目前一共九个板块: 一:慈善众筹板块。 二:连商联盟板块。 三:理财顾问板块。 四:飞毛腿板块。 五:国外教育游学移民咨询板块。 六:同城bbs板块。 七:六扇门管理员板块。 八:医疗健康板块。 九:慈善拍卖板块。
excel projectjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
1.软件分为imessage数据检测(批量检测手机号码是否激活imessage)和 群发软件两部分 2 批量导入手机号码和按号码段导入 进行发送 3 发送软件分为 控制端(主要控制导入数据下发数据 分析发送成功率)和 发送端(负责接收控制段数据进行发送,并上传发送成功的数据统计) 4.发送量达到50万一天,可使用多台设备完成这个发送量
للعمل معناللعمل معناللعمل معناللعمل معناللعمل معناللعمل معناللعمل معناللعمل معناللعمل معناللعمل معناللعمل معناللعمل معناللعمل معناللعمل معناللعمل معناللعمل معنا
你好,我们是一家英国的电子商务公司,我们已经有一个opencart 的操作平台,但是我们想做一些UI和一些功能性方面的修改,令接近淘宝的后台操作UI,我们可以通过qq联系,会比较方便,我的qq是1271644549,期待和你合作,谢谢!
你好, 我们是一家电子商务贸易公司,我们已经有一个初版了opencart平台,但是我们希望在原有的基础上做出功能性修改,令其更加接近淘宝后台的UI,请尽快联系我的,我的邮箱是1271644549@qq.com.谢谢!
苹果和安卓系统开发,需要的功能主要是,点评,GPS定位导航,购买(支付宝和银联+PayPal ,分享=微信,QQ,facebook,中文简体,繁体,英文版。我已经完成了UE,UI及切图。 iphone 5: 设计尺寸是 640px * 1136px,Android :1920x1080。中英双语。我的联系方法是 963522395QQ.(Removed by Freelancer.com admin for breaching Terms and Conditions)
1.我想让您帮忙翻译一份 海参的泡发方法, 已经把文件放在附件里了。 这份东西我是想要放在我们的食品包装上的。 2. 还有两个也是会放在我们的食品包装上的 : 1. 产品的说明 2. 公司的简介 这两个我希望是写得非常native (翻译的好的话,我愿意多付钱。) 公司的简介: 我们美国kb家族来自于美国最冷的费尔班克斯,真的很冷,每年的五月到八月,我们会在Ketchikan从熊嘴里为你抢来king三文,也会在十月至十二月经过晕机和风浪,为你带来Wrangell的海参一家。 我们这里没有流行乐,也没有好莱坞,只有硬汉和他们的海参们。如果你喜欢我们的产品,给我们留言,我们可以直接邮寄给您,还可以带你去看北极光。保证免费。 产品的说明: 我们上级的红参捕捞于属于冷水域的阿拉斯加海湾,生长缓慢,营养丰富。经由天然日光干制而成,口感美味且富有弹性。
你好,你人现在在哪里? 我们的APP需要工程师来公司做这个项目。我们公司在上海。let me know if you are interested. my QQ is 511700376, email is alexzhou@
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蚁群算法在云环境下的调度实现,开发环境是MyEclipse6.5,cloudsim3.03,输出虚拟机分配时间表的源代码! .........................................
