How to start a meetup group for freePekerjaan
Need 1000 Facebook US, UK, Australia, Canada Group List (Urgent). Need 1000 Facebook US, UK, Australia, Canada Group List (Urgent). Need 1000 Facebook US, UK, Australia, Canada Group List (Urgent). Need 1000 Facebook US, UK, Australia, Canada Group List (Urgent). Let's BID...
Kami PT. Unimon Group Indonesia sedang mencari freelancer yang bersedia untuk membantu membuat daftar perusahaan di Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang Translators & Interpreters, Survey & Research, dan Consultants dari website yellowpages total sekitar 4421 data. Cara kerjanya mudah, 1. Buka website yellowpage; 2. Pilih dan click kategori Translators & Interpreters, Survey & Research, dan Consultants 3. Masukan data-data hasil pencarian perusahaan, sesuai tata cara pengisian yang kami berikan dalam exel kami ( nama perusahaan, email perusahaan, alamat kantor, nomor telpon/fax) notes; Jangan mengisi data perusahaan yang tidak mencantumkan data email perusahaan. Untuk nama perusahaan setiap kata diawali dengan hurus kapital. cotoh ; PT. Makmur
Kami PT. Unimon Group Indonesia sedang mencari freelancer yang bersedia untuk membantu membuat daftar perusahaan di Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang Translators & Interpreters, Survey & Research, dan Consultants dari website yellowpages total sekitar 4421 data. Cara kerjanya mudah, 1. Buka website yellowpage; 2. Pilih dan click kategori Translators & Interpreters, Survey & Research, dan Consultants 3. Masukan data-data hasil pencarian perusahaan, sesuai tata cara pengisian yang kami berikan dalam exel kami ( nama perusahaan, email perusahaan, alamat kantor, nomor telpon/fax) notes; Jangan mengisi data perusahaan yang tidak mencantumkan data email perusahaan. Untuk nama perusahaan setiap kata diawali dengan hurus kapital. cotoh ; PT. Makmur
Kami PT. Unimon Group Indonesia sedang mencari freelancer yang bersedia untuk membantu membuat daftar perusahaan di Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang Translators & Interpreters, Survey & Research, dan Consultants dari website yellowpages total sekitar 4421 data. Cara kerjanya mudah, 1. Buka website yellowpage; 2. Pilih dan click kategori Translators & Interpreters, Survey & Research, dan Consultants 3. Masukan data-data hasil pencarian perusahaan, sesuai tata cara pengisian yang kami berikan dalam exel kami ( nama perusahaan, email perusahaan, alamat kantor, nomor telpon/fax) notes; Jangan mengisi data perusahaan yang tidak mencantumkan data email perusahaan. Untuk nama perusahaan setiap kata diawali dengan hurus kapital. cotoh ; PT. Makmur
Teman-teman pada bingung nyari sepatu, tas, jam tangan, sepatu, sandal, sendal wedges, sendal high hells, baju muslim yang cantik2 ayo bagi bro, sist yang minat bergabung di Group facebook kami Mahriz Fashion atau bergabung aja di BBM kami 7ECAF135 atau SMS aja di Nomor kami 082386617765, no tipu-tipu bro, sist.... Ayoo.... buruan di order produk kami Mahriz Fashion semuanya ada dan lengkap lho.... kalo pesan 3-4 hari baru nyampe barangnya ready stok semua lho produk2 kami...., kalo guys mau bergabung aja di group facebook kami Mahriz Fashion dan bisa pesan melalui BBM kami 7ECAF135 atau sms aja ke nomor hp kami 082386617765.... no tipu-tipu bro, sist...., selamat berbelanja, trims....
...INI.... SAYA YAKIN ANDA BISA...!!! Pembayaran komisi Langsung saat itu juga.. jadi gak perlu nunggu sebulan.. 1 menit saja anda berhasil menjual ke orang maka saat itu juga komisi anda cair dari saya... ^_^ ini detail iklan produknya: APLIKASI PEMASARAN "GrupFacebook_Poster" Harga Rp 250.000,- BEBAS IKLAN KAPANPUN DAN DI MANAPUN SEPUASNYA KE GRUP2 FB SECARA MASSAL. Fasilitas: **Free Member Area **Bisa Posting Iklan ke Grup FB sebanyak mungkin (UNLIMITED) **Post Iklan cukup dari Software, tidak perlu mengunjungi Grup-FB satu persatu **Bisa lampirkan GAMBAR PRODUK di iklan kita **Bisa SUNDUL IKLAN (UNLIMITED), sehingga iklan tetap NO 1 di setiap grup **Bisa login LEBIH dari 1 akun FB (tidak terbatas) **Software dapat BERJALAN SENDIRI dibelakang ...
