需要开发一款防火墙压力测试软件。类似于 但不需要感染,传播等等,并非黑客软件,只需要发包功能 1.有网络驱动编写经验,有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wpps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.开发者必须能够流利中文语音交流,否则不考虑!不能流利中文交流的不要投标以免浪费彼此的时间! 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈! 具体要求: 软件前台构架:1,主控制端(WINDOWS平台下运行) 2,受控端(Linux平台下运行)+(windows平台) 技术要求: 1,发包类型:为SYN、UDP、ICMP,TCP,CC DNS请求并发接攻 击等,多种。但以SYN FLOOD变种(可自定义数据包)为主,发送伪造源IP的SYN数据包但是数据包不是64字节而是上千字节这种攻击会造成一些防火墙处理错误锁死,消耗服务器CPU内存的同时还会堵塞带宽。 2,可以轮询发包:比如,输入一组ip地址,输入轮询时间30秒,选择发包方式,我们服务端30秒向第一个ip地址发包,接着30秒向第二个ip发包,轮询发包。比如CDN之后,实际是多IP的,就是CDN中每个IP,都打30秒。 3,软件支持多网卡绑定多IP绑定,数量在4网卡 支持内网上线 3,主控端功能:发送-攻击目标IP或者域名-端口-攻击方式-线程数量-单个封包大小-发送速度-攻击命令-停止命令等。 4,受控端功能:接受命令-并实行发包。 5,控制端与服务端通讯,正向连接,或者反向连接均可! 6,软件PPS吞吐量,详细讨论。 ...
需要开发一款防火墙压力测试软件。类似于 但不需要感染,传播等等,并非黑客软件,只需要发包功能 1.有网络驱动编写经验,有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wpps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.全职可以提供出国就业机会,兼职的话尽量能是比较熟悉上述环境! 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈! 待遇如下:自开发起每月3000$ 起步。 后续开发其他软件在另付费!当然如果你有很牛的技术,待遇可以在谈!
1.有网络驱动编写经验,有高并发网络经验,精通tcp/ip udp dns 等协议或肯钻研! 2.被控端可支持windows和linux,主控端支持windows 3.被控端linux千兆上行条件下并发syn要求达到150wbps/s 4.有钻研精神,能独立完成项目,不能像挤牙膏一样工作。 5.全职可以提供出国就业机会,兼职的话尽量能是比较熟悉上述环境!
软件环境:Windows XP及以上 硬件环境:各种显卡(Intel、AMD、nVidia等) 编程语言:C/C++ 软件功能:通过显卡DDC与显示器通信,具有读和写EDID、实现DDC/CI协议、I2C通信 交付成果:DLL库及源码
...Reception function: product management systems, search systems, shopping cart functionality , payment systems , order management systems ...... Background function: membership management system ; news, information , advertising systems ; Page Views Statistics ; Links ; station information retrieval system ...... 3 , website maintenance : Service providers need to provide ongoing maintenance support and training site back-office functions 4, can make a separate payment systems can also count the money alone 开发语言:php(根据自身情况而定) 参考网站: 具体要求: 1、网页设计及制作: 首页,产品详情页,商品列表页,订单提交页等,整体风格要大气上档次。 2、功能模块: 前台功能:产品管理系统, 搜索系统,购物车功能,支付系统,订单管理系统...... 后台功能:会员管理系统;新闻、信息、广告发布系统;页面访问 统计;友情链接;站内信息检索系统...... 3、网站维护: 服务商需要提供后期维护支持及网站后台功能培训 4、能单独做支付系统的也可以单独算钱
需要开发一款防火墙压力测试软件。类似于 但不需要感染,传播等等,并非黑客软件,只需要发包功能 软件需求: 1.支持windows系统 支持linux系统 2.主控需要带有循环,并发等等功能 3.优化syn发出字节数 具体需要的功能很多,有能力发开者继续详谈! 待遇如下:自开发起每月3000$ 起步。 后续开发其他软甲在另付费! 当然如果你有很牛的技术,待遇可以在谈!
