...點。不過,全家掀起的甜點熱潮並未持續太久,兩、三年後新鮮感退去,全家甜點的業績隨即大幅下滑。「畢竟飯糰可以每天吃,但很少有人天天吃蛋糕。」黃正田分析,隨著愈來愈多零售業者加入,且日本原裝進口物料價格相對較高,一個甜點的單價和傳統蛋糕店價錢差不多。加上甜點對多數人而言並非生活必需品,因此這股嘗鮮紅利並未成功延續,最慘的時候,一年得賠掉上千萬元,「工廠的總經理、副總都一度提出收掉的建議。」談起虧損情況,黃正田苦笑。儘管當時業績連年衰退,但日本全家在甜點的成功經驗,對台灣全家而言就像定心丸。他們深信,台日文化相近,長遠看來,甜點在台灣有前景,因此仍持續鼓勵團隊維持產能。轉機,出現在2014年,超商咖啡正式走進民眾生活,消費者習慣有了改變。黃正田回憶,當時超商咖啡崛起,全家的Let's Café 咖啡業績一年成長八成,於是他們透過咖啡加購甜點優惠,降低入手購買門檻,提升消費者的購買意願。例如,2015年推出即大受好評的法式檸檬塔,為團隊注入一劑強心針,持續優化後,到2020年,每月銷量逾20萬顆。「至少主管們不會再提要把工廠收掉了⋯⋯。」 黃正田指出,儘管在那之後甜點業績還是會有波動,由於整體曲線呈正成長,也讓團隊更有動力持續開發新品。真正讓全家甜點重新攀上高峰,由虧轉盈的關鍵,則是2017年全家赴日考察後所開發出的脆皮泡芙,半年內就推出八種口味,口味多元,深受消費者歡迎,平均每天可賣出約5萬顆。</b30</b20>>黃正田解釋,脆皮泡芙雖是單一產品,但每次推出新口味,都能給客人驚喜,後來,消費者甚至還會許願、敲碗喜歡的口味。互動過程中,全家也開始透過團購限定口味的方式,增加市場討論度。全家是台灣唯一自建甜點產線的零售業者,每條 產線人力約有15人,是一般鮮食的兩倍。全家是台灣唯一自建甜點產線的零售業者,每條 ...
一个互联网维修和装修freelance 平台 可以先跟我在vx: caomingxin5009先聊一下,谢谢。
在《中国审计年鉴(2004-2015)》的各项指标中,“审计查出主要问题金额”、“应上缴财政额”和“应调账处理金额”是最常见的三个度量财政廉洁度的指标 ,但三个指标的绝对值都囿于各县级市的财政规模、经济体量等因素无法直接用于比较,为此我们构造出“单位报告处理金额”和“审计金额率” 两个去量纲化指标,并以前者作为控制变量。
Banana Portal 接蕉喇係香港首個完全免費的綜合服務指南平台,致力去除自由工作(Freelance)市場參差的中介,提供完全透明、保障用家利益的配對服務,並協助自由工作者(freelancer)及商戶拓展業務。 過百種分類包括:攝影師,平面及室內設計師,婚禮統籌,化妝,中學小學音樂補習老師,室內設計,家居清潔,網業及程式設計開發,寵物服務等。 我們希望能夠將網站的SERP、Domain Authority、Citation 以Backlink, social bookmarking等方法提升。
...HTML 5 pages. - Adaptive HTML for mobile devices - Multi- environment support(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - Expected 2.5 weeks to complete entire page development, 0.5 weeks for testing and fixing - Basic test from developer before releasing every build to us. Final acceptance test will done by us - NDA is needed before start sharing project infomation 目前我们正在开发一个餐厅订单后台处理的平台,需要另外一名freelance来加速HTML5的开发进程。 - 目前我们已经完成了页面额设计和PS素材的制作,开发人员可以直接使用。 - 自适应网页制作,尤其是针对不同的移动设备(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - 希望在两周半的时候完成页面的开发(希望每两两天提交代码,以便早点检查和反馈),大概3-5天做验收测试和问题修复 - 希望开发人员会做基本的自测,确保发给我们验收的内容有一定的质量。当然我们也很希望开发者可用提出一些专业的建议和意见 - 需要和我们签订保密协议,在项目开始之前。
