作为项目顾问,以Accounting Manger的身份支持欧美零售/快消客户团队日常财务会计事宜。 Accounting Manger experiences in FMCG industry with Oracle system experiences, can kick off project immediately. Must: 1. Immediately available 2. Fluent in oral Mandarin & English 3. Bachelor Degree 4. >5yrs' related experience 5. With FMCG/Retail background 6. With Oracle system experience
最近在建一个外卖送餐的网站,需要接入Xunhupay的(微信和支付宝)支付模块。 网站使用的是foodomaa的整站代码: 需要的技能有: Software Version: PHP 7.x Software Framework: Laravel File Types Included: JavaScript JSJavaScript JSON HTML CSS PHP SQL Layered PNG 如果您感兴趣,可以写信给我,价格好商量。 另外网站还有其它的一些改版工作要做,我们可以具体讨论一下能不能一并做。 等您回复哦……
本团队长期承接外包兼职项目,诚邀洽谈合作,给你一个满意的解决方案, 业务范围: 1,App开发:Android,iOS,Flutter,Reactive Native,uni-app,移动端H5,混合开发,跨平台开发; 2,微信平台:小程序,公众号,服务号,企业微信; 3,阿里平台:钉钉开发,支付宝小程序,支付宝生活号; 4,前端开发:企业官网,Node.js,Vue.js,Html5,CSS,JavaScript; 5,其他开发:爬虫,物联网IoT(Lora,NB-IoT,蓝牙),嵌入式开发,大数据,云计算,微服务,项目集成; 6,数据库:Oracle,MySQL,MongoDB,Redis,InfluxDB; 7,UI设计:Sketch,PS,Ai,3D建模(3d Max,Maya),墨刀,Axure,Mockplus,蓝湖; 8,开发语言:Java,Kotin,Objective-C,Swift,Dart,Golang,Python,PHP,C,C++,.NET; 9,服务器运维:Linux,Windows,Docker,Jenkins,Nginx,集群,分布式;
一个互联网维修和装修freelance 平台 可以先跟我在vx: caomingxin5009先聊一下,谢谢。
程序是: 首先 第一步: 随机抽取5个phome_ecms_news里面的id和classid 第二步: 读取phome_ecms_news的id和classid,作为函数使用 第3步: 插入phome_enewspl_1新的内容到数据库 例子:$sql = "insert into phome_enewspl_1(plid, pubid, username, sayip, saytime,id,checked,classid,zcnum, fdnum, userid,isgood,saytext,eipport) values (NULL, '1000310000019701', '', '', unix_timestamp(), '$id', '0', '$classid', '50', '1', '0', '0', '评论内容', '48010')"; 第四步: 更新phome_ecms_news的字段plnum+1并且对应第一步读取的id值 例子:UPDATE phome_ecms_news SET plnum =plnum+1 WHERE id = 20488;
现在想做这样的一个app,包括ios 和 android 2个平台。 需求: 1.能够开启手机摄像头,拍摄数目,能够测绘出数目的高度尺寸,树干粗细尺寸,并且能够精确到厘米级别,然后把树木数据保存起来,上传到远程的服务器上。 2.建立树木库,可以进行比较。 3.可能会用到ar 或者 vr 框架系统。 4.可能会用到oracle 数据库,因为要存储1亿棵以上数量的树。 5.可能会用到tensorflow等人工智能神经网络学习框架。
Banana Portal 接蕉喇係香港首個完全免費的綜合服務指南平台,致力去除自由工作(Freelance)市場參差的中介,提供完全透明、保障用家利益的配對服務,並協助自由工作者(freelancer)及商戶拓展業務。 過百種分類包括:攝影師,平面及室內設計師,婚禮統籌,化妝,中學小學音樂補習老師,室內設計,家居清潔,網業及程式設計開發,寵物服務等。 我們希望能夠將網站的SERP、Domain Authority、Citation 以Backlink, social bookmarking等方法提升。
