...Responsible for creating and managing chatbots, configuring customer service permissions, grouping users, etc. • Customer Service Representatives: Interact with C-End users, view assigned chatbots, and user groups. 3. C-End Users (End Customers) • Interact with B-End-configured chatbots or customer service representatives via embedded SDKs in apps, websites, or mini-programs. 3. Functional Module Design (1) Admin Functions 1. User Management • User Group Management: • Group B-End users by country, language, industry, etc. • Display user distribution data (e.g., region, subscription ratios). • Permission Management: • Set permission templates for B-End primary accounts and customer service representatives. 2. Business Feature Managem...
...social media, advertising, etc. Add order count: Track and display the total number of orders and their status. Add revenue data: Display total revenue and monthly revenue changes. Add total user count: Show the total number of registered users and new user growth. Add risk control count: Track and display the total number of risk control incidents handled. 2.3 Blog Function Add a Blog publishing module: Add SEO settings feature: Provide editing options for custom SEO metadata (title, keywords, description, etc.) to enhance the page's search engine visibility. Add UI design: Use Figma design style for an intuitive and user-friendly interface. 2.4 Risk Control System The risk control system will add the following functional modules: Add geo-based login risk control: Detect ...
Build a timeline module in unity3d with ugui
我们需要一位有基督教背景的Free Lancer帮忙抄錄錄影。 不需要time stamp,每一video大概50-60分钟。 希望找个可以长期工作。
1.用oscommerce开源系统功能开发预订功能 2.会中文,在北京 3.会PHP, oscommerce, wordpress,有过oscommerce, wordpress开发经验等
1.在access选项卡下增加购买栏,后台可以输入金额,前台用户访问页面时支付相应金额以后可以访问内容; 2.用户可以自己购买用户组,用户支付一定的金额,可以在一段时间内成为某一个用户组成员 3.支付方式包含支付宝和微信支付(扫码、链接等都需要支持) 4.详细说明请查看附加文件
...University of British Columbia 西蒙菲莎大学毕业证文凭 Simon Fraser University 维多利亚大学毕业证文凭 University of Victoria 北英属哥伦比亚大学毕业证文凭 Northern British ColumbiaUniversity 温哥华岛大学毕业证文凭 Vancouver Island University 昆特兰理工大学毕业证文凭 Kwantlen Polytechnic University 汤姆逊大学毕业证文凭 Thompson Rivers University 菲莎河谷大学毕业证文凭 University of the Fraser Valley 卡毕兰诺大学毕业证文凭 Capilano University 艾米丽卡尔艺术与设计大学毕业证文凭 Emily Carr University of Art and Design 皇家路大学毕业证文凭 Royal Road University 西三一大学毕业证文凭 Trinity Western University 菲尔莱狄更斯大学毕业证文凭 Fairlegh Dickinson University Vancouver 西蒙弗雷泽大学毕业证文凭Simon Fraser University阿尔伯塔大学毕业证文凭 THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA 卡尔加里大学毕业证文凭 University of calgary 莱斯布里奇大学毕业证文凭 University of Lethbridge 皇家山大学毕业证文凭 Mount Royal University 阿萨巴斯卡大学毕业证文AthabascaUniversity 萨省大学毕业证文凭 University of Saska...
项目是用于博物馆、展览馆的微信及APP,使用群体为儿童家长为主,因此风格上要求科技、时尚和有趣,能够吸引儿童关注。 要求设计之后,能够与前台配合切图。
我门需要一个会讲中文的programmer。我们是一个中介,我门给英语老师安排中国的工作机会。他们来中国提前必须面试,在我们的wordpress网站用视频plugin来面试。视频面试以后要把视频automatically放在baidupa...atically放在baidupan 还是其它的filesharing网站 We need a wordpress plugin customisation, to link uploaded videos to a Chinese filesharing website. You need to be able to edit the API of any of the following sites: 酷盘, 金山快盘, 百度网盘,帮助文档首页/个人云存储_API 新浪微盘, 华为网盘, 妖妖舞, (似乎非官方) dropbox,
I am searching a Vietnamese boy buy 2 Java Software, Software is divided into IMessage data detection (batch detection of mobile phone number is activated IMessage) and mass software into the text after the two modules But it is tragic,….the software can not be normal operation, the data detection module error, sending module does not report errors, but can not be sent... Then he ignored me, it was very sad,,, I want please help me to modify these 2 procedures, so that they normally run….. Or, if the 2 Software all joke … Then please you make it..again addition:I want to add a apple to send account timing switch function…. Please contact me, thank you, I wish you a happy life Please don't hurt me..
公司描述: Art Collective Asia是一家美国网络艺术品交易公司,旨在将亚洲艺术品销往欧美市场。东方文化一直以其独特的魅力吸引世人,随着全球化的趋势,欧美市场不再拘泥于本土,而是以更开放的态度迎接东方艺术。Art Collective Asia旨在以敏锐的市场观察,专业的管理,周全的服务将具有亚洲特色的艺术品输送至庞大的欧美市场。 岗位描述: 1. 前期:做好市场规划,明确目标客户;定期采购亚洲艺术品并及时将最新产品信息更新上网站;维持与合作伙伴的日常联系 2. 中期:日常维护网站,及时处理订单 3. 后期:对已接受的订单及时发货;紧密跟进售后服务 4. 定期总结汇报工作 岗位要求: 1. 有责任心,及时完成任务 2. 对亚洲艺术品有一定鉴赏能力,能尝试以欧美市场角度挑选艺术品 3. 热爱工作,有相当的积极性、创造力,有原创的想法 4. 注重细节,对自身要求严格,以最高的标准做好每一项工作 5. 能用英语做日常沟通(书面及口语)
...Month WORKING DAYS – 25 WORK LOAD 2000 /- FORM RATE – 10/- FIRST PAY – 5000/-(Refundable) BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION 100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER • 95.1% - 100% = 100% Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK, NO NEXT SLOT WORK Plan-C MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING DIRECT SIGNUP ...
