Cellphone trunk asterisk usbPekerjaan
Saat ini saya sedang mengembangkan project VB6 yang memerlukan integrasi dengan chipset MTK dan Spreadtrum. Tujuan utama dari project ini adalah untuk memungkinkan penulisan IMEI ke perangkat HP, baik smartphone maupun feature phone, menggunakan koneksi USB. Ideal Skills: - Pengalaman dalam pemrograman VB6 - Pengetahuan tentang MTK dan Spreadtrum - Keahlian dalam interfacing perangkat melalui USB - Pengalaman dalam penulisan IMEI menggunakan META Mode - Pemahaman tentang smartphone dan feature phone Diperlukan seorang freelancer yang mampu menyelesaikan project ini dengan baik dan tepat waktu.
aplikasi sederahana ip camera yang bisa streaming online lewat hp android pada website, dengan format RTSP, atau format lain juga bisa, intinya video audio dapat dikirim ke web / server ada pula pemilihan kamera di usb dan kamera bawaan android
*bisa di kalibrasi dengan email ( contoh : pembayaran tunggak akan dikirim email blast pada 1 minggu ketelatan, 2 minggu ketelatan akan di berikan notce ke dua) *pembayaran bisa melewati oris atau go pay dan kwutansi secara online dikirim ke email anak kos *calendar di aplikasi menunjukan nomer kamar kos yang harus bayar *data cek mulai dari ktp dan tempat kerja bisa menyimpan nomer cellphone juga *kunci kamar dan kesedian kamar kosong dapat di perhatikan
Waxaan shaqaaleysiinaynaa turjubaano wacitaanka caafimaadka. Turjubaanka waxaa si toos ah loogu sameeyaa wicitaan shir ama wicitaan muuqaal ah. Lacag bixintu waa bishii hal mar. Waa inaad haysataa meel degan oo aad ka shaqeyso. Ku hadalka Ingiriisiga iyo Soomaaliga labadaba si aad u yaqaan 95%. Internet degdeg ah guriga oo u go'ay inuu shaqeeyo. Qalabka dhegaha ee USB-ga oo leh dhawaaq yar. Laptop-ka leh xiriirka ethernet. Tusaalaha turjumaada luuqadeena:
Membuat Custom Laporan Untuk : Aplikasi IPOS 5 Ultimate, bisa download trial nya ( karena yg ultimate menggunakan lisensi usb dongle ) Membuat Label untuk Pengiriman barang Kasus : Setelah input penjualan dan print Invoice kita membutuhkan agar bisa mencetak stiker untuk di tempel di dus yang akan dikirim , sejumlah produk yang diinput dari invoice Contoh Invoice No Invoice : KRT/JUN/0002 Tgl Invoice : 25 Juni 2021 Nama Customer : Budi Alamat Customer : Jl Maju No 10 Jakarta Produk yang di beli : Produk A = 3 PCS Produk B = 2 PCS Produk C = 1 PCS ( Tidak Ingin di tayangkan dalam Laporan , Bisa di kecualikan melalui Script di Designer Report yang dapat kami edit sewaktu2 ) Total Produk= 5 PCS ( Produk A + Produk B saja , produk C di kecualikan ) Keterangan tambahan di Invoice : J...
Hi, kami sedang mencari tim developer yang bisa mengembangkan aplikasi nutrisi android (calorie counter/tracker) untuk users kami berdasarkan menu yang mereka makan. Calorie dari setiap menu ditampilkan dalam diagram traffic light (Green, yellow, red) dan menu tersebut diganti setiap 6 mi...mengembangkan aplikasi nutrisi android (calorie counter/tracker) untuk users kami berdasarkan menu yang mereka makan. Calorie dari setiap menu ditampilkan dalam diagram traffic light (Green, yellow, red) dan menu tersebut diganti setiap 6 minggu sekali/menu cycle. Aplikasi dikembangkan dengan React native (Android) & untuk mengupdate data/menu & material (images, dll) dilakukan secara lokal dengan USB OTG. Timeline yang tersedia 3-4 minggu. Silakan berikan penawaran / proposal terbaik an...
