...step, improve the content of the framework). Optimize the AI search function (add the Baidu search API, and after searching, the content should be organized and fed back to the user with the AI). When there is a problem with the AI response/call, display a message saying “The system is busy, please try again later.” Add a prompt to the bottom of the AI frame page. Add AI fixed commands, download file function, and speech-to-text function. AI drawing function: Add image editing functions (can add text, modify image size, overlay images, remove backgrounds, etc.), image watermarks, zoom-in function (similar to the zoom-in function of Photoshop), partial redraw function (similar to the partial redraw function of ChatGPT), and other functions found in design drawings. AI...
...from a large text file and slowly write them into individual small text files in the target folder. --- ### GitHub Repository Requirements document and text to be processed are available at the GitHub repository: []() --- ### Summary of Requirements Extract the WhatsApp group chat records from a large text file `` located in the `HistoryMsg` directory and slowly release them into the target folder. Each message should become a small file where the content is the translated version of the message. For images or other attachments (images do not require translation), release them as individual files, one file per attachment. After writing each small file, wait for a random
遠端工作,時間由員工決定,事先排班。適合會計系,財務管理在學學生。 一天大約需要的時間30分鐘到三小時,每天不一定時間,看工作量。 會做財報的 4 大報表。 從事財務處理記錄、會計交易紀錄及代理營業場所帳籍登錄與計算、收付款與開立扣繳或免扣繳憑單等工作,以及從事現金出納,並登記現金交易事項。
Project Overview Budget: 400 USD Deadline: To be completed within one month Progress Reporting: Daily updates on weekdays Prerequisites Soft...The backend should support account freezing and unfreezing for user accounts. Admins can manually freeze or unfreeze user accounts to limit or restore access. Technical Requirements All configuration options and effects should be customizable in the backend to ensure flexibility. Features should be developed as plugins wherever possible, making it easier for future management and updates. If you read the requirements document, please add: 12366 at the top of your bid, otherwise we will not reply! All token-consuming features (text moderation, voice functions, and image keyword generation) should have logging and anti-abuse mechanisms in th...
Use PHP to copy this AI management panel and add new functions. Our situation: At present, our software has a web version front-end (the front-end has source code, written in Vue3+Gin); The back-end (the management panel obtained by purchasing a license, all functions are encrypted). We need to develop an manageme...ownership of the source code must belong to us. Total amount: 3500U Deadline: about 30-60 days Continuous cooperation: We need a long-term cooperative development team to continuously develop our project and maintain technology. After completing all development, you can serve as our long-term technician with a fixed salary. Language issues: We can not only speak Chinese or Cantonese, but we can read and write English. If you can't speak Chinese, we need to commu...
...regulations in Malaysia; 5. Good Interpersonal communication communication ability, team spirit and good professional ethics; 6. Work diligently and responsibly, actively strive for progress, and be able to consciously and proactively complete the work tasks required by the position and assigned by superiors. -Working from home five days a week -Work life balance If you're interested in what you've read and are keen to dive into the exciting, fast-paced world of recruitment, we want to hear from you! To confidently step into this role, ideally, you will: Possess excellent verbal and written communication skills to engage with a wide variety of stakeholders with professionalism and enthusiasm .Be curious and resourceful in asking questions and identifying opportuni...