你可以看看这个视频,这是我们将动感操控系统与操作系统结合后的效果, 我们做出这个系统后,由于需要修改安卓底层代码,所以无法让用户下载使用。 现在我们需要一个Chrome高手,将这个功能与安卓系统下的Chrome浏览器整合在一起,这样用户就可以下载本系统,且在使用浏览器的时候使用动感操控系统了。 我们可以提供我们原先做在操作系统中的代码模块,供参考。 基本原理,调用智能手机内部的陀罗,感知手机的转动状态,手机转动一定角度,鼠标指针就向相应的方向移动一定的距离。当手指点击屏幕上的虚拟按钮的时候,相当于点击鼠标按键。 当然,还要同时保持系统原有的触摸屏操作的操作功能,即两种操控方式是并行的。 其他附加功能,以及可选要求, 1.菜单、功能按钮的自动隐藏功能,就如同windows的任务栏可以自动隐藏,当鼠标指针移动到屏幕边缘的时候自动冒出来,鼠标指针移走后再自动隐藏。 2.有基本的节省流量的功能。 3.界面用unicode,打包的时候同时做出一个英文版、和中文版。 4.具有Chrome最新版的基本的省流量功能。 5.据说Chrome代码中有翻墙功能,如果能加入这个功能更好。具体参照【天行浏览器】中的相应的功能。 7.具有基本功能相关的【设置菜单】项,对相关功能进行设置。 8.完成后提供源代码、注释、及详细说明, 投标方可以先用Chrome的源代码打包随便做一个简单、基本的浏览器,起一个市面上没有的名字或加一个特殊标志,证明你熟悉Chrome。投标者最好是汉语普通话流利的中国人。
1、不断扫描记录最新的开奖信息 2、如果程序在7:00-8:00没开,当8:00打开程序时,会自动把前面丢失的开奖信息补上(只需要补最近2天的就可以,如7.1 0点至7.2 24点) 3、程序可以用C#或C++写,做成WINDOWS SERVICE,数据存储到MYSQL 5.5或更高版里。 6、数据结构大体为 乐8数据存储结构: ID 期号 开奖时间(实际开奖时间,如2014-1-1 9:05) 创建时间(生成数据的时间) 中奖号码(字符串,逗号分割) 7、需要源代码。
CHINESE WEBSITE I want to have good SEO service for my website: Our service is for eye exam esp for children. We focus on myopic control, eyecare tips. SEO target for and google
终端信息查询:统计客户端计算机基本信息,包括计算机名称,网络地址,操作系统,登录用户,当前状态等信息。 程序黑白名单:对指定的程序禁止,支持进程名称控制、签名控制等方式。 网站黑白名单:可以按全天或指定的时间段对网页访问进行控制。 共享目录控制:能够枚举共享文档属性、类型和当前连接情况,删除共享文件夹,对文档共享情况进行控制,解决了终端用户随意共享文件或忘记取消文件共享所带来的文件泄密隐患。 新安装软件管理:禁止或允许客户端安装软件,未经管理许可的软件无法安装。 用户账号管理:能够枚举目标主机中所有的账号和分组情况;能够新增用户、删除用户;能够锁定某个账号,并对账号进行解锁;能够修改账号的密码,能够对账号的权限进行管理。 终端服务管理:能够枚举终端的服务情况,并进行禁用、启动、重启、停止等控制。 终端锁定:管理员可以锁定指定终端,停止用户操作。 终端重启、关机:管理员可以远程重启或者关闭某个指定终端。 终端进程管理:实时监视终端用户当前运行的进程的详细信息,并且允许安全管理员可以从进程列表中选择特定进程进行远程终止。 IP地址管理:支持ip/mac地址的绑定,防止用户随意修改ip。 软件分发 文件分发:可指定用户或分组进行自动的文件推送,推送文件会在客户端自行打开。 程序执行:可向指定用户或分组发送绿色软件,并执行下发的程序。 软件分发日志:所有管理员发起的分发行为统一记入日志,终端的执行情况也可以进行查询。 屏幕监控 远程屏幕监视:实时监视终端用户的计算机屏幕状态,提供抓屏功能,为终端用户的操作行为保留现场。支持多个屏幕同时监控。支持屏幕录像。 远程协助 远程终端控制:能...
