...source code and the front end is written in , and development work needs to be done on our server. We need to add: - AI functions - Basic functions AI Chat function: Add canvas function (can be edited like the drawing function of ChatGPT) Add the same function as ChatGPT Operator (allow AI to call external web pages for operations) Add voice interaction function (turn AI text into speech mode, add interruptible effect, and connect to Ali's voice API and OpenAI's real-time API) Add AI thinking logic effects (similar to OpenAI o1, add the effect of the thinking process, and modify the steps of the AI response. The AI can give the user the answer to the reasoning (reasoning logic: first generate the content framework, and in the second step, improve the content of...
...Multi-Chatbot Management: • Configure prompts, AI switches, and model training for each chatbot individually. • Assign chatbot-specific permissions to customer service representatives. • Limits and Pricing: • Free version limited to N chatbots, exceeding this incurs admin-defined fees. 2. User Management • Custom Groups: Group users based on behavior, tags, location, etc. • User Tags: Assign tags manually or let AI automatically assign based on interaction. • Group Permissions: Assign permissions for customer service representatives to view specific groups or chatbots. 3. AI Features • AI Switch: Enable or disable AI response functionality. • GPT API Configuration: Customize prompts and upload conversation history for t...
...setting to automatically load a preset role when users first interact with the chatbot. All role configurations should be customizable in the backend for easy adjustments of role content and policies. (This item is missing; there is no number 7 in the original document.) Chat Voice Functionality Add a voice interaction feature allowing users to engage with the chatbot through voice. The voice functionality should consume user tokens, with backend logging to prevent misuse. Image Voice Functionality Add a feature for voice descriptions of images, allowing users to hear a description of the content. This feature should also consume user tokens, with backend logging to prevent misuse. Cloudflare R2 Storage Configuration We have purchased a Clou...
...encrypted). We need to develop an management panel that is exactly the same as it. And add some new functions to make it more suitable for mobile phone display effects. Optimize AI functions: Add new functions and optimize AI functions: including: the original AI Chat function (add canvas function, search function, memory function, multimodal function, export document function, real-time voice interaction function, voice to text function, memory function), AI drawing function (add editable pictures, expand picture function, select redraw function, remove background, picture design canvas), AI music function (can generate music with one click, make partial modification to the generated music, music composer lyrics matching function, add our watermark logo), AI video funct...
