我们想开发1套【让用户通过微信小程序,自主参加交友活动的信息系统】 1、项目描述 该套系统分为【前台系统】 和 【后台系统】 前台系统是1个微信小程序 该微信小程序,用于【展示交友互动】,让用户使用该小程序,报名参加【交友活动】 由我们开发对接该小程序的【后台系统】 我们向接包公司提供【该套系统的网络架构、数据库设计、该小程序调用的后台的接口】 该【后台系统】和【前台系统的接口】,部署在云服务器中 2、任务描述 接包公司负责开发前台的所有功能(即:微信小程序) 接包公司需要用HBuilder X的Uniapp框架,开发该微信小程序 Uniapp框架的官网的网址是 接包公司完成该小程序项目后,需要向我们提供所有的项目资料,包括:功能流程图、微信小程序的源代码等等 该微信小程序,要能在安卓系统 和 苹果手机系统中,正常运行 该微信小程序,要能自动在不同尺寸的屏幕的手机中,按原型图的布局,正常显示 用户使用该微信小程序的所有功能产生的数据,用我们的接口,必须能持续、成功、正确写入我们开发的【后台系统】的数据库中,视为该系统测试通过的其中1个条件 用户使用该微信小程序的所有功能需要用到的数据,用我们的接口,必须能持续、成功、正确从我们开发的【后台系统】的数据库中读出,并能用该微信小程序正确展示给用户查看和操作,视为该系统测试通过的其中1个条件 要能自动在不同尺寸的屏幕的手机中,按原型图的布局,正常显示 中标 或 承接本项目的服务商,必须保证,按我的【需求和原型图】开发的上述的微信小程序,能通过腾讯公司的审批且能上线正常运行 3、附件中的【前台_界面.xlsx文件】的内容是上述微信小程序的原型图 4、请按附件中的【开发时长和报价.xlsx文件】的内容的格式,填写【您们的开发时长和报价】...
...monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and advanced tools to improve efficiency. Comprehensive Course Framework (Extended Outline) Phase 1: Introduction to Social Media Platforms Overview of key platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Emerging platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimization: Step-by-step guide to registering accounts Profile optimization strategies Multi-region account registration differences and legal considerations Phase 2: Platform Rules and Algorithm Insights Understanding platform rules: Guidelines for content creation Policies on ads and monetization Algor...
...monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and advanced tools to improve efficiency. Comprehensive Course Framework (Extended Outline) Phase 1: Introduction to Social Media Platforms Overview of key platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Emerging platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimization: Step-by-step guide to registering accounts Profile optimization strategies Multi-region account registration differences and legal considerations Phase 2: Platform Rules and Algorithm Insights Understanding platform rules: Guidelines for content creation Policies on ads and monetization Algor...
Android App Example: You can check the current Android version here: Magicter VPN on Google Play: Project Description: We are seeking an experienced Flutter developer to develop an iOS VPN application from scratch, synchronized with our well-functioning Android version. The developer must complete the project within 25 days. If the project is not completed within the deadline, we reserve the right to request a full refund without any reason. Project Goals: Feature Synchronization: Use Flutter to synchronize all features and logic from the Android VPN version to the iOS version, ensuring a consistent user experience across platforms. UI Update: Develop a new iOS user interface that matches the flow and design of the Android
...到其他可用节点。 通过攻击蜜罐的方式吸引发起攻击的黑客,多次命中蜜罐会被系统标记为黑名单,不再发放新的IP地址。(用户可自行解除) 盾采用安全网关的方式进行流量鉴权,内网过滤、外网检测,首次建立连接额外增加鉴权机制,通过双向认证正式建立连接, 彻底阻断各种烦人的SYN/CC攻击。支持国际主流的TLS加密,所有TCP连接双向加密隧道通讯,有效防范各种数据包分析和修改。 握手后不过滤任何数据,真正做到0误杀、0漏包、丝般顺滑,免疫SYN和CC攻击。私有化协议二次封装,非链接限速、报文检测机制,0误杀、0漏过。 EXE封装、无源码接入,支持Windows、iOS、Android系统,分钟级集成。 智能多线节点分布,配合独家研发的隧道填补技术,保证每条线路都是优质网络 研发新SocKet协议,弥补WinSock链接失败会断开问题,链接失败自动无缝切换 显示用户IP 采用TOA或Proxy Protocol等开源模式显示用户真实IP。 做个授权 前端填写端口和ip和卡密或账号密码就能封装 要防破解,还有http https协议可以转tcp udp协议接入,授权服务器套cdn用域名通信 可以根据在线人数限制 分配不同套餐 按月 年付费 主要作用是 无视cc ddos攻击 隐藏ip 全网加速 显示用户IP