...HTML 5 pages. - Adaptive HTML for mobile devices - Multi- environment support(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - Expected 2.5 weeks to complete entire page development, 0.5 weeks for testing and fixing - Basic test from developer before releasing every build to us. Final acceptance test will done by us - NDA is needed before start sharing project infomation 目前我们正在开发一个餐厅订单后台处理的平台,需要另外一名freelance来加速HTML5的开发进程。 - 目前我们已经完成了页面额设计和PS素材的制作,开发人员可以直接使用。 - 自适应网页制作,尤其是针对不同的移动设备(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - 希望在两周半的时候完成页面的开发(希望每两两天提交代码,以便早点检查和反馈),大概3-5天做验收测试和问题修复 - 希望开发人员会做基本的自测,确保发给我们验收的内容有一定的质量。当然我们也很希望开发者可用提出一些专业的建议和意见 - 需要和我们签订保密协议,在项目开始之前。
1、掌握MySQL、MSSQL、Oracle、PostgreSQL等一种或多种主流数据库结构以及特殊性。2、熟悉渗透测试的步骤、方法、流程、熟练掌握各种渗透测试工具。3、有主机、网络或Web安全渗透测试相关项目实施经验 。4、掌握安全漏洞发现和利用方法,具备一定的实战经验 ,有丰富渗透测试实战经验者优先。具体联系方式 [Removed for encouraging offsite communication which is against our Terms and Conditions -Section 13:Communication With Other Users]
To develop OTD KPI reports on JobBOSS: Calculate OTD archive rate by daily, weekly, monthly, there are two conditions need to be fulfilled, one is quantity delivery fulfillment, the delivered qty should equal to requested qty, another condition is delivered date, the delivered date should equal or be earlier than promised day. Scope: all closed SO which closed on curren...qty, another condition is delivered date, the delivered date should equal or be earlier than promised day. Scope: all closed SO which closed on current day, current week and current month. Set the OTD target If SO was delivered earlier on last month , then the OTD need to be included in last Month’s OTD KPI. by SO + Project number Use Chart display the OTD by day,week and month. Data source: ERP SQL DB Tool: ...
请问有谁知道how to compile accounting Reports and do adjustments,BS,PL etc,
公司长期招聘财务岗位的自由职业者,根据实际工作需求可兼职也可全职 熟练掌握SAP 或 Oracle等国内外知名ERP系统,以及国内的税务相关系统 工作性质和环境以外资企业为主,合规及管理流程规范 希望有兴趣的应聘者与我们创建合作 需求岗位: & 总账会计 & 应收账款往来会计 & 应付账款往来会计 Supervisor & 税务专员 & 出纳
该项目需要开发人员,主要技术为: ASP.net/CS/MVC/WCF框架, DIV+CSS,JS(easyui/jquery/native JS/Ajax/Json). 熟悉Oracle数据库, 精通SQL及PL/SQL. 该项目周期大概两个月,之后会有不定期项目需要开发人员 人员需驻场,地点深圳或者天津。
1、精通VB.net,使用以上语言独立开发或深度参与过项目; 2、掌握SQL数据库的使用,能实现复杂查询语句,具备编写存储过程、触发器和函数的编写能力; 3、熟悉ERP、BOM或者MRP。 联系人:陈经理 联系方式:[REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN]
想找一個熟悉Wordpress Web Designer,長期Freelance工作,時薪,工時彈性
需要开发一套库存及订单管理系统,要求基于数据库(mysql或sql server均可)开发。 库存管理部分,要求对商品的入库出库有良好的输入及确认界面; 订单管理系统,因为是从客户的服务器上下载txt文件(内容为订单),需要将订单纳入数据库,然后根据库存情况判断能否发货,并在最终确定发货日期及发货数量后生成txt文件并上传回客户的服务器。下载及上传txt文件,有客户提供的软件,只要以命令行方式调用即可。 需要按照客户指定格式打印交货单。
android app & SQL/PHP web DB freelance job 詳情請email 查詢
我们目前有一个基于Windos Access 的一个内部应用软件, 我们希望能将其用WINDEV 来重新开发 以便于我们之后的应用。指定使用WINDEV 开发软件。在我们公司坐班工作,直到项目完成。