根据我们提供的一个html前端模板和我们的设计宏观理念,设计一个类似传统知识付费网站的前端html,不需要后端,不需要对接,页面用到bootstrap 5、CSS 和 html,不用angular,有能力的联系,价格面议,感谢
有1700多个类目编号,需要通过每个类目编号下的商品名称和描述匹配相应的类目名称。 I have ~1700 category ids that are integers. For each category_id, I will provide descriptions for 30 products in simplified Chinese and the freelancer needs to read the descriptions and map the category_id to a category. I will provide a list of categories as well
最近在建一个外卖送餐的网站,需要接入Xunhupay的(微信和支付宝)支付模块。 网站使用的是foodomaa的整站代码: 需要的技能有: Software Version: PHP 7.x Software Framework: Laravel File Types Included: JavaScript JSJavaScript JSON HTML CSS PHP SQL Layered PNG 如果您感兴趣,可以写信给我,价格好商量。 另外网站还有其它的一些改版工作要做,我们可以具体讨论一下能不能一并做。 等您回复哦……
现有的CRM系统是使用HTML+PHP方式开发,前台主要框架angular.js,后台主要框架是Propel、slim等。 要做一些页面的修改和工单流程的修改。
我们首先要做一个的app壳进行审核通过,过审内容不限,只要能过就行!上架成功后对接我们的API来读取首页内容显示!我们要求LOGO、产品名称、介绍图、开发者账号、极光账号必须要用我们的。 我们有自己的一个主网站平台,为了推广我们的主网站平台,我们需要长期制作大 量马甲app,然后引导用户到我们的主网站游戏,所以,你制作的app的功能只给审 核人员看到,只是为了应付审核,app上架之后,直 接通过webview打开我们给定的url地址给用户就行了。 We must first do an app shell for review and approval, and the content of the review is not limited, as long as it can pass! After the success, we will dock our API to read the homepage content display! We require LOGO, product name, introduction map, developer account, and Aurora account to use our. We have our own main website platform. In order to promote our main website platform, we need to make a lot of vest apps for a long time, and then guide users to our main website game. Therefore, the function of the app you make is only for the reviewers...
程序是: 首先 第一步: 随机抽取5个phome_ecms_news里面的id和classid 第二步: 读取phome_ecms_news的id和classid,作为函数使用 第3步: 插入phome_enewspl_1新的内容到数据库 例子:$sql = "insert into phome_enewspl_1(plid, pubid, username, sayip, saytime,id,checked,classid,zcnum, fdnum, userid,isgood,saytext,eipport) values (NULL, '1000310000019701', '', '', unix_timestamp(), '$id', '0', '$classid', '50', '1', '0', '0', '评论内容', '48010')"; 第四步: 更新phome_ecms_news的字段plnum+1并且对应第一步读取的id值 例子:UPDATE phome_ecms_news SET plnum =plnum+1 WHERE id = 20488;
We have completed the graphic design and graphic materials, to speed up the project that want additional resource to help us to code for HTML 5 pages. - Adaptive HTML for mobile devices - Multi- environment support(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - Expected 2.5 weeks to complete entire page development, 0.5 weeks for testing and fixing - Basic test from developer before releasing every build to us. Final acceptance test will done by us - NDA is needed before start sharing project infomation 目前我们正在开发一个餐厅订单后台处理的平台,需要另外一名freelance来加速HTML5的开发进程。 - 目前我们已经完成了页面额设计和PS素材的制作,开发人员可以直接使用。 - 自适应网页制作,尤其是针对不同的移动设备(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - 希望在两周半的时候完成页面的开发(希望每两两天提交代码,以便早点检查和反馈),大概3-5天做验收测试和问题修复 - 希望开发人员会做基本的自测,确保发给我们验收的内容有一定的质量。当然我们也很希望开发者可用提出一些专业的建议和意见 - 需要和...
需求: 描述跟附件有点多只是为了更详细的说明问题,减少沟通成本 有目标站点可参考,主要就几个页面,仿前后台前后端, 需要添加几个滑出页面(押注类游戏的玩法),说明图片见附件 实现后端功能有类似站点的部分源码可供参考(后端采用PHP+MySQL), 后端涉及到即时通讯,需要有socket编程经验 用户登陆需对接微信登陆接口 要求: 1、交付代码要求框架清晰,需要将css、js等资源分类各个文件夹; 2、html中每个大的div实现的功能需要明确注释,代码必须标准工整; 3、PHP文件需要注释明确,代码必须标准工整; 4、需保证多用户情况下,程序运行流畅,用户体验流畅 如果我不在线请留言,最晚12小时内我会回复
嗨, 我想购买简单的准备去中国市场的应用程序与证书和广告或在应用程序购买。 你必须能够用简单的英语进行交流 References:
...two GPIO port does not read to the upper directly by the driver to send the key value is to join the LINUX input event, the forward rotation send button Value 59, reverse rotation send key value 60, read from event0. 2. RS485 driver RS485 need a direction control pin, when the corresponding UART to send and receive data, the direction of the foot can automatically achieve direction control. 3. Buzzer drive buzzer driver requirements can set the PWM output frequency, the output time, the output time to automatically shut down the PWM output. 4. Membrane button drive and USB keyboard driver reserved 24 GPIO as a thin film button input, the current drive is read as a GPIO port; the best input into LINUX event, press the different keys to send different keys Value...
