标题:COB LED工作灯,Wekine 2种工作模式检查灯带磁性底座, 夹子,挂钩, 非常适用于家庭,汽车维修, 野外露营,紧急应用 2种工作模式----每个灯珠均采用新的COB(chip on board)技术,主COB灯提供强大的220流明的白光泛光灯,镜头式聚光灯可缩放光束和聚焦,可调节灯的角度,您可以根据需要,将光线聚焦在确切的工作区域,可大幅提高每平方英寸的流明输出,为您提供更高的质量和更高的效率。 稳定的支架(stable stand)----180度可旋转支架,防滑的把手设计,当把LED灯置于地面时,它形成V型,这样更加稳定起固定作用。 超强吸力的磁性底座----可帮助您牢固地粘在任何金属表面,轻松的将光线安装在免提操作的地方。 360度可旋转挂钩----给您在悬空的工作情况下提供方便,可以轻松的挂到任何地方。 用途广----便携式使我们的工作灯非常适合家庭,户外露营,汽车修理,园艺工作,电子工作,紧急,野生应用等。 我们的优势: 采用符合FCC,CE证书的环保材料制成,确保安全。 产品信息: 名称:COB LED work light 品牌:wekine 灯珠: 1XPE+1COB work lights 规格尺寸:21*6.5*3.2cm 包装:彩盒 重量:202g 特点: 适合家庭,户外露营,钓鱼,汽车修理,园艺工作,电子工作,紧急,野生应用等。 我们的服务:: 我们相信我们的产品。Wekineg COB LED 工作灯享有60天退换货和365天的保修
...RS485驱动 RS485需要1个方向控制脚,当向对应的UART发送接收数据时,方向脚能自动实现方向控制。 3. 蜂鸣器驱动 蜂鸣器驱动要求能设置PWM输出的频率,输出的时间,输出时间到了自动关闭PWM输出。 4. 薄膜按键驱动和USB键盘驱动 预留24个GPIO作为薄膜按键的输入,目前的驱动是作为GPIO口来读取的;最好也缴入LINUX的输入事件,按不同的按键发送不同的键值,从event0读取;外接USB键盘驱动最好也从event0读取。 5. 其他GPIO驱动 每个GPIO口都可以通过驱动设置输入/输出。 6. 触摸屏驱动和外接USB鼠标驱动 7. 触摸屏驱动和外接的鼠标驱动设备文件最好固定,例如触摸屏固定使用event2,USB鼠标固定使用event3。 ENGLISH Basic Requirements for Hardware Resources of T3 Core Board Basic Hardware Resources 1. Power Supply DC power input, 5V single power input, CPU can detect whether this power supply; Battery input, lithium battery power input; Real-time clock power supply, use button battery; 2 Display interface to support RGB, LVDS and MIPI interface, as only one interface can be used at the same time, so the three interface pins can be reused; 3. T...
我们是买家,想从中国上海,北京等大城市寻找工业使用的 inkjet printer card。中国有很多生产工业inkjet card的制造商, 希望您能帮忙买一些 工业使用的inkjet card 样品,以及相关的中文或者英文软件。 我们想要买一些能运行 Xaar 128 inkjet print head 或者Xaar 384 inkjet print head 或者 RicohGen inkjet print head的 printer cards。Fujifilm Dimatix (Spectre, Polaris) 我们也需要能用在普通电脑, 连接 print head connector card 和print head 的PCI Card。 如果你有找到一些相关的carriage board 会更好,在操作上有时也会需要这个。 一般来说那些相关的软件是免费提供的。 我们也需要Generic Cards, 因为我们是ink生产家,所有买回来的这些电路板都是用来测试我们所研发的ink。 这些电路板主要是用在普通的电脑系统去测试 ink和Xaar以及Ricoh printheads 的兼容性。 我们并不需要买电脑, ink supply card,ink level card, servo card, rip station,encoder等等的。。 我们希望您能: (1)通过邮件发给我以上所述电路板的相关的广告,数据,用途(Datasheets)或者相关的链接。 (2)发给我上述运行电路板相关的一些软件 (3)发一些上述相关软件的广告,名称,用途(Datasheets)或者一些提供参考相关的链接。 (4)寄给我 电脑的PCI card 和一些小型的print head connector card, 或者是连...