...kategori besar yaitu: a. UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) b. SIPTraaS (SIP Trunk as a Service) c. CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service) d. Network and Security as a Service (by CATO Networks) a. Layanan UCaaS atau Layanan Teleponi (Voice, Video, Messaging) - Cloud PBX Untuk pengguna yang tidak memerlukan perangkat PBX di perusahaan. Akses layanan dapat digunakan melalui ponsel mobile apps di ponsel berbasis Android, IoS (menyusul), melalui PC/laptop Windows atau Mac, dan melalui IP phone, sehingga user experience yang dirasakan adalah Fixed-Mobile Convergence Mendukung fitur umum PBX seperti IVR (interactive voice response), call forward, parallel ringing, dsb b. Layanan SIPTraaS (SIP Trunk as a Service atau Cloud Trunking) Untuk pengguna yang mem...
Boa. Tela para agente login no asterisk. Php AMI
Saya membutuhkan sebuah aplikasi android untuk member klub olahraga yg bisa terkoneksi dengan server gambaran features aplikasi features user: -member bisa melakukan pendaftaran online -member dapat melihat halaman profile pribadi -member dapat melihat halaman progress skill individu -member dapat melihat history iuran bulanan -member d...atau news event features admin: - admin dapat melihat list member - admin dapat melakukan pendaftaran member manual - admin dapat edit halaman profile, halaman progress skill individu dll - admin edit histori iuran member - admin dapat edit jadwal dan tempat latihan dan daftar pelatih - admin dapat mengirim notifikasi iruran atau news lain pada member shg member dapat mengetahui notifikasi di cellphone nya kira2 itu gambaran singkat aplikasi yg ...
asterisk untuk voip membuat sever pribadi
[Job D...10 hari untuk 300 produk. Waktu dapat disesuaikan dengan pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. [Data to Collect] (Example) If laptop, Release date, Resolusi, Resolusi Layar Maksimal, Tipe Processor, Processor Cores, Nomor Processor, Kecepatan CPU, Ukuran Memori (RAM), Kecepatan Memori, Ukuran Hard Drive, Kecepatan Hard Drive, Graphics Coprocessor, Ukuran RAM Grafis, Tipe Wireless, Jumlah USB 2.0 Ports, Jumlah USB 3.0 Ports, Rata-rata ketahanan Baterai (dalam jam), Detil teknis lainnya, Sistem Operasi, Berat Barang, Dimensi Barang (L x W x H), Warna, Jenis Memori Komputer, Memory Slot, Ukuran Memori Flash, Hard Drive Antarmuka, Baterai Jika Anda berminat dengan pekerjaan ini, tolong mengisi bid Anda dengan kalimat “Saya telah membaca dan menyetujui semua instruk...
[Job D...10 hari untuk 300 produk. Waktu dapat disesuaikan dengan pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. [Data to Collect] (Example) If laptop, Release date, Resolusi, Resolusi Layar Maksimal, Tipe Processor, Processor Cores, Nomor Processor, Kecepatan CPU, Ukuran Memori (RAM), Kecepatan Memori, Ukuran Hard Drive, Kecepatan Hard Drive, Graphics Coprocessor, Ukuran RAM Grafis, Tipe Wireless, Jumlah USB 2.0 Ports, Jumlah USB 3.0 Ports, Rata-rata ketahanan Baterai (dalam jam), Detil teknis lainnya, Sistem Operasi, Berat Barang, Dimensi Barang (L x W x H), Warna, Jenis Memori Komputer, Memory Slot, Ukuran Memori Flash, Hard Drive Antarmuka, Baterai Jika Anda berminat dengan pekerjaan ini, tolong mengisi bid Anda dengan kalimat “Saya telah membaca dan menyetujui semua instruk...
[Job...10 hari untuk 300 produk. Waktu dapat disesuaikan dengan pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. [Data to Collect] (Example) If laptop, Release date, Resolusi, Resolusi Layar Maksimal, Tipe Processor, Processor Cores, Nomor Processor, Kecepatan CPU, Ukuran Memori (RAM), Kecepatan Memori, Ukuran Hard Drive, Kecepatan Hard Drive, Graphics Coprocessor, Ukuran RAM Grafis, Tipe Wireless, Jumlah USB 2.0 Ports, Jumlah USB 3.0 Ports, Rata-rata ketahanan Baterai (dalam jam), Detil teknis lainnya, Sistem Operasi, Berat Barang, Dimensi Barang (L x W x H), Warna, Jenis Memori Komputer, Memory Slot, Ukuran Memori Flash, Hard Drive Antarmuka, Baterai Jika Anda berminat dengan pekerjaan ini, tolong mengisi bid Anda dengan kalimat “Saya telah membaca dan menyetujui semua instruksi...
