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    2,000 kamailio vs asterisk pekerjaan ditemukan

    ...manajemen kerja, Anda dapat merencanakan, melacak, dan melaporkan pekerjaan di tempat yang sama. Templat proyek lintas fungsi gratis Jika masih belum yakin tentang makna rencana proyek, berikut perbedaannya dengan elemen proyek lainnya: Rencana proyek vs. rencana kerja Rencana proyek dan rencana kerja adalah hal yang sama. Tim atau departemen berbeda mungkin memilih istilah yang berbeda, tetapi pada akhirnya, keduanya menggambarkan hal yang sama: daftar langkah-langkah tindakan umum yang perlu diambil untuk mencapai tujuan proyek. Rencana proyek vs. piagam proyek Piagam proyek adalah alat yang dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan persetujuan dari pemangku kepentingan utama sebelum memulai suatu proyek. Hasilnya, Anda harus membuat piagam proyek sebelum mengerjakan rencana...

    $750 - $1500
    $750 - $1500
    0 penawaran

    ...widget Flutter. • Pengetahuan tentang state management dalam Flutter (GetX.) 3. Keterampilan Desain UI/UX: • Kemampuan untuk menerjemahkan desain (mockups) menjadi antarmuka pengguna yang berfungsi dengan baik. • Pemahaman tentang prinsip-prinsip desain UI/UX. 4. Tools dan Frameworks: • Familiar dengan integrasi backend, RESTful APIs. • Pengalaman dengan alat pengembangan seperti Android Studio atau VS Code. • Pengetahuan tentang sistem version control seperti Git. 5. Pengujian dan Debugging: • Keterampilan dalam pengujian aplikasi, termasuk unit testing dan integration testing. • Kemampuan untuk menemukan dan memperbaiki bug serta optimasi performa aplikasi. 6. Keterampilan Non-Teknis: • Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik untuk berkol...

    $31 / hr Average bid
    $31 / hr Rata-rata
    56 penawaran

    Berikut Berita Persebaya hari ini populer, gagal kalahkan Rans Nusantara FC dan Edo Febriansyah kembali jadi mimpi buruk Bajul Ijo, Selasa (28/2/2023). joki123 Berita pertama hari ini ada Prsebaya Surabaya yang gagal menundukkan Rans Nusantara FC. Kemudian bek Rans Nusantara FC, Edo Febriansyah kembali jadi momok bagi Bajul Ijo musim ini. Berikut berita selengkapnya. 1. Gagal Kalahkan Rans Nusantara FC Dalam laga pekan 27 Liga 1 2022 ini, Persebata sempat unggul melalui gol Sho Yamamoto di menit 64 dan Paulo Victor pada menit 70. Rans Nusantara FC bisa meyamakan kedudukan lewat gol Edo Febriansah menit 78 dan Makan Konate menit 84. Awal babak kedua, Rans Nusantara FC memasukkan M Kevy, menggantikan David Laly. Kembali, Persebaya mendominasi permainan di lima menit babak kedua. ...

    $375 Average bid
    $375 Rata-rata
    17 penawaran

    BAGAIMANA MEMBANGUN DASHBOARD INTEGRASI BERBASIS EXCEL DAN POWER BI UNTUK BISA MENGINTEGRASI LAPORAN ANTARA SUPPLY AND DEMAND CHAIN - MARKETING - SALES 1. Revenue target vs actual chanel by category: product , customer product analysis and customer segment analysis analysis by outlet and chanel..and promotion analysis