我们是买家,想从中国上海,北京等大城市寻找工业使用的 inkjet printer card。中国有很多生产工业inkjet card的制造商, 希望您能帮忙买一些 工业使用的inkjet card 样品,以及相关的中文或者英文软件。 我们想要买一些能运行 Xaar 128 inkjet print head 或者Xaar 384 inkjet print head 或者 RicohGen inkjet print head的 printer cards。 我们也需要能用在普通电脑, 连接 print head connector card 和print head 的PCI Card。 如果你有找到一些相关的carriage board 会更好,在操作上有时也会需要这个。 一般来说那些相关的软件是免费提供的。 我们也需要Generic Cards, 因为我们是ink生产家,所有买回来的这些电路板都是用来测试我们所研发的ink。 这些电路板主要是用在普通的电脑系统去测试 ink和Xaar以及Ricoh printheads 的兼容性。 我们并不需要买电脑, ink supply card,ink level card, servo card, rip station,encoder等等的。。 我们希望您能: (1)通过邮件发给我以上所述电路板的相关的广告,数据,用途(Datasheets)或者相关的链接。 (2)发给我上述运行电路板相关的一些软件 (3)发一些上述相关软件的广告,名称,用途(Datasheets)或者一些提供参考相关的链接。 (4)寄给我 电脑的PCI card 和一些小型的print head connector card, 或者是连接这些电路板的其他线路和电路板。 我会在Freelancer付咨...
我们是买家,想从中国上海,北京等大城市寻找工业使用的 inkjet printer card。中国有很多生产工业inkjet card的制造商, 希望您能帮忙买一些 工业使用的inkjet card 样品,以及相关的中文或者英文软件。 我们想要买一些能运行 Xaar 128 inkjet print head 或者Xaar 384 inkjet print head 或者 RicohGen inkjet print head的 printer cards。 我们也需要能用在普通电脑, 连接 print head connector card 和print head 的PCI Card。 如果你有找到一些相关的carriage board 会更好,在操作上有时也会需要这个。 一般来说那些相关的软件是免费提供的。 我们也需要Generic Cards, 因为我们是ink生产家,所有买回来的这些电路板都是用来测试我们所研发的ink。 这些电路板主要是用在普通的电脑系统去测试 ink和Xaar以及Ricoh printheads 的兼容性。 我们并不需要买电脑, ink supply card,ink level card, servo card, rip station,encoder等等的。。 我们希望您能: (1)通过邮件发给我以上所述电路板的相关的广告,数据,用途(Datasheets)或者相关的链接。 (2)发给我上述运行电路板相关的一些软件 (3)发一些上述相关软件的广告,名称,用途(Datasheets)或者一些提供参考相关的链接。 (4)寄给我 电脑的PCI card 和一些小型的print head connector card, 或者是连接这些电路板的其他线路和电路板。 我会在Freelancer付咨...
sammyboyforum Hi, i need a bot that can help me auto bump my thread in sammyboyforum board. Total i got 2-4 user id. every user id i got 5-10 topics to bump. I hope to be able to bump these 20 topic on every 2 hours basics (Please leave a box for me to write what i want to bump not just a prefixed bump) (Please let me choose the timing that i want to bump the thread. which means i got at least 12 time slot to choose)
... 我们第二阶段的产品包括 1)我们面向商家的平面介绍资料 2)一个产品介绍动画视频 ====== 我们对设计师的要求 ====== 【*】 有非常丰富的网页设计经验,对于几乎全屏的大交互页面的视觉效果设计有很好的把握能力 【*】 对于交互设计有非常出色的理解,包括web端和移动端 【*】 对于产品表达有一定的天赋,能设计简单易懂的介绍来教育初次使用的用户 【*】 有较好人脸和人体素描能力,加分 【*】 有为互联网产品设计过介绍短片,加分 【*】 曾在4A广告公司设计网页,加分 【*】 痴迷购买、搭配衣服的姑凉,加分 ====== 我们期望的合作形式 ====== 【*】 可以是freelancer,按照项目来结算。在产品上线前会有调试的阶段,某些时间需要设计师 on board参加讨论 【*】 也可以是full time加入团队。具体薪资面谈,给予行业内较高水平的工资。长期优秀成员同样可以参加股权激励计划。 【*】 full time成员特别福利:有机会以5折购买当季正价多家电商大品牌的服装(天使之城、七格格、欧莎等) 【*】 full time成员工作环境:公司在轨道交通沿线;休息室有桌球、乒乓球、桌上足球、淋浴室;与一帮极具天赋又经验丰富的大牛共同工作,其中有不少玩极限运动的cool guy 如果你感兴趣,或想了解更多信息,可以联系我们。 黄先生
I'm looking for a fresh, talented texturing artist who can help me with my freelance work. The project primarily involves texturing environments in a realistic style. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Substance Painter, maya , substance designer. - Ability to create detailed,...realistic style. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Substance Painter, maya , substance designer. - Ability to create detailed, high-quality textures suitable for realistic environments. - A good understanding of environmental texturing. Ideal Skills: - Previous experience in texturing environments and props. - A keen eye for detail and quality. - Ability to work to deadlines and take feedback on board. If you're a fresher but passionate about texturing and have the required skills, I'...
