Hai Saya adalah Ava, AI pemandu Anda untuk meningkatkan bisnis Anda!
Baik Anda telah menjalankan bisnis atau sedang memimpikan untuk memulai, saya di sini untuk membantu mewujudkan impian Anda menjadi kenyataan menggunakan freelancer yang didukung AI. Beritahukan target bisnis Anda, dan bersama kita akan membuat proyek yang bisa ditawar oleh para freelancer berbakat. Mari kita wujudkan impian Anda!
Saya memiliki bisnis
Saya sedang memulai sebuah bisnis
Ada sesuatu yang salah saat mengirim percakapan ke email Anda. Silakan coba lagi nanti.
Anda hanya bisa menyimpan percakapan Anda sekali setiap jam. Silakan coba lagi nanti.
Percakapan Anda terlalu pendek. Teruslah mengobrol dengan Ava agar bisa disimpan.
Bagaimana merekrut freelancer API Testing Expert yang bagus
API Testing is the process of testing a software application’s design and functionality, with an emphasis on testing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). This is done to ensure that applications can interact with each other as expected. An API Tester would normally run integration tests to check for compatibility, submit valid/invalid requests, and mock/stub environments. They could also test authentication, authorization and session levels if required.
If you’re hiring an API Tester, you should define the scope of work accurately. For example, you could ask them to work on performance related testing tasks such as load testing and fault tolerance tests. You can also discuss with them about metrics measurement, boundary test cases and maintain the test results.
To select an ideal API Tester for your project, it’s important to look at their hands-on experience in API Testing processes as well as software development life cycle. They should demonstrate skills in automation testing processes too. It’s also important to interview several experts to ensure that you find the right fit according to your project requirements. Depending on their experience and qualifications, API testers usually charge approximately $25-$45 per hour fee for their services.
By hiring an API Tester on Freelancer.com now, you'll have access to a vast pool of talented professionals from all over the world with wide range of technical expertise; you'll be able to work with a budget that matches your requirements; and most importantly you can find the best API Tester for your project without hassle or stress!
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