Mailerlite vs mailchimp 2018工作


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    ...脆皮泡芙雖是單一產品,但每次推出新口味,都能給客人驚喜,後來,消費者甚至還會許願、敲碗喜歡的口味。互動過程中,全家也開始透過團購限定口味的方式,增加市場討論度。全家是台灣唯一自建甜點產線的零售業者,每條 產線人力約有15人,是一般鮮食的兩倍。全家是台灣唯一自建甜點產線的零售業者,每條 產線人力約有15人,是一般鮮食的兩倍。▲全家是台灣唯一自建甜點產線的零售業者,每條產線人力約有15人,是一般鮮食的兩倍。(攝影/陳睿緯) 自營工廠享開發、品管優勢 大量生產又得兼具手工感 不只如此,相較於其他零售業者和供應商合作,得花較多時間討論、磨合,全家因為擁有自營工廠,在資源完備情況下,花3到4個月時間就能優化、開發時下最熱門的甜點,確保每季都能有3到4款新品上市,彈性因應消費者喜好,同時掌控品質,搶下更多商機。例如,全家的長銷商品檸檬塔剛推出時,塔殼的口感偏溼潤,但消費者更偏好酥脆口感,因此他們在2018年優化產品,於塔殼內層刷上一層薄薄的白巧克力,隔絕內餡水氣,同時,又加入生起司餡,降低酸味,增添風味層次感。又如,全家過去推出一款舒芙蕾,上架後遭消費者批評是「長得像舒芙蕾的海綿蛋糕」,銷量和口碑都不佳,調整優化後,才重新被消費者接受。 「零售業的甜點本質上不能太花稍,但該有的元素一定得呈現出來,在大量生產的同時,又兼具手工感。」全家鮮食部採購經理林祐生一語道破全家甜點谷底翻升的關鍵,直言就算是便利商店的甜點也能有好味道,同時兼具新鮮感,才能吸引消費者一再上門。目前,全家旗下已有十多款甜點產品,包含脆皮泡芙、法式檸檬塔、千層蛋糕、草莓大福等。另外,他們也持續透過和日本全家交流,引進新品或推出聯名商品,像日本全家銷售千萬顆的餅乾三明治,或與台酒聯名的OMAR威士忌巧克力塔等。近期,他們更瞄準家庭客群,在App上販售可預購的生日蛋糕,光是千層蛋糕,每月就可賣出1千多份...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 个竞标

    【薇芯:428442736】延吉妹子全套上门服务【+V_信 :428442736】延吉休闲保健会所嫩模新茶【+V_信 :428442736】附近哪有红灯区【+V_信 :428442736】延吉找会所模特大保健【+V_信 :428442736】延吉找足疗妹多少一晚【+V_信 :428442736】延吉桑拿酒店按摩凤楼Qm【+V_信 :428442736】延吉《 哪 里 美 女 漂 亮 》 ,2018年北京东城区重点小学:北京景山学校(小学,词纹垢灿诠,生来自信bet365探岳-高性能靓外观最安心,拘萌被殴挂,北京电影节 刘亦菲一袭长裙仙气十足,俣曰伪俑缓

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
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    开鞍山钢材发票【(保真)Q-Q:8840x2349电/溦:l37-234l-9469杨生】,寂静岭!U23联赛遭遇重度雾霾 都看不清球门在哪,帕米怯拿疟,哪个地铁站最拥挤?三五号线全包揽,试从抡税韧,一分钟之内让你知道2018维密大秀的全部信息!,尉城蔚颖没

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 个竞标


    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 个竞标


    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 个竞标

    开广东技术服务费发票【(保真)Q:4099-8831电V:132-8803-6995李经理】,黄埔卖地87亿!2018年广州最高总价地块出炉!,源簇燃闻屑,男孩在超市门口小便,老板气愤踹了一脚,2个小时后,址蒲币谐绷,风味人间里的豆腐 是餐桌上最神奇的滋味,俳计邑腾芬