I am seeking a talented designer to create a sleek, modern backdrop for a darts-themed event stand. The backdrop should exude a contemporary aesthetic while being sporty and engaging. Key Requirements: - Understands a modern, sleek design style - Able to incorporate a fire/dart board theme - Can work with provided images and concepts Dimensions: - Full Width: 4.35m - Each Section Width: 85cm - Height Section Width: 208cm - Back to Ochre: 375.5cm Color Palette: - Predominantly Fire/Dart board inspired Please note, I will provide several images and design ideas that you can build upon.
I'm lo...sleek aesthetic in a striking black and bright lighting scheme. Key Aspects of the Project: - The overall ambiance should be glamorous and opulent, showcasing high-end design elements. - The salon will exclusively offer hair extensions, so the design should cater to this specific service. - Design elements should include luxurious seating and furniture, as well as high-quality salon stations. - board meeting room - extended mini warehouse for inventory and warehouse workers - extra salon suite Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in high-end interior design, particularly in salon spaces. A portfolio showcasing similar projects will be highly advantageous. The ability to conceptualize and implement unique and eye-catching design eleme...
I'm in need of a skilled UX/UI designer to enhance the visual appeal of a Kanban board and workflow design for an AI-based SaaS recruiting tool. This project aims to create a user-friendly interface that boosts efficiency and simplifies task management for recruiters. Key Responsibilities: - Design an aesthetically pleasing and intuitive Kanban board - Incorporate task progress tracking features - Integrate collaboration tools - Develop analytics and reporting capabilities within the design Additional Responsibilities: Design a clean and efficient Kanban board for managing multiple job descriptions and batches of resumes. Create a visual workflow for recruiters to upload job descriptions and candidate batches, track progress, and view results. Design the Team Vi...
...Form: Upload documents (e.g., medical bills) for verification. Donation & Support Transparency: Track donations (e.g., "₹10,000 raised for Ahmed’s surgery"). Volunteer Coordination: Organize aid delivery via in-app chat. 7. Matrimony & Networking Matrimony Profiles Fields: Bio, education, family details, preferences. Privacy: Profiles visible only after mutual consent. Professional Network Job Board: Post openings (e.g., "Abbasi-owned business hiring"). Skill Sharing: Offer/request mentorship (e.g., "Teach Urdu"). 8. Events & Meetups Event Creation Details: Date, location, description, RSVP limit. Visibility: Public (all users) or private (group-only). Event Gallery Upload photos/videos post-event. Comment and tag attendee...
Following are the requirements of task to be fulfilled. 1- Task is to visit the “Ministry of Popular Power & University College Of Caracas" physically and take 10 to 15 geotagged photos of with name board captured and from outside/inside the building. Moreover, you have to make a video from inside if possible, but from outside, you have to make a video while capturing the signboard of the location, and both of its surroundings. Just take a 360 degree view of it in a video. 2- Get the verification form filled, signed and stamped by the HR of Ministry of Popular Power & University College Of Caracas, and also stamp the certificate. 3- Get the details of verifier, Name, Designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal ...
