制作餐饮品牌产品海报、banner、详情页,品牌设计,新品发布,网站维护等工作 工作内容: 1, 负责公司活动页面的设计,理解运营活动的要求,独立完成视觉创意并输出相关设计成果。 2, 负责公司产品的主图,详情页制作及优化。 3, 领导交代的其他工作 任职资格: 1, 熟练使用PS/CAD/AE AI 等软件 2, 遇到问题主动沟通,良好的理解能力 3, 有绘画基础,有良好的审美习惯 4, 有餐饮或者家具等行业设计工作者优先 5, 需要有创造力 6, 目前居住在中国
使用WIX内部功能或代码,重现以下订单流程(当前使用第三方代码): 最终要求: 一,能让客户通过填空选择的方式提供以下信息: 1.客户联系信息收集 2.客户设计图上传 3.订单细节信息收集:衣服类别(type),衣服材质(material),衣服大小(size),衣服颜色(color) 二,信息提交后,通过邮件通知店主进行检阅以及报价
我司有个B2C的网站用来宣传跟售卖家电厨房用品。主要的产品是空气炸锅,咖啡机,烤箱。我们需要设计师帮我们设计一两个BANNER 跟产品编辑的工作。 主要的工作1.网站上产品的 listing的编辑也就是产品的描述跟文案的编辑。2.网站的两个banner的设计。 备注.A,产品的参数跟图片我司提供。B.我司网站的后台模板我已附上。因所有 的工作都将在后台的管理界面来完成
... the backup password I have modified, but still can not be backed up, but also restarted the scheduled task, the server apache also restarted, still useless 2. There is a backup script file in the attachment .sh 3, before September 3, the backup is no problem, after I changed the database password and server key on September 3, the backup will be abnormal, there is a backup, but the file size is wrong, there is nothing in the backup file So I think it should be the relationship between the password of the database and the key of the server. Tomorrow I tried to modify the password of the database of the backup script, and the backup was not executed. I don't know what to change now. 调整配置亚马逊s3备份的功能,我们亚马逊有服务器,创建了s3用于存储数据库和网页备份,前些天改了服务器的密钥,存储备份的功能出些异常,不知道怎么处理,应该是换了密钥的关系,不会调整...
1、Format:PNG 2、Size:432*291(mm) 3、Resolution:300DPI 4、Show Txt:IG帝国游戏(Imperial Games)- 业内知名B2B企业.与众多欧美、东南亚游戏厂商深度的业务合作,是目前东南亚最大的博彩游戏接口服务经销商之一; IG秉承着"多元化产品、超一流团队、一站式服务、贵宾式体验"的服务宗旨,伴随着十多年博彩行业运营经验为客户提供最专业的产品导向与技术支持,为诸位商界精英打造属于自己的事业; IG帝国游戏-行业最佳合作伙伴 ! 5、Show Contact:Telegram:ig_sales& “微信扫码”+QR code、Phone Number:+639171755651 6、Show IG Logo: 7、Show Little Gold Colour &More Cool color Style。
招兼职剪接声音的人。一个声音(短则8分钟,长则30分钟) 要求:降噪,去除杂音,音量提高,去掉口癖(如这个、那个、额、长段空白、咳嗽等),笑声可保留。 输出声音格式要求:MP3,高音质,立体声,大小控制在50MB以内 ENGLISH A person who works part-time to cut the sound. One voice (8 minutes short and 30 minutes long) Requirements: Noise reduction, noise removal, volume increase, re...个、额、长段空白、咳嗽等),笑声可保留。 输出声音格式要求:MP3,高音质,立体声,大小控制在50MB以内 ENGLISH A person who works part-time to cut the sound. One voice (8 minutes short and 30 minutes long) Requirements: Noise reduction, noise removal, volume increase, remove the mouth (such as this, that, forehead, long blank, cough, etc.), laughter can be retained. Output sound format requirements: MP3, high sound quality, stereo, size control within 50MB
