list transaksi td kita juga bisa update status pending menjadi sukses jika proses tsb sudah digunakan. Modul yang diinginkan adalah sbb App android - cordova html js only 1. Login 2. Dashbord 3. Modul transaksi (list dan input transaksi) Php 1. Login 2. Dashbord 3. Modul user 4. Modul transaksi
Dibutuhkan jasa klik link sebanyak 5.000 klik pada link https://bit#ly/36q6KPE (ubah tanda #dengan titik.) ketentuan. no robot, harus real manusia proxy unik di persilahkan bid
Dibutuhkan trainer dan partner diskusi utk membantu setting software Auto Traffic yg aman dr aturan algoritma google. Termasuk bgmn menggunakan proxy server utk pengoptimalan software tsb bs bekerja yg terkait dgn Google Analytic. Software tsb sy gunakan utk kepentingan sendiri, bukan utk membuka jasa klik organik dsb. Diutamakan pertemuan scr tatap muka di daerah jaksel-jaktim-depok.
Penulisan konten Sudah mulai menulis dan membuat konten tulisan dan video olahraga di bidang Sepakbola di dalam dan luar negeri sejak tahun 2009 lewat sosial media. Dengan sangat popularnya olahraga ini di Indonesia tentu keinginan pembaca dan penonton tentang berita terkini dan akurat menjadi peluang bisnis yang terbuka lebar.
Saya memerlukan aplikasi php/ci pembuat akun Instagram massal, sepenuhnya otomatis membuat akun instagram hingga 1.000 akun + update gambar profile update bio dan beberapa foto postingan dan file image di ambil dari folder yang sudah kita upload dan support spintext untuk caption jika bisa akun langsung t...agar akun tidak di chalenge sebab jika dalam 24 jam tidak verifikasi akun akan langsung di arahkan ke link dan tidak bisa di akses lagi 1. Dapat membuat akun instagram dengan benar dan menyimpannya dalam file .txt dan sql 2. bisa di install di xampp atau di vps sehingga bisa di jalankan otomatis jalan 24 jam creat akun dengan cronjob 3. Harus memiliki dukungan proxy! Jika Anda yakin dapat membuat skrip seperti ini, silakan hubungi saya di freelancer!
mengumpulkan database Nama Perusahaan | Email | Phone email harus valid dari website listing kami url kami yang provide harga fix 220.000 per 1,000 email
membuat sebuah browser mini, dengan kemampuan bisa browsing supercepat dan hemat data seperti UC browser dan bisa terkoneksi dengan proxy di menu barnya,
Saya membutuhkan 4 artikel berbentuk list (listticle) yang berisi 5 point. Artikel ini bertemakan horror dan judulnya ditentukan oleh saya. Tiap listticle berisi 700 kata dan judul listicle ditentukan oleh saya. Tulisan haruslah original, detail, padat informasi, dan menyertakan sumber atau inspirasi.
Memindahkan data laporan keuangan Bank secara kuartalan ke dalam excel dari tahun 2009 s/d 2015
Memindahkan data laporan keuangan Bank secara kuartalan ke dalam excel dari tahun 2009 s/d 2015
Memindahkan data laporan keuangan Bank secara kuartalan ke dalam excel dari tahun 2009 s/d 2015
Slm kenal, sy Orpa Happy dari Desagoe Maluku Clothing Nih saya kirimkan Materi design berikut style refrensinya, Dikerjain aja yg kira@ mungkin :) THX NB: Brand: Desagoe (since 2009) Konsep: Ethnic Modern (Based On Adat) Style (penggarapan materinya) lebih ke surfing style (Volcom, Ripcurl, Billabong etc) Karena Marketnya adalah untuk pasar di Maluku maka ada beberapa "key statement" yg hrs diperhatikan: Maluku Established 1950 Maluku "The Land Of The Kings" Maluku "Famous Since 15th century" Ambon Established 1575 Ambon Manise Ambon "The Queen Of the East" Ambon "The City of Music"
Slm kenal, sy Orpa Happy dari Desagoe Maluku Clothing Nih saya kirimkan Materi design berikut style refrensinya, Dikerjain aja yg kira@ mungkin :) THX NB: Brand: Desagoe (since 2009) Konsep: Ethnic Modern (Based On Adat) Style (penggarapan materinya) lebih ke surfing style (Volcom, Ripcurl, Billabong etc) Karena Marketnya adalah untuk pasar di Maluku maka ada beberapa "key statement" yg hrs diperhatikan: Maluku Established 1950 Maluku "The Land Of The Kings" Maluku "Famous Since 15th century" Ambon Established 1575 Ambon Manise Ambon "The Queen Of the East" Ambon "The City of Music" Output Desain bisa Typhograpy, Ilustrasi etc yg ptg All About Maluku_Ambon