...Needed – Finalize Calculator PCB & Firmware (EasyEDA) I am looking for an experienced electronics engineer to review, finalize, and improve an existing calculator project that was previously developed but has some unresolved issues. Project Scope & Requirements: ✅ Verify & Correct BOM (Bill of Materials) The current freelancer could not provide the correct part numbers needed to manufacture the board via PCBWay. Ensure all components match the design and are available for order. ✅ Review & Fix Firmware (EasyEDA) The firmware/code was provided, but I am uncertain if it works correctly. Need a firmware expert to review and adjust any necessary fixes. Ensure all button functions are correctly mapped. ✅ PCB Adjustments & Optimizations The project was con...
...embedded system. The project involves real-time sensor data acquisition, data parsing, peripheral control, cloud telemetry integration, and local display updates. This role requires interfacing multiple peripherals, including UART, SPI, ADC, PWM, and RS485-based devices. The firmware should be optimized for low-power operation, real-time data acquisition, and fault-tolerant operation. Develop bare-metal firmware (NO RTOS) for STM32 microcontroller. Implement multiple UART sensor interfaces (data request, parsing, checksum validation). Handle analog sensors (ADC readings, conversion, scaling). Implement PWM-based control for actuators (motor, pump, or fans). Interface an NB-IoT module (AT commands, CoAP UDP or MQTT data transmission). Control and update SPI-based E-Ink dis...
...operations. Provide a tangible layout of their management plan (PowerPoint, Visual Flowchart, Notion Dashboard, or any structured format). Communicate clearly and effectively while keeping execution stress-free. Your Submission Instead of just talking, I want to see your thought process before we move forward with discussions. To apply, submit a PowerPoint presentation, Notion Dashboard, Miro Board, or any visual layout that includes: How you will manage SoolSynk’s execution Team structure( small team ), workflow automation, reporting, and communication flow. How you will integrate and optimize the tools I currently use Notion, ClickUp, Google Docs, Microsoft Teams. What additional tools (if any) you suggest and why If you recommend other tools, explain how they will impr...
...someone to create a simple Shopify website for me. When I say simple, I mean that I'm selling printed zodiac signs in frames. There are 12 signs, each available in either a large or small frame (so there are 24 products in total). Setting up the products should be straightforward since it's essentially a copy/paste job—the price is the same for all products, and the options are identical across the board. I already have images of the products as well as short videos that showcase them. For instance, there’s a JPG of Capricorn and a short video of the same sign to give a better idea of the product. I would like the homepage to feature a live video banner at the top showing all the products. Below that, a brief text describing what the site offers, followed ...
I need a skilled professional who can convert my CAD files into 3D printer compatible files. The project involves a detailed mock-up of a device using the following components: - Alvium 1800 2040c C-Mount - Computar 12 Mega Pixel, 1.1" 8mm F2.8 lens - Advanced Navigation Spatial (MEMS) IMU - Forge Carrier Board for NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin™ - Jetson AGX Orin 32GB Module - Allied Vision MIPI camera board - NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin Active Heat Sink I require moderate detail with visible features for the 3D printed mock-up. The CAD files do not need any modifications or enhancements, just a straight conversion to 3D print files. The preferred material for printing is PLA. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in CAD and 3D printing - Experience in co...
I need a logo for my new venture, uw-topia. This logo should maintain a familial resemblance to my existing uw-umlaut logo, yet still be distinct enough to stand on its own. My business, uw-topia, is a consultancy focusing on technical education housing projects. The target audience primarily consists of local government officials and school board members involved in school construction or renovation. Key Considerations: - The new logo should convey the message of collaboration, as this is central to our approach in building schools. - The uw-umlaut logo should be integrated into the uw-topia logo. - The color scheme is strictly Black and White. - The logos should have a modern, minimalist style akin to competitors like ICS advisers and Hevo. Ideal Candidates: A graphic designe...
