Installation stratum miningPekerjaan
...> Administrative Templates > System > Windows Time Service > Time Providers. Di sana, aktifkan opsi Configure Windows NTP Client dan tentukan server waktu NTP yang digunakan. Terapkan kebijakan ini ke seluruh domain atau unit organisasi yang sesuai. 10. Mengonfigurasi Stratum untuk Windows Server Jika PDC Anda harus bertindak sebagai sumber waktu yang lebih akurat, Anda bisa mengonfigurasi Stratum level. Pada PDC, konfigurasi Stratum dengan perintah: w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:"" /stratum:1 /update Stratum level menentukan tingkat keakuratan waktu; level 1 adalah sumber waktu utama, sedangkan level 2 adalah sumber sekunder. 11. Mengonfigurasi PDC sebagai Server Waktu untuk Domain Jika Anda menginginkan PDC untuk mendistribusika...
-Desain Logo untuk Hijau Digital (Bahasa version) 1. Wajib: Buat logo hanya dengan 2 huruf, 'h' dan 'i', like ChatGPT, Midjourney, Dall-E, etc. Color choice is open, green color is not a must (up to 3 colors or combinations allowed). 4. Concept should be simple, elegant, premium, and professional. Keywords: Technology, AI, Digital, Strategy, Growth, Hope. 5. Hijau Digital is IT company specializes in ERP solutions and future AI-based products. Our team: +10 programmers. 6. Industries focus: mining, energy, manufacturing, NGOs, and more. Skills & Experience Needed: 1. Strong graphic design skills 2. Experience creating modern, illustrative logos 3. Skill in harmoniously using multiple colors 4. Understanding of branding, creating a ...
Kami membutuhkan bantuan untuk training cara install whaticket di VPS kami. Dan bersedia memberikan guidance training mengenai step2 instalasi dari github whaticket.
Saya membutuhkan freelancer untuk mengumpulkan data nutrisi makanan dari sebuah website ke dalam format excel
Hi, Saya membutuhkan jasa pengembangan website, khususnya jasa data mining. Website saya () membutuhkan input data dari website-website lain. Info lebih detail mengenai data yang saya butuhkan terlampir. Cara kerja website saya mirip dengan yang juga mengambil data dari website lainnya. Mohon kirimkan penawaran anda. Tks
MININGCOINEXTRA adalah salah satu mining coin digital terbaru no 1 di indonesia , dengan demikian kami akan selalu memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik dengan secara koorperatif MINING COIN EXTRA lahir pada tanggal 16 juni 2019 silam , kami ber inovasi dengan kemajuan dunia tekhnologi di masa kini oleh karena itu dengan adanya banyak saham saham pasar yang ada di indonesia yang semakin melambung , kami berkreatif untuk memberikan jasa sewa MINING COIN EXTRA Kami berharap bukan saja mereka yang bisa tapi kita juga harus bisa !!!
Membutuhkan freelancer data mining untuk riset penjual terbaik di bidang perlengkapan rumah di berbagai platform ecommerce di indonesia dan di luar negeri. Data yang dibutuhkan dari contact details, jenis produk yang best sellers.
kami perlu mengambil data dari aplikasi twitter yang nantinya data tersebut akan diolah.
...Pertambangan Batubara (PKP2B) yang berlokasi di Kalimantan BARA ENERGI dipimpin dan dikerjakan oleh orang-orang yang berpengalaman dan profesional dalam bidang tambang batu bara mulai dari tahap perencanaan, pengerjaan di lapangan hingga penjualan hasil dari tambang. Dibutuhkan Segera: : Site Manager Manager Produksi Superintendent Produksi Supervisor Produksi Foreman Produksi Mining Planning/Engineering Geologist Surveyor & MAINTENANCE : Supervisor Mekanik Foreman Mekanik Maintenance Planning Mekanik I Mekanik II Electric Welder Tyreman : Operator Excavator Operator Bulldozer Operator Motor Grader perator Loader Driver Articulated Driver Dump Truck Driver LV Chief Security & HRD : Supervisor Logistik Purchasing Storeman
saya ingin membuat aplikasi text berbasis python dengan tampilan GUI yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui sentimen negatif, postif maupun netral dari para netizen di media sosial, portal berita dan situs internet lainnya
halo mas, saya dari indo butuh contact email kepala sekolah di jakarta (data mining) bisa kah?