Slm kenal, sy Orpa Happy dari Desagoe Maluku Clothing Nih saya kirimkan Materi design berikut style refrensinya, Dikerjain aja yg kira@ mungkin :) THX NB: Brand: Desagoe (since 2009) Konsep: Ethnic Modern (Based On Adat) Style (penggarapan materinya) lebih ke surfing style (Volcom, Ripcurl, Billabong etc) Karena Marketnya adalah untuk pasar di Maluku maka ada beberapa "key statement" yg hrs diperhatikan: Maluku Established 1950 Maluku "The Land Of The Kings" Maluku "Famous Since 15th century" Ambon Established 1575 Ambon Manise Ambon "The Queen Of the East" Ambon "The City of Music" Output Desain bisa Typhograpy, Ilustrasi etc yg ptg All About Maluku_Ambon
DAPATKAN UANG DENGAN UBER Uber adalah aplikasi smartphone yang secara cepat menghubungkan driver dengan orang-orang yang memerlukan tumpangan. Didirikan pada 2009, Uber sekarang membantu puluhan ribu orang di seluruh dunia untuk memperoleh penghasilan sebagai driver. Uber memberi Anda kuasa untuk mengelola jadwal Anda sendiri. Jika Anda sedang dapat menawarkan tumpangan, meluncur saja ke jalan dan mulai terima panggilan. Ketika Anda sedang tidak dapat bekerja, offline saja hingga Anda siap untuk menyetir lagi. Dengan bergabung dengan Uber anda akan mendapatkan penghasilan yang pasti, menyenangkan, aman, fleksibel, dan tidak terikat. Untuk menjadi driver Uber anda harus memenuhi syarat yang di perlukan seperti : - SKU (Surat Keterangan Usaha) - NPWP - Asuransi ALL RISK ...
Saya butuh sekitar 2,000 - 3,000 private anonymous proxy yang berlokasi di Indonesia.. untuk keperluan social media. VirginProxy Proxy akan di sewa min 3 bulan atau lebih jika memuaskan
Saya butuh sekitar 2,000 - 3,000 private anonymous proxy yang berlokasi di Indonesia.. untuk keperluan social media. VirginProxy Proxy akan di sewa min 3 bulan atau lebih jika memuaskan
Need 1000 Facebook US, UK, Australia, Canada Group List (Urgent). Need 1000 Facebook US, UK, Australia, Canada Group List (Urgent). Need 1000 Facebook US, UK, Australia, Canada Group List (Urgent). Need 1000 Facebook US, UK, Australia, Canada Group List (Urgent). Let's BID...
Build a Public Relations Email List of writers of very well known publications like Forbes, CNN, Techcrunch, Mashable, Business Insider, etc. ALL major publications in the US. We need 100 reporters in the specific field of Immigration issues on the United State of America, USA, only. All reporters need to be different from each other publication, meaning you cannot pull more than 2 reporters of the same Publication/Organization. Create an excel file with the following fields and populate those based on the research you'll be doing. All fields are a must except linkedin if not found. Publication Name Reporter Name Email Twitter Linked In profile Link of Article If this guidelines are not followed we will reject the work.
Disini kita dapat membelajari Profesi yang dapat ditekuni oleh lulusan IT antara lain : System Development (Project Manager, System Analyst, System Administrator, System Programmer, Applications Progammer) Database Specialist (Database Designer, Database Programmer, Database Administrator) Network Specialist (Network Designer, Network Administrator) Web Specialist (Web Designer, Web Programmer, Web Administrator) Scientist (Lecturer / Trainer, Researcher) IT Consultant Management (Chief Information Officer) Peminatan di IT BiNus sendiri ada 7, yaitu : Software Engineering Networking Applied Networking (CISCO) Database Applied Database (Oracle) Intelligence System Interactive Multimed...
Menerima pembuatan desain segala jenis logo. Dengan harga yang terjangkau, kualitas tinggi. Tidak perlu khawatir soal nilai esensi dan nilai jual logo. Logo berupa 2D/3D logo dan efek yang menghidupkan logo. Software : Illustrator, Photoshop, CorelDraw, AutoCAD, 3DMax, PaintPro. Riwayat desain saya : 1. Menjadi pemenang Kontes Desain Graphic Tingkat Provinsi Jawa Tenggah Tahun 2009. 2. Menjadi desainer Event lepas untuk beberapa Sekolah Tinggi dan Universitas di wilayah Jawa dan Sumatera.
