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    2,000 craft kids nyc pekerjaan ditemukan

    Membuat video animasi story anak sederhana sesuai dengan story yang di buat. durasi animasi 4 s.d. 7 menit. sesuai dengan prompt terlampir.

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    As the client of this project, I'm seeking a talented writer to craft engaging and insightful blog content revolving around lifestyle topics. Key Requirements: - Expertise in blog writing: The chosen freelancer should have proven experience in creating compelling blog content. - Familiarity with lifestyle topics: I need someone who has deep knowledge and genuine interest in lifestyle topics, ranging from fashion, healthy living, travel to personal finance. - Strong creative writing skills: The content should resonate with readers, inspire action, and add value. Capable writers with a knack for compelling storytelling and a keen interest in lifestyle topics will be highly valued in this project.

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Rata-rata
    21 penawaran
    $148 Rata-rata
    39 penawaran

    Kami adalah sebuah startup digital yang sedang dalam tahap User Acquisition (pencarian customer). Syarat Freelancer: - Memiliki akses ke komunitas dengan jumlah besar - Memiliki skill sales / marketing Tugas: - Memperkenalkan platform kami (platform sewa menyewa) dan mencari user untuk sign up Kategori Sewa: - Baby & Kids (Komunitas orang tua dan anak) - Hobby (Komunitas Gaming) - Music (Komunitas Musisi Muda) - Sports (Komunitas Camping, dll) Benefit: - Komisi / Insentif untuk setiap user yang daftar - Bonus setiap user yang berhasil sewa di platform

    $127 Average bid
    $127 Rata-rata
    10 penawaran
    Discord Grinder
    Berakhir left

    Saya sedang mencari orang yang bisa berbahasa inggriss yang lancar untuk grind dan chat di discord server yang aku pilih untuk dapatin saya WL, saya hanya akan bayar jika kamu dapatin aku WL, kalau ada yang bisa Adobe Photoshop,Adobe illustrator ato semacam arts and crafts akan lebih bagus karena kamu bisa dapet WL lewat fan-art. Jika bisa arts and craft tolong attach file.

    $146 Average bid
    $146 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    Saya sedang mencari orang yang bisa berbahasa inggriss yang lancar untuk grind dan chat di discord server yang aku pilih untuk dapatin saya WL, saya hanya akan bayar jika kamu dapatin aku WL, kalau ada yang bisa Adobe Photoshop,Adobe illustrator ato semacam arts and crafts akan lebih bagus karena kamu bisa dapet WL lewat fan-art. Jika bisa arts and craft tolong attach file.

    $337 Average bid
    $337 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    App android studio data logger, segala aktifitas hp mobile yang digunakan anak-anak dan bisa dipantau kapanpun datanya oleh orang tua. Programming skills atau System & Software yang mungkin dibutuhkan: - Firebase Realtime Database - Google - Backend Wordpress - webserver (php & mysql) plugin - Android studio project (java) Fitur-fitur yang diharapkan: 1. OTP SMS saat daftar baik sebagai user parent (orang tua) maupun sebagai child (anak yg diwasi). 2. Bisa mencatat segala aktifitas browsing yang dilakukan pada mobile android bila menggunakan browser chrome, mozila firefox, opera dan lain-lain. 3. Bisa melakukan screen shoot layar (mobile android anak) dan kemudian upload gambar tersebut ke server, bila diperintah capture dari perangkat mobile android milik orang tua. Atau bila d...

    $211 Average bid
    $211 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    proyek ini adalah membuat animasi berjangka 5 menit untuk sebuah lagu anak"

    $163 Average bid
    $163 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    Design a brochure (A5 vertical) for a course of reading Qur'an for elementary level students. Pics reference please use from the existing designs at...brackets (" ") Brochure consists of 3 parts: 1. background (why) "Salah satu amalan yang tidak putus setelah kita meninggal adalah Do'a Anak yang Sholeh. (bukan Anak yang pintar Matematika)" Translate: one of the points in front of God that never ceased after we died is good kid (not kids w good grades in math) 2. what "Pastikan Anak Kita bagus bacaan Qur'an nya. Telah dibuka Kursus Tahsin untuk anak usia SD" Translate: make sure our kids can read Qur’an properly. Now open Tahsin (reading Quran) course for kids elementary age. - where (address and phone number) &qu...

