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...dengan request code: T00 diikuti alamat IP perangkat Android. Misalnya jika perangkat Android memiliki IP: maka request code yang dikirim ke server melalui UDP port 50000 adalah: T Server akan memberikan jawaban melalui port UDP 51000 berupa nama-nama tombol yang akan ditampilkan di aplikasi android dengan pemisah (delimiter) tanda titik dua (:), contohnya :Tombol1:TombolIni:NamaTombol3: Dari contoh balasan server di atas, maka Android menampilkan 3 buah tombol, masing-masing dengan nama: Tombol 1 Tombol Ini Tombol 3 Jumlah tombol bisa jadi banyak antara 1 s.d 99, berdasarkan balasan dari Server. Apabila tombol disentuh, maka akan mengirimkan ke Server dengan format: P0 diikuti urutan tombolnya diiuti alamat IP. Dari ketiga contoh tombol...

$151 Average bid
$151 Rata-rata
2 penawaran
setting IP PBX
Berakhir left

jasa setting untuk keperluan kami yaitu: Billing System / Budgeting per ID / User Recording All Call IVR / Auto Attendance Call Fax to Mail & Mail to Fax Bisa Cabang IP PBX Yealink BLF [Busy Lamp Field] Sip Messenger connect Android APPS VOIP saat ini kami memakai program elastix dengan hardware openvox a814hj0582xk dengan chip 8fxo

$36 Average bid
$36 Rata-rata
1 penawaran

Mengset reservasi untuk berbasis API untuk PULL...dijadikan sebagai ID member di website. 3. DOKU API Integration, ini menggunakan DOKU sebagai penyedia pembayaran Credit Card, kalau mau sementara juga bisa menggunakan SKRILL agar cepat tidak masalah 4. Language Switcher, pakai plugin simpel bawahan wordpress its okay. sementara yang mau ENG dan INA. kalau didetect IP non Indo maka otomatis Indonesia,, kalau IP Indonesia maka didetect bahasa Indonesia 5. Currency Switcher, kalau IP non Indo maka menggunakan USDollar kalau IP indonesia menggunakan IDR. 6. Sebelum Checkout ada offer beberapa package yang akan dimasukkan juga sebelum checkout kamar, seperti Voucher SPA, Champagne, Voucher Renang dkk. yang bisa diset di WP Admin

$844 Average bid
Sorotan Mendesak
$844 Rata-rata
25 penawaran

Saya membutuhkan jasa pembuatan aplikasi Addons PPOB Software Pulsa yang memiliki fitur dapat mengkoneksikan produk-produk pembayaran online seperti PLN, BPJS, Telkom, Speedy, Voucher Game, Tiket Pesawat Terbang, TV Berlangganan, Multifinance (FIF, Adira, WOM Finance, dll), Asuransi, PDAM (Seluruh ...dll), Asuransi, PDAM (Seluruh Wilayah Indonesia), Tagihan Pulsa Pascabayar, dsb. Adapun API dari produk-produk telah tersedia, sehingga pembuat sistem hanya perlu melakukan interkoneksi melalui API dan mengelola pemotongan saldo deposit Software Pulsa yang kami miliki agar bisa berjalan dengan lancar dan baik. Interkoneksi antar software pulsa kami dengan aplikasi addons nantinya dapat melalui IP / YM / Jabber. Jadi aplikasi addons harus memiliki 3 interkoneksi tersebut agar bisa ...

$869 Average bid
$869 Rata-rata
3 penawaran


$12 Average bid
$12 Rata-rata
4 penawaran

Saya ingin Menampilkan HANYA satu IP Address secara acak (random) dari IP Address Range menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP Range dari IP address tersebut berasal dari CIDR yang kemudian range tersebut diexpand menjadi IP Awal (FirstIP) dan IP Terakhir (LastIP) skrip untuk mengexpand IP address dari CIDR tersebut yang saya gunakan saat ini adalah sebagai berikut contohnya : <?php function cidrToRange($cidr) { $range = array(); $cidr = explode('/', $cidr); $range[0] = long2ip((ip2long($cidr[0])) & ((-1 << (32 - (int)$cidr[1])))); $range[1] = long2ip((ip2long($cidr[0])) + pow(2, (32 - (int)$cidr[1])) - 1); return $range; } $cidr=""; $range = cidrToRange($cidr); $first_ip = ip2l...