Aplikasi sudah dalam bentuk website dengan backend : anaconda python dan frontend : reactjs Sudah terdapat menu : Beranda, import data, proses mining yang terdiri cleaning, seleksi, transformasi, klasifikasi, dan prediksi. Perbaikan yang diharapkan : - Pada menu klasifikasi (training data) diganti dengan form inputan variabel yang akan di prediksi Contohnya : Input (nanti menggunakan data yang sudah saya sediakan) Jenis kelamin : Laki-laki Jenis kecelakaan : D-S Usia Korban : 55 Pkk : pengguna kendaraan Jenis kendaraan korban : sepeda Jenis kendaraan lawan : sepeda motor Waktu kecelkaan : 16.00 WIB Output : Luka Ringan Nanti keluarannya yaitu tingkat keparahannya, karena klasifikasinya yaitu tingkat keparahannya saja. Hasil tersebut didapat setelah proses sudah dilakukan sebelum...
Sistem mencakup mengenai NLP (Natural Language Processing), yaitu membuat sistem Analisis Sentimen Berbasis Aspek, menggunakan Python. Bersedia untuk bekerjasama hingga pekerjaan selesai. Proyek sederhana ini untuk membantu saya menyelesaikan tugas akhir Tesis. Cakupan proyek mengenai data mining.
PENGEMBANGAN DATA SCIENCE DALAM TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION SUPPORT CENTER Raden Arum Setia Priadi 1) 1) Sentra Kekayaan Intelektual [Removed by Admin] Ilmu data adalah ekstraksi pengetahuan dari volume besar data yang terstruktur atau tidak terstruktur yang mana merupakan kelanjutan dari menambang data lapangan dan analisis prediktif, juga diketahui sebagai knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD). Data dalam jumlah besar termasuk data kekayaan intelektual yang dikelola oleh Sentra Kekayaan Intelektual (Sentra KI) dalam segala bentuk dan tingkatannya. Data itu diperoleh dari semua inventor, desainer, dan pencipta yang dilayaninya. Peningkatan kualitas layanan bisa diperoleh dengan instalasi Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) sebagai mana diinisiasi oleh World Intellec...
Disini ada yang jago python coding terutama kuat untuk data mining dan machine learning
Dibutuhkan freelance kebutuhan Intelligent Research Crawler untuk bagian Big Data Mining, project ini bertujuan untuk meng-crawling yang berhubungan dengan data yang telah ditetapkan dalam media sosial beserta berita terkini. Dan dapat menyediakan API. Durasi project ini selama 6 bulan.
Dibutuhkan individu yang paham Extreme Learning Machine dan interpretasi data nya untuk pembangunan aplikasi fitness yang didalamnya pengguna dapat mengambil jenis latihan berdasarkan data fisik yang diinput (tinggi, berat, umur, dsb.) Bahasa pemrograman apapun dapat diterima, direkomendasikan PHP. Terima kasih.
saya lagi butuh senior java developer dan senior SAP HANA untuk stay di kantor saya selama 5 bulan. dengan persyaratan dan ketentuan : 1. pengalaman lebih dari 2-3 tahun di java dan sap hana 2. mempunyai sertifikat lebih diutamakan 3. tidak menjadi supervisor ataupun coordinator, hanya lebih ke Create function, create case function, connection, installation, dan business process 4. selama kerja harus stay di kantor selama 5 bulan akan test kamu dulu untuk mengetahui level kamu berada juga ga persulit yang mau kerja bagi yang berminat kirim CV, sertifikat, dan portofolio, dan kenapa saya harus memilih kamu diantara yang lain ke (REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN)
Saya mencari orang yang bisa membuat data mining menggunakan Extreme Learning Machine dan Backpropagasi. Software yang digunakan adalah Matlab.