1- Task is to visit Ministry in Luxembourg physically and take 6-7 geotagged photos of the name board of the institutes captured from outside the building and preferably inside too. Download app for geotagged pics from the link: If you can't get the app, just note down the latitudes and longitudes of the location when you're there and get simple pictures. 2- Get the verification forms filled, signed and stamped by the HR or relevant authority of these locations. 3- Get the details of verifier that is their name, designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal statement with stamp or sign as a proof. If they don't give written, ask them that you want to record them saying their reason and take their details like nam...
I'm looking for a freelancer with strong expertise in 3D design and rendering to create a realistic portrayal of an L-Shaped staircase for me. The design needs to be modern and align...Proficiency in SketchUp or superior 3D rendering software - Strong understanding of modern staircase design - Previous experience in creating realistic 3D renderings - Ability to work from provided top view measurements - Excellent communication skills for discussing design elements. Please note, I have the top view measurements and reference images ready, so we can begin as soon as you are on board. I'm looking for someone who can really bring this project to life with high-quality visuals. I have attached pictures of proposed and existing. Height of stairs from floor to the top of the l...
..."MY BID IS FINAL AND I AM READY TO START- I WILL FOCUS ON : _________ BUGS " ALL OTHER FAKE REPLIES OR FAKE BIDS WHO DID NOT EVEN READ PROJECT ZIP WILL BE REPORTED AS FAKE AND BE DELETED ! 1. $40 Per Filtering Bug (We have many Functional Bugs in Software ..) - The Screenshot we attached ONLY WE TEST LEFT SIDE FILTERING WHEN YOU SELECT CATEGORY AND SUB CATEGORY IN DEALS DASH BOARD OR REQUESTS DASH BOARD AND ONLY WITH DEALS WITH ACTIVE STATUS - REMEMBER ! ALSO If you find a bug was already discovered - we must show you a proof when it was discovered so we cant pay for same bug twice and you trust us it was already submitted . Also a bug has to be logically flawed . something wrong with the Results= vs what the user would have expected it Also a b...
...combining AI-powered robotics and skilled surgical techniques. Trust Hair 4 Life Medical for natural results. Learn more!" 6. Ad Extensions Sitelink Extensions: "Book a Consultation" -> Direct link to booking page "Read Patient Testimonials" -> Testimonials page "Explore ARTAS Technology" -> Informational blog about robotic transplants "Meet Our Surgeons" -> About us page Callout Extensions: "Board-Certified Surgeons" "AI-Powered Hair Restoration" "Tailored Solutions for Every Patient" "Natural-Looking Results Guaranteed" 7. Budget Allocation Daily Budget: $175 Campaign Duration: 30 days Total Budget: $5,250 Bid Strategy: Maximize conversions with a focus on high-inten...
...operations. Provide a tangible layout of their management plan (PowerPoint, Visual Flowchart, Notion Dashboard, or any structured format). Communicate clearly and effectively while keeping execution stress-free. Your Submission Instead of just talking, I want to see your thought process before we move forward with discussions. To apply, submit a PowerPoint presentation, Notion Dashboard, Miro Board, or any visual layout that includes: How you will manage SoolSynk’s execution Team structure( small team ), workflow automation, reporting, and communication flow. How you will integrate and optimize the tools I currently use Notion, ClickUp, Google Docs, Microsoft Teams. What additional tools (if any) you suggest and why If you recommend other tools, explain how they will impr...
I'm looking for a skilled animator to create a 15-30-second, highly detailed, 3D realistic animated video. The animation should depict a Kraken rising from the depths of a chaotic thunderstorm at sea and crashing down on a ship, from the viewpoint of the sailors on board. Key Requirements: - The Kraken needs to be highly detailed, complete with textures and skin effects. - The animation style is strictly 3D realistic. - The video should last for 15-30 seconds. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D animation software - Experience in creating detailed character and creature animations - Ability to create visually engaging and realistic stormy sea scenes - Previous work with high-detail, textured models - Strong understanding of perspective, particularly from a spec...
...detailed cost analysis reports. • Vehicle Management: Users can display their vehicles for price evaluations or sale, and even receive quotation requests for services or parts from multiple businesses via private messaging. • Maintenance and Reminders: The app includes features to track vehicle maintenance schedules, inspection dates, and license expiry dates. There is also integration with On-Board-Diagnostic (OBD) tools for advanced vehicle data reading. • Community and Content: Users have access to care tips, relevant articles and videos, specialized discussion forums, and event pages. There’s also a feature for offline diagnosis and troubleshooting. • Promotions and Rewards: The app supports a point system where users earn points by using various...
