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Digital Marketing untuk Iklan Jasa Pemrograman Kunci Mobil (Sistem Komisi) Tentang Kami: Kami adalah penyedia jasa pemrograman kunci immobilizer mobil dengan layanan home service di Gading Serpong, BSD, Alam Sutera, dan Jakarta. Kami menawarkan: Pemrograman Kunci Immobilizer untuk kunci konvensional dan keyless Layanan Home Service ke lokasi pelanggan Free Ongkos & Free Scan Mobil Garansi 1 Bulan Tujuan Proyek: Kami mencari freelancer digital marketing yang berpengalaman untuk mengelola kampanye iklan di Facebook dan Instagram dengan fokus untuk menarik pelanggan dan memperkenalkan jasa pemrograman kunci kami. Sistem Komisi: Komisi: 10% dari total penjualan yang dihasilkan melalui kampanye iklan. Biaya Iklan: Ditanggung oleh freelancer terlebih dahulu. Jika hasil kampa...
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Vector face making services can also be fullbody, the price listed per person if more than once then the price will be adjusted to the price per person. free titles. processing time 4-5 days. use your best photos for satisfactory results ( PNG format)
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PT Kira Service Indonesia, membutuhkan Free Lance Staf Administrasi Software Accurate Manufacturing selama 3 Bulan dengan kriteria sebagai berikut : - Familiar dan Berpengalaman Menggunakan Accurate Manufacturing Software minimal 2 Tahun - Menguasai Pembukuan Akuntansi, Pembelian, Hasil Produksi, Barang Keluar Masuk Gudang dan Penjualan - Pendidikan Minimal SMK / sederajat - Wanita / Pria, Usia Maksimal 28 Tahun - Mempunyai Certified Accurate Professional (CAP) - Mampu bekerja dilingkungan serba cepat. Dengan Rincian Pekerjaan sebagai berikut : - Melakukan penginputan data (Buku Besar, Kas & Bank, Persediaan, Penjualan, Pembelian, Pergudangan) - Melakukan pelaporan pembukuan - Melakukan maintenance sofware Accurate
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Sy mencari tenaga freelance yang menguasai server linux dan aplikasi NMS untuk keperluan instalasi dan konfigurasi free NMS seperti Zabbix atau openNMS dan 28 NE. Lebih di sukai yang telah memiliki pengalaman atau pernah bekerja pada SI, ISP atau Telco.
saya mempunyai 19 desain dan desain di antara nya kebnyakan yang...yang terpenting sesuai dengan design yang ada dan wajib responsive rapih free eror, kalo anda setuju dengan budget yang saya tentukan silahkan apply dan bertanggung jawab dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini secara tuntas dan tidak setengah2 silahkan di perhatikan terlebih dahulu design yang saya sediakan. design yang sudah kami buat sudah berlisensi dan berbadan hukum jika ada duplicate atau dll nya akan segera di proses kami berharap ketika sudah apply dan deal anda mengerjakan sesuai dengan kesepakatan yang ada, dan jika bagus ini akan berkelanjutan deadline pekerjaan ini akhir bulan dilarang menggunakan tools2 apapun saya ingin anda cukup menggunakan html css bootstrap agar sesuai dengan design yang ada responsive ...
saya membutuhkan jasa promosi /kerja sama di bidang promosi kursus bahasa inggris. tugasnya apa saja ? _ promosi ajaaa. (silahkan gunakan cara yg halal. ) karna saya sendiri.(jadi yg closing biar kami ) konten promosi nya gimana? sudah disiapkan dr mau buat konten sendiri .silahkan komisinya bagaimana ? ingat ini adalah bentuk kerja Lance dimana anda di bayar/mendapatkan komisi apabila. #bisa mereferensikan murid /org utk kursus ditempat kami . caranya gimana biar tau kalau dia referensi dr anda ? = kode etik. bisa dibuat dr anda ataupun dr kami. hub. 085713005313 (wa)
Kami PT Jola Mitra Utama, Perusahaan Jasa yang bergerak di bidang penyediaan tenaga kerja (HR Resourcing/Outsourcing, HR Consultant dan Head Hunter) saat ini bekerja sama perusahaan Multi Nasional membutuhkan tenaga kerja free lance.
