帮我卖些东西 我叫雷燕 是nlp亲子导师,亲密关系导师; 国家二级心理咨询师; icf认证acc教练 可以讲nlp父母智慧课3-5天 nlp教练课3-5天 我需要大家把我推荐出去讲课
find the agent to sell my product ,china trading company as well,找中間商代理商卖我司産品,找到100間中国的贸易公国更好
Aim: promote our company’s FinTech website in China Action: Write and post posts in simplified Chinese on China forums to promote our company and its FinTech website that offers digital currency information. Requirement: 1. Knowledge of IT/FinTech/ Finance/ Bitcoin / digital currency would be great. 2. Native simplified Chinese writing and know the terms of FinTech in Chinese community. Forum suggested: 网易社区(网易财经论坛)、巴比特、区块链社区、壹比特、雪球、网易财经论坛、和讯论坛、经管之家、金融之家、投行先锋、博瑞金融、交易币论坛、彩云比特、深度科技论坛、火线互联网金融论坛、互联网金融吧(百度)、知乎、金融业(天涯)、新浪主题社区、百度論壇/百度贴吧、搜狐社区、21CN社区、中华网论坛、QQ论坛、比特范、P2P论坛、网贷社区、天涯社区、上海热线论坛 (谈股论金) Duration: Mid Aug to Oct 2016
... and its their 1st the top of this page ,there are buttons 【切换 城市,切换英文版(this is link to another site),免费发帖,我的账号,所在城市名称(press go to the main page ,which is 2nd page),招工,群聊讨论或信息,广告说明,购买广告】 the 3nd page just ad page which is posted by website gonna have lots advertising in the middle and two sides ,so will need change and update in future. no need register to post but if use an email to register an account can manage the ads. when posting need fill title ,location,descraption, all in chinese please cookie remembers the ads were read show in red colour. when user browse different ads, go back to ads list page cookie remember where were read. use id search ,not the whole website. fit in smart phone thanks for reading ,please contact me
I'm looking for chinese graphic designers that i can explaining more easier for social media marketing
一个本科金融工程的作业,AB两道题,价格可以商量。具体如下: There are two sections in this project. Section A) Consider the European digital option that pays a constant
we need can perform the WOM marketing & Social media buy. if can familiar with beauty & fashion, well be superior. 我們需要一位瞭解並且熟悉口碑行銷與媒體購買的朋友, 如果你了解美妝與時尚產業, 對我們來說是很加分的。
将我的产品制作成视频分享到 YouTube Twitter,Facebook marketing,google plus,pinterest,同 时将我产品的的促销信息发布在slickedeals 和fatwallet 上面; 产品信息如下: 1、50% off TotaLohan MX6 Professional Grade LED Flashlight Kit – Our Best and Brightest LED Household Flashlight, Extended Run-time, Rechargeable, Ultra Bright, 5 Modes, Zoom Lens Promo Codes:C7R7MBQX(End Date 09/13/2015 ) Buy link:
Content: around 1.5min video of introduction of tour company. Style: flat-vector graphic motion OR digital hand-draw motion
工作相關: 1. 在活躍的境外deal/coupon論壇或博客(redflagdeals/hotukdeals/)上分享我們的促銷產品 2. 在SNS(Facebook/Reddit/Instagram/Tumblr)渠道分享我們的促銷產品 薪酬相關: 1. 計件付費(Paypal)(根據資源的質量,根據鏈接所追蹤到的銷售額和所吸引的流量,單件價格不同) 2. 月結 有意向者,請致信nefertari929 [at] gmail [dot] com 工作相关: 1. 在活跃的境外deal/coupon论坛或博客(redflagdeals/hotukdeals/)上分享我们的促销产品 2. 在SNS(Facebook/Reddit/Instagram/Tumblr)渠道分享我们的促销产品 薪酬相关: 1. 计件付费(Paypal)(根据资源的质量,根据链接所追踪到的销售额和所吸引的流量,单件价格不同) 2. 月结 有意向者,请致信nefertari929 [at] gmail [dot] com
The brand of projector called Holight. it's target to christian church. Now we are doing Holight's facebook marketing. need you have compywrting experience of Chinese ads, and know how to do facebook marketing. 2. You will be responsible for the content renew of our facebook page. 3. Great communication skills