berikut bahasa p...yg saya bisa di bidang web programming, yaitu menggunakan : -HTML5,CSS,Jquery,PHP -Framework Bootstrap, Codeigniter pengalaman saya - Pernah membantu teman membuat website untuk salah tugas akhir kuliah - Membuat Website Administrasi Online untuk lembaga Les Privat yang bernama 'Latisprivat', bisa dibuka di - Membuat website jasa keamanan untuk perusahaan 'Langgeng Jaya Group' bisa diakses melalui - Membuat website untuk komunitas Diving (Penyelam Laut) IFF Pelatihan/Training yang pernah saya ikuti adalah -Kursus Framework Web Codeigniter di universitas gunaadarma Dalam 3D modeling saya mampu -membuat bagunan interior menggunakan software blender -pernah membantu teman modeling objek 3D untuk salah tugas akh...
membuat logo dengan photoshop adalah keahlian saya, saya telah banyak mem buat logo tentang sebuah gerakan atau group
membuat logo dengan photoshop adalah keahlian saya, saya telah banyak mem buat logo tentang sebuah gerakan atau group
Saya ingin membuat program group chatting di android seperti pada naverline tapi dalam versi lebih sederhananya.. Program ini menggunakan localhost XAMPP dan JSON untuk menghubungkan android dengan server.. Saya lagi ada kendala dalam pengaturan multi threading dan penggunaan socket untuk chatting ini.. Dan juga pengiriman invitation dan notification seperti pada naverline..
PT. MITSUBA Indonesia merupakan perusahaan yang tergabung dalam Astra Group yang bergerak dalam Perusahaan manufacturing otomotif (sparepart) ini bukan hanya memiliki anak perusahaan di Indonesia saja melainkan tersebar di Jepang
...Perusahaan baru utnuk mendukung kegiatan utama tersebut. Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru di PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi putera puteri terbaik bangsa Indonesia dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut : Program Management Trainee PIHC Group Persyaratan Pendidikan : 1. S1 MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN 2. S1 MANAJEMEN BID. PEMASARAN 3. S1 PERTANIAN – ILMU TANAH 4. S1 PERTANIAN – AGRONOMI Persyaratan Umum: • Lulusan S-1 dengan IPK minimal 3.0 (skala 4.0) – akreditasi BAN PT A; • Usia maksimum 26 tahun; • TOEFL (= 450); • Berpola hidup sehat dan tidak merokok; • Bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh wilayah operasi PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero); • Mampu bekerja sama dengan rekan s...
saya sudah pernah berkerja di PT The Nielsen Company Indonesia dan PT Group Riset Potensial
Ini dia gan game yang sedang booming di gruop-group facebook android banyak sekali yang membahas game asah otak ini yaitu Tebak Gambar. Salah satu game android karya anak bangsa yang wajib anda coba. Tebak gambar, Menguji imajinasi, logika dan nalar. Permainan tebak gambar adalah permainan asah otak ringan, kumpulan gambar disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga bisa menimbulkan sebuah kosakata baru yang diadaptasi dari istilah sehari-hari, ungkapan unik dan lucu, ataupun berupa isu dan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi. Game ini sangat kreatif dan unik dalam menguji otak kita untuk bisa menemukan jawaban-jawaban dari setiap gambar yang disajikan. Bisa menjawab satu gambar akan menimbulkan rasa penasaran untuk gambar berikutnya. Semakin naik level akan semakin ketagihan untuk bisa segera...
