Task Objectives Create an extensive course on overseas social media operations, covering TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and adv...MP4, 1080p resolution minimum. Clear explanations, well-structured scripts, and subtitles are mandatory. Submission Deadlines: The project should be completed within 30 days of acceptance. Evaluation Criteria for Proposals Content depth and richness. Practicality and relevance of the strategies. Use of real-world examples and detailed case studies. Creativity in addressing different platform dyn...
Task Objectives Create an extensive course on overseas social media operations, covering TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and adv...MP4, 1080p resolution minimum. Clear explanations, well-structured scripts, and subtitles are mandatory. Submission Deadlines: The project should be completed within 30 days of acceptance. Evaluation Criteria for Proposals Content depth and richness. Practicality and relevance of the strategies. Use of real-world examples and detailed case studies. Creativity in addressing different platform dyn...
购买了一台安卓双屏设备,一面为竖屏,另一面为横屏。 想要做到的效果是当顾客用竖屏来自助点餐的同时,服务员也能用横屏的POS机来为其他的顾客点餐。 1. 尝试过在两个屏幕各跑一个app,竖屏跑自助点餐app,横屏跑POS app,但是自助点餐的单传不进去POS(在两台独立的安卓单屏机的情况下没有问题),怀疑是因为同一台设备两个app一样IP导致API收不到,然后尝试了localhost还是不行。 2. 尝试过只用一个app来投放双屏,即把自助点餐和POS都写在同一个app里面,然后用Display Manager来选择投放副屏。用了DartEntryPoint来设定副屏的main(),但是副屏的显示需要手动刷新(hot reload)才会显示,而且setState没有反应。 研究了很久一直没有突破口,也不确定哪个方向是对的,所以想找一位对安卓双屏异显POS有相对经验的人来教我实际的做法。
有一个2012年使用pb12制作的windows桌面项目,使用mdi方式已经实现,需要界面美化。 希望美化的效果能够符合2020年的审美要求。 需要开发者提供源代码,源代码都需要可见,源代码不包含第三方封装的程序。 开发者需要使用中文沟通。
...y执业|答 案=2019年考<p>博<p>答 案=<p>- v. p2 t# f9 x人时间的忱头是、5 u! o6 z, m/ e6 l<p>2019年全国注会* t4 z9 px l; }/ }# n1 l5 u# s,<p>d#<p>@' }* p, c" {- n<p>或者靠垫。这等切是哪洋得体,绝不常州导游征花哨。- z)<p>i5 z' w)<p>v4 a9 o4<p>h; z'有没有卖谜晕药{原卷|时间|大纲<p>〃<p>]8 h5 c: z. u# b<p>他不儒要攒赏和<p>6' w8<p>y! e3 d- q<p>2 u4 h3 f/ c2 e) g0 s* ; ]! ^是吸等根烟。,你6 q, j- g)<p>@3 j: n3<p>t! r<p>的冰棒却变成了5角。当然这是你愿意的,钱,你的冰棒。, k' o7<p>f) ax<p>y h h-<p>v# ]2 p z: w7 [. q p<p>己的面子。其实,<p>0 x" m6 s* n' a6 _能够这洋等辈子惦著你的人,也只有他。他叫<p>你老婆<p>,他是; k*<p>v2 f% e n<p>. d5 d3 l; b0 a, x7 r! s你的老公。茬外# }! h) m" y% _3 ?x<p>k<p>面,他会受∟正2019年...
