...bulk discount). • Support the purchase of multiple chatbot permissions at once. • Coupon Management: • Create and manage coupons (e.g., discount, duration extension). • Track coupon usage. • Coupons are not stackable: A coupon input field is provided before subscription. Input is optional. 3. Affiliate Marketing Management • Affiliate Application Entry: • Provide an affiliate registration form for users to become promoters. • Cashback and Reward Settings: • Configure affiliate cashback rates (e.g., monthly subscription income). • Set special reward rules (e.g., milestone bonuses or accumulated referral rewards). • View affiliate marketing data (e.g., clicks, registrations, cashback details). 4. Internationalizat...
Android App Example: You can check the current Android version here: Magicter VPN on Google Play: Project Description: We are seeking an experienced Flutter developer to develop an iOS VPN application from scratch, synchronized with our well-functioning Android version. The developer must complete the project within 25 days. If the project is not completed within the deadline, we reserve the right to request a full refund without any reason. Project Goals: Feature Synchronization: Use Flutter to synchronize all features and logic from the Android VPN version to the iOS version, ensuring a consistent user experience across platforms. UI Update: Develop a new iOS user interface that matches the flow and design of the Android
...supporting English, Traditional Chinese, Russian, and Iranian. It is recommended to use string resources and implement automatic translation through the DeepL API. Backup: Back up the source code before starting. Also, back up the source code during development, classify them clearly to prevent misoperations. Compatibility: Modifications and new features should not affect the normal use of the current client. Uniform Style: Use open-source components for both frontend and backend development to maintain a neat and unified style. Frontend Development Requirements Menu Click Limitation Function Description: The frontend menu options can be clicked at most once per second to prevent malicious clicks. Implementation Suggestions: Add a throttling mechanism in the menu click event to ...
...version to the iOS version, address existing issues in the iOS app, and update and optimize backend code to ensure compatibility and performance with the iOS client. Our VPN protocol is **V2ray**, and the iOS client uses **sing-box** with integrated membership features. **Project Requirements:** 1. **Feature Synchronization**: Sync all functionalities and logic from our latest Android VPN version to the iOS version. Ensure that the user experience on iOS aligns with that on Android. The iOS and Android clients primarily differ in the VPN client implementation, but they both use the same VPN protocol (V2ray). - **Android App Example**: You can check the current Android version here: [Magicter VPN on Google Play]() 2
...compatibility and performance with the iOS client. Our VPN protocol is **V2ray**, and the iOS client uses **sing-box** with integrated membership features. **Project Requirements:** 1. **Feature Synchronization**: Sync all functionalities and logic from our latest Android VPN version to the iOS version. Ensure that the user experience on iOS aligns with that on Android. The iOS and Android clients primarily differ in the VPN client implementation, but they both use the same VPN protocol (V2ray). - **Android App Example**: You can check the current Android version here: [Magicter VPN on Google Play]() - **Desired iOS Example**: We aim for a similar result as the iOS example below: [Official Quick VPN App on the App
项目名称:AI智慧园区管理平台 项目概述: 我们正在寻找一支富有创新精神、技术实力雄厚的开发团队,共同打造一款集AI技术与大数据分析于一体的智慧园区管理平台。该平台旨在通过智能化、数字化的手段,全面升级园区管理效率,提升用户体验,促进园区内商业、生活、安全、税务等多方面的智能化融合。本项目将以Java为开发基础,采用分布式与微服务架构,确保系统的高可用性、可扩展性和灵活性。 项目技术要求: 1. 技术栈: 主要编程语言:Java(包括但不限于Spring Boot、Spring Cloud等框架) 分布式架构:基于Kubernetes或Docker容器化部署,实现服务间的松耦合与高效调度。 微服务架构:将系统拆分为多个独立的服务,如用户服务、支付服务、数据分析服务等,通过API Gateway进行服务间的通信与管理。 数据库:采用MySQL/PostgreSQL等关系型数据库存储结构化数据,结合Redis、MongoDB等NoSQL数据库处理高并发访问与缓存。 消息队列:Kafka/RabbitMQ等,用于解耦系统组件间的依赖,提高系统响应速度和容错性。 大数据处理:Hadoop/Spark等用于海量数据的存储与处理,结合Elasticsearch等实现快速检索与分析。 AI与机器学习:集成TensorFlow/PyTorch等深度学习框架,实现图像识别、自然语言处理等AI功能。 2. 功能需求: AI数字名片:通过人脸识别与AI分析技术,为园区内人员生成个性化的数字名片,支持快速识别与社交互动。 智慧园区:集成物联网(IoT)技术,实时监控园区内环境(如温湿度、空气质量)、能源使用情况及设备状态,实现智能化管理。 智慧商城+跨境电商:搭建在线商城平台,支持商品展示、在线交易、物流跟踪...