translate from Chinese to english. Translate the file I attached. Send me your translation of the following text to prove your ability before I award the project to you. "针对于医疗保险参保人数,直观看图表有以下特征: 1. 新农合医疗参保人数逐年下降,从2008年至2015年,下降幅度高达17.8%,其中08至13年前六年呈微量上升后下降,自2013年起逐年大幅下跌。 2. 城镇职工及居民基本医保呈逐年递增趋势,其中居民医保增量及增速均大于职工基本医保,并于2012年超过职工基本医保,实现从1.18至3.77亿277%的增量"
想找一個熟悉Wordpress Web Designer,長期Freelance工作,時薪,工時彈性
中文,英文, 报告,统计,百度搜索,研究,2015/2016年中国的劳动市场有关的知识。。。
android app & SQL/PHP web DB freelance job 詳情請email 查詢
...百度糯米回应点评美团合并:随时准备继续迎战 2015-10-08 16:39:50 来源: 第一财经日报(上海) 分享到: 1421 “这个新闻(点评与美团联手)不令人吃惊,我不太方便评论,但对糯米来说,we are ready to continue our fighting journey。”10月8日,百度副总裁、百度糯米总经理曾良在接受第一财经客户端记者独家采访时这样说。 外界普遍认为,点评和美团双方联手后,面临的主要竞争对手是声称3年砸200亿的百度糯米;而对“孤军奋战”的糯米来说,美团与点评的抱团,看上去让它少了一个O2O竞争对手,但同时,它的竞争对手也变得更加强大。 事实上,就在三个月前,曾良在一次媒体采访中评价过几位竞争对手,其中就包括点评和美团。“从竞争对手来讲,如果非要说,目前我不是特别看好大众点评,他们的运营效率各方面是有问题的;美团还是一个比较强劲的竞争对手,他最大的优势是现在市场覆盖率非常高,下沉到三四线城市。另外一个潜在的竞争者,可能是58同城和赶集。腾讯目前似乎只是把微信作为一个入口存在,没有真正去深度经营。阿里有想法,口碑逐步建起来,但能不能做起来还有待观察,背后承载服务的特点跟商品还是有区别的。” 此前的美团、大众点评、百度糯米三国杀中,从排名来看,三者的顺序已经很长一段时间没有变化,但在背后,糯米与点评的差距正在缩小。 “竞争对手真没有这么强大。”曾良在今年6月底接受记者采访时说,半年前糯米还是处在比较遥远第三名,可能是百度糯米自身整合花的时间太长了,但在已经走完了从品牌整合到技术整合再到管理模式和团队整合的阶段之后,将近半年下来,美团和当时比市场份额略降了一些,点评下降很快,而糯米业绩的上涨...
...would like to translate the following article into English 市场份额急转直下,美团“烧钱换市场”能走多远 沙水 2015年09月15日 8:46 查看原图 投资人犹豫不决的原因,主要是资本大环境遇冷,投资人开始反思O2O行业是否能够纯靠烧钱赢得最终胜利,尤其是在BAT这三位强悍的巨头面前。 美团可能从来都没有像今年这样焦虑过,不仅是融资之路的一波三折,还有市场份额的急转直下。 继今年1月完成7亿美元D轮融资之后,美团时隔半年之后又开始积极谋求新一轮融资——这说明经过半年的烧钱,账上已经所剩无几。近日有消息称,美团已完成15-20亿美元的E轮融资,不过随后又有媒体爆料这并未最终做实,看来美团融资并不顺利。屋漏偏逢连夜雨,融资遇阻的同时,美团耗费多年构建的先发优势已被巨头们弯道超车,市场份额开始被对手蚕食。 有媒体报道,今年2月-5月份,大众点评的GMV(总交易额)增速已连续四个月超过美团。也有投资人透露,百度糯米的市场份额增速极快。从6月开始,百度糯米每个月能从美团抢下2%份额、从大众点评抢下1%,三个多月时间百度糯米市场份额增长超过100%,而美团和大众点评份额在不断下降。相比之下,美团下滑得更快,预计年内将跌至50%以内。这也意味着在整个市场还在高速增长的情况下,美团的增速是最慢的。 美团会调整自己的“烧钱换市场”战略吗? 美团增长速度下滑,市场份额下降 在2014年美团启动“大跃进”之后,业务快速扩张,上马外卖、酒店诸多新品类,下沉到更多城市,而GMV这一核心KPI疯狂增长,2014年达到破纪录的460亿元,2015年更是定下了1300亿元的目标,上半年已...