Hi mas Firman, Saya co-founder , sedang mencari web programmer untuk bergabung dengan tim developer kami. adalah website yang dibuat untuk membantu traveller mempersiapkan rencana liburan. Startup kami akan diinkubasi oleh SkyStar (incubator yang dimiliki oleh Kompas Gramedia Group). Namun tim kami masih kekurangan jumlah web developer. Untuk itu saya ingin mengajak mas Firman untuk bergabung dengan tim kami. Saya rasa mas Firman cocok dengan budaya startup kami, karena hampir semua anggota tim kami adalah traveller. Mungkin kita bisa ketemu terlebih dahulu untuk membahas beberapa hal jika mas tertarik. Jika cocok, maka kita bisa bekerja sama untuk minimal satu tahun. Saya tunggu kabarnya. Thanks Feizal Badri Asmoro Co founder
Saya bisa mengerjakan program Software Design Grafis adalah Corel Draw, Photoshop, Corel Photo Paint. Free Hand, Inkspace, Adobe Illustrator, dan Draw Plus... Dengan keahlian saya ini mungkin bisa membantu perusahaan anda dan saya akan melampirkan file hasil kerja saya sebelumnya...
i am starting an online business called "The Faith Adventure" that provides downloadable sermon guides and small group bible study discussion guides. domain has been registered. The look and feel of the logo should be professional. A mock up website can be found at Am happy to alter colours.
Salam Sejahtera Gan, Ane lagi cari tenaga freelance di bidang properti yang bisa membantu mencari Buyer or Pembeli Serius di lokasi strategis dan membantu proses jual beli sampai tuntas. Perusahaan Ane CV Muda Karya ( MK Land Development Group / ) yang bergerak di bidang Property Tanah di daerah Kawasan Marunda Baru,Cilincing,Jakarta Utara membutuhkan beberapa orang: Business Development Officer Professional yang Handal gan Syarat2nya sebagai berikut 1. Terbuka bagi siapa saja yang berminat untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan, tapi harus JUJUR, punya passion dan pandai bernegosiasi 2. Ga harus pakar properti, tapi ngerti mengenai apa itu PPAT,Girik,Hak Milik Adat,SHM,NJOP,BPHTB,PBB, AJB,berapa pajak pembeli, dll. 3. Bisa berkomunikasi
I'm in need of a modern-style logo that is a combination of both text and symbols. The color palette should be bold but pastel, incorporating shades of browns and olive greens. The logo should represent the construction industry. The logo should include the company name. The text font style should be modern. Please use industry-specific icons in the logo design. The company name is Outsource Maintenance group (OMG). Please incorporate building structures or skyline imagery in the design. Place the company name below the symbol or incorporated into the symbol. Please use minimalist icons in the logo design.
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I'm seeking a qualified auditor for my German entity in Paderborn. The audit will cover the financial years ending December 2022 and 2023, and is intended solely for group consolidation purposes. Key Requirements: - Expertise in conducting audits for group consolidation - Capacity to meet tight deadlines The audit should culminate in a standard audit report, and I am expecting a high-level summary of the audit findings. Certification: - Any recognized German certification is required Please submit your proposals along with your relevant experience and fees.
Im looking for an experienced content Manager manage my group The ideal candidate should be able to; The individual can share engaging and erotic group content to keep the group active and appealing. Posts can include GIFs, photos, or videos sourced from the internet—no need to create original content. The goal is to make the group vibrant and engaging for its members. interested let me know Price: To be discussed after terms & agreement.
SEE ATTACHED I'm looking to develop a web-based, distraction-free writing platform that incorporates AI and gamification elements. Key Features: - AI: Although I haven't predefined the exact AI features, I am open to various possibilities which may include grammar and spell checks, writing suggestions, and content generation. Your input and expertise on effective AI integration will be highly valued. - Gamification: The platform should incorporate achievement badges, writing streaks, and a leaderboard to motivate users and enhance their writing experience. - Light/Dark Mode: Provide a dark mode option to reduce eye strain during long writing sessions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development - Expe...
...seeking an experienced writer to help craft a self-help book that resonates with individuals across all age groups. The central theme will revolve around personal life challenges and the growth that comes from overcoming these obstacles. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me to understand the personal stories and experiences that will be included in the book. - Create engaging and relatable content that can connect with readers of all ages. - Structure the book in a way that presents a clear journey of growth and self-discovery. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in writing self-help books is highly preferred. - Excellent storytelling abilities to convey personal experiences in an engaging manner. - Ability to writ...
Project Overview: We're developing a mobile app focused on transparency and safety in the cosmetics industry, with a core feature of product verification. We have a solid foundation with approximately 70 designs completed, but we're not simply looking for a finisher. We need a UI/UX designer with a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to re-imagine and elevate our current design. Your goal will be to create outstanding new designs that will then inform revisions to our existing screens, resulting in a truly exceptional user experience. We are ready to hire and start this project immediately. Project Goal: To significantly improve the user experience and visual appeal of our mobile...