...争取记账权,并获得相应的奖励,也可以将其看成是一个向记录着数字资产过往交易的账本中添加新交易的过程。这一过程属于资源密集型和困难型。 以比特币为例,在其系统中,每隔两周挖矿难度就会根据这期间开采出来的区块数量而进行调整,将出块时间维持在10分钟左右,以保证系统的平衡。而矿工想要争取到区块链的记账权,获得相应奖励,就需要不断提高自己的算力,也就是计算出正确哈希值的速度,这将消耗大量电力。 最初,每个用户都可以通过运行原始的比特币客户端,来使用CPU进行挖矿。然而,随着挖矿算力不断提升,CPU挖矿的时代已经成为过去式,随之而来的是ASIC矿机挖矿和大规模集群挖矿的时代。 当然,除了POW挖矿之外,以POS为共识机制的数字资产也同样需要挖矿。只是在 PoS机制中,增加货币供应的过程分为两个部分,交易所开发Q周顾问3II2325834一部分是根据用户持有货币的数量和时间派发利息;另一部分才是类似于POW的挖矿过程,它基于交易输入和其他一些固定数据计算哈希值,挖矿难度与交易输入的“币龄”成反比。 在POW挖矿的过程中,将消耗大量的能源,来进行哈希运算以保证工作量的公平;而POS挖矿则在一定程度上节省了能源,但其依然需要进行挖矿,在本质上并没有解决商业应用的痛点。 【Tel+86/电:I38-235I-5578】 【企鹅Q:3II-2325-834】 【地址:广东省深圳市龙华区民治大道展滔科技大厦A栋15楼 】 【】 交易所搭建,数字资产交易系统搭建,数字资产交易平台搭建,数字资产交易系统网站搭建,数字资产OTC交易平台搭建,数字资产抵押平台搭建,区块链场外OTC交易平台搭建,区块链技术运用搭建,多币种钱包搭建,数字资产场外C2C平台搭建,数字资产币币撮合交易网站搭建,币币撮合交易所搭建,企业内部直播聊...
我需要ERP软件供应商如Microsoft Dynamics,SAP Business One,Netsuite,Acumatica,Epicor和Infor在中国的所有合作伙伴的excel报告。 我需要excel报告包含以下信息: - 公司名 - 地址 - 网址 - 与其合作的供应商(每个竞争对手的单独列)。 一些公司可能与多个供应商合作 - 每个供应商的合作层级或级别。 - 姓名,电子邮件地址和Linkedin公司首席执行官/创始人/董事总经理从每个合作伙伴。 我只是一个名字。
我需要ERP软件供应商如Microsoft Dynamics,SAP Business One,Netsuite,Acumatica,Epicor和Infor在中国的所有合作伙伴的excel报告。 我需要excel报告包含以下信息: - 公司名 - 地址 - 网址 - 与其合作的供应商(每个竞争对手的单独列)。 一些公司可能与多个供应商合作 - 每个供应商的合作层级或级别。 - 姓名,电子邮件地址和Linkedin公司首席执行官/创始人/董事总经理从每个合作伙伴。 我只是一个名字。
我需要重建一个已有的网站 设计就可以了 小型企业网站 We are a POS system supplier for restaurant
translate from Chinese to english. Translate the file I attached. Send me your translation of the following text to prove your ability before I award the project to you. "针对于医疗保险参保人数,直观看图表有以下特征: 1. 新农合医疗参保人数逐年下降,从2008年至2015年,下降幅度高达17.8%,其中08至13年前六年呈微量上升后下降,自2013年起逐年大幅下跌。 2. 城镇职工及居民基本医保呈逐年递增趋势,其中居民医保增量及增速均大于职工基本医保,并于2012年超过职工基本医保,实现从1.18至3.77亿277%的增量"
我们服务器启用了 windows server 2012 (storage pools) 存储池功能,然后两个硬盘损坏了,我们替换了两个新的上去,不过就是无法删除残留着的硬盘信息。 ============== Disk1 PhysicalDisk-1 Disk2 PhysicalDisk-1 =============== 备注: 我们已经试过这3种指令,还是无法删除已经拆除掉的硬盘残留信息。 ================================================================ $PDToRemove = Get-PhysicalDisk -Friendlyname "PhysicalDisk-1" Remove-PhysicalDisk -FriendlyName "PhysicalDisk-1" Remove-PhysicalDisk -StoragePoolFriendlyName "play" -PhysicalDisks-1 $rem_phy_dis ================================================================ 现在问题是就是无法删除残留的硬盘信息,导致虚拟磁盘无法启动, 所以现在需找这方面(windows server 2012 storage pools) 的专业人士来解决此问题。 你只能在线教我们如何解决,我们无法提供你权限进入服务器。 不过我们可以边做边截图给你,然后你必须步骤告诉我们如何做。 看你们有更好的解决方法不。 qq 1241672155