SQL注入/代码审计/数据库权限/渗透测试技术 接渗透单子高手,联系电子邮箱:aqcp#(#改成@)语言要求:中文 熟练掌握各种内网渗透测试工具与相关知识,精通常见安全攻防技术:sql注入、xss、文件上传、文件包含、命令执行等漏洞 熟悉linux、unix、Windows、oracle、J2EE等各种环境下WEB的安全配置与安全检查及WEB漏洞防范; 熟悉各种脚本语言(asp,php,jsp,java,net、perl、python等)具备独立挖掘web安全漏洞与入侵手段 具备一定的网络安全知识,对网络安全结构、系统漏洞、入侵检测、病毒防护等有深入理论基础和实践经验; 熟悉渗透测试黑客攻防的步骤、方法、流程、熟练掌握各种渗透测试攻防工具有实际渗透经验者优先; 求大虾接单,脱裤,要求,电话,手机,姓名,邮箱,其他的一概不要。每笔单1000美金起步,根据站的难度而定价格,具体可以详谈,寻找长期合作. 态度认真、中介勿扰,请技术实力说话。
1、分为SERVER和CLIENT 2、CLIENT远程控制SERVER 3、SERVER实现磁盘管理,SHELL,进程,服务,注册表,端口反弹 4、SERVER做成WINDOWS 服务自启动 5、SERVER要能通过HTTP代理出去,简单来说,就是可以获得IE代理然后连接出去。 6、过主流防御软件(这个可以协商) 7、SERVER运行于XP,WINDOWS 7/WINDOWS 8(32位和64位)
This project is for Wechat 微信 and the service provider should be able to read and write Chinese and understand the Wechat Market for marketing. 1. 搭建微信网站 2. 微信在线商城、微酒店、微订餐点菜服务、微医疗挂号预约服务 3. 开通微信会员卡服务、大转盘、360全景看房 4. 最好與我的wordpress 網站連在一起。 5. 提供其他微信的推廣方法
我司网站寻站内优化,SEO 优化,并更改网站错误,不合理部分,以便能在GOOGLE上的排名提升。修改网站错误,BUG,内链,外链,使网站更利于主流搜索引擎收录,排名能有大的提升。 SEO优化是个长期的行为,也可以先考虑网站的内容,程序等错误,不合理部分的修改,站内的优化,更利于GOOGLE排名,希望能详细谈谈
WINDOWS平台下,编写一个输入法钩子(动态库),能够截取流行输入法界面中的内容,包括候选项、编辑框中的内容。 流行输入法包括搜狗输入法、谷歌输入法、QQ输入法、百度输入法、BING输入法等。 调用实例:简单写一个调用示例,能实时在输入法输入框附近镜像显示输入法中的内容,用以检验钩子的有效性。 适用平台:WIN XP, WIN2003,WIN7,WIN8
WINDOWS平台下,编写一个输入法钩子(动态库),能够截取流行输入法界面中的内容,包括候选项、编辑框中的内容。 流行输入法包括搜狗输入法、谷歌输入法、QQ输入法、百度输入法、BING输入法等。 调用实例:简单写一个调用示例,能实时在输入法输入框附近镜像显示输入法中的内容,用以检验钩子的有效性。 适用平台:WIN XP, WIN2003,WIN7,WIN8
...lighting simulation is need as well the solid model ,make it hollow. (offset the mesh faces to one side, give it a thickness ) you have the ability to change pointcloud to mesh, plz notice us. f. windows platform . c++ is best for us. Criteria a. realize all the requirements i mentioned. b. submit the relevant source code c. finish in two or three weeks. me know you are solo or not btw ;) 一.软件要求 1.使用opengl等显示3D模型(最起码支持stl格式) 2.能够使用鼠标对模型进行旋转缩放等编辑,同时摄像机位置可以切换front,back,left,right,top等视角(建五个按钮,一健切换视角) 3.模型显示要美观,有光源分布,增强模型显示效果 4.必须有能力的对模型进行挖洞处理(比如一个实心球,对其面进行向内偏移,生成一个厚度的球壁) 5.有额外能力逆向工程点云生面的,也请竞标时给予说明 6.windows 平台 语言C++ 二. 验收标准 1.完成以上的基本功能需求 2.提交相关的源代码 3.两周左右时间交付 三. 团队要求 1.希望找一个有丰富经验的团队或个人承接这个项目。 2.如...