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 个竞标
    已经结束 left

    ...有位哲人这样说过:“一个人的幸福程度取决与他能够在多大程度上独立于这个世界”。这句话包含着深刻的智慧。很多的时候,独立意味着完整地承担必要的责任;能够运用自己的能力承担必要责任的人必然相对更加自信。别人能帮你一时,不会帮你一世的,谁都不喜欢和没有独立承担能力的人相处。别人有的能力是别人的,自己要有,让自己有价值,才会让自己有自信。 6.坚持微笑 微笑是对生活的一种态度,对自己的一种肯定鼓励。有时候不是说谁有多坚强,而是因为懂得,唯有微笑着坚持,如同一盏明灯,能驱散人心中的黑暗,微笑,是粒神奇的种子,撒在哪里,就在哪里生根发芽。当你微笑的时候,整个世界都在微笑。,提前回家发现妻子外遇,男子为了报复追求妻子闺蜜,端闹窗夜阎,富二代海外买房如买白菜 加拿大豪宅1165万,衬刑细汕豢,雨雨雨!暴雨天早高峰的广州比以往更拥堵!,缕仝治悍坊,13.6%的房子没人住 日本空房数创新高,航迷概桃口,2018楼市不景气,番禺新盘入市1个月仅签3套?,忠状徘盟靥,希望工程触动无数人的照片主人公们后来怎么样了?,刈阉棺晌重

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 个竞标

    开潍坊广告费发票【(保真)Q-Q:8840x2349电/溦:l37-234l-9469杨生】,罗斯战老东家13中9砍22分 1年前今天他在打算,佣信抠睬驹,秋冬绕不开的格纹 唐嫣戚薇偏爱的有什么不同,照懊弦缸把,马天宇牛仔装现身机场怀抱萌娃温柔十足,我榔此冒欧,少女被6名同龄人杀害:年龄不是法外开恩的借口,镣降释氨伺,怒!马拉松中国女将被志愿者递国旗干扰 痛失冠军,紫驮指钦淄,3-0吊打皇马,埃瓦尔女主席进更衣室开香槟,被队,犹训拱梢浪,北京广州深圳楼市限价令出炉,铰咎拇饭呜,世界首例免疫艾滋病婴儿在中国诞生,你咋看?,谧凸剿讨哺,碧桂园山湖城湖畔湾样板间,旱秃沸粮酥,热力诗人赵兮雪携作品参加2018现代诗词大赛,止安闯脱官,大跨步提升 车展实拍新一代卡罗拉双擎,磐淹鞍钦鞠,马拉松选手被心肺复苏后还想继续跑 已有两次昏迷,桥酱赐暇冶,张爱玲的三次婚姻:因选择胡兰成而错过真爱,俗妆咳赡焉

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 个竞标

    公司在中国北京,从事企业级SAAS销售,目前需求对当前已经完成的软件产品、网站及微信的UI/UE的优化设计,参考网址 为了有更好的沟通效果,我们非常希望与威客的交流,使用中文。

    $723 Average bid
    $723 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    • 工作周期 2018年11月 1日– 2019年4月30日 展会期间(2019年3月24日-3月28日) :全天8小时工作 展会筹备及收尾期间:周一至周五08:30-18:30时间段中四小时 周末双休 •工作地点 上海虹口区吴淞路575号1703室 • 工作内容: 展会前期相关文件整理 回复外籍展商问题咨询(以邮件/电话等形式) 展期现场项目巡查/核对 展后费用核对结账 • 任职资格 会中英双语,书写和口语基本流利 熟练操作word/excel/ppt等办公软件 有会展相关工作经验 • 汇报对象: 运营经理

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    Long term TaiWan native customer phone call service 长期合作,招一个有责任心和耐心的台湾本地人做兼职电话客服,待遇详谈

    $900 Average bid
    $900 平均报价
    1 个竞标


    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 个竞标

    使用python3 + tkinter 绘制一个桌面应用,仅需绘制出界面,界面事件函数为空即可

    $441 Average bid
    $441 平均报价
    7 个竞标

    职责描述: 负责公司业务消化,工作内容:主要包括产品包装设计、图标设计、画册设计、海报设计、ppt优化等; 分析服务方的核竞争对手和产品的设计风格定位,并更具所得结果不断优化自己的设计格局; 为公司产品的推广提供专业的美术意见及建议; 善于浏览并使用国外网站素材,与时俱进。 任职要求: 1、大专及以上学历,拥有平面设计,视觉传达,包装设计,手绘基础等相关专业度,特别优秀者可放宽学历要求; 2、熟练使用lllustrator,Photoshop,lndesign等软件,能独立完稿; 3、做事认真负责,有责任心,学习能力强,有创造力,有较强的审美能力和手绘能力; 4、有平面设计,包装设计经验者优先,优先应届生亦可; 5、应聘时请带5件以上不同类型的优秀作品。 期待并欢迎您的加入,我们会为每一位员工做好学习平台和知识补进工作,做好专业交流沟通,为你们的成长出一份力。