...,兩種語言,大約5-8頁),設計的元素想融入了cyber和NFT等新潮的元素在網站設計裡面,請務必有兩個報價: 第一就是光是設計,需要給設計稿AI和preview我們先過目的,且不能顯示有任何貴公司的名字或者資料在上面,首頁我們預算最多一頁HKD$300以內,內容頁最多預算HKD$50每頁。 第二是設計連網站一齊製作的總費用,請另外報價,其中要求如下: 1. 必須懂廣東話, 用中文溝通 2. 能用whatsapp與香港時間同步溝通 3. 工作耐心認真負責 4. 建設wordpress網站,按給予的模板仿製 5. 中英兩種語言 6. woo-commerce購物車及會員系統 7. 設計首頁的時間為最多1-2天,整個網站設計不超過4天 8. 網站必須包含電腦版與手機版 9. 支付方式是銀行轉賬(直接展示銀行號碼)及展示payme 二維碼,及paypal 10. 如客人有需要後台training ,需要教客人使用簡單後台及培訓(on line) 11. 包含整套網站遷移、服務器設置(客人自行購買服務器)、域名指向等全套服務
1. 必須懂廣東話 2. 能用whatsapp與香港時間同步溝通 3. 工作耐心認真負責 4. 建設wordpress網站,按給予的模板仿製 5. 中英兩種語言 6. woo-commerce購物車及會員系統 7. 預計工作時間為3-4日 8. 必須包含電腦版與手機版 9. 支付方式是銀行轉賬(直接展示銀行號碼)及展示payme 二維碼,及paypal 10. 如客人有需要後台training ,需要教客人使用簡單後台及培訓(on line) 11. 包含網站遷移、服務器設置(客人自行購買服務器)、域名指向等全套服務 12. 內頁會找類似樣板,請模仿並建議更漂亮的形式進行製作,而不會提供首頁設計 13. 首頁已經設計好,並會提供AI文檔 14. 提供購買服務器建議及協助版面設置等 15. 整個項目完成預算大約HKD 1800
咨询顾问:Daniel QQ/微信:1688 99991 degree|diploma|学位证|毕业证|成绩单|文凭|使馆认证|Graduation|Graduation ceremony|使馆证明|毕业典礼|毕业照|假毕业证|假文凭|假成绩单|高仿毕业证|高仿文凭|能办真实学历认证吗?使馆公证|留学回国人员证明|留学生认证|学历认证|文凭认证|学位认证|留学生学历认证|留学生学位认证|中国教育部留学服务中心认证|留服认证|留信网认证|英国学历认证|美国学历认证|加拿大学历认证|新西兰学历认证等 为英国、加拿大、澳洲、新西兰、美国、法国、德国、新加坡 荷兰等国留学生提供以下服务: ★真实教育部认证,教育部存档,中国教育部留学服务中心认证(即教育部留服认证)网站100%可查. ★真实使馆认证(即留学人员回国证明),使馆存档可通过大使馆查询确认. ★毕业证、成绩单等材料,从防伪到印刷,从水印到钢印烫金,高精仿度跟学校原版100%相同. 如果您是以下情况,我们都能竭诚为您解决实际问题: 1、在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业,拿不到官方毕业证; 2、面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; 3、不清楚流程以及材料该如何准备; 4、回国时间很长,忘记办理; 5、回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; 6、企事业单位必须要求办理的; ◆为什么您的学位需要到使馆进行公证? 使馆教育处开具的《留学回国人员证明》是留学人员在国内证明留学身份、联系工作、创办企业、落转户口、申请国内各类基金等必备的材料。留学人员持有此证明还可以享受购买国产汽车免税等多项优惠政策。 ◆为什么您的学位需要在国内进一步认证? 如果您计划在国内发展,那么办理国内教育部认证是必不可少的。一般企事业用人单位在您应聘时都会需要您提供这个认证。办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供...
احتاج معلق صوتى لتسجيل مواضيع جاهزة باللغة العربية ولكن اريد تسجيل صوتى ب اللغة الاسبانية
招兼职剪接声音的人。一个声音(短则8分钟,长则30分钟) 要求:降噪,去除杂音,音量提高,去掉口癖(如这个、那个、额、长段空白、咳嗽等),笑声可保留。 输出声音格式要求:MP3,高音质,立体声,大小控制在50MB以内 ENGLISH A person who works part-time to cut the sound. One voice (8 minutes short and 30 minutes long) Requirements: Noise reduction, noise removal, volume increase, remove the mouth (such as this, that, forehead, long blank, cough, etc.), laughter can be retained. Output sound format requirements: MP3, high sound quality, stereo, size control within 50MB
...查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证,鉴于此:办理一份毕业证成绩单即可。 3、回国进国企、银行等事业性单位或者考公务员的情况 办理一份毕业证成绩单,递交材料到教育部,办理真实教育部认证 、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、 【诚招代理】本公司诚聘当地合作代理人员,如果你有业余时间,有兴趣就请联系我们。 敬告:面对网上有些不良个人中介,真实教育部认证故意虚假报价,毕业证、成绩单却报价很高,挖坑骗留学学生做和原版差异很大的毕业证和成绩单,,欺骗广大留学生,请多留心! 、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、 多伦多大学毕业证文凭 University of Toronto 多伦多大学毕业证文凭国际预科课程 University of Toronto IFPProgram多伦多大学毕业证文凭绿色通道(士嘉堡校区)Green Path Program 西安大略大University of WesternOntario 滑铁卢大学毕业证文凭 University of Waterloo 卡尔顿大学毕业证文凭 Carleton University 约克大学毕业证文凭 York University 圭尔夫大学毕业证文凭 University of Guelph 温莎大学毕业证文凭 University of Windsor皇后大学毕业证文凭 Queen’s University 麦克马斯特大学毕业证文凭 McMaster University 布鲁克大学毕业证文凭 Brock University 渥太华大学毕业证文凭 UNIVE...
