Farheen hyderabad indiaPekerjaan
Idegajah Productions (merupakan anak usaha dari Salam Ganesha ITB) Membuka peluang untuk menjadi Freelance Mitra Affiliator/Sales online (dari rumah) Kami dengan kouta terbatas. Untuk memasarkan event production dan organizer Kami secara online (dari rumah). Tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai berikut : 1. Memasarkan produk secara direct selling via online 2. Aktif melakukan aproching ke pembeli potensial yang dituju. 3. Mengelola chanel penjualan dan membuat data base sales chanelnya. Benefit : Insentif penjualan sepanjang waktu berdasarkan jumlah book. Mentoring dan networking yang luas Segment Market yang Dituju : 1. Coffee shop 2. Restoran 3. Kampus 4. Perusahaan konvensional Jangan lama-lama, mari coba untuk apply.
...terdepan di bidangnya. Kami membantu perusahaan untuk meningkatkan penjualan secara signifikan dengan jaminan CAC. Spesialisasi utama perusahaan kami adalah meningkatkan penjualan layanan telekomunikasi. Saat ini kami memutuskan untuk memperluas jangkauan kami ke mancanegara. Untuk itu, yang kami lakukan adalah bermitra dengan penyedia layanan internet (ISP) dan operator seluler di Indonesia dan India. Di Rusia kami telah beroperasi selama 13 tahun dan bekerja sama dengan perusahaan penyedia internet dan operator seluler ternama (saat ini ada lebih dari 50 mitra). Kami menambah 10 000 pelanggan baru untuk masing-masing mitra di setiap bulannya dan memiliki rata-rata pendapatan tahunan hingga $10 juta. Saat ini, kami sedang mencari mitra di Indonesia dengan kriteria sebagai ber...
...kesulitan dengan Google, karena Robot sangat lambat dalam menambahkan halaman kami untuk di-scan. Apa yang dapat Anda sarankan untuk mengoptimalkan situs kami? Kami akan berterima kasih jika Anda dapat menyertakan portofolio dari kasus-kasus yang pernah Anda selesaikan sebelumnya. Dan berikut hal-hal yang telah kami lakukan untuk mengoptimalkan situs kami: Mengadaptasi struktur situs dengan situs India Pengoptimalan template untuk halaman-halaman utama Tambahkan situs ke G Search Console Mengumpulkan semantic core di bawah kategori utama situs Tambahkan internet rumah ke skema struktur situs Mengumpulkan semantic core di bawah provider-provider utama Mengumpulkan semantic core untuk provinsi-provinsi utama Memastikan ke help center apakah konten di additional field akan
Saya sudah mempunyai website yang telah online dan ingin mengcopy nya di domain lain. Website yang sudah terbuat berbasis wordpress terintegrasi woocommerce. Harus memasukkan API ongkos kirim (India). Butuh cepat. NB : Kalau hasil kerja bagus, kami ada beberapa projek pengembangan website. Kerja sama bisa berlanjut. Harga bisa negosiasi. Terima kasih.
...Import Resmi (All-In) 4. Specialist Import Undername 5. Specialist Export Undername 6. Specialist Handling Barang Bekas (All-In) Rutin schedule Import consolidator kami sebagai berikut : 1. Amerika Serikat(Usa) Dari (Semua Negara Bagian) 2. Canada (Semua Negara Bagian) 3. Europa (Semua Negara Eropa Barat Dan Europa Timur) 4. Asia (China - Japan - Korea - Thailand, Vietnam, Filipina, India - Semua Negara Asia Lain Nya) 5. Australia (Semua Negara Bagian) 6. Singapore, Malaysia to Jakarta Door To Door Service Rate yang kami tawarkan sudah termasuk ex-works rate dari origin, Freight Charges air/sea, Pajak dan bea masuk Di Indonesia, Sea port/ air port charges di Indonesia serta delivery charges to Door penerima. Kami bisa memberikan harga yang murah dan kompe...
Hai Mascot India, saya melihat profil Anda dan ingin menawarkan Anda proyek saya. Kita bisa diskusikan setiap detailnya di kotak obrolan.