第一次见到并使用这个网站,还不熟悉,我把昨天发布的IOS上的WEBRTC开发项目删掉重新发布一次: 中国平安集团公司拟自主研发基于Google 开源项目WEBRTC 的音视频软件,用于电话中心及视频中心坐席(通过PC机浏览器业务系统)和客户端(PAD平板电脑或平安银行的自助设备)之间的音视频沟通、以及某重点项目的客户手机之间的音视频聊天,该音视频功能和微信的音视频功能一样。 平安拟招聘研发人员开发基于Google WEBRTC (IOS、Andriod、Windows )三个版本的SDK,在此SDK之上,平安的内部开发人员再开发音视频应用。 该项目要求6月末上线。 要求项目投标人员熟悉Google WEBRTC、熟悉IOS或Andriod或Windows上的C++或java开发 。 平安长期招聘熟悉音视频编解码或者IOS、Andriod的开发及设计人员,我们很希望合格你的你成为平安大家庭的一员。 有意者电话联系: david 13823243949/ 0755 22623808
使用USB CDC类实现USB转串口windows驱动 ,实现的windows 驱动可以和我们硬件设备正常连接工作稳定。 使用USB CDC类实现USB转串口windows驱动 ,实现的windows 驱动可以和我们硬件设备正常连接工作稳定。
使用USB CDC类实现USB转串口windows驱动 ,实现的windows 驱动可以和我们硬件设备正常连接工作稳定。 使用USB CDC类实现USB转串口windows驱动 ,实现的windows 驱动可以和我们硬件设备正常连接工作稳定。
Windows Socket开发,C/S程序,多线程,界面开发(GPSTracker,IPcamera,USB电话机)。MySQL,SQLSever,多年工作经验,积累大量源代码,可以复用到其他的新的项目中!!希望合作愉快!!
I need a Modern (tech) style wordpress theme designed and installed. I already have the existing site running at the moment (), but would like to upgrade the site design. Design must include modern looking paper for content area and navigation area and look cohesive with logo and background. The design should look similar, but absolutely not copied, to look like this site You must not copy any graphics in this site and put it in my design. Site should include the following - 2 Column design. 2 sizes thumbnails (featured image now called) with short excerpt.(just look 90% like [color changed] is totally my idea but the largest thumnails (what's Hot column) should be left hand side instead of right, and "The New Stuff"
I need an experienced Google Ads Specialist to help resolve a "Misrepresentation and Compromised Site" policy issue affecting my website. Although my site complies with Google's guidelines, this issue is preventing my campaigns from running. Scope of Work: Audit the website to identify potential policy violations. Ensure compliance with Google's transparency, security, and content standards. Provide actionable recommendations to fix identified issues. Submit a review request to Google Ads for re-evaluation. Requirements: Proven experience in resolving Google Ads policy violations. Knowledge of website security, compliance, and best practices. Strong communication skills to provide clear updates on progress. Deliverables: Detailed report o...
We are seeking a skilled freelancer to develop an advanced AI Support Agent. The system shall handle incoming calls, dispatch text messages with website links, provide accurate responses to frequently asked questions, and escalate intricate issues to human agents. Moreover, it will feature a customized voice personality to enhance user interaction and manage client-reported maintenance concerns effectively. Additionally, the system will integrate seamlessly with pre-existing technologies on our website.
I'm in need of an AI support agent for my customer service hotline in the real estate sector. This agent needs to be able to: - Answer common questions - Send text messages with links to pages on our website to incoming callers - Pass callers onto human agents when complex issues arise - Take reports of property maintenance issues Ideal skills for this job include AI programming, natural language processing, and experience in designing customer service bots specifically for the technology industry. Please provide examples of your previous work in this field.
We are seeking a talented Full-Stack Developer to design and implement a standalone flashcard system. The system will be built in isolation and later integrated into our existing application. The ideal candidate is a self-starter with expertise in modern web development technologies, passionate about building intuitive and scalable solutions. Key Responsibilities Frontend Development: Develop a responsive, user-friendly interface using plain React without additional UI frameworks. Implement features like card creation, editing, and study modes with a focus on usability and accessibility. Backend Development: Design and build a robust backend using Prisma for database management and tRPC for efficient API communication. Ensure the bac...
I'm looking for a seasoned telemarketing professional with experience selling services to consumers in Spain. This role will primarily involve selling via phone calls. Ideal Skills: - Extensive telemarketing experience, specifically in selling services to individuals - Excellent communication and persuasion skills - Familiarity with the Spanish market - Ability to meet sales targets - It is essential to speak Spanish perfectly Please apply if you can help me boost my service sales in Spain.