Programnya seperti berikut.. Contoh: menormalkan kalimat tidak baku menjadi baku. Programnya pakai bahasa python. Input: kalimat tidak baku itu diambil pake Twitter API misal dari bulan Januari 2016-Juni 2016. Output: kalimat baku dari inputan. Lalu dihitung akurasi output yg keluar benar itu berapa.
New installation dan retrovit programming PLC Omron/Allen bradley/GE Fanuc/Siemens . Scada, Inverter dan Motion positing control system untuk manufaktur.
New installation dan retrovit programming PLC Omron/Allen bradley/GE Fanuc/Siemens . Scada, Inverter dan Motion positing control system untuk manufaktur.
Menyelesaikan perhitungan Preprosesing, dengan metode TD/IDF serta metode Naive Bayes dengan mengetahui hasil dari analisis ini
Dibutuhkan database untuk data mining nomor telepon perusahaan
We are an internet technology company that enables organizations to easily deploy and manage business-critical applications across public, private, and hybrid clouds. You will research and mine data from the internet and enter data into a spreadsheet that will comprise our lead list. The scope of this work includes: internet research, data mining, data entry, "scraping" data off target websites and spreadsheet creation. Must have at least 2 years internet experience. We have a lot of consistent ongoing work for the right person.
...membuka peluang untuk terus menambah cadangan kami yang berusia panjang.rnrnLowongan yang dibutuhkan.!rnrn1. Administrasi ( AD )rnrn2. Asisstant Management ( AM )rnrn3. Analisis Kimia ( AK )rnrn4. Staf Pajak ( SP )rnrn5. Audit Intern ( AI )rnrn6. Hrd ( HRD )rnrn7. Legal ( HU )rnrn8. Staff Accounting ( SA )rnrn9. Secretaris ( SS )rnrn10. GDP 2014 #90 - MINING ENGINEERINGrnrn11. ENGINEER, APPLICATION - JSrnrn12. GDP 2014 #94 - CIVIL ENGINEERINGrnr 2014 92 - MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGrnrn14. FOREMAN, UG CONST. STRUCTURAL C#3rnrn15. FOREMAN, LL/CINSTRUMENT #1rnrn16. CHIEF SURVEYOR, DATA BASErnrn17. ENGINEER, QA/QC EXPANSIO CREW #2rnrn18, ENGINEER, DMLz CAPITAL COST. ENG #1rnrn19. FOREMAN, UG CONTS. CIVIL C#1...
Hello I am looking to setup a cloud mining platform for bitcoin, and other altcoins. I don't know if you can build it on this application on , if so that would be perfect. Similar sites: For additional information please contact or add me on skype [REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN] Note: Please do not bid on this project if you do not know how to build a cloud mining platform, or if you have not work with cryptocurrency previously.
Proyek ini adalah proyek pembuatan infographic alur proses kerja... tidak perlu di buat full color, lebih ke arah pictogram. Contoh dapat di lihat pada file terlampir...