Menulis sejumlah artikel Artikel seperti List film india terkeren Sebuah cerita pendek yang sering muncul dalam kehidupan, artikel tentang lagu, desain tentang kesehatan
...pasar, dengan kapitalisasi pasar di Bursa Efek Singapura. Kegiatan bisnis utama adalah budidaya kelapa sawit, pengolahan dan pemurnian dari Crude Palm Oil (CPO) dan Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO) menjadi minyak goreng, khususnya sayuran lemak, oleokimia, biodiesel dan pupuk. Saat ini unit bisnis beroperasi di lebih dari 20 negara di empat benua, dengan fokus utama pada Indonesia, Malaysia, Cina, India dan Eropa (perkebunan terbesar di Indonesia dan Malaysia). Persyaratan: a. Kualifikasi Diploma dan Sarjana (S-1) dari berbagai jurusan: Teknik Teknik Industri, Teknik Lingkungan, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Arsitektur, Fisika, Kimia, Teknik / Teknologi Informasi, Ekonomi, Ekonomi Administrasi, Ekonomi Keuangan, Ekonomi akuntansi, Ilmu Pertanian, Ilmu Perkebunan,...
Menulis sejumlah artikel Artikel tentang artis india Banyak film bollywood di indonesia, membuat para penggemarnya ingin tau kehidupan pribadinya.
Pekerjaan ini adalah pekerjaan Audit Keselamatan dalam transportasi laut, dengan objek Auditee adalah Crew kapal bulk, kapal tanker, dan sejenis kapal niaga lainnya yang kebanyakan berbendera internasional. Oleh karenanya saya membutuhkan orang yang mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dalam bahasa Inggris. Seseorang yang berkomitmen kuat, disiplin, bertanggung jawab, amanah, bisa internet pakai kom...->Mampu bekerja sendiri. dan tidak takut memasuki kawasan pelabuhan Semarang. ->Gaji dihitung per Audit atau perhari, minimal 400rb. Detail di sesi wawancara. PEMINAT ga perlu bertele-tele, langsung hub. saya di WA 08994014017, atau telp di 081332648776. Lowongan MENDESAK, Hanya 1 orang. Closing date: 5 hari sejak iklan ditayang. Head Collection Indonesia of SEAHANS MARINE SERVICE...
Rich India Housing Pvt Ltd,, MBT Corporate,No; 2/26,3rd floor,Kodambakkam.
...Children (7) Chile (8) China (23) Colombia (7) Congo (1) Costa Rica (4) Croatia (2) Cuba (1) Curacao (2) Cyprus (5) Czech Rep (2) Djibouti (1) Dom. Rep (22) Educational (14) Egypt (17) El Salvador (7) Eritrea (1) Finland (1) France (14) Georgia (2) Germany (46) Ghana (2) Greece (27) Greenland (1) Guatemala (2) Haiti (4) Honduras (10) Hong Kong (2) Hungary (27) Iceland (1) India (57) Indonesia (36) Iran (29) Iraq (13) Ireland (3) Israel (7) Italy (38) Japan (2) Jordan (2) Kazakhstan (1) Kenya (1) Korea North (1) Korea South (13) Kosovo (3) Kurdistan-Iraq (12) Kuwait (7) Latvia (2) Lebanon (10) Libya (1) Lifestyle (12) Lithuania (1) Luxemburg (1) Macau (1) Macedonia (10) Malaysia (9) Mali (1) Malta (4) Mauritania (1) Mexico ...
Village:Ellikatta,Mandal:kalwakurthy,Post:509324, Dist::telangana,Country: India CELL;9642367946
...warna maroon bercampur ungu agak kehitaman. Warna dagingnya pun merah muda atau seperti warna daging salmon. Pisang ini memiliki sedikit rasa raspberry. Selain itu pisang ini mengandung beta karoten yang lebih banyak dan vitamin C dibandingkan dengan pisang kuning biasa. 5. Pisang Plantain Pisang ini tidak cocok dikonsumsi mentah karena perlu dimasak dengan benar. Pisang ini biasanya ditemukan di India dan tumbuh dilingkungan yang eksotis. Saat masak pisang ini memiliki warna hijau dan hampir hitam. Dagingnya lembut dan berwarna kuning atau sedikit merah muda. 6. Pisang Cavendish Pisang ini sangat terkenal di AS. Pada umumnya pisang ini dapat dimakan segar serta dapat digunakan untuk membuat kue, pie, muffin, yogurt, smoothies, puding dan custard. 7. Pisang Jari Pisang ini ...
