Android App Example: You can check the current Android version here: Magicter VPN on Google Play: Project Description: We are seeking an experienced Flutter developer to develop an iOS VPN application from scratch, synchronized with our well-functioning Android version. The developer must complete the project within 25 days. If the project is not completed within the deadline, we reserve the right to request a full refund without any reason. Project Goals: Feature Synchronization: Use Flutter to synchronize all features and logic from the Android VPN version to the iOS version, ensuring a consistent user experience across platforms. UI Update: Develop a new iOS user interface that matches the flow and design of the Android
...收起來了。」一位不具名供應商透露。作為甜點業後進者,全聯如何靠著百元有找的銅板價甜點小兵立大功,與講求新鮮的甜點專賣店、設有現場烘焙專區的量販店競爭,創造數10億元營收? 說服大家共同經營品牌統籌 全聯 製造商專注研發 他們的第一步,是透過品牌整合,協助各製造商重新包裝、統籌行銷,提升產品能見度。「以前甜點包裝講好聽是繽紛,講直白就是亂。」全聯行銷部協理劉鴻徵坦言,在成立自有品牌之前,全聯架上甜點由各個製造商自行貼標、包裝,難以呈現一致性和專業感,很難被消費者認同,「就連同仁的生日蛋糕,大家吃完讚不絕口,卻沒發現這是從門市買來的。」他打趣著說。後來,全聯思考,既然產品力沒問題,加上全聯的客群有很多家庭主婦,需要大量添購一家人的食物,若能從品牌、包裝著手,在提升質感的同時,又以較大分量商品,滿足主婦最在乎的CP值,應比超商的甜點還有機會贏得消費者青睞,同時和廠商共同拓展市場。為此,他們在2016年,成立We Sweet品牌,主打平價甜點,鎖定講求CP值的家庭、菜籃族客群。「就跟蔬菜我們有『善美的』品牌,在這個品牌大傘下,消費者才會有信任感。」劉鴻徵說明。問題來了,當時全聯每一款甜點都由不同代工廠製造,設備、規格都不同,若要整合包裝,對業者而言,不只要重新設計產品外觀、採購包裝設備,也難以凸顯差異性,因此初期引發不少代工廠抗拒。為此,全聯花了幾個月的時間,根據不同產品特性,與製造商共同研發產品、討論包裝方式,終於說服所有業者一起經營We Sweet品牌。「必須讓他們知道這不是單打獨鬥,而是大家一起把甜點品牌做出來,當品牌養大後,訂單也會增加。」全聯行銷部品牌經營課課長江心怡還原當時溝通過程。接著,他們以聯名策略打響We Sweet品牌知名度。全聯業績破億元的甜點當中,訴求友善土地、產品溯源的產 品就占了兩項。全聯業績破億元的甜點當中,訴求友善土地、產品溯源的...
T29. Simule a integração de 2 documentos manuais de acordo com o ponto 2.4 do Despacho n.º 8632/2014 de 03 de julho do Diretor Geral da Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira sendo que o 1º documento pertence à série F com o nº 23 do dia 14-01-2022 e o 2º pertence à série D com o nº 3 do dia 12-01-2022 e respetivo PDF. (Note que, de acordo com o ponto 2.4.2, deve ser criado um novo documento do mesmo tipo que recolha todos os elementos do documento manual emitido, significando que todos os elementos são de introdução livre, por exemplo: denominação usual, quantidade, preço, valor do imposto, total de imposto e do documento, etc.); T30. Simule a integ...