...to the iOS version, address existing issues in the iOS app, and update and optimize backend code to ensure compatibility and performance with the iOS client. Our VPN protocol is **V2ray**, and the iOS client uses **sing-box** with integrated membership features. **Project Requirements:** 1. **Feature Synchronization**: Sync all functionalities and logic from our latest Android VPN version to the iOS version. Ensure that the user experience on iOS aligns with that on Android. The iOS and Android clients primarily differ in the VPN client implementation, but they both use the same VPN protocol (V2ray). - **Android App Example**: You can check the current Android version here: [Magicter VPN on Google Play]() 2. **Issue
...compatibility and performance with the iOS client. Our VPN protocol is **V2ray**, and the iOS client uses **sing-box** with integrated membership features. **Project Requirements:** 1. **Feature Synchronization**: Sync all functionalities and logic from our latest Android VPN version to the iOS version. Ensure that the user experience on iOS aligns with that on Android. The iOS and Android clients primarily differ in the VPN client implementation, but they both use the same VPN protocol (V2ray). - **Android App Example**: You can check the current Android version here: [Magicter VPN on Google Play]() - **Desired iOS Example**: We aim for a similar result as the iOS example below: [Official Quick VPN App on the App Store](https://apps
...通确定 工作时间:每天工作8小时,工作时间属于弹性制,时间相对自由,但要保证每天有时间和团队一起做好及时沟通和响应,高效完成任务 基本软硬件要求 网络稳定且快速 平时文字工作交流使用Slack 线上会议视频沟通,使用Google Meet、腾讯会议 工作职责: 通过远程视频方式,跟员工进行1对1或者一对多口语对话练习,帮助员工提升口语表达,以达到能跟外国同事通畅交流的目的; 有一定的课程设计灵活性,在听、读、写方面提供方案,针对性解决团队和员工需求; 跟进员工英语方面的问题,及时解决问题,提高员工满意度; 追踪员工学习情况和数据,与项目负责人保持积极配合,定时提供课程开展报告; 任职资格: 英语能力为母语水平,具备扎实的英语功底,发音标准,表达地道; 知识面较广,性格随和包容,能轻松与员工聊各种话题; 具备面向不同基础水平的成人英语口语教学经验,全英文授课; 英语为第一语言,或者有海外留学背景人员优先。 加分项 具有远程工作经验者优先 具备科技行业知识与背景 招聘流程 1.我们收到人才库的推荐后,如果基本符合我们的要求,我们会安排一次远程视频面试; 2.远程视频面试主要是让我们双方了解更多信息,以及商讨薪资; 3.如果您面试通过,且您决定加入我们团队,在入职前将会进行签约; 签约方式和薪资待遇 1.通过新加坡人力资源公司签约,工资为时薪制,默认按全职计算 (每天工作8小时, 每周40小时) 2.该职位入职时薪范围约在$10-20/小时,完全依照个人实际能力而定。 FAQ 1.有五险一金吗? 团队的福利在完善中。目前需要自己承担五险一金的费用,新加坡公司可以协助处理缴纳社保的业务。 2.哪些城市有岗位 没有地理位置的限制。团队所有的成员都是全职远程在家办公。 3美元汇率变化带来的个...
嗨 Worldtranslator, 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。
需要一个mg动画师做一个1-2分钟的企业宣传片,具体内容详谈 i need a graphic designer to make a 1-2min animated video industry: food safety testing Chinese speaking freelancer preferred
Development language is not required, the budget is 10,000 RMB, the price can be discussed Main function: The software uses the QQipad protocol to automatically exit the QQ discussion group (also called multi-person chat) Need to be green software without installation and direct operation, to minimize the background operation QQ exists in the discussion group will automatically retreat, must be seconds back Details: If the QQ of the login protocol is bound to the security device, you need to pop up the phone verification or QQ security center verification to ensure that you can log in and use normally. After the login is successful, the current status is displayed next to it, and then you can start and stop the button. After starting the run, the list of historical message...