将我的产品制作成视频分享到 YouTube Twitter,Facebook marketing,google plus,pinterest,同 时将我产品的的促销信息发布在slickedeals 和fatwallet 上面; 产品信息如下: 1、50% off TotaLohan MX6 Professional Grade LED Flashlight Kit – Our Best and Brightest LED Household Flashlight, Extended Run-time, Rechargeable, Ultra Bright, 5 Modes, Zoom Lens Promo Codes:C7R7MBQX(End Date 09/13/2015 ) Buy link:
Translating day to day Cantonese conversations to Korean client
The app is a simple money keeper app, but it allows users to login to our website as a member to activate back up function. You can see the app visual demo here: And basically the app is similar to We need both iOS and Android version
课程名称: 软件架构 课程链接: 培训日期: 2015-08-11 09:30:00 到 2015-08-13 16:30:00 培训地点: 北京上地 硅谷亮城 培训时长: 21小时(每天7小时) 培训语言:中文(英语) 更多课程信息请点击: 如果你有任何问题及建议,请发邮件或致电Nobleprog中国办公室
更改照片中毕业证的几个单词 1 图片中的Bachelor 改为 Master 2 右下角的 17 September 2014 改为 17 March 2015 要求同样字体 同样大小
设计网站美工,已有一名美工,需要和已有的美工一起设计网站页面。 工作开始时间:2015-4-28日起,需要2-3天,完成4-5个页面。线框图已全备。 要求:有网站美工设计经验,具有良好的美感及团队合作能力。
7 Desires 国际是专注在时尚娱乐行业的模特儿管理和活动组织公司,他们还拥有摄影和视频制作团队。 7 Desires 国际可以帮助您宣传产品、品牌或让西方模特穿着您指定的衣服或配饰拍照和制作视频,供您的网站使用。 只需把您的货物样本寄送到欧洲或美国,剩下的事情就交给他们(7 Desires )了。 价格非常优惠! 今天就去访问:7desiresinternational.c o m 吧 CHINESE FREELANCE ONLY: WE NEED TO FIND CHINESE FACTORY OR RETAILERS INTERESTED IN OUR SERVICES. Apply only if you can really make us close a deal with a company willing to send the goods in Europe to realize photos advertising with our models. If you are not able to finalize a deal please do not apply or you will not be paid.
1.要識中文,善於溝通 2. Access 基本運作 (關聯圖,報表,表單等等) -要將所有資料整理及關聯,方便我們尋找客人的資料 -要按我們需要及要求製作表單和報表 -需要各負責人交代有關運作及其用途
Job Type: Freelance/Part-Time Location: Remote Compensation: Competitive, based on experience Job Overview: We are seeking a creative, self-driven Content Creator with a passion for personal finance to join our team! This role is perfect for someone who loves making personal finance topics engaging, fun, and relatable. You will be responsible for producing daily content for our growing social media platforms. Your content will help us build and engage our audience, with the goal of eventually launching digital products and securing brand deals. Key Responsibilities: • Content Creation: Produce 1 piece of high-quality content per day (mix of videos and photo slides), focused on personal finance topics like budgeting, saving, and investing. • Research: Conduct research...