$14 Average bid
$14 Rata-rata
3 penawaran

sistem pengambilan sks yang harus diambil dari ip sebelumnya

$86 Average bid
$86 Rata-rata
5 penawaran

...pelayanan, seperti sistem affiliate). Jadi, customer yang ingin order dapat langsung menghubungi pihak reseller. Nama domain untuk website ini adalah Contoh kasus : Adam ingin berjualan tapi tidak memiliki dana dan produk yang banyak. Maka kita tawarkan untuk "membeli" toko kami dan semua barang yang ada di dalamnya hanya dengan harga tertentu per tahun atau per bulannya. Setelah Adam registry maka Adam akan mendapatkan url yang sesuai username (misal : atau ). Adam melakukan marketing melalui facebook pribadinya atau lewat media yang lain dan ada customer yang mengklik link dari facebook Adam dan customer tersebut dapat langsung order di website atau order melalui HP yang sudah dicantumkan oleh Adam di website tersebut. Jika customer tersebut sudah melakukan

$975 Average bid
$975 Rata-rata
5 penawaran

Perusahaan kami memerlukan Freelance yang dapat memberikan jasa pengisian kuesioner online untuk penelitian ilmiah tentang sepatu olahraga branded. Kami akan menyediakan link menuju kuesioner yang hanya dapat di akses dengan 1 IP address saja. Terdapat total 200 kuesioner yang harus diselesaikan dan dapat di akses melalui 600 link. Link akan di "termiated" bila terdapat "recorded IP address" yang telah mengakses link lainnya. Oleh sebab itu kami menyediakan 600 link untuk 200 kuota kuesioner untuk mengantisipasi link yang "terminated" Persyaratan: - Mampu bekerja secara profesional - Pernah melakukan atau terlibat penelitian ilmiah - Tepat waktu Dikarenakan waktu yang mendesak kami mencari freelance yang dapat menyelesaikan penelitian...

$101 Average bid
$101 Rata-rata
28 penawaran

1. membuat semacam ip static. jadi meskipun modem di diskonek, pada saat konek lagi akan tetap memiliki ip seperti semula 2. dapat meremote desktop dengan menggunakan IP tersebut

$16 Average bid
$16 Rata-rata
1 penawaran

membuat website dengan desain sederhana, memiliki manajemen user yang dapat diakses oleh admin. pemrograman dengan menggunakan standar bahasa (PHP, CSS, MySQL). fungsi utama website : - dapat melakukan remote access ke Virtual Private Server. - model remote access ke VPS dengan memasukkan IP+Username+Password - website dapat menampilkan graphic yang telah tersedia oleh service yang telah di sediakan.

$90 Average bid
$90 Rata-rata
1 penawaran

Ini merupakan proyek lanjutan dari proyek pertama IIXSoft Tools - Tools Untuk Developer pada Proyek pertama mengenai "teknologi yang mendasari internet" - hardware seperti perkembangan komputer, pc, laptop, tablet dll, -operating system & netw opsys seperti windows, linux, unix, android, ios, bb, dll. -networking seperti tcp/ip dan layanannya -internet (termasuk intranet dan ekstranet) -cloud. Tools yang ditawarkan untuk proyek tersebut al html5, css3, php, mysql, javascript dan beberapa software di-attach dalam paket yi appserv (apache,php,mysql,phpmyadmin), java sdk & java se. Proyek lanjutan yang ini akan membahas tentang perkembangan -hardware mobile seperti laptop, cellular menjadi smartphone dan tablet -operating system seperti androi...

$3 Average bid
$3 Rata-rata
2 penawaran

minta bantuan untuk transfer file dari account reseller ke dedicated server. dan tata ip.