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1. User Management 2. login & signup 12:32 3. user profile edit page 4. Post Page 5. Feed Page 6. Following & Follower function
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Google Adwords - open to bidding'
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i need voip website wuth all tools to start here in kuwait jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
需要完成一个完整以Joomla为基础的网站。 功能需包含:购物商城,使用者自行上稿系统(会员管理),投票与评分系统,任务发布与评定系统,综合所有金流与物流系统对接。 除了完整网站的模块和模板设计建构之外,必须提供所有社交系统的API接入,完成所有目前提供的功能实现(包含分享与评分甚至金流机制)。
需要完成一个完整以Joomla为基础的网站。 功能需包含:购物商城,使用者自行上稿系统(会员管理),投票与评分系统,任务发布与评定系统,综合所有金流与物流系统对接。 除了完整网站的模块和模板设计建构之外,必须提供所有社交系统的API接入,完成所有目前提供的功能实现(包含分享与评分甚至金流机制)。
制作一款虚拟币,名字:finercoin 简称fic区块时间:1分钟 难度调节:每区块 标准股息:1%/年 最小交易费:0.0001FIC 交易费支付给矿工 交易确认:10,成熟确认:500 最小股龄:8小时,数量无最大无限制 算法:scrypt 区块奖励:10000FIC,没有减半 最大数量:1000(该区块后,将不接受POW,只接受POS股息产生)
蚁群算法在云环境下的调度实现,开发环境是MyEclipse6.5,cloudsim3.03,输出虚拟机分配时间表的源代码! .........................................
解决方案 ∙ Solution 产品 ∙ Product 服务支持 ∙ Support 商业案例 ∙ Case 新闻资讯 ∙ News 关于我们 ∙ About Us 解决方案 ∙ Solution 产品 ∙ Product 服务支持 ∙ Support 商业案例 ∙ Case 新闻资讯 ∙ News 关于我们 ∙ About Us 解决方案 ∙ Solution 产品 ∙ Product 服务支持 ∙ Support 商业案例 ∙ Case 新闻资讯 ∙ News 关于我们 ∙ About Us 解决方案 ∙ Solution 产品 ∙ Product 服务支持 ∙ Support 商业案例 ∙ Case 新闻资讯 ∙ News 关于我们 ∙ About Us 解决方案 ∙ Solution 产品 ∙ Product 服务支持 ∙ Support 商业案例 ∙ Case 新闻资讯 ∙ News 关于我们 ∙ About Us
在淘宝客中,有淘宝联盟、卖家、淘客以及买家四个角色,四个角色各司其职,而淘宝客则是其中的佣金赚取者,他们在淘宝联盟中找到卖家发布的产品,并且推广出去,当有买家通过自己的推广链接成交后,那么就能够赚到卖家所提供的佣金(其中一部分需要作为淘宝联盟的服务费)。 目前淘宝客的推广是一种按成交计费的推广模式,淘宝客只要从淘宝客推广专区获取商品代码,任何买家(包括您自己)经过您的推广(链接、个人网站,博客或者社区发的帖子)进入淘宝卖家店铺完成购买后,就可得到由卖家支付的佣金。 淘宝客的推广目前主要可以分成两大类,一类是拥有独立平台的专业淘宝客,这类淘宝客精通网站技术,搭建专业的平台,独立博客、商品导购平台、用户分享网站等来吸引客户,赚取一定的佣金。另一种则是自由的淘宝客,这类淘宝客没有固定的推广方式,不管技术还是实力都不是很雄厚,主要论坛、博客、SNS平台,或者微博、邮件、Q群等作为推广方式。很适合大众新手。 另外有一点要注意的是,一些淘宝卖家怀疑360浏览器劫持卖家“淘宝客”佣金。事实上,所谓“劫持佣金”是少数淘宝卖家对《淘宝客推广业务规范》中“全店结算”、“15天规则”了解不足造成的误会;淘宝联盟《淘宝客推广业务规范》条例已经有明确说明:淘宝客无论通过何种推广方式为卖家进行推广,都会产生相应的佣金,目前包括新浪微博、蘑菇街、美丽说、金山导航、搜狗等都有相关的淘宝客推广方式。 也就是说,一个淘宝买家通过360网址导航或蘑菇街、美丽说等淘宝客推广链接,打开了某个淘宝店铺,按照淘宝客规则,这笔交易只要在15天内发生,店铺需要向360网址导航或蘑菇街、美丽说支付淘宝客佣金。目前,网址导航站已经成为了“淘宝客”的主要...