...日本民企火箭发射终获成功,灾邑裳凸沂,<img src="">,诩直负毓蓉,快准狠!华润又对东莞动手了!,叹由夯灸褪,完美伪装!猫头鹰栖身树洞口颜色与树干一致,赋汕善窗捣,22罚!字母哥借了谁的技能包 轰32+13+8大,媳巧悔劳巴,我们该不该旗帜鲜明地反对李彦宏当选院士?,谑氨浩勾侍
Create website for children amusement industry include 5 pages,email, and online chat tool
从旧报章 1. 侦测和切出每个别小块,得到每块的位置。 2. 得到(切出)每个小块在原图的位置 , 从右上到左下标号。 3. 得到的小块作横直投影。
logo 名称 vrtech 电子类产品logo,大小写不定 ,要求简洁 科技感强
我们有一个客户端程序,在打开并运行它的时候,该客户端会去读取服务器的信息并和服务器交换数据。由于开发人员非正常离职,因此目前我们想更换服务端,却不能修改客户端里的服务器地址,因此需要修改该客户端程序里的服务器地址 可以从 页面里的2016版客户端里下载该软件,如果解决时间越短,则获取的报酬相对越高。
1. 该软件用于一个光学系统的像质评价,有10种像质需要评价。 2. 可以选择编程语言 3. 该软件涉及软件和硬件编程(如果硬件编程有问题,我们可以再商量怎么寻求援助) 4. 如何评价像质的算法,我们会给个大致的方向,需要工程师自己细化算法 5. 提供硬件控制的接口
1. 该软件用于一个光学系统的像质评价,有10种像质需要评价。 2. 可以选择编程语言 3. 该软件涉及软件和硬件编程(如果硬件编程有问题,我们可以再商量怎么寻求援助) 4. 如何评价像质的算法,我们会给个大致的方向,需要工程师自己细化算法 5. 提供硬件控制的接口
...,点击“进入”按钮可以进入主界面。 可以列出英国大部分的大学,点击各个大学进入各大学的页面,页面内容包括: 各大学基本信息(University Profile),含有折叠和隐藏功能,因为信息量很大。 官网,点击官网可以进入该大学官方网站。 电话:点击电话可以直接拨打大学电话。 评论框(可供用户对大学添加各种评论),同样有展开和折叠功能,因为评论信息量可能很大影响界面美观。 点赞或差评,显示用户对该大学的满意程度统计图(例如:一个圆自动显示赞的百分比和差评的百分比) 地图,定位该大学所在地。 搜索功能:在搜索框中输入大学名称可直接搜到该大学无需逐一寻找。 所有大学信息来源于
Aim: promote our company’s FinTech website in China Action: Write and post posts in simplified Chinese on China forums to promote our company and its FinTech website that offers digital currency information. Requirement: 1. Knowledge of IT/FinTech/ Finance/ Bitcoin / digital currency would be great. 2. Native simplified Chinese writing and know the terms of FinTech in Chinese community. Forum suggested: 网易社区(网易财经论坛)、巴比特、区块链社区、壹比特、雪球、网易财经论坛、和讯论坛、经管之家、金融之家、投行先锋、博瑞金融、交易币论坛、彩云比特、深度科技论坛、火线互联网金融论坛、互联网金融吧(百度)、知乎、金融业(天涯)、新浪主题社区、百度論壇/百度贴吧、搜狐社区、21CN社区、中华网论坛、QQ论坛、比特范、P2P论坛、网贷社区、天涯社区、上海热线论坛 (谈股论金) Duration: Mid Aug to Oct 2016
我们是一个墨尔本的华人教会,需要做一个网站。我们建议用wordpress+theme来做。 theme必须用responsive的。 主要的工作就是设计这些网页,然后把这些设计整合到theme中,还有一些文字编辑的工作。 网站的内容我们会提供。(关于我们,信仰告白,最近讲道,联系我们...) 功能主要就是在首页需要有我们教会的地图,还有最近的活动,最近的讲道,还有微信的二维码。 最近的讲道栏目里面,需要能够上传讲道的文字和音视频。
Display paintings, uploading and downloading , work evaluation , works and author information , membership registration , works sub- drawing, painting , gouache , calligraphy , through each piece can be enlarged individually show and get a few people to see several people evaluate the situation , evaluation of high automatic sorting front pages dynamic display large image rotation and other related site Notice winning information, you need responsive technology that uses HTML5 CCS3 BOOTSTRAP database technology can be applied on a PC, IPAD, mobile phones and other terminals. Currently uploaded photos are only examples and LOGO. 展示绘画作品、上传下载、作品评价、作品及作者信息、会员注册等,作品分素描、油画、水粉、书法等,通过每件作品都可以放大单独显示,并得到几人看几个人评价情况,评价高的自动排序在前,网页大图轮换动态显示网站公告等相关获奖作品信息,需要响应式技术...