    $467 Average bid
    $467 Rata-rata
    28 penawaran

    Saya membutuhkan akuntan/finance yang bisa membantu saya merekonsiliasi transaksi pada akun Bank usaha saya. Saya akan mengajarkan step-step untuk melakukannya dan diharapkan bisa mencocokan 440 transaksi dalam waktu 3 hari kerja. Apabila bagus saya akan lanjutkan proyeknya untuk ke akun-akun lainnya dan mungkin saja nanti akan di retain jasanya mingguan (perkeper...akuntan/finance yang bisa membantu saya merekonsiliasi transaksi pada akun Bank usaha saya. Saya akan mengajarkan step-step untuk melakukannya dan diharapkan bisa mencocokan 440 transaksi dalam waktu 3 hari kerja. Apabila bagus saya akan lanjutkan proyeknya untuk ke akun-akun lainnya dan mungkin saja nanti akan di retain jasanya mingguan (perkeperluan) Goals: Agar semua transaksi tercatat pada jurnal vs mutasi Bank ...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Rata-rata
    123 penawaran
    Berakhir left

    VS Konsultan Pajak : CV & PT perpajakan manajeman bisnis hukum korporasi Perorangan dan Badan

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran
    website Judi Online
    Berakhir left

    Saya butuh orang yang bisa membuatkan website judi online, Real player vs player. kemenangan hanya operator yg bisa memberikan presentase.. Ajukan penawaran anda.

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    Proyek ini untuk necari korelasi antara nilai kecepatan gelombang geser, NSPT, tegangan total, efective dengan menggunakan pendekatan Neura Network. Saya memiliki bebrapa dat ageteknk sebagai penunjang.

    $233 Average bid
    $233 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    Halo, saya butuh support untuk website di wordpress yang sudah online, terutama untuk: Customize plugin Learnpress untuk: Layout redesign halaman My Profile Tutor dan Student (desain halaman berbeda jika user role student vs tutor) Layout redesign halaman Courses Layout redesign halaman Specific course Connect easy appointment ke: Payment confirmation Woocommerce Profile student di Learnpress Kalender di profile Tutor dan Student Show availability di halaman Specific cource Troubleshoot Midtrans via Woocommerce (sudah terinstall dan in place, hanya tidak bisa terima notifikasi HTTP setelah payment)Modifikasi script Tokbox supaya input room ID dan Password Implementasi Homepage dari Adobe XD ke page (straight forward, gak ada neko-neko Desain sudah ada di Adobe XD. Silahkan mas...

    $234 Average bid
    $234 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    saya membutuhkan aplikasi untuk team lapangan saya dalam melaporkan kondisi market. mengetahui posisi realtime team saya di lapangan. laporan tersebut kemudian di olah sedimikan rupa sehingga menampilkan performansi wilayah. laporan tersebut harus bisa membandingkan history bulan lalu Vs Saat ini. laporan bisa dibuka melallui web dan Aplikasi.

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    Boa. Tela para agente login no asterisk. Php AMI

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 penawaran
    Asterisk a2billing
    Berakhir left

    Necesito un programador para asterisk y a2billing

    $258 Average bid
    $258 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Kronologi Tewasnya Suporter Diduga Jakmania Saat Persib vs Persija Berakhir 3-2 di Liga 1 2018

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    buat powerpoint dalam bentuk inggris â–ºKonten yang bisa dibahas tentang: tentang : komputer, sejarah linux, windows vs linux, keunggulan linux, desktop enviroment linux ,distro linux ,ransomware ,malware ,raspberry pi, security, dan semua yang berhubungan computer ( dalam bentuk bahasa inggris ). untuk referensi pembuatan mungkin dari bisa pengalaman anda sendiri / ilmu pengetahuan anda sendiri atau bisa juga referensinya lewat google, tetapi kami lebih senang dari pengalaman anda sendiri. Contoh Seperti ini:

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    asterisk untuk voip membuat sever pribadi