中文!商家活动coupon设计 Letter Size 需要设计成寻宝图(或大富翁)类似的地图形式 色彩鲜明可爱贴近年轻人 每个Stop为一个商家,每个商家有自己的特别优惠和盖章/贴纸的地方 完成所有商家,可参加抽奖。 具体活动内容可再沟通。 需要展示过去平面设计的作品,类似的最好。
重新为我司建设网站,做Google搜索引擎优化,需要把Custom Banner, banner printing, vinyl banners, vinyl banner printing, custom signs等词语做到Google的首页。
链接: 密码: 4rmg 这里面是图文介绍(里面有几十张PSD, 和产品介绍素材,请选择合适的设计一张)
你好, 我们讯求公司帮我们设计网页图。 请参考附带文件, 让我们知道您是否能设计达到这种水平, 请给我们相关水平的之前设计图参考, 和大概的价格. 谢谢。等待您的回复 BILLY 至
现有的网站是一个登记员工和借还电脑的系统。交互功能比较简单,所以需要有更好的前端工程师帮帮忙,把它添加到一个theme里面。估计用时间不会太长,6-10小时能做好。还要添加一个slider功能来看图片,如。 第一个图片是现在的界面,第二个图片是要达到的效果
我的专长是设计与制作手工作品 设计如: logo,t-shirt,banner,bunting,flyer,magazine's layout,website layout等等 手工艺品如: make by clay,paper craft,paper toys,木制等等
我们是一家上海的汉语学校,16年计划针对一些特殊节日策划相关的促销和活动,10-12次。 针对每次活动,都需要做相应的banner,今天发布第一个需求尝试,满意的作品,可以长期合作。 1.banner图片设计制作,图片大小2500*500,注意:图片内容集中在网站banner位置中间980-1200像素的区间,具体请参考网站目前的banner, 2.需要提交PSD文件和JPG. 3.文字内容在附件中 4.我部设计图片参考在附件中,目标客户是外国人,文字是英语,注意英语字体搭配(附件里有相关的中文意思翻译供理解)。有问题随时联系。 5.注意:图片设计禁止抄袭,或者侵权行为,涉及图片版权的素材禁用。
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Gif Banner for Sissi'
广告位置: 在網站 首页 顶部 大亨哪个位置 尺寸:245*100 广告图片元素如下: 奇迹logo 官网: 大字宣传语:现金网建站专家 (閃) 小字宣传语:低成本快速建站坐庄 15大平台免费全接入 要求 : 顏色显目 清晰 重点突出 Advertising Location: at websit : Home top tycoons which position size: 245 * 100 Advertising picture elements are as follows: 1. logo Official website: Characters slogan: 现金网建站专家 (Flash) Small print slogan: 低成本快速建站坐庄 15大平台免费全接入 Requirements: Color was clear and focused objectives
广告位置: 首页 顶部 大亨哪个位置 尺寸:245*100 广告图片元素如下: 奇迹logo 官网: 大字宣传语:现金网建站专家 小字宣传语:低成本快速建站坐庄 15大平台免费全接入
補習社筆記封面(a3 size)補習社筆記封面(a3 size)補習社筆記封面(a3 size)補習社筆記封面(a3 size)
Job contents include : 1. design a large rectangle head banner for the webpage, wedding nature. 2. design a logo by using the name of website, wedding nature, Name: WeddingBar. P.S. files format : ai + jpg
1、熟悉网站建设的流程,具备独立进行网站项目的整体版式、风格设计能力。 2、精通Photoshop,Drewamweaver等网页设计美工软件,1年以上网页设计工作经验。 3、熟练掌握DIV+CSS的运用与制作,熟悉各种浏览器兼容性调整(至少3种浏览器ie6、ie8、ff);熟悉Javasript等并能套用和修改。 4、具有平面设计功底,熟练使用coredraw或Illustrator软件,能制作宣传单页和宣传手册。 5、具有良好的美术功底以及良好的创意构思能力,对色彩敏感,具有把握不同风格页面的良好能力。 6、有良好的组织观念和团队合作精神、敬业精神,工作积极主动,细致专注,能承受工作压力。 7、具有一定的flash广告动画设计能力,能制作精美的flash广告banner.