我们是中国的翻译公司,长期有配音业务需要寻找个人配音人员。现在寻找以下语言的配音人员:English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Hindi,以及其他语言
我们是中国的翻译公司,长期有配音业务需要寻找个人配音人员。现在寻找以下语言的配音人员:English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Hindi,以及其他语言
I need a team of Chinese singers to sing an extended version of the Chinese National Anthem for me. My budget is exactly $205, no more, no less. Just let me know how many singers I can get for $205. If I like the result, we can add more. Teams of voice talents only. Individuals will be declined. Below I have included the instrumental and a vocal guide. Here are the full lyrics: 起来! 不愿做奴隶的人们! 把我们的血肉,筑成我们新的长城! 中华民族到了最危险的时候, 每个人被迫着发出最后的吼声。 起来! 起来! 起来! 我们万众一心, 冒着敌人的炮火,前进! 冒着敌人的炮火,前进! 前进! 前进! 进! 前进! 各民族英雄的人民! 伟大的共产党领导我们继续长征。 万众一心奔向共产主义明天, 建设祖国保卫祖国英勇的斗争。 前进!前进!前进! 我们千秋万代 高举毛泽东旗帜,前进! 高举毛泽东旗帜,前进! 前进! 前进! 进!
...4、完成身份验证过程之后,可以通过该特制播放器进行自由的播放,播放器面板可以选择样式,放上我们的品牌信息。视频的播放清晰度不会受影响,可以自由的快进、快退、可以完成0.1-—5.0倍速的快速或慢速播放,能保持音轨一致。 5、视频的加密软件,可以定向指定某一期班级的学生可以解密播放该视频。而其他班级的学生,即使有加密狗并下载了该视频加密源文件之后依然无法解密该视频。 6、视频加密软件需要达到后台控制功能。可以实时在线显示都有哪期班级的学员(班级期数、名字、联系方式),在看哪一阶段的视频。并且如果有同一个加密狗在两台机器上播放视频话,我们可以直接冻结该加密狗的使用权限,使其不能播放。 7、加密狗,不可以被复制,不可以被破解,并且要具备一定的后期内部软件升级空间,根据我们的需要往其中加入新功能,如果被破解,我们是不会通过最终审核的。 We are an offline education training institution. Currently, we need to prepare the teaching MP4 video recorded every day for the students to study at home. However, the videos should not be shared randomly and sold online by our students. Therefore, we decide to encrypt the videos through hardware encryption to prevent the spread of the videos. It is necessary to develop three parts including v...
...ensure the safety of the user’s information. Responsive: The message and communication between mobile and website, buyers and sellers should be real time. Communication methods: message, call, voicemail, email. Style of user interface: simple, fancy with good using experience. information: the posted information on this website include text, photos, video, voice Multiple-language version: mainly Chinese, English Advertising system: similar to the advertise on youtube that the advertise will be displayed during the playing of videos. Anti-spam and poor information system: The information posted into this website will be filtered out to get rid of poor and fraud information. Review syst...
...function: product management systems, search systems, shopping cart functionality , payment systems , order management systems ...... Background function: membership management system ; news, information , advertising systems ; Page Views Statistics ; Links ; station information retrieval system ...... 3 , website maintenance : Service providers need to provide ongoing maintenance support and training site back-office functions 4, can make a separate payment systems can also count the money alone 开发语言:php(根据自身情况而定) 参考网站: 具体要求: 1、网页设计及制作: 首页,产品详情页,商品列表页,订单提交页等,整体风格要大气上档次。 2、功能模块: 前台功能:产品管理系统, 搜索系统,购物车功能,支付系统,订单管理系统...... 后台功能:会员管理系统;新闻、信息、广告发布系统;页面访问 统计;友情链接;站内信息检索系统...... 3、网站维护: 服务商需要提供后期维护支持及网站后台功能培训 4、能单独做支付系统的也可以单独算钱
我需要一些十分专业的中文发音的男声来帮我录制有声小说读物。I need some male voice to record the audiobooks
We are seeking a skilled consecutive interpreter for a series of online supplier portal training sessions in March (several sessions but specific time to be determined). Each session will last approximately one hour, and the language is English to Korean. The training content is about the how to use of supplier portal. The session and interpretation will be conducted via MS Teams. 1. May I ask how you charge? 2. Have you ever used MS Teams for interpretation? 3. Can you send your resume? If you have extensive experience in the field of interpretation, we would love to hear from you!