网站的名字:威牛证劵 () 翻译成英文大概的意思:Powerful smart cow LOGO设计可以打开你的想象力 ,可以是一头威猛的雄牛 可以是头可爱的小牛,让我们看到你的不一样的思维 ,因为用牛做商标的已经很多,你需要从众多的商标吸取灵感,让这个LOGO变的有爱,有新型的感觉!
...着:和你在一起感觉自卑;不自然。躲避别人的眼神就意味着:自己做了或想到什么不希望你知道的事;害怕接触别人的目光,感觉自己的会被看穿,秘密会被别人发现。这就需要我们放平心态,真诚面对。 5.独立承担责任 有位哲人这样说过:“一个人的幸福程度取决与他能够在多大程度上独立于这个世界”。这句话包含着深刻的智慧。很多的时候,独立意味着完整地承担必要的责任;能够运用自己的能力承担必要责任的人必然相对更加自信。别人能帮你一时,不会帮你一世的,谁都不喜欢和没有独立承担能力的人相处。别人有的能力是别人的,自己要有,让自己有价值,才会让自己有自信。 6.坚持微笑 微笑是对生活的一种态度,对自己的一种肯定鼓励。有时候不是说谁有多坚强,而是因为懂得,唯有微笑着坚持,如同一盏明灯,能驱散人心中的黑暗,微笑,是粒神奇的种子,撒在哪里,就在哪里生根发芽。当你微笑的时候,整个世界都在微笑。,戴姆勒近日宣布 Smart品牌将退出北美市场,烈史庞匪问,东北神兽“傻狍子”究竟有多傻?,记烙雅谛米,宫崎美学,再登神坛——《只狼:影逝二度》评测,辈欣优医嘲,限量500台 WEY VV5 1.5T倾橙版启动,贾磊官扯囱,美国传教士费佩德拍摄的杭州西湖百年老照片,孛教吩氖喊,香港出现HPV"水货针" 诊所以正版疫苗诱骗内地,乔暗泌纫是https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19496575/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-design/project-19496574/ https://www.freelancer.com/projects/website-des...
要求如下: 1、搜集网上资料,用英语写一篇对小米新品“米家投影仪”的评测文章。 米家投影仪: 可参考该篇文章: 2、800-1000字; 3、5张以上图片; 4、内容原创,有自己独特的对该款米家投影仪的观点,杜绝抄袭!
目前在做德国dhl api与自己开发的wms系统的对接工作。对接过程中遇到如下问题: 根据DHL官网 提供的wsdl地址:地址: ,生成了webservice client。在生成的客户端文件中,找不到填写DHL账户、密码等权限验证的请求文件。 例如获取快递单号请求request中,既没有看到请求头要我填入账号密码,也没有看到要填token的参数。导致该请求无法通过权限校验,无法获取快递单号和电子面单。 请求技术大牛帮忙解决请求接口问题即可,接下来的开发与测试工作我可以自己完成。谢谢。
A school course introduction concerning smart city, entrepreneurship and extra. Need to be done in three days. Sample: 我们所收集到的需求内容涉及范围较广且类型多样。从基本需求类型来划分,包括客户数据分析、新城与地区设计、新科技的应用、城市发展规划、政府政策分析及产业发展研究等。从研究层面来划分,包含了产业层面、城市层面及地块层面等。从涉及领域来划分,包含空间中人的数据收集、集成和分析、能源、智能交通、建造技术、物业管理及城市研究类等。
...based services and map integrations。 3. Simple rating system for both providers and clients. 4. Familiar with Chinese source code and regulations. 5. Ability to develop the apps within 5 months max. Context: The basic outline of the app would be into 3 features where “client” will chose a service from “provider” 1. Find an available nearby provider within 1-3 Km: a timer will calculate the fee and the distance. 2. Book for a later time: A fee according the time required. 3. Awarding Service: a simple wall where Client can post a service request 1 per month detailing fees, service description, address/location and upload JPEG then gets notification. 4. Simple rating system for both providers and clients. We are willing to pay market pric...