...Departemen lainnya yang terkait. Kita tidak dapat membayangkan dengan anomali cuaca yang dialami oleh Thailand dan Vietnam, sehingga kedua negara tersebut terkena bencana banjir dan baru-baru ini membatasi kebijakan eksport pangannya untuk menjaga ketahanan pangan di negaranya. Dan ini akan menyulitkan posisi Indonesia dalam kebijakan importnya, karena harus mencari negara alternatif diantaranya India dan China. Kitapun belum mengetahui sejauhmana kurun waktu mereka berkeinginan untuk mengeksport produk pangan ke Indonesia terlebih kedua negara itu mempunyai jumlah penduduknya yang banyak dan tentunya membutuhkan pangan yang sangat banyak sehingga kebijakan eksport yang dilakukan sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah. Hal ini harus diimbangi oleh kemandirian pangan di Indonesia dan tidak ...
...Departemen lainnya yang terkait. Kita tidak dapat membayangkan dengan anomali cuaca yang dialami oleh Thailand dan Vietnam, sehingga kedua negara tersebut terkena bencana banjir dan baru-baru ini membatasi kebijakan eksport pangannya untuk menjaga ketahanan pangan di negaranya. Dan ini akan menyulitkan posisi Indonesia dalam kebijakan importnya, karena harus mencari negara alternatif diantaranya India dan China. Kitapun belum mengetahui sejauhmana kurun waktu mereka berkeinginan untuk mengeksport produk pangan ke Indonesia terlebih kedua negara itu mempunyai jumlah penduduknya yang banyak dan tentunya membutuhkan pangan yang sangat banyak sehingga kebijakan eksport yang dilakukan sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah. Hal ini harus diimbangi oleh kemandirian pangan di Indonesia dan tidak ...
I need to have the attached excel spreadsheet completed in the next 2-3 weeks maximum. The information I need is related to Alcohol - table wine. There are 15 countries across Asia that I need completed. The excel tabs are numbered in order of priority starting with #1 Thailand, then #2 China Shanghai all the way down to #15 India. These must be completed in this order. They must be in english. I have completed 2 examples on #7 Singapore for you to review as to how i want this completed, any question please ask. I am only looking for major companies and businesses, I am not interested in small companies. For example a wine retail shop company must have 20 or more shops, I am not interested in companies with 3, for example. The spreadsheet is clear to the country and categ...
...custom clearance import via udararn- Jasa custom import borongan (ALL IN)rn- Import door to door service by sea/air rn- Custom import EX_WORK,FOB,C&F dan CIF jakartarn- Sewa Under name consignee untuk importrn- Jasa ekspedisi dan cargornrnKAMI TURUT BEKERJASAMA DENGAN AGENT DI BERBAGAI NEGARA : rnrnSouth East AsiarnAustralia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Fiji Island, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Laos, Maldives, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, North Island, South Island, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Pacific, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam.rnrnMiddle EastrnUnited Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iran, Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, Yemen.rnrnChinarnDalian, Ningbo, Qingdao, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Fuzhou,...
...custom clearance import via udararn- Jasa custom import borongan (ALL IN)rn- Import door to door service by sea/air rn- Custom import EX_WORK,FOB,C&F dan CIF jakartarn- Sewa Under name consignee untuk importrn- Jasa ekspedisi dan cargornrnKAMI TURUT BEKERJASAMA DENGAN AGENT DI BERBAGAI NEGARA : rnrnSouth East AsiarnAustralia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Fiji Island, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Laos, Maldives, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, North Island, South Island, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Pacific, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam.rnrnMiddle EastrnUnited Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iran, Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, Yemen.rnrnChinarnDalian, Ningbo, Qingdao, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Fuzhou,...
i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata i want indian sat in kokata
I want to develop an animated series which concentrates on "how to make India a developed country". Trailer: In 1700 India was holding 27% of world economy. 200 years later India's share dropped to less than 3%. Why? Because British came and demolished India's native institutions. 1) Its economy deindustrialized 2) Its trade networks got destroyed 3) Its people got deeply divided by caste and creed. In just 200years India was turned from richest country to developing country. It is 21st century, still we are said as a developing country. Here comes KALAM who tells us in each episode one idea how to turn India to a developed country. Hold on to watch more ..................trailer ends I need someone to help me with the script for this...
I'm in need of talented and experienced seamstresses who can bring my designs to life. The garments are primarily women's dresses and maxi dresses. I want some one who is from India only. Requirements: - Follow specific designs I provide - Expertly work with a variety of fabrics including Cotton, Blends, Polyester, and Satin Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in dressmaking - Excellent stitching skills - Experience with a diverse range of fabrics - Ability to adhere to specific design patterns
I'm seeking assistance with data scalping for my Khakhra business. The objective is to identify and compile information on wholesale distributors in West India who are involved in buying or selling Khakhra in bulk. The final deliverable should be a well-structured spreadsheet containing: - Contact information of the wholesale distributors - Variety of Khakhra products they offer Experience in data mining, market research, and familiarity with the food wholesale industry will be highly advantageous. Your work will directly contribute to expanding my business reach across India. We Insist for not to use G-Map Extractor, JD Extractor etc. We need fresh and clean data.