...我们专注于发展/本土化高端品牌,正在打造成中国最大的休闲娱乐公司。我们正跟海內外的行业佼佼者合作, 开展不同的项目, 包括:马术中心、老爷车俱乐部 等。在上海的旗舰项目, 将成全国最顶尖的马术中心和家庭俱乐部, 老爷车俱乐部。 Magic is a venture backed company, specializing in developing/localising worldwide entertainment & leisure brands. We are on track to become the largest multi-brands, location-based leisure & entertainment management company in China. Projects include: family club, equine centre, classic car club, art museum, theme park, etc." logo用来代表上海迈奇公司旗下Arion高端英式家庭俱乐部,马术俱乐部,老爷车会所等,希望设计有品味,有质感。 Our logo will represent our "Arion" high end UK style family club, equine club and classic car club, looking for creative, elegant and quality designs. 我们需要3个logo, Arion 为主要的公司Logo, 然后Arion 马术俱乐部, Arion 老爷车俱乐部。 We are looking for 3 logos, Arion as main co...
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Advance Research on Wordpress website development'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Brand name and logo design'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Great Jack's Soft Liver Treats For Dogs'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Design 2 banners for a website'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Poster design for a speech of Natural Farming'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Need Branding name for online business'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'创建打印和包装设计-design a thank you card'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'design a logo for "iYOGO"'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Design a Logo for a student society of East-West network'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Gif Banner for Sissi'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'A story based on a background image'
我们已经有了Web应用建立在PHP / mysql. baidu地图API的集成是以下任务要求:-在地图上显示客户的位置创建/画路线的旅行从一个给定的地址到另一个地图上填充地图从DB地址创建类型在下拉菜单(引导选择)与该API的数据(搜索路名,端口名称,机场名称相关的图标)
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Logo for a “SunKo”'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'modify some symbol of wordpress template'
Development of a celluar phone and WeChat login module+ WeChat and Weibo content sharing feature for a Chinese H5 website That's it, quite simple. Interested candidates can visit to better understand what's our application about, just a reference.
擅長運用 illustrator or corel draw ,Photoshop and sai ...來設計。
Hey how are you? I’m Kate and just wondering if you could take a precious moment to help me translate this Simplified Chinese article in Australian English in regards to Arts. This is fairly important to me as it is mainly for my little private business’s art project description. I need it as soon as possible (within a couple of days). Thank you for your cooperation!
Zdravo Ognjene, Mi smo startup firma na relaciji Niš-Beograd i bavimo se primarno R&D-em medical devices-a i wearable devices-a koji izlaze iz tih znanja u skladu sa najstrožim međunarodnim regulativama uz multidisciplinarni rad u malom core timu, uz dodatni outsourcing pojedincima i grupama sa kojima dugo sarađujemo za jednodimene subsystem-e i module. Radimo sa ino biznis partnerima koji su aktivni na market-u. Trenutno imamo 2 ozbiljna projekta, više godina unazad neformalno radimo, a zbog realnih potreba, u toku je naša zvanična registracija. Tvoj profil ovde nam se veoma dojmi, pa smo zainteresovani za početak, da naručimo preko freelancer-a, jedan esej ako si zainteresovan da napišeš, te da nam daš ponudu u zavisnosti od vremena...
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'<font color="#FF0000"><b>Deleted</b></font> project #6817847'
work for my prject it is so easy . jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
了解CDN的一般架构和相关开源项目知识。会shell脚本和linux常用命令 熟悉DNS流程及机制,能通过iptables实现一些常用的安全规则 熟悉HAProxy的特性,会制定一些安全策略,并通过HAProxy的配置实现出来。 熟悉Nginx,会编译各种Module,了解常用的module(CDN方面) 可熟练地配置nginx以满足不同的业务需求。熟悉Apache Traffic Server也可。 熟悉linux,shell, python, lua 有3年以上的工作经验! 有这方便的经验的大牛可以联系!待遇优厚!具体细节详谈!
了解CDN的一般架构和相关开源项目知识。会shell脚本和linux常用命令 熟悉DNS流程及机制,能通过iptables实现一些常用的安全规则 熟悉HAProxy的特性,会制定一些安全策略,并通过HAProxy的配置实现出来。 熟悉Nginx,会编译各种Module,了解常用的module(CDN方面) 可熟练地配置nginx以满足不同的业务需求。熟悉Apache Traffic Server也可。 熟悉linux,shell, python, lua 有3年以上的工作经验! 有这方便的经验的大牛可以联系!待遇优厚!具体细节详谈!
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我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Spanish word recording'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'fix a conflict of theme'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'case analysis and paper report'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'BGM editing for video'