$30 Average bid
$30 Rata-rata
1 penawaran
Yorsav Antivirus
Berakhir left

Proyek ini berguna untuk menghapus virus,registry yang rusak,memperbaiki file dll

$16 Average bid
$16 Rata-rata
1 penawaran

1. pergi ke UFX Markets CPL April 2014 2. DAFTAR dari email dengan judul kemudian diisi dengan data yang valid 3. Login konfirmasi email bukti: 1. Alamat url setelah Anda login ke account Anda 2. IP adress

$535 Average bid
$535 Rata-rata
2 penawaran

1. pergi ke UFX Markets CPL April 2014 2. DAFTAR dari email dengan judul kemudian diisi dengan data yang valid 3. Login konfirmasi email bukti: 1. Alamat url setelah Anda login ke account Anda 2. IP adress

$555 Average bid
$555 Rata-rata
6 penawaran
Analyze some Data
Berakhir left

Printer Canon IP 2770 adalah printer ekonomis yang kinerjanya tak kalah bagus dengan printer merk lain. Tak sedikit yang menggunakan printer ini untuk keperluan pribadi hingga perkantoran yang hanya cetak dokumen biasa seperti surat dinas, surat lamaran, laporan keuangan, dan lain sebagainya. Namun dibalik itu semua, seringkali printer ini membuat kita kebingungan saat Printer Canon IP 2770 ini tidak bisa digunakan. Ketika mencetak muncul error dengan kode 5B00 pada layar monitor dan lampu orange – hijau menyala bergantian (sebut saja: blinking). Cara Mengatasi Error 5B00 Printer Canon IP 2770Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, printer harus di reset menggunakan software resetter. Resetternya bisa di download disini. Berikut langkah-langkah untuk mereset (Flash ...

$140 Average bid
$140 Rata-rata
2 penawaran
Analyze some Data
Berakhir left

Printer Canon IP 2770 adalah printer ekonomis yang kinerjanya tak kalah bagus dengan printer merk lain. Tak sedikit yang menggunakan printer ini untuk keperluan pribadi hingga perkantoran yang hanya cetak dokumen biasa seperti surat dinas, surat lamaran, laporan keuangan, dan lain sebagainya. Namun dibalik itu semua, seringkali printer ini membuat kita kebingungan saat Printer Canon IP 2770 ini tidak bisa digunakan. Ketika mencetak muncul error dengan kode 5B00 pada layar monitor dan lampu orange – hijau menyala bergantian (sebut saja: blinking). Cara Mengatasi Error 5B00 Printer Canon IP 2770Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, printer harus di reset menggunakan software resetter. Resetternya bisa di download disini. Berikut langkah-langkah untuk mereset (Flash ...

$101 Average bid
$101 Rata-rata
1 penawaran
$10 / hr Rata-rata
1 penawaran

I'm looking for a freelancer who can generate about 12 consumer leads for a free survey within 3 days. The leads must come from different IPs and should be sourced from social media platforms. Please note, spamming is not acceptable. If you can stick to the schedule and deliver quality leads, this could b...consumer leads for a free survey within 3 days. The leads must come from different IPs and should be sourced from social media platforms. Please note, spamming is not acceptable. If you can stick to the schedule and deliver quality leads, this could be a great opportunity for you to receive a positive review. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in social media lead generation - Able to ensure IP diversity - Capable of delivering within a tight schedule - No spamming p...

$182 Average bid
$182 Rata-rata
4 penawaran
Email Marketing/ Email Mass- Mailing
6 Hari left

Hello everyone, I'm looking for someone who can help me with the following problem. I send up to 10,000 mails a day - each of these mails has up to two attachments that I already generate, you don't have to do that (invoices). These mails go to my customers from my community. At the moment I have the problem that my SMTP provider Sendgrid blocks me every time for data protection reasons. I need to change that. Now there are 2 possibilities and I want you to tell me which one is better to get my mails into the inbox of my customers. Option 1: We find an SMTP provider that accepts the type of mails I send and you manage this campaign in the background. Or Option 2: We set up our own mail servers with rotating IP addresses and you do the blacklisting and...

