...authentication, out-of-region login verification, and automated prohibited words replacement. This document is intended for developers working with a Golang backend and a React frontend and should be adjusted per business and compliance requirements. GitHub Link: --- ## 1. Membership Level Mechanism ### 1.1 Model and Tier Definition - **Tiers (T1 to T5)**: - Define five tiers similar to OpenAI’s model. Higher tiers get higher API call frequencies, better quotas, and additional privileges. - **Recharge Thresholds**: - E.g., T1: 0–X, T2: X+1–Y, T3: Y+1–Z, T4: Z+1–W, T5: >W. - Thresholds should be dynamically configurable. ### 1.2 Privilege Control - **Automatic Upgrades**: - System tracks recharge amounts and upgrades ti...
...chatbot usage, user growth trends, etc., in graphical reports. • Export reports in CSV/Excel format. (2) B-End Primary Account Features 1. Chatbot Management • Add Chatbot: • Configure chatbot name and trigger method (e.g., click-triggered or auto-popup). • Set chatbot language and assign customer service representatives. • Multi-Chatbot Management: • Configure prompts, AI switches, and model training for each chatbot individually. • Assign chatbot-specific permissions to customer service representatives. • Limits and Pricing: • Free version limited to N chatbots, exceeding this incurs admin-defined fees. 2. User Management • Custom Groups: Group users based on behavior, tags, location, etc. • User Tags: Assig...
...contact platform support to lift the restriction. Membership Management Admins can manually manage users' membership plans in the backend, including: Extending membership durations. Adjusting quotas. The backend should allow admins to view each user's login status and recent login IP for better management. Customizable Model Aliases Support customizable aliases for all models. Admins should be able to set names and descriptions for each model in the backend, providing flexible model management. Preset Chatbot Role Add a default bot role setting to automatically load a preset role when users first interact with the chatbot. All role configurations should be customizable in the backend for easy adjustments of role content and policies. (This item is missi...
现有项目是WebGL+ RxJS+Vue,希望寻找精通WebGL和RxJS的前端软件工程师改进: 去除全部UI(以及所有相关的RxJS和Vue), 只保留Canvas显示部分(这一部分是纯JS+WebGL),而且只保留一个测试用的Model数据,去除其它Model
...致充电效率降低。 为了解决这个问题,通过在到达充电点之前提前将电池温度控制在适当的温度,能够改善电池的充电效率。 具体来说,在驾驶至充电点的路途中,考虑气温和导航路线,并控制电池达到目标温度。请在本次悬赏中调查这项技术。 *电动车包括插电式混合动力电动车(PHEV) <注意事項> 本次调查对象的车辆品牌限于※美国、欧洲、中国和韩国品牌。截止时间2024年2月29日。 <要求> 请提交明确的证据关于所涉产品的详细信息、销售该产品的公司名称、及计划销售该产品的公司。证据包括网站、YouTube等视频、修理手册、实物照片、车辆用户说明书(手册)等。 请明确指出作为证据的网站或YouTube等视频的URL链接。 请明确指出上述技术的公开者。 [例1]★技术细节 YouTube:请写明URL链接 时间:2:30~3:15 产品名:MODEL S 公司名:TESLA [例2]★技术细节 URL: 请写明URL链接 记载部分:第二段落 产品名:MODEL S 公司名:TESLA 计划销售一词包括正在开发的产品。 如果证据中明确记载了开发该产品的公司名,则满足要求。 请按照您信心顺序列出信息。
...在混合动力车辆的行驶过程中存在一个问题。例如驾驶员在停止引擎的EV模式下踩下油门踏板时,尽管驾驶员希望维持EV模式,但由于动力不足导致引擎开始运转。 为了解决这个问题,车辆内设有一个指示器,其可以显示能够维持EV模式的油门操作量,以便驾驶员通过屏幕确认。请在本次悬赏中调查这项技术。 <注意事項> 本次调查对象的车辆品牌限于※美国、欧洲、中国和韩国品牌。截止时间为2024年2月29日。 <要求> 请提交明确的证据关于所涉产品的详细信息、销售该产品的公司名称、及计划销售该产品的公司。证据包括网站、YouTube等视频、修理手册、实物照片、车辆用户说明书(手册)等。 请明确指出作为证据的网站或YouTube等视频的URL链接。 请明确指出上述技术的公开者。 [例1]★技术细节 YouTube:请写明URL链接 时间:2:30~3:15 产品名:“MODEL S”公司名:“TESLA” [例2]★技术细节 URL: 请写明URL链接 记载部分:第二段落 产品名:“MODEL S” 公司名:“TESLA” “计划销售”一词包括正在开发的产品。 如果证据中明确记载了开发该产品的公司名,则满足要求。 请按照您信心顺序列出信息。