需要一个小工具可以使用C/C++开发,运行平台windows server 2003/2008/2012 1.首先把和本地通信的ip抓取出来然后区分出ip归属地,可以直接去查ip归属地 国内需要国家和运营商比如 中国电信 中国联通 国外只需要国家,例如: 美国 2.主界面显示当前连接的所有ip,已屏蔽ip,未屏蔽ip,黑名单,白名单 可以在未屏蔽ip中右健将ip加入黑名单,或者将国家加入黑名单 3.添加允许出站的程序,允许入站的程序,就等于是防火墙的软件版,功能和防火墙一样就可以 4.界面上带上全局入站(禁止/开启) 全局出站(禁止/开启) 仅限中文竞标和c/c++语言竞标 有能力开发的可以竞标。发开周期15天(看难度时间可增加)
制作一款虚拟币,名字:finercoin 简称fic区块时间:1分钟 难度调节:每区块 标准股息:1%/年 最小交易费:0.0001FIC 交易费支付给矿工 交易确认:10,成熟确认:500 最小股龄:8小时,数量无最大无限制 算法:scrypt 区块奖励:10000FIC,没有减半 最大数量:1000(该区块后,将不接受POW,只接受POS股息产生)
制作一款虚拟币,名字:finercoin 简称fic区块时间:1分钟 难度调节:每区块 标准股息:1%/年 最小交易费:0.0001FIC 交易费支付给矿工 交易确认:10,成熟确认:500 最小股龄:8小时,数量无最大无限制 算法:scrypt 区块奖励:10000FIC,没有减半 最大数量:1000(该区块后,将不接受POW,只接受POS股息产生)
1. 需要3000句英-日例句。 格式: (交付档案时请用Microsoft Excel檔) jog When I was young, I used to jog in the morning. 私は、若かった時、よく朝ジョギングしました。 2. 会提供单词列表. 3. 所有的句子(包括英文与日文)不能有文法错误且要母语人士用法。 4. 所有的句子必须是原创的,并且不侵害到任何知识产权。 5. 雇主拥有独家版权,不可转售或交付给第三者。 6. 需先签合同。
网站的导航条有5个栏目:首页、产品、解决方案、成功案例、关于我们 每个栏目下的分类规划如下: 首页:布局精简 产品:Microsoft、Citrix、Symantec、Sophos、Vmware、HP、Dell(可以自主添加条目) 解决方案:虚拟化、云计算、IT安全(可以自主添加条目) 成功案例:待定(可以自主添加条目) 关于我们:公司背景、宗旨方向、招贤纳士、团队风采、联系我们 附加说明: 1.当鼠标停留在某个栏目上面时,会自动列出该栏目下的分类信息 2.对于每个栏目下的页面,希望参考以下布局格式,在左侧框架点击某个条目后,右侧框架显示出相应的条目详细内容。 3.在网站的首页边侧放置一个固定悬浮框,用来放置公司的二维码图与联系信息
I'm looking for a freelancer with experience in data entry and proficiency in Microsoft Access. The project involves entering inventory details from a database file into another system. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in Microsoft Access - Strong attention to detail - Previous experience with data entry - Familiarity with inventory management processes
...en componente existente: Ampliar CRUDs para categorías/prioridades de reclamos en Angular. ? Estado actual: Backend (.NET Core) y frontend (Angular) funcionando, con base de datos en SQL Server. Documentación disponible en historias de usuario (se entregarán al freelancer). ? Requisitos técnicos: Angular 12+, .NET Core 3.1+, Entity Framework Core. Experiencia con integración de APIs de Microsoft 365 (Power Automate). ? Colaboración: Trabajo en equipo con un desarrollador backend asignado. Reuniones semanales (Zoom) + seguimiento diario (Slack). Lo que ofrecemos: Flexibilidad de plazos (prioridad en avance continuo). Acceso al repositorio de código y esquema de la base de datos. Pago seguro una vez aprobados los hitos. ...