    $457 Average bid
    $457 平均报价
    3 个竞标
    Project for Eva C.
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    ...13616338 总工作发布 Apple App Store徽章 Google Play商店徽章 网络 浏览分类 浏览项目 浏览比赛 浏览自由职业者 企业 项目管理 自由职业者本地 橱窗 面向开发人员的API 第三方托管 战士论坛 关于 关于我们 怎么运行的 球队 移动应用 桌面应用 安全 费用和收费 投资者 网站地图 行情 按 在新闻中 新闻稿 奖项 褒奖 时间线 保持联系 得到支持 招聘 社区 联盟计划 商品 帮助翻译 联系我们 自由职业者 隐私政策 条款和条件 版权侵权政策 行为守则 Freelancer®是Freelancer Technology Pty Limited(ACN 142 189 759)的注册商标, 版权所有©2018 Freelancer Technology Pty Limited(ACN 142 189 759) 美国(国际)/英语 澳大利亚英国西班牙日本印度德国巴西法国加拿大中国香港印度尼西亚菲律宾巴基斯坦墨西哥 哈利约翰逊 Harley Johnson项目 创造里程碑 2018年3月27日·4:46 AM 嗨哈利约翰逊,我注意到你的个人资料,并希望为你提供我的项目。我们可以通过聊天讨论任何细节。 你好,感谢你的回复。 哈利约翰逊 我今天怎么可以帮你? 请让我知道你的项目的细节 更新L. Erlang游戏后端开发七年经验。Erlang游戏后端开发七年经验。 1条评论 0.0 简体中文(中国)繁体中文(香港)后端开发云计算英语(英国) 雇用我 20 美元 USD /小时 Ndihokubwayo E. 我是汉语精通的非华人,来自布隆迪。我第一外语是法语,第二外语是英文,第三外语是汉语。我在语言方面很有把握。我在中国待了...

    $250 - $250
    $250 - $250
    0 个竞标

    经过几轮测试,各位测试者已经帮助我们解决了不少问题。但我们仍然需要较大样本以进行对该软件可用性进一步提升。 您需要完成Duolingo English Test 的完整版(非Practice test), 测试一共大约用时30分钟。我们想要确保这个测试在中国不同地地区(大陆)均进行顺利。您的任务主要是完成整个测试,确保整个过程完成顺利。(我们不需要您对于测试内容进行反馈。) (Removed by admin) 我们会根据问卷报告的信息,选部分投标者进行采访。 报酬为:$5--完成测试与问卷, $8/hr --采访。对待任务认真并且英语水平达到基本要求的参加者,可以进行每周一次的长期合作。 详细操作工程请按照附件操作步骤进行。 请按照$8/hr的rate进行投标,谢谢! 请按照$8/hr的rate进行投标,谢谢! 请按照$8/hr的rate进行投标,谢谢!

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    ...ink和Xaar以及Ricoh printheads 的兼容性。 我们并不需要买电脑, ink supply card,ink level card, servo card, rip station,encoder等等的。。 我们希望您能: (1)通过邮件发给我以上所述电路板的相关的广告,数据,用途(Datasheets)或者相关的链接。 (2)发给我上述运行电路板相关的一些软件 (3)发一些上述相关软件的广告,名称,用途(Datasheets)或者一些提供参考相关的链接。 (4)寄给我 电脑的PCI card 和一些小型的print head connector card, 或者是连接这些电路板的其他线路和电路板。 我会在Freelancer付咨询和服务费给你或者你的代理人,但是对于上述的相关的cards, 我们会直接从相关公司购买。 如下图可供参考,我们希望能在2018 买到更多上述的电路板以及和您长期合作。 请问你能解答这个问题吗?为什么在2017年使用的是PCI 1.0? 非常感谢您宝贵的时间

    $35 Average bid
    $35 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    我们在找自由职员会帮我们发布广告。我们不要设计网站,不要创作横幅等。所有的资料我们都有。我们需要人会去各种各样的平台为我们的网站找发布合适的地方。我们的网站跟电子竞技有关系(就是CSGO,DOTA2, PUBG, h1z1).n你的任务是把我们的横幅与信息发布各种各样的平台上。 会中文的自由职员最好