寻“简历解析”精准度高的算法 支持格式:.html|.htm|.doc|.docx|.pdf|.txt|.xls|.xlsx|.jpg|图片简历解析等;
请人朗读名著《哈德良回忆录》 作者:(法)尤瑟纳尔 著,陈筱卿 译中文版 因为是古罗马帝王的第一人称的故事,所以希望是个男声(任何年龄20-70岁),没有口音!普通话标准 。希望你也喜欢古希腊历史,时间为2个月完成,谢谢!
工作职责: 1、负责Web前端表现层及与前后端交互的架构设计、研发和性能优化,并保持良好兼容性; 2、负责Web前沿技术研究和新技术调研并用于实践。 职责要求: 1、本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业; 2、5年以上Web前端开发经验; 3、熟悉W3C标准,对表现与数据分离、Web语义化等有深刻理解; 4、熟练掌握HTML/XHTML、CSS等网页制作技术,熟悉页面架构和布局; 5、精通Backbone前端常用类库; 6、熟练掌握JavaScript、Ajax等Web开发技术 7、熟练跨浏览器、跨终端的开发; 8、有良好的沟通与表达能力、思路清晰,较强的动手能力与逻辑分析能力; 9、善于学习新事物,善于沟通和表达,有良好的团队合作意识; 10、熟悉ES6,了解前端工程化工具,如Gulp、Webpack等; 11、熟悉单页应用开发, 有移动站点开发经验(优先考虑); 12、了解响应式设计,对移动端开发有一定了解(优先考虑)。
实现PDF转html,熟悉css/css3, 使用javascript,考虑性能与兼容除非客户要求不会用jQuery。做出成品后,3个星期内(与页面不符)只要客户发邮件提出,免费小范围修改,但是大范围的修改要加价。重要的事说三遍:存手写代码切图,存手写代码切图,存手写代码切图。
需要开发一套库存及订单管理系统,要求基于数据库(mysql或sql server均可)开发。 库存管理部分,要求对商品的入库出库有良好的输入及确认界面; 订单管理系统,因为是从客户的服务器上下载txt文件(内容为订单),需要将订单纳入数据库,然后根据库存情况判断能否发货,并在最终确定发货日期及发货数量后生成txt文件并上传回客户的服务器。下载及上传txt文件,有客户提供的软件,只要以命令行方式调用即可。 需要按照客户指定格式打印交货单。
请人念《请以你的名字呼唤我》作者: 安德烈.艾席蒙 André Aciman,75美元
need to build a membership website, where the articles are "locked", partial is shown on website, and free members read only partial article, but paid members the article is open up for him to read with login and password. similar to this website (sorry it's in Chinese)
quickly need an assistant who can read and type mandarin Chinese !! this is a must ! 到一个英语考试网站上面,复制粘贴一些英语题目到excel 表格 题目数量: 48个
we need a HTML 5 micro-site for a campaign. The user can upload files, images or video on the micro-site. This micro-site need to link with Wechat (a Chinese app), and he can share the micro-site via Facebook, Instagram, Wechat and other popular social media platform
Hello, for my web-project I ma seraching a native Chinese speaker & writer, who can write me texts for the website 生日祝福语 (Birthday greetings). I need that you undrestand good english to be able to understand your tasks, with attachment. Then I need that all texts (35 birthday wishes second my instructions) are written in SIMPLIFIED CHINESE CHARACTERS. PLease, read really cerfully my instructions, thank you
1、会指定相应的目标网站链接 2、给出针对目标网站的修改意见 3、根据1、2点进行网站效果图的制作出psd文件 4、要求psd文件里面分组分层清晰,便于制作html 5、如果有html的制作能力就更好,价格可再议
Hello, for my web-project I ma seraching a native Chinese speaker & writer, who can write me texts for the website 生日祝福语 (Birthday greetings). I need that you undrestand good english to be able to undrestand your tasks, viz attechment. Than I need that all texts (all together 9 introduction texts) are written in SIMPLIFIED CHINESE CHARACTERS. I ...Chinese speaker & writer, who can write me texts for the website 生日祝福语 (Birthday greetings). I need that you undrestand good english to be able to undrestand your tasks, viz attechment. Than I need that all texts (all together 9 introduction texts) are written in SIMPLIFIED CHINESE CHARACTERS. I will need from you 1 text for home page, 3 texts for directory pages and 5 introduction texts. PLease, read very cerefully my instru...
