
    2,000 mini mba egypt 找到工作

    ...Customers/Platform Users) • Primary Account: Responsible for creating and managing chatbots, configuring customer service permissions, grouping users, etc. • Customer Service Representatives: Interact with C-End users, view assigned chatbots, and user groups. 3. C-End Users (End Customers) • Interact with B-End-configured chatbots or customer service representatives via embedded SDKs in apps, websites, or mini-programs. 3. Functional Module Design (1) Admin Functions 1. User Management • User Group Management: • Group B-End users by country, language, industry, etc. • Display user distribution data (e.g., region, subscription ratios). • Permission Management: • Set permission templates for B-End primary accounts and customer se...

    $469 Average bid
    $469 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    我们希望开发一个比赛报名和点评的小程序,帮助用户了解和选择各种比赛活动,同时激励他们通过分享和互动来获得奖励。此平台将整合比赛信息、用户点评、积分系统等多项功能,目标是让用户能更轻松地找到优质赛事并提高参与度。 **功能需求:** 1. **比赛信息管理:** - 平台会包含各类比赛(如越野赛马、马拉松等)的详细信息,包括比赛内容、报名费用、赛事主办方的服务评价等。 - 每个赛事页面会有类似点评的功能,让用户可以对赛事进行评分、上传照片、分享心得等,帮助其他用户作出更好的比赛选择。 2. **积分与激励系统:** - 用户在报名、分享赛事等操作时可获得积分,类似于“金字塔”激励模式。用户(尤其是队长)在转发比赛信息给队友时,会有额外的积分激励,鼓励分享和传播。 - 积分系统支持团队和个人的累积,用于激励用户积极推广和参与比赛。 3. **数据生成与导出:** - 队长可以生成 Excel 报表,记录和统计其团队成员的报名情况。 - 支持单独报名用户查看其年度赛事计划和积分详情。 4. **高效搜索与推荐:** - 实现强大的赛事搜索和筛选功能,支持用户按类别、评分、地点等维度筛选适合的比赛。 - 支持类似拼多多的滚动模式,展示已报名的队友信息,增强互动性和参与热情。 5. **互动与社交:** - 用户可以通过转发功能与队友分享赛事信息,系统提供动态更新,显示哪些好友已报名该比赛。 - 支持照片上传、比赛评分等功能,让用户分享更多参赛体验。 **技术需求:** - **后端**:支持高并发的数据库设计,支持积分系统及社交转发的逻辑实现。 - **前端**:友好易用的用户界面,便于用户快速浏览、分享和报名。 - **数据导出**:Excel文件生成和导出功能。 - **云存储*...

    $7025 Average bid
    $7025 平均报价
    8 个竞标

    我们需要一位全栈开发者(full stack developer)帮助我们开发一个在微信(WeChat)上运行的小程序(mini program),它的核心功能有:注册登录,用户信息展示和真实身份认证,有趣的活动发布及报名,创新创意idea发布,加好友即时聊天,推荐转发。 It includes 4 main pages: list: all the registered entrepreneurs listed here, according to their credit, latest log-in time,and etc. when clicked, other users can browse this entrepreneur’s detail info, and follow him/her, and chat with each other(registered users only). list:display the startup ideas and projects clicked,other users can see what's about,and know what this user needs, for example, a CTO, CMO...also,any user can give feedback to this idea or project. page:display some interesting activities, user stories and etc.. page:personal information, including id, contact, education and job

    $1283 Average bid
    $1283 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    一个公益项目,页面逻辑很简单: 1. 用户扫码进入小程序,填写 姓名, 编号,电话,然后选择一张图片,点击提交 2. 相应信息存入后台 3. 同时,生成 公益证书,显示 4. 公益证书可以分享到朋友圈 公益证书分享朋友圈,目前小程序还不支持iOS设备分享到朋友圈,可以通过canvas生成海报,保存到相册,然后再分享到朋友圈。 小程序的后台,直接使用微信云环境(云存储,云数据库)就可以。 为了后续的运维,要求使用微信小程序原生开发