    $100 Average bid
    39 entri day? Skyfy Technology is looking for an exceptional negotiator with excellent persuasion skills. We need a capable frontrunner to blaze the trail and make connections for us. If you’re driven, outgoing and love to win, this is the job that you are looking for. Job Description: - Generating leads, sourcing for and meeting potential clients to expand our business - Work with internal team to craft out solutions and project timelines - Analyse and conduct research regularly on industry, market and competitors to stay updated on latest happenings - Identify, develop, and execute new strategies for business growth - Identify client's challenges, business needs and objectives to structure proposals - Ensure successful rollout of large scale projects - Other ad-hoc dutie...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Hi, Saya membutuhkan jasa personal shopper untuk barang-barang anak. Jangka waktu kerja nya adalah 8 hari. Dalam satu hari akan ada 2 shift (08.00 - 16.00 WIB dan 16.00 - 00.00 WIB) akan berbelanja sampai ke area yang 24 jam juga. Lokasi di Jakarta dan Tangerang Selatan. Kandidat prefer perempuan (jika terbiasa berbelanja terutama produk anak-anak menjadi nilai plus) Memiliki visual skills yang baik, update terhadap trend-trend terbaru, dan termasuk social media addict (Pengguna Instagram, Facebook dan Pinterest) [Removed by Admin]

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran
    Event berkecamuk
    Berakhir left

    Anime adalah sebuah tontonan yang wajib bagi para kids zaman now. Dan Akibatnya, Kini di indonesia banyak sekali event-event tentang Anime di Indonesia. Bahkan disetiap daerah, sangat wajib sekali di adakan event setiap tahunnya. Seperti Anime fest, Japan Matsuri, Bunkasai, dll. Bahkan di event-event biasa sering ada Cosplayer-cosplayer garapan Anime. Itu menandakan bahwa Anime sudah dapat diterima diberbagai kalangan. Akibat maraknya event-event Anime di Indonesia, terciptalah organisasi para wibu. Sampai saat ini asal-usul wibu masih belum ditemukan. Ada yang bilang wibu lebih tinggi dari otaku karena wibu adalah manusia aktif dalam memeriahkan sistem peranime an Indonesia walaupun nolep. Yang tersedia di event-event ini bukan hanya Cosplayer, Festival, dan Merchandise. Mela...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran
    Design project
    Berakhir left

    Saya memerlukan sejumlah desain grafis Saya ingin membuat beberapa design graphic untuk kids tees

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Rata-rata
    18 penawaran
    Trophy icon Mendesain sebuah Logo Fashion Anak
    Berakhir left

    Nama logo adalah MINIME KIDS Saya membutuhkan desain logo Saya bergerak di bidang fashion anak. Saya ingin membranding Toko saya melalui logo,maka dari itu saya membutuhkan sebuah logo yang berkualitas dan bagus karena nanti logo ini akan di pakai untuk desain paper bag,kartu nama dll. Saya membutuh logo yang unik, simpel,menarik,eye catching, mudah diingat,dibaca,mempunyai makna dan terlihat profesional. Tetapi masih mengandung unsur anak, jika orang melihat logo saya mereka akan tahu kalau saya menjual produk fashion anak-anak

    $65 Average bid
    Sorotan Bergaransi Kontes Teratas
    91 entri
    Sales and Marketing
    Berakhir left

    Membantu kami mengenalkan bisnis / produk yang kami miliki. Kami Startup di bidang Leather craft, secara spesifik fokus dalam penjualan tali jam kulit , Saat ini membutuhkan content creator yang memiliki keahlian teknis dan praktis untuk me-maintain instagram maupun facebookMisi kami adalah menjangkau potential buyer dari pipeline instagram maupun facebook agar dapat mengetahui produk yang kami tawarkan sehingga memutuskan pembelian - Memiliki kemampuan fotografi yang baik- Posting foto dan konten di instagram minimum 5 foto per minggu- kreatif dan memiliki kemampuan teknis pengelolaan instagram maupun facebook