...应,可能导致无法提高车辆驾驶的安全性。 为了解决这个课题,将执行以下多种警告。首先,当驾驶员没有看向车辆前方时,发出第一次警告。如果驾驶员没有看向前方并且没有握住方向盘时,在第一次警告后进行第二次警告。第一次警告与第二次警告是不同类型的警告。请在本次悬赏中寻找这项技术。 <<注意事項>> 本次调查对象的车辆品牌限于※美国、欧洲、中国和韩国品牌。截止时间2024年2月29日。 <要求> 请提交明确的证据关于所涉产品的详细信息、销售该产品的公司名称、及计划销售该产品的公司。证据包括网站、YouTube等视频、修理手册、实物照片、车辆用户说明书(手册)等。 请明确指出作为证据的网站或YouTube等视频的URL链接。 请明确指出上述技术的公开者。 [例1]★技术细节 YouTube:URL链接 时间:2:30~3:15 产品名:MODEL S 公司名:TESLA [例2]★技术细节 URL: URL链接 记载部分:第二段落 产品名:MODEL S 公司名:TESLA 计划销售一词包括正在开发的产品。 如果证据中明确记载了开发该产品的公司名,则满足支付要求。 请按照您信心顺序列出信息。
我们正在创建一个专属于电动汽车特斯拉车主的约会应用程序,我们需要一个有趣的Logo和名字。我非常喜欢附件的风格,如果能将特斯拉Model Y的轮毂替换为附件卡通人物的轮子,让卡通人物以另外的方式。请理解这是一个约会社交App,专属于特斯拉车主使用。可以思考与特斯拉汽车相关的元素结合在一起。
...This is a ranking voted by users. Later, I felt that this is a really good project, and it has gained popularity abroad, but it hasn't really become popular yet. It was decided that everyone would make it full-time. The game has not yet been launched, and will be launched on May 5. Our first crowdfunding, we got nearly one million dollars in fundraising within 5 days. However, the ship design and model at that time could not reach the quality approval of the team. After the game is launched in the future, the sale of ships will be one of our main income channels, so long-term cooperation is needed to provide a stable and high-quality original painting and modeling team for a long time. The cost of the specific original painting and modeling is not lower than the market price...
...人才,待遇丰厚。 本公司招聘各个领域的写作人才,涵盖各个专业:商科、金融、数学、市场营销、法律、文学、经济、会计、政治、物流、计算机科学、数据基础、编程、信息系统、电子商务、人力资源、旅游、公司治理、物流管理、供应链管理、法律、管理业务管理、国际贸易等。 一、任职要求: 1.学历要求:目前仅接受国内研究生及以上(条件优秀的本科生亦可),及优秀的海外大学留学生。 2.英语水平要求: 国内大学英语六级以上,或者英语专业专八良好,国外雅思6.5分及以上,托福95以上。(请注意,本公司只接受英文原创写作人员,而不是简单的中英翻译,了解国外写作格式,有留学生原创写作经验优先) 3.专业要求范围:商科、管理、金融、工商管理、数学、人力、市场营销、法律、文学、经济、会计、政治、物流、计算机、教育、国贸、统计、 MBA等。要是你会数据分析类、如PYTHON、EVIEWS,SPSS,STATA,MATLAB等将是本公司着重培养人才!薪资将会比普通专业的更加丰厚! 4.态度要求:热爱写作,诚信负责,工作积极配合。具备良好的职业道德,具有充足的写作时间。 为什么选择我们? 本公司不限工作时间、不限工作地点、工作灵活,接tasks后,只要能在规定时间完成即可!工资丰厚!所有的工作地点和时间均由你自己安排,任务由你选择接与不接,推荐给你的单接或不接不影响下一次接单,工资结算在稿件截稿日之日完成。欢迎加入我们公司,希望广大贤士能来共创事业! 微信:tianxun1 QQ:2942613125
目前我们有个PHP项目(已有国外accelerator选中),主要是帮助欧洲中小企业更好地找中国大陆的产品或者供应商。 希望找一位负责任的PHP工程师,developer Laravel to mantain web application already done (90%) based on support tickets model. Requested skill: HTML, CSS e Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and jQuery, Blade, Eloquent and basic knowlege of LAMP to work in deploy mode. 目前我们考虑的是技术入股(都可以商量),有兴趣的话,其他方面都可以详聊。 (只要有心做好这个项目,在职人员、自由职业者等都可以。懂英语的优先)
User can move back and forth following a predefined route and click on the objects on the route to see the 3D model and text description. It's like a very simple FPS game. 用户以第一人称视角在固定线路上移动,途中可以点击定义好的物品对象,阅读文字说明和3D模型。就像一个非常简单的第一人称视角的游戏。
This project is to develop the prototype 3d model of a transformer-like plastic robot toy product. We have done the concept design and need experienced designer to help on completing the final assembling 3d model for prototype production (using 3d printing). The final 3d model needs to be ready for real production use. 诚邀有玩具工程设计相关经验的设计师参与完成一部变形金刚机器人塑料玩具的手板三维模型制作项目。本项目概念设计已经完成,现准备制作手板,需要解决关节机构、零件分件、卡扣卡位等日后生产所需技术问题。整个玩具大约设计有100个左右的零件。本次制作的模型将用于3d打印制作手板。