I need help with a mail merge project. I have a Word document that needs to be populated with names and from an Excel file. And then I then I also need one for mailing labels or printing on envelopes. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel - Experience with mail merge - Attention to detail
I'm in need of a skilled developer to create a bot that identifies newly launched meme coins using the PumpFun API, and then trades th...Community Engagement, Trading Volume, and Early Holder Stats. - Create a Telegram bot that can execute trades on identified coins. - Implement features for both buying and selling. - Ensure the bot operates in real time. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in API integration. - Experienced with Telegram bot development. - Familiar with trading on Solana. - Understanding of meme coins and their market dynamics. Please note, the primary filtering criteria will be assessed using community engagement (based on X results), trading volume, and early holder stats. Example Thread of what we are trying to achieve is here:
We are seeking someone to create a .thmx file for us to use across all Microsoft products. Will will use this as the standardizing format package for our business. OUTPUT GOAL Creation of a .thmx file SCOPE OF PROJECT Details: there may be more that goes into it, but my understanding is the 3 main pieces are: 1. Font selection (ideally one that works with online and desktop versions) -- we would love your help curating a few font choices that we can select between. We serve professional and corporate clients, so we'd want this to be easy to read, yet still crisp and not overly stuffy nor too informal 2. 10 theme colors (with gradients) -- I can share our website and the virtual background that we use for video calls. I imagine you might be able to extract a color palate f...
Saya mencari freelancer terampil untuk membantu dengan jasa ketik. Proyek ini membutuhkan ketelitian dan efisiensi, dengan kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan tugas dalam jangka waktu 2-3 hari. Idealkan bagi yang memiliki pengalaman dengan entry data dan pengolahan kata. - Ketelitian dalam mengetik dan memeriksa data - Kecepatan mengetik yang tinggi - Pengalaman dengan Microsoft Word atau program pengolah kata lainnya - Kemampuan untuk mengikuti instruksi dengan tepat - Komunikasi yang baik untuk memastikan hasil yang akurat - Waktu pengerjaan yang fleksibel untuk memenuhi deadline yang ketat
Dear [Client's Name], I am excited to apply for this data entry project. With experience in handling various data types, including text and numerical information, I can ensure accurate and efficient entry from Excel, Word, and PDF files into designated platforms. I have a strong eye for detail, excellent typing speed, and proficiency in Microsoft Office tools, ensuring high-quality and error-free data processing. My commitment to accuracy and efficiency makes me confident in delivering results that meet your expectations. I look forward to the opportunity to assist you. Let’s discuss how I can contribute to your project. Best regards, Wan Zakwan Fitri
Job Description: We are seeking an experienced Microsoft Excel specialist to develop a dynamic and automated spreadsheet to monitor the status of a loan contract. The spreadsheet should efficiently track loan payments, calculate interest, and provide a structured yearly overview of the loan’s status, including the available credit line. The final solution must be compatible with both Microsoft Excel for Windows and Microsoft Excel for Mac. Project Requirements: Input Data: Loan start and end date Interest rate (%) Maximum loan amount (credit limit) Loan payment records (date and amount) Core Calculations: Interest calculation for each loan payment Cumulative interest tracking Available credit line (credit limit minus utilized loan amount) Yearly Overview Section...
I need assistance to convert a PDF file into an editable Word document. The primary purpose of this conversion is to enable me to edit the text freely. The ideal freelancer for this project will have: - Strong attention to detail to ensure all formatting from the PDF is preserved in the Word document. This includes fonts, colours, spacing, etc. - Proficiency in Microsoft Word to handle potentially complex formatting. Please note, while the document does not contain any specific elements that need special attention, a general familiarity with handling tables, headers and footers, bullet points and lists will be beneficial.
I'm looking to have my resume formatted in a sleek, modern style. It should clearly showcase the following sections: - Work Experience: Highlighting my professional background. - Education: Detailing my academic accomplishments. - Skills: Emphasizing my relevant competencies. A potential freelancer for this project sho...the following sections: - Work Experience: Highlighting my professional background. - Education: Detailing my academic accomplishments. - Skills: Emphasizing my relevant competencies. A potential freelancer for this project should have a strong understanding of contemporary resume trends, excellent attention to detail, and experience in resume formatting. Please deliver the final resume in Microsoft Word format. Please use a monochrome color scheme through...
I'm in search of a proficient lead generation expert who can assist in acquiring leads across all types of insurance. The target industry is primarily the insurance sector, encompassing auto, health, and life insurance. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in lead generation, especially in the insurance ...lead generation, especially in the insurance industry - Ability to generate leads across all types of insurance - Targeting leads from all age groups - Proficiency in using diverse lead generation tools and techniques The ideal freelancer for this project should be capable of delivering high-quality leads that can convert into potential clients. Understanding of the insurance industry and its dynamics would be a significant advantage. We will pay 10% of amount for each s...