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Rata-rata
    6 penawaran

    (Indonesian Only) Dibutuhkan 40 desain stiker (stiker disini definisinya adalah yang digunakan di messaging app) + 2 (bisa copy/clone dari 40, cuman menyesuaikan size/tulisan) yang temanya "Indonesia Banget." ...menyesuaikan size/tulisan) yang temanya "Indonesia Banget." Stiker yang di desain harus: - orisinil (bukan copy-paste karakter / tema, apalagi jiplakan karya orang lain) - hasil harus berupa vektor Adobe Illustrator (AI) - berwarna - dapat dengan jelas mendeskripsikan artinya - setidaknya mengandung seorang karakter - exaggerate expression (ekspresi karakter yang berlebihan) - fun dan kids friendly - hak cipta sepenuhnya milik saya This project require that you are fluent in Indonesian language. To verify this please submit your...

    $108 Average bid
    $108 Rata-rata
    11 penawaran

    Dibutuhkan 40 desain stiker (stiker disini definisinya adalah yang digunakan di messaging app) yang temanya "Indonesia Banget." Stiker yang di desain harus: - orisinil (bukan copy-paste karakter / tema, apalagi jiplakan karya orang lain) - hasil berupa vektor Adobe AI - berwarna - dapat dengan jelas mendeskripsikan artinya - setidaknya me...adalah yang digunakan di messaging app) yang temanya "Indonesia Banget." Stiker yang di desain harus: - orisinil (bukan copy-paste karakter / tema, apalagi jiplakan karya orang lain) - hasil berupa vektor Adobe AI - berwarna - dapat dengan jelas mendeskripsikan artinya - setidaknya mengandung seorang karakter - exaggerate expression (ekspresi karakter yang berlebihan) - fun dan kids friendly - s...

    $141 Average bid
    $141 Rata-rata
    20 penawaran

    design T shirt,ilustration kids,,painting

    $55555 Average bid
    $55555 Rata-rata
    3 penawaran

    Wola, sebuah perusahan yang bergerak di bidang perlengkapan ultah anak (kids’ party supplies) sedang membutuhkan jasa freelance accountant dan admin. Syarat: 1. Min 23 tahun 2. Min D3 akutansi 3. Mempunyai pengalaman bekerja dalam bidang akutansi minium 2 tahun. 4. Domisili Jakarta 5. Menguasai Excel dan Zahir/Accurate Accounting Lingkup kerja: 1. Membuat laporan keuangan. 2. Mendata semua proses transaksi 3. Mengorganisir agar semua piutang terbayar setiap bulannya (menelpon/follow-up dengan bagian accounting dari pihak kedua) 4. Follow up dengan atasan setiap minggunya dengan telp. Minimal bertemu muka 1X dalam sebulan. Benefit: 1. Dapat bekerja dari rumah. 2. Waktu kerja fleksibel 3. Gaji setiap bulan Rp. 2.000.000 (bisa negosiasi sesuai pengalaman dan...

    $173 Average bid
    $173 Rata-rata
    9 penawaran

    Saya ingin membuat sebuah marketplace yang diintegrasikan dengan system reseller dan dapat diakses oleh puluhan ribu orang perharinya. Fokus market kami adalah baby & kids. Website ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan orang Indonesia yang ingin berjualan tapi tidak memiliki produk, mereka dapat membeli system kita sekaligus semua produk yang ada di dalamnya. Semua contact seperti HP, Pin BB, email dll yang ditampilkan adalah milik reseller (jika perlu tidak pakai pelayanan, seperti sistem affiliate). Jadi, customer yang ingin order dapat langsung menghubungi pihak reseller. Nama domain untuk website ini adalah Contoh kasus : Adam ingin berjualan tapi tidak memiliki dana dan produk yang banyak. Maka kita tawarkan untuk "membeli" toko kami dan semua barang yang ada di dala...