$1257 Average bid
$1257 Rata-rata
76 penawaran

...connects customers with logistics companies and independent truckers. Our goal is to simplify global trade with an easy-to-use, efficient, and cost-effective digital platform. We are looking for talented developers to join our remote tech team and help us build a scalable, high-performance web application. Project Scope: You will be working on: ✅ Frontend Development (React.js, , Tailwind CSS) ✅ Backend Development (Node.js, , MongoDB) ✅ API Integrations (Third-party logistics, payment gateways, and tracking) ✅ Cloud Deployment & Optimization (AWS, GCP, Docker) ✅ UI/UX Improvements (Ensuring a seamless user experience) What We’re Looking For: ✔️ Strong experience in React.js & Node.js ✔️ Experience with MongoDB, PostgreSQL, or Firebase ✔️ F...

$373 Average bid
$373 Rata-rata
35 penawaran

...Requirements: Database: MySQL API Development: REST API Tools and Environments: BitBucket, Gateway, Docker Frameworks: Laravel or equivalent framework Security Considerations: Implementation of secure authentication and authorization mechanisms Encryption of sensitive data at rest and in transit Protection against common web vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injection, XSS, CSRF) Compliance with best practices in cybersecurity and data privacy regulations Required Skills: Experience in developing and integrating REST APIs with security best practices Proficiency in MySQL database management with a focus on data protection Knowledge of containerized environments (Docker) and their security implications Experience with secure software development pract...

$25 / hr Average bid
$25 / hr Rata-rata
131 penawaran

I'm looking for a skilled network engineer with strong network administration expertise to implement crucial network protocols such as TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS, and SNMP on my Cisco devices. Key Specifications: - Primary goal is enhancing network performance and enabling new network services through effective implementation of these protocols. - The project will focus mainly on Cisco routers and Cisco switches, with potential involvement of firewalls. - Ideal candidate should have substantial experience in network administration, particularly with Cisco devices. - Strong technical writing skills would be a plus, as clear documentation of the process and protocols will be required. - Knowledge of computer security will be beneficial, though the primary focus of ...

$19 Average bid
$19 Rata-rata
12 penawaran

...for a highly skilled freelance developer with expertise in real-time data processing and machine learning/AI applications. The ideal candidate will design and implement a system that generates data-driven advice and automated decisions based on historical data and real-time inputs. Project Details The real-time data is already available and stored in PostgreSQL. The system needs to efficiently process this data, apply machine learning models, and deliver actionable insights in real time. The project is ongoing, requiring a professional with a long-term vision. Key Responsibilities ✔️ Design, develop, and optimize real-time data pipelines. ✔️ Implement and train machine learning models for decision-making and recommendations. ✔️ Integrate models with streaming data ...

$41 / hr Average bid
$41 / hr Rata-rata
61 penawaran

...Development Engineer in Test (SDET) with a strong focus on automated mostly API test cases and mobile testing using Appium. The primary language for this project is Java. The ideal candidate for this role will be an expert level person who can deliver high-quality work and has extensive experience with Docker as well. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct functional and usability testing on mobile applications - Develop and implement automated API test cases - Utilize Appium for mobile testing and Selenium for web testing Essential Skills: - Proficiency in Java - Expert level knowledge of Docker - Extensive experience in functional and usability mobile testing - Proficient in using Appium and Selenium for testing Please note, only expert level candidates wit...

$51 / hr Average bid
$51 / hr Rata-rata
35 penawaran

...although they initially connected to Server 1. Additionally, the system should be integrated with a Telegram bot, which allows users to: Authenticate & attach a specific IP address to their login. Change their assigned IP address from a preloaded pool by clicking a button in Telegram. Upload configuration files manually or via script to update the available IP pool. Requirements: ✅ Develop a Bash (.sh) script or another suitable method for automatic deployment on two servers. ✅ Properly configure WireGuard, forwarding, and network settings. ✅ Enable seamless traffic forwarding between the two servers. ✅ Integrate a Telegram bot that allows users to: Attach an IP address upon authentication. Request a new IP from the available pool. ✅ Ensur...