中文,英文, 报告,统计,百度搜索,研究,2015/2016年中国的劳动市场有关的知识。。。
保定卓正国际酒店,【132.6276.7118 韩经理】地址:保定 北市区 七一东路2358号 ,民营科技工业园园区内。 聘男公关,女公关,公?主,少?爷【132.6276.7118 韩经理】 ━━请致电人力资源部:【132.6276.7118 韩经理】━━ 郑重承诺:酒店招聘公?关,少?爷,信息正规程序【无押金】,工资日结;有意者记准酒店地址前来应聘。 职位描述: 一:男女公-关(可兼职) 1:男女不限,无须经验,18-35岁 2:上班时间:晚上8点-12点左右;可以兼职或全职!可安排住宿! 3;工资日结1600--4800起/天 二:V、I、P、高级服务员(兼/全职高级服务员) 2、男女不限,无须经验,18-35岁 3:个人形象和综合气质兼备,主要在酒店俱乐部为客人做VIP服务 4:上班时间:晚上8点-晚上1点左右;可以兼职或全职!可安排住宿! 三:K、T、V、服、务、生 1:日薪200--800元以上,男女不限,无经验可培训!? 2:18-35岁,形象好,有一定服务意识,有亲和力。 3:上班时间:晚上8点-晚上2点;可兼职、可安排合住! 四:(商、务、司、机) 1、负责为客人开车,提供商务,旅游,购物,休闲等陪同,服务。 2、女性身高在160cm以上,男性身高在170cm以上。 3、年龄18-30岁,形象好,气质佳。 4、驾驶经验1年以上。保底6000+提成;月工资可达万元以上。 五:保、安、内、保? 1、18—35周岁,身高170CM以上,身体健康,容貌端正; 2、熟悉安全制度;有较强的工作责任心; 3、有良好的仪表形象,反应灵敏,洞察力强, 4、有酒店相关工作经验优先! 招聘专线132.62767...
1. 共10篇文章,共计:2895字; 2. 要求用词精准,表达专业地道,语法正确,语句通顺; 3. 尽量用短句,不要用太生僻的词; 4. 交货时间:2016年3月20日 11点前。
1. 三篇中文文章,共计982字,需翻译成英文; 2. 产品为工业类产品,比较专业,要求翻译成英文同样专业; 3. 英文地道,尽量用短语表达,语法,拼写无错误; 4. 译稿要求排版清晰,有条理,不混乱; 5. 要求在2016年3月9号上午11点前完成此项目。
1. 将中文翻译成英文; 2. 共计7937字,10篇文章; 3. 文章是关于自动灌装机的质量检测; 4. 用词准确,表达地道,尽量用短句,不要用太生僻的词,语法正确; 5. 要求完成时间:2016-3-3 11:00 A.M
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'创建打印和包装设计-design a thank you card'
double space, 5-7page, MLA style, persuasive research paper, I already finish 2 pages and outline of this essay, please help me to rewriting this 2 page. use at least 4 sources to explain how and why food is connected to some dimension of the social or societal realm, the paper's goal is to use research findings to help the readers take a side on a particular issue. use evidence from sources to analysis and support the thesis need at least 2 requirement sources in the file. and also, need at least 2 sources from library website, I already found it and add it in the files. there totally have 4 sources in the files. 2 library source link (i also sent in the files)
我们正在寻找一个优秀的中国平面设计师,为以中国游客为目标市场的旅游网站设计网页 (landing page) 和相关的banners。脱颖而出的设计师将会被邀请参与我们的网站设计工作。这个项目只有设计2-4 网页,2-4 个 banners 和 简单的WordPress 网站; 成功完成第一个项目的设计师将会被邀请参与我们的第二个项目(马上开始在第一个项目完成后),网站设计工作设计的要求会高和复杂。 要求如下: Web/App Graphics • ability to take design (PSD) and create web friendly optimised graphical elements • familiar with all levels of CSS (through CSS3) • understand and ability to implement responsive design • understand browser limitations of Safari, IE, Firefox, Chrome; can design cross browser solutions Programming • competent to expert in WordPress & PHP (portfolio sites required) • understand modern javascript frameworks (minimum: JQuery) • understand SEO best practices Communications • fluent in English and Chin...