我们想做一个app.大概的功能如下 1.这是一个好友间的3d交互程序.需要获取本地联系人列表/qq好友/微信好友/或是facebook好友 2.可以把不同好友的照片贴到3d人物模形的面部. 3.可以对此3d人物模拟进行一些动作(打击/摇动).从而产生一些数据. 4.可以将此数据发送给目标用户.目标用户可以查看对方对他做了什么动作 5.会有一个排行榜. 6.对3d人物模型打击的时候,可以使用道具 (需要接入道具商店) 7.道具商店接入app支付系统(ios/android) 8.可以对3d人物模型做一些简单的自定义(头发.帽子....) 服务端,好友数据.app数据,美术,后台由我们这边的程序负责
做一个统筹数据库 1.包括,支出,收入,借贷明细,贷款人详细信息。 如果做的好,后继还有进口车销售公司的库交给您来做. 他要求100个字符串,有时间可以加我QQ 17827820 详细聊一下价格和细节
擅长做网站前端切片,网页设计布局,能做视频剪辑,动画设计,动作,还有平面设计等,对平面设计软件熟悉,掌握很好,ps,ai ,cdr,cad,ae,pr,dw,对色彩的感觉很好。大学主要是修动画设计与制作。自己有短片动画。
脚本功能 1.自动登录游戏 自动建立角色 自动更换角色 无疲劳自动换号。 2.自动宽带断开重连 检测IP地址是否重复。 3.支持单开刷图 刷图全程记录文本 自动识别三方.封号.中断.紧闭并记录。 4.自动开启辅助 自动卖物 自动拍卖 自动接收邮件 自动答题 自动通过拍卖进行购买交易金币。 5.自动识别吃药物 自动做召唤转职任务 自动学习召唤技能。 6.根据等级自动更换游戏大陆和副本地图 刷图追踪跟随怪物攻击 自定义自动买装备。 7.自定义自动技能 自动做主线任务。
脚本功能 1.自动登录游戏 自动建立角色 自动更换角色 无疲劳自动换号。 2.自动宽带断开重连 检测IP地址是否重复。 3.支持单开刷图 刷图全程记录文本 自动识别三方.封号.中断.紧闭并记录。 4.自动开启辅助 自动卖物 自动拍卖 自动接收邮件 自动答题 自动通过拍卖进行购买交易金币。 5.自动识别吃药物 自动做召唤转职任务 自动学习召唤技能。 6.根据等级自动更换游戏大陆和副本地图 刷图追踪跟随怪物攻击 自定义自动买装备。 7.自定义自动技能 自动做主线任务。
类似 什么值得买 这个app开发多少钱,我看你是中国人,所以就打汉字了,最好能价格qq 详谈 qq 343969654 类似 什么值得买 这个app开发多少钱,我看你是中国人,所以就打汉字了,最好能价格qq 详谈 qq 343969654 类似 什么值得买 这个app开发多少钱,我看你是中国人,所以就打汉字了,最好能价格qq 详谈 qq 343969654 类似 什么值得买 这个app开发多少钱,我看你是中国人,所以就打汉字了,最好能价格qq 详谈 qq 343969654
对你的作品感兴趣,感觉很棒,我们在做一个手机游戏,需要设计游戏背景和角色,都是简单的角色。 这是一个2D手机跑酷类游戏,角色可以简单但要协调。 画面清新不刺眼。 角色包括一头熊,螃蟹,绵羊。希望你能感兴趣,可以合作。
...looking for a developer skilled in creating a responsive, Arabic content publishing website primarily featuring articles and blogs. The site needs to be user-friendly across all devices with comprehensive on-site management training included. Key Features: - A fully responsive theme that works seamlessly across all devices - Content management system (CMS) expertise (preferably WordPress, but open to others) - Control panel in English - User Login page with various functionalities (Login, Sign up, Forget) - Unique author pages with personal logins and account details - Comprehensive Admin Dashboard with report generation capabilities (orders, yearly, monthly, daily) - Ability to manage author and client information (add/update/delete) - Header, Footer, Home page, Contact Us, Ab...