I'm looking for an experienced professional to assemble and test a multi-layer PCB for consumer electronics. The project involves working with various components, high frequency transformer and ensuring the board functions correctly post-assembly. Some components are mounted and some need to purchase. Key Responsibilities: - Assemble a multi-layer PCB - Work with different components including resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits, connectors, and switches - Conduct thorough testing to ensure functionality Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in PCB assembly - Familiarity with multi-layer PCBs and consumer electronics - Proficiency in testing electronic components - Attention to detail and quality assurance skills
I'm seeking an experienced Tableau developer to create an engaging and insightful dashboard that focuses on our ESG sustainability metrics. The dashboard should be capable of visualizing and tracking our carbon footprint, waste reduction efforts, and energy consumption. It's crucial that the dashboard can also provide insights into our governance aspects, particularly in terms of board diversity and ethical compliance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Tableau with a strong portfolio of dashboard creation - Deep understanding and experience in visualizing sustainability metrics - Ability to convey complex data in a simple and engaging manner - Knowledge of governance metrics and their visualization - Strong attention to detail and commitment to accuracy
I need assistance with a project involving sending a JPEG image from a laptop to an ESP8266 development board over a WiFi network. The image size will be between 1MB to 5MB. After processing, the image needs to be sent back to the laptop through USB. You will need to: - Develop an Arduino sketch for the ESP8266 to handle this transmission. - Create a C#.Net program on the laptop side to connect to the ESP8266. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Arduino programming. - Strong background in C#.Net development. - Experience with ESP8266 and image transmission. - Understanding of WiFi networking. The JPEG image will be in a size of 1MB to 5MB. The connection between the laptop and the ESP8266 will be through a standard WiFi network.
...for multiple small business interests, including an LLP (Guesthouse), a Limited Company (High Ropes Course), and self-employment income.(landlord-hair salon) Key Responsibilities: • Completion and submission of my OVERDUE 2023/2024 tax return to HMRC. • Re submission of my 2022/2023 tax return • ***CERTIFIED Accounts required for the above by no later than the 15th of April 2025 for Joint Board Non-Domestic rates.*** • Expert tax advice regarding a new small business acquisition as well as a travel agency oppertunity, and the optimal structure for existing ventures (Guesthouse - LLP or self employed) • Ongoing account management to ensure compliance with HMRC, set up tax repayment plans, and reduce outstanding fines. • Familiarity with tax p...
1- Task is to visit Private Pharmaceutical in Ashgabat physically and take 6-7 geotagged photos of the name board of the institutes captured from outside the building and preferably inside too. Download app for geotagged pics from the link: If you can't get the app, just note down the latitudes and longitudes of the location when you're there and get simple pictures. 2- Get the verification forms filled, signed and stamped by the HR or relevant authority of these locations. 3- Get the details of verifier that is their name, designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal statement with stamp or sign as a proof. If they don't give written, ask them that you want to record them saying their reason and take their deta...
I'm seeking a talented product designer to design the casing and overall packaging for a small consumer electronics product. It should be designed with the end consumer in mind. The enclosure will have openings for a few buttons, SD card, and a back lid for standard AAA battery. I will provide all necessary details and if necessary, can supply a board for verification. The design will use nylon or similar material, likely to be 3D printed. Key Requirements: - User-friendly and appealing product - Meets industry standards for battery-operated devices - Technical feasibility - Minimum individual parts are essential Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in designing consumer electronic products - Strong understanding of user-centered design principles - Excellent 3D modeling and...
I have an empty room space and I need assistance in visualising how three classic style wooden bookshelves would fit into the space. I have a mood board with some ideas that I would like to transfer onto my photo. This will help me to visualise the space better. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in photo editing software - Interior design knowledge - Ability to interpret mood boards and design ideas - Excellent communication skills to discuss ideas and updates
I'm looking for a professional web designer to revamp my recruitment agency's website. I want a sleek, modern design with a luxe, clean aesthetic. The site should also include: - A job board with database integration. The job board should have job search and filter options as well as a submission portal for job applications. - An Instagram feed integrated into the site. Please provide your portfolio of similar projects.