Freelance Opportunities: UI/UX Developer, Major Web Application Development and Design Project Overview of Project We are looking for an experienced UI/UX Developer to fill a significant freelance role in designing and developing an innovative, user-friendly web application for our project. This project will include creating wireframes, interactive prototypes, and a visually engaging interface that will ensure excellent functionality and responsiveness on all devices. Your work will define the entire user journey, balancing aesthetics and usability from concept to deployment. Key Responsibilities: Design wireframes, prototypes, and visually compelling mockups. Develop a fully responsive web application with a seamless user experience. Collaborate with our team to ensure ...
I'm in need of a proficient talent scout in the UAE. The primary focus will be on sourcing candidates across various industries, particularly hiring. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in recruitment, preferably in the UAE market. - Strong understanding of the hiring industry. - Exceptional networking and sourcing skills. - Ability to identify and reach out to potential candidates across different platforms.
Saya mencari V...pipeline, segmentasi pasar, serta enrichment data ICP dan buying committee. 3. Membantu penyusunan laporan metrik kampanye, revenue, serta administrasi program awareness dan demand generation. 4. Kerja 4 Jam Sehari, Mulai dari jam 13.00-17.00 WIB secara online, wajib responsive Yang Saya cari: 1. Pengalaman dalam riset data, analisis, dan tools seperti Google Sheets/Excel. Familiar dengan teknologi CRM (LinkedIn, Salesforce, HubSpot, dll) jadi nilai plus. 2. Familiar dalam menggunakan tools dan teknologi seperti ChatGPT, Google Advance Search, Metabase, dan AI lainnya. 3. Detail-oriented, bisa kerja mandiri, dan mampu memenuhi tenggat waktu. 4. Kemampuan komunikasi baik, terutama dalam menyajikan data secara jelas dan terstruktur. Email to (Removed by Free...
I'm looking for a talented Indian developer who can create an automation system for stock trades on Angel One. Key Requirements: - The system must scrape stock recommendations from a designated website, which only provides BUY signals, up until 3:30 PM. - Trades should be au...intervention. The system should check for new stock recommendations every minute. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Web Scraping, particularly with tools like BeautifulSoup, Selenium, and API integration. - Experienced in working with Trading APIs, specifically Angel One. - Skilled in Python or Node.js for automation. - Previous experience in algorithmic trading and order execution is a plus. This is a freelance project, not a full-time job. Please provide examples of similar projects you've complet...
I am seeking an experienced WordPress developer to join my team. This role involves converting designs from both Figma and Adobe XD into WordPress, working primarily with custom-made themes. The ideal candidate will not only be proficient in WordPress development but also skilled in technical optimization and performance tuning. Key Responsibilities: - Convert designs from Figma and Adobe XD into WordPress - Work with custom-made WordPress themes - Optimize site performance (loading times, SEO, server load) - Bug fixing and troubleshooting Key Requirements: - Must be reachable via WhatsApp after an initial Google Meet call - Flexible and self-motivated working style - Hourly rate: Up to €30/hour If this sounds like you, please apply with examples of previous WordPress projects. Let...
I am looking for a seasoned sales professional who ...looking for a seasoned sales professional who can place bids on B2B sales projects within the Technology sector. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Identifying and bidding on relevant freelance projects that align with our capabilities and goals. - Strategically targeting projects that are in the Tech industry, to maximize our relevance and competitiveness. - Sharing the rewards from successful bids on a 30/70% basis per project or contract. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in B2B sales, particularly within the Technology industry. Experience in placing bids on freelance projects is a plus. You should possess excellent communication skills, a strategic mindset and a knack for identifying profitab...
I'm a newcomer passionate about content writing, particularly in the realm of copywriting. I'm eager to dive into the world of freelance work and build my portfolio. My primary interest lies in copywriting for email marketing campaigns. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and grammar skills - Understanding of marketing principles - Ability to write persuasive and impactful copy - Familiarity with email marketing platforms (e.g., MailChimp, Constant Contact) is a plus Experience: - While I'm new to freelancing, I have a strong passion for writing and a keen interest in marketing. I'm ready to learn and grow with every project. I am looking for opportunities to showcase my skills and dedication. I am open to constructive feedback and committed to delivering hi...