... Raya Taman Alfa Indah Blok F4 No.12/13 Jakarta Barat 11640 Telp : (021) 99177051 Fax ( 021 ) 5840-204 Contact : Indra Permana 0819 0861 1401 0813 8585 7115 BB ; 28E07546 email : website : PENGIRIMAN GRATIS UNTUK WILAYAH DKI Menjual Alat-Alat Untuk Survey Pemetaan, Infrastruktur, Kontraktor, Telekomunikasi, Pertambangan, Geologist, Exploration, Mining, Dirling, Kelautan, Militer, Migas, Pembangunan Pembangunan, Pengelolahan Lahan Lahan Perhutanan Dan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit. Diantaranya Sebagai Berikut : @ SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS TOTAL STATION JUAL TOTAL STATION NIKON DTM 322(3)2 DISPLAY JUAL TOTAL STATION NIKON DTM 322(5)1 DISPLAY JUAL TOTAL STATION TOPCON GTS 225N JUAL TOTAL STATION TOPCON ES 105 JUAL TOTAL STATION TOPCON ES 103 JUAL
Hello I am looking to setup a cloud mining platform for bitcoin, and other altcoins. I don't know if you can build it on this application on , if so that would be perfect. Similar sites: For additional information please contact or add me on skype [REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN] Note: Please do not bid on this project if you do not know how to build a cloud mining platform, or if you have not work with cryptocurrency previously.
saya menyediakan produk-produk untuk mining, road construction and engine... jika ada permintaan silahkan hub saya.
gan, ada waktu buat ngobrol tentang data mining ga? khususnya sosial media... untuk text mining bisa jg ga gan? atau apa aja pengalaman agan ttg data mining klw bisa bantu, kami akan sangat senang sekali ane di bandung kok gan krn kami butuh orang yang mampu khususnya ttg data mining gan... klw minat dan ada waktu serta ingin tau lebih lanjut bisa sms ane aja gan biar lebih jelas dan santai ngobrolnya 081370811822 @ thanks before gan
gan, ada waktu buat ngobrol tentang data mining ga? khususnya sosial media... untuk text mining bisa jg ga gan? atau apa aja pengalaman agan ttg data mining klw bisa bantu, kami akan sangat senang sekali ane di bandung kok gan krn kami butuh orang yang mampu khususnya ttg data mining gan... klw minat dan ada waktu serta ingin tau lebih lanjut bisa sms ane aja gan biar lebih jelas dan santai ngobrolnya 081370811822 @ thanks before gan
We are an internet technology company that enables organizations to easily deploy and manage business-critical applications across public, private, and hybrid clouds. You will research and mine data from the internet and enter data into a spreadsheet that will comprise our lead list. The scope of this work includes: internet research, data mining, data entry, "scraping" data off target websites and spreadsheet creation. Must have at least 2 years internet experience. We have a lot of consistent ongoing work for the right person.
I'm seeking an HVAC design professional who can help me install a central air system in my single-family home. The primary goal of this project is to ensure a cost-effective installation without compromising on quality and performance. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - In-depth knowledge of central air systems - Experience with cost-effective HVAC installations - Ability to design systems with budget constraints - Familiarity with various HVAC brands and their cost-effectiveness - Excellent problem-solving skills to ensure optimal design within budget constraints - Ability to provide package that will be approved by Yavapai County Home under reconstruction has a very odd six sided shape and a job meeting prior to engineering would be required. Owner has a spe...
I'm seeking a detailed list of restaurants in the Australian Capital Territory for a new f...should encompass all types of eateries – from fine dining to fast food. Key Requirements: - Data Points: The list must include the restaurant's email addresses, phone numbers, website URLs, full addresses, as well as their Facebook pages, Instagram handles, X profiles, TikTok accounts, and YouTube channels. - Type of Restaurants: All types, not limited to a specific category. Ideal Skills: - Data mining and web scraping - Market research - Familiarity with the Australian restaurant scene is a plus Please note, the main purpose of this data will be to support the launch and growth of a new food delivery app. Your expertise and attention to detail will be crucial in helping...
I'm looking for a competent professional who can provide me with business email leads from UAE, OMAN, QATAR, and Kuwait. The specific roles I'm interested in are: - Accounting - CEO - Project Manager - Finance The ideal candidate should have experience in data mining and lead generation, with a particular focus on the Middle East region. Understanding of the business landscape in these countries, and familiarity with the mentioned roles will be a plus. Please ensure that the leads are valid, up-to-date and comply with relevant data protection regulations.
