I am Simar and I am a digital marketing strategist. I develop creative and engaging content to help your brand reach their social media goals, specifically to your right audience.
For 2 years now, I have been creating digital marketing strategies for SMEs in Lebanon and the U.S.A. and opening social media pages and managing several related features. I have been also coordinating all social media channels in consistency with SME brands and company vision. I also assist in communication strategies, monitoring, reporting and analyzing results to improve the overall performance of social media presence.
Let's work together to amplify your voice!
What I can do for you:
1-Digital Marketing Services, Social Media Management, boosting services
2-Create a customized digital marketing plan: by creating a social media strategy for your business, I show you how I will achieve your business goals, identify the target audience, research competitors, and develop content ideas.
3-Prepare social media content, this can include developing content calendars, writing and designing posts.
4-Work on your branding: I can create graphics for your business. This can include logos, covers, profile pictures, and other visuals.
5-Manage social media platforms especially Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.
6-Lead on ads campaign on Facebook using Ads manager to reach your target audience
7-Follow up on KPIs and submitting reports
During our collaboration, I will take your digital presence to the next level!
-Assisted officer in creating marketing strategies for SMEs in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the U.S
-Created the social media pages and handled their updates.
-Coordinated all social media channels in consistency with SME brands and company vision.
-Assisted in communication strategies, monitoring, reporting and analyzing results to improve performance.
Graphic Designer
5月, 2018 - 现在
6 年, 9 个月
Branding and Logo Designer:
-Brainstorm words that describe your brand.
-Sketch ideas based on these words.
-Develop your logo's layout.
-Create business cards, flyers, mockups, covers, posts and photoshops.
5月, 2018 -现在
6 年, 9 个月
Digital Marketer
4月, 2020 - 5月, 2022
2 年, 1 个月
WTG Consulting- German School
4月, 2020 - 5月, 2022
2 年, 1 个月
managing social media platforms for the company
4月, 2020 - 5月, 2022
2 年, 1 个月
Al-Jâmi'ah Al-Lubnaniya
2018 - 2021
3 年
Bachelor in Economic Studies
2018 - 2021
3 年
Employment Coaching Program
Swisscontact- Nawaya Network
6 months program
Sales Techniques
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