岗位要求: 1、精通java 和php开发语言;2、精通Oracle和MySQL数据库;3、具有3年及以上开发经验;4、有在线教育软件开发经验者优先;5、掌握流媒体开发技术;6、了解视频剪辑等操作;7、具有跨库操作经验和服务器操作经验者优先;8、精通网站支付技术。9、在华为或大公司有工作经验的。10、专职。11、工作地址:西安高新区。12、联系电话:029-88212361。13、电话:15396620756。14、公司:西安富克斯语言文化传播有限公司。
Translating day to day Cantonese conversations to Korean client
7 Desires 国际是专注在时尚娱乐行业的模特儿管理和活动组织公司,他们还拥有摄影和视频制作团队。 7 Desires 国际可以帮助您宣传产品、品牌或让西方模特穿着您指定的衣服或配饰拍照和制作视频,供您的网站使用。 只需把您的货物样本寄送到欧洲或美国,剩下的事情就交给他们(7 Desires )了。 价格非常优惠! 今天就去访问:7desiresinternational.c o m 吧 CHINESE FREELANCE ONLY: WE NEED TO FIND CHINESE FACTORY OR RETAILERS INTERESTED IN OUR SERVICES. Apply only if you can really make us close a deal with a company willing to send the goods in Europe to realize photos advertising with our models. If you are not able to finalize a deal please do not apply or you will not be paid.
我们需要对比评估电商系统帮助我们的网店、微信商城、以及未来20个门店展开业务。需要你对比ShopEX, ECShop, V5Shop,Magento,HiSjop, IBM Websphere Commerce, Oracle 等等方案的性价比。这个价格, 是长期成本TCO.
SQL注入/代码审计/数据库权限/渗透测试技术 接渗透单子高手,联系电子邮箱:aqcp#(#改成@)语言要求:中文 熟练掌握各种内网渗透测试工具与相关知识,精通常见安全攻防技术:sql注入、xss、文件上传、文件包含、命令执行等漏洞 熟悉linux、unix、Windows、oracle、J2EE等各种环境下WEB的安全配置与安全检查及WEB漏洞防范; 熟悉各种脚本语言(asp,php,jsp,java,net、perl、python等)具备独立挖掘web安全漏洞与入侵手段 具备一定的网络安全知识,对网络安全结构、系统漏洞、入侵检测、病毒防护等有深入理论基础和实践经验; 熟悉渗透测试黑客攻防的步骤、方法、流程、熟练掌握各种渗透测试攻防工具有实际渗透经验者优先; 求大虾接单,脱裤,要求,电话,手机,姓名,邮箱,其他的一概不要。每笔单1000美金起步,根据站的难度而定价格,具体可以详谈,寻找长期合作. 态度认真、中介勿扰,请技术实力说话。
1.要識中文,善於溝通 2. Access 基本運作 (關聯圖,報表,表單等等) -要將所有資料整理及關聯,方便我們尋找客人的資料 -要按我們需要及要求製作表單和報表 -需要各負責人交代有關運作及其用途
安全测试、漏洞发掘、漏洞渗透测试、安全审核、安全风险、服务器安全漏洞渗透测试评估与分析及加固; 联系QQ:840555737 2、对产品代码进行审视,找出安全漏洞并提出修改建议; 3、研究各种安全技术,编写和维护用于安全测试的攻击工具、防御工具和分析工具; 4、负责公司Web产品涉及到的安全性研究; 5、负责响应公司的安全事件; 6、为公司员工提供信息安全教育及培训。 岗位要求: 1、熟悉渗透测试的各类技术及方法,熟练掌握各种渗透测试工具;熟练操作各类操作系统、应用平台; 2、精通或熟练掌握php/perl/python/javascript/shell等多种脚本语言; 3、熟悉asp,php、jsp等主流的Web安全技术,包括SQL注入、XSS、CSRF等常见的安全漏洞利用; 4、熟悉国内外主流安全产品、工具,如:AppScan扫描器、wvs等; 5、对Web安全测试有自己的理解; 6、熟悉常见攻击和防御办法,熟悉web安全和渗透技术,能自行进行web渗透测试,恶意代码监测和分析; 7、熟悉ddos攻击类型和原理有一定的ddos攻防经验,能有效防御黑客挂马和恶意流量攻击,会熟练搭建负载均衡系统。
网站用途:园区展示官网 开发语言:php 参考网站: 具体要求: 需要设计的页面数量和网站功能参考附件。 代码要求: 无SQL INJECTION, XSS等漏洞;前端通过HTML和CSS有效验证,class和id等命名符合语义化规范;代码逻辑清晰有注释,方便后期修改升级。 网站维护: 服务商需要提供后期维护支持 其他要求: 服务商最好是成都公司,要有对公账号,可开发票。 请报价格、工期、设计师的portfolio以及在什么开源程序的基础上开发。 熟悉prestashop的优先。
网站建设要求是 网站程序语言是PHP 数据库为SQL Server 不需要做到也下几点: 1、网站界面大气大方 2、网站语言必须为 中午--英文 两种语言 根据访问者的IP来主动换语言 3、一般的交友网站的功能都要做到 4、网站主要功能有一下几点 1、在线聊天 2、在线动态 3、介绍好友 4、相册密码功能 5、在线音乐 6、签到 7、等级功能 8、举报-敏感词 5、这里有几个网站可以拿来参考 这是我的QQ号 929471701