广告位置: 在網站 首页 顶部 大亨哪个位置 尺寸:245*100 广告图片元素如下: 奇迹logo 官网: 大字宣传语:现金网建站专家 (閃) 小字宣传语:低成本快速建站坐庄 15大平台免费全接入 要求 : 顏色显目 清晰 重点突出 Advertising Location: at websit : Home top tycoons which position size: 245 * 100 Advertising picture elements are as follows: 1. logo Official website: Characters slogan: 现金网建站专家 (Flash) Small print slogan: 低成本快速建站坐庄 15大平台免费全接入 Requirements: Color was clear and focused objectives
因网站需要,我需要一批高质量的反向外链和高质量的文章。反向链接的类型包括:guest blogging, forum, article, directory等; 如果有做content marketing(类似Infograph),有一定SEO Strategy的优先考虑,价格可以再谈。
想要在美国做国内一精密指南针厂家总代理。厂家可以大力支持。主要想在Amazon和ebay 等B2C平台销售。但是已经有一些非美国指定代理商家进入美国市场挂在各种网站上进行销售。如果控制价格并已总代理身份打入美国市场。 I am recently designated as a representative of a Chinese geological compass company in the US. I originally plan to open market is to use the B2C sales like Amazon, Ebay,etc. However, so far there are a lot of vendors, who are not officially designated as representatives in the US, putting this company’s products on these marketing websites and disordered the market prices for them. I am inquiring a good solution to control the price on the online market as an officially representative and make a healthy sales environment.
新創品牌其首席設計師尋找有設計針織服裝經驗之人才。歡迎對繪圖設計有興趣和清楚如何測量尺寸大小及規格的服裝設計師假如我們。你必須能夠與工廠溝通,實現高品質的設計。 Upcoming brand. Head designer requires someone with experience in designing knitted garments. Must have ability to draw designs and understand sizing, measurements and specs for the clothing line and must be able to communicate with factories to achieve top quality designs. Preferable: speaks mandarin
大家好,我叫‘马克’,我是一个英国人 I would like to gather information about 100 companies in Dongguan, Guangdong, China, including: 1. 公司名 2. 地址 3. 城市 4. 省 5. 国家 6. 电子邮件 7. 电话1 8. 电话2 9. 手机1 10. 手机2 11. 传真 12. 网站 13. 来源 14. 公司简介 15. 招聘职位 I include the spreadsheet to complete here. **** NOTE: The successful Freelancer will state the top 10 job recruitment sites that they will use to gather information in their bid please. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. On any of the popular job-listing websites, locate details of an employee (company profile) 2. Complete the company profile columns B - M 3. Include any links to profiles on the job site (the source) 4. List the number of vacanc...
...games then 'more table games' and click the european roulette graphic. 2. Play for Fun. 3. Click the '100-spin' button three times; each after the button clears and allows for the next click. 4. Click the 'statistics' button and view the page. 5. Look either at the top row of 5 numbers or the bar graph and look for a 'zero' above any red, black or the green zero. The top five numbers will read 'Never Hit' and show the number(s) if any that have not been hit in the last 300 spins. 6. If no numbers show, then move cursor up to 'Game Options' and a drop down line will show 'table games' then follow back to the euroroulette table and that will reset sp...
I am outsourcing the whole digital marketing responsibility
我们是一家食品进口公司位于香港,拥有自己的工厂在马来西亚。我们希望有人帮忙找到代理,网站销售点等等。我们的产品是属于茶类,原产马来西亚,产品名为优顿草茶。几年前在马来西亚因优顿草医好了许多末期癌症病患而暴红,时常都供不应求。目前我们的工厂已经到了成熟期,生产能力大大的提升而且已经准备好供应大陆的市场。我们刚刚设立了自己的网站: ,我们也需要增加潜在客户或市场而且需要让在寻找我们的产品的客户知道我们的产品已到达中国大陆和香港,不需要专门飞到马来西亚本地购买。我们也需要Facebook (主要为香港,中国,台湾,马来西亚等亚洲地区) 里更多的追求者或Like,不允许使用Blackhat或其他工具等引发Facebook ban等问题。如果您拥有以上的任何技能,请联络我们。感谢
It will be designed as a window for a start-up. English and Chinese description are needed.