    $505 Average bid
    $505 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    ...(narsum) bisa nyanyi coaba donk buat nutup kita lau kaasih dikit bakat lu ke kita, yoo boy and sista kita pamit wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh (NARSUM NAMPILIN BAKATNYA LALU BUMPER OUT) EPISODE 2 ASK 2 EXZELENT “AGEN VS NON AGEN?” Tipe Program : ASK 2 EXZELENT Durasi Program : +/_ 10 menit Production Situation : 1 camera Program Upload : Rabu 20 : 00 Host : satu orang Narasumber : Alumni exzelent Breakdown script ASK PEOPLE “AGEN VS NON AGEN?” VTR PROFIL ALUMNI BUMPER IN Pembukaan host “ Assalamualaikum exzelennerrss,, Hei hei hei boy and sista apa kabar hari ini? Bertemu lagi dengan gue…. Dia acara ASK 2 EX...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    terjemahkan tulisan yg saya berikan ke bahasa indonesia sehari hari dan menambahkan nama toko saya di dalam tulisan tersebut, artikel ini akan saya pakai untuk content sosmed dan content blog website saya ini link tulisan yg harus di terjemahkan :

    $20 - $162
    $20 - $162
    0 penawaran

    terjemahkan tulisan yg saya berikan ke bahasa indonesia sehari hari dan menambahkan nama toko saya di dalam tulisan tersebut, artikel ini akan saya pakai untuk content sosmed dan content blog website saya ini link tulisan yg harus di terjemahkan :

    $67 Average bid
    $67 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    terjemahkan tulisan yg saya berikan ke bahasa indonesia sehari hari dan menambahkan nama toko saya di dalam tulisan tersebut, artikel ini akan saya pakai untuk content sosmed dan content blog website saya ini link tulisan yg harus di terjemahkan :

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    http://jasaweb...(lihat dropbox) tanya : begitu cetak invoice kolektif, pembayaran nya dimana? click 1-1 di transaksi ya? tulisan "guest" di ubah "description" belom ada logo keterangan alamat kurang lengkap (kurang mepet atas bawah nya juga) bank account kurang mepet atas bawah nya (antar bank account mepet aja) table nya rapikan alignment nya. "center" 3. dashboard pendapatan >> hari vs hasil dalam jutaan kinerja mobil >> hari vs jumlah mobil jalan 4. bug *kalau click detail transaksi, tidak bisa open dropdown menu utama 5. di master mobil ada sketsa >> itu untuk masing" mobil kan? tolong di aplikasi kan di invoice. kurang sketsa bbm ya 6. user management tolong buat yang ada "view update delet...

    $192 Average bid
    $192 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    ... Business Layer Classes 2. Data Access Classes 3. Database (SQL Server 2008 R2) 4. You'll be pushing code to Bitbucket everyday (maybe every 3 hours in a day I have to check your progress). 5. Logic is there 6. Logic is there 7. Really, logic is all there, you only need to port the code... 8. Source code, DB and executable to the old app which REQUIRE an XP VM with SQL Server 2008 R2 and VS 2005 installed, you need to provide yourself with this environment to run the executable, however to go through the old code, it's not really necessary using VM, as long as you can navigate, it's up to you, but to run the EXE, you need .NET 1.0/1.1 Attention please: I must highlight that I REALLY need someone who can do this job, really, no bullshitter, I will test ...

    $439 Average bid
    $439 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Menulis artikel mengenai kisruh KPK vs Polri

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Rata-rata
    14 penawaran

    Chat later...jkafdhjaf;jga;jgja;jg;jafga;ssakjskf;gjas;gdks'g;gjjj;;jskjjkjgjasjjgaklljhdlaa;lIGldhgdKGHLDGHljfld;jLKDDGJDF']GJLKF

    $160 Average bid
    $160 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    ...maupun secara online. Bagi anda yang suka bermain judi bola online, disini saya akan merekomendasikan sebuah agen perjudian bola online yaitu yang merupakan JUDI BOLA, AGEN BOLA, serta AGEN JUDI BOLA PIALA DUNIA. Agen Judi Bola yang satu ini sudah sangat terpercaya dan terbukti dengan nyata melayani para membernya dengan baik dan benar. Sensasi permainan yang fair play mempertemukan member vs member 100% tanpa adanya bot dan robot. Agen Bola dengan nama ini selalu memberikan pelayanan terbaiknya, dengan ramah, agen Taruhan Bola yang sudah terpercaya saat ini memang banyak sekali bermunculan di internet, tetapi tetap saya sarankan kepada anda untuk bergabung bersama ini. source :