如果你是安卓的反,反编译主和其他网络 通信集成插座的IP / TCP水平是比较高的,欢迎参加 项目。我们要做的事是进入大圆直播室,登录多个 客户以保持包的心跳;所以我们需要分析客户的大圆,反。不 只是安卓斗鱼客户端,和ISO版本的安卓平板电脑,可以试试;附件也有一个 详细介绍,如果你需要更多的了解,请与我沟通 长时间在线。
...change and update in future. no need register to post but if use an email to register an account can manage the ads. when posting need fill title ,location,descraption, all in chinese please cookie remembers the ads were read show in red colour. when user browse different ads, go back to ads list page cookie remember where were read. use id search ,not the whole website. fit in smart phone thanks for reading ,please contact me ,...
zhengguang04,您好,我看了您帮人制作“Ios client for shadowsocks”https://www.freelancer.com/projects/Mobile-Phone/Ios-client-for-shadowsocks/ 的项目,我对这个蛮感兴趣,想找你做一个。请问该怎么联系你?这个预算我是随便填的。
Display paintings, uploading and downloading , work evaluation , works and author information , membership registration , works sub- drawing, painting , gouache , calligraphy , through each piece can be enlarged individually show and get a few people to see several people evaluate the situation , evaluation of high automatic sorting front pages dynamic display large image rotation and other related site Notice winning information, you need responsive technology that uses HTML5 CCS3 BOOTSTRAP database technology can be applied on a PC, IPAD, mobile phones and other terminals. Currently uploaded photos are only examples and LOGO. 展示绘画作品、上传下载、作品评价、作品及作者信息、会员注册等,作品分素描、油画、水粉、书法等,通过每件作品都可以放大单独显示,并得到几人看几个人评价情况,评价高的自动排序在前,网页大图轮换动态显示网站公告等相关获奖作品信息,需要响应式技术,利用HTML5CCS3BOOTSTRAP数据库等...
公司名称:ShangHai Smart Bay Automotive Service 公司产品及服务:汽车聪明维修服务、汽车聪明维修产品销售、汽车聪明维修产品使用培训、汽车聪明维修店建店指导。
Plan-B MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING DIRECT SIGNUP CONTRACT AGREEMENT 11 Month WORKING DAYS – 25 WORK LOAD 2000 /- FORM RATE – 10/- FIRST PAY – 5000/-(Refundable) BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION 100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER • 95.1% - 100% = 100% Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK, N...
We are looking for a video competition content site which it can be voted either on the website or the mobile version as well. It can be showed up like a chart on the smart phone to see the total numbers each one, maybe something like this: I am not sure if it is still working and YES this project ideally will be operated in Simplified Chinese
Project Description: Looking for a experienced Coder with strong knowledge of C++/C## to Design a Cheat for the Game Counter-strike:GO. With Certain Features. and Capability to bypass two anti cheat i...---------------------- Additional Project Description: NO PAYMENTS WILL BE SENT THROUGH WESTERN UNION OR PAYPAL. WE WILL ONLY GO THROUGH FREELANCER. IF YOU TRY TO ADD ME ABOUT A DIFFERENT PAYMENT METHOD I WILL REPORT YOU AS A SPAMMER AND WILL NOT RESPOND TO YOU! ESEA CLIENT and CEVO updates monthly so the client will have to be decompile and find out what detect cheat. Also need to be undetected by VAC steamcommunitys secure server system! The hack needs to be undetected lifetime on ESEACLIENT , VAC CLIENT and CEVO, Also if CS:GO happens to update then i sho...