我想要張傳單A6 size, 係最頂我想要我地既logo 同地址。之後內容我想要: 全日英式早餐 各款三明治和多士/吐司 意大利粉 各款蛋糕 係任何一邊我想要星星做條邊… 之後係落小小我想要 extract coffee, teapigs pipers & co, facebook, twitter 同微博既圖示… 之後就係張coupon . Coupon 上面我想打: 套餐優惠 所有三明治或吐司/多士+布朗尼+英國茶或美式咖啡 £3.95 或 消費£2以上(只限食品)即贈送咖啡一杯。 另一邊個格式係一樣…只係英文… 係中文果邊,我仲想要jaket potatoes, all day breakfast coffee 同sandwiches 既相…之後中文呢邊個logo 我想轉做一個promotion box. 入面打…現凡購買超過£15的美容產品,即可提供免費送貨服務,只需輸入FREEDELIVERY 15. 附件有個樣本可以參考,我想要類似既顏色,但係一個新風格
我需要给我的公司与学院设计新的名片与banner 公司名字 Australian international Film and Media Pty Ltd 中文 澳大利亚国际影视传媒有限公司 学院名字 Australian Film and Media College 中文名字 澳大利亚电影传媒学院 我 有公司logo
ijofglkh;lfkhnkkn pghikolrjk ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjn og azbdojjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj hjb fgjooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh okjjhodddddddddddddddbj
ijofglkh;lfkhnkkn pghikolrjk ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjn og azbdojjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj hjb fgjooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh okjjhodddddddddddddddbj
...6. 网站需要支持多语言版本,基本支持语言如下: 英语, 法语, 西班牙语, 俄语, 葡萄牙语,阿拉伯语. 要求每种语言建立单独的数据库, 版面导航之类的翻译有我司提供.. 各个小语种页面不能出现另外的语言( 假如代码是贵司自己编写,这些要求不难实现) 所有小语种数据库链接地址为二级域名 例如 , , 7. 提供完整的sitemap,便于搜索引擎收录, 8. 网页顶部支持关键词编写 9. 网页底部支持自行添加内容和图片链接 10. 页面内所有连接指向地址全部可以自行编辑 11. 产品页面图片展示方式以相册为宜, 点击单个图片在本页面内放大, 而不是跳转到新的标签或者页面 12. 支持多媒体(视频/音频)文件上传,产品页面支持视频上传,或者支持youtube视频在网页内部播放 13. 网站banner数量自定义 14. 反馈页面所需访问者填写内容可以自定义 15. 支持访问者注册并提交邮箱. 16. 网站首页有企业邮局跳转按钮 17. 网站首页某个部位有社交网站的连接,所包含社交网站可以自定义(主要是国外社交网站) 以上所有事宜,请核准后给我司报价格。 不需要中文页面 可参考网站:
...6. 网站需要支持多语言版本,基本支持语言如下: 英语, 法语, 西班牙语, 俄语, 葡萄牙语,阿拉伯语. 要求每种语言建立单独的数据库, 版面导航之类的翻译有我司提供.. 各个小语种页面不能出现另外的语言( 假如代码是贵司自己编写,这些要求不难实现) 所有小语种数据库链接地址为二级域名 例如 , , 7. 提供完整的sitemap,便于搜索引擎收录, 8. 网页顶部支持关键词编写 9. 网页底部支持自行添加内容和图片链接 10. 页面内所有连接指向地址全部可以自行编辑 11. 产品页面图片展示方式以相册为宜, 点击单个图片在本页面内放大, 而不是跳转到新的标签或者页面 12. 支持多媒体(视频/音频)文件上传,产品页面支持视频上传,或者支持youtube视频在网页内部播放 13. 网站banner数量自定义 14. 反馈页面所需访问者填写内容可以自定义 15. 支持访问者注册并提交邮箱. 16. 网站首页有企业邮局跳转按钮 17. 网站首页某个部位有社交网站的连接,所包含社交网站可以自定义(主要是国外社交网站) 以上所有事宜,请核准后给我司报价格。 不需要中文页面 可参考网站:
Please check below assignment requirement and let us know if you can... -前言 -理论与相关概念 -过往研究 -小结 第三章 研究方法(10%) -前言 -研究设计 -采样(研究对象) -研究工具 -数据分析(描述性) -小结 基本要求: 1. 参考文献:至少20项,需包含2000年以上的文献。 2. 字数:至少5000字(第一章 2000字,第二章2000字,第三章1000字),不包含参考 文献及附录部分。 3. 写作格式: 1. Font Format (times new roman, size 12) 2. Font spacing 2.0 (double spacing) 3. margin 1.5 inch 4. Format APA edisi ke-6 5. You need to submit in word format
... 第三章 研究方法(10%) -前言Pendahuluan -研究设计Rekabentuk kajian -采样(研究对象)Persampelan -研究工具Instrument kajian -数据分析(描述性)Analisis data (deskriptif) -小结Rumusan 基本要求: 1. 参考文献:至少20项,需包含2000年以上的文献。 2. 字数:至少5000字(第一章 2000字,第二章2000字,第三章1000字),不包含参考 文献及附录部分。 3. 写作格式: 1. Font Format (times new roman, size 12) 2. Font spacing 2.0 (double spacing) 3. margin 1.5 inch 4. Format APA edisi ke-6 5. You need to submit in word format You can choose either one of the following topic: 1. 以直观演示法提高五年级学生应用规范动词的能力 2. 华文趣味教学法以提升四年级学生的成语应用能力 3. 信息通讯技术在教学中有效提高三年级学生掌握词汇量以提升阅读能力 4. 以直观演示法减少五年级学生作文中的词类误用
