...drawing. AI community chat function: Add group AI chat function (users can create groups, pull friends into a group, use AI together and see each other's AI chat and chat), and the functions in the design drawing. AI group chat function: Add community AI chat function (can see the content of AI users in the community), and the functions shown in the design drawings. Basic functions: 1. IP redirection function (we plan to make two websites, but the databases need to be the same. When it is recognized that the user is logging in with a Chinese IP address, it will redirect to the AI platform for the China region; if it is recognized that the IP address is from another region, it will redirect to the global version of the AI platform. The main purpose is to allow overse...
我们想开发1套【让用户通过微信小程序,自主参加交友活动的信息系统】 1、项目描述 该套系统分为【前台系统】 和 【后台系统】 前台系统是1个微信小程序 该微信小程序,用于【展示交友互动】,让用户使用该小程序,报名参加【交友活动】 由我们开发对接该小程序的【后台系统】 我们向接包公司提供【该套系统的网络架构、数据库设计、该小程序调用的后台的接口】 该【后台系统】和【前台系统的接口】,部署在云服务器中 2、任务描述 接包公司负责开发前台的所有功能(即:微信小程序) 接包公司需要用HBuilder X的Uniapp框架,开发该微信小程序 Uniapp框架的官网的网址是 接包公司完成该小程序项目后,需要向我们提供所有的项目资料,包括:功能流程图、微信小程序的源代码等等 该微信小程序,要能在安卓系统 和 苹果手机系统中,正常运行 该微信小程序,要能自动在不同尺寸的屏幕的手机中,按原型图的布局,正常显示 用户使用该微信小程序的所有功能产生的数据,用我们的接口,必须能持续、成功、正确写入我们开发的【后台系统】的数据库中,视为该系统测试通过的其中1个条件 用户使用该微信小程序的所有功能需要用到的数据,用我们的接口,必须能持续、成功、正确从我们开发的【后台系统】的数据库中读出,并能用该微信小程序正确展示给用户查看和操作,视为该系统测试通过的其中1个条件 要能自动在不同尺寸的屏幕的手机中,按原型图的布局,正常显示 中标 或 承接本项目的服务商,必须保证,按我的【需求和原型图】开发的上述的微信小程序,能通过腾讯公司的审批且能上线正常运行 3、附件中的【前台_界面.xlsx文件】的内容是上述微信小程序的原型图 4、请按附件中的【开发时长和报价.xlsx文件】的内容的格式,填写【您们的开发时长和报价】...
...covering TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and advanced tools to improve efficiency. Comprehensive Course Framework (Extended Outline) Phase 1: Introduction to Social Media Platforms Overview of key platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Emerging platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimization: Step-by-step guide to registering accounts Profile optimization strategies Mult...
...covering TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and advanced tools to improve efficiency. Comprehensive Course Framework (Extended Outline) Phase 1: Introduction to Social Media Platforms Overview of key platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Emerging platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimization: Step-by-step guide to registering accounts Profile optimization strategies Mult...
1. Project Overview A multilingual, international customer service platform that allows users to configure multiple chatbots with GPT API integration for AI-powered responses. The platform will offer flexible permission management, business features (e.g., chatbot-based pricing, coupon support, affiliate marketing), and support user-defined group management to meet the needs of enterprise clients. 2. System Roles and Permissions 1. Administrator (Admin) • Manage global functions and configurations, including user management, subscription management, affiliate marketing, cashback rewards, etc. 2. B-End Users (Enterprise Customers/Platform Users) • Primary Account: Responsible for creating and managing chatbots, configuring customer service permissions, ...
Development Requirements Document 1. Project Overview This project aims to extend and optimize the functionality of the existing system, with a focus on improving user experience, security, subscription services, payment integration, and management capabilities. The goal is to develop a versatile and flexible AI API platform that ensures system stability, efficiency, and security. Website: 2. Development Features Overview 2.1 Bug Fixes Add a fix for the logo redirection bug: Correct the error where the logo does not redirect properly, ensuring normal navigation to the homepage or the specified page. Add a check for all code bugs: Conduct a thorough code review, identify and fix all potential issues, ensuring logical correctness and stable operation of the code. 2....
Development Document: Frontend, Backend, and Admin Panel Table of Contents Overview General Requirements Frontend Development Requirements Menu Click Limitation Copy and Debugging Protection Multilingual Support Membership Plan Selection Interface Agent Page Backend Development Requirements Software Update System Invitation System Membership Pricing and Plan Modification Agent Membership Functionality Enterprise Functionality (Management Center) Card Code Redemption System Exclusive Membership Line Settings Email Configuration FAQs and Banners Management Copywriting Management Admin Panel Requirements Multilingual Switching Login Security Enhancement Order Management User Management Online Status Display Data Statistics and Reports Task Center (Planning Center) Development No...