    $750 Average bid
    $750 平均报价
    2 个竞标

    【+V信:KaZ6869 佩佩】茌平县找小姐服务小姐联系电话【+V信:KaZ6869 佩佩】_全天24小时_十五分钟我们一定能送到您指定地点【+V信:KaZ6869 佩佩】茌平县美女(妹子)一条龙确实服务+【+V信:KaZ6869 佩佩】 ,破界远航 与你同行——上海外国语大学MBA举办2,孕夯的勒谄,日本校花美少女:性感与清纯并存(组图),良守靥吐潦,限时发售/仅5.99万 长安逸动7周年超值版上市,氯肆看庇尤,深圳探索"普惠型"城市 月收,阶袒移信佑,已婚男网友向我表白 我有男友却动心了,苫兆椎粮世 我們提供一套在線遊戲的運營系統給我們的運營商用戶進行運營管理。 現招聘在線客服,主要工作內容如下: 1、值守網站的在線聊天,提供簡單的銷售前期資訊,幫助對接商務經理 2、值守技術支持的skype帳號,提供一些技術的操作指導(無需技術背景,一學就會) 我們會提供系統培訓,以及豐富的對話腳本。 對人員的要求: 1、無需深厚的技術背景,系統的操作都非常簡單; 2、無需專業的銷售技能,進行簡單的產品資訊介紹即可; 3、需要熱誠、陽光的心態,需要靈活善於應變的頭腦,為客戶提供良好的服務感受; 4、希望建立長期的合作關係,這項服務工作不是短期行為; 5、客戶主要使用簡體中文,所以需要流利的中文在線聊天技能。 成長空間: 1、基本的薪酬; 2、如果能與客戶成交,還可提供相應的抽成 工作時間說明: 1、能值香港時間的10:00PM 至 08:00AM,優先考慮 2、其他的時段根據時間安排來商議,通常需要一個班4-8小時

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 个竞标

    我们有网站,我们为迷你聊天程序设置了帐户。 display the website in mini chat program using 微信web开发者工具

    $33 Average bid
    $33 平均报价
    3 个竞标

    公司是从事全球海外留学生英文写作辅导的大型网络公司,现由于公司扩张,急需高薪招聘英文写作人员,接受各个专业领域的人才,待遇丰厚。 本公司招聘各个领域的写作人才,涵盖各个专业:商科、金融、数学、市场营销、法律、文学、经济、会计、政治、物流、计算机科学、数据基础、编程、信息系统、电子商务、人力资源、旅游、公司治理、物流管理、供应链管理、法律、管理业务管理、国际贸易等。 一、任职要求: 1.学历要求:目前仅接受国内研究生及以上(条件优秀的本科生亦可),及优秀的海外大学留学生。 2.英语水平要求: 国内大学英语六级以上,或者英语专业专八良好,国外雅思6.5分及以上,托福95以上。(请注意,本公司只接受英文原创写作人员,而不是简单的中英翻译,了解国外写作格式,有留学生原创写作经验优先) 3.专业要求范围:商科、管理、金融、工商管理、数学、人力、市场营销、法律、文学、经济、会计、政治、物流、计算机、教育、国贸、统计、 MBA等。要是你会数据分析类、如PYTHON、EVIEWS,SPSS,STATA,MATLAB等将是本公司着重培养人才!薪资将会比普通专业的更加丰厚! 4.态度要求:热爱写作,诚信负责,工作积极配合。具备良好的职业道德,具有充足的写作时间。 为什么选择我们? 本公司不限工作时间、不限工作地点、工作灵活,接tasks后,只要能在规定时间完成即可!工资丰厚!所有的工作地点和时间均由你自己安排,任务由你选择接与不接,推荐给你的单接或不接不影响下一次接单,工资结算在稿件截稿日之日完成。欢迎加入我们公司,希望广大贤士能来共创事业! 微信:tianxun1 QQ:2942613125

    $48 Average bid
    $48 平均报价
    2 个竞标


    $286 Average bid
    $286 平均报价
    6 个竞标


    $167 Average bid
    $167 平均报价
    3 个竞标
    编写 iPad应用程式
    已经结束 left

    制作一款用于房产销售时展示楼盘信息的应用。 应用具有的功能:1.展示楼盘位置、楼盘外观、楼层平面图与户型。 2.身份证实名注册,要求能核实身份证信息的真实性。并且注册后才能看到详细的户型图。 3.应用要安装在ipad mini上。 应用具有的部分功能可参考“拓悦山水”和“保利地产重庆”等应用里的功能。

    $1462 Average bid
    $1462 平均报价
    3 个竞标


    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    我们正在寻找一名 HTML5 开发工程师,作为freelancer, 帮助我们完成一个网页版本的项目。 要求: * 最好能够在我们的办公室工作1~2周时间 (三里屯soho) * 熟练应用html5,熟悉网页开发,游戏开发 如果对我们的项目感兴趣,欢迎联系我 . 谢谢!