Develop Wordpress Website using AffiliateWP, unt...productnya) 5. Page Submit Product (untuk vendor/ pemilik product) 6. Page Account + Login/ Register. Web in hanya untuk MVP product untuk keperluan test market, KPI project ini adalah: - Develop cepat dgn menggabungkan library-library yg tinggal disearch di Google (Boleh yg premium, nanti kami belikan). - Loading Web Page harus cepat, around 3 seconds (Test menggunakan Pingdom Tools). - Waktu development time hanya 1 bulan. Oleh karena itu, tdk perlu coding dari scratch. Cukup mencari, memakai, & menggabungkan plugin/ library/ framework (Free/ Premium) yg sudah dibuat oleh developer lainnya. Untuk bid project ini, harap memperlihatkan link portfolio Wordpress Theme/ Plugin yg sudah pernah dibuat sebelum...
Dibutuhkan Jasa Telemarketing untuk menawarkan produk software FREE tanpa di kenakan biaya, yang di install di tempat client, dengan konsep kerja sama dengan client melalui bagi hasil dari pemasangan iklan pada software ini. Pekerjaan ini TIDAK DIKENAKAN TARGET PENJUALAN, karena menawarkan produk software yang sifat nya FREE. Target market: 1. Rumah Sakit di area jabodetabek (total yang ada di database sejumlah 150 rmh sakit) 2. Shopping Mall di area jabodetabek Kriteria TELEMARKETER: 1. Pria atau lebih di sukai Wanita 2. Berpengalaman dalam telemarketing 3. < 30 tahun 4. Memiliki komunikasi yang baik (persuasif) dan ramah 5. Sabar, jujur, ulet, dan pekerja keras 6. Dapat berimprovisasi dan memiliki inisiatif tinggi 7. Fokus pada target 8. Memiliki hand...
Kami merupakan Perusahaan "Start Up" berbasis web dan aplikasi membutuhkan tenaga pemasar sebagai "Kanvasser" sebagai karyawan tetap ataupun "free lance" yang bertugas untuk mencari listing property yang dapat disewakan harian untuk area Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Listing Property Apa? Apartemen, Kost, Rumah, Guest House, Wisma, Hotel, Budget Hotel, Resort.... yang disewakan Persyaratan "Kanvasser" 1. Pria/ Wanita 2. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan SIM 3. Agen property dan mempunyai pengalaman di dunia property lebih diutamakan Deskripsi Pekerjaan: 1. Cari listing baik dari lapangan "On The Spot", Website, database. 2. Telpon dan datangi listing tersebut, dan membuat personal meeting dengan owner property tersebut...
Kami merupakan Perusahaan "Start Up" berbasis web dan aplikasi membutuhkan tenaga pemasar sebagai "Kanvasser" sebagai karyawan tetap ataupun "free lance" yang bertugas untuk mencari listing property yang dapat disewakan harian untuk area Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Listing Property Apa? Apartemen, Kost, Rumah, Guest House, Wisma, Hotel, Budget Hotel, Resort.... yang disewakan Persyaratan "Kanvasser" 1. Pria/ Wanita 2. Memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan SIM 3. Agen property dan mempunyai pengalaman di dunia property lebih diutamakan Deskripsi Pekerjaan: 1. Cari listing baik dari lapangan "On The Spot", Website, database. 2. Telpon dan datangi listing tersebut, dan membuat personal meeting dengan owner property tersebut...
hi semuanya, saya punya 2 job yg simple dengan bayaran yang tidak seberapa job ini di utamakan ke org yg saya invite, but tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan dilempar ke org lain apabila yg bersangkutan tidak bersedia, mengingat bayarannya tidak seberapa , so feel free to put a msg on PMB. job pertama budget $30 untuk memasukan data product kedalam web saya productnya berupa pakaian yg jumlahnya mencapai 500-1000 product, krg pasti jg brp jumlahnya. setiap product terdapat 1-5 foto permodel, ckp memasukan 3 foto permodel product tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa category, mungkin sekitar 4-5 category, primary sih cmn 3 category data mentah product berupa folder dengan isian foto dan 1 file format *txt jadi freelancer masih perlu perlu menghitung harga dari notepad tsb, for example dlm ...