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 penawaran

    ...maupun secara online. Bagi anda yang suka bermain judi bola online, disini saya akan merekomendasikan sebuah agen perjudian bola online yaitu yang merupakan JUDI BOLA, AGEN BOLA, serta AGEN JUDI BOLA PIALA DUNIA. Agen Judi Bola yang satu ini sudah sangat terpercaya dan terbukti dengan nyata melayani para membernya dengan baik dan benar. Sensasi permainan yang fair play mempertemukan member vs member 100% tanpa adanya bot dan robot. Agen Bola dengan nama ini selalu memberikan pelayanan terbaiknya, dengan ramah, agen Taruhan Bola yang sudah terpercaya saat ini memang banyak sekali bermunculan di internet, tetapi tetap saya sarankan kepada anda untuk bergabung bersama ini. source :

    $504 Average bid
    $504 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran
    java project
    Berakhir left

    minh can lam exercise 2.1 vs 2.3 Phone Book , khong can lam 2.2 ...............adasdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

    $6 Average bid
    $6 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    ...sheets). Los apartados son: HOJA 1: - Ingresos netos: que se puedan ver mensuales, trimestrales y anuales. - Costes directos - margen bruto hoja 2: - costes generales - ebitda - resultado neto - flujo de caja hoja 3: kpis - % margen neto mensual - otros kpis hoja 4: -comparativa mes a mes, trimestre a trimestre o anual: evolución de ingresos, costes y márgenes. Variaciones porcentuales. -Presupuesto vs. Real: Análisis de desviaciones. Que se puedan poner comentarios sobre causas y posibles soluciones Hoja 5: - Previsiones financieras Proyecciones de ingresos y gastos para el siguiente período. Cash flow proyectado....

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    ...streamline inventory setup. - At least three concurrent users should be supported, with potential for scale. - Additional features like sales reporting, customer management, and employee time tracking are required. - A hybrid user interface (touchscreen-friendly with keyboard and mouse options) for the cashier side. - Custom, role-based access control for different users, beyond just basic cashier vs manager permissions. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in software development, particularly with Windows-based applications. - Proven track record in developing POS software. - Familiarity with creating role-based access control systems. - Ability to develop hybrid user interfaces. - Experience with implementing features such as sales reporting, customer management, and employee...

    $463 Average bid
    $463 Rata-rata
    117 penawaran

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a unique One vs One Fantasy Android App. The app should include an intuitive admin panel for creating and updating matches, as well as tracking player scores. Initially, I don't want any API integration; the admin panel should allow manual updates of player points. Key Features: - Android platform: The app is to be exclusively developed for Android. - Performance-focused UI: The user interface should prioritize optimal performance. - Comprehensive Admin Panel: The admin panel needs to include features for match creation and updates, player point tracking, and user management. This job requires an experienced app developer with a strong focus on performance and user interface design. Please provide an estimated cost for this proje...

    $355 Average bid
    $355 Rata-rata
    20 penawaran

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a unique One vs One Fantasy Android App. The app should include an intuitive admin panel for creating and updating matches, as well as tracking player scores. Initially, I don't want any API integration; the admin panel should allow manual updates of player points. Key Features: - Android platform: The app is to be exclusively developed for Android. - Performance-focused UI: The user interface should prioritize optimal performance. - Comprehensive Admin Panel: The admin panel needs to include features for match creation and updates, player point tracking, and user management. This job requires an experienced app developer with a strong focus on performance and user interface design. Please provide an estimated cost for this proje...