我公司有一个项目, cy7c68013A_128 单片机的软件开发, 细节是用GPIO模仿Jtag烧录两片Xilinx的PROM. (XCF04S, XCF01S). Xilin有比较详细的方案。 见副件。 如果你们承接这类工程, 请你给我一个报价。 我们有硬件平台, 你们需要提供, 1 windows usb 的驱动, 指定等待下载的文件。 Cy7c68013A 的程序,把指定的文件烧录到目标PROM. 启动系统, 读取FPGA内部寄存器,确定烧录成功。
公司主要从事程序化交易/量化交易,目前需要一名在线直播的工作人员,需要会中英文,详细信息可以通过电邮了解 招聘美籍直播工作人员1名
你好,各位。 最近我买了一台内地的酷派Y76手机,想在其上安装google play及商店内的应用,但俱不行。 我想有相关经验及专业的人帮我解决这问题。 本人可以安装team viewer或把整个系统重新安装,以协助这个工作。 本人提供3美金给受聘者。 谢
1、需要.NET SCATTER图形控件(WPF优先,实在不行可以用WINFORM) ,不限制是自己写的还是第三方的。 2、基本效果如图。 3、控件数据源是不超过20组数组,都是画点。点的信息包含:X(double),Y(double),TAG(object) 4、点的大小可以设置。 5、每组数据源画的点颜色可以设置。 6、数据源是可以动态追加、删除的,并且会直接反映了图形改变。如数据源添加5个点,图形就会多5个点。 7、图形的宽度(指的是X范围)、左边界可以设置。如宽2000,,左150,右就是2149就是说可以显示,X>=150<=2149的点。 8、Y范围也可以设置。 9、每组数据源缓存10000点,超过自动丢弃。 10、黄色竖线为最后点画的位置。 11、其他的横线为参考线,做成可以动态设置的。 1)横线的Y可以设置,宽带就是满屏不需要改。 2)横线的颜色,是否为虚线要能设置。 12、需要源代码,如用到第3方控件 ,需要没有使用限制。
需要制作1分半左右的漫画宣传片,我提供图像 标志和背景音乐素材。主要是把已经分层的图片转换成简单的动画(只需要场景头发布料之类的地方移动)。分镜和配乐已经设计好了,只需要能熟练操作软件的人沟通,然后操作下。
Awriter with strong MBAbackground is preferred
岗位职责: 1、负责公司日常后勤行政事务; 2、负责部分计帐工作,包括外联、客服以及兼仓库退件处理工作。 任职条件: 1、专科以上学历,专业不限; 2、熟练使用办公软件,会简单的法语及英语沟通; 3、细致认真,服务意识强,具有较强的沟通能力和良好的团队协助精神。
时长:1分钟 主要内容:一款测评产品 + 公司联系方式和 试用产品信息 风格:简洁、创意 格式:wmv/avi 要背景音乐
2º Month SEO Google Spain
招聘流媒体视频直播加速 开发人员一名 OP 2名 现需求开发一款流媒体视频直播加速程序,或现成的程序也可以 另需要1-2名op对程序进行调试,需要对程序很了解,可以设置简单的cc防御策略等 待遇: 兼职开发人员3w/月 兼职op 1w/月 欢迎懂行的前来投标探讨.
A media company based in Shenzhen China, need a creative designer for a small project. Project Details: Create a 1 second continuous animation for android system, see attached files for samples. 在中国深圳的一间公司,找寻有才能的设计师帮忙设计一秒的连续性动画。 这是将会用到安卓系统上的动画,详情请参考附件的图档跟影片,若有兴趣请联系。
...committed to work with long term - Most of the tasks during the trial period are NOT urgent. I would expect you to batch them up and complete them once per week. However, I do expect you to be extra communicative with when you plan to complete the task, and any issues that arise. - I personally like to talk verbally about tasks, and do screen sharing if needed to discuss how it works. So, I would hope your spoken English is good enough to understand and your internet is fast enough to screen share back and forth - I like to talk on a calling app - personally like Discord or WhatsApp - Working hours wise, I hope that we have some time overlap between 8PM - 11PM EST (Eastern Standard Time) I am setting up interview and a trial task. It will be an interview where I provide y...
I'm in need of a professional to set up a VoIP system tailored for customer support. The system should include a Voicemail to Email feature. - VoIP Setup: The primary task is to establish a Voice over Internet Protocol system. - Customer Support Orientation: The setup should cater specifically to customer support needs. - Voicemail to Email: This feature should be incorporated into the system. Ideal candidates for this project should have substantial experience with VoIP systems and a clear understanding of customer support requirements. Proficiency in integrating Voicemail to Email within the system is a must.