...have a website named , it is derived form hindi word meaning percentage. Working and goals of this website is to provide a platform to visitors to contribute to n number of surveys we conduct. The survey will focus on understanding the community stats of today to predict future goals and challenges. is a "Non-profit Analytica Organisation" this is how I like to describe. How we choose a survey to publish, we have a dedicated team working on current affairs and study the changing surroundings and post making our intrest we dive into creating a deep looped questionnaire related to the topic. The questionnaire with set parameters need to be uploaded on the si...
I need to add myself in a few group photo naturally. I can provide more selfie if needed. Let me know if you have this skill! I need that no one able to find that is computer mixing! Thanks alot.
... Tons of people making tshirts but no one knows how to rank? Please there are people that know Is there no one that knows about and understands Merch On Demand by Amazon? *If you are not an expert in tshirt ranking for Merch on Demand don't reply *If you use ads, link building or talk about products, storefront, FBA don't reply This is Results based I'm in urgent need of a professional who can ORGANICALLY Rank my T-shirts on the first page of MERCH IN DEMAND BY AMAZON. This role specifically focuses on Amazon Merch on Demand for T-shirts and does not involve ads or link building or products. Must be organic and be an expert with Amazon A10 Algorithm and can guarantee to rank on first page Key Responsibilities: - Optimizing l...
I'm seeking an illustrator to create 3-5 whimsical illustrations for a children's book targeting kids aged 4-7. The illustrations will involve character development for various fantasy creatures. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating whimsical, cartoonish-style illustrations - Experience in illustrating for the 4-7 years age group - Ability to develop engaging and imaginative fantasy creatures Please provide your portfolio showcasing similar previous work.
...I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create a logo for my daughter’s small craft store, Harps & Crafts. The logo should primarily incorporate the name of the store the colour green and open to craft items incorporated in the logo, as the store sells homemade items. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Experience in logo design - Understanding of brand identity and visual storytelling - Ability to create designs that resonate with a specific target audience. Style: I'm open to any style for the logo, so feel free to propose modern, vintage or hand-drawn interpretations. I'm looking for a creative professiona... an API. Basic front end for testing purposes needed. Backend: Python API: Telegram API Proxy Management: Custom Proxy Checker 1. Project Overview The system will allow users/admins to: • Authenticate and register accounts in TG. • Add multiple Telegram accounts to a user account with an option to choose between the accounts. • Enquiry the contacts list to the user interface (from each linked TG account) • Manage recipient groups (by ID or name). • Create messages and as an ID + add CRUD capabilities. Messages • Send instant messages and schedule messages. Schedule messages should have a cycle of sending and time period of ‘active’ stage between date X and Y. • Application of the rand...
I’m looking for someone to hack into my Candy crush saga game there’s a Generator page I e been on all u have to do is one thing like play a game or take a survey and u can get a million gold bars for free UVE tryed but I don’t know how to do it I’ve seen people on YouTube have thier phones in hand isoiphones they tell u everything to do again u have to complete that ur human with a verification job either a game to a certian level or survey IVE tryed so many times but they bring u all over the place it’s impossible to complete a survey everyone’s found g it I see on utube as thier phones show the gold bars going from O ...
...tour system that surpasses Matterport by providing voice navigation, AR customization, real-time property intelligence, and API integration for brokers and real estate platforms. Key Features ✅ Smartphone-Based 360° Capture – Users create high-quality 3D virtual tours using only a smartphone, eliminating the need for expensive hardware. ✅ AI-Powered Navigation & Voice Commands – Users explore properties hands-free, saying commands like “Show me the kitchen” to navigate. ✅ Real-Time AR Customization – Buyers can visualize remodeling (change flooring, wall colors, or furniture in real-time). ✅ AI-Enhanced Investment Analysis – AI predicts rental yield, ROI for upgrades, and appreciation trends. ✅ Multi...