想找一位广告平面设计的朋友帮忙做一些图片处理,宣传册设计,产品贴纸设计的工作。 可以在家设计~产品合格以单件计价~交货期每次不超过三天 可长期合作,本店长期需要这类人才。 要求如下: 1.熟练使用photoshop,可以设计网站banner,宣传资料等。 2.熟练使用illustrator,定期设计产品贴纸及logo等。 有兴趣的朋友请把至少3件作品及期望的单件作品酬金发至。 谢谢哦。。。。
需要一位热衷 Arduino、电子设计的玩家创客帮忙介绍一个拇指般大小 32 位 Arduino 兼容开发板给中国的玩家. 这小小 38mmx18mm 的开发板功能含: 100MHz 32bit RISC / FPU + 1MByte Flash + 212KByte RAM + 2 UART + 2 SPI + 1 PWM + 17 GPIO + GP...+ 2 SPI + 1 PWM + 17 GPIO + GPS 接收器. 售价 $12 (不含 GPS 有源天线). 性价比远超越在群众募资网站 Kickstart上能看到的任何 Arduino 相关开发板 (Digispark, Microduino, Tinyduino, Galago, Teensy 3.0...). 目标是 10 天内帮 NavSpark 活动增加 250 位中国区的支持赞助者, $500 做酬劳, 超过或不及都照比例计算. 例如: 增加 200 位中国区支持赞助者则以 US$400 做酬劳, 1000 位则以 US$2000 做酬劳. NavSpark 活动网址:
...image now called) with short excerpt.(just look 90% like [color changed] is totally my idea but the largest thumnails (what's Hot column) should be left hand side instead of right, and "The New Stuff" Column in the middle and then right side bar ) sharp modern colored simple style papers for content area and side navigation.(right side bar every page including content page) small size social plugin panel on every thumbnail-post excerpt Navigation and Category Headers banners. Unique search design function Google font installation with fonts of my choice Decorative blog post title, date and time Revisions until I am satisfied with the design PSD layered source files as I need to also have a forum designed with the same theme. Must be installed Budg...
...speed: 4. Visit duration Min Sec/Max sec 5. Visit random URLs: Yes/No ( file path option) 6. random URLs visit duration: random urls top to bottom scroll speed (file path option and website API option) (file path option and website API option) option Select click based on "selector/xpath" (Example if click option is selected then it should click on selected banner/ads and do activity like slow scroll, wait time and visit internal link. ) 10. Click ctr control option. ------------------------------- Youtube: url 2. traffic source: Google search, Bing search,Facebook,Quora,Direct, (EX:if google is selected then need option to enter keyword) (file path option and website API option) (file path option and website API option)
I'm looking for a designer to create a step-and-repeat backdrop and two roll-up banner designs for my makeup products. The designs should be bold and vibrant to catch attention and convey the energy of the brand. Step-and-Repeat Backdrop - Two different minimal designs in two different colors - Size: 10x10 feet Roll-Up Banners - Two different professional and appealing designs - Size: 200x85 cm Design Elements - Incorporate product images - Brand logo prominently featured - Use of makeup usage tips or slogans Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Branding - Advertising design Experience in makeup or beauty industry design would be a plus. Please include relevant portfolio pieces in your proposal. I’ve attached a PDF containing different forms of the logo ...