    $942 Average bid
    $942 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    Project Name: Design, Programing and simulation of a 3-4 DOF robotic arm using simulink and arduino Software: Matlab Simscape Hardwares (I Have): 1) arduino mega 2560 r3 2) servor mg90s 3) 1.5v - 6v r300c mini dc motor rpm3500 4) sg90 micro servor motor 9g(360°) 5) dual channel motor driver modul L298N H-bridge 6) jumper wire cable 7) breadboard 8) robotic arm kit 6dof Deadline 2 days $20 nzd

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    ...color. b) Milestone 2-International: collect 40 professors / Instructors and 500 students (BS, MS, and Ph.D.) contacts from each department or school of i) Engineering ii) Computer Science iii) Business iv) Entrepreneurship v) Math & Sciences Universities from each of the following 14 countries in the order they are listed. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, UAE, Israel, Philippines, South Africa, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India, Nigeria. See the list of the universities in the link below. c) Milestone 3 : Schools and Professionals (i) Schools Only: Then collect Principal and head of each department and 100 teachers contact info from 10 elementary, middle and high schools from the same African countries and Philippines, (Ignore other countries) from the same cities...

    $24 Average bid
    $24 平均报价
    32 个竞标

    This coursework is an individual assignment. You must implement it independently. This coursework is a mini project which applies machine leaning techniques to analyse a real- world data set. You are asked to implement several machine learning tasks using the data from "Stack Overflow 2024 Annual Developer Survey". This survey will help you understand the state of software developers, you can read more about the survey here: Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2024. The dataset can be downloaded from the stack overflow CDN and imported into Kaggle: The following tasks are required in the coursework. (1) Implement exploratory data analysis and gain an understanding

    $173 Average bid
    $173 平均报价
    82 个竞标

    I need to develop a Mini App with the following features: 1. Login: Use a registered account and password to log in. After logging in, 9 single-word items will be displayed. 2. Homepage: • Display products and text rotation. • Clicking on a product redirects to its details page, which includes a “Buy Product” button. • Clicking on “Buy Product” redirects to the order inquiry function. The balance under “4-2” will be displayed as unavailable. 3. My Orders: • Displays: all orders, pending, purchased, invalid, completed. • Orders are displayed with calculated prices, and products being ordered will show up in the order list. 4. Member Center: Recharge: Click to display recharge methods. Monitoring of payment meth...

    $1092 Average bid
    $1092 平均报价
    123 个竞标
    Milestone 2 of 3
    6 天 left

    ...3 i) International Universities: collect 50 professors / Instructors and 500 students (BS, MS, and Ph.D.) contacts from each department or school of i) Engineering ii) Computer Science iii) Business iv) Entrepreneurship v) Math & Sciences Universities from each of the following 14 countries in the order they are listed. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, UAE, Israel, Philippines, South Africa, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India, Nigeria. See the list of the universities in the link below. Total 198,000 rows from International Universities. (ii) African + Philippines Schools: Then collect Principal and head of each department and 100 teachers contact info from 10 elementary, middle and high schools from the same African countries and Philippines, (Ignore other countries...

    $19 Average bid
    $19 平均报价
    46 个竞标

    ...3 i) International Universities: collect 50 professors / Instructors and 500 students (BS, MS, and Ph.D.) contacts from each department or school of i) Engineering ii) Computer Science iii) Business iv) Entrepreneurship v) Math & Sciences Universities from each of the following 14 countries in the order they are listed. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, UAE, Israel, Philippines, South Africa, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India, Nigeria. See the list of the universities in the link below. Total 198,000 rows from International Universities. (ii) African + Philippines Schools: Then collect Principal and head of each department and 100 teachers contact info from 10 elementary, middle and high schools from the same African countries and Philippines, (Ignore other countries...