I am seeking a seasoned VMWARE professional to assist with the installation of the latest licensed release of VMWARE ESXi and vCenter on a bare metal cloud host. This setup is primarily intended for GNS3 installation on an Ubuntu server, which will be used for training and learning purposes. I also require assistance in acquiring the necessary licenses through the Broadcom portal. Skills and Experience: - Proven track record with VMWARE installations - Familiarity Ubuntu server - Experience in acquiring software licenses - Excellent troubleshooting and problem-solving skills
We are in search of a seasoned Korean<>English interpreter with extensive experience in both business meetings and the entertainment industry. Your role will primarily focus on: - Assisting during C-level business presentations and investor meetings - Ac...during showcases and concerts The ideal candidate will be a graduate of an Interpretation & Translation Graduate School. A California Court Interpreter Certification is a plus, but not mandatory. You should have more than 5 years of interpretation experience, preferably in the specified fields. Please provide: - Your relevant experience in these fields - Your willingness to participate in training/education if needed - Your rates for interpretation services - Your current residence Referrals of other qualified indi...
I am in need of a skilled video editor for my faceless (cashcow) YouTube channel. The channel focuses on educational content, and I will provide the script and voice audio. The project involves: - Editing 5 long videos and 10 shorts/reels from scratch - Incorporating animations to enhance the educational visuals - Working within a budget for these initial videos Ideal candidates should have: - Experience in editing educational content for YouTube - Proficiency in using professional animation software - A creative approach to video editing and animation Please note that the primary editing style should be cost-effective, as this will be a pilot run for the channel.
...in-house - Empresa internacional - Sueldo base + Bonos por KPIs alcanzados. Trabajo: - Market research para desarrollo de ángulos de venta para creativos publicitarios. - Market research / Inspo research para desarrollo de conceptos para creativos publicitarios. - Creación de conceptos para creativos publicitarios. - Redacción de scripts para creativos. - Redacción de scripts para UGC. - Creación de voice overs en Eleven Labs. - Manejar y crecer portafolio de creadores. - Creación de briefs para creadores UGC, editores de video, diseñadores gráficos, modelos, agencias audiovisuales. - Creación de conceptos para creativos estáticos. - Grabar feedback / correcciones a través de loom. - Analizar data de...
Application Specifications Objective of the Application: Develop an application that facilitates the connection between service providers and clients for various jobs (plumbing, electricity, cleaning, etc.), ensuring a smooth and fast user experienc...caching solutions (Redis, Memcached) to improve responsiveness and reduce load on databases. 2. Registration and Validation • Clients must register with email validation to verify their email address. 3. Core Features • Client Announcements Creation: • Clients post an announcement detailing the service they need (e.g., plumbing, electricity), including a description and the ability to add photos or voice messages to explain their needs. • They can choose the service category before posting the announcement. &bull...
...interactions and automate follow-ups. Requirements: Expertise in AI, e-commerce, chatbot development, and digital marketing automation. Experience integrating AI solutions into real estate or similar industries. Proven track record in CRM, social media, and ad automation. Strong UI/UX experience to ensure a seamless customer journey. Deliverables: Fully integrated AI ecosystem with dashboard access. Training and documentation for the internal team. Ongoing support and maintenance. Budget & Timeline: Please provide an estimated cost and time frame for completion. Outline potential phases of development and deployment. We are looking for a long-term tech partner to scale our business with AI. If your company has the expertise to deliver this, please submit your proposal with ca...
We're on the lookout for ...to join our team servicing urban areas. If you have 2-5 years of experience and are looking for a stable job with competitive pay and great benefits, we want to hear from you. What we offer: - Competitive wages based on experience - Opportunities for bonuses and overtime - Comprehensive health, dental, and retirement plans - Paid time off, including vacation and holidays - Opportunities for training and career advancement - A supportive team and steady work environment Requirements: - Relevant HVAC certification or experience - Strong troubleshooting and repair skills - A valid driver's license - A customer service-oriented attitude If you're ready to elevate your HVAC career and become part of a prosperous, growth-focused team, we enco...