$26 Average bid
$26 Rata-rata
28 penawaran

...ethically in our project. The system should work via GoLogin or any best alternative, but fully automated. It must use premium residential proxies and run across different browsers while preventing detection by bot protection systems. For YouTube views, the system should simulate real user behavior—randomized watch times, natural interactions (mouse movements, scrolling), and diverse IP addresses—to ensure compliance with YouTube's policies. Requirements: Expertise in Python automation (Selenium, Playwright, Puppeteer, or custom undetectable browsers). Experience developing SMM panels and integrating APIs for social media automation. Knowledge of residential proxies, browser fingerprint spoofing, and stealth techniques. Understanding of anti-bot detecti...

$124 Average bid
$124 Rata-rata
19 penawaran

...that runs on a scheduled basis with zero manual operation. The ideal candidate should be skilled in Python or relevant automation tools and have experience handling large-scale data collection efficiently. Project Scope: -Develop a fully automated web scraping system that runs on a predefined schedule without manual intervention. -Extract structured data from multiple websites and store it in a database, CSV, or other formats. -Implement error handling, logging, and notification systems to ensure reliability. -Handle dynamic content, CAPTCHA, and anti-scraping measures when necessary. -Optimize performance for efficiency and scalability. Requirements: -Strong programming skills in Python (BeautifulSoup, Scrapy, Selenium, or similar tools). -Experience with task schedul...

$342 Average bid
$342 Rata-rata
92 penawaran

We host our own mail server (MailEnable). Outlook clients, using the new Outlook, are suddenly not able to connect to our MailEnable server. Other email clients can connec...are still able to access their email through outlook and those that shut down their computers yesterday are now not able to access through outlook. As a workaround I have installed em client on the workstations and connected them via IP of our local MailEnable server. But none can connect throught is no longer working either. I suspect there is an issue with Cloudflare as well? Seems strange that Cloudflare and Outlook would experience issues at the same time. I am not the oone that set it all up and am not familiar with cloudflare and MX records enough to figure what is w...

$35 Average bid
$35 Rata-rata
10 penawaran

I'm experiencing routing issues after updating Traefik from v2 to v3. {"level":"error","entryPointName":"https","routerName":"xxxxx@docker","error":"middleware "@docker" does not exist","time":"2025-03-06T16:08:45+01:00"} Fix via online session

$26 Average bid
$26 Rata-rata
10 penawaran

...profile" before you respond. We are a reputed employer with excellent previous ratings. The chosen freelancer will receive positive feedback score and prompt payment. ----------------- About the subject ----------------------- This is a 2-hour project We run a VPS with around 30 client accounts in it. It runs WHM cPanel. These client accounts have e-mail addresses which they use for various purposes. Different client accounts are used by different teams, each of whom has separate access to their accounts using user ID and password for their respective webspace and cPanel We recently received a report that our VPS has been used for network attack attempts (sending spam e-mails). As a result of such an activity, the server IP address has been blacklist...

$51 Average bid
$51 Rata-rata
7 penawaran

...Software Engineer with React Native Development Experience: 5-8 Years Location: Remote Employment Type: Contract Shift: General IST Looking for a thoughtful, adaptive individual with a growth mindset to join our team as a Full Stack Software Engineer with React Native Development. In this role, you will work closely with multiple product teams to create web and mobile client applications to serve customers with an engaging, dynamic user experience. We have seen people thrive in this role from a variety of backgrounds, but we work mostly in Ruby on Rails and React Native. This role is focused more on client development, so React Native experience is a requirement. Responsibilities include solving problems independently and with peers, re...

$2289 Average bid
$2289 Rata-rata
50 penawaran

I need a professional to assist me with setting up a DSN network lab on Ubuntu and take screenshots of the output . The project involves: - Network Configuration: I need help with all aspects of network configuration including setting up IP addresses, configuring DNS services, and establishing subnets and VLANs. - Security Setup: Creating a secure environment for the network is paramount. Your skills in security setup would be greatly appreciated. The final deliverable will be a complete lab with screenshots demonstrating the setup process. The lab environment is to be based on virtual machines. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Ubuntu and DSN network setups. - Proficiency in configuring virtual machines. - ...