...highly attractive profit potential for early investors. We now offer the chance to participate in the project’s initial stage at only USD 9 per SQM, aiming to raise USD 2 million to settle the final two installments on the land purchase. This investment window is limited in both amount and time; as the project advances, the likelihood of substantial valuation increases. Why Invest in Terra Manglar? 1. Strategic Location • Jericoacoara is internationally recognized as one of the world’s top kitesurf destinations. • Tourism in the region grows consistently, bringing visibility and strong demand for high-end leisure and hospitality real estate. • The regional airport has improved accessibility, further boosting property values. 2. Acquisition Below ...
...app for both Android and iOS. Phase 1: The app will consist of four pages, each with a few objects. Key tasks include: - Form Submission: Users will interact with the app through various forms. Your role will involve creating these forms and ensuring their successful submission to the backend server. - Dashboard Overview: One of the pages will serve as a dashboard. This will need to present data clearly and be easy for users to navigate. This phase will also require: - Backend Communication: The app must send information to a backend server and receive responses. - Notifications: The app should be able to receive both push notifications and in-app notifications. Communication with existing backend server will be done with RESTful services Phase 2: If Ph...
As a health start-up in the initial phase of product validation, I am in need of comprehensive support for branding, website creation, and social media establishment. This also extends to helping shape my personal and LinkedIn brand. Key Responsibilities: - Develop visual identity - Craft a unique brand voice and messaging - Establish clear brand guidelines and standards - Create a professional and engaging landing page - Strategize and populate content across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn Your role will not just be content creation, but also assisting in the development of a robust marketing strategy. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in brand development and identity creation - Skilled web designer with experience in creating landing pages - Proficient in social media ...
...Requirements: I need help understanding and fulfilling all necessary components of the application. - Clinical Practice Emphasis: The majority of our focus will be on the clinical practice aspect of the application. This includes articulating my relevant experiences and competencies. - Essay Writing: Assistance in drafting a compelling narrative for the application is required. This will include writing about my educational qualifications in a narrative description format. - Standards of Practice: I need guidance to ensure that my application meets all necessary standards of practice. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of the AHPRA NP application process. - Strong background in clinical nursing practice. - Exceptional essay writing and editi...
Project Description: I am seeking a skilled professional in cybersecurity and mobile app development to create a highly secure communication system designed to protect all communications from surveillance or interception. Key Features of the Project: 1. Secure Device: Customization of a smartphone to operate only via Wi-Fi. Disabling unnecessary features such as GPS, camera, microphone, and cellular modem. Customizing the operating system (e.g., GrapheneOS or CalyxOS) to prevent unauthorized modifications. 2. Custom Communication App: A messaging app similar to WhatsApp featuring: Encrypted text messages. Multimedia file sharing. Secure audio calls. Peer-to-peer communication only (no intermediate servers). Implementation of advanced end-to-end encryption. 3. Anonymous and S...
I'm looking for a talented screenwriter to help me write a family-oriented drama screenplay. The project is in its initial concept phase, so I need someone who can assist in shaping and developing the plot, characters, and dialogue. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me to brainstorm and refine the screenplay's concept. - Create compelling and relatable characters suitable for a family audience. - Write engaging and emotionally resonant dialogue. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing screenplays, particularly in the drama genre. - Excellent storytelling abilities, with a knack for creating family-friendly content. - Strong understanding of screenplay structure and industry standards.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can teach me how to create and animate AI-generated characters, specifically in an anime style. Key aspects of the project: - Designing Initial Characters: I need more help with the character design phase. You should have a deep understanding of the anime style and be able to guide me through the process of creating unique and appealing characters. - Both Creating and Animating Characters: The scope of the project includes both the creation and the animation of the characters. You should be proficient in using AI tools for character generation and have experience with animation software. - Real Motion Integration: Eventually, I want to learn how to integrate these AI characters with real motions. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Pr...