    $975 Average bid
    $975 Rata-rata
    5 penawaran

    Dicari penulis freelancer sejumlah articles terkait mengenai ibu dan anak (Moms, kids, and lifestyle) bisa dalam bentuk original content atau translate dari portal berita lainnya seperti , , dll

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    Dicari penulis freelancer sejumlah articles terkait mengenai ibu dan anak (Moms, kids, and lifestyle) bisa dalam bentuk original content atau translate dari portal berita lainnya seperti , , dll

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Rata-rata
    44 penawaran

    Dicari penulis freelancer sejumlah articles terkait mengenai ibu dan anak (Moms, kids, and lifestyle) bisa dalam bentuk original content atau translate dari portal berita lainnya seperti , , dll

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    26 penawaran

    Dicari penulis freelancer sejumlah articles terkait mengenai ibu dan anak (Moms, kids, and lifestyle) bisa dalam bentuk original content atau translate dari portal berita lainnya seperti , , dll

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Rata-rata
    30 penawaran

    I'm seeking a talented content writer to craft engaging and persuasive copy for my website. The content will need to span across the Home page, About Us section, and Services page. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in content writing, specifically for web development - Ability to create compelling, clear, and concise copy that captures the brand's voice - Experience in writing for 'About Us' and 'Services' sections Ideal Skills: - Understanding of SEO and ability to incorporate keywords naturally into the content - Strong research skills to understand and articulate our services effectively - Excellent command of English and grammar Your task will be to create content that not only informs but also engages and persuades our visitors. A track rec...

    $199 Average bid
    $199 Rata-rata
    22 penawaran

    I'm looking for eager learners with basic programming skills to join a 6-month internship. While I have not specified a required language, having a grasp on any major programming framework is a big plus. Your communication skills and ability to utilize the Microsoft Office Suite will certainly be put to good use. If you're ready to develop your craft and grow as a professional, this is the right starting point. Ideal applicants will have: - Basic understanding of programming - Familiarity with Microsoft Office Suite - Strong verbal and written communication skills No specific programming language is required; any foundational knowledge will be beneficial for your application. This is a 6-month commitment, so please only apply if you can dedicate for this period. This int...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Rata-rata
    8 penawaran

    I'm an abstract artist seeking a skilled web developer to craft a bespoke, classic and elegant style website for showcasing and selling my artwork. Key Features: - Design a minimalist yet sophisticated homepage, shop, FAQs, about, and contact pages. - Implement an attractive, user-friendly interface with stunning graphics to highlight my artwork. - Develop a multi-currency compatible shop integrated with various payment providers. - Payment Integration: PayPal, Credit/Debit Cards, Net Banking, UPI. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in creating e-commerce websites with seamless payment integration. - Strong graphic design skills to create an appealing site. - Experienced in developing classic and elegant style websites. - Understanding of multi-currency e-commerce requirements. - P...

    $216 Average bid
    $216 Rata-rata
    52 penawaran

    I'm seeking a talented copywriter to craft engaging blog posts that ultimately drive lead generation. Your main tasks will include: - Creating compelling, SEO-friendly blog content designed to attract and engage consumers. - Implementing strategic calls-to-action within the posts to encourage reader conversion. - Understanding and representing my brand voice accurately. Ideal candidates will have proven experience in persuasive copywriting, content marketing and SEO. Please provide samples of previous work that aligns with these requirements.