I'm seeking a skilled animator to create a vibrant and engaging 2D animation video aimed at teenagers. The purpose of the video is to promote our brand, so it needs to be catchy, fun, and in line with current trends that resonate with this age group. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in 2D Animation, with a portfolio showcasing relevant work. - Strong understanding of teenage culture and current trends. - Ability to create engaging and entertaining content. - Experience in creating marketing-oriented animation. Skills: - 2D Animation - Understanding of Target Audience - Marketing/Advertisement experience - Creative and Trendy Content Creation
Great! Let’s create a detailed and effective brief. To get started, I need some key details: Project Type – What is the project about? (e.g., branding, website design, marketing campaign, product development)Objective – What are you aiming to achieve? (e.g., increase sales, improve brand awareness, launch a new product)Target Audience – Who is the intended audience? (e.g., age group, interests, demographics)Key Message – What message should be communicated?Deliverables – What specific outputs are needed? (e.g., logo, website, social media content)Brand Guidelines – Are there any existing guidelines to follow? (e.g., colors, tone of voice, style)Timeline – What are the key deadlines?Budget – Wha...
...Job: AI Engineer for Hierarchical Classification & _Val Normalization ? Job Title: ? AI Engineer Needed ASAP: Implement Hierarchical Classification with _Val Normalization & OCR Learning ? Job Description: We need an AI/ML Engineer immediately to integrate a hierarchical text classification model that: ✅ Learns hierarchical label structures without regex or hardcoded rules. ✅ Handles _Val normalization by predicting numerical values alongside categorical labels. ✅ Learns OCR correction dynamically from the input text (no manual regex cleaning). ✅ Trains on full hierarchical context to understand document structure and reference relationships. ✅ Processes multiple surveys within a single Full_Text input, maintaining context. ? Timeline: ASAP &...
We are looking for a skilled and experienced freelance team or individual to design and develop a web-based application that provides and facilitates a collection of party and social interaction games designed to be played in person with friends and family. Games Types: The web app will launch with 6-8 games including Q&A, trivia, strategic and guessing games. Examples of similar games are like Kahoot, Wavelength, Codenames, Werewolves and Taboo, but with unique gameplay and design tailored for Arabic-speaking users. Note: The games don’t require any 2D/3D design, all the games have simple logic and there is nothing that is very complicated Personas: The web app will include the host persona which is the person who setup ...
Project Overview I am looking for a full-stack developer (or a team) to build a custom fundraising webshop system where individual sellers (e.g., students, sports teams, or non-profits) get their own personalized online store to sell products and raise funds. The system consists of two main parts: A standard webshop where anyone can buy directly with a payment gateway. A reseller system where sellers get personal webshops, but orders are only recorded and later exported to a group leader—no payment processing on reseller pages. Core Requirements 1. Standard Webshop () A fully functional e-commerce store displaying all products. Standard cart & checkout process. Payment gateway integration...
I'm looking for a seasoned Unity 3D developer to improve my current VR avatar project. The objective is to facilitate automatic voice interactions, eliminating the need for button presses, and creating a seamless, hands-free conversation between a user and the avatar. Key Tasks: - Implement Voice Activity Detection (VAD) in Unity 3D to allow the avatar to automatically detect when a user begins speaking. - Enable real-time interaction where the avatar listens to the user's speech, processes it through an existing OpenAI's API connection via WebSocket, and responds with synthesized speech. - Enhance the avatar's interactivity by making it detect the direction of the user's voice and...
I am seeking a freelancer to help with a research report focused on a business project. The job primarily involves researching and writing the report. - Subject Expertise: A strong background in business is crucial. - Research and Writing: You will be responsible for conducting thorough research and composing the report. - Plagiarism-Free Work: All content must be original and properly cited. - Deadline Commitment: Timely delivery is essential. - Customized Solutions: The report needs to meet specific academic standards. - Confidentiality & Ethics: Client privacy and ethical guidelines must be strictly adhered to. Skills and experience in business research and report writing are highly desirable.
I'm in need of a logo for my softball team, the Warriors. The design should reflect the spirit of our team and the sport of softball. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in sports team logo design - Proficiency in graphic design software - Creativity and imagination to capture the essence of the Sabers team - Understanding of color psychology and how to effectively use powder blue and light yellow in a design Key Points: - The logo should be unique and eye-catching, standing out amongst other softball team logos - It should embody the competitive, yet fun and spirited nature of our team - The colors powder blue and pink and other complementary colors should be the primary color scheme used in the design Rebranding a youth softb...