    $19 Average bid
    $19 平均报价
    47 个竞标

    ...color. b) Milestone 2-International: collect 40 professors / Instructors and 500 students (BS, MS, and Ph.D.) contacts from each department or school of i) Engineering ii) Computer Science iii) Business iv) Entrepreneurship v) Math & Sciences Universities from each of the following 14 countries in the order they are listed. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, UAE, Israel, Philippines, South Africa, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India, Nigeria. See the list of the universities in the link below. c) Milestone 3 : Schools and Professionals (i) Schools Only: Then collect Principal and head of each department and 100 teachers contact info from 10 elementary, middle and high schools from the same African countries and Philippines, (Ignore other countries) from the same cities...

    $21 Average bid
    $21 平均报价
    35 个竞标

    I'm seeking a skilled video editor to refine my mini vlog for YouTube. The editing style should be smooth and professional, enhancing the overall viewing experience. Key Tasks: - Edit the video to achieve a sleek, polished finish. - Implement noise reduction to ensure the audio is clear and pleasant to listen to. - Enhance the voice to bring out the best in the audio. - Add background music at appropriate intervals to enhance the mood and pace of the vlog. Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience in video editing, preferably for YouTube content. - Strong skills in audio editing, particularly voice enhancement and noise reduction. - A knack for selecting and integrating background music seamlessly. - A portfolio showcasing a smooth and professional editing style. Ple...

    $10 Average bid
    $10 平均报价
    26 个竞标

    I'm seeking seasoned sales personnel for my booth at the upcoming Travel and Adventure trade show. The ideal candidate should have: - Experience in the travel industry: This is crucial as the individual will need to communicate effectively and engage with potential customers. - Interest or experience in travel to Egypt: Given the focus of our booth, a passion or knowledge about Egyptian travel would be a significant advantage. These sales professionals will be pivotal in attracting and engaging attendees, promoting our offerings, and ultimately driving sales. Your ability to sell, coupled with a genuine interest in travel, could make this a rewarding opportunity.

    $350 Average bid
    $350 平均报价
    18 个竞标

    ...heart or starburst in the background. --- 3. “Entire Store Promo” Image Purpose: Promote your entire shop as a valuable resource for OF models. Design Instructions: Background: A vibrant purple-to-gold gradient with sparkles and stars to catch attention. Title: “Explore The OF Experts Store” (Montserrat Bold, 45px, white text). Content: Highlight 4-6 of your top-performing products with mini-thumbnails (e.g., Christmas Scripts Bundle, Tip Games Collection, NSFW Caption Templates). Add a call-to-action: “Everything you need to grow your OF in one place!” Visuals: Include a scrolling shop mockup or grid layout of your product thumbnails. Badge: “Shop Now & Save 20% with Bundle Deals!” in a bold ribbon. --- 4. ...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 平均报价
    62 个竞标

    We are looking for an experienced developer/team to transform our existing mini app into a comprehensive super app. The project entails integrating multiple features and services, such as payments, e-commerce, delivery tracking, social networking, and more, into a single cohesive platform. The ideal candidate should have expertise in app development for both iOS and Android, experience in integrating APIs, scalable architecture design, and a user-centric approach to UI/UX. A portfolio showcasing similar projects and strong project management skills are highly desirable. Timely delivery, regular updates, and robust testing are essential for project success.

    $1408 Average bid
    $1408 平均报价
    64 个竞标

    ...editor to help refine and paraphrase my MBA application essays for three top business schools. The essays are in draft form, and your primary responsibility will be to improve clarity, ensure a polished and professional tone, and tailor the language to reflect my unique voice and perspective. Scope of Work: - Paraphrase and rephrase sections of the essays to improve readability while maintaining the original meaning. - Ensure the writing is clear, concise, and compelling. - Enhance the overall flow and coherence of each essay. - Tailor the language to align with the values and culture of the specific schools (guidance will be provided). - Ensure the essays remain within word count limits. Requirements - Proven experience in editing and refining MBA or similar - academic...