...turns gray.) Narrator (deep voice): "A powerful new villain has emerged… A force so cold that even fire shivers in its presence…" (Cut to a mysterious figure standing on top of a frozen skyscraper. He wears an icy blue cape, glowing white eyes, and a crown made of frost. His breath turns into mist as he speaks.) [Introduction of Frost King] Frost King (evil laugh): "Foolish humans! The era of warmth is over! I, the Frost King, shall turn this world into an eternal ice age. Shaktimaan cannot stop me now!" (He raises his hand, and a giant ice wave spreads across the city, freezing everything in its path.) [Shaktimaan Arrives] (A golden flash appears in the sky. Shaktimaan descends, his aura glowing bright red, melting the ice around him.) S...
I need someone who can create a sample video based on a script I will provide, and explain the entire process to me step by step. Ideally, the process should include AI tools to generate images, voice-over, and automatic or semi-automatic video editing. Tools like Pictory, Synthesia, Runway, ElevenLabs, CapCut or similar are welcome. The goal is to find the fastest and most efficient workflow using AI. I’m open to recommendations and suggestions. Let me know your approach and experience.
...highly experienced senior developer to improve our app that offers voice chat and live streaming. We have some issues that need to be addressed, and we need an expert to handle them professionally. Tasks Required: Fix performance-related issues. Improve user experience. Fix the issue with the chat box inside the rooms and live stream. Continue developing the music system inside the voice room. Redesign the user profile inside the voice room. Make small design adjustments to the app. Fix any existing technical bugs in the app. Run tests to ensure stability after modifications. Requirements: Previous experience in developing voice chat and live streaming apps. Ability to work on mobile apps (Android). Skills in dealing with voice and video servers. Str...
I'm in need of a Spanish female voice over artist for a commercial project. Key requirements: - Voice over will be for a radio commercial - Tone should be friendly and casual - Length is less than 1 minute - Native Spanish speaker is preferred - Previous experience in commercial voice overs is a plus. Please include samples of your previous work in your proposal. Looking forward to your bids!
...vanilla expertise (expert buyer vs occasional user) ✅ Deliverables 1. Fully working and tested scenario. 2. A clean Google Sheet template for prospect tracking. 3. Documentation explaining each module (to allow internal updates later). 4. 1-hour training call to review the flow with the Vanilla Fair team. 5. Optional: Test run with 20-30 prospects. ? Timeline • Full delivery within 7 days max. • First working version to test after 4 days. ? Budget Expected budget: €500 - €800 (all inclusive: build, test, doc & training). ? Ideal Profile ✅ Strong experience with Make.com. ✅ Proven skills integrating FullEnrich, ChatGPT API, Gmail API, WhatsApp tools. ✅ Experience building B2B prospecting flows. ✅ Bonus: Knowledge of the flavor & foo...
...Visa Type Document Type Use Case Format Updated Date P-1 Visa Cover Letter P-1 Cover Letter Attorney Word 02/15/2025 RFE Response Guide O-1 USCIS Response Attorney PDF 03/02/2025 ? Design Instructions: ✔ Add icons for easy identification ✔ Enable filters by Visa Type & Document Type ✔ Embed inline previews for quick review ✅ Task 3: Set Up the Video Library Database ? This section will store training videos, case studies, and expert insights. ? Create a new Notion database named "Video Resource Library" ? Add the following fields: ? Video Title ? Visa Type (P-1, O-1, EB-1A, etc.) ? Content Type (Tutorial, Case Study, Legal Strategy, etc.) ⏳ Duration ? Key Takeaways (Short Summary) ⏩ Timestamps for Key Moments ? Watch Link (YouTube/Vimeo/MP4) ? Example Entries to A...
...classify input texts into pre-defined compliance categories (e.g., Compliant, Not Compliant, Partially Compliant). The classification mechanism should also output a confidence score and a probability distribution across classes. Key Responsibilities: - Model Fine-Tuning: Fine-tune a pre-trained FLAN-T5 (or similar T5-based) model using Hugging Face’s Transformers library, integrating a custom training pipeline for both text generation and classification tasks. - Prompt Engineering: Enhance the chain-of-thought prompting method by refining the prompt structure to generate more detailed and interpretable reasoning steps. - Pipeline Development: Develop and integrate robust preprocessing, tokenization, and data augmentation functions to improve model performance on domain-sp...