Requirement 3d model file(at least .stl ) into console and display this model by opengl and other lib and scale model by mouse operation, switch camera position (between front,back,left,right,top, one buttons one view ) the model nicely, lighting simulation is need as well the solid model ,make it hollow. (offset the mesh faces to one side, give it a thickness ) you have the ability to change pointcloud to mesh, plz notice us. f. windows platform . c++ is best for us. Criteria a. realize all the requirements i mentioned. b. submit the relevant source code c. finish in two or three weeks. me know you are solo or not btw ;) 一.软件要求 1.使用opengl等显示3D模型(最起码支持stl格式) 2.能够使用鼠标对模型进行旋转缩放等编辑,同时摄像机位置可以切换fr
...with 5 slides • Homepage showcasing at least 50 courses • Search engine optimization (SEO) for Google ranking • Course categories (provided by us) • Easy-to-use student dashboard • Simple registration process 2. Core Functionalities • User Registration & Login • Easy sign-up/sign-in with email and social login options • Secure user authentication (OAuth, JWT, or similar) • Subscription Model • Three subscription plans: Monthly, 6-Month, and 12-Month • Users should be able to easily upgrade, renew, or cancel subscriptions • Course Management • Students can access unlimited courses during their subscription • Students can track their progress, resume where they left off • Auto-generated c...
I'm seeking an experienced 3D designer to create a model of a small, two-story, traditional-style building in SketchUp using a front image I will provide. The design will not require interior details, just the exterior of the building. Key Tasks: - 3D modelling of the building in SketchUp - Collaborating with me to select suitable colors for the design Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in SketchUp - Experience with traditional-style architecture - Excellent understanding of color theory and design The back side of the building can be designed freely, as it will not be based on a specific image. Please note, the choice of exterior materials (brick, wood, stone) has not been specified, so creativity in the use of materials is encouraged.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can create a realistic 3D model of my toy box (which contains 6/7 toys) and then render it with graphic movements. This will be used for my product page on Shopify, so it needs to be engaging and high-quality. Key Requirements: - 3D Modeling: The model should be realistic, capturing the true features of the product. - Rendering: The final product should be rendered from multiple angles, not just the front view. - Graphics: I will provide specific graphics and branding that should be incorporated into the rendering. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 3D modeling software (e.g., Blender, Maya, 3DS Max). - Experienced in creating realistic product models. - Able to use provided graphics and branding seamlessly into the project. - Skilled in cr...
Web Application for Car Repair Order Management (PHP, MySQL, jQuery) We need a responsive web application for managing car repair requests. The platform will have three user roles: Customers (Clients), Mechanics (Executors), and Admins (Dispatchers). Core Features: ✔ Customer Panel Register/Login Submit a repair request (Car Make & Model, Problem Description) Edit or cancel order Receive notifications when a mechanic accepts the request View mechanic’s details upon acceptance ✔ Mechanic Panel Register/Login View available repair requests Accept an order to see customer contact details Notify customer about acceptance ✔ Admin Dashboard Fixed login: admin / 01234567899876543210 View and manage orders, customers, and mechanics Track order assignments and history Technica...