你好, 我们是一家纽约IT人才输送公司。 我们的员工在项目上需要一些技术支持, 主要是在oracle 数据库, .net方向上。我们可以签订长期合作计划。 有兴趣, 请给我们提供你们的电话联系方式。 我们的邮箱是info@。 电话 +1 609-759-1559。 谢谢! 祝好! Frank
Necesito solucionar el siguiente error: ### Error querying database. Cause: : Failed to obtain JDBC Connection; nested exception is : Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Error de E/S: Se ha forzado la interrupción de una conexión existente por el host remoto, connect lapse 125 ms., Authentication lapse 0 ms.) ### The error may exist in pe/com/grupotsi/files/erp/persist/mapper/ ### The error may involve ### The error occurred while executing a query ### Cause: : Failed to obtain JDBC Connection; nested exception is : Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Error de E/S: Se ha forzado la interrupción de una conexión existente por el host remoto, connect lapse 125 ms., Authentication lapse 0 ms.), list=null]
I'm seeking a freelance developer to create a simple, effective website for my business consulting services. The primary goal of the website is to showcase my services to potential clients. Key Requirements: - The website should have three main sections: 'About Us', 'Services', and 'Testimonials'. - I will provide my logo, but the developer will need to come up with a design that aligns with it, as I do not have further branding guidelines. - The website should be user-friendly, responsive and SEO-optimized to enhance visibility. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development, preferably creating business websites. - Strong design sense to create a visually appealing site that aligns with provided branding. - Knowledge of SE...
I'm seeking a talented freelance writer to help me generate income through writing engaging blog posts and articles. Your job will be to create high-quality, SEO-optimized content that attracts readers and drives engagement. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing skills - Proficient in SEO strategies - Able to write engaging content - Familiar with blog post and article formats - Good understanding of various topics Experience: - Prior experience in writing blog posts and articles is a must - Proven track record of generating income through content creation is a plus - Experience in SEO content writing is highly preferred. If you have a passion for writing and a knack for creating compelling content, I would love to hear from you. Let's work together to generate some ...