We are seeking an agency to assist in collecting selfies and videos from 800 brown teenagers for AI training purposes. The agency should help us collect data from 800 Brown teenagers (aged 9-15) from Egypt or Southeast Asian countries (excluding India). The collected data will consist of one selfie photo and two speaking videos per participant, adhering to the requirements listed below. Requirements: Target Demographic: Teenagers aged 9-15. Ethnicity: Brown (from Egypt or Southeast Asian countries, excluding India). Skin tone must align with provided examples (details in the attached document). Collection Content: Photo: One selfie per participant, resolution of 1080p (1920x1080), file size of at least 1MB. Videos: Two speaking videos per participant, recorded ...
I am Looking for a freelance photographer who can work for a few hours on order basis click pis of school children passport and group
Matka | Call 9082947846 | India Matka | Matka Guessing | Boss Matka | Matka Boss | Tara Matka | Indian Matka | Satta Batta | Kalyan Chart | Matka Jodi Fix | Kalyan Guessing | Satta Jodi Fix | Golden Matka | Lakshmi Chart | India Sattal Indian Satta | Dpboss | Satta Matka Result | Fix Fix Fix Satta Number Satta Matka Kalyan Vip Matka Kalyan Matka Kalyan Matka Dive into Satta Matka, Kalyan Matka, and Satta Market and be a good Satta Matka player with sattamatka press which is the best platform for you. We offer help to Satta Matka players at every step with our experts, having years of experience. We ensure you make significant profits with the best strategies. This website is known for offering best Matka Results in the form of Matka Jodi Charts and Matka
We are a Solar and Energy Technology company. We are a Channel partner of a Major Solar Company in India. Apart from this, we also supply Solar Products and Energy Efficiency related products. We are looking for some Creative designs and Content for designing our website.
Looking for Bangladeshi Freelancer for Contents in Bengali Language. Task: Create 5 shorts-30 second each and 5...topics that should be proved as scam is- For 1-2 mins youtube videos: 1. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman - expose him to be a tyrant ruler and not the father of nation 2. Awami lig was a scam government who ruled over Bangladesh for 16 years 3. Sheikh Hasina with her lies- greatest scammer of all time for people of Bangladesh 4. Current Advisor Mostofa Sarwar Farooqi is a scam for us. He is agent of India 5. Pinaki and Ilias are real heroes for Bangladesh. They are not scammers 10 topics for 30 sec shorts- 1. Kolikata Herbal is scam 2. Jin vuter todbir baba ra scam 3. Islamic Speaker - Majhari is a scam 4. President Chuppu is a scam guy for President 5. Many Bkash calls...
...individuals with industry-relevant skills. Their offerings include programs for students right after Intermediate/12th grade to secure high-paying tech jobs and courses for aspiring professionals to become skilled software developers through a proven curriculum. Recognized by prestigious institutions such as NSDC (under the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship), NASSCOM, and Startup India, the company aims to upskill India’s youth and transform them into a global powerhouse in technology. The focus of this project is to create high-quality, employability-focused content that resonates with a wide audience and inspires career transformation at scale. Project Guidelines - The content output must meet specific requirements, including being free from grammar ...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to source home decor products from local manufacturers in India for my business. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and establish relationships with local manufacturers of home decor products. - Negotiate product prices on a commission basis. - Ensure the sourced products meet aesthetic quality standards. - suppliers should accept single orders placed in our marketplace website Ideal Skills and Experience: - Deep understanding of home decor aesthetics. - Proven experience with supplier sourcing, especially in the home decor industry. - Strong negotiation skills. - Familiarity with the Indian local manufacturing landscape. Please note, the specific types of home decor products to be sourced have not been defined yet. Therefore, flexibility ...
Test revenue cat in india for android device.
I am looking for a comprehensive policy analysis project that focuses on India's transition from fossil fuels to renewable en...energy and their effectiveness - India's compliance with international agreements, particularly under the Paris Agreement The main deliverable for this project is a written report that succinctly presents the findings and policy recommendations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in policy analysis, particularly in the energy sector - Familiarity with the regulatory framework in India - Understanding of international climate agreements and their implications for national policy - Excellent report writing skills. i need 120 pages project Freelancers with experience in this field and a proven track record in policy analysis will ...