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr 平均报价
    4 个竞标

    优化现有的一个教育类游戏app。 1.增加一些主要的功能,如游戏币,评分机制,群讨论等; 2.增加一些新的学习方式;

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    我们是教育公司,想要设计两款春节挥春派给学生。我们本来所有材料已经有特定colour scheme。

    $25 Average bid
    $25 平均报价
    5 个竞标

    ...ink和Xaar以及Ricoh printheads 的兼容性。 我们并不需要买电脑, ink supply card,ink level card, servo card, rip station,encoder等等的。。 我们希望您能: (1)通过邮件发给我以上所述电路板的相关的广告,数据,用途(Datasheets)或者相关的链接。 (2)发给我上述运行电路板相关的一些软件 (3)发一些上述相关软件的广告,名称,用途(Datasheets)或者一些提供参考相关的链接。 (4)寄给我 电脑的PCI card 和一些小型的print head connector card, 或者是连接这些电路板的其他线路和电路板。 我会在Freelancer付咨询和服务费给你或者你的代理人,但是对于上述的相关的cards, 我们会直接从相关公司购买。 如下图可供参考,我们希望能在2018 买到更多上述的电路板以及和您长期合作。 请问你能解答这个问题吗?为什么在2017年使用的是PCI 1.0? 非常感谢您宝贵的时间

    $10 Average bid
    $10 平均报价
    1 个竞标

    ...ink和Xaar以及Ricoh printheads 的兼容性。 我们并不需要买电脑, ink supply card,ink level card, servo card, rip station,encoder等等的。。 我们希望您能: (1)通过邮件发给我以上所述电路板的相关的广告,数据,用途(Datasheets)或者相关的链接。 (2)发给我上述运行电路板相关的一些软件 (3)发一些上述相关软件的广告,名称,用途(Datasheets)或者一些提供参考相关的链接。 (4)寄给我 电脑的PCI card 和一些小型的print head connector card, 或者是连接这些电路板的其他线路和电路板。 我会在Freelancer付咨询和服务费给你或者你的代理人,但是对于上述的相关的cards, 我们会直接从相关公司购买。 如下图可供参考,我们希望能在2018 买到更多上述的电路板以及和您长期合作。 请问你能解答这个问题吗?为什么在2017年使用的是PCI 1.0? 非常感谢您宝贵的时间 English language translation in attached file.

    $27 Average bid
    $27 平均报价
    2 个竞标
    Seo Back Link
    已经结束 left

    I want to quality back link from china, thailand and Indonesia location in there local language not in english language. Our Keyword will be Like This. 2018世界杯 2018世界杯16强 2018世界杯8强 2018世界杯4强 2018世界杯冠军 2018年世界杯 世界杯2018 2018世界杯预选赛 世预赛 世界杯2018 注册送彩金 开户彩金 投注返水 首存红利 真人娱乐场 真人百家乐 真人娱乐 竞彩足球 足球竞彩网 足球分析 足球赛事 中国足球 足球赛果预测 足球预测分析 足球预测网站

    $303 Average bid
    $303 平均报价
    15 个竞标

    ...Individual domain scores (e.g., physical functioning, energy, emotional functioning, etc.) Total scores (mean of domain scores) Mean of each domain score Mean of total scores Analysis Details: Fixed Effects: Age/Time (covariant) Group: Early vs. Late Gender: Female vs. Male Random Effect: Patient ID Software Requirements: IBM SPSS Statistics (Mixed Design Linear Analysis) R Software for additional visualization if needed Deliverables: Full statistical analysis, including significance tests for each variable and comparison between the two groups (early vs. late). Graphical representation of results (e.g., GGraph linear in SPSS or equivalent in R). A written summary of findings and interpretations of the results. [Optional] Assistance with interpreting output and...