1. App download to allow user to access the internet thru our company servers.. 2. GEO Location of device for clients when they enter the office building to know where they are. 3. Building lay out... Allow downloading of pamphlets and documents helps references for services provided in the entire 10 story building along with each specific floors 7. Will need ongoing support for at least 1 year, 8. Within the app, the layout for the client changes and makes changes based on the wifi positioning. 9. Smart app controller, allowing the app to control simple internet connected items (lights, switches) will have a timer based on when the client enters the building, if exceeding that time, all app functionality is disable until client contacts IT for new downl...
Translating day to day Cantonese conversations to Korean client
The brand of projector called Holight. it's target to christian church. Now we are doing Holight's facebook marketing. need you have compywrting experience of Chinese ads, and know how to do facebook marketing. 2. You will be responsible for the content renew of our facebook page. 3. Great communication skills
Payment cycle:- Monthly WORKLOAD :-6000 forms per agent per month POST DATED CHEQUE WILL PROVIDED AS SECURITY PAY OUT CYCLE: MONTHLY (13,20,000 INR FIX FOR 11 MONTHS)
Sip client with the pjsip or other sip stack. Need the cloudy Address Book accroding to the API. Need the presence status. The project should be finished in 1 month.
Our client has a news website based on Wordpress and it has a mobile adapted plugin already. What we need is an app to be wrote and submitted to the apple store and Android marketplace: Requirements: 1) Submitted successfully and be able to be searched by key words; 2) Be able to push messages to those who has installed the app; 3) Be able to read basic statistics for the administrators. The website address is : [dot]com (Pls replace the [doc] with "." )
我们需要你的帮助来修改我们WordPress上的网站。 1. 在的网站上, 重新命名两个菜单选项的名称 - Smart Advice更改为Smart News(菜单选项上的"精明育儿") - Smart Buys更改为Smart Products (菜单选项上的"精明优选") 2. 更新这两个页面的模板(pages templates),包括URL路径,横幅图片和标题 3. 更新仪表板(dashboard)的标题 如果你对项目有兴趣,请联系我们,我们会给你详细的项目需求。 ***在我们的管理面板上,部分文字含有简体中文,能閱讀简体中文為佳。
我们需要你的帮助来修改我们WordPress上的网站。 1. 在的网站上, 重新命名两个菜单选项的名称 - Smart Advice更改为Smart News(菜单选项上的"精明育儿") - Smart Buys更改为Smart Products (菜单选项上的"精明优选") 2. 更新这两个页面的模板(pages templates),包括URL路径,横幅图片和标题 3. 更新仪表板(dashboard)的标题 如果你对项目有兴趣,请联系我们,我们会给你详细的项目需求。 ***在我们的管理面板上,部分文字含有简体中文,能閱讀简体中文為佳。
我们需要你的帮助来修改我们WordPress上的网站。 1. 在的网站上, 重新命名两个菜单选项的名称 - Smart Advice更改为Smart News(菜单选项上的"精明育儿") - Smart Buys更改为Smart Products (菜单选项上的"精明优选") 2. 更新这两个页面的模板(pages templates),包括URL路径,横幅图片和标题 3. 更新仪表板(dashboard)的标题 如果你对项目有兴趣,请联系我们,我们会给你详细的项目需求。
MT4 client API 开发包 或者各种优质的服务端插件 均可高价收购 另外需求开发 MT4 手机交易端 以及收集MT4系统客户订单 同步递交到另外一家比如FXCM的交易商订单的插件
1、分为SERVER和CLIENT 2、CLIENT远程控制SERVER 3、SERVER实现磁盘管理,SHELL,进程,服务,注册表,端口反弹 4、SERVER做成WINDOWS 服务自启动 5、SERVER要能通过HTTP代理出去,简单来说,就是可以获得IE代理然后连接出去。 6、过主流防御软件(这个可以协商) 7、SERVER运行于XP,WINDOWS 7/WINDOWS 8(32位和64位)
Plan-B MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING DIRECT SIGNUP CONTRACT AGREEMENT 11 Month WORKING DAYS – 25 WORK LOAD 2000 /- FORM RATE – 10/- FIRST PAY – 5000/-(Refundable) BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION 100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER • 95.1% - 100% = 100% Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK, N...