Menjualkan sesuatu untuk saya Saya memiliki produk "Fancy Flash Disk " dengan ribuan karakter dengan memory usb flash 2.0 yang penuh dan diberikan garansi seumur hidup. Saya membutuhkan seseoramg yang bertugas memasarkan secara online dan menyebar di selirih nusantara untuk pangsa pasarnya.
[Job...10 hari untuk 300 produk. Waktu dapat disesuaikan dengan pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. [Data to Collect] (Example) If laptop, Release date, Resolusi, Resolusi Layar Maksimal, Tipe Processor, Processor Cores, Nomor Processor, Kecepatan CPU, Ukuran Memori (RAM), Kecepatan Memori, Ukuran Hard Drive, Kecepatan Hard Drive, Graphics Coprocessor, Ukuran RAM Grafis, Tipe Wireless, Jumlah USB 2.0 Ports, Jumlah USB 3.0 Ports, Rata-rata ketahanan Baterai (dalam jam), Detil teknis lainnya, Sistem Operasi, Berat Barang, Dimensi Barang (L x W x H), Warna, Jenis Memori Komputer, Memory Slot, Ukuran Memori Flash, Hard Drive Antarmuka, Baterai Jika Anda berminat dengan pekerjaan ini, tolong mengisi bid Anda dengan kalimat “Saya telah membaca dan menyetujui semua instruksi...
Windows Lainnya atau tidak yakin Memperbaiki Windows crash. Wifi crash.. Dan driver lainya usb port..
Kami juga melayani pembuatan berbagai macam jenis merchandise seperti Pulpen, Payung, Mug, Tumbler, USB, gantungan Kunci, Topi, Kaos, Rompi, Jaket, kami juga menerima pemesanan tas Bordir dan Sablon untuk partai besar dan kecil untuk promosi perusahaan anda yang dapat disesuaikan dengan budget seperti Tas promosi, Seminar, Training, souvenir, Kampanye, tas sekolah, kantor, tas laptop, tas koper dengan trolley, lunch box, dll, dengan harga ekonomis. Aneka bahan dan dengan model yang bisa anda tentukan sendiri.
...mikrokontroller maka arduino dapat diprogram menggunakan komputer sesuai kebutuhan kita. KELEBIHAN ARDUINO Tidak perlu perangkat chip programmer karena didalamnya sudah ada bootloadder yang akan menangani upload program dari komputer. Sudah memiliki sarana komunikasi USB, Sehingga pengguna laptop yang tidak memiliki port serial/RS323 bisa menggunakannya. Memiliki modul siap pakai ( Shield ) yang bisa ditancapkan pada board arduino. Contohnya shield GPS, Ethernet,dll. SOKET USB Soket USB adalah soket kabel USB yang disambungkan kekomputer atau laptop. Yang berfungsi untuk mengirimkan program ke arduino dan juga sebagai port komunikasi serial. INPUT/OUTPUT DIGITAL DAN INPUT ANALOG Input/output digital atau digital pin adalah pin pin un...
...mikrokontroller maka arduino dapat diprogram menggunakan komputer sesuai kebutuhan kita. KELEBIHAN ARDUINO Tidak perlu perangkat chip programmer karena didalamnya sudah ada bootloadder yang akan menangani upload program dari komputer. Sudah memiliki sarana komunikasi USB, Sehingga pengguna laptop yang tidak memiliki port serial/RS323 bisa menggunakannya. Memiliki modul siap pakai ( Shield ) yang bisa ditancapkan pada board arduino. Contohnya shield GPS, Ethernet,dll. SOKET USB Soket USB adalah soket kabel USB yang disambungkan kekomputer atau laptop. Yang berfungsi untuk mengirimkan program ke arduino dan juga sebagai port komunikasi serial. INPUT/OUTPUT DIGITAL DAN INPUT ANALOG Input/output digital atau digital pin adalah pin pin un...