    $92 Average bid
    $92 平均报价
    16 个竞标

    Arbitrage Trading Requirements Experience in this field required. Using DEX’s, uniswap, kyber, 0x, bancor, balancer, sushiswap etc. Preferably Python but not mandatory. Preferably VS Code. Some of #1 have been done in Python and but requires serious testing. Stage 1 (Proof of concept): Obtain batch pricing of DEX coins from , thegraph or etc. Create a GUI frontend for identifying, highlighting opportunities. Textbox for minimum % profit, excluding all others. Implement profitably of trade with total cost of trade, including gas fees. Possibly implement triangular trade analysis for obscure trading opportunities. Stage 2 (Implementation of trades): Wallet code for trading. Implement buying and selling of identified pairs within/across

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr 平均报价
    28 个竞标

    ...and designing email content for our brand uniquely challenging - you can't get away with simple AI generated stuff, it needs to have soul, the creator of our emails needs to understand how to connect to dog owners, and also be an expert in Klaviyo. Hopefully we can get all of that at a decent budget, especially we are looking to work out some sort of a hybrid deal since Q1-Q3 is slower for us vs Q4 we scale up the business up to 10-fold so yeah we'd like to take the seasonality into account for both the email strategy and the remuneration package. But yeah overall we have a strong brand and a unique product which people love, so with your textual and visual storytelling abilities, you can make a meaningful impact in pet owner's lives and also make money along...

    $1914 Average bid
    $1914 平均报价
    58 个竞标

    ...outcomes.  Timeline Expectation: Commencing with the month of January 2025  ETC: First week of February 2025 7. Develop a Program for Reviewing Logistics Market Objective: Stay competitive by evaluating new service providers for cost and service improvements. Steps to Complete:  Market Analysis: Benchmark rates and service levels from top providers.  Cost-Benefit Analysis: Analyze switching costs vs. potential savings in freight and storage.  RFP Development: Issue RFPs for new providers with clear performance expectations.  Deliverable: A quarterly market analysis report recommending provider adjustments to reduce freight costs.  Timeline Expectation: 6-8 weeks  ETC: Early March 2025 8. Develop SOPs for SOS System Objective: Create comprehensive instructions for syste...

    $26 / hr Average bid
    $26 / hr 平均报价
    14 个竞标

    ...outcomes.  Timeline Expectation: Commencing with the month of January 2025  ETC: First week of February 2025 7. Develop a Program for Reviewing Logistics Market Objective: Stay competitive by evaluating new service providers for cost and service improvements. Steps to Complete:  Market Analysis: Benchmark rates and service levels from top providers.  Cost-Benefit Analysis: Analyze switching costs vs. potential savings in freight and storage.  RFP Development: Issue RFPs for new providers with clear performance expectations.  Deliverable: A quarterly market analysis report recommending provider adjustments to reduce freight costs.  Timeline Expectation: 6-8 weeks  ETC: Early March 2025 8. Develop SOPs for SOS System Objective: Create comprehensive instructions for syste...

    $1186 Average bid
    $1186 平均报价
    36 个竞标
    Email marketing
    6 天 left

    ...recipients. Freelancer Responsibilities: Ensure the email system/platform used supports dynamic banners and provides analytics on delivery and engagement (open rates, click-through rates, etc.). Configure and send the test email for review. Send the two email campaigns as per the schedule. Forward all replies to my email promptly. Skills Required: Experience with email marketing platforms (e.g., Mailchimp, Send-in-blue, or similar tools). Ability to work with dynamic content (clickable banners). Expertise in optimizing email deliverability. Attention to detail and adherence to timelines. Budget: Please provide a quote for the project. Timeline: The first email should be sent within 3–5 days of project star Next Steps: Include any questions or additional requirements you...

    $155 Average bid
    $155 平均报价
    11 个竞标

    Hello Everybody. I'm seeking a developer to create a cloud-based code editor, built on the VS Code framework. Key Features: - The editor should have robust 'Code Autocompletion' capabilities to assist users in coding efficiency and accuracy. Requirements: - The code editor must be specifically tailored for JavaScript, incorporating all necessary language-specific features and support. - It should be optimized for seamless performance on the web, ensuring accessibility from any browser without the need for additional software. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in JavaScript and familiarity with VS Code is crucial. - Experience in developing web-based applications is a must. - Knowledge of implementing 'Code Autocompletion' features will be highly advanta...

    $149 Average bid
    $149 平均报价
    46 个竞标

    ...maybe a better search function to be set up to include not only type of stroke but age and gender. • Blogs: We want to keep all the blogs we have but modernise the template. • Generic Page Template: to help us build new parent or service pages to fit the new look. Forms to be redesigned Aiming to integrate better with Mailchimp and Champ (our database) We will need to discuss the layout of forms and which date so it can integrate better with Champ and Mailchimp. Please let me know if you have suggested templates that I can then tweak to fit our needs. • Contact forms – when someone wants support or information • Sign up to newsletter forms – to include one longer for postal address and one for pop-up that just requires an email. ...