    $304 Average bid
    $304 Rata-rata
    36 penawaran

    ...Analyze Market Scope: - Current and projected market scope for AI-driven copyright and social media management software over the next 3-4 years. - Emerging trends in AI-based tools and SaaS platforms. 2. Identify Target Audience: - Who are the primary users (e.g., content creators, marketing agencies, social media managers, brands)? - Geographic focus areas for early adoption and growth (global vs. regional). 3. Assess Development Challenges: - Technical challenges in developing AI algorithms for copyright verification and content creation. - Integration with Facebook and Instagram APIs. 4. Marketing and Support Challenges: - Best practices for promoting AI-driven SaaS products. - Support requirements and scaling considerations. 5. Competitor Analysis: - Key c...

    $322 Average bid
    $322 Rata-rata
    2 penawaran

    ...Analyze Market Scope: - Current and projected market scope for AI-driven copyright and social media management software over the next 3-4 years. - Emerging trends in AI-based tools and SaaS platforms. 2. Identify Target Audience: - Who are the primary users (e.g., content creators, marketing agencies, social media managers, brands)? - Geographic focus areas for early adoption and growth (global vs. regional). 3. Assess Development Challenges: - Technical challenges in developing AI algorithms for copyright verification and content creation. - Integration with Facebook and Instagram APIs. 4. Marketing and Support Challenges: - Best practices for promoting AI-driven SaaS products. - Support requirements and scaling considerations. 5. Competitor Analysis: - Key c...

    $94 Average bid
    $94 Rata-rata
    12 penawaran

    I have an 8 GB MP4 video that needs to be compressed to a more manageable size suitable for sharing via email or social media. The target quality post-compression is medium; it doesn't need to be pristine, but should still be watchable. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency with video compression software - Understanding of MP4 format specifics - Ability to maintain a balanced quality vs size ratio I'm looking for a freelancer who can efficiently reduce the file size while maintaining a medium level of quality. Please let me know if you can help!

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Rata-rata
    38 penawaran

    ...$2/class (expires in 30 days) 5 class pack: $165 - save $2/class (expires in 2 months) 10 class pack: $330 - save $2/class (expires in 4 months) 20 class pack: $660 - save $2/class (expires in 1 year) Monthly unlimited pass - expires 30 days later: $350 (member saves on the 11th class) Annual passable pass - expires 1 year later: $2,500 (rider would have to come 6 times per month or more to save money vs buying daily passes) For an annual pass, allow members to transfer their membership to another person just once. No refunds for an annual pass, but we can reassign it to another person if the main purchaser moves, experiences an injury, or for any other reason can’t keep coming to SpinWorld. The app should also have a check-in feature so riders can check-in when they arriv...

    $15 - $25 / hr
    Bersegel PK
    $15 - $25 / hr
    36 penawaran

    Work with me for up to two hours to finish development of a Looker Studio report comparing landing pages with a date control. Report columns: Landing page, previous vs current sessions, change, and percent of change (heat mapped), with the periods selected by the date control. I have the blend done on Google GA4 data, and the report started. Must work with Ultraviewer, Anydesk, etc., and do the work on my workstation.

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    ...json, SQL DDL or some other format so that it can be visualized in a database modelling software. Looking to get: table name, field id, field name, field type, primary keys, foreign keys and relate table names. Through VS code you can download all the symbol .al files where each file contain the complete raw schema of each table but I have only been able to use parsing in python to get this information and its very error prone. There is also the 3rd part site but I'm looking for full control of the output to put into stand alone data modeler. There's also some vs code plugins like AZ AL Dev Tools but there is no export options. Just looking for advice on best solution and a bit of help with the proccess. I have uploaded one of the .al files that I'm lo...

    $47 / hr Average bid
    $47 / hr Rata-rata
    29 penawaran
    Universal RSVP Software Development
    5 Hari left

    ...- Ability to be integrated in our existing website and also be available for users to integrate into their own website if they have one. The existing website offers customers the ability to post their events, so they will now have the option setup RSVP for their event. - Another discussion would need to be if the RSVP solution could potentially replace the current website's event postings vs needing to integrate. (To be assessed) Response Recording: - The software should send out email notifications for each RSVP response. - Also, text reminders (this is a low priority) Ideal skills for this job include software development, understanding of RSVP software features, and experience with creating customizable software. A prior portfolio of similar projects will be...