Chat later...jkafdhjaf;jga;jgja;jg;jafga;ssakjskf;gjas;gdks'g;gjjj;;jskjjkjgjasjjgaklljhdlaa;lIGldhgdKGHLDGHljfld;jLKDDGJDF']GJLKF
kami mempunyai toko di jakarta tepatnya daerah mangga dua jakarta. kami menjual berbagai produk seperti PC, laptop, software dan sebagainya. kami mencari orang-orang yang dapat menjual produk kami. untuk saat ini kami menawarkan sales untuk micro SD, Powerbank dan USB karena produk sangat mudah untuk di jual dan harganya relatif tidak terlalu mahal. apabila anda menyukai penjualan silahkan ajukan penawaran. untuk harga dan cara kerjanya, akan diberitahukan lebih lanjut. terima kasih
Untuk telepon seluler yang ditetapkan, melakukan penelitian spesifikasi secara online dan mengisi tabel spesifikasi yang diberikan (Excel). Tidak ada kesalahan yang diperbolehkan, ketat mengikuti format masukan. Beberapa produk me...contoh untuk ponsel) - General - Tanggal dirilis, Jaringan 2G, 3G Network, Jaringan 4G, OS, Jenis SIM, Sistem memori, Built-in penyimpanan, penyimpanan eksternal, Processor (CPU core), Processor (Kecepatan), Keyboard - Tubuh - Dimensi, Berat, Material - Layar - Touchscreen, Ukuran layar, Resolusi, Teknologi - Konektivitas - Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Infrared transmisi, Mobile Hotspot Tethering, USB - Kamera - Kapasitas, Flash, perekam video, kamera sekunder - Baterai - Baterai (mAh), Waktu bicara, Waktu siaga - Fitur lain - Waterproof, GPS Ter...
I'm in need of assistance to set up a c...storage space on the camera's memory card. - Adjust the frame composition to capture the event effectively. - Adjust the lighting to ensure the subject is well-lit. - Conduct a dry run before the event to troubleshoot potential issues. Skills Needed: - Familiarity with various types of cameras (DSLR, mirrorless, camcorder) - Proficiency in audio equipment and connections (3.5mm jack, XLR input, USB input) - Experience with both wired and wireless connections, including Bluetooth Ideal Candidate: - Able to work with any type of camera or audio input the client has - Comfortable with any type of connection for sound - Able to troubleshoot and adapt to different equipment as necessary The event duration is less than 1 hour. The ev...
I'm looking for a product manufacturer who can design a 3D model image of a realistic wolf with interchangeable glow in the dark eyes of 5 colors. This model will be used on a backpack with my logo and name. The backpack features a dual USB port and follows my tech pattern design. Details: - The glow in the dark eyes should be made of resin. - The 3 color backpacks are white, black, and grey. - I'm considering a production of either 100 of each color or 50 of each, depending on costs, shipping, and handling. Requirements: - Willingness to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). - Experience in product manufacturing and 3D model design. - Ability to provide a detailed quote including production costs, shipping and handling with insurance. - Credentials, geograp...
...adjustable clamp. ✔ Smart Chai Detection – Equipped with stainless steel chai sensors (probes) that detect the liquid level. ✔ Automatic Airflow Control – When chai reaches the probes, ChaiGuard activates a fan to cool the brew and prevent overflow. ✔ Buzzer Alert – If the chai rises too high, the buzzer alerts the user immediately. ✔ Rechargeable Battery – Powered by a 3.7V Li-ion battery with a USB charging port for easy recharging. ✔ On/Off Button – Allows the user to control the device as needed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What We Need from You: ==> We are looking for a redesigned, professional, and aesthetically appealing version of ChaiGuard that is re...
I need an Android application designed for USB OTG connectivity. The purpose of this app is to serve as a comprehensive dealer/installer toolkit for a custom boat lift controller. Project Overview I have a custom Boat Lift Controller (Arduino/AVR-based) that communicates over USB-to-serial. I need an Android app (for phone/tablet with OTG) to serve as a Dealer/Installer Toolkit, providing: Full configuration (all settings, e.g., limit switches, motors, etc.) Setup Wizard (mandatory) with GUI screens guiding through each step of device setup. Control (move the lift up/down, set presets, toggle AUX lines, etc.) Monitoring (real-time serial terminal for manual commands, logs, etc.). Firmware Updates over USB for both the main controller and a sidekick microcontroller b...