I'm seeking a skilled data analyst with expertise in renewable energy and forecasting models to help predict the growth of Solar, Wind, and Hydropower on a national level over the next 6 to 10 years. Key Requirements: - Develop a comprehensive forecast model covering all three renewable sources: Solar, Wind, and Hydropower. - Focus the analysis on a national scale. - Anticipate trends and provide insights for a 6 to 10-year time frame. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in data analysis and forecasting. - Experience in working with renewable energy data. - Proficiency in relevant statistical software and tools. - Ability to present complex data in an understandable way.
I need reliable freelancers to help with my CPA offers across various platforms. This includes tasks such as email submits, PIN submits, ZIP submits, and other lead generation activities. The ideal audience spans North America, Europe, Asia (specifically Japan, Korea, Hong Kong), Australia, and New Zealand. ? Commission: Compensation is set on a 60...activity. Each lead must be organic and of high quality. - Clean traffic sources are a must. No incentivized, black-hat, or illegal methods are accepted. - All leads must originate from the specified target countries. ? How to Apply: If you have the capability to generate high-quality leads that convert, don't hesitate to apply! Let's collaborate and profit together through a fair revenue-sharing model. ? Only serious appl...
I need a comprehensive cashflow forecast model built in Excel for my service-oriented business. This model should encompass three different forecasts: optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely scenarios. It should also be tailored to reflect the cash flow dynamics of a service-based business, with particular emphasis on our revenue from one-time sales and service & repair fees. We will provide balance sheet an profit & loss projections for 10 months for period ending dec 2025. We would like to be able to use the model as a predictive tool which we can update each month based on the actual position and changes to our P&L forecast.
...pre-existing. - Could you make the wallpaper feel more real with some texture and knock back. If it could feel a bit more faded but not brighter. Wall 1 : 1500 x 4500mm Wall 2 : 4400 x 4500mm Wall 3 : 7100 x 4500mm (Wall 2 and 3 are joined so have to have a continuous pattern) Floor piece : General sizing provided I can provide reference images, source file for wallpaper and mans portrait and scale model of the overall design (it's for a theatre production)....
...Performance: Measure load times and memory usage with automated benchmarks. Bug Fixes: Address issues flagged by automation tools only (no manual deep dives). Timeline Total Duration: 1–2 weeks (fast-tracked with automation). Milestones: Week 1: Fix critical issues with automated scripts/tools. Week 2: Run automated tests, finalize submission, and deliver. Budget Range: $300–$500 (lowest-cost model leveraging automation). Payment Terms: 50% upfront. 50% upon Google Play submission and delivery. Freelancer Requirements Experience: Familiarity with Android development and automated testing tools. Prior Google Play submissions (not necessarily manual). Skills: Basic Kotlin/Java for fixes. Expertise with automation tools (Firebase Test Lab, Appium, F...
I'm seeking a skilled 3D artist to assist with minor reshaping of a pre-existing character model. The modifications are primarily on the model itself, and I need an expert who can seamlessly integrate these changes without impacting the overall quality of the model. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software such as Blender, Maya, or 3ds Max - Experience with character modeling - Strong understanding of reshaping techniques Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
I run a retail business and am looking to transition it into a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) model. My main goal is to expand my customer base through this conversion. Key tasks: - Help me understand the intricacies of the MLM model - Assist in restructuring my business accordingly - Provide strategies for reaching potential distributors and customers Ideally, you should have a background in MLM and retail business, and a proven track record of helping businesses implement this model. Experience in developing distributor support systems will be an added advantage. Please note, I have not yet defined what support systems I will offer my distributors, so some input on this from your side would be highly appreciated.
I'm looking for a developer who can leverage the Heygen Streaming Avatar SDK API to create a simple voice interaction application. The primary use of this application will be for training and tutorials. Key Requirements: - Use of pre-existing avatars from the Heygen SDK - Implementation of voice interaction capabilities - Integration with a Large Language Model (LLM) Skills and Experience: - Proficient in using the Heygen Streaming Avatar SDK API - Experience in building voice interaction applications - Familiarity with Large Language Models (LLM) - Ability to work with pre-existing avatars
I'm seeking an expert in P4 and network scheduling to implement a flow scheduler using a novel sketch in with a Tofino switch model. The primary goal of this project is to improve network efficiency. Specific tasks include: - Implementing the flow scheduler - Writing a comprehensive research paper on the implementation This paper should consider recent studies on P4 and TNA as well as specific papers I will provide. The research paper should include: - A thorough literature review - Experimental results - A comparison with existing methods - An introduction, proper motivation, and major contributions Ideal candidates for this project will have extensive experience with P4 and Tofino switches, as well as a strong background in academic writing and research. Please provide ...