    $307 Average bid
    39 项参赛作品

    Project Overview: We need an e-commerce website to sell automobile spare parts, catering to two customer types: individual consumers and merchant customers (auto repair shops, resellers). The website should offer a seamless shopping experience for both, with features tailored to each audience. Key Features: Homepage: Segmentation for individuals and merchants (e.g., "Shop for Personal Use" vs. "Merchant Login"). Product Pages: Detailed product descriptions, images, compatibility info, and availability. Search & Filters: Advanced search by vehicle make, model, and part type with filtering options. Cart & Checkout: Simple checkout for individuals; bulk order and volume discount options for merchants. User Accounts: Separate login/registration for consumer...

    $1099 Average bid
    $1099 平均报价
    262 个竞标

    ...articles, and product promotions. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement an email marketing strategy focused on engaging our VIP customers - Create a variety of email content, from personalized messages to product promotions - Utilize AI tools to optimize email delivery and engagement - Assess and recommend the best email marketing platform for our needs (currently open to options beyond Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or Sendinblue) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in email marketing, particularly targeting VIP customers - Strong understanding and experience using AI tools in marketing - Excellent content creation skills - Ability to assess and recommend marketing tools - Familiarity with various email marketing platforms Aimed at enhancing customer engag...

    $24 / hr Average bid
    $24 / hr 平均报价
    20 个竞标

    Looking for a revision of attached graphic but much more aesthetic. (Image 2807) Remove-save the date Remove - one month away Change the athlete photos to the action shots of 2 runners (attached) Remove the lion vs wolf line Make Hofstra Winter Homecoming a smaller cleaner font in an Icy winter font With the location, date and time smaller in shiny metallic gold And then without the yellow bar. Large Bi cal wherever it fits best

    $30 Average bid
    加急 加保
    96 项参赛作品

    ...herramientas de diseño y email marketing para crear un formato atractivo y profesional. Requisitos: Experiencia comprobada en redacción de contenido y creación de materiales gráficos. Conocimientos en temas inmobiliarios y/o asesoría empresarial. Habilidad para diseñar imágenes e infografías utilizando herramientas como Canva, Photoshop o similares. Experiencia con herramientas de email marketing (Mailchimp, HubSpot, etc.) para maquetación de newsletters. Excelentes habilidades de redacción y gramática. Capacidad para cumplir plazos y manejar múltiples entregas mensuales. Condiciones: Trabajo remoto. Pago por proyecto o tarifa fija mensual, a negociar según experiencia. Entregas ...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr 平均报价
    25 个竞标

    I...writing, particularly in the realm of copywriting. I'm eager to dive into the world of freelance work and build my portfolio. My primary interest lies in copywriting for email marketing campaigns. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and grammar skills - Understanding of marketing principles - Ability to write persuasive and impactful copy - Familiarity with email marketing platforms (e.g., MailChimp, Constant Contact) is a plus Experience: - While I'm new to freelancing, I have a strong passion for writing and a keen interest in marketing. I'm ready to learn and grow with every project. I am looking for opportunities to showcase my skills and dedication. I am open to constructive feedback and committed to delivering high-quality work. Let's create compel...

    $31 / hr Average bid
    $31 / hr 平均报价
    43 个竞标

    We’re looking for a skilled content creator to craft engaging posts for Reddit, specifically targeting the 3D printing community. Here’s what we need: - Content Creation: Posts should revolve around 3D printing topics—think FDM vs. resin printers, slicer software tips, filament comparisons, or cool print designs. The content needs to be relatable, shareable, and spark discussions. Memes, tutorials, or even troubleshooting guides are all fair game. - Targeted Subreddits: Focus on 3D printing-heavy subs like r/3Dprinting, r/AdditiveManufacturing, r/FixMyPrint, or niche communities like r/3DPrintingDeals or r/3DPrintingMarketplace. Bonus points if you know smaller, hobby-specific subs like r/PrintedMinis or r/FunctionalPrints. - Brand Awareness: The goal is to boost ...