Descripción del proyecto: Necesito un sistema propio que permita realizar llamadas masivas de manera progresiva y predictiva para un contact center. El sistema debe incluir las siguientes funcionalidades: • Asignación automática de llamadas: Dirigir llamadas a asesores disponibles en tiempo real. • Formularios personalizados: Mostrar...transcribir las llamadas mientras ocurren. • Dashboard de análisis: Crear un panel con estadísticas de rendimiento y resultados de las llamadas. • Compatibilidad con Docker: Todo el sistema debe ser instalable y ejecutable usando Docker para facilitar la implementación. Además, busco que el sistema sea modular y fácil de escalar. Se valorará experiencia previa en sistemas...
I'm seeking a skilled telemarketer to help with fundraising for both a Political Action Committee (PAC) and charity initiatives. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct phone work to solicit donations and support for various campaigns - Engage with potential donors and convey the purpose and importance of the PAC and charity work - Manage calls professionally and p...communication and interpersonal skills - Ability to handle rejection and maintain a positive attitude - Knowledge of PAC and charity work is a plus The ideal candidate will be dedicated, persuasive, and able to work independently to support our fundraising goals. Your efforts will directly impact our ability to reach our objectives and make a difference in the community. Must have a computer and USB headset along with i...
Project Title Schematic & PCB Design for ATmega32U4 + PCF7991 125 kHz Transponder Reader with USB Interface Project Overview I am looking for a skilled electronics engineer or PCB designer to create a schematic and PCB layout for a device that uses: ATmega32U4 (5 V, native USB support, 44TQFP package) PCF7991 RFID base station IC (operating at 5 V, 125 kHz) USB interface for communication with a PC (no external USB–serial chip required) This device will transmit and receive data at 125 kHz for transponders (e.g., automotive immobilizer tags) using the PCF7991 and a coil antenna. The ATmega32U4 will handle the low-level bit-banging, timing, and decoding, while appearing as a USB CDC device (virtual COM port) on the PC side. I have existing Ard...
I'm seeking a realistic image of a tree to visually represent our company culture for our office wall. The key concepts of our culture that this tree should embody are: - Our core values in the middle: the STAF (Security, Trust, Affection, Freedom) and the love cohefficient. It is represented as the "trunk of the tree". - 8 quality characteristics: they are represented by 8 tree branches These are: Inspiring Vision Shared Values Connecting Relationships Empowering Others Effective structures Talent-Oriented Holistic Teams Client-Oriented Service - 6 growth forces: they are the roots of the tree Interdependence Multiplication Energy transformation Symbiosis (Diversity) Sustainability Fruitfulness Note: We already have a couple of references that we are using at th...
I'm looking for a professional with experience in creating engaging, informative yet professional TikTok videos, to help drive traffic to my cellphone store. Key Requirements: - The video should effectively target general consumers, so it needs to be relatable but still maintain that professional edge. - The primary goal of the video is to drive store traffic. Therefore, it should include compelling calls to action and highlight reasons why viewers should visit the store. - The tone of the video should be informative and professional, striking a balance between being engaging and maintaining a brand image of reliability and expertise in the cellphone domain. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing and content creation for TikTok. - Understanding of the TikTok pla...
I'm looking for an expert who can help me set up Docker on my Linux VPS. The purpose of this setup is to host multiple web applications and a VoIP service, specifically Asterisk. Key Requirements: - Full Docker installation and configuration - Implementation of multiple Docker images for my web applications and Asterisk - Ensuring the setup is efficient and reliable for hosting purposes Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience with Docker - Prior experience with VPS and Linux systems - Knowledge of setting up and managing Asterisk - Ability to implement and manage multiple Docker images Please note, I need someone who can handle the complete Docker setup from scratch on my VPS. I am looking for a professional who can deliver a robust and scalable ...
I'm seeking a professional to assist in my cellphone repair business, particularly with battery replacements. This role involves ensuring the quality of each replacement through rigorous testing and providing exceptional service to our customers. Key Responsibilities: - Perform battery replacements on various cellphone models. - Conduct quality assurance tests, primarily focusing on the charging efficiency of each new battery. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in cellphone repair, specifically battery replacements. - Excellent troubleshooting skills. - Ability to perform quality assurance tests. - Knowledge of different cellphone models and their battery specifications. - Good customer service skills.