Gps测速 实时显示gps速度 放电保护电压(向单片机写入一组数据) 充电保护电压(向单片机写入一组数据) 温度保护(向单片机写入一组数据) 放电显示(从单片机读取电流参数并在安卓上面显示出来) 电流显示 (从单片机读取电流参数并在安卓上面显示出来) 温度显示 (从单片机读取电流参数并在安卓上面显示出来) 电压显示功能(显示电池每一节的电压 可以手动配置电池数量,从单片机读取电池,可以按照低压高低排序) 电压差功能 单节电池最高电压和最低电压的差别 修改蓝牙的配对密码 以及ssid 三个界面 一个是显示速度温度电流使用电量的界面 一个 是 配置各种参数的界面 还有一个是读取电池电压的界面
...click the european roulette graphic. 2. Play for Fun. 3. Click the '100-spin' button three times; each after the button clears and allows for the next click. 4. Click the 'statistics' button and view the page. 5. Look either at the top row of 5 numbers or the bar graph and look for a 'zero' above any red, black or the green zero. The top five numbers will read 'Never Hit' and show the number(s) if any that have not been hit in the last 300 spins. 6. If no numbers show, then move cursor up to 'Game Options' and a drop down line will show 'table games' then follow back to the euroroulette table and that will reset spin count/history and start the spin process again. ...
1. 网页的语言是中文 2. 我们提供LOGO (用 上的金色LOGO) 3. 我们会自行把设计接入代码 4. 不需要制作flash 5. 主色避免使用紅色, 设计者可以自行決定其他颜色 6. 感觉必須大气,轻松,成功感,信任感 7. 参考网页:(1) (2) (3) 8. 需要10天左右完成 9. 中间沟通可以使用相片截图。最终交HTML, CSS, JS, 相片和图标等等
Our client has a news website based on Wordpress and it has a mobile adapted plugin already. What we need is an app to be wrote and submitted to the apple store and Android marketplace: Requirements: 1) Submitted successfully and be able to be searched by key words; 2) Be able to push messages to those who has installed the app; 3) Be able to read basic statistics for the administrators. The website address is : [dot]com (Pls replace the [doc] with "." )
PSD转HTML,支持PC即可。为开发做准备用的。 PSD转HTML,支持PC即可。为开发做准备用的。
我需要一个人帮我设计一个模拟彩票网址叫"快乐8",需要跟手机版一样。我需要它是用Photoshop 设计的 UI, 现在不需要用HTML 设计。 细节: 模拟竞猜网站主要界面设计,参考附件。这些图片是我找了相近的网站截图自己修改的,你i可以拿它作为参考。方块是我删除的不要的东西。PSD文件是手机版。 这个网站是模拟竞猜北京快乐8彩票 网站用积分投注 积分主要用bitcoin兑换,或活动赠送 中奖后的积分可以兑换bitcoin 请又用Photoshop设计UI.
*見附件"功能需求簡介" 功能1 1、輸入等級、國別、功能、代碼後,進而篩選出合適數據並呈現出圖表 2、代碼可打入多種進而讓不同數據比較、並呈現出圖表 功能2 1、輸入F、G或H、I按下Button後可篩選出所有符合的數值並呈現圖表 功能3 檔案來源為json或csv
我们需要写一个iOS的app,专门用于复习语文考试的第一题字音题。我们会提供3000个词和其汉语拼音(unicode txt文件)。 第一版只需要实现两个功能,第一个是字音的显示,第二个字音的输入(当然还包括数据的搜集)。 如果第一版合作成功,我们会继续合作。 合格的申请人应该要应该提交一份项目计划书,大致说明需要的时间。此外,请提交一份程序代码的样品。