SaaS Startup

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Need to Develop a Web Application for a SaaS Startup.

I'm Presently located in mumbai.

The UI Design is ready - The implementation is left

Looking for someone who has knowledge of Cloud Computing , Full Stack Web Development , SaaS etc.,

CSS HTML5 JavaScript MongoDB React.js

项目ID: #18543008


13个方案 远程项目 活跃的5 年前



Hi, I am interested in your Saas. I have did Saas before, I develop this service by many technologies such as ReactJs, MVC Asp.Net, SQL, mySql, Aurora, DynamoDb... Skype me if you need my help. thanks,

₹33333 INR 在10天内

Hello Client, Thank you for the opportunity. I'm the lead developer of Swappit Solution. As per your requirement, I would like to tell you that we have a very strong experience of more then 7 years in the fi 更多

₹27777 INR 在10天内

Dear client i have more than 5+ years of experience as FULL STACK DEVELOPER in It industry. i have good hands on experience on python ,angular,node.js,Networking skills ,Linux Administration,aws ,photoshop and also hav 更多

₹36666 INR 在3天内

Hi, I am from Chennai, we have delivered so many projects in SaaS Based Application projects. Cloud: AWS (12 months free) Technologies: MEAN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS) if u interested we were 更多

₹16666 INR 在10天内