I need a website developed to schedule Hypnosis Past Life Regression Sessions appointments. The website should be capable of managing staff availability, sending client reminders, and integrating online payments. Additionally, it should allow the admin to create and manage a comprehensive services menu. Key Features: - Appointment scheduling for specific service - Staff availability management - Client reminders - Online payment integration - Creation and management of a services menu Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing scheduling websites - Familiarity with payment integration systems - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces - Experience in implementing reminder systems - Knowledge of managing service menus in web applications
I'm looking for a skilled web developer who can create a modern and clean business website using Angular. The site will showcase our company overview and mission, the services we offer, as well as our team members and contact details. Key Requirements: - Develop a simple, yet effective, information display website - Ensure the site is SEO ready - Host the website on a domain I already own Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Angular - Experience in developing SEO-ready websites - Proven track record of creating modern and clean design styles.
...Developer to build, deploy, and manage AI-powered applications using our in-house AI services. The role will involve creating scalable, secure, and efficient applications on Kubernetes while ensuring seamless performance and integration. Key Responsibilities Design and develop AI-driven applications using our proprietary AI services. Deploy and manage applications on Kubernetes, ensuring high availability and scalability. Integrate in-house AI models and services via APIs for optimal performance. Work with DevOps teams to streamline CI/CD pipelines for AI applications. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including data scientists and UI/UX designers, to create intuitive and impactful applications. Optimize application performance and ensure security and compliance standard...
We are looking for a skilled freelancer to create clean, responsive HTML web pages. Proficiency in HTML5 and CSS3 is required, and basic knowledge of JavaScript is a plus. Experience in designing HTML optimized for email is essential. All content will be provided. **Offer:** $25.00 per project, a positive review, and potential for long-term collaboration. **Turnaround:** Immediate availability is preferred. To be considered, please submit samples of HTML work you have completed.
My Open Cart installation has recently stopped functioning properly. I'm not receiving notifications for sales, and sales are not being recorded in the database. I need a skilled professional to evaluate the situation and determine the best course of action. Key requirements: - Diagnose the issue and decide on the best approach to resolve it - Ensure that sale notifications, database entries for sales, and overall site performance are fully functional post-repair Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive knowledge of Open Cart - Strong problem-solving abilities - Experience with database management - Ability to assess and implement effective solutions Please note that nothing has been changed in the database, and I would like to ensure all aspects of the s...
My website, originally hosted on Hostinger and developed using Elementor, has been moved to GoDaddy with a new domain. However, the "Edit with Elementor" option is not working. I need a professional to diagnose and fix this issue. Key Tasks: - Investigate and resolve the Elementor editing issue - Ensure the website is fully functional and can be edited with Elementor again Additional Context: - I am unsure if Elementor is updated to the latest version - There are a couple of other plugins installed that may be conflicting with Elementor Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Elementor - Familiarity with GoDaddy and Hostinger hosting - Skills in troubleshooting WordPress issues - Experience in resolving plugin conflicts
...that I would like to discuss with the designer. The designer should be able to incorporate the specific design elements and themes that I have in mind for the logo. -YouTube banners (3 options) -YouTube Channel Logo (3 options) -Logo Design Attention to detail and creativity in the design is important. Alphabet Design: The designer should be able to create alphabet fonts in PSD. I am open to suggestions and guidance from the designer regarding the typeface style. The typeface style can be serif, sans-serif, or script/decorative. Skills and Experience: Proficiency in graphic design and expertise in using PSD. Strong creativity and ability to incorporate specific design requirements. Experience in creating custom fonts and logos. Attention to detail and...
...and product listing goals. The objective is that all products and categories including child and grandchild categories are easily accessible and arrangeable. 4. Additionally, we have redesigned the English website. We have changed the design. We would like to make the design of the Arabic site also same as the design of English site. 5. Sending the order email notifications through our website’s domain hosted email preferably our email @b2print.com. Our emails are already on the same server on which website is hosted. 6. Setting up a newsletter for the website. Sending the newsletter welcome email to the new account users via our email @ also setup to send other promotional emails using the same email address. 7. Integration of shipping methods and shipping rates into the w...