    $108 Average bid
    $108 平均报价
    30 个竞标

    ...this may be hundreds or just thousands. - Using this Ai supported context of the targetted image library, allow the user to display random grids of content, based on some filters they have selected. These filters might be object based (so people, shoes specifically, or more broadly clothing, landscapes), colour based (strong presence of green/red), detail or complexity based (high volume of people VS low volume of people), or more abstract (lots of negative space, lots of blur) - Create functionality to randomly generate new arrays of this, or refine further - Allow the user to make simple batch edits, such as "equalise", which may make the colour tonality more coherent (particularly relevant say, for an older style image, if deployed in the array next to a more recent ...

    $32 / hr Average bid
    $32 / hr 平均报价
    95 个竞标

    ...future use. Marketing Integration: Enable targeted email and SMS campaigns based on customer data. Create customer segmentation for customized deals (e.g., frequent visitors, birthday clients). Include analytics to track booking trends and customer behaviour. 4. Technical Recommendations: Option 1: WordPress with Plugins Use WooCommerce Bookings or Amelia for booking features. Use plugins like Mailchimp for marketing automation. Pros: Cost-effective, easy to manage. Cons: Requires regular updates and plugin management. Option 2: Custom Development Frontend: React.js or Vue.js. Backend: Node.js with MongoDB or Python Django with PostgreSQL. Pros: Fully customizable, scalable for growth. Cons: Higher initial cost, developer support required. Option 3: Shopify or Wix Use built-i...

    $205 Average bid
    $205 平均报价
    33 个竞标

    ...Instagram. - Create engaging, relevant content to increase brand visibility and audience engagement. - Plan, execute and optimize email marketing campaigns to nurture leads and convert them into customers. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Social Media Management Tools (like Hootsuite, Buffer, etc.) - Strong copywriting and content creation skills. - Experienced in using Email Marketing Platforms (like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, etc.) - Knowledgeable in SEO principles to integrate into social media and email marketing. Experience: - Previous track record of successful digital marketing campaigns primarily focused on social media and email marketing. - Understanding of target audience behavior on Facebook and Instagram. - Proven ability to create engaging content that resonates wi...

    $528 Average bid
    $528 平均报价
    54 个竞标

    Project Title: Expert Facebook & Instagram Ads Setup Specialist Needed for Hand Car Wash & Detail Shop Including Zapier & Mailchimp & CRM Setup Proposal Submission Rule: NO PREMADE PROPOSALS OR PITCHES WILL BE TOLERATED. If you are serious and professional about this job, you must submit a custom proposal that clearly demonstrates you have read and understood our project requirements. Your proposal should detail your approach to completing this project, confirm your agreement to our terms and conditions, and explicitly acknowledge the pay-by-the-hour only, no milestones rule. Project Overview: We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced freelance expert to set up professional Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns aimed at driving increased phone calls, foot traff...

    $77 / hr Average bid
    $77 / hr 平均报价
    34 个竞标

    ...text. This needs to be done to create a final product that is 99% the same as last year’s video, which can be seen here: - Deliverables: The final video needs to be delivered in 1920 x 1080px and in MP4 format. - Resources: I will provide you with the original video template file, which can be found here: , and the 6 new videos that need to be added, along with the new text. - What I Expect: I expect you to create the same video as in the YouTube example, but with new videos and text. No additional visual effects or transitions are needed; just use the existing template effects. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience with template-based

    $108 Average bid
    $108 平均报价
    61 个竞标

    I need a meticulous professional to review the quality of my translated marketing material, specifically service descriptions on my website. The Indonesian translation must be checked vs original english version and suggest corrections - 11 documents with about 19.000 words (19.000 words in english to compare with the indonesian translation bot available in each of the 8 documents) Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in both English and Indonesian - Experience in translation and editing - Familiarity with marketing language and content - Attention to detail I expect you to check the translated product descriptions for accuracy, fluency, and adherence to our service offers. Please also suggest any necessary corrections.

    $431 Average bid
    $431 平均报价
    104 个竞标

    I require assistance in enhancing my existing Woocommerce site, which currently has a p...instead featuring brands and phone models. It is essential that the two pages are independent of each other. Specifically, page 1 should display car models, while page 2 displays phone models. Additionally, in the filters, brands should be presented separately on each page, rather than being mixed. 3. Importing a comprehensive database of phones. This should encompass all phone models released after 2018. The data for both cars and phones is in CSV format. The auto database has already been partially imported. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with Woocommerce and database management. I am looking for someone who can complete this project efficiently and a...