    $363 Average bid
    $363 平均报价
    86 个竞标

    I'm looking for a seasoned game developer who can build an engaging arcade-style mini game on the Telegram platform for my crypto project. The game should have the following features: - Multiplayer mode: Players should be able to compete or cooperate in real-time. - Power-ups and bonuses: Incorporate elements that can enhance gameplay and keep it exciting. - Level progression system: Players should advance through different levels, each with increasing difficulty. The primary objective of the game is level completion. The game should be designed to challenge players and keep them engaged, with the ultimate goal of completing all available levels. Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience in game development, particularly for Telegram. - A good understanding of cryp...

    $88 Average bid
    $88 平均报价
    38 个竞标

    I will develop and complete a mini website with a Home, Services pages including speed Optimizations.

    $330 Average bid
    $330 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...3 i) International Universities: collect 50 professors / Instructors and 500 students (BS, MS, and Ph.D.) contacts from each department or school of i) Engineering ii) Computer Science iii) Business iv) Entrepreneurship v) Math & Sciences Universities from each of the following 14 countries in the order they are listed. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, UAE, Israel, Philippines, South Africa, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India, Nigeria. See the list of the universities in the link below. Total 198,000 rows from International Universities. (ii) African + Philippines Schools: Then collect Principal and head of each department and 100 teachers contact info from 10 elementary, middle and high schools from the same African countries and Philippines, (Ignore other countries...

    $107 Average bid
    $107 平均报价
    90 个竞标

    ...categorization of posts. 3. Implement Payment Buttons • Integrate payment buttons allowing users to make transactions directly via Telegram (using Telegram Bot Payments API). 4. Create Multi-Channels • Set up and link multiple channels for different target audiences or purposes. 5. Develop Menu Buttons • Build a custom menu for easy navigation and improved user experience. 6. Build a Mini App (Optional) • Develop a Mini App within Telegram, such as a product catalog, quiz, or other interactive features. 7. Additional Consultation • Provide advice or propose improvements for further optimization of the account. [Additional tasks] 1. Automate Forwarding from Original Telegram Channel to Our Channel • Set up a bot or script that autom...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr 平均报价
    14 个竞标

    ...monitor program usage, gather user feedback, and analyze performance data. This information will be used to refine existing AI models, add new features, and improve the overall program functionality. Regular updates and enhancements will focus on improving the program's ability to analyze complex contract language, identify emerging risks, and adapt to evolving legal and regulatory frameworks in Egypt. Key Considerations: Throughout the development process, it is crucial to prioritize data privacy and security, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations. Additionally, the developer should strive to create models that are explainable and transparent, allowing users to understand the reasoning behind the program's recommendations. Ethical considerations, such as the p...

    $7199 Average bid
    $7199 平均报价
    17 个竞标

    reciso criar um APP simples. entradas – o motorista chega na empresa usa um qr code, e lança as informações necessárias via google forms. as informações são envidas para uma google sheet 1* departamento valida as notas 2* valida o recebimento fisico da mercadoria. criar perfil de acesso criar relatorio de acompanhamento criar mini dashboard com as algumas informações. fechar o acesso ao dia anterior para alterações.

    $151 Average bid
    $151 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    ...categorization of posts. 3. Implement Payment Buttons • Integrate payment buttons allowing users to make transactions directly via Telegram (using Telegram Bot Payments API). 4. Create Multi-Channels • Set up and link multiple channels for different target audiences or purposes. 5. Develop Menu Buttons • Build a custom menu for easy navigation and improved user experience. 6. Build a Mini App (Optional) • Develop a Mini App within Telegram, such as a product catalog, quiz, or other interactive features. 7. Additional Consultation • Provide advice or propose improvements for further optimization of the account. [Additional tasks] 1. Automate Forwarding from Original Telegram Channel to Our Channel • Set up a bot or script that autom...