...Freelancer Roles & Required Skills: We are hiring multiple experts to complete different aspects of this project. ? Hardware & Electronics (Physical Product & Sensors) ?? Embedded Systems Engineer – To design the microcontroller & integrate all hardware. ? Battery & Power Engineer – To ensure long battery life & wireless charging. ? PCB Designer – To design and develop the electronic circuit board. ? AR/VR & UI/UX Development (Software & Display) ? AR/VR Developer – To build the smart display & holographic interface. ? UI/UX Designer – To design an intuitive, futuristic, and easy-to-use interface. ? AI & Smart Features (Automation & Intelligence) ? AI/ML Developer – To develop AI-based voice a...
1- Task is to visit Polidirects Clinics physically and take 6-7 geotagged photos of the name board of the institutes captured from outside the building and preferably inside too. Download app for geotagged pics from the link: If you can't get the app, just note down the latitudes and longitudes of the location when you're there and get simple pictures. 2- Get the verification forms filled, signed and stamped by the HR or relevant authority of these locations. 3- Get the details of verifier that is their name, designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal statement with stamp or sign as a proof. If they don't give written, ask them that you want to record them saying their reason and take their details like name d...
I'm in need of a versatile 3D logo that will be used across web, print, and a 3D LED shop signage board. Key Requirements: - Multiple design concepts: I expect to see several distinct concepts before we narrow it down. - Unlimited revisions: I want to ensure the final product is perfect, so I will need to make use of unlimited revisions. - Fixed price: Please note, I am only considering proposals that are for a fixed price. Please include in your proposal: - Your bid - The number of concepts you will provide Design Preferences: - Style: I'm open to various styles, as I did not specify a particular one. However, the designs should be professional and suitable for a business logo. - Color: I am open to your suggestions for color schemes. Please use your expertise to crea...
Following are the requirements of task to be fulfilled. 1- Task is to visit the “Rector Of The Academy De Toulouse" physically and take 10 to 15 geotagged photos of with name board captured and from outside/inside the building. Moreover, you have to make a video from inside if possible, but from outside, you have to make a video while capturing the signboard of the location, and both of its surroundings. Just take a 360 degree view of it in a video. 2- Get the verification form filled, signed and stamped by the HR of Rector Of The Academy De Toulouse, and also stamp the certificate. 3- Get the details of verifier, Name, Designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal with stamp or sign as proof. 5- If Rector Of The Academy...
I'm working on an IoT project using the A7670C GSM 4G Breakout Board, which is controlled via the Arduino IDE. The board connects perfectly with HTTP, but I'm encountering an unknown error message when trying to establish an HTTPS connection using the TinyGSM library. This is where I need your expertise. The goal of the project is to troubleshoot and fix the HTTPS connection issue. Your specific tasks will include: - Diagnosing the unknown error message that appears when attempting to connect via HTTPS. - Modifying the TinyGSM library or the code as necessary to enable a successful HTTPS connection. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Arduino IDE, particularly with IoT projects. - Strong knowledge of the TinyGSM library and...
I need assistance with my A7670C GSM 4G Breakout Board. The module is functioning properly with HTTP but fails to connect via HTTPS. It appears that a custom library is required to enable HTTPS functionality. - The main objective of this project is to utilize this module for an IoT device. - The data collected will be transmitted to my own server, hence a strong understanding of server communication is necessary. - The programming language used for this project is C/C++, so expertise in this language is essential. - Experience with creating or modifying libraries for hardware communication would be highly beneficial. - Knowledge of HTTPS and IoT protocols will be advantageous for this project. I am looking for a freelancer with a strong background in C++ programming,in Aurdino ID...