Search the website after the company name (chinese language, 2000 companies). Example: 攀枝花市田远酒业有限公司 青岛雪岛酒业有限公司 青岛天禾茶业有限公司 青岛天马蒸馏酒有限公司 青岛麦特酒业有限公司 青岛啤酒商贸有限公司 青岛九连山饮料厂 青岛哈哈蓝莓酒水有限公司 青岛皓日酒业有限公司
You must to find the website, email (if they have) for 50,800 companies from China. Example of companies: 攀枝花市田远酒业有限公司 青岛雪岛酒业有限公司 青岛天禾茶业有限公司 青岛天马蒸馏酒有限公司 青岛麦特酒业有限公司 青岛啤酒商贸有限公司 青岛九连山饮料厂 青岛哈哈蓝莓酒水有限公司 青岛皓日酒业有限公司
我们寻找有志愿的人,您只要是18-28岁都不是问题,有梦想才有动力,有动力才有光亮。那么Edufly学院给了您一个希望,那就是能让您慢慢的接触更多有关空姐空少的故事以及全部知识,除此之外还能够让您接触全世界的文化与美景。不但这样,对于空姐空少的薪水必定在3500-10000千之间。 Edufly学院将会带给您一个很美好的学习环境,加上我们有40年以上的专业航空空中教导,他们是Malaysia Airlines, Jet Airways (India) and Oman Air (Sultanate of Oman) 最专业空中教练 Cabin Crew Trainer (CCT) SPM/STPM 以上的您,有兴趣,不妨试试联络我哦~ 010-2727967/ whatsapp / wechat
我是阿根廷septima红酒西北区总代理,希望找到帮我做市场推广和销售的人员,详细文件后续联系后发送。 红酒三个档次,按售出的档次和箱数提成。 I am an Agent of Argentina septima win sales in the west of China, I need some guy to help me for marketing and sales. I will send you more information later. there are 3 levels of the wine, you will be get reward based on saled level and amount.
聘请Online Marketing 网络销售人员 Promote & Sell Löwe QMS-5500RF Queue Management System 排队按号码系统 Salary: Direct Commission( USD 30.00 ~ USD 50.00 per sale ) & Target Bonus Contact: Charles Lai 016 711 5203 WhatsApp: 016 711 5203 Product:
我们是一家提供电子元件交易安全平台的新创公司。 我们的服务是独一无二的,我们提供平台通过拍卖和逆向拍卖行事,我们为买卖双方交易者护送保航,最大化交易安全。我们控制买方的钱,我们核实卖方元件的完整性。 这种服务类型增加国际贸易。 我们希望通过SEO、SMO、百度广告、电子邮件行销、无约电话等途径来把我们的网站和服务推广给亚洲的潜在贸易商(中国、香港)。
Job Requirements: We need your assistant to post on forums,blog,websites,Social media promote our website and services in American,Canadian or other countries websites. Contact me through $0.4 per post, and it also depends on your will pay you according to your also look for long time cooperation. Details: - You must be fluency in English, and post the articles to local English Forums(or blog,websites,SNS) in order to introduce our website or products. The articles should contain our website address or URL Link. - The websites you are going to post should be in high rank with Google,Yahoo,Bing. - You should post the articles under category of accounting servicesserviced officeincorporation services or related. - You cannot post the same article under ...