I'm seeking a skilled programmer with a knack for ideation to assist in the development of a sophisticated personal messaging app that leverages AI. This project offers potential for equity. Key features of the app will include: - Voice and video calls - File sharing - Self-destructing messages I envision the AI component enhancing the app in ways that I will explain in detail during discussions. Ideal candidates will have: - Prior experience in messaging app development - Strong programming skills - A keen interest in AI - Excellent communication skills for ideation sessions Please be prepared to discuss your relevant experience and how you can contribute to this project.
I'm looking for a detailed-oriented freelancer to help with entering invoices from my e-commerce business into our c...freelancer to help with entering invoices from my e-commerce business into our custom accounting software. Key Responsibilities: - Manually inputting single-page PDF invoices into our in-house accounting software. - Ensuring accuracy and attention to detail in every entry. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with data entry. - Familiarity with accounting software is a plus, though training on our custom software will be provided. - Ability to handle large volumes of data efficiently. - Keen eye for accuracy. - Able to work with minimal supervision. This job takes about 5 hours per week. If you're interested and meet the criteria, I would lo...
We are seeking a motivated part-time Sales and Admin Assistant to join our training and education company based in the UK. The ideal candidate will be responsible for supporting sales efforts, managing client communications, and performing administrative tasks to ensure smooth operations. You should be detail-oriented, possess excellent communication skills, and have a passion for education. Experience in sales or administrative roles is preferred. If you are proactive and eager to contribute to a dynamic team, we want to hear from you!
I'm seeking a seasoned Python professional to train my dataset comprising X-ray images for medical analysis. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python, particularly in machine learning libraries - Experience with image data handling - Prior work in medical imaging analysis - Knowledge of X-ray interpretation is a plus Key Responsibilities: - Training the dataset - Implementing image classification techniques - Delivering a model that can assist in medical imaging analysis Your expertise will directly contribute to an important field in healthcare.
...uploads, shopping carts, payment gateway integration, and admin panel. Familiarity with Firebase, API integration, and real-time updates for backend operations. Knowledge of UX/UI design to create a user-friendly interface. Ability to work with Google Firebase for app data storage and real-time database solutions. Key Responsibilities: Develop the e-commerce app with functionalities like voice search, QR scanner for payments, and dynamic category listings. Build a sellers’ admin panel for product and video uploads, product management, and promotions. Implement features such as search bar, custom filters, and interactive video sections for products. Integrate payment gateways like UPI, credit/debit card payments, and mobile wallet options. Ensure seamless app perfo...
I need a Linux-based offline voice recording application that operates over Asterix using a Sangoma E1 line and VOIP. This application should have a Command-Line Interface (CLI) and save recordings in WAV format. Key Requirements: - The application must be compatible with Linux - It should feature a Command-Line Interface (CLI) - Recordings need to be saved in WAV format Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Linux development - Command-Line Interface (CLI) design and implementation - Asterix telephony platform knowledge - VOIP and Sangoma E1 line familiarity - Audio programming and WAV encoding expertise
...Put all residents/owners/tenants info into Appfolio. 13. RESIDENT PORTALS - Get all residents/owners/tenants to activate their Appfolio accounts. 14. TRANSITION BOOKKEEPING - Importing financials from preceding property management companies to our software. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT If a mode of communication is not working let your colleagues know. This could be what App is used, or what tone of voice is used, or when that App is used. TERM If either party wishes to terminate this agreement at least 3 weeks notice must be given to the other party. TO APPLY 1. Submit detailed proposal along with resume or cv. 2. VIDEO - We respectfully request you to submit a video, 3-5 minutes in length, with you on screen answering the questions below 2.1. Describe a time you had to organi...
...from preceding property management companies to our software. OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES: 7. APPFOLIO ENROLLMENT - Assist new tenants with enrolling in the payment portal - Appfolio. 8. UPLOAD RESIDENT INFO - Put all residents/owners/tenants info into Appfolio. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT If a mode of communication is not working let your colleagues know. This could be what App is used, or what tone of voice is used, or when that App is used. TERM If either party wishes to terminate this agreement at least 3 weeks notice must be given to the other party. TO APPLY 1. Submit a detailed proposal along with a resume/cv. 2. VIDEO - We respectfully request you to submit a video, 3-5 minutes in length, with you on screen answering the questions below 2.1. Describe a time you had a com...