Menghilangkan dropdown list kota ketika checkout dengan keadaan troli terisi barang dan belum login pada mode 1 page checkout. Silakan dicoba cek ke 1. kondisi belum punya akun. 2. masukkan produk ke troli/shopping cart 3. checkout 4. akan muncul form membuat akun, akan muncul dropdown list pemilihan kota. <== ini yg harus dihilangkan karena pada saat register user (langsung register dulu bukan checkout) dropdown list pemilihan kota ini tidak ada. Silakan lihat di attachment. Jika Anda langsung register user (bukan checkout) maka dropdown list pilih "kota" ini tidak ada, yang ada hanya pemilihan "kecamatan atau kota" (auto complete) web menggunakan modul shipping JNE auto complete. Untuk mengerjakan project ini aka...
Build a Public Relations Email List of writers of very well known publications like Forbes, CNN, Techcrunch, Mashable, Business Insider, etc. ALL major publications in the US. We need 100 reporters in the specific field of Immigration issues on the United State of America, USA, only. All reporters need to be different from each other publication, meaning you cannot pull more than 2 reporters of the same Publication/Organization. Create an excel file with the following fields and populate those based on the research you'll be doing. All fields are a must except linkedin if not found. Publication Name Reporter Name Email Twitter Linked In profile Link of Article If this guidelines are not followed we will reject the work.
...image to incorporate a connection through a static residential proxy. The Docker image in question is designed to simplify the deployment of Grass () and can be found at this link: Key Requirements: - Implement connection through a static residential proxy provided by proxyscrape. - Each cloned Docker image must set up with individual proxy account credentials. Deliverables: - A step-by-step tutorial to deploy the Docker image using Portainer. - The modification of the Docker image to facilitate easy scaling of mining Grass by duplicating and deploying the Docker image. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Docker and Linux server deployment. - Experience with proxy services and implementing them in Docker images. - Ability to
I'm seeking assistance from an experienced backend developer, specifically well-versed in Node.js, to help me proxy for interviews. Ideal person should have knowledge Programming Languages: Node.js, Python Cloud Platforms: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure Message Queues: Kafka, RabbitMQ Databases: MongoDB, Redis Frameworks & Tools: , Kubenetes, Grafana, Postman Version Control: Git Monitoring & Automation: Grafana, cloud infrastructure monitoring
...un api .NET Core. Keycloak: - Debe tener creado un realm llamado Prueba - Debe tener un cliente creado para Front y otro para back - Debe tener creado un usuario para el logeo del Front - Debe tener un usuario creado para el logeo del Back (API) .NET Core App (Front): - Simple hola mundo que muestra información de el api (días de la semana) y del usuario logeado Traefik: - Usar como reverse proxy - Usar dominios para los servicios de keycloak y el webapp - Usar entrypoint para websecure y rule para Front y Back - El api debe ser accedida desde fuera o sea ser publica pero también debe poder ser consumida internamente por la .NET Core App Api: - Debe mostrar los días de la semana - Usar base de datos en memoria para almacenar los días de la s...
Hi I have EC2 at AWS Frankfurt. This EC2 has both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. I am using socat app to proxy incoming IPv6 TCP 9080 traffic to IPv4 to external IP Address (It is also AWS IP Address) Latency is important for my case and socat app loose 1-2 ms to proxy. I tried to do this function at AWS Load Balancer section. But i cant do it. Is it possible or not? I found some documents about Lambda function to forward external IP. If you know something about this please write me. I dont want any Load Balancer in front of my EC2. I want to do tcp proxy at load balancer instead of Socat app on EC2
Manage new accounts on various platforms. I will provide with access to emulated android devices. You need to: 1. Connect to the devices using "Panda Free management software Unified Control Android Phone Farm" (google it) 2. Configure proxy & specific GPS location on emulated phone 3. Manage accounts on 2 platforms (social netowrks). Use name from a spreadsheet. 4. Save login credentials for email and social networks & proxy IP to spreadsheet 5. Perform some generic user behaviour on those platform similar to human behaviour, to prevent platforms to consider these accounts as not human. 6. Server where emulated devices run can support 5-10 devices open at the same time. Close devices that were configured and move to next ones. This is done from a management...
.../letsenscript/ panel port/streaming port/ additional https streamin ports / ssl email domain etc GeoIP restrictions setup/ multi dns and proxy setups, nginx and redis cache setups + Subscriptions * Users - Overview users show status, banned yes no, owner(resellers), line, mac adres, expire date, package, trial yes no, connection info, last watched channel, reseller notes,admin notes actions: send message to device(fingerprint), disable, download line, renew extend, convert to mag, kill connection, ban line, edit, delete download line has multiple options: enigma1.6 enigma2.0, m3u, m3u with options, gigablue, enigma2 auto scripts - Create line , force connect to list of servers ( or empty auto send user to best latancy server) - Manage line - Mass edit us...