كسب الربح مباشر بعد الظغط علي الاشهار
屏幕为横向,即数字电视界面.要求实现几个界面. 1. splash界面,显示一个背景图和进度条. 2.主界面.主界面分上中下三部分.上部分为一个viewpager,中间为viewpager的indicator.下面为一个横向的linearlayout,可以显示广告图片或者少量文字.viewpager里面放置fragment,每个fragment是一个横向的linearlayout,linearlayout中插入五个items.每个item由图和下面的文字组成,图例如电影海报,文字例如电影片名. 每个fragment的五个item内容通过异步线程从网络获取, 可使用的API 来写例子.实现四个fragment,openning, top box office, comming soon, top rentals.参见番茄网站左侧菜单.通过API取每个栏目返回的前五个items. pagerindicator为居中锁定式显示方式.左右可循环滚动.参见示意图. 3.电影列表内容界面.由主界面通过遥控器点击viewpager内fragment某个item进入电影列表内容.该界面分为上下两部分.上部分为横向滚动列表,内容同主界面item内容,电影海报+电影名称.数目为通过番茄API能够获取的所有对应栏目的电影条目.如openning的所有条目,comming soon的所有条目.条目数目可变,所以此横向列表要求使用adapter来实现,view可复用,减少内存占用.通过遥控器左右选择移动到某个item后,不点确认键,界面的下半部分显示该item 对应的电影内容信息,同时屏幕背景更换为该电影对应的backdrop,即截屏图,内容参考API及界面示意图.界面上下部分对半开
3. 进入账户后,无论是找工作还是招雇员,信息填写方式简单智能,只要简单选择大类后,会智能地出现介绍模板,并且无字数要求,大大地简化了注册流程。
This project is for Wechat 微信 and the service provider should be able to read and write Chinese and understand the Wechat Market for marketing. 1. 搭建微信网站 2. 微信在线商城、微酒店、微订餐点菜服务、微医疗挂号预约服务 3. 开通微信会员卡服务、大转盘、360全景看房 4. 最好與我的wordpress 網站連在一起。 5. 提供其他微信的推廣方法
... and scale model by mouse operation, switch camera position (between front,back,left,right,top, one buttons one view ) the model nicely, lighting simulation is need as well the solid model ,make it hollow. (offset the mesh faces to one side, give it a thickness ) you have the ability to change pointcloud to mesh, plz notice us. f. windows platform . c++ is best for us. Criteria a. realize all the requirements i mentioned. b. submit the relevant source code c. finish in two or three weeks. me know you are solo or not btw ;) 一.软件要求 1.使用opengl等显示3D模型(最起码支持stl格式) 2.能够使用鼠标对模型进行旋转缩放等编辑,同时摄像机位置可以切换front,back,left,right,top等视角(建五个按钮,一健切换视角) 3.模型显示要美观,有光源分布,增强模型显示效果 4.必须有能力的对模型进行挖洞处理(比如一个实心球,对其面进行向内偏移,生成一个厚度的球壁) 5.有
我们需要一个前端开发人员,来建立我们在中国区的购物网站。 下面是我们美国版的网站,很快会翻译成中文版。 我们在美国用的网上商城是 是在shopify上弄的。 现在需要的就是一个中国区的购物网站,类似下面这些品牌: 无论你用Megento, ESSHOP, Zencart 都可以,只要帮我们的网站置入购物车的功能。 我们需要懂中文简体的程序员。
? Elevate Your Message with Stunning Flyers! ? Looking to make a bold statement for your event or business? Look no further! With our top-tier flyer design, we transform your ideas into eye-catching masterpieces that captivate your audience at first glance. ? What Sets Us Apart: Custom Creativity: Every design is tailor-made to reflect your brand identity and message. Professional Precision: We ensure pixel-perfect designs that meet your specifications and exceed your expectations. Fast Turnaround: Tight deadline? No problem! We deliver high-quality flyers within your timeframe, without compromising on quality. Affordable Excellence: Premium design doesn't have to break the bank. Our competitive rates ensure you get the best value for your investment. ? Perfect for Any Occasion...