    $479 Average bid
    $479 平均报价
    150 个竞标

    ...wiring plan with proper lighting and outlet placements. - HVAC system design for optimal air circulation and comfort. Detailed Space Requirements: Ground Floor (2,500 sq. ft.): - Customer Engagement Area: - Customer Lounge: 300 sq. ft. - Cafe: 150 sq. ft. - Vehicle Display Area: Spacious and prominently placed. - Service & Support Areas: - 2 Detailing Rooms: 200 sq. ft. each - Mini Salon: 80 sq. ft. - Studio Room: 100 sq. ft. - RO Treatment Plant: Visible to customers. - Store Room: 100 sq. ft. - Accessory & Alloy Wheel Racks. - Washroom: 50 sq. ft. (for customer and staff). First Floor (750 sq. ft.): - Office Room for administrative tasks. - Working Cabin for 5-6 team members. - Store Room for inventory. - Studio Room for 2 team me...

    $129 Average bid
    $129 平均报价
    39 个竞标

    ...splitting windows. #### Word: - Reviewing tools: spell check, track changes, comments. - Protecting and password-locking Word documents. ### **Day 4: Practice** - Create a conditional formatting rule in Excel. - Collaboratively edit a Word document. --- ## **Week 4: Project-Based Learning** ### **Day 1-2: Excel Mini-Project** - Build a fully formatted Excel spreadsheet (e.g., a personal expense tracker). - Include formulas, a chart, and conditional formatting. ### **Day 3-4: Word Mini-Project** - Create a professional Word document (e.g., a resume or a report). - Include styles, a table, and at least one image. ### **Day 5: Integration** - Combine Excel and Word: - Copy an Excel chart into Word. - Create a linked table from Excel in Word. ### **Day 6: Review and...

    $17 Average bid
    $17 平均报价
    36 个竞标

    ...engaging social media graphics for the Apes Of TON project. The primary focus will be on appealing to our target audience - crypto enthusiasts, airdrop farmers, and general public. You will be part of core team of the project and will have potential to convert this role as full-employment if you perform outstanding. Meanwhile the project launch it's mini-app till the launch of our token $APES in exchanges you will be earning $APES token allocation in mini-app and will also have potential to earn more rewards during the progress of project. X Page of Apes Of TON: Note: this is only volunteer role at the moment, if you willing to invest your skills in the project you are welcome, you will be rewarded gradually with growth of project. Key Responsibilities: - Design c...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 平均报价
    29 个竞标

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can create a mini Android app for me. This app will utilize my integrated supervision grid for a test project. Key Features: - The primary functionality of the app is real-time data monitoring. - The app should take 'User inputs' as its data source for sending notifications. User Interface: - I envision a simple and minimalistic user interface for the app. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Android app development. - Experience with real-time data monitoring apps. - Ability to create simple and minimalistic user interfaces. - Good understanding of handling user inputs for notifications.

    $517 Average bid
    $517 平均报价
    130 个竞标

    ...training collateral, including demos, mock-ups, solution walkthroughs, and work instruction guides. • Operational experience in delivering telecommunication services. • Experience in the Telecom/IT sector. • Familiarity with project tools like Azure DevOps and process modeling tools. • Experience in business analysis and process authoring tools (e.g., Nimbus, Visio). Desirable • Graduate, MBA - Preferable • Foundation certificate in Process & Business Analysis (preferred) • Six Sigma, PRINCE 2 Foundation ( preferred) • Experience in projects Tool: Azure DevOps, Process modelling tools • Ability to use analyse and use data using BI Tools (Business Objects, Qlik, Tableau) to underpin solution approaches and benefits realiz...

    $1298 Average bid
    $1298 平均报价
    17 个竞标

    ...categorization of posts. 3. Implement Payment Buttons • Integrate payment buttons allowing users to make transactions directly via Telegram (using Telegram Bot Payments API). 4. Create Multi-Channels • Set up and link multiple channels for different target audiences or purposes. 5. Develop Menu Buttons • Build a custom menu for easy navigation and improved user experience. 6. Build a Mini App (Optional) • Develop a Mini App within Telegram, such as a product catalog, quiz, or other interactive features. 7. Additional Consultation • Provide advice or propose improvements for further optimization of the account. [Additional tasks] 1. Automate Forwarding from Original Telegram Channel to Our Channel • Set up a bot or script that autom...