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Rata-rata
    82 penawaran

    ...the key areas that we want to cover. Add additional sections/pages based on your experience and after discussion. 1. Our Hiring Process: â—‹ Visual representation of the end-to-end hiring process. 2. Features/USPs: â—‹ Highlight key features and unique selling propositions that set us apart. 3. Companies: â—‹ Section to showcase logos and brief profiles of companies associated with us. 4. We vs Others: â—‹ A comparison chart or infographic highlighting why users should choose us over competitors. 5. Statistical Information: â—‹ Graphs, charts, or data to highlight metrics such as success rates, user satisfaction, etc. 6. Packages: â—‹ Pricing details with clear descriptions of various hiring packages. 7. Testimonials: â—‹ Reviews and testimonials from happy clients ...

    $299 Average bid
    $299 Rata-rata
    69 penawaran

    ...sheets). Los apartados son: HOJA 1: - Ingresos netos: que se puedan ver mensuales, trimestrales y anuales. - Costes directos - margen bruto hoja 2: - costes generales - ebitda - resultado neto - flujo de caja hoja 3: kpis - % margen neto mensual - otros kpis hoja 4: -comparativa mes a mes, trimestre a trimestre o anual: evolución de ingresos, costes y márgenes. Variaciones porcentuales. -Presupuesto vs. Real: Análisis de desviaciones. Que se puedan poner comentarios sobre causas y posibles soluciones Hoja 5: - Previsiones financieras Proyecciones de ingresos y gastos para el siguiente período. Cash flow proyectado....

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Rata-rata
    15 penawaran

    .../ lit liquidity inducement trap theorem concepts / algo-trading concepts? I have 15+ years of trading experience/competence (with sound knowledge regarding technical analysis, psychology, and risk management). I have spent $30k+ cad on various forex-related expenses: online forex courses / mentorship/coaching programs (manual discretionary trading vs mechanical/algorithmic trading), EAs (i.e. algorithmic softwares) / indicators (paid pre-built vs custom-built/customized), signal services, personal prop firm challenge passing / personal prop firm account management services, a single blown personal live brokerage account, and binary options trading. And finally, I am self-motivated, self-sufficient/independent, dependable/reliable, understanding/patient, and a good communi...

    $44 Average bid
    $44 Rata-rata
    7 penawaran

    Hi, Please understand the problem we are facing with a specific use case. You need to have knowledge of Twilio, SIP, and Asterisk. We are trying to achieve the following use case: A caller dials a Twilio number. After some time or under certain conditions, Twilio forwards the call to an Asterisk server. Asterisk receives the call from Twilio and immediately connects the caller to sip:test (essentially bridging the caller directly to the SIP address). Once the call is connected between the caller and sip:linphone, Twilio should no longer be involved in the call (to avoid duration charges). The desired flow is: Caller → Twilio → Asterisk → sip linphone At the end, the connection should be: Caller → sip inphone We understand t...

    $563 Average bid
    $563 Rata-rata
    17 penawaran
    Experto en Google locker studio -- 3
    4 Hari left

    ...sheets). Los apartados son: HOJA 1: - Ingresos netos: que se puedan ver mensuales, trimestrales y anuales. - Costes directos - margen bruto hoja 2: - costes generales - ebitda - resultado neto - flujo de caja hoja 3: kpis - % margen neto mensual - otros kpis hoja 4: -comparativa mes a mes, trimestre a trimestre o anual: evolución de ingresos, costes y márgenes. Variaciones porcentuales. -Presupuesto vs. Real: Análisis de desviaciones. Que se puedan poner comentarios sobre causas y posibles soluciones Hoja 5: - Previsiones financieras Proyecciones de ingresos y gastos para el siguiente período. Cash flow proyectado....