I'm in need of a seasoned human resources specialist who can help source candidates for entry-level positions in Administrative and Customer Service roles. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor to find potential candidates - Screen applications and shortlist suitable candidates - Coordinate with me for interviews and further assessments Ideal Skills: - Excellent understanding of entry-level Administrative and Customer Service roles - Proficient in using LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor for recruitment - Strong communication and interpersonal skills - Experience in HR and talent sourcing
I'm looking for an experienced developer to create an Android-based service app similar to Uber. The ideal candidate must have a deep understanding and proficiency in using AI tools, particularly Claude, for rapid development. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in writing, reviewing, and integrating AI-generated code. - Proficient in UI/UX design and implementation. - Skilled in combining AI-generated components into a fully functional app. Core Features: - A user booking system with provider tracking - A provider-side application for managing requests - An admin panel - Integrated payments, chat, and rating systems User Authentication: - Email and password - Social media sign-in Please include a...
...seeking a seasoned app developer to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for an innovative automobile service platform. This app will connect users with nearby certified mechanics for basic vehicle services such as doorstep repairs, health reports, and real-time service tracking. Key Features: - User Registration/Login: via Email and Phone Verification - Service Booking: for basic repairs and maintenance - Real-time Service Tracking - Payment Gateway Integration: with Paytm, PhonePe, GPay, UPI - Push Notifications - Basic Admin Panel: for Service Management, supporting Admins, Certified Mechanics, and Customer Support The app will need to be developed for both iOS and Android platforms, featuring a standard app navigation inter...
My WordPress website is experiencing plugin issues, leading to broken links and missing pages. - The most pressing concern...- The most pressing concern involves the plugin-related problems, which are causing broken links or missing pages, disrupting the site's functionality. - I need to update pricing and some wording throughout the site. - I want a design refresh for the homepage, Product/Service pages, and the About Us page. - The desired aesthetic is a modern and minimalistic design. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Proficiency in WordPress troubleshooting and plugin management. - Experience in website content updating and pricing revisions. - Strong background in modern and minimalistic web design. - Ability to ...
We're seeking a professional payroll service provider for our Indian operations. The ideal freelancer should be well-versed in Indian payroll processes and compliance, capable of preparing all necessary payroll documents and reports. Work Cover under Package: - Wage Register - Payroll Summary - Pay Slip - PF Challans - ESIC Challans - PT Workings as per state act - MIS Report tailored to client requirements (additional charges applicable) Key Requirements: - Comprehensive preparation and management of the Wage Register, Payroll Summary, Pay Slips, PF Challans & ESIC Challans, and MIS Reports - Detailed and accurate Wage Register containing Employee ID and name, Hours worked and wages, Deductions and net pay, and any other components as requested - Precise P...
I'm seeking examples of successful Facebook leads for an agency-focused services business. Primarily, I need to understand how these leads can be utilized for lead generation purposes. Key Requirements: - Provide as many examples as possible - Examples should focus on lead generatio...Facebook leads for an agency-focused services business. Primarily, I need to understand how these leads can be utilized for lead generation purposes. Key Requirements: - Provide as many examples as possible - Examples should focus on lead generation - Examples should come from or relate to Facebook Your Experience: - Previous work in lead generation - Experience with Facebook as a platform - Understanding of agency-type service businesses Please provide your bid with a f...
Job Posting: Marketing and Automation Specialist Innovative Global Talent Agency (IGTA) is seeking a skilled and dynamic individual to join our team. We specialize in talent mobility solutions, offering unmatched petitioner services for global professionals. We need a dedicated specialist to help us expand our reach and streamline our operations. | Key Responsibilities: Content Creation and Management: Design and edit graphics for social media, advertisements, and websites. Publish and update content on Squarespace and other web platforms. Social Media Management: Develop and execute social media campaigns across LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitch. Engage with audiences through direct messaging and comments. Marketing Automation:
I'm looking for a skilled C# developer with experience in enhancing Windows services and working with APIs, particularly the Milestone Server API. The objective of this project is to enhance an existing C# Windows service to query the status of CCTV cameras via the Milestone Server API. Scope of work: - Implement a function that queries the status of CCTV cameras from the XProtect 2021 R2 Milestone Server API. - Develop an API within the Windows service that lists cameras and displays their status as either "online" or "offline". Key Requirements: - Proficient in C# and Windows service development. - Prior experience with the Milestone Server API is highly desirable. - Ability to create ...