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Rata-rata
    74 penawaran

    I'm seeking an experienced Freelancer platform specialist with over 5 years of expertise in profile optimization and also who has knowledge of getting preferred freelancer badge. The primary focus will be enhancing my profile summary and po...profile optimization and also who has knowledge of getting preferred freelancer badge. The primary focus will be enhancing my profile summary and portfolio examples to improve my profile's visibility on the platform. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Freelancer platform - Excellent understanding of profile optimization techniques - Strong communication skills for client interaction - Ability to craft compelling profile summaries and portfolio examples Goals: - Enhance profile visibility on the Freelancer platform to attract mor...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Rata-rata
    4 penawaran

    I am seeking a LinkedIn specialist to assist with the following tasks: Data Research: Conduct research to identify ideal prospects for...utilize Sales Navigator and other tools to ensure the data is accurately refined for targeted outreach. Data Organization: Collect and organize prospect data in a well-structured format, such as a spreadsheet or database, ensuring accuracy and consistency across all entries. Familiarity with Sales Navigator and other tools is essential for maintaining data integrity. Personalized Messaging: Craft and send personalized connection requests and messages to prospects, introducing them to my business and encouraging engagement. You will leverage Sales Navigator and other tools to create compelling, customized messages that drive positive ...

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Rata-rata
    1 penawaran

    I'm in need of a talented content writer to craft engaging, casual content for my website. The sections requiring content include the Homepage, About Us, and Services. Ideal candidates should have: - Experience in writing website content - Ability to adopt a casual tone while remaining clear and concise - Understanding of creating content that is SEO friendly - Portfolio examples of previous website content Proficient writers with a knack for casual, yet engaging content will be given priority.

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Rata-rata
    36 penawaran

    I'm seeking a skilled writer to craft debates for all major social media platforms, with the primary goal of audience engagement. The tone should be formal, and the content should be balanced and thought-provoking. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in formal writing - Understanding of social media dynamics - Ability to create engaging content - Experience in writing for a variety of social media platforms - Knowledge of current social issues for relevant content creation

    $259 Average bid
    $259 Rata-rata
    46 penawaran

    I'm in need of a content writer who can craft comprehensive classroom, training, and teaching plans aimed at a college/university level in the field of Education and Teaching Training. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in Education - Experience in curriculum development - Excellent content writing skills The project involves creating content that is engaging, informative, and suitable for teaching training at a higher education level. Please provide samples of similar work you've done in your proposal.

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Rata-rata
    27 penawaran

    I'm seeking a seasoned digital marketer with a primary focus on content creation, specifically video content for Instagram. Your role will encompass: - Content Creation: Craft engaging and high-quality video content tailored for our target audience on Instagram. - Social Media Management: Strategically manage our Instagram presence, ensuring consistent and engaging posts. - Meta Ads & Google Ads Management: Oversee and optimize our advertising efforts on Meta and Google to enhance our reach and engagement. - SEO: Implement effective SEO strategies to improve our online visibility and reach. - Influencer Marketing: Identify and engage with relevant influencers to promote our brand and content. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in digital...

    $365 Average bid
    $365 Rata-rata
    73 penawaran

    I'm seeking a proficient web developer to craft a professional, responsive, and user-friendly website for a fertility center. This project is focused on increasing appointment bookings through an engaging online presence. Key Requirements: - A responsive and mobile-friendly design. - Development of various pages: Home, About Us, Services, Testimonials, Book an Appointment (with form integration), and Contact Us (with Google Maps integration). - Implementation of features such as an SEO-optimized structure and multilingual support (Telugu and English). - A clean, modern, and soothing design. Deliverables: - A fully functional website. - Comprehensive documentation for updates and maintenance. Budget: I'm open to quotes. Timeline: The project is expected to be completed ...

    $88 Average bid
    $88 Rata-rata
    89 penawaran

    ...interactive prototypes to visualize design concepts. UI Design: Develop visually appealing and functional interfaces aligned with branding and accessibility standards. Collaboration: Work closely with developers, product managers, and stakeholders to ensure seamless implementation of designs. Design Tools Expertise: Proficient in Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, and other design tools. Responsive Design: Craft designs optimized for various devices, including mobile, tablet, and desktop. Problem-Solving: Address user pain points with creative and efficient design solutions. Iterative Design: Refine designs based on user feedback and data analysis to enhance usability. Design Systems: Create and maintain design systems and style guides for consistency across products. Trend Awareness: Stay...