    $548 Average bid
    $548 平均报价
    34 个竞标

    ...categorization of posts. 3. Implement Payment Buttons • Integrate payment buttons allowing users to make transactions directly via Telegram (using Telegram Bot Payments API). 4. Create Multi-Channels • Set up and link multiple channels for different target audiences or purposes. 5. Develop Menu Buttons • Build a custom menu for easy navigation and improved user experience. 6. Build a Mini App (Optional) • Develop a Mini App within Telegram, such as a product catalog, quiz, or other interactive features. 7. Additional Consultation • Provide advice or propose improvements for further optimization of the account. [Additional tasks] 1. Automate Forwarding from Original Telegram Channel to Our Channel • Set up a bot or script that autom...

    $533 Average bid
    $533 平均报价
    31 个竞标

    ...categorization of posts. 3. Implement Payment Buttons • Integrate payment buttons allowing users to make transactions directly via Telegram (using Telegram Bot Payments API). 4. Create Multi-Channels • Set up and link multiple channels for different target audiences or purposes. 5. Develop Menu Buttons • Build a custom menu for easy navigation and improved user experience. 6. Build a Mini App (Optional) • Develop a Mini App within Telegram, such as a product catalog, quiz, or other interactive features. 7. Additional Consultation • Provide advice or propose improvements for further optimization of the account. [Additional tasks] 1. Automate Forwarding from Original Telegram Channel to Our Channel • Set up a bot or script that autom...

    $502 Average bid
    $502 平均报价
    35 个竞标

    ...categorization of posts. 3. Implement Payment Buttons • Integrate payment buttons allowing users to make transactions directly via Telegram (using Telegram Bot Payments API). 4. Create Multi-Channels • Set up and link multiple channels for different target audiences or purposes. 5. Develop Menu Buttons • Build a custom menu for easy navigation and improved user experience. 6. Build a Mini App (Optional) • Develop a Mini App within Telegram, such as a product catalog, quiz, or other interactive features. 7. Additional Consultation • Provide advice or propose improvements for further optimization of the account. [Additional tasks] 1. Automate Forwarding from Original Telegram Channel to Our Channel • Set up a bot or script that autom...

    $486 Average bid
    $486 平均报价
    30 个竞标

    ...categorization of posts. 3. Implement Payment Buttons • Integrate payment buttons allowing users to make transactions directly via Telegram (using Telegram Bot Payments API). 4. Create Multi-Channels • Set up and link multiple channels for different target audiences or purposes. 5. Develop Menu Buttons • Build a custom menu for easy navigation and improved user experience. 6. Build a Mini App (Optional) • Develop a Mini App within Telegram, such as a product catalog, quiz, or other interactive features. 7. Additional Consultation • Provide advice or propose improvements for further optimization of the account. [Additional tasks] 1. Automate Forwarding from Original Telegram Channel to Our Channel • Set up a bot or script that autom...

    $521 Average bid
    $521 平均报价
    35 个竞标

    Hi, I have a ESP 32-S3-mini-1-8 user interface programming project in MicroPython that should work with with this screen : I want it to be done with the parallel port. The user interface should send pre-written commands to the DAC 8760 :

    $567 Average bid
    $567 平均报价
    23 个竞标

    ...) is a Singapore-based business information provider specializing in connecting businesses with global capabilities; comprised of industry veterans, Confirmis business model is designed to overcome perennial lack of data (let alone quality data) to support effective decision-making, particularly in developing economies. PT able to access the sources to conduct Bankruptcy check in Egypt The task fulfillment file is also attached to give the PT a better understanding of the objectives. Targeted party(s) for Italy: 1 Individual PLEASE FIND THE JOB DESCRIPTIONS & REQUIREMENTS BELOW: 1. Conduct research the provided [individual(s) or Party(s)] in all bankruptcy and insolvency sources in both native language and English. 2. Conduct rese...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均报价
    24 个竞标

    I'm seeking a talented video producer to help create an inspiring and compelling video for my MBA application. This video should primarily focus on my personal story, and should be able to convey an inspirational tone. Key requirements: - The incorporation of B-roll footage - The use of animated graphics - The blending of multiple video clips into a one-minute final product The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in video editing and production, with experience in creating application videos or similar content. Creativity, ability to meet tight deadlines and strong communication skills are also crucial for this project.