We will be recruiting a recruitment specialist for our Malaysian branch to recruit local technical personnel. Job responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the administrative management of the company; plan and implement company employee recruitment; to screen, shortlist, and interview candidates to identify the best fit for the position; 3. Establish and maintain employee records and the signing, modification, renewal, and termination of labor contracts; 4. Assist the team in other HR related tasks. Job requirements: 1. More than three years of recruitment related work experience in the internet industry is preferred; 2. Familiar with the operation and application of commonly used office software; 3. Having certain communication and expression skills, Mandarin profi...
Task details: I am purchasing an Apple Enterprise Developer Program account from the seller, which requires a total payment of $5000. I have set up two milestones, each of which is $2500. Task Step: When I create and release the first milestone, the seller can provide me with an Apple Enterprise Developer Program account wi...Enterprise Developer Program account. After obtaining the ownership of the Enterprise Developer Program account, I will create and release the second remaining payment of $2500. Default content: If I do not obtain ownership of the Apple Enterprise Developer Program account within 3 days, I will file a complaint against the seller and will not create the second milestone of $2500 in the original plan, and will recover the $2500 already released from the first ...
...通确定 工作时间:每天工作8小时,工作时间属于弹性制,时间相对自由,但要保证每天有时间和团队一起做好及时沟通和响应,高效完成任务 基本软硬件要求 网络稳定且快速 平时文字工作交流使用Slack 线上会议视频沟通,使用Google Meet、腾讯会议 工作职责: 通过远程视频方式,跟员工进行1对1或者一对多口语对话练习,帮助员工提升口语表达,以达到能跟外国同事通畅交流的目的; 有一定的课程设计灵活性,在听、读、写方面提供方案,针对性解决团队和员工需求; 跟进员工英语方面的问题,及时解决问题,提高员工满意度; 追踪员工学习情况和数据,与项目负责人保持积极配合,定时提供课程开展报告; 任职资格: 英语能力为母语水平,具备扎实的英语功底,发音标准,表达地道; 知识面较广,性格随和包容,能轻松与员工聊各种话题; 具备面向不同基础水平的成人英语口语教学经验,全英文授课; 英语为第一语言,或者有海外留学背景人员优先。 加分项 具有远程工作经验者优先 具备科技行业知识与背景 招聘流程 1.我们收到人才库的推荐后,如果基本符合我们的要求,我们会安排一次远程视频面试; 2.远程视频面试主要是让我们双方了解更多信息,以及商讨薪资; 3.如果您面试通过,且您决定加入我们团队,在入职前将会进行签约; 签约方式和薪资待遇 1.通过新加坡人力资源公司签约,工资为时薪制,默认按全职计算 (每天工作8小时, 每周40小时) 2.该职位入职时薪范围约在$10-20/小时,完全依照个人实际能力而定。 FAQ 1.有五险一金吗? 团队的福利在完善中。目前需要自己承担五险一金的费用,新加坡公司可以协助处理缴纳社保的业务。 2.哪些城市有岗位 没有地理位置的限制。团队所有的成员都是全职远程在家办公。 3美元汇率变化带来的个...
嗨 Worldtranslator, 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。
需要一个mg动画师做一个1-2分钟的企业宣传片,具体内容详谈 i need a graphic designer to make a 1-2min animated video industry: food safety testing Chinese speaking freelancer preferred
我公司有一个项目, cy7c68013A_128 单片机的软件开发, 细节是用GPIO模仿Jtag烧录两片Xilinx的PROM. (XCF04S, XCF01S). Xilin有比较详细的方案。 见副件。 如果你们承接这类工程, 请你给我一个报价。 我们有硬件平台, 你们需要提供, 1 windows usb 的驱动, 指定等待下载的文件。 Cy7c68013A 的程序,把指定的文件烧录到目标PROM. 启动系统, 读取FPGA内部寄存器,确定烧录成功。
公司主要从事程序化交易/量化交易,目前需要一名在线直播的工作人员,需要会中英文,详细信息可以通过电邮了解 招聘美籍直播工作人员1名
你好,各位。 最近我买了一台内地的酷派Y76手机,想在其上安装google play及商店内的应用,但俱不行。 我想有相关经验及专业的人帮我解决这问题。 本人可以安装team viewer或把整个系统重新安装,以协助这个工作。 本人提供3美金给受聘者。 谢
1、需要.NET SCATTER图形控件(WPF优先,实在不行可以用WINFORM) ,不限制是自己写的还是第三方的。 2、基本效果如图。 3、控件数据源是不超过20组数组,都是画点。点的信息包含:X(double),Y(double),TAG(object) 4、点的大小可以设置。 5、每组数据源画的点颜色可以设置。 6、数据源是可以动态追加、删除的,并且会直接反映了图形改变。如数据源添加5个点,图形就会多5个点。 7、图形的宽度(指的是X范围)、左边界可以设置。如宽2000,,左150,右就是2149就是说可以显示,X>=150<=2149的点。 8、Y范围也可以设置。 9、每组数据源缓存10000点,超过自动丢弃。 10、黄色竖线为最后点画的位置。 11、其他的横线为参考线,做成可以动态设置的。 1)横线的Y可以设置,宽带就是满屏不需要改。 2)横线的颜色,是否为虚线要能设置。 12、需要源代码,如用到第3方控件 ,需要没有使用限制。