**Cold Caller for US Med Spa – Join Our SMMA Agency!** Our average caller makes 1500$ per month We are looking for a **Cold Caller** to join our team and help us generate leads in the **real estate** industry. ### **Requirements:** - Fluent English with a clear and professional accent. - Experience in cold calling is a plus, but **not required** – we provide full training. - Punctuality, responsibility, and consistency in daily tasks. ### **What We Offer:** - **Commission-based pay:** Earn **$200 per closed deal** +++ **incentive per appointment show up** - **Proven results:** Our closers convert **20% of leads**, with an **average deal size of $2,000**. - **Bonuses:** Performance-based weekly bonuses. - A **structured system** for success and **...
...interaction on the final slide ?️ Slide-by-Slide Breakdown ?️ Slide 1: Title Slide ✅ Text: "The Discipline of Pre-Iftar Training ?️♂️?" ✅ Visual: Bold Black/Gold title, high-quality image of you or Qasim training before iftar ✅ Branding: Small ‘Feast vs Beast’ logo in the corner ?️ Slide 2: Why Train Before Iftar? ✅ Text: "Training while fasting isn’t just about gains – it’s about mental toughness." ✅ Push through hunger & fatigue ✅ Maximise fat loss by training fasted ✅ Build mental resilience before breaking your fast ✅ Visual: Split-screen infographic showing ‘Before Training vs. After Training’ – tired but mentally stronger ?️ Slide 3: The Mental Battle of Trai...
...requirements, establish the scope of automation, and determine what is excluded from the project. Solution Proposal and Implementation: Propose automation solutions using n8n, developing and implementing efficient and sustainable workflows. Collaboration with Teams: Work closely with the Director of Operations and other key stakeholders to ensure projects align with business objectives. Documentation and Training: Document the implemented solutions and train the team to ensure effective adoption and easy maintenance. Monitoring and Optimization: Monitor the performance of automations and make adjustments as needed to ensure they continue meeting the established success parameters. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in n8n and SQL is a must. - Experience with MySQL databases. - Strong b...
...creative girl to handle my social media marketing on Facebook and Instagram. I need someone who can manage content creation, engage with my followers, and handle ad campaigns. Key Responsibilities: - Several posts a week: The content should be engaging, relevant, and well-timed to reach my target audience. - Content Creation: This includes developing original content that aligns with my brand’s voice and message. - Engagement: This involves responding to comments, messages, and interacting with followers to build a community around my brand. - Ad Campaigns: This includes creating and managing Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns to boost visibility and reach. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Facebook and Instagram - Experience in social media content creation and community m...
I'm in need of a video editor for boxing video essays. The ideal freelancer should have a keen understanding of the sport and the ability to create informative and analytical content. - I will provide source videos, voice over, and a storyboard in a Filmora project. - The target audience will primarily be boxing enthusiasts, so familiarity with the sport is a plus. - While I don't have specific examples, I can articulate what I want. I'm looking for a high-quality video and hoping for an ongoing relationship to make 2-3 videos a month moving forward. For now, I'm just looking for a quote on one video.
About Us: We are an AI startup developing an advanced AI-powered voice assistant for businesses and individuals. We need a custom-built landing page to showcase our product, engage potential investors, and generate leads. Job Responsibilities: Design and develop a responsive, high-performance landing page from scratch. Implement modern UI/UX best practices for a clean, engaging user experience. Ensure fast loading speed, SEO optimization, and mobile compatibility. Integrate forms for lead generation (e.g., email signup, contact form). Work with APIs (if needed) to showcase AI demos or user interactions. Deploy the website on a reliable hosting platform (AWS, Vercel, Netlify, etc.). Requirements: Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React, Vue, or preferred). Backend kn...
...compression, lazy loading, and caching. Security: SSL, GDPR compliance for data storage, and PCI compliance for payments. Timeline & Deliverables Total Timeline: 2 weeks (from project kickoff to launch). Milestones: Day 3: Approved design mockups + core structure. Day 7: Functional prototype with checkout flow. Day 12: Testing (mobile, payment gateways, data capture). Day 14: Final delivery + admin training. Qualifications Must-Have: Proven Shopify development experience (portfolio required). Expertise in multi-language setups, payment gateways, and discount systems. Strong understanding of data capture and CRM integration. Preferred: UI/UX design skills for intuitive event discovery. Experience with ticket-selling platforms. Application Requirements Submit a detailed prop...