$25 Average bid
$25 Rata-rata
4 penawaran

Silakan Daftar atau Login tuntuk melihat rincian.

Sorotan Mendesak Bersegel PK

I'm facing installation errors with Laravel Reverb on my local Dockerized Sail Laravel setup. The primary issue seems to stem from dependency problems. I need an experienced Laravel developer who can help resolve these issues efficiently. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Laravel and Docker - Experienced with Laravel Reverb - Troubleshooting installation and dependency issues - Knowledgeable about PHP modules and Composer packages

$38 Average bid
$38 Rata-rata
7 penawaran
Email Deliverability Expert Needed
5 Hari left

I'm currently using Interspire Email Marketer 6.2.1 with PowerMTA 4.0r6 for daily cold outreach emails. Unfortunately, my single IP and domain get blacklisted by Spamhaus almost immediately after I start sending. I haven't verified the quality of my email list, which may be part of the issue. I'm seeking an expert in email deliverability who can help me: - Prevent my IP from being blacklisted - Improve the quality of my email list - Optimize my sending strategy Your skills should include a deep understanding of email marketing, deliverability strategies, and list management. Experience with Interspire and PowerMTA is highly desirable.

$1956 Average bid
$1956 Rata-rata
18 penawaran

...our "Client profile" before you respond. We are a reputed employer with excellent previous ratings. The chosen freelancer will receive positive feedback score and prompt payment. ----------------- About the subject ----------------------- This is a 2-hour project We run a VPS with around 30 client accounts in it. It runs WHM cPanel. These client accounts have e-mail addresses which they use for various purposes. Different client accounts are used by different teams, each of whom has separate access to their accounts using user ID and password for their respective webspace and cPanel We recently received a report that our VPS has been used for network attack attempts. As a result of such an activity, the server IP address has been blacklisted by ...

$64 Average bid
$64 Rata-rata
11 penawaran

I'm seeking an experienced WordPress plugin developer to code a custom WP Login Security Plugin. This plugin should enhance the security of the WordPress login page by integrating 2FA, and reCAPTCHA v3 & Simple Math Question. You are encouraged to levera...The plugin should accommodate multiple 2FA methods, specifically Email verification, SMS verification, Authenticator app, and Telegram API. - CAPTCHA: reCAPTCHA v3 or Altcha opensource capthca and Simple Math Questions. - Additional Security Measures: The plugin must include login attempt limits, along with a feature that allows the admin to unblock an IP via email. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress plugin development. - Familiarity with 2FA and CAPTCHA integration. - Prior experience with impl...

$276 Average bid
$276 Rata-rata
47 penawaran

I'm looking for a freelancer who can generate about 12 consumer leads for a free survey within 3 days. The leads must come from different IPs and should be sourced from social media platforms. Please note, spamming is not acceptable. If you can stick to the schedule and deliver quality leads, this could b...consumer leads for a free survey within 3 days. The leads must come from different IPs and should be sourced from social media platforms. Please note, spamming is not acceptable. If you can stick to the schedule and deliver quality leads, this could be a great opportunity for you to receive a positive review. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in social media lead generation - Able to ensure IP diversity - Capable of delivering within a tight schedule - No spamming p...

$55 Average bid
$55 Rata-rata
17 penawaran

I'm looking for someone who can help me with improving my search ranking by clicking on Google search results. The task involves using a rotating proxy to simulate different IP addresses. You should know how to use an anti detect browser with no foot prints for Google. I’ll provide proxy Ideal Skills and Experience: - Familiarity with SEO and search ranking improvement techniques - Experience with using proxies, specifically rotating proxies - Basic understanding of Google search functionalities Please note, I'm flexible with the number of clicks and the frequency, but consistency is key.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Rata-rata
53 penawaran

...Health Assessments: Horse Profile with physical statistics, legal documents, temperament, and previous use; Regular Horse Assessments evaluating health, movement, and training suitability. - Ownership & Sponsorship: Track details of ownership and sponsorship information. Employee & Incident Management Module: - Employee Records: Employee personal details, contact information, job-related data, and emergency contacts. - Incident Reporting: Center Occurrence Reports to document unusual events or accidents, along with witness statements and follow-up actions. - Lesson Evaluations: Lesson Assessment Sheets to gather feedback from instructors and evaluate class performance. Volunteer Management Module: - Onboarding & Registration: Volunteer Registration ...