saya membutuhkan programmer free lance untuk membuat rute gps di google map, bebas gunakan bahasa pemograman . database sql server. jika ada yang berminat, bisa info ke saya
saya membutuhkan programmer free lance untuk membuat rute gps di google map, bebas gunakan bahasa pemograman . database sql server. jika ada yang berminat, bisa info ke saya
...pemasangan/posting iklan di website direktori PD. Hanselindo dan Jakarta Safety & Security adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Alat Safety dan saat ini sedang massiv melakukan pemasaran produk secara online ke berbagai Lapak Online. Kami membutuhkan staff-staff yang enerjik, penuh kreativitas dan pekerja keras. Kami mengundang Anda para rekan muda untuk bergabung menjadi: Karyawan Part Time/Free Lance Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan : 1. Upload Edit foto (Lebih disukai) 2. Upload/posting produk ke lapak online (website, fb, dll) 3. Upload/posting produk ke lapak APP Mobile 4. Update status, nge-wall, nge-twit, nge-insta, dsb (detil pekerjaan akan dijelaskan saat kopdar/interview) Syarat Pengalaman : 1. Menguasai Web Market Seperti Tokopedia, OLX, Indotrading...
I will sell to the free market of own production
saya memiliki waktu 12 jam waktu free dalam seminggu, saya ingin gunakan waktu tersebut untuk mengasah skill saya dalam penyuntingan naskah buku pelajaran.
terbiasa membuat gambar manual (Free style manual Draw)
...INI.... SAYA YAKIN ANDA BISA...!!! Pembayaran komisi Langsung saat itu juga.. jadi gak perlu nunggu sebulan.. 1 menit saja anda berhasil menjual ke orang maka saat itu juga komisi anda cair dari saya... ^_^ ini detail iklan produknya: APLIKASI PEMASARAN "GrupFacebook_Poster" Harga Rp 250.000,- BEBAS IKLAN KAPANPUN DAN DI MANAPUN SEPUASNYA KE GRUP2 FB SECARA MASSAL. Fasilitas: **Free Member Area **Bisa Posting Iklan ke Grup FB sebanyak mungkin (UNLIMITED) **Post Iklan cukup dari Software, tidak perlu mengunjungi Grup-FB satu persatu **Bisa lampirkan GAMBAR PRODUK di iklan kita **Bisa SUNDUL IKLAN (UNLIMITED), sehingga iklan tetap NO 1 di setiap grup **Bisa login LEBIH dari 1 akun FB (tidak terbatas) **Software dapat BERJALAN SENDIRI dibelakang ...
Bromberg & Associates Translation Agency is currently seeking native speakers of the languages listed below to test the...language (lived in the dialect region for at least 7 years between the ages of 5-15 OR have lived in the dialect region for at least 75% of their life) Must be able to work on-location in Warren, MI for the entire duration of the project Proficient in Microsoft Office 2010 Possess valid U.S. work authorization Project Duration and Compensation: The exact dates of the project are dependent on the language but it is set to last roughly one month. The tester will be needed for 8 hour shifts on business days during their designated time frame. This is a free-lance opportunity and the contractor will be paid hourly. Rates will be...
Cepat dan berkualitas(fast & good Quality) I will give free guaranted if I'm late. I can finish my job with good.
...Hospital Procurement Services** **Description:** Embark on a dynamic role as a Cold Calling Specialist within our Hospital Procurement Services team. Your mission: initiate contact with hospitals in targeted counties, showcasing the advantages of our free product procurement services. If you're a persuasive communicator with a knack for sales and a pulse on healthcare dynamics, this opportunity is tailor-made for you. **Responsibilities:** - Execute strategic cold calls to hospitals in designated areas. - Articulate the benefits of our free product procurement services. - Customize pitches to address specific hospital requirements. - Maintain meticulous records of interactions. - Collaborate seamlessly with sales and marketing counterparts. - Stay abreast of evolvin...