    $241 Average bid
    $241 Rata-rata
    67 penawaran

    ...would be a big plus. So, we need An AI-driven solution which could make contacting wholesalers and retailers more efficient and personalised. Here’s how we would like to implement an ai system; 1. Automated Outreach System: Use AI-powered tools like email marketing platforms (e.g., Mailchimp with AI enhancements) or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (like HubSpot or Salesforce) to craft personalised email pitches tailored to each wholesaler or retailer. AI can analyze their business profiles and suggest the right language and product highlights to include. 2. Chatbot or Virtual Assistant: Deploy an AI chatbot on our website or through messaging platforms (like WhatsApp or LinkedIn). It could provide retailers with instant information about our brand, schedul...

    $142 Average bid
    $142 Rata-rata
    87 penawaran
    Algo Trading Platform Development
    6 Hari left

    I'm looking to develop an online algo trading platform. This platform will allow users to create their own trading strategies, backtest them, and deploy them. It will also enable users to copy our successful strategies and connect with various brokers through TradingView. Key Features: - Strategy Creation: Users will be able to craft strategies by selecting their broker, choosing between NSE, BSE or Options, selecting stocks and their expiry with strike price, deciding whether to Buy or Sell options, choosing time frames, candle types and utilizing 50 inbuilt indicators, setting dynamic stop-losses and trigger prices. - Backtesting: The system will run the users' strategies on historical data and provide results on the number of profitable trades versus losing ones. - Bro...

    $336 Average bid
    $336 Rata-rata
    25 penawaran

    I'm in need of a seasoned PowerPoint professional to craft a compelling and sophisticated presentation for me. This presentation is intended to report/update on various topics and is expected to exceed 200 slides. Key Requirements: - A deep understanding of creating corporate, professional-grade PowerPoint presentations. - Ability to distill complex information into digestible, engaging slides. - Excellent design skills to curate a visually appealing presentation without compromising on professional aesthetics. - Prior experience in creating PowerPoint presentations for report/update purposes. If you possess these skills and have a portfolio of similar work, I would love to hear from you.

    $1811 Average bid
    $1811 Rata-rata
    85 penawaran

    I'm seeking a professional to craft a compelling resume for me. The target is entry-level positions in the corporate sectorand apply to MTech in Robitics and Automination in Japan. Here's what I need: - A well-structured, clear, and concise resume that highlights my skills, education, and any relevant experience. - A focus on making it suitable for job applications in the corporate world. - A persuasive tone that communicates my readiness and enthusiasm for an entry-level role. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Expert knowledge of resume writing, particularly for corporate positions. - Understanding of what employers in the corporate sector look for in entry-level candidates. - Ability to present information in a clear, engaging, and professional manne...

    $5 Average bid
    10 entri

    I'm seeking a talented content writer with a passion for travel and food to help create engaging travel & food guides for my blog. The primary focus will be on New Zealand, so knowledge or ex...Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and storytelling skills - Ability to create engaging, informative, and SEO-friendly content Experience: - Prior experience in writing travel guides preferred - Experience in the travel & food niche highly desirable. Note:- I am not looking for someone who uses AI tools to generate or rewrite content. I am looking for someone who can research the given topic and craft 100% HUMAN WRITTEN content. Please bid only if you can follow this special instruction. Link to your previous work is much appreciated. While Bidding, please mention how much you...

    $58 Average bid
    $58 Rata-rata
    103 penawaran

    I'm in need of 2 skilled Gujarati content writer who can craft engaging and insightful blog posts centered around the Technology and Fashion niche. These posts should cater specifically to tech enthusiasts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Gujarati with a deep understanding of the language's nuances and idioms. - Strong background in technology and gadgets, able to write with authority and authenticity. - Previous experience in content creation, particularly blog posts. - Ability to create engaging, informative content that resonates with tech enthusiasts. - SEO knowledge to ensure content is discoverable. Must :- Experience of 2-3 years and samples related to requirement Thank you

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Rata-rata
    20 penawaran

    I'm looking for a talented animator to create a 2D animation video aimed at entertaining school-age children. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 2D animation - Experience in creating content for children aged 6-10 - A portfolio showcasing previous work in kids' entertainment Your task will be to develop an engaging, high-quality animation that captures the attention of young viewers and keeps them entertained. Please provide examples of your past projects that align with this description.