My Wordpress website(monthly maintenance)needs regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly. I'm looking for a freelancer who can assist with: - Content Updates: Regularly updating website content to keep it fresh and engaging. - Plugin Updates: This includes all plugins, with a particular emphasis on Security Plugins. Keeping my site secure is a top priority. - Security Checks: Conducting regular checks to ensure the site is secure and functioning properly. There's no need to redesign the site or make major design changes, but an eye for minor tweaks to improve user experience would be a plus. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of Wordpress, experience with website maintenance, and a keen understanding of security needs for websites.
I'm in need of a software for Windows that can handle mouse events for an automation use case.(c/c+ only) Key Responsibilities: - The software should be able to read mouse events from a JSON file. - It will utilize an open-source library for processing mouse and keyboard events, specifically using Windows device level event handling code. - The software should be able to play the events in batch to suitable target software. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in software development for Windows. - Experience with mouse/keyboard event processing libraries. - Ability to work with JSON files and understand their structure. - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. On top of your cover letter say "i m c++ expert " else you will be rejected
I am looking for a Fashion Operations Assistant who will play a critical role in supporting the Operations Manager. Your main aim will be ensuring efficient production workflows, effective inventory management, and seamless coordination across departments. Key Responsibilities: - Consolidating large Purchase Orders for Finished Good Garments - Consolidating Raw Material Purchase Orders (bill of materials) - Costing - Productivity analysis for the production team and incentives - Digital filing - Data Entry - Creating packing lists and invoices Ideal Candidate: - Exceptional attention to detail - Strong organizational skills - Proficiency in spreadsheet software Key Priorities: Your primary focus will be on enhancing our overall operations. Technical Skills: You sh...
...Control: Two male header pins for connecting two servo motors Powered by 5V from the Arduino or external power Sensor Connectivity: One female header (4 pins) for an ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) Two male header pins for IR sensors (typically 3-pin each: VCC, GND, OUT) Power Supply: 5V for Arduino Nano, Servo motors, and Sensors 9V/12V for DC motors (separate input) Connections: Arduino’s PWM & digital pins connected to L293D Screw terminals for motor connections Headers for easy access to I/O pins Voltage regulation (if needed) PCB Design Considerations: 2-layer PCB preferred Thick traces for motor power Ground plane for stability Compact and efficient layout Clearly labeled pins for easy connections Deliverables: Schematic & PCB layout (KiCad/Eagle/Altium) Gerbe...
...professional web developer to create a high-performing, lead-generating website for my digital marketing agency. Key Features: - Lead Capture Forms: A crucial element for converting visitors into potential clients. - Client Testimonials: To build trust and credibility with our audience. - Case Studies: Showcasing our successful projects and demonstrating our capabilities. Target Audience: The primary focus of the website will be attracting B2B (Business to Business) leads. Therefore, the website should reflect a professional tone, and incorporate features that appeal to businesses. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and design - Experience in creating lead-generating websites - Familiarity with B2B marketing strategies - Ability to int...
...Location: Bangalore, India Job Type: Freelance (Payout as per Work) Job Description: We are looking for a Freelance Payment Recovery Executive in Bangalore to handle field collections and recover outstanding payments from clients. The role requires strong communication, negotiation skills, and the ability to responsibly handle cash and digital transactions. Key Responsibilities: Visit clients to follow up on pending payments. Recover outstanding dues professionally and maintain records. Negotiate and resolve disputes to ensure timely collection. Maintain a daily report of collected payments and outstanding amounts. Coordinate with the accounts and finance team for payment updates. Ensure legal and ethical recovery practices are followed. Requirements: Experience ...
I'm looking for a seasoned web developer to build a professional E-commerce website on Shopify. The primary foc...sell services, so a strong understanding of service-oriented e-commerce is crucial. Key requirements include: - Expertise in Shopify: I'm keen on using this platform, so proficiency with it is a must. - E-commerce experience: Previous experience in developing e-commerce sites, particularly service-oriented ones, will be highly valued. - Web Design Skills: The site needs to be visually appealing and user-friendly. - SEO Knowledge: Understanding of SEO best practices to help improve site visibility. - Customer Service Integration: Ability to incorporate a customer service interface to assist with inquiries and support. I am aiming to build the biggest ...