I'm seeking a Sales Representative for my digital agency. Our agency offers a mix of SEO, web development, and graphic design and branding services, primarily targeting small businesses. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and reach out to potential small business clients - Promote our diverse digital service...targeting small businesses. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and reach out to potential small business clients - Promote our diverse digital services and close sales Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in digital marketing sales - Excellent communication and networking skills - Understanding of SEO, web development, and graphic design Your role would be pivotal in expanding our client base and driving our growth. A proven track record in sales will be h...
I am looking for a dynamic and creative Social Media Growth Hacker, who can help drive exponential growth on the Instagram and Facebook platforms of our clients. This role is focused primarily on boosting engagement, so a strong understanding of audience interaction and community building is essential. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement creative and effective strategies to increase audience engagement. - Create a balanced mix of user-generated content, interactive posts, and high-quality images and videos to captivate our audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in social media growth and engagement. - Experience with Instagram and Facebook. - Creative thinker with excellent content creation skills. - Ability to analyze engagement metrics and adapt ...
I'm looking for an experienced Web3 developer to help create a unique dApp on the Solana blockchain. The dApp will be designed for a fun, interactive, community-oriented purpose, much like ...community-oriented purpose, much like a social network but with the added layers of decentralization and gamification typical of DAO platforms. Key Requirements: - Deep understanding and proven experience in developing decentralized applications (dApps) - Proficiency in the Solana blockchain - Familiarity with DAO principles and gamification techniques - Strong skills in blockchain integration and smart contract development - Creativity and ability to design engaging, user-friendly interfaces Your bid should reflect your ability to deliver a high-quality, engaging dApp that meets these ...
...Crafting packaging designs that attract consumers and represent the product. Social Media Content: Designing eye-catching graphics for social media platforms to increase engagement. Key Skills of a Graphic Designer: Creativity: Turning ideas into visually compelling designs. Technical Proficiency: Mastery of tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Communication: Understanding client needs and effectively presenting design concepts. Problem-Solving: Crafting solutions that address both aesthetic and functional challenges. Attention to Detail: Ensuring high-quality, precise designs. Graphic designers work across industries, from advertising and publishing to tech and entertainment. They can freelance or join teams in creative agencies and corporations, cont...
...each client. The goal is to create a system where, before generating content, users can select a client, and the tool will adjust its writing approach based on predefined client-specific parameters stored in a database. In addition, the tool should be able to learn and adapt its writing style over time by analyzing submitted content, allowing it to better understand and mimic each client’s voice. Since this is my first time using AI technologies for content generation, I would appreciate guidance and suggestions from an experienced developer on how best to build this tool. Scope of Work: Client-Specific Model Customization: Develop a system where users can select a client (e.g., Client A, Client B, etc.), and the tool will adjus...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to create an editable PDF report of a sewer scope inspection. This document should be tailored as a comprehensive sewer scope report. Key Content: - Inspection findings - Repair recommendations - Property and client information - A video of the sewer scope in action Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PDF editing software - Experience with creating instructional or inspection reports - Ability to embed video and images into a PDF - Attention to detail and ability to present information clearly and concisely This project requires not just technical skills, but also an understanding of how to present this information in a way that is accessible and easy to understand for the intended audience.
I'm looking to give my living room a modern overhaul. The key aspect of this redesign is incorporating smart lighting into the space. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Interior design with a modern aesthetic - Experience with smart home technology - Strong understanding of modern design principles - Ability to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing layout
I'm seeking a modern and vibrant PowerPoint template specifically designed for lecture presentations within a flight paramedic education program. The template should facilitate engaging and informative presentations, and include: - Widescreen format, incorporating 2 logos (to be provided), prefer white/light background - Include at minimum the following slide types: Title slide, Title and content, Section header, Two content, Comparison, Title only , Blank, Content with caption, Picture with caption - Defaults: Header in Arial 44; Bullets in Arial 32 initial (dot), sub bullets in Arial 28 (hyphen) - Custom graphics/icons relevant to critical care paramedic education - Pre-defined layout slides for consistency and ease of use This project requires a PowerPoint expert with a knack for...