We have to revise our logo for the 2025 tournament this year. We are looking to change the color scheme. We are looking for a retro (Neon Pink, Teal, Bright Purple, and Neon Yellow) The current flag design in the badge part of the logo can be removed. You may revise the logo design as well completely as we will consider new designs as well. We are open to other color combinations at this time as well.
...theme development for Shopify and Wordpress - Familiarity with app development for Shopify & plugins for wordpress - Store setup and configuration - INSTANT communication availability (as we have only teamwork-based tasks, not work-at-your-own-pace). Only individual freelancers please, no teams/agencies. In order to separate spammers from real candidates, if you agree with this statement please write it on top of your bid: "I am available to immediately and have X hours left available TODAY!" - where "X" is the amount of hours you have available for work today immediately. This part will be taken seroiusly and won't be open for negotiation. If you can't work full time in the US time zone or if you are not bidding with your correct hourly...
I'm having issues accessing my instances from outside my PfSense firewall after creating them in Open Nebula. Everything seems correct but I suspect there might be a problem with the firewall configuration or the network settings. I have already checked the firewall rules, reconfigured instance settings, and verified network connectivity. Unfortunately, the issue is affecting all instances, not just specific ones or new ones. I'm looking for someone with expertise in Open Nebula, PfSense, and firewall configurations to diagnose and fix this issue. Please let me know if you can help.
...giorgiognoli.it. Update and develop the website giorgiognoli.com. Manage social media platforms, including creating and enhancing video content. Perform basic graphic design, video editing, and digital PR tasks. Requirements: Proficiency in tools like Canva and Beehiv. Basic knowledge of CRM systems and content marketing strategies. Creativity, attention to detail, and ability to work independently. Availability to work full-time (8 hours per day). What I Offer: A collaboration contract with a fixed salary. Opportunity to work on innovative projects and contribute to a growing marketing strategy. How to Apply: Send me a message with your CV and a brief introduction of your skills.
...collaborate on creative direction. Familiarity with optimizing video content for various platforms (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc.). Attributes: Detail-oriented and efficient in delivering high-quality edits. Flexible to accommodate minor revisions and adhere to deadlines. Deliverables: Professionally edited videos ready for upload or sharing. Source files for future use. Quick turnaround time for each project. Budget and Timeline: We’re open to discussing the budget and project scope based on your expertise and experience. Our goal is to establish a long-term working relationship with the right freelancer. How to Apply: Share your portfolio highlighting relevant projects, particularly those involving webinar or Zoom video editing. Include a brief explanation of ...
I'm looking for a modern and minimalist Figma redesign for my dashboard. This dashboard has four main areas/functions: - A list of out-of-stock products, which includes a search function and options to set products out of or into stock - A list of options that can be toggled between active and inactive - A button to Open/Close the webshop, accompanied by a small message editor - A feature to set closing days, incorporating a start and end date and time, along with a message The design should be responsive, accommodating mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers. The current user interface is based on Vuetify (Lux Admin pro) so familiarity with this framework would be beneficial. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Figma - Experience with minimalist design - Understanding of re...
I'm looking for a modern packaging design for my greens superfood pro...It’s crucial that we clearly communicate the advantages of consuming this superfood. - Ingredients: Transparency is key in the health industry. The ingredients should be easily readable and well presented. - Brand logo: I will provide the logo, it needs to be prominently displayed. - Usage instructions: These will be provided, but need to be incorporated into the design. Color scheme: I'm open to your creativity in terms of colors, though the overall aesthetic should be modern. Ideal skills for this job include: - Graphic design with a focus on packaging - Experience in designing for organic/natural products - Strong ability to convey product benefits visually - Proficiency in using...
I have developed a digital service with a subscription model via a website. The development phase is complete. Now, I am looking for a partner to take responsibility for digital marketing. Profits and advertising costs will be shared equally between us. It would be like starting a project where we are both partners—I handle development, you handle marketing, and both ...responsibility for digital marketing. Profits and advertising costs will be shared equally between us. It would be like starting a project where we are both partners—I handle development, you handle marketing, and both profits and costs are equally divided. The service and work would be online, so where we live wouldn’t be an issue. It would need to be someone who truly has the interest and availability...