I'm in need of a one hour, 2D animated video for toddlers (0-2 years). It should be packed with classic nursery rhymes. Key Requirements: - The video should be entertaining, engaging and able to retain the attention of very young children. - Your creativity should shine through in the character design, song composition and overall animation. - The animation quality should be high, either standard or premium 2D. - The video will need to incorporate a variety of well-known classic nursery rhymes. Ideal Skills: - Strong experience in 2D animation - Excellent understanding of creating content for toddlers - Creative character design and song composition - High quality animation production skills
...Ubersuggest, Ahrefs or Semrush Keyword Magic. We will require a detailed colour spreadhseet containing the search terms and data in easy to understand format, each column should list the keyword, searches per month, cost per click. Please bid reasonably and in your bid tell us the list of tools you will utilize. We also need the time required. If you have read this and are willing to do the trial research, please mention "keywordsend" in your bid. In your bid, please provide the exact budget for 10 niches - 3000 keywords per niche Please note that your files need to be absolutely presentable with data from various sources (sources clearly mentioned) that can be cross-verified. We have a project for upto 300 websites - so the winner here will be provided with the s...
I'm looking for a React developer who can assist me with deploying my web application. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React development - Experienced in web application deployment - Familiar with AWS environment Please write 'AWS' in the first line of your bid to avoid auto-bid.
50 Images Task Task Involves: Remove Background Resize to 1000x1000 & save as PNG & JPEG.
...implementation Performance optimization Mobile responsiveness API integrations as needed Deliverables: UX/UI designs for all pages Fully functional WordPress website Custom client dashboard Integrated upsell system Admin management panel Documentation Training session 30 days support Process Management: Initial consultation and requirement gathering UX/UI design approval Development milestones Testing phase Launch preparation Go-live support Post-launch optimization Your Proposal Should Include: Your experience with similar projects Portfolio of relevant work Approach to project management Timeline breakdown Communication plan Pricing structure Post-launch support options Budget: [Your Budget Range] Payment Structure: 25% upon project initiation 25% upon design approval 2...
I am looking for a skilled video editor to bring my script about '10 things you didn't notice in Squid Game Season 1' to life. The video will be edited using clips from the show, so familiarity with the series is a plus. AND COPYRIGHT FREE, HIGH QUALITY CLIPS Key Requirements: - Smooth transitions and effects: The editing style should be engaging yet polished. - Creative audio selection: You will need to choose appropriate music and sound effects, as I will not be providing any. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software. - Creative mindset for audio selection. - Experience editing content using TV show clips. - Familiarity with 'Squid Game' is a plus. I look forward to your bids
I'm seeking an industrial and product designer proficient in CAD and 3D imaging. The project involves creating a detailed design for a self-watering planter, with a focus on using SolidWorks. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Expert level proficiency in SolidWorks - Extensiv...designer proficient in CAD and 3D imaging. The project involves creating a detailed design for a self-watering planter, with a focus on using SolidWorks. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Expert level proficiency in SolidWorks - Extensive experience in industrial and product design - Proficient in CAD software and 3D imaging - Prior experience in designing with plastic - Knowledgeable in detailed design phase processes - Creative problem solver for concept development - Excellent communication skills fo...
A need a content writer to write content for DATA SCIENCE COURSE using R programming and Python programming. Reference websites 1. Acte 2. Besant technologies 3. Simpli learn 4. I need to know the budget and timeframe. It should be pragarism free. No chatgpt no ai tools. Proper content writers alone with technical knowledge apply.
... Selective School Test Overview • Test Sections: o Writing: 1 open-response task (30 minutes, with AI feedback for improvement). o Thinking Skills: 40 questions. o Reading Comprehension: 30 questions (including passages with 2 multipart questions). o Mathematical Reasoning: 35 questions. • Timing: o Reading Test: 40 minutes. o Mathematical Reasoning Test: 40 minutes. o Thinking Skills Test: 40 minutes. o Writing Test: 30 minutes. - Writing can be marked by AI and updated/upgraded version can be provided for students to refer. • Future Expansion: Allow for adding more test papers. • Reference Site: Key Requirements 1. Domain and Hosting Setup • Utilize pre-purchased domains for branding and SEO. • Configure
...Ubersuggest, Ahrefs or Semrush Keyword Magic. We will require a detailed colour spreadhseet containing the search terms and data in easy to understand format, each column should list the keyword, searches per month, cost per click. Please bid reasonably and in your bid tell us the list of tools you will utilize. We also need the time required. If you have read this and are willing to do the trial research, please mention "keywordsend" in your bid. In your bid, please provide the exact budget for 10 niches - 3000 keywords per niche Please note that your files need to be absolutely presentable with data from various sources (sources clearly mentioned) that can be cross-verified. We have a project for upto 300 websites - so the winner here will be provided with the s...