I am looking for a skilled developer to create a dynamic reverse proxy solution using and http-proxy-middleware. The proxy must function similarly to , offering seamless web proxy functionality with integration of a Service Worker on the frontend for advanced request handling. Requirements: Backend (Proxy Server): Build a reverse proxy using and http-proxy-middleware. Support dynamic target selection, routing requests to different backends based on specific rules (e.g., request paths, query parameters, or custom headers). Forward headers, cookies, and other request/response metadata correctly to emulate CroxyProxy's behavior. Implement custom middleware to modify or log requests and responses as required. Frontend
...These should be easy to select and add during the checkout process. Seamless User Experience: Step-by-Step Process: The website should guide customers through an intuitive, step-by-step process, where they first choose the box size, then the theme, followed by recipient details, category selections, and a personalized message. The user interface should be clean, engaging, and easy to navigate. Dynamic Box Size Validation: Ensure that customers can’t select more items than their chosen box size can accommodate. Display a real-time item count and message if they exceed the box's capacity. Mystery vs. Preview: Offer the option for customers to either leave the items completely mysterious or see a partial preview of what’s inside (e.g., a few sample items). Future ...
I'm looking for a skilled junior WordPress developer to create a straightforward yet effective portfolio site for my design work. I've designed each page layout and can provide copy and images, all color retouched and scaled. All images are my own or are royalty-free. Key features of the site inclu...responsive layout -no ecommerce, no blog. The ideal freelancer for this project will have: - Proven experience with WordPress - A strong understanding of responsive design - Ability to work from a specific design brief - Experience in creating portfolio sites - Ideally, some background or understanding in design to appreciate the nuances of the portfolio content. - Be comfortable working with a gay client and inclusive content. Please provide examples of previous simil...
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) CHAO'S COMMERCIAL BUILDING, BONHAM STRAND, SHEUNG WAN, HONG KONG • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, int...
I'm in need of a WooCommerce profession...different prices, that I need to integrate into a grouped product while maintaining dynamic pricing. The key tasks will include: - Merging two variable products into a grouped product - Ensuring the SKU is custom and respects dynamic pricing The variable products I'm looking to combine are both color-variable products. Therefore, the ideal candidate will need to: - Have extensive knowledge of WooCommerce and its functionalities - Be able to prioritize 'Color and color' attribute combinations in the grouped product - Possess the skills to create a grouped product that does not reflect individual product discounts, instead, omitting discounts altogether. Experience in WooCommerce product configuration and dyna...
Hello, We are Tajuto, a small company based in Italy specializing in IT administration and support, networking, and web development. We are young, dynamic, and dedicated to providing personalized solutions for businesses and individuals. We are looking for a unique and versatile logo that can represent our identity across various contexts: Website and digital presence Business cards and branding materials Promotional materials (brochures, flyers, banners) Company vehicles (mainly a Fiat Doblò) Our name, "Tajuto", is a play on the Italian phrase "ti aiuto," meaning "I help you." This name reflects our core mission: to be a reliable support system for those who need assistance in the technological and digital field. We don’t have specific ...
...include client testimonials, and provide an 'About Us' section. Key Website Sections: - About Us: This section will provide visitors with background information about our business, our mission, and our team. - Services: A detailed outline of what we offer, designed to attract potential clients. - Client Testimonials: I want to build trust with visitors by featuring positive feedback from our clients. - Gallery: This will showcase our work, demonstrating our capabilities and quality. - Contact Us: A simple, user-friendly contact form for inquiries. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in web design, preferably for business portfolios. - Strong understanding of user experience and interface design. - Ability to integrate inter...
I'm looking for an experienced software developer to build a CRM system for my consultancy company. This platform will be web-based only, with no need for a mobile app at this stage. Key Features: - Client Management: The CRM should have robust client management capabilities, allowing consultants to track interactions, manage relationships, and store client information effectively. - Sales Tracking: The system should include features for monitoring sales progress, tracking leads, and managing sales pipelines. - Task Automation: I want to streamline our processes with task automation features, reducing manual workload and improving efficiency. Access: - The CRM software will be exclusive to our consultants. Therefore, the system should be secure, with different a...