I'm looking for a skilled professional to transform my children's clothing brand apparel images into images modeled by real children. Key Requirements: - Model: The apparel should be modeled by real children. (Children images picked should be royalty free and no copyright infringement) - Outfits: I have 6-10 different outfits that need to be modeled. - Photo Style: The images should be transformed into mix of studio, outdoor and lifestyle shots. - Skills: Experience with photo editing and model image manipulation is a must. Knowledge of children's fashion is a plus.
I am in need of a DeepSeek model that can operate offline. The primary objective of this model will be to analyze numerical data and perform text classification tasks with it. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in developing and implementing DeepSeek models - Extensive experience with numerical data analysis - Demonstrable skills in text classification Ideal Skills: - Data Science - Machine Learning - Deep Learning - Python Programming - Data Analysis
The best candidate for an AI-based Accident Analysis and Prevention System project should have a combination of technical expertise, problem-solvi...detection. • Experience with big data handling using Spark, Kafka, or Hadoop for large-scale traffic data processing. 3. Software Development & Deployment • Expertise in Python, Flask, FastAPI, or Django for building AI-driven applications. • Experience in web-based dashboards using React, Angular, or Dash for real-time visualization. • Knowledge of cloud platforms (AWS, GCP, Azure) for AI model deployment. 4. Data Analytics & Risk Assessment • Strong statistical analysis and predictive modeling to assess accident risk factors. • Ability to handle large datasets from real-world accident reco...
I'm looking for an...recorded videos, and private messaging. Payment methods for token purchases should include: - Credit/Debit cards - PayPal The ideal candidate should have experience in creating secure, interactive websites and a strong understanding of e-commerce functionalities. The developer should ensure the site is extremely secure, as this is of utmost importance. Skills in implementing a reliable subscription model and a virtual currency system (tokens) are essential. The search criteria for users should be based on: - Age range - Interests - Specific features The website needs to be simple to navigate yet rich in interactive features. The aim is to create a platform that is user-friendly, engaging, and secure. Please only apply if you have the requisite skills ...
I'm seeking a skilled architect with expertise in BIM modelling for a commercial project. The primary aim of the BIM model is for design visualization. It is crucial that the model is detailed to an advanced level, construction ready. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in BIM software - Experience in commercial building design - Excellent design visualization skills - Ability to create advanced, construction-ready models
...Strategy & Performance Monitoring Regular reporting and analysis focused on business-wide profitability, not just platform-specific performance. A collaborative approach, with ongoing strategy calls and agile budget adjustments. What We Need in a Partner We are looking for a long-term strategic partner who can: Provide holistic, multi-platform advertising strategies. Shift our advertising model from marketplace-dependent to a balanced omnichannel approach. Help us increase revenue while improving overall profitability. Next Steps We are open to discussions and proposals from full-service agencies that can meet our requirements. Please outline your approach, relevant experience, and initial thoughts on how you would help us achieve our objectives....
I'm looking for a freelancer who can transfer the technological wheelchair from the image I'll upload to 3DMax. Key details: - The image will be in a 3DMax compatible format. - The 3D model doesn't need to be overly intricate but should include a medium level of detail with all key features of the wheelchair. - You will need to provide estimates for the dimensions and measurements of the wheelchair as I do not have specific figures available. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in 3DMax - Prior experience in 3D modeling, particularly with mechanical or technological objects - Ability to estimate dimensions accurately - Strong attention to detail and ability to replicate key features from an image.
I can confidently develop a complete 3D model of your house along with the necessary 2D drawings. The model will be created in Revit, ensuring accuracy and flexibility, with the option to export it to AutoCAD or SketchUp if needed.
...to predict if an item is new or used and then evaluate the model over held-out test data. To assist in that task a dataset is provided in `` and a function `build_dataset` to read that dataset in ``. For the evaluation, you will use the accuracy metric in order to get a result of 0.86 as minimum. Additionally, you will have to choose an appropriate secondary metric and also elaborate an argument on why that metric was chosen. Deliverables The following items should be addressed in your solution keeping in mind collaborative development such as code reproducibility and legibility. ● The scripts or runnable notebooks should include the necessary code needed to define and evaluate a model. ● A document with an explanation on the criteria applied to
I'm seeking a professional 3D modeler to create an intricate and textured 3D representation of a brain for educational purposes. The model should encompass most regions of the brain, making it a comprehensive learning tool. Key Requirements: - Design a highly detailed and textured 3D brain model. - Include and highlight most regions of the brain. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software (e.g. Blender, 3Ds Max). - Previous experience in creating educational 3D models. - Strong understanding of human brain anatomy.