...cryptocurrency transfer. Customizable Parameters: Users should be able to configure transaction durations, fees, and confirmation times for testing purposes. Support for multiple blockchain networks, including TRC20, ERC20, BEP20, and others. User-Friendly Interface: A clean and simple interface for users to simulate transactions with minimal effort. Privacy and Anonymity: Integration of VPN or proxy support to simulate transactions from different locations. Technical Specifications Security and Compatibility: The software should be secure and compatible with major cryptocurrency wallets for testing purposes only. Customizable Settings: Users can choose cryptocurrency types, networks, and transaction parameters for their simulations. Delivery and Testing A demo of the softwa... compile an extensive list of companies that send gifts when they receive a wedding invitation. This project involves gathering information from various sources across the internet, with a focus on identifying some of the largest companies in this space. Requirements: - The final list should be delivered in a spreadsheet format. - Each entry should include the company's name, address, and history of if they give gifts or not. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data collection and spreadsheet software. - Experience in market research or data mining. - Familiarity with wedding-related businesses and the wedding industry is a plus. Sources to be used: - Company websites - Wedding forums - Social media platforms The goal is to create as comprehensive a ...
My Python Selenium script for checking emails, which integrates 2captcha and proxies, is taking longer than desired. I need a freelancer to help optimize the script for speed, potentially using...desired. I need a freelancer to help optimize the script for speed, potentially using multiprocessing. Current Script Runtime: The script currently runs for 1-5 minutes. Identified Bottleneck: The slowest part of the script is the Captcha solving. Requirements: - Extensive experience with Python and Selenium - Proficient in script optimization and multiprocessing - Familiar with 2captcha and proxy integration - Able to work within existing script parameters (no changing of captcha service) I am seeking a professional who can deliver a faster running script, improving my email checking e...
Requirements: To accept your offer: I would need detailed offer What proxy provider would be needed, or if it could be done with 3proxy or other opensource tools Freelancers with experience in Multi account management will be preferred. The contest is only for the best offer which will be added to next milestones For our social media team we are looking for a tool which allows us to execute several sessions from one location, our own servers. Multi account tools like Gologin Multiaccount Session box One of the most important parts is a build in tool which have this features: Either there is a plugin or an open source code which we can implement.
My Java code is throwing an error: "Connection HTTP Response Code: 407 Proxy authentication required. Check your proxy credentials." I need a professional to help me fix this issue. Details: - I am using an HTTPS Proxy. - The proxy requires username and password authentication. - The library used for handling HTTP requests in my Java code is HttpURLConnection. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Java programming. - Experienced with proxy configurations and authentication. - Familiar with the HttpURLConnection library.
Seeking Experienced Freelancer to Fix Nginx Proxy Manager and SSL Configuration Issues Job Description I am looking for an experienced freelancer to resolve an issue with my Nginx Proxy Manager setup. The problem involves configuring the SSL certificates and ensuring that my domain routes properly through the proxy. Currently, I’m facing the following issues: 1. SSL Certificate Error: Unable to request or apply SSL certificates via Let’s Encrypt in Nginx Proxy Manager. 2. Port Mapping & Proxy Issues: My domain (``) refuses to connect despite correct DNS and port forwarding configurations. 3. Cloudflare & Nginx Integration: Ensuring proper DNS and Cloudflare settings for smooth proxying. Requirements - Strong expertise in Nginx P...
I'm looking for an experienced professional to help me configure a proxy on my local Nginx server, primarily for enhancing security. Key aspects of the project: - Implementing SSL/TLS encryption to secure the data transmission - Providing guidance and assistance in obtaining an SSL/TLS certificate, as I'm not certain about the best approach. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive knowledge in Nginx configuration - Proven experience with SSL/TLS implementation - Ability to provide clear and concise guidance on certificate procurement - Strong understanding of network security principles. I look forward to your proposals.
I'm seeking an expert in network security and web services who can assist in hiding the IP addresses of 5 corporate websites that have been blocked by my ISP. - The method of choice for this project is similar to what Cloudflare offers. However, I am open to any other effective suggestions you may have. - Please provide details about your expertise, the cost of your service, and your estimated completion time. - Prior experience with corporate websites and understanding of the specific needs they may have, is a plus. Your skills should ideally include: - In-depth knowledge of proxy services, VPNs, and DNS settings modification. - Proven track record with network security. - Familiarity with web services like Cloudflare. I'm looking forward to your propos...
Looking for a $2 per hour freelancer familiar with Printful to assist me with my eBay store. I have a Printful product templates folder with 23 pages of products that need to be listed/synced from Printful to eBay. Around 253 products that need to be synced. 11 products per page. Key Responsibilities: - Navigate through Printful website quickly efficiently to select products - List all products to eBay without delay - Use default images like my other listings from Printful/Printify for product images - Professional Product SEO experience and research, enhance product titles with SEO friendly terms. Or we can consider to hire again for more extensive SEO later. Ideal Candidate: - Prior experience with Printful and Printify - Proficient in Printful listing to stores. - Basic unders...