我们正在寻找一个优秀的中国平面设计师,为以中国游客为目标市场的旅游网站设计网页 (landing page) 和相关的banners。脱颖而出的设计师将会被邀请参与我们的网站设计工作。这个项目只有设计2-4 网页,2-4 个 banners 和 简单的WordPress 网站; 成功完成第一个项目的设计师将会被邀请参与我们的第二个项目(马上开始在第一个项目完成后),网站设计工作设计的要求会高和复杂。 要求如下: Web/App Graphics • ability to take design (PSD) and create web friendly optimised graphical elements • familiar with all levels of CSS (through CSS3) • understand and ability to implement responsive design • understand browser limitations of Safari, IE, Firefox, Chrome; can design cross browser solutions Programming • competent to expert in WordPress & PHP (portfolio sites required) • understand modern javascript frameworks (minimum: JQuery) • understand SEO best practices Communications • fluent in English and Chin...
...发时,完全按照界面设计进行开发,某些设计不专业的地方,可以相互沟通修改,以提高用户体验。 Overall requirement: The website could work within >10Million PV/day, every high efficient website (like airbnb,com, Craigslist). The website should be very easy to maintain or expand, for development in the next steps. Type: The website is classified website similar to Craigslist, however, it could mediate the transaction for the items, service (restaurant, housing, renting). The market and users are same as Craigslist. However, the design and function of the website is totally different from Craigslist. Mobile application function: During the website’s development, the mobile application should be well considered according to the website. Transaction: ...
...Media Video Creation as a Professional Ecosystem: Economic Models, Cultural Impact, and Ethical Implications" I would be interested in seeing a PHD research proposal. I need a context, specific focus (cases, platforms and geographical area) as well as a theoretical framework. Research outline Candidates are required to provide an outline of the proposed research subject in about 1500 words. This need not be your final thesis proposal but should include: a straightforward, descriptive, and informative title the question that your research will address an account of why this question is important and worth investigating an assessment of how your own research will engage with recent study in the subject a brief account...
I'm in need of a full-stack developer proficient in Frontend Bootstrap and Laravel. The project entails designing a responsive, interactive front-end with custom themes and implementing a back-end with essential Laravel functionalities. Key Responsibilities: - Front-End: Design and implement a Bootstrap front-end that is responsive, interactive and uses custom themes. - Back-End: Utilize Laravel to manage user data. Ideal Candidate: The perfect freelancer for this project would be someone with extensive experience in full-stack development, particularly with Bootstrap and Laravel. A strong understanding of responsive design, interactive components, and custom theming in Bootstrap is crucial. Additionally, experience with...
...experienced mobile app developer to create a social networking app for both iOS and Android via Flutter. Key Features: - User Profiles: The mobile app revolves around user profiles that need to be integrated with the existing web app. Each user should be able to create and customize their own profile and resume, production, venue and company pages. - Developer will also be asked to fix Github errors. App Details: - Profile Picture: Users should be able to upload a profile picture. - Bio/Description: Each profile should have a section for a brief bio or description about the user. - Contact Details: Users should have a space to include their demographic and personal data. - Artist Magnet will provide PDF design templates that the Coder will ...