我需要ERP软件供应商如Microsoft Dynamics,SAP Business One,Netsuite,Acumatica,Epicor和Infor在中国的所有合作伙伴的excel报告。 我需要excel报告包含以下信息: - 公司名 - 地址 - 网址 - 与其合作的供应商(每个竞争对手的单独列)。 一些公司可能与多个供应商合作 - 每个供应商的合作层级或级别。 - 姓名,电子邮件地址和Linkedin公司首席执行官/创始人/董事总经理从每个合作伙伴。 我只是一个名字。
我需要ERP软件供应商如Microsoft Dynamics,SAP Business One,Netsuite,Acumatica,Epicor和Infor在中国的所有合作伙伴的excel报告。 我需要excel报告包含以下信息: - 公司名 - 地址 - 网址 - 与其合作的供应商(每个竞争对手的单独列)。 一些公司可能与多个供应商合作 - 每个供应商的合作层级或级别。 - 姓名,电子邮件地址和Linkedin公司首席执行官/创始人/董事总经理从每个合作伙伴。 我只是一个名字。
Plan-B MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING DIRECT SIGNUP CONTRACT AGREEMENT 11 Month WORKING DAYS – 25 WORK LOAD 2000 /- FORM RATE – 10/- FIRST PAY – 5000/-(Refundable) BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION 100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER • 95.1% - 100% = 100% Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK, NO NEXT ...
需要制作1分半左右的漫画宣传片,我提供图像 标志和背景音乐素材。主要是把已经分层的图片转换成简单的动画(只需要场景头发布料之类的地方移动)。分镜和配乐已经设计好了,只需要能熟练操作软件的人沟通,然后操作下。
Awriter with strong MBAbackground is preferred
想要在美国做国内一精密指南针厂家总代理。厂家可以大力支持。主要想在Amazon和ebay 等B2C平台销售。但是已经有一些非美国指定代理商家进入美国市场挂在各种网站上进行销售。如果控制价格并已总代理身份打入美国市场。 I am recently designated as a representative of a Chinese geological compass company in the US. I originally plan to open market is to use the B2C sales like Amazon, Ebay,etc. However, so far there are a lot of vendors, who are not officially designated as representatives in the US, putting this company’s products on these marketing websites and disordered the market prices for them. I am inquiring a good solution to control the price on the online market as an officially representative and make a healthy sales environment.
岗位职责: 1、负责公司日常后勤行政事务; 2、负责部分计帐工作,包括外联、客服以及兼仓库退件处理工作。 任职条件: 1、专科以上学历,专业不限; 2、熟练使用办公软件,会简单的法语及英语沟通; 3、细致认真,服务意识强,具有较强的沟通能力和良好的团队协助精神。
时长:1分钟 主要内容:一款测评产品 + 公司联系方式和 试用产品信息 风格:简洁、创意 格式:wmv/avi 要背景音乐
We have a new idea to create one apps ,we need a proposal for investor to invest us in this apps
2º Month SEO Google Spain
招聘流媒体视频直播加速 开发人员一名 OP 2名 现需求开发一款流媒体视频直播加速程序,或现成的程序也可以 另需要1-2名op对程序进行调试,需要对程序很了解,可以设置简单的cc防御策略等 待遇: 兼职开发人员3w/月 兼职op 1w/月 欢迎懂行的前来投标探讨.
A media company based in Shenzhen China, need a creative designer for a small project. Project Details: Create a 1 second continuous animation for android system, see attached files for samples. 在中国深圳的一间公司,找寻有才能的设计师帮忙设计一秒的连续性动画。 这是将会用到安卓系统上的动画,详情请参考附件的图档跟影片,若有兴趣请联系。
1. 需要3000句英-日例句。 格式: (交付档案时请用Microsoft Excel檔) jog When I was young, I used to jog in the morning. 私は、若かった時、よく朝ジョギングしました。 2. 会提供单词列表. 3. 所有的句子(包括英文与日文)不能有文法错误且要母语人士用法。 4. 所有的句子必须是原创的,并且不侵害到任何知识产权。 5. 雇主拥有独家版权,不可转售或交付给第三者。 6. 需先签合同。
Plan-B MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING DIRECT SIGNUP CONTRACT AGREEMENT 11 Month WORKING DAYS – 25 WORK LOAD 2000 /- FORM RATE – 10/- FIRST PAY – 5000/-(Refundable) BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION 100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER • 95.1% - 100% = 100% Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK, NO NEXT ...