I'm looking for a Microsoft Project expert to create a template based off below/attached file. Key Responsibilities: Trying to make a template that be can be re-used that takes the information I already put in and make it repeatable same tasks with dates adjusting after each main task. Want to be able to change the dates in the first task for future re-use as well. Basically take the attached template, and make shipment 2, shipment 3 and so on. All based off shipment 1 and repeats with dates continuing to advance based off shipment 1. All the way up to 20 shipments. Shipments would start July and continue every other month after up to 20 shipments. The schedule will be used exclusively by the project manager, so it needs to be clear, concise, and easy to follow. Ideal...
I have a PowerPoint presentation with three slides 13, 14, 15 that needs some quick and easy formatting. The text blocks on these slides have inconsistent spacing due to pul...formatting. The text blocks on these slides have inconsistent spacing due to pulling content from multiple decks. I need someone to make the spacing consistent across these text blocks. I also need the template on those 3 slides to be blank it has a "Medtronic" template at the bottom and when I change it to blank the formatting get messed up. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Microsoft PowerPoint - Attention to detail - Experience with formatting presentations Please note, all text blocks need to be left-aligned. The job should be fairly straightforward and quick for someone famil...
I'm looking for an experienced mobile app developer using...looking for an experienced mobile app developer using MAUI to create a utility tool app for both iOS and Android. Required to action frontend and UI validation. API will be provided for data. Key Requirements: - Develop a utility tool app that is user-friendly and efficient. - Develop UI and connect to API - Implement a secure and reliable payment gateway - User signin via google , facebook and Microsoft is required to be built - Code will be moved into existing API. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in cross-platform mobile app development - Strong knowledge in developing utility tool apps - Experience in integrating payment gateways into mobile apps Please provide examples of previous similar projects in...
I'm looking for someone to copy type a PDF document into Word for me. The document is text-based and intended for business use. Key Requirements: - Copy typing from PDF to Word - Basic formatting (headings, paragraphs) Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Microsoft Word - Excellent typing skills - Attention to detail - Ability to follow formatting instructions
...register their voice-based password, which is then verified using a Neural Network. The app is built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 with .NET 8/9 as the cross-platform framework, supporting both Android and iOS. Scope of Work: - Integrate two existing app extensions directly into the main application, eliminating the need for separate apps. - Ensure seamless verification-based access to the integrated extensions. - Maintain compatibility with our current .NET 8/9 development environment. - Optimize performance and ensure a smooth user experience across Android and iOS. Requirements: - Strong experience with .NET MAUI / Xamarin or .NET-based mobile app development. - Proficiency in Microsoft Visual Studio 2022. - Experience with mobile authentication systems, particu...
...Mastering Workplace Dynamics: How to Lead and Manage the Most Difficult People. I’m seeking an experienced book writer who can help me bring this vision to life. The writer will work with me to develop the manuscript, refine the structure, and ensure the content resonates with the target audience. Scope and Word Count: Word Count: Approximately 50,000 - 75,000 words The book will be divided into chapters, each focusing on a different difficult personality type found in work environments. Target Audience: This book is intended for managers, team leaders, and HR professionals who want to improve their leadership skills and learn how to manage challenging personalities effectively. It will also be helpful to anyone interested in better understanding workplace d...
Build a POS Interface for Selling Services. Objective: To evaluate your coding skills, product development acumen, and ability to design solutions in a real-world context. Design and develop a Point of Sale (POS) interface for selling services. Your task is to build a responsive, functional, and intuitive frontend that allows users to: 1. Select Services: Choose from a list of available services (e.g., fitness classes, therapy sessions, or workshops). 2. Add to Cart: Add services to a cart and view/edit cart details. 3. Customer Management: Optionally add customer details (e.g., name, email, phone) during the checkout process. 4. Payments: Simulate a checkout and payment flow (mocking is acceptable; real payment integrations are not required). 5. Receipt Genera...
I am looking for a data operator to assist with a complex data entry project. The ideal candidate should have experience in data entry from digital files, specifically using Microsoft Excel. The work involves significant formatting and clean-up of the data. Skills and experience required: - Proficiency in Microsoft Excel - Strong attention to detail - Ability to handle complex data entry tasks - Experience in formatting and cleaning up data If you are meticulous, experienced in data entry, and proficient in Microsoft Excel, please apply for this project.