I'm seeking an Asterisk dialplan expert to assist with setting up call recording and time-based routing on my system.
I am in need of a seasoned VOIP engineer with extensive Asterisk experience. My current Asterisk system requires regular performance monitoring and troubleshooting of any arising issues. Key Responsibilities: - Diagnose and resolve issues within the Asterisk system promptly - Regularly monitor the system's performance and identify potential areas for improvement Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Asterisk - Strong problem-solving skills - Ability to conduct thorough performance assessments Tools: - Use of Asterisk CLI commands for monitoring system performance.
...configure my new Cisco network setup, which includes one core switch, four edge switches, a firewall, and a Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLC). Key Configuration Tasks: - Core Switch Setup: Configure the core switch for four uplink fibers through SFP. - Edge Switch Configuration: Set up all four edge switches. - DHCP Relay: Implement DHCP relay across the network. - Firewall Integration: Configure trunk port for firewall gateway. - VLAN Creation: Establish four VLANs for data, Wi-Fi, and voice. This project is for a fresh setup, with no existing infrastructure. All equipment is running Cisco IOS. Ideal candidates will have extensive experience with Cisco hardware and IOS, and a strong understanding of network configuration for business operations. Please include past experien...
I'm looking for an expert to make me a wireless rechargeable, programmable Bluetooth LED. The device should be under 1 inch in size and prefe...options want however want something smaller. Key Requirements: - The primary function of the LED is to display initials and numbers. - The device should be programmable and connectable via Bluetooth. - The LED should be smaller than the standard size, ideally under 1 inch. - The shape of the device is rectangular. I’m open to any power source for the rechargeable feature, be it USB charging, inductive charging, or a battery swap. The ideal freelancer for this project should have expertise in electronics design, particularly with Bluetooth devices and LED technology. Experience with OLED displays will be a significant advantag...
...laptop can be either via USB or Bluetooth, with both options being feasible. Key features of the POC: 1) An Android app that opens the phone's camera. 2) An Electron-based app (using Node.js) running on the laptop. 3) A functionality where the user can click a "Take Picture" button on either the phone or the laptop. This should trigger the phone to take a picture, which then appears on the Electron app. 4) The photos should be saved on the laptop. 5) The working source code should also be shared with me. The user interface for the Electron app doesn't need to be complex, just a basic UI with minimal design. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficiency in Android app development. - Strong experience with Electron and Node.js. - Familiarity with ...
... I attached a circuit diagram in case it is helpful. The goal is for the stage to automatically track larval zebrafish, like that shown in an attached picture, so that the fish stays in a focused view of the Ti2 microscope, which has a camera in it. In case another camera sensor is needed, I got one that'll be put on a tripod and connect to a laptop via usb. I'd like complete Python coding to achieve this goal. I don't need an app; the user just needs to set up this system with a laptop, then the stage should start tracking the fish's movements on its own without user control. My current budget is $1200, but I can increase it if needed; I'm just looking for the cheapest route. I'm going to 3D print a petri dish holder, and it'll look like th...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create an Android TV app for me. This app should read production statistics from a mechanical production system via a serial (USB) port and handle various control commands. Key Responsibilities: - Reading production statistics from the serial (USB) port - Managing control commands including Start/Stop operations, Adjust settings, and Status inquiries - Displaying real-time data on the app interface Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Android TV app development - Proficient in handling serial (USB) port communication - Previous work with mechanical production systems is a plus - Strong skills in creating real-time data display interfaces
...approach. Now let's move on to the test task description. Test Task Description Goal: Develop a prototype demonstrating core functionalities of the POS system. Scope: Create a basic UI for a touchscreen with: A search bar where users can manually search for products. A list that displays scanned product details (name, price, stock). Integrate a barcode scanner (USB or simulated) to: Recognize a product by its EAN code. Display the product name, price, and VAT. Connect to a simple database (e.g., MySQL or SQLite) with the following structure: Product ID Product Name EAN Code Price VAT Stock Quantity Simulate a receipt printing feature (output as a text file ...