    $54 Average bid
    $54 Rata-rata
    27 penawaran

    I'm seeking a professional business proposal writer to help me craft a compelling proposal to present to potential investors. My startup is focused on the refining and distribution sector within the oil and gas industry. Key Aspects: - Understanding of the oil and gas industry is crucial, particularly in refining and distribution. - Ability to highlight the startup's growth potential due to market demand and opportunities. - Experience in writing startup business proposals. Ideal Skills: - Strong business acumen. - Excellent writing and communication skills. - Previous experience in the oil and gas sector. - Proven track record of successful business proposals. The proposal should convincingly showcase my startup's growth potential, particularly in terms of market ...

    $114 Average bid
    $114 Rata-rata
    98 penawaran

    I'm looking for a talented writer who can craft engaging and educational articles aimed at the general public. The articles should be informative, able to break down complex concepts into easily digestible pieces. Ideal Skills: - Strong command of English - Ability to write in an engaging, clear, and concise manner - Experience in article writing - Capacity for research and understanding of diverse topics Experience: - Previous work targeting the general public - Background in creating informative or educational content

    $382 Average bid
    $382 Rata-rata
    91 penawaran

    I'm seeking a talented ghostwriter to craft an inspirational book about my journey as a hero who has successfully removed 30,000 MT of greenhouse gas emissions. The book should be written from a first-person perspective, providing a personal and intimate look at the struggles, victories, and lessons learned along the way. Key elements include: - Detailing my personal journey and struggles in the fight against climate change - Capturing an inspirational tone that will motivate and uplift readers - Weaving in elements of relatable human experience to connect with a broad audience Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience in ghostwriting, particularly in the inspirational genre - A strong understanding of environmental issues and emission reduction strategies - Exceptiona...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Rata-rata
    25 penawaran

    I'm in need of a seasoned resume writer who can craft a professional, ATS-friendly and optimized resume for a mid-level position. The resume should be a combination of traditional text and an infographic. Infographic Elements: - Skills Chart: This should visually represent my skills in a clear and appealing manner. - Professional Timeline: I want my career journey to be depicted in a concise and engaging timeline. - Key Achievements: My significant accomplishments should be highlighted in a way that they stand out. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in resume writing, particularly for mid-level positions - Strong understanding of ATS optimization techniques - Proficiency in creating engaging infographics - Excellent resume writing skills

    $52 Average bid
    $52 Rata-rata
    24 penawaran

    ...system. Escalate qualified leads to the coaching team for further engagement. Provide daily progress updates, including key metrics and feedback. Represent the brand’s tone and professionalism in all communications. Qualifications: Experience: Prior experience in Instagram outreach, social media, or customer engagement is a plus. Communication Skills: Strong written communication with the ability to craft clear, personalized messages. Organization: Detail-oriented and able to manage multiple conversations simultaneously. Time Management: Ability to commit to 2 hours daily with consistent performance. Tech-Savvy: Familiarity with Instagram, basic spreadsheets, and lead tracking tools. Interest in Fitness: A passion for or interest in fitness, health, or wellness is a bonus. ...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Rata-rata
    65 penawaran

    I need a high-scoring ATS resume tailored for the technology industry, specifically targeting mid-level Software Developer positions. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive understanding of ATS and how to craft a resume that scores highly. - Experience in the technology field, particularly with mid-level Software Developer roles. - Ability to highlight relevant skills, experiences and accomplishments in a way that appeals to both ATS and human reviewers. Ideal Skills: - Resume writing - Knowledge of ATS - Understanding of software development industry and roles - Strong writing and editing skills

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Rata-rata
    55 penawaran