    $86 Average bid
    $86 平均报价
    19 个竞标

    ...architect with experience in luxury design to create a blueprint for a car detailing showroom. The building will be G+1, measuring 50*45 feet. Key Requirements: - **Ground Floor (2250 sq. ft.)**: This level will incorporate a customer lounge (300 sq. ft.), a cafe (150 sq. ft.), and a front vehicle display area for customer engagement. There will also be two detailing rooms (200 sq. ft. each), a mini salon (80 sq. ft.), a studio room (100 sq. ft.), a customer-visible RO treatment plant, and a store room (100 sq. ft.) at the back. Accessory and alloy wheel racks should be included, along with a washroom (50 sq. ft.) for customer and staff use. - **First Floor (600 sq. ft.)**: This level needs to contain an office room (150 sq. ft.), a cabin for 4-5 people (200 sq. ft.), a pantry r...

    $101 Average bid
    $101 平均报价
    16 个竞标
    LEGO Video Commercial Ad Creation
    12 小时 left

    Hello, I am looking to create a LEGO based mini video to advertise our Digital Marketing Company. This will be a comprehensive project that will require brainstorming and creativity as I will explain my vision and let the person who is taking it on steer the creativity. Only looking for individuals with proficient experience in the area (please share such content for consideration). In addition, looking to bring this individual on long term for future projects as well representing the company! Lets connect and put together a great video that will get marketed! When you think of this video think of Pharrell Williams Piece By Piece as that is where my inspiration came from:

    $55 Average bid
    $55 平均报价
    13 个竞标
    Trophy icon Mini Ads Creation for Brand Promotion
    1 小时 left

    I'm looking for a creative freelancer who can design 4 mini ads for our brand targeting 4 specific verticals: Nonprofits, Local Retailers, Families, and Influencers. The ads should be captivating, fun and align with our brand's theme of 'Savings and Rebates'. Key Requirements: - Create engaging content that speaks directly to each vertical. - Use stock photos that depict the respective audiences in a positive light - smiling family shoppers, kids shopping with parents, retailers happily engaging with customers, or influencers generating income online. - Incorporate our brand colors and elements from our websites: and , as well as the provided attachments. The primary message of the ads revolves around 'Savings and Rebates'. The tone should

    $40 Average bid
    73 项参赛作品

    ...the shape and space in the original mouthguard holder. (original 3d design of a mouthgaurd: :3534153) - Ensuring the functionality of a two-part print design, inclusive of a working hinge and closure. - Incorporating specific text in a designated font on top of the casket design "Count Randinald's Tooth Coffin". - Using PLA material for the 3D print on a Bambu A1 mini (180mm x 180mm x 180mm) with AMS (multiple fillament colors) Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong portfolio in 3D design and printing, with particular emphasis on creating intricate, functional designs. Prior experience with mouthguard or similar designs is a plus. Excellent attention to detail and the ability to accurately replicate specified text and fonts are crucial for this

    $23 Average bid
    $23 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    Hello, We are looking for a highly skilled and experienced Full Stack Web Developer specializing in Laravel and Vue.js to join our team. We will work on Telegram mini app ecosystem. ( with laravel and vue.js ) This is a long-term position (minimum 6 months) with a weekly commitment of 35 hours. Important : hourly rate is fix : 4$ / hours for the 2 first week. then we can increase the hours rate. Requirements: Strong experience in Laravel and Vue.js development. Strong expertise in building, maintaining, and optimizing web applications. Ability to write clean, maintainable, and efficient code. Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Good communication skills and ability to work collaboratively in a remote environment. Availability for 35 hours/week. What We O...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr 平均报价
    56 个竞标

    Project Title: Penalty Mini-Game Development for Unity (PvP/PvAI Mode) Project Overview: We are looking for an experienced Unity developer to create a Penalty Mini-Game that supports both Player vs Player (PvP) and Player vs AI (PvAI) modes. The game will be a penalty shootout-style mini-game, where players can take turns either as the goalkeeper or the shooter. The objective is to score goals while defending against penalty shots. Key Requirements: Game Mechanics: Penalty Shootout: The game consists of two players or a player and an AI. One player will be the shooter, and the other will be the goalkeeper (roles will alternate). Goalkeeper Mechanics: The goalkeeper will try to block the shot by moving left and right (or diving) to intercept the ball. Shooter Mechan...

    $187 Average bid
    $187 平均报价
    26 个竞标