I'm looking for a creative individual to co...recipes for me. Each recipe will need to include a line describing its health advantages. The recipes will be organized according to the season, with each seasonal section on a separate page. Key elements of the project: - Design: The use of both high-quality, copyright-free photographs and minimalist-style illustrations is required. The illustrations should be clear and bright. - Health Focus: Each recipe must come with a line detailing its health benefits. - Seasonal Organization: The recipes need to be divided into sections according to the seasons. Ideal candidates for this project will have: - Experience in recipe writing/compilation. - A keen understanding of health and nutrition. - Skills in design or a strong...
...subscriptions. 2. Facial Expression Capture: Automate facial animation using for real-time facial tracking. 3. Seamless CG Character Integration: Use Blender (free) for animation, rigging, and rendering of CG characters. The system must apply motion capture data without manual intervention. 4. No Expensive Subscriptions: The platform should use free or inexpensive one-time purchase tools (no ongoing subscriptions). 5. User-Friendly Interface: Provide a drag-and-drop interface where users can upload videos, select CG characters, and replace actors automatically. 6. Real-Time Rendering: Support real-time or near real-time rendering (free for business). 7. Must work fast on my server and on Windows 10 and higher computers. Must be able to save all work as an MP4 and hi...
...is free of errors from google) - Vision and Mission: This page should clearly articulate our company's vision and mission to our visitors.(I will provide the information,please ensure all information is free of errors from google) - Director Profile: This page should provide information on our directors and their professional backgrounds. (I will provide the information,please ensure all information is free of errors from google) - FAQs: This page should address common questions we receive from our clients and stakeholders. (I will provide the information,please ensure all information is free of errors from google) - Why choose us?This page should address common questions we receive from our clients and stakeholders. (I will provide the information,pleas...
I’m looking for someone to create 2D and 3D plans and drawings for an exciting small Cattle Ranch project that will include 36 dairy cow barn and milking parlour, beef cattle production, crop and forage production, office and training room on a 62-acre land. This project aims to develop a sustainable and community-oriented ranch and research and demonstration farm. 2D layout plans detailing key elements such as [office building, lecture room, silage bunkers, grain storage, equipment shed, equipment shed, dairy barns, beef cattle barns, pastures and hay with irrigation, living quarters, crop production, broiler houses, rabbit hutches, solar power space, borehole space, weather station, etc.]. 3D visualizations to showcase the overall look (aerial view) and feel of the ra...
Job Posting: Mobile App Development Company Needed for Surya Namaskar App We are seeking a mobile app development company or an experienced team with proven expertise in Flutter, Firebase, and AI integration to build a Surya Namaskar mobile app. The project will be developed in phases, starting with an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and scaling to advanced features in subsequent phases. Project Overview App Name: Surya Namaskar Mobile App Objective: To deliver a user-friendly app that tracks Surya Namaskar counts, provides AI-driven feedback, and fosters community engagement through gamification and social features. Phase-Wise Development Plan Phase 1: MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Objective: Launch the app with core functionalities to attract early users and validate the ...
Project Overview: I’m building an affiliate marketing platform, where users can register, receive tracking links for affiliate offers, track their clicks and conversions, and request payouts when they meet certain goals (such as deposits). The website should have an engaging, dynamic UI, and integrate affiliate tracking (postback URLs), goal tracking, and payment systems for withdrawals. Key Features of the Website: User Registration and Login: Secure authentication (email/password), user dashboard to track clicks, conversions, and earnings. Offer Management: Admin interface to add and manage affiliate offers. Tracking Links: Unique tracking links for users to share and track their referrals. Goal Tracking: Track user actions (e.g., registrations, deposits) a...
...the content type, industries/topics, and article length are not yet defined, flexibility and a willingness to learn are essential for this role. Compensation: ₹8,000 per month Ideal Skills: - Basic adaptability in writing styles for different audiences - General awareness of a variety of topics - Willingness to learn and improve task management - Familiarity with grammar basics to produce error-free content - Eagerness to develop technical and social media writing skills - Basic editing skills with attention to clarity and coherence - Enthusiasm to learn time management and audience analysis - Openness to multitask and handle multiple assignments Experience: - No prior experience is necessary, though any relevant experience is a plus - A basic understanding of content creation ...