$30 / hr Average bid
$30 / hr Rata-rata
65 penawaran

Are you a problem-solver who wants to transform an entire industry? We're a fast-growing UK tech startup revolutionising e-commerce sustainability, with a waiting list of 60 brands ready to implement our solution. What We're Looking For: Senior Full-Stack Developer with exceptional technical skills Experience in React, Node.js, and cloud infrastructure Strong background in building scalable, high-performance applications Passion for solving real-world challenges What Makes This Different: Not just another job - a chance to build something that transforms an entire industry Potential to become our CTO if you prove your exceptional capabilities Startup equity as part of your compensation package Working on cutting-edge circular economy technology Opportunity to s...

$649 Average bid
$649 Rata-rata
143 penawaran

...integration with delivery service company APIs and a payment gateway is essential. 5. Cloud Services: Utilizing AWS or similar services for storage and processing. 6. Code and IP Rights: All code, IP rights, and necessary credentials must be handed over to us. Future Considerations: - While not mandatory, we would prefer ongoing support for maintenance and hardware/services upscaling as we grow. - Initial design templates and data fields will be developed through discussions with interested talents. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in mobile app development, particularly for iOS and Android. - Experience in creating vendor web interfaces and understanding of logistics management. - Expertise in API integrations and cloud services. - Strong underst...

$25 / hr Average bid
$25 / hr Rata-rata
22 penawaran

I'm looking for a professional with a strong background in cryptography and experience in working with Bitcoin servers or Chainstack. The primary goal of this project is to implement specific features into the blockchain. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of cryptography and docker - Experience with Bitcoin servers or Chainstack - Skills in implementing blockchain features and using modal software You can see sample assignment Please note that the specifics about the setup, configuration, security protocols, and performance optimizations are not yet defined. However, I value freelancers that can provide insights and suggestions on these aspects.

$10 Average bid
$10 Rata-rata
7 penawaran

...en una alternativa moderna y cloud de otros LMS como Moodle, por lo tanto, referente a SCORM, requerimos que se implemente todo lo necesario, para que el usuario tenga la misma funcionalidad, y se integre en nuestro LMS, tal como actualmente esta con Moodle. Se trata de un servicio monolito que ofrece una RESTAPI, principales tecnologías utilizadas para backend Springboot, Kotlin, PostgreSQL y Docker. MUY IMPORTANTE experiencia previa demostrable en SCORM para aportar dicho conocimiento a la Startup....

$4454 Average bid
$4454 Rata-rata
23 penawaran

...Property (IP) Attorney registered in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to assist with filing a trademark application with the UAE Ministry of Economy. The ideal candidate must have extensive knowledge of UAE trademark laws and procedures, with a proven track record of successfully registering trademarks and guiding clients through the filing process. Key Responsibilities: Prepare and file a trademark application with the UAE Ministry of Economy. Provide legal guidance on UAE trademark regulations, filing requirements, and best practices. Ensure compliance with priority status regulations, as we have a priority claim based on a foreign trademark application dated September 27, 2024. Conduct a preliminary trademark search, if necessary, to assess p...

$465 Average bid
$465 Rata-rata
10 penawaran

...medical device connectivity, invoicing, contracts, online booking, user roles and permissions, and detailed medical reports. --- ? Detailed Software Requirements: 1️⃣ Patient Management & Online Booking Patient registration system with full medical history and previous test records. Online appointment booking via website or mobile app with confirmation notifications. Advanced patient search by name, phone number, or ID. 2️⃣ LIS Integration for Device Connectivity Direct connection with laboratory instruments via standard protocols (HL7, RS232, TCP/IP). Automated result retrieval to minimize manual entry errors. Review system before finalizing and releasing results. 3️⃣ Billing & Contract Management Comprehensive invoicing system support...

$146 Average bid
$146 Rata-rata
38 penawaran