I'm looking for a talented designer who can help me with a few key tasks. The top priority is creating a sleek, professional YouTube thumbnail. Key Requirements: - YouTube Thumbnail: Must be a professional and sleek design, incorporating images, text, and graphics or icons. - Logo: A unique and memorable logo that reflects the brand. - Banner: A visually appealing banner that aligns with the overall brand aesthetic. - Poster: A poster that captures attention and communicates effectively. - Video Editor: A skilled video editor who can enhance the visual content and maintain viewer engagement. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in graphic design and video editing software. - Demonstrated experience in creating YouTube thumbnails and other b...
I am looking for a skilled designer to create a logo and alphabet (fonts) in PSD for my business. Business Name: I prefer not to disclose Logo Design: I have specific requirements for the logo design that I would like to discuss with the designer. The designer should be able to incorporate the specific design elements and themes that I have in mind for the logo. -YouTube banners (3 options) -YouTube Channel Logo (3 options) -Logo Design Attention to detail and creativity in the design is important. Alphabet Design: The designer should be able to create alphabet fonts in PSD. I am open to suggestions and guidance from the designer regarding the typeface style. The typeface style can be serif, sans-serif, or script/decorative. Skills and Experience: Proficienc...
I want to put a picture of myself into an AI sort of picture. The pic that I want to be into is a young woman with a light saber that you can see reflected in her glasses. Since I'm a laser engineer, I would like to substitute a ...want to be into is a young woman with a light saber that you can see reflected in her glasses. Since I'm a laser engineer, I would like to substitute a green laser beam for the light saber. in some type of laser lab. I'm just not sure how to accomplish that. I would like to have three different pictures with slight variations. Instead of a cigarette, I would like to use a thin cigar of the same size. My pics are below and while I don't have sunglasses on, I would like to have a dark thin set on my face so the light can be reflecte...
Hi Mita! I hope you're well. Could I please have a flyer made to promote my new studio? I'd like the flyer to be A5 size, in our usual look of black, gold, white, with a mandala and include: - The new Leigh Marsden Holistic Health logo - A photo (will send) - A voucher at the bottom that people can cut or tear off and use. The voucher will be for 1 free session at Leigh Marsden Holistic Health, valid anytime in 2025. Please include this information:
I want to put a picture of myself into an AI sort of picture. The pic that I want to be into is a young woman with a light saber that you can see reflected in her glasses. Since I'm a laser engineer, I would like to substitute a ...want to be into is a young woman with a light saber that you can see reflected in her glasses. Since I'm a laser engineer, I would like to substitute a green laser beam for the light saber. in some type of laser lab. I'm just not sure how to accomplish that. I would like to have three different pictures with slight variations. Instead of a cigarette, I would like to use a thin cigar of the same size. My pics are below and while I don't have sunglasses on, I would like to have a dark thin set on my face so the light can be reflecte...
Name of the company is PipeFlex Fittings. I want the color to be a combination of aqua blue and black and something unique and original logo. The company is selling pipe accessories. You need to submit different files such as transparent and with white background, website logo size, and for social media.
We are a sta...Welcome Card with editable Canva link. 8. Instagram highlights Icon (10). 9. All social media icons with brand colors. 10. All social media suitable size ( 5 ) post templates with editable Canva links. 11. STUMPS for social media use ( 5 ) 12. Facebook Cover 13. Twitter Header 14. Linkedin Cover 15. All social media suitable profile pic. 16. Favicon 17. Market Assets: T-Shirts, Muggs, Hats, Bags, Pens, …..etc Project should come with a complete Brand book Designs must be submitted with vector editable artwork files. ***Brand book should include*** ° Color guidelines ° Typography guidelines ° Unacceptable usage ° Clear space ° Minimum logo size ° Primary logo ° Secondary logos/icons ° Photo background This project is a f...
...other relevant information. Online Application System: User Registration & Login: Secure user accounts with robust password protection. Step-by-Step Application Process: Guide users through the application process with clear instructions and progress indicators. Document Upload: Allow users to upload supporting documents (e.g., academic transcripts, resumes, police clearances) with file type and size restrictions. Payment Integration: Integrate with a secure payment gateway for online application fees. User Dashboard: Application Status Tracker: Real-time updates on application progress. Document Management System: Secure storage and retrieval of uploaded documents. Personalized Notifications: Email/in-app notifications for application updates, reminders, and important announ...