We are looking for an experienced freelance web designer/developer to create a WordPress-based website for a microschool business. The website will include a Student Information System (SIS) to manage student enrollment, payments, and teacher tracking. The goal is to create a seamless experience for parents, teachers, and administrators, where parents can register and enroll their children, pay tuition fees, and track payments and provide invoicing and receipt generation. The system should also be able to track teacher payments Key Requirements: WordPress Website Development: -Design and develop a professional, user-friendly website using WordPress. -Integrate modern web design best practices, ensuring mobile responsiveness and easy navigation. Student Information System (SIS):...
...without compromising on quality. How to Apply: Please submit your proposal detailing your experience with Odoo, particularly with the modules listed above. Include examples of similar projects you've completed and your proposed timeline for this setup. We look forward to collaborating with a dedicated professional to enhance our business operations through Odoo ERP. Note: This is a remote freelance opportunity. For a visual demonstration of setting up Odoo modules, you might find the following video helpful: Odoo Module Setup Tutorial - This project involves not only creating a recruitment-specific database but also integrating a plethora of other Odoo modules, specifically 40 more including CRM, HR, Accounting and Project Management. Key functionalities
We are looking for an experienced and proactive assistant to support a designer during Milan Fashion Week in March 2025. The role includes assisting with fittings before the event and coordinating backstage over Milan Fashion Week, including managing models, liaising with guests, capturing BTS content, and running errands. Key Responsibilities: • Assist the designer with backstage needs over the event days • Assist with fittings before the event • Capture short BTS videos and photos during the event for social media content (no specialized equipment required; a smartphone is sufficient) • Coordinate backstage activities with models > attend VIP guests during Milan Fashion Week • Run errands and provide general support as needed Requirements: • Previous ex...
Only Big if you have used Thingsboard or similar and please only submit your actual price. I'm looking for a developer who can create a dashboard on Thingsboard for my Alarm Project. The dashboard needs to monitor status from my SQL table, such as 'Door open/closed', 'Armed/Disarmed' etc., each represented with different colors. Key Features: - Interactive elements: The dashboard should have buttons that allow users to change data in real-time, like triggering an alarm. - Alert System: If a certain value in the database changes, such as an alarm being triggered remotely, the dashboard should make a sound, ask the user for a response and log it. - Site Visualization: I want to see my sites on a map with different color icons representing the state of the s...
I need a professional to help me migrate my Oracle database (currently less than 1GB) and WordPress website. The primary driver for this migration is cost savings. Additionally, I would like to integrate some new plugins into my WordPress site during the migration. Key Responsibilities: - Migrate the Oracle database to a more cost-effective solution. - Migrate my WordPress website seamlessly. - Integrate new plugins into the WordPress site during the migration. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Oracle database management and migration. - Extensive experience with WordPress website development and plugin integration. - Demonstrated ability to implement cost-effective database solutions.
En la empresa de Pc Virtual Mx ubicada en la ciudad...telecomunicaciones. Priorizando el objetivo de incrementar las ventas por este mercado creciente de la tecnología. Pc Virtual Mx es una empresa que ofrece soluciones de tecnología a las industrias del estado de Coahuila y Nuevo León, integrando la ingenieria de TI en proyectos de fibra óptica, cableado estructurado, access point entre otros con más de 15 años en el mercado. El Coordinador de E-commerce (FREELANCE) estará encargado de: -Desarrollo de estrategias digitales. -E-commerce. -Gestión de publicidad en línea. -Marketing de contenidos. -Entre otros. Si cuentas con experiencia en el mercado digital, tiendas en línea y telecomunaciones. Envían...
I'm seeking a talented freelance pattern maker and grader for mens and women’s clothing. The focus is on creating new patterns for a wide range of clothing types, both casual and formal, as well as sportswear. Key Requirements: - Expertise in designing patterns for shirts, pants, jackets, and other general clothing items - Proven experience in mens and women’s clothing - Skill in creating new patterns from scratch Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in pattern making software - Strong understanding of garment construction - Excellent attention to detail
engaging a freelance technology consultant with extensive mobile app development experience for for developing a property management mobile application. The project is structured into nine key milestones, spanning from requirements gathering to project closure and handover. The consultant's responsibilities include creating a scope of work, recommending technologies, and overseeing various development phases. The document emphasizes adherence to best practices in development, including Agile methodologies, version control, coding standards, testing, documentation, performance optimization, scalability, security, accessibility, and monitoring. The ideal consultant should have at least 7 years of experience in mobile app development, knowledge of property management systems, and ...