I am looking for an expert to help me with the creation of a 3D model for my groundbreaking, self-sustaining thermal cycle generator. This 20 kW unit is designed for home electricity supply, but with scalability in mind. The generator will need to operate in both indoor and outdoor environments, making its design and construction crucial. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize provided data points for component placement and dimensions The project is already well-structured with clean notes, making it easier to execute. Your expertise in energy technology and generator design will be pivotal in bringing this innovative concept to life.
I need to add buildings on my 3D model and i need lanscapping on archicad
Comprehensive 3D Interior Design and Visualization for Bombay Textiles Retail Store Project Overview: We are seeking talented interior designers and 3D visualization experts to conceptualize and create a detailed 3D model of our upcoming retail store, Bombay Textiles. The objective is to design an inviting, functional, and aesthetically pleasing space that reflects our brand’s identity and enhances the customer experience. Scope of Work: 1. Store Layout and Floor Plan: • Develop a comprehensive floor plan based on provided dimensions and architectural details. • Optimize space for customer flow, product displays, and operational efficiency. 2. Entrance and Façade Design: • Design an attractive storefront that embodies the essence of Bombay Textiles...
Comprehensive 3D Interior Design and Visualization for Bombay Textiles Retail Store Project Overview: We are seeking talented interior designers and 3D visualization experts to conceptualize and create a detailed 3D model of our upcoming retail store, Bombay Textiles. The objective is to design an inviting, functional, and aesthetically pleasing space that reflects our brand’s identity and enhances the customer experience. Scope of Work: 1. Store Layout and Floor Plan: • Develop a comprehensive floor plan based on provided dimensions and architectural details. • Optimize space for customer flow, product displays, and operational efficiency. 2. Entrance and Façade Design: • Design an attractive storefront that embodies the essence of Bombay Textiles...
I'm looking for a skilled software developer who can create a software that reads truck weights from any weighbridge load cells. This software mu...interface (GUI). Key features of the software include: - Real-time weight display: The software should be capable of displaying the truck's weight in real-time. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Delphi 11 - Experience in developing software for weighbridge load cells - Strong understanding of GUI design principles - Ability to implement real-time data display I am not tied to any specific brand or model of load cells. The software needs to be compatible with any load cell on the market. It's crucial that the software is robust, reliable, and easy to use. The ideal candidate for this project would have prior experience wor...
Hey! I need a simple e-commerce website where users can sign up, log in, and leave reviews on products. But I also want a system that can detect fake reviews in a cost-effective way—so no expensive APIs or GPUs. I already have an NLP-based fake review detection model for consumers, but I want to extend it for website owners so they can track and manage fake reviews without high costs. What I Need: ✅ User Authentication (Login & Logout) Users should register and log in to leave reviews. To prevent spam, only one review per product per user. Track IP addresses and login activity to detect suspicious users. ✅ Basic E-Commerce Review System Users can write, edit, and delete their own reviews. Admin (site owner) can view, approve, or remove reviews. ✅ Fake Review Detection ...
...statistics summary + typical area of variation • Measures of skewness and kurtosis (only from the software STATISTICA) You can prepare also comparative analysis for the same variable by groups – optionally. 3) Comprehensive analysis of correlation and regression – optionally • Correlation distribution • Scatter plot • Pearson correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination • Full regression model – linear theoretical function + standard errors, interpretation of the slope + measure of fitting 4) At least one point and interval estimation for the population mean • Margin error, standard error, and relative error + graph • You can prepare estimation for the same parameter by groups – optionally. • You ...
I have an Excel file with thousands of rows where the first column contains a few sentences mentioning local companies, while the second column contains the company name identified by a pre-trained language model. I need a freelancer to manually review the accuracy of the detected names and make corrections where errors occur. Key requirements: - Manual review for 600,000 rows - Correction of identified errors - Adherence to a standardized format for company names Please provide a bid for the total cost and an estimate of how long this task will take. Your attention to detail will be crucial in ensuring the quality of the output.