I'm seeking a modern logo for my handicraft business name “ Aadvik Crafts” which should cleverly incorporate both text and symbols/icons and also represents colours of indian handicrafts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in modern design principles - Proficiency in typography and icon design - Experience in creating minimalist yet impactful logos - Strong portfolio of modern style logo designs Feel free to choose the most suitable colors for the logo. The logo should predominantly represent handmade quality. Please include craft tools in the logo design. Include symbols or images representing handicrafts in the logo design.
I'm looking for a talented photographer to capture candid shots of our experts delivering workshops/panels at a conference in Lisbon. DATE: 24th February. Times: 8:30am-10am and 12:30pm-2:30pm and 3:30pm-6:00pm LOCATION: Hotel Cascais Miragem n.8554 2754-536 Cascais, Lisbon. The ideal candidate should have a keen eye for capturing key moments, with a focus on: - Speeches and presentations - Group interactions and discussions - A staged photo of our team members at the conference The workshops will take place indoors at the conference venue. The photographer should be able to blend into the background and capture genuine moments without being intrusive. Experience in event photography, especially i...
Redo Logo Redone logo (by itself). Logo with "SWIFT" aligned to the right in the logo’s dark blue. Logo with "SWIFT GROUP" aligned to the right in the logo’s dark blue.
I'm seeking a seasoned LinkedIn Ads professional to set up and optimize a lead generation campaign. The target audience includes business owners, decision-makers, and professionals based in the UK. Scope of Work: ✔️ Campaign Setup & Optimization: You will be responsible for selecting the best campaign objective, bidding strategy, and audience targeting. ✔️ Audience Targeting: Focus on engaging Founders, CEOs, and Directors of Marketing in industries such as E-Learning, Luxury, and Education. ✔️Performance Improvement: Your goal is to increase our current CTR of 0.45%, lower our CPC of $4.30, and ultimately drive more quality leads. Requirements: ✅ Proven experience with LinkedIn Ads & B2B lead generation. ✅ Track record of reducing CPC &...
I need an experienced developer to create a Telegram bot that scop users from specific, selected public groups to my group. The bot must intelligently adapt its daily adding rate to comply with Telegram’s limits, preventing blocks or bans. Core Requirements: - Copy users from selected groups (no admin permission) and add/invite them to my group. - Adaptive Daily Limits: Automatically adjust the number of users added per day based on Telegram’s API thresholds to avoid detection. Custom Controls: - Modify source groups easily. - Adjust adding speed (e.g., slow, medium, fast). - Pause/resume functionality for seamless management.
I'm looking for an experienced UI designer to create a user-friendly and engaging interface for an early elementary educational app aimed at teaching Science and Reading. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop engaging UI experiences specifically for kids’ apps, considering usability, accessibility, and engagement. - Create user flows, wireframes, prototypes, and final designs in tools such as Figma, Adobe Suite, and Affinity. - Develop interactive and visually appealing interfaces that align with the cognitive abilities and preferences of young users. - Conduct user research and usability testing to refine designs based on kids’ behavior and feedback. - Collaborate with product managers and developers to ensure a...
To set up a freelance video editing bio, you should aim to convey your skills, experience, and personality clearly, showcasing your expertise in a way that appeals to potential clients. Here's a simple structure you can use: 1. Introduction: Who you are: Name, background, and what you do. What sets you apart: Mention your unique style, approach, or specific editing skills. 2. Skills & Expertise: List the types of videos you edit (e.g., social media content, YouTube videos, commercials, etc.). Mention specific software and tools you use (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, After Effects, etc.). 3. Experience: Briefly highlight any previous work or clients you've worked with. You can also mention the number of years you&...
...- Data Transformation: Prepare data for AI processing. 2. Phase 2: Knowledge Article Generation - Text Analysis: Use NLP models to analyze ticket content. - Ticket Categorization: Group tickets by topics or issues. - Article Creation: Automatically generate structured knowledge articles from categorized tickets. 3. Phase 3: Knowledge Base Organization - System Design: Define structure and taxonomy for the knowledge base. - Integration: Store articles in a searchable and intuitive format. - Access Control: Implement user roles and permissions for the knowledge base. 4. Phase 4: Data Insights and Statistics - Data Analysis: Identify trends, frequently asked questions, and critical areas for improvement. - Visualization: Generate reports and...