I am in need of fresh and highly convertible leads data for a loan marketing campaign targeted at employees and salaried individuals in Lucknow, India. Key Requirements: - The leads should predominantly be from the freelancer profession, encompassing both private and government sectors. - Specific attributes of the leads: Age, Income range, and Phone number. - Ideally, the leads should be segmented based on their suitability for loan acquisition. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data mining and lead generation. - Prior experience in generating leads for financial services would be a plus. - Understanding of the Lucknow market is preferred. - Ability to deliver fresh, quality data within a short time frame.
...advertisement. or b. Upload bulk listings available in excel file containing listings data from admin panel using plugin wpallimport plugin, all numbers should get whats app or mail or SMS for confirming or declining the advertisement. 2. Make an offer button like in olx to give own offer or bid for the price mentioned: 3. The advertiser needs to keep his mobile number as not visible and available only for chat reply. The advertiser will reveal his number only if visitor is genuine through chat 4. Need to disable the mail id as mandatory field and I want to have mobile number as primary key or mandatory unique key. Need otp login 5. When somebody tries to contact the advertiser or
...advertisement. or b. Upload bulk listings available in excel file containing listings data from admin panel using plugin wpallimport plugin, all numbers should get whats app or mail or SMS for confirming or declining the advertisement. 2. Make an offer button like in olx to give own offer or bid for the price mentioned: 3. The advertiser needs to keep his mobile number as not visible and available only for chat reply. The advertiser will reveal his number only if visitor is genuine through chat 4. Need to disable the mail id as mandatory field and I want to have mobile number as primary key or mandatory unique key. Need otp login 5. When somebody tries to contact the advertiser or
We are developing Trademark management software. For that we needed data of all trademark applications filed on Indian trademark website of government of India. But due to lack of time, we bought data of 67.50 trademark applications filed and updated that in our software. Now, we want you to develop scrapper: i. that can update data and documents of existing 6.75 million trademark stored on aws server, and ii. that can scrap all data and document of newly filed trademark application, which are not in our database. Watch for understanding. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For your knowledge: 1. Our SaaS is hosted on EC2 server of AWS 2. Data is hosted on RDS
I'm in need of a proficient freelancer who can assist in B2B lead generation targeting the industrial machinery manufacturers within the broader manufacturing industry. The primary tasks will involve making calls and surfing the internet to find potential leads. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and reach out to potential companies within Industrial companies especially expanding in green field project - Find the right contact within these companies. - Understand and identify the requirements of these contacts. Ideal Skills: - Experience in lead generation, particularly in the manufacturing sector, is highly desirable. - Excellent communication skills, with the ability to make calls confidently and professionally. - Proficient internet research skills. - Ability to understand and ide...
I'm in need of a dynamic and result-oriented professional, both in marketing and sales, to help drive revenue generation for our Interview and Skill Development App across PAN India. This is a commission-based opportunity, offering a generous 15% commission per sale. Key Responsibilities: - Lead Generation: Identify potential users and organizations who could benefit from our app. - Closing Sales: Convert leads into customers through effective sales strategies. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in both marketing and sales, preferably within the technology sector. - Strong lead generation and closing skills. - Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities. - Familiarity with the app market, particularly educational or skill development apps, would be an advantage. This...
I'm seeking an expert in diesel generator analysis, particularly focusing on fuel efficiency under medium load conditions. Key Tasks: - Analyze the fuel efficiency curve of diesel gensets when operating at medium load (30-70%). - Provide insights on...operations. - Estimate the Total Cost of Operations (TCO) for various diesel gensets. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in diesel genset operations and analysis. - Adept in evaluating fuel efficiency and operational costs. - Ability to provide clear and concise recommendations. I am open to any model of diesel gensets for this analysis. The person should be from India and fully aware of models of Gensets in India. Mobile gensets preferably which are used for outdoor events and programs. Operated with gensets be...
ONLY HIRING FROM INDIA | With Strong history I'm in need of a seasoned digital marketer with a focus on Search Engine Marketing, specifically Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising on Google Ads. The goal of this project is to reach out to clinics for potential collaboration. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and execute a PPC campaign targeting clinics - Optimize the campaign for maximum reach and effectiveness - Provide regular updates on the campaign's progress Ideal Skills and Experience: - Deep knowledge of CANVA and its features to design and lead campaigns - Proven experience in PPC advertising, particularly on Google Ads - Excellent understanding of the healthcare sector - Strong communication skills for liaising with clinics - Ability to analyze and optimize campaign pe...