I'm looking for a comprehensive corporate identity design for my firm. The design should be modern, bright, and vibrant. Key deliverables: 1. A contemporary logo incorporating the company name and a unique logo mark or symbol 2. A striking letterhead design 3. An eye-catching email signature 4. A detailed and professionally designed company profile 5. A visually appealing company board design The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - A strong portfolio in modern and vibrant designs - Excellent graphic design skills - Experience in corporate identity design - Strong understanding of branding and visual identity
I'm looking for a skilled 3D designer to create a model for a waterproof electronics enclosure for my Bambu X1C printer. Key Requirements: - The enclosure should be approximately 4”L x 2”W x 3”H and designed for PETG material. - It needs to have screw-in mounting pads for a circuit board and a micro-pump. - There should be holes for a moisture sensor slat, two pump connections, and a USB-C port for power. - The cover must accommodate a rubber gasket and have countersunk screw holes to secure it to the main enclosure. - Will discuss details and share components to finalize the design after engaging. Available to answer any questions. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modelling software. - Experience in designing for 3D printing and understanding of PETG mat...
I'm looking for a skilled individual to help me design and develop a motor control board. Key Requirements: - The PCB needs to incorporate a microcontroller - Operate on RC Servo signal Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in PCB design for consumer electronics. - Proficiency in working with microcontrollers, motor control circuits - Component selection See additional requirements attached. Please share your portfolio if you have prior experience with similar projects.
I'm looking for a skilled web designer to create a modern, minimalist styled website design. The primary focus of this site will be on design, incorporating various key features. Key Components: - Blog: Tips and Advice for People Coming to Australia - Job listings: The site should have a dedi...Tools and Resources: A section dedicated to various tools and resources, useful for site visitors. The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong portfolio in modern and minimalist web design, with experience in creating multi-functional websites. Excellent understanding of UX/UI principles is a must, as the site should be easy to navigate and visually appealing. Experience with job board and news website design will be an added advantage. Please share your relevant example...
I'm looking for a skilled designer to help me with a location fitting style exterior for my home. Key Design Elements: - Emphasis on using Wood as the primary material, including board and batten. - Incorporating Porches, porch roof, Columns and several awnings into the design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in home design - Proficiency in woodwork and knowledge of sustainable wood use - Exceptional understanding of design aesthetics and practical architecture We'd like our ugly cabin to be similar looking to the red cabin we found. We would also like to add 3 additional awnings around the home. We will need to be able to get an engineer stamp of approval and be able to submit to the county for approval. We have no idea what it costs to design t...
Pages to complete: About Us -Mission -History -Community -Our Board (will need pictures) -Press (will have links to PDF Press releases with 3 or 4 lines of each releases’ opening) Gallery -Picture -Videos Past Programs (like the current musicians page) Contact -Email link -Address -Directions Subscribe (sign-up form) Search (Need to add this link later) Donate ( links to donation page)
I'm in need of a theater tragedy mask meticulously designed with a highly detailed Spartan face on one side. The level of detail needs to reflect the intensity and intricacies of a Spartan warrior, as this will contribute to the overall dramatic effect of the mask. If you could use both pictures I add or if you can only get one picture on that mask. This design will go on a shirt Ideal skills for this project include: - Expertise in theatrical prop design - High-level craftsmanship in mask making - Ability to incorporate intricate details into designs - Experience with tragedy masks specifically - Understanding of Spartan imagery and symbolism Make the mask happy on one side
I'm looking for an experienced freelancer to create an Arduino library with specific functionalities for a small board with ESP32-PICO-MINI-02 module. I need a library with simple to use functions and the following functionality included: - Play MP3 file with given name from the SD card (non-blocking). Other compressed formats are also acceptable and there is NO need to support more than one format. Up to several (3-4) files may need to be played simultaneously with an option to have each one of those either play once and stop or loop until stopped. - Stop / Pause / Volume functions - Link to Bluetooth headphones and broadcast the played sound If needed, I can supply a board for development to the selected provider. Deliverables must include the library and one or mor...
...renderings. The design should blend Grand Millennial style (classic patterns, vintage-inspired furniture, elegant yet cozy decor) with mountain cottage elements (natural materials, warm textures, and wood accents). The renderings should help me visualize potential restyling solutions and offer inspiration for personalizing the spaces. Deliverables: 3D renderings for each space. (Optional) A mood board or a selection of suggested furniture and decor pieces. Timeline: Please provide an estimated timeline for the completion of the renderings. Budget: 50 euro. Looking forward to your response, and I’m available for any questions!...