...mitigation strategies for technical, financial, and market risks. Key Questions: • What are the risks associated with adopting the HPHT method over alternatives? • How can potential market competition be mitigated? ________________________________________ 9. Sustainability and Ethical Practices • Implementation of eco-friendly production processes. • Ethical sourcing and certification for conflict-free diamonds. Key Questions: • How can the factory reduce energy consumption during production? • Are there certifications available to market the diamonds as sustainable and ethical? ________________________________________ 10. Timeline and Milestones • Proposed timeline for setup, production commencement, and market entry. • Key milestones to t...
...Everyone, Here we are a reputed Digital Marketing & Graphic designing company. We provide Free Social Media Marketing creative according to your need, We are not providing templet design. We design from scratch according to your requirements. I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate and help your business achieve its goals through innovative strategies and impactful designs. We have an experienced Digital Marketing and Graphic Design team. We are expertise in: >>Digital Marketing >>Social Media Management (SMM) >>Search Engine Optimization (SEO) >>Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising >>Email Marketing >>Branding >>Marketing Materials >>Web & Digital Design I would love to know more about your project, send ...
...the content type, industries/topics, and article length are not yet defined, flexibility and a willingness to learn are essential for this role. Compensation: ₹8,000 per month Ideal Skills: - Basic adaptability in writing styles for different audiences - General awareness of a variety of topics - Willingness to learn and improve task management - Familiarity with grammar basics to produce error-free content - Eagerness to develop technical and social media writing skills - Basic editing skills with attention to clarity and coherence - Enthusiasm to learn time management and audience analysis - Openness to multitask and handle multiple assignments Experience: - No prior experience is necessary, though any relevant experience is a plus - A basic understanding of content creation ...
...responsables por trabajos inconclusos o pagos no realizados. De ahí la importancia de proveer a las partes de un contrato donde acepten los términos. O se me ocurre que el cliente o el proveedor puedan elegir y seleccionar en las condiciones de pago en la aplicación que el proyecto lo quiere pagar a través de la App o directamente entre ellos. 8. Se requiere que cuando un cliente, lance una solicitud de trabajo, la app, lance un aviso a todos los proveedores que se encuentren en la misma ciudad y categoría, para que se enteren de la oferta de trabajo y puedan ofrecer sus servicios si se encuentran disponibles. 9. Características por considerar para el diseño de la App. • Soportar muchos usuarios concurrentes. &bu...
I'm seeking a WordPress professional to help me free up space and optimize my site. The main focus will be on reducing server response time and optimizing the database. Please only apply if you have proven experience with WordPress site optimization.
We are looking for skilled developers to create a real-time fantasy cricket application for both web and mobile platforms (iOS and Android). The app will provide users with the ability to create fantasy teams, join contests, track live match data, and win rewards. The project will follow Agile methodologies with clear milestones, and the focus will be on cost-effective, high-quality development using open-source technologies. The development is broken into detailed hours for each task and role involved. ________________________________________ Key Features and Functionalities 1. User Registration and Authentication o Secure login via email, mobile, and social media accounts. o OTP-based verification for user security. o Password reset and profile management. o Estimated Hours: 40 ho...
I am seeking a skilled herbalist from Pakistan to create an effective, side-effect-free herbal tea aimed at weight loss. This tea should be safe for women post-delivery and breastfeeding mothers. The formulation should ideally incorporate local Pakistani herbs and target weight loss while also improving digestion, boosting energy levels, and enhancing skin health. Key Responsibilities: - Create a herbal tea for weight loss - Ensure the tea is safe for use by post-delivery and breastfeeding mothers - Incorporate local Pakistani herbs in the formulation - Target additional benefits like improved digestion, boosted energy levels, and enhanced skin health Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in herbalism, particularly with local Pakistani herbs - Experience in formulating safe her...
... If you have created a Chrome Extension before. How much you will charge How long you expect it to take When you can start. I will let you know the name of the browser extension I can provide any artwork, just let me know the requirements I need to meet. // If you have any questions because you don't understand the ask, please let me know before submitting your bid to avoid pain later // Project Description: I am seeking a skilled and experienced developer to build a Chrome browser extension with the following features: Core Features: Facebook Group Monitoring: Allow users to configure a list of Facebook Groups by name or by keeping a browser tab open for each monitored FB group. Monitor new posts within the groups for specific keywords...