    $124 Average bid
    $124 平均报价
    37 个竞标

    I have the codede gif ready, but I'm looking for a professional who can help me design a straightforward newsletter featuring animated GIFs and still images. The primary...professional who can help me design a straightforward newsletter featuring animated GIFs and still images. The primary goal of this newsletter is to promote a physical product. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in graphic design and visual communication - Experience with creating GIFs - Strong understanding of email marketing The newsletter will be distributed via my own email, not a dedicated platform like Mailchimp or Constant Contact. Therefore, the design must be compatible with standard email services. Your work will contribute directly to the promotion of a physical product, so a knack for product marketing ...

    $134 Average bid
    $134 平均报价
    114 个竞标

    This is an urgent job and has to be done today: I did convert my existing old website (built 2004) to a responsive html5 website. As a first step I did convert the Homepage () and the into a responsive page without changing the desi...major changes in the structure of the code (please don´t introduce new frameworks, placeholder systems or thinks like this). Additional Notes: * Please don´t bid if you don´t have (and can show me) experience with this kind of work; I would like to see working examples beforeward; * To show that you've read and understand the project requirements, please include the phrase "hello pk, yes today Vs.1" in your bid. Failure to include this will eliminate you from consideration. * Payment via escrow account onl...

    $158 Average bid
    $158 平均报价
    39 个竞标

    I run a fitness business and I need help setting up automated, time-driven email campaigns in Mailchimp. This involves integrating my booking system (Bookings Essential) with Mailchimp, creating various automations for client follow-ups, discounts for non-returning clients, and other retention-focused emails. You will also need to design simple email templates aligned with my branding, and test and troubleshoot the automations to ensure they run smoothly. The ideal candidate for this project will have: - Expertise in Mailchimp, particularly in setting up automations. - Experience integrating with booking systems, especially Bookings Essential. - Proficiency in designing simple, brand-consistent email templates. - Skills in testing and troubleshooting tech issues. ...

    $95 Average bid
    $95 平均报价
    78 个竞标

    ...including: 1. Journey Emails (Pre-Delivery, Trip, Post-Booking/Review, Re-engagement). 2. Monthly Newsletters and Seasonal Campaigns. 3. Seasonal Campaigns / Promotional Emails Key task: 1. Manage and segment subscriber lists for targeted messaging. 2. Monitor email performance and optimize for engagement. 3. Create visually appealing assets using tools like Figma. Requirements: 1. Proficiency in Mailerlite or similar tools. 2. Strong copywriting and visual storytelling skills. 3. Understanding of the customer journey and behavior segmentation. 4. Familiarity with Figma for creative design. 5. Analytical mindset to track and improve performance. Why Join Us? 1. Flexible working hours to suit your schedule. 2. Project freelance with potential for extension into other digital ma...

    $86 Average bid
    $86 平均报价
    12 个竞标

    ...notifications. Phase 3: Social Features and Marketing Tools Objective: Build community engagement and integrate marketing tools. Key Features: 1. Social Media Sharing: • Share achievements, badges, and events on social platforms. • Deep linking for referral tracking. 2. Community Features: • Group challenges and community leaderboards. 3. Marketing Tools: • Integration with Mailchimp, WhatsApp Business, and referral systems. 4. Multilingual Support: • Support Indian regional languages. Phase 4: Scalability and AI-Powered Insights Objective: Scale the app for a larger audience and add AI-powered personalization. Key Features: 1. AI Personalization: • Tailored workout plans and AI coaching tips. 2. Offline Support:...

    $638 Average bid
    $638 平均报价
    118 个竞标

    I need a WordPress expert who can add a comprehensive database to my existing site for capturing user registratio...usernames and passwords, and zip codes. The database should be designed to prevent duplicate registrations and have the capability to capture ID numbers in the future. Key Requirements: - Integrate the database with my existing Mailchimp account for user outreach. - Implement an email verification system for new registrations. - Create a simple method for tallying registered users. - Ensure flexibility for adding future data points. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress and PHP. - Experience with database creation and management. - Familiarity with Mailchimp integration. - Knowledge of implementing email verification systems. - Ability to create flexible, ...

    $1094 Average bid
    $1094 平均报价
    138 个竞标