I'm seeking a skilled programmer to write an Arduino code for a BQ25887 Charger 5 click USB charging IC board. The code should manage the initiation of charging for two Lion batteries, ensure cell balancing, and support 5V 3A charging from any standard adapter. I am using a MIKROE Balancer 5 click. () Key Requirements: - Charging condition: Need to charge two separate single cell battery of 2000mah via USB charging of around 5V 3A. - For each individual cell, the max charging voltage should be 4.2V and the maximum charging current for each battery should be 1A. - The code should allow for automatic initiation of the charging process. - Enable cell balancing to maintain cell voltage equality. - Implement fault recovery (e.g., reduce current, stop charging)
...and start within 48 hours. Let’s build this! ? Scope of Work ✅ AI Voice Assistant Development Answer patient calls, handle FAQs, and book/reschedule appointments. Real-time natural language processing (NLP) with zero latency. Route emergency cases to human receptionists. ✅ Phone Number Porting & VoIP Integration Port our existing business phone number to a compatible VoIP system (e.g., Twilio, Asterisk, Plivo, or a recommended alternative). If porting takes longer than 2 weeks, a temporary call-forwarding solution must be implemented immediately to ensure the AI system is live while the porting is finalized. Ensure seamless call routing from our existing number to the AI voice assistant. Maintain call quality, compliance, and security (HIPAA-compliant). Provide call tr...
I'm seeking an experienced developer to create a Telegram chat bot that uses Asterisk. The bot should be able to make calls, capture DTMF tones, and spoof caller IDs. It should also read custom text to the receiver of the call and be capable of placing calls from a spoofed number. Key features should include: - Making calls - Capturing DTMF tones - Spoofing caller ID The bot will only run on the Telegram platform, specifically as a chat bot. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with Asterisk - Proficient in developing Telegram bots - Strong understanding of DTMF tone capture - Ability to implement caller ID spoofing - Experience with text-to-speech technologies
...developer to maintain and update my Mac desktop app which interfaces with a USB device. The app requires user interface updates, error handling and bug fixes, as well as implementation of additional features based on user requests and internal decisions. Key Tasks: - Overhaul of the user interface - Debugging and error handling - Integration of additional features - Improvement of device compatibility You will also be expected to enhance user settings and ensure the app is compatible with a wider range of devices. The app has detailed and updated documentation, which will provide guidance and insight into its current functionalities and future needs. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Mac app development - Experience with USB device interfacing - Strong UI/UX design skill...
I'm encountering an issue with my Windows Device Manager where my SAMD21 microcontroller is not being recognized. The microcontroller is connected via a USB cable, and I need assistance in diagnosing and resolving the issue. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Windows Device Manager troubleshooting - Experienced with SAMD21 microcontroller - Knowledgeable in USB interface connections - Familiar with driver update procedures - Capable of interpreting and addressing error codes
I'm looking for an experienced freelancer who can help me train a deep learning model on my Jetson Orin AGX with Jetpack 6.2 and Deepstream 7.1. The goal is to detect garbage in my garden using a USB camera. Your tasks will include: - Creating and configuring C++ and Python examples for the detection of garbage - Utilizing CUDA for optimized processing - Providing guidance on machine configuration for optimal performance Ideal skills for this project include: - Extensive experience with NVIDIA Jetson platforms - Proficiency in C++ and Python, particularly in the context of Deepstream and Jetson - Familiarity with garbage detection models - Experience in configuring and optimizing machine performance This project requires a keen understanding of AI and deep learning, specif...
...often each tool is used, and by whom, to help with efficiency and accountability. - User-friendly interface: Given that our primary users will be warehouse staff, the Tool Manager should be straightforward and easy to navigate. - Notification to the manager and to the dashboard on the display - Clean and simple process of checking in/out of tools by the user. - Easy options for camera choice among USB/embedded/IP camera or manual entry of data - User interface and administrator interface Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in UI/UX design, particularly for simple, intuitive interfaces. - Strong backend development skills, with experience in creating inventory and usage tracking systems. - Previous work with tool management systems, especially for heavy machinery, would ...
I'm looking for a graphic designer with a flair for creating eye-catching, bold and colorful designs tailored for social media. Key Aspects: - The designs should prominently feature promotional offers - Incorporating my brand logo and identity is a must - The use of a minimalist style is not preferred; the designs should stand out Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design tools - Previous experience in creating social media advertisements - Ability to understand and incorporate brand identity Please share your portfolio, particularly any relevant work showcasing bold and colorful designs.