网站的导航条有5个栏目:首页、产品、解决方案、成功案例、关于我们 每个栏目下的分类规划如下: 首页:布局精简 产品:Microsoft、Citrix、Symantec、Sophos、Vmware、HP、Dell(可以自主添加条目) 解决方案:虚拟化、云计算、IT安全(可以自主添加条目) 成功案例:待定(可以自主添加条目) 关于我们:公司背景、宗旨方向、招贤纳士、团队风采、联系我们 附加说明: 1.当鼠标停留在某个栏目上面时,会自动列出该栏目下的分类信息 2.对于每个栏目下的页面,希望参考以下布局格式,在左侧框架点击某个条目后,右侧框架显示出相应的条目详细内容。 3.在网站的首页边侧放置一个固定悬浮框,用来放置公司的二维码图与联系信息
I'm looking for a digital marketer with expertise in social media to run a campaign for me. The primary goal is to increase brand awareness across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Plan and execute a comprehensive social media strategy focused on brand visibility. - Use a mix of images and videos to create compelling content that engages our target audience. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in digital marketing, particularly on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. - Strong skills in content creation, with a focus on images and videos. - Ability to strategize and implement effective brand awareness campaigns.
Project Title: Looking for Skilled Content Writers, Typists, Translators, and Data Entry Experts Description: I am seeking freelancers with expertise in the following areas: Content Writing: Articles, blogs, and creative story writing. Typing and Copywriting: Fast and accurate typing skills for various projects. Translation: Professional translation services for documents and content. Medical Writing: Assistance with healthcare-related content and research. Data Entry: Accurate and efficient data management. Diet & Public Health Research: Creating reports and articles related to diet and health. PowerPoint Presentations: Creating professional and engaging presentations. Excel Work: Data analysis, charts, and spreadsheet management. Requirements: Strong attention to d...
Auto bids will be ignored and reported. If you are bidding on this project, give a brief plan on how you will make it work and what you need from us. Setup a tesla fleet API server which can 1. listen to live fleet data and write this data to a db. 2. Send commands back to tesla 3. get and write charging data to a db 4. setup virtual keys 5. create an api for us to call these function via api from other servers Must be done with Golang Preference is to not use dockers
I'm seeking a project manager who specializes in planning and scheduling. Your primary responsibility will be creating Gantt Charts using Microsoft Project. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Project - Exceptional planning and scheduling abilities - Strong understanding of Gantt Chart creation
I'm looking for a skilled developer who can create a program to plan, execute and manage stock trades with a user-friendly interface. The program should utilize custom trading strategies templates and perform essential calculations. Key Features: - Real-time Data Tracking: The program should be able to track stock data in real-time. - Automated Trading: The program should have the capability to calculate parameters and load them for manual execution, then manage trades automatically based on predefined parameters. - Risk Management Tools: The program needs to incorporate features that assess and manage trading risks. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in programming with a focus on finance-related software. - Experience in developing trading software is a plus. - Fam...
The Alchemists Solutions Business Intelligence Development Company Business Plan 1. Executive Summary Our company provides business intelligence consulting services and data analytical solutions, initially targeting the retail and finance sectors. We specialize in helping organizations leverage data-driven insights to enhance decision-making, optimize operations, and improve profitability. Our long-term vision is to expand across multiple industries. 2. Business Objectives Establish a strong presence in the retail and finance industries. Deliver high-quality BI consulting and analytical solutions to clients. Build a reputation as a trusted partner for data-driven decision-making. Expand service offerings and client base over time. 3. Services Offered Business Intelligence Con...
Hi, I have one landing page design (AI) and want to convert that into pixel-perfect responsive HTML/CSS using the Bootstrap framework. It’s a small page, and I have a max $20 budget. I need this done today in the next few hours. To apply, you must send me 2 of your previous project links along with the original design files. Without that, I will count your proposal as spam and immediately delete it. Thanks.
I'm looking for a social media marketing expert to help promote my brand on Instagram and TikTok. The main goal of this project is to increase brand awareness. Key Responsibilities: - Create and manage engaging content across various formats, including images, videos, stories, and company updates. - Develop and implement a strategic marketing plan focused on boosting our brand visibility on these platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly on Instagram and TikTok. - Strong content creation skills with a knack for producing engaging images and videos. - Experience in increasing brand awareness through effective social media strategies.