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Rata-rata
    10 penawaran

    ...can scan multiple crypto exchanges for price discrepancies and execute arbitrage strategies (buying low on one exchange and selling high on another) can make consistent profits in a low-risk manner. Cross-Asset Arbitrage: Instead of just focusing on different exchanges, the bot could also identify opportunities in arbitrage between different types of crypto assets, such as Bitcoin vs. Ethereum, or stablecoins vs. other altcoins. 4. High-Frequency Trading (HFT) Capabilities Low Latency & Speed: High-frequency trading (HFT) algorithms capitalize on the ability to execute trades in milliseconds. If your bot can process information and execute trades faster than others, it could capture profits from small price discrepancies that other bots or traders miss. Latency Optimiz...

    $11797 Average bid
    $11797 Rata-rata
    34 penawaran
    Experto en Google locker studio -- 2
    3 Hari left

    ...sheets). Los apartados son: HOJA 1: - Ingresos netos: que se puedan ver mensuales, trimestrales y anuales. - Costes directos - margen bruto hoja 2: - costes generales - ebitda - resultado neto - flujo de caja hoja 3: kpis - % margen neto mensual - otros kpis hoja 4: -comparativa mes a mes, trimestre a trimestre o anual: evolución de ingresos, costes y márgenes. Variaciones porcentuales. -Presupuesto vs. Real: Análisis de desviaciones. Que se puedan poner comentarios sobre causas y posibles soluciones Hoja 5: - Previsiones financieras Proyecciones de ingresos y gastos para el siguiente período. Cash flow proyectado....

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Rata-rata
    12 penawaran

    I'm in need of a professional who can help me troubleshoot and resolve issues I'm encountering while trying to set up my individual Apple Developer account. I don't have a D-U-N-S number as this is a personal account, so I need someone we...issues I'm encountering while trying to set up my individual Apple Developer account. I don't have a D-U-N-S number as this is a personal account, so I need someone well-versed in dealing with individual registrations. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in Apple Developer account creation - Problem-solving skills to tackle registration issues - Knowledge of individual vs organizational account requirements - Familiarity with D-U-N-S number implications in registration - Excellent communicati...

    $128 Average bid
    $128 Rata-rata
    124 penawaran and sound effects to your video? Transitions and Effects: How to use transitions and special effects in your video? Text and Titles: How to add text and titles to your video? 4. Advanced Editing Tips: Advanced features such as color grading, filters, speed adjustments, etc. 5. Exporting the Final Video: How to export the final video and what are the ideal export settings? 6. VN App vs Other Video Editing Apps: How does VN App compare with other video editing apps? 7. Why Choose VN App?: The benefits and unique features of VN App that attract users. 8. Common Troubleshooting Tips: What to do if you face any issues or errors with VN App? 9. Conclusion: Final thoughts and tips for improving your video editing skills. 10. Call to Action (CTA): Encourage readers...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Rata-rata
    26 penawaran

    I'm looking for a proficient software developer to create a Desktop application for managing our company's incoming and outgoing documentation. This project aims to transition our current system, which relies heavily on MS Excel and VS Code, to a more streamlined and efficient software solution. Key Requirements: - The software should be a desktop application, specifically designed for Windows operating system. - It should incorporate functionalities for automated data entry, and reporting and analytics. - Ideally, the software will transform our current manual processes into a fully automated system, significantly improving our operational efficiency. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in desktop application development, with a strong focus on Windows systems. - Exten...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Rata-rata
    27 penawaran

    I'm looking for a comprehensive comparative analysis of Amazon and Flipkart's transportation systems, specifically focusing on logistics and delivery time. Key Areas to Compare: - Warehouse management - Last-mile delivery - Carrier partnerships - Cost efficiency Skills and Experience Needed: - Strong background in operation management - Exceptional analytical skills - Proven experience in comparative analysis - Proficient in sourcing and interpreting secondary data - Excellent understanding of logistics and cost efficiency in e-commerce Data Sources: The analysis should primarily utilize secondary data from existing reports and articles. The ideal candidate should be able to deliver a detailed and insightful report that will help me understand the key differences and simila...

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Rata-rata
    11 penawaran