I'm in need of a skilled scriptwriter from India to help develop a script for a drama film. The primary focus of this role will be on character creation. Your task will be to help breathe life into the characters, making them relatable, interesting, and integral to the story. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - A strong background in scriptwriting, particularly for drama films - Exceptional character creation skills - A deep understanding of Indian culture and sensibilities - Ability to write in English with a high level of proficiency - Experience working with scripts intended for film
I've drafted a case study on marketing online educational courses in India for healthcare practitioners, but it needs some work before it can be submitted to the targeted journal. Key Areas for Improvement: - Enhancing teaching notes to include sufficient discussion, assignment questions, and adhering to APA referencing style. - Refining the writing style to fit a formal and academic tone. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in academic writing and editing. - Familiarity with APA referencing style. - Experience in developing teaching notes for case studies. Your task will be to ensure that the case study meets the journal's guidelines and is of a high standard for submission.
I require assistance in finding 30 home decor product suppliers for...planters, lights, and fountains. The project entails: - Focusing on unique product designs - Prioritizing suppliers with quick shipping times - Ensuring product quality is top-notch - Finding suppliers with a team to process orders within our system - Ensuring each supplier has an order capacity of at least 100 per week All suppliers must be located in India. Ideal candidates for this project would be those who are currently residing in India and have experience in sourcing products locally. The exact list and details of the sub-categories will be provided upon project commencement. Experience with exporting is not a requirement, however, it is crucial that quality is consistently maintained across all ...
I'm looking for a Python expert who can help me create an automated trading system that interacts with the National Stock Exchange (NSE) in India. The system should be capable of fetching live data from the Official exchange API and trading stocks. Key tasks include: - Using Python to develop the trading system - Ensuring the system can retrieve and process live data from the Official exchange API - Converting HTML code based indicators into Python code for the system - Making the system capable of executing trades based on the indicators Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Python with a strong understanding of its application in finance and trading - Experience with the NSE and understanding of its trading rules and regulations - Familiarity wit...
We are looking for a support worker to take on simple design tasks for our client, these include but are not limited too.. Create of InDesign based PDF packs/mini brochures, they are a mixture of job packs and proposals, and are mostly between 5-10 pages each T...very quick turnaround times will be expected. I have created a short walk through of the tasks here which give a brief oversight of what's needed - Example PDF's are attached which show the format but how they differ for clients I already have someone who has been working with us for a year who's integrated well, they are based in India so I am only looking for someone who is based on a European or preferably American timezone for us to offer longer hours to our client
Paradice Perfume is a fast-growing brand in India, offering a range of high-quality, budget-friendly perfumes. We are seeking a talented Graphic Designer to join us and create engaging designs that elevate our brand. Role Expectations: We’re looking for someone who: Has a strong design sense and a knack for creativity to maximize user engagement. Can design for our website, social media posts, and perfume boxes. Is skilled in creating advertising and promotional design strategies that align with our brand. Who Can Apply: Individuals with 2-3 years of experience in graphic design, preferably in the beauty or personal care category. Compensation: Perfume Boxes: ₹400 per design Banners/Posters: ₹100-₹300 per design Application Process: Share your relevant experience...
As a prominent real estate company in India, we are seeking a talented designer to create a company logo for our name, "Seven Circle Property Developers," as well as a short form logo for "SCP." Logo Requirements: - Style: The logo should be 'Classic and elegant.' It should embody a sense of timelessness and sophistication, befitting the nature of our industry. - Elements: The incorporation of 'Building structures' and 'Geometric shapes' is desired. We want a logo that conveys strength and reliability, while also being visually engaging. - Color Scheme: The logo should utilize a 'Metallic' color palette, specifically 'gold and silver.' These colors should be used to convey a sense of luxury and high quality. Id...
I am Meenakshi, and I'm in the process of establishing a fashion brand based in India. I'm currently in need of a talented fashion pattern designer who can assist in creating digital patterns for my designs. I will pay on a per-pattern basis. Garment Types: - Dresses - Shirts - Tops - Jackets - Leather Dresses - Pants - And more All patterns will need to be designed for Western-style garments with an 'old money vintage vibe'. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in digital pattern making - Experienced in designing for Western, vintage-style garments - Able to interpret and create patterns based on provided designs Please reach out if you can assist with this project.