Buscamos un freelance para colaboración estable. En principio necesitamos edición de videos para reels de instagram y tik tok asi como videos para youtube. Alto nivel en software de edición de video y diseño gráfico. Valoramos Experiencia, creatividad, autonomía, ganas de trabajar y seguir aprendiendo en equipo, ilusión por colaborar en un proyecto relacionado con la educación… queremos una persona que siempre busque aportar un poquito más.
I need a talented freelance photographer to capture high-quality images of my food and beverage product line. Key Responsibilities: - Creative and professional photography of provided products - Delivering vibrant and colorful images suitable for a website Ideal Skills: - Experience in food and beverage photography - Ability to produce clean yet vibrant and colorful images - Creative mindset to enhance product appeal Please be prepared to showcase a portfolio of similar work.
We are seeking a talented and creative freelance graphic designer to help us bring our vision for a kids’ and adults’ clothing line to life. Our brand is focused on spreading positivity, creativity, and encouragement through wearable designs that resonate with school-aged kids and adults alike. We want to make positivity cool, stylish, and fun while maintaining a classy and wearable aesthetic. What We’re Looking For: Creative Thinker: Someone who can take our ideas, phrases, and concepts and transform them into visually appealing and unique designs. Kid-Friendly and Universal Appeal: Designs should be relatable and appealing to school-aged kids while still being wearable and stylish for adults. Think fun, classy, and positive — nothing too loud or overwhel...
As a part of Kilobytes Data Solutions, a company delivering technical support and services in the networking and communications sector, we are in need of IT professionals on a contract / freelance arrangement for varies cities outside of Ontario but in Canada. The role primarily involves providing ongoing technical support, planning, troubleshooting, consulting with our existing clients. Key responsibilities: - Offering continuous technical support to our clients - Planning and consulting for network design and infrastructure - Troubleshooting any networking issues that may arise Your expertise should ideally include: - Extensive experience in IT Infrastructure design - Proficiency in configuring internet gateways - Expertise in setting up and optimizing LAN and WiFi infrastructur...
We’re seeking an experienced freelance Full-Stack Developer to join our team for ongoing and future projects. Please note: we are looking for an individual freelancer, not an agency. This is a long-term, part-time position where you’ll maintain and enhance existing websites, add new features, and contribute to exciting new projects as we expand. The role is flexible, averaging 23 hours per week, but some weeks may require 40+ hours depending on the workload. If you’re passionate about coding, optimizing performance, and building high-quality tools, this is the perfect role for you! WHAT YOU’LL BE WORKING ON: PROJECT 1: HOSTED PLATFORM WEBSITE -Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL -Tasks: --Fixing UI bugs. --Adding features via API requ...
I'm on the lookout for a talented freelance videographer who can help tell the uplifting story of labor unions and support workers in their quest for representation. Your role will encompass: - Filming interviews that capture the essence of our mission (You will not be expected to provide the interview questions) -Filming impactful events / worker rallies - Expertly editing content to make it short, shareable and engaging The finished pieces will be primarily for social media and our website, so experience in creating content for these platforms is a must. If you're passionate about worker's rights and can showcase your skills through your previous work, I would love to see what you've done!
We are looking Strong candidates for Automation QA Excellent communication is mandatory. Automation QA Exp req- 5+yrs JOB DESCRIPTION: Automation QA Strong in Java programming Strong at creating automation frameworks. Good at Web and API automation Good to have mobile automation Python QA 5 plus experience Remote Python, SQL- strong command ETL - good to have ability to work with database using python