I'm seeking a seasoned business development executive to spearhead our sales efforts within the B2B technology and services sector. Key Responsibilities: - Drive strategies aimed at increasing our sales figures - Identify and target potential B2B clients within the tech and service industries Ideal Candidate: - Proven track record in B2B sales, particularly in the technology and services sectors - Excellent communication and negotiation skills - Strategic thinker with a results-oriented approach
I need a design similar to the attached image, but updated to include a green ivy vine running through 40. Please update fonts as needed.
I'm seeking a skilled Facebook Ads professional to help generate leads for my digital products. Key Objectives: - The primary aim of these ads is lead generation. Target Audience: - The ads will be targeted towards young adults (18-24). Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Facebook Ads platform - Experience with digital product promotion - Understanding of young adult market trends - Lead generation expertise Your role will involve creating, running, and optimizing Facebook ads to maximize lead generation. A creative approach to targeting and ad design is essential to capture the attention of our desired demographic. Experience in promoting digital products is a significant advantage.
I have developed a digital service with a subscription model via a website. The development phase is complete. Now, I am looking for a partner to take responsibility for digital marketing. Profits and advertising costs will be shared equally between us. It would be like starting a project where we are both partners—I handle development, you handle marketing, and both profits and costs are equally divided. The service and work would be online, so where we live wouldn’t be an issue. It would need to be someone who truly has the interest and availability to give this a try.
I'm seeking a seasoned digital marketer with a proven track record in running successful ad campaigns on Facebook and TikTok, specifically targeting adults aged 20-35. The primary goal of this campaign is to drive direct sales for a single product. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a targeted ad campaign across Facebook and TikTok. - The campaign should specifically focus on reaching adults within the 20-35 age bracket. - The main objective of the campaign is to drive direct sales. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Facebook and TikTok ad platforms. - Strong understanding of targeting strategies for the 20-35 age demographic. - Proven ability to drive direct sales through digital advertising.
I'm seeking an entry-level personal assistant to support my small business. Key Responsibilities: - Managing my schedule and calendar to ensure efficient time management. - Handling emails and correspondence to maintain smooth communication....an entry-level personal assistant to support my small business. Key Responsibilities: - Managing my schedule and calendar to ensure efficient time management. - Handling emails and correspondence to maintain smooth communication. - Assisting with data entry and organization to keep the business running smoothly. This position is hybrid, requiring both on-site and remote work. Ideal candidates should possess strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and a proactive attitude. Experience in a similar role wou...
Prestation de service aux Hotels Préparation et mise en place des produits : Préparer les produits pour le service du petit-déjeuner (viennoiseries, fruits, yaourts, céréales, etc.) et du déjeuner (salades, plats froids, etc.). Veiller à la qualité et à la présentation des produits avant le service. Suivre les recettes et les fiches techniques de l'hôtel pour garantir l’uniformité et la qualité des plats. Gestion des stocks : Assister dans la gestion des stocks en vérifiant les dates de péremption et la rotation des produits. Aider à la réception des livraisons et à leur rangement. Préparation et assistance au service :...
Team Needed: Java (Spring Boot) and React Vite Experts Project Overview: We are seeking a team with extensive experience in Java Spring Boot and React Vite to collaborate on enhancing and developing additional modules for our Management System. This is a complex and deep system, and we need professionals who can deliver high-quality results within a tight timeline. Key Requirements: Backend Expertise: In-depth knowledge and proven experience in Spring Boot. Frontend Expertise: Skilled in React Vite. Ability to deliver each module within a 1-2-week timeframe Proven track record of managing and delivering complex modular systems. Scope of Work: Develop and integrate additional modules into the existing system. Ensure all new modules...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a modern style sign board for my service-oriented company. The sign board should be made of push letters acrylic, a material that strikes a balance between durability and aesthetic appeal. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in graphic design and sign board design - Experience with modern design aesthetics - Familiarity with push letters acrylic material - Creative, out-of-the-box thinking - Ability to understand and translate business identity into design Please provide examples of your previous work.
We are looking for an experienced and detail-oriented Social Media & Customer Service Manager to enhance the online presence of our mission-driven brand. We promote diversity and inclusion for young kids through thoughtfully designed products. This role combines managing social media interactions with providing excellent customer service and handling order management to foster a positive community and ensure customer satisfaction. Key Responsibilities: Social Media Management: - Develop and schedule regular posts across various social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) using provided content. - Respond promptly to comments, direct messages, and tags to engage with followers and build community. - Monitor social media trends and audience interac...