We are looking for experienced freelancers or professionals who can help reinstate a Microsoft/Bing Advertising account that has been disabled due to a "violation of egregious policy." If you have expertise in account recovery, appeal processes, or experience dealing with Microsoft/Bing Ads compliance, we are interested in working with you. Requirements: Proven experience in reinstating suspended Microsoft/Bing Advertising accounts. Knowledge of Microsoft/Bing Ads policies and compliance guidelines. Ability to draft compelling appeals and communicate effectively with Microsoft support. A track record of successfully resolving similar issues. Compensation: Competitive compensation based on successful reinstatement. Payment terms will be discusse...
I'm looking to build an innovative online classifieds website powered by AI. The primary focus of the AI will be to provide personalized recommendations to users based on their browsing and purchasing habits. Key Features: - AI-driven personalized recommendations to enhance user experience and e...Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in AI development, particularly in creating recommendation systems. - Strong background in web development with a focus on e-commerce and classifieds platforms. - Proficiency in AI content moderation technologies. - UI/UX design experience, particularly for buyer-centric platforms. Experience with creating AI-based websites and understanding of e-commerce dynamics is highly desirable for this project. The website should be developed using cust...
I need an Excel expert to design a spreadsheet for me that includes various charts and graphs for data visualization. The project specifically requires the creation of bar charts and pie charts. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Excel - Experience in designing custom Excel spreadsheets - Ability to create clear, effective data visualizations Please note, the main purpose of the Excel file has not been defined yet, hence flexibility and adaptability will be key in this project.
I'm looking for a professional to assist with the migration of files from OneDrive to SharePoint and the implementation of Microsoft Teams for enhanced collaboration and file management. This project will be executed, including planning, migration, training and the initial setup of both platforms. Key tasks will include: - Primarily focusing on the migration of documents and media files - Assessing and potentially reorganizing the current file structure - Providing training on the use of SharePoint and Microsoft Teams Your expertise in file migration, SharePoint, and Microsoft Teams is crucial for this project. Please, include in your proposal your experience with similar projects, and any strategies you might use to ensure a smooth transition.
We are looking for a skilled healthcare business development professional who can assist with generating B2B sales leads for our Remote Nurse and In-house Nurse Placement Company. An understanding of health systems and ambulatory clinic organization is essential. Must demonstrate talking about the benefits of using remote staff to augment in-house staff for essential, clinical duties....conversion rates will be discussed in a video call. The primary geographical region for lead generation will be North America. The project duration is estimated to be 3-6 months. The weekly target for lead generation is less than 50 leads. Weekly reports will be submitted via email. The focus will be on targeting private clinics for lead generation. Video call discussions will be conducted via Microsoft...
I require assistance with merging excessive subtitles for a smoother transition. The task includes incorporating the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Articles 6 and 7), as well as the Tobar and Estrada Doctrine in Chapter 2. Your modifications should be highlighted using the track changes feature in Microsoft Word. Additionally, please fix the table of contents accordingly and ensure all changes are well-referenced and the work should be within the context and precised. The final document needs to be delivered by Monday at the latest.
I need help fixing various SQL triggers and stored procedures that have stopped executing. The issue arose unexpectedly, and I need an experienced professional to diagnose and rectify the problem efficiently.
Looking for someone with expertise as a Microsoft 365 Admin to configure the M365 Business Premium account that I have just subscribed to as an individual, so I need to be the M365 admin. I want to use the information protection features in Microsoft 365 Business Premium to share MS-Office and PDF documents with clients, ensuring that these documents cannot be edited, printed, downloaded, forwarded or distributed in any way. Specifically: * Configure any necessary admin permissions to allow me to create external email groups, and to create and apply sensitivity labels * Create a group of at least two “external” email addresses, i.e. email addresses that I own but are outside my M365 “organisation”. * Create and apply a sensitivity label that will all...
I need someone to help me with data entry of text from printed documents into a Word document. Ideal skills for this job: - Strong attention to detail - Good command of English - Fast and accurate typing skills - Proficient in Microsoft Word