I'm looking for professionals who can help with installing audio players in three retail stores. These players will primarily be used for playing advertisements and promotio...installing audio players in three retail stores. These players will primarily be used for playing advertisements and promotional content. Information is provided via proprietary commercial audio streaming system Key Requirements: - Installation of audio players: these will connect to existing speaker and amps - Onsite will provide internet connectivity Ideal Skills: - Experience with audio equipment installation - Knowledge of setting up remote control systems - Understanding of sound distribution in retail environments - IT skill set Installation date is to be confirmed...
I'm encountering a JAVA_HOME error while working with Flutter on my Windows system. I need an expert to help me troubleshoot this and get my Flutter development environment up and running smoothly. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Flutter setup and troubleshooting - Experienced in Windows-based Flutter installation - Knowledgeable in JAVA_HOME configuration - Able to provide clear, step-by-step solutions
...the successful completion of the entire project. The payment will be divided into three parts as follows: >>>>$40 - Setting Up Test Domain Create a test domain for the upgrade process. Note: The test domain is already registered as an alias with CS-Cart, ensuring the license of the main site remains unaffected. You may need to copy the front-end files to the test domain. >>>>$40 - Upgrade Installation Install the latest version of the Vivashop theme on the test domain. Ensure that none of the customizations on the site are affected during the upgrade. >>>>$40 - Deployment on Live Website After verifying the test domain functions perfectly, install the upgraded theme on the live website (). Ensure that all customizations, pages, and features ...
Looking for a mechanical engineer to help for two months on a project in Manila, Philippines. Main role: installation of IoT devises (sensors like temperature, flow rate, pressure and power meter reading), and data collection of water cooled chiller systems (including chiller, pumps, cooling tower). Ideal qualifications: - Mechanical Engineering Expertise: Strong understanding of mechanical engineering principles, particularly in industrial equipment design and optimisation. - IoT Technology Knowledge: Familiarity with IoT solutions, including designing and implementing data collection systems for industrial applications. - Data Analysis Skills: Experience in analysing performance metrics of industrial equipment to identify inefficiencies and improvement opportunities. - Energy ...
I'm in need of detailed CAD drawings for few furnitures for my living room, kitchen, and bedrooms. The primary use of these drawings will be for carpenters and interior work, so they should include precise measurements and dimensions. We would need the following to be done 1) Wardrobes in all 3 Bedrooms 2) Crockery unit in Dining Area 3) Kitchen wardrobes with cut out to open kitchen 4) ...cut out to open kitchen 4) Pooja Room 5) TV Console Ideal freelancers for this project should have: - Proficient CAD skills - Experience in designing for interior work - Attention to detail to ensure all measurements are accurate. Please note, the drawings won't need to include material specifications or 3D visualizations. Just clear, precise designs that can be used for manufacturing and ...
I'm seeking an expert for the installation of a medium-sized (100-500 sq. ft.) walk-in cold storage unit. This facility will primarily serve to store a variety of fruits and vegetables. Key project requirements: - Installation of a refrigeration system - Installation of a medium-sized (100-500 sq. ft.) unit - Design tailored for mixed varieties of produce Ideal candidates should have: - Prior experience in cold storage installation - Comprehensive understanding of refrigeration systems - Skills in designing storage solutions for mixed produce
...features, outdoor seating, a vegetable patch, a plunge pool, and planting olive and fruit trees. The area for landscaping is around the house and the space between the house and the sheds Key Responsibilities: - Design a comprehensive landscape plan that incorporates all specified elements - Ensure the design is harmonious with the farmhouse and surrounding countryside - Provide a plan for the installation of the designed elements Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in residential landscape design, particularly in rural settings - Ability to create designs that incorporate diverse elements - Expertise in sustainable landscaping and vegetable patch design - Experience with water features and outdoor seating areas - Knowledge of planting and maintaining olive and fr...