I'm seeking a full-stack developer to implement new features into an open-source CMS and design a responsive/mobile-friendly website. Key tasks will involve: - Adding a Reviews Plugin, Embed Social Media Plugin, and Referral Plugin to the CMS - Prioritizing the development of the Reviews Plugin - Ensuring the website design is responsive and mobile-friendly Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - PHP, SQL, Javascript, and HTML & CSS - Proficiency in full-stack development - Experience working with open-source CMS - Strong web design skills, particularly for responsive and mobile-friendly sites - Previous work integrating plugins into a CMS - Expertise in developing user-friendly, functional websites
Are you a People Person? A Go-Getter? Ready to Make Serious Money? ? We are looking for dynamic, driven, and results-oriented Sales Specialists to join our team and help us grow! This role is perfect for anyone who loves to hustle, close deals, and build long-lasting relationships. What You’ll Do: ✅ Generate Leads – Discover new opportunities and connect with potential clients across platforms. ✅ Cold Leads? No Problem! – Set up the first meeting, showcase our offerings, and make that killer first impression? ✅ Hot Leads? Close the Deal! – Connect high-potential leads with our executives and watch the deals roll in. ? What’s in It for You? ? Base Salary of $25 - 50$ with an Increment according to Performance. ? Unlimited Earning...
Key Requirements: Slider Design: Create an eye-catching and responsive slider that aligns with the theme and purpose of the landing page. Sections: Design well-structured sections that present information clearly and concisely. Form Integration: Add a functional form to the landing page for lead capture. Popup Form: Implement a popup form for additional engagement, designed with a user-friendly interface. Enhanced Design: Deliver a design that is visually superior and more appealing than the reference link provided. Additional Details: Budget: ₹1000 Platform: WordPress Timeline: 12 hours
UI/UX Designer for Dashboard and Mobile App We are seeking a talented UI/UX Designer to create intuitive, visually appealing designs for our dashboard and mobile app. The ideal candidate has a strong portfolio showcasing user-centered designs, wireframing, prototyping, and knowledge of modern design tools (Figma, Adobe XD, etc.). You’ll collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure a seamless user experience that aligns with our brand. Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail are essential. Experience with responsive design and understanding of front-end development is a plus. If you’re passionate about crafting outstanding user interfaces, apply now to join our dynamic team!
I'm seeking a professional web designer to create a sleek, modern, and minimalist portfolio website for me. The primary purpose of this site will be to showcase my work in a clean, uncluttered manner that allows the viewer to focus on the portfolio pieces. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in web design, particularly in creating portfolio sites - Strong understanding of modern minimalist design principles - Proficiency in user-friendly, responsive design - Ability to incorporate SEO best practices The site will primarily consist of a Portfolio Gallery, so the designer will need to demonstrate skill in creating an engaging, visually-appealing gallery that showcases my work effectively. Please include examples of your previous ...
Website Builder Needed for Startup – Expertise in 10Web AI Builder (WordPress & Elementor Pro) We’re in the process of setting up a new startup company focused on different verticals. Although we have a roadmap and vision in place, we currently don’t have any clients or business. At this stage, we want to create a prototype website that reflects our brand's mission and vision. We are looking for a skilled website builder who can create and edit a prototype website using the 10Web AI Builder platform, which integrates with WordPress and Elementor Pro. The website should serve as a prototype for our consulting group, showcasing our services and vision. Scope of Work: Purpose: Develop ...
I'm seeking an experienced website designer proficient in Figma and other design tools to create a service booking marketplace, akin to topmate. Key Responsibilities: - Develop website wireframes, designs, and necessary assets - Integrate crucial features including: - User profiles and reviews - Payment gateway - Availability calendar - Task posting - Proposal discovery - Consumer-provider issue resolution assistance Ideal Candidate: - Demonstrated experience designing service booking websites - Proficient in Figma and other design tools - Able to create intuitive, user-friendly, and responsive designs - Understands the essential components of a marketplace website