I'm seeking a freelance artist to create unique, streetwear designs for concept-based clothing. The ideal designer should have a knack for creating unique patterns, as this is a key element of the project. Key requirements: - Expertise in streetwear design - Ability to create unique patterns - Understanding of urban culture themes Experience with bold colors and minimalist design is not a priority for this project. Instead, I am looking for someone who can draw inspiration from urban culture to create striking, concept-based pieces.
Seeking a freelance developer to build a custom Crypto Analytics Dashboard that integrates data from APIs. This platform will track early-stage cryptocurrencies by analysing social signals (from platforms such as Reddit, TikTok and ), Decentralised Exchange activity, and on-chain metrics, delivering actionable insights and alerts in real time into a Google Sheets layout. Client to supply rough mock-up to successful applicant. If you’re experienced in API integrations and building data-driven sheets with a focus on cryptocurrency analytics, we’d love to hear from you! KEY DASHBAORD METRICS 1. Basic cryptocurrency details such as name, category, network, days old plus confirmation of contact address and links to dedicated page on CoinMarketCap or CoinGecko, 2. On chain a...
Buscamos un desarrollador WordPress freelance para proyectos web creativos y dinámicos. Requisitos Experiencia mínima de 2 años en desarrollo WordPress Conocimientos sólidos de PHP, HTML5, CSS3 y JavaScript Familiaridad con plugins y themes personalizados Dominio de herramientas como Elementor Responsabilidades Crear y optimizar sitios web WordPress Implementar diseños responsivos Realizar mantenimiento y actualizaciones de sitios
Full Stack Developer (PHP Reskin & Customization) Project Overview: We are seeking a skilled and experienced Full Stack Developer to join our team on a freelance basis. The primary focus of this role will be to reskin and customize an existing PHP project. Responsibilities: * Reskinning: * Redesign and implement a new user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) for the existing PHP project. * Integrate new visual elements, such as colors, fonts, and images, to match the desired brand aesthetic. * Ensure the new design is responsive and adapts seamlessly across various devices (desktops, tablets, and mobile). * Customization: * Implement custom features and functionalities based on specific project requirements. * Integrate third-party APIs and services as neede...
Looking for a mechanical engineer to help for two months on a project in Manila, Philippines. Main role: installation of IoT devises (sensors like temperature, flow rate, pressure and power meter reading), and data collection of water cooled chiller systems (including chiller, pumps, c...equipment to identify inefficiencies and improvement opportunities. - Energy Optimization Experience: Proven ability to develop strategies to enhance energy efficiency and reduce consumption in industrial settings. - Problem-Solving Ability: Skilled in diagnosing and resolving technical issues related to industrial machinery and IoT integrations. - Project-Based Work Competency (given it is a freelance role): Experience in managing short-term, project-based assignments with clear deliverables and ...
I need a freelance web developer to create a custom-built Doctor Appointment System. This should have an easy-to-use interface for both patients and admin (doctor/reception) panels. Key Features Include: - Patient Module: Simplified appointment booking, QR code access, WhatsApp confirmations, and unique Patient ID generation. - Admin Panel: Real-time appointment notifications, patient database management, date availability settings, and WhatsApp notifications. The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience in web application development - Proven track record of designing user-friendly interfaces - Expertise in secure database management - Familiarity with integration of APIs, particularly WhatsApp's Please provide your quotation, project timeline, and links to relevan...
I'm seeking a skilled web developer for a modern style freelance platform. Key Features: - User Profiles: Each freelancer should be able to create a unique profile showcasing their skills, experience, and portfolio. - Messaging System: A robust, user-friendly messaging system for seamless communication between freelancers and clients. - Project Listings: A dynamic section for posting, browsing, and bidding on projects. Ideal candidate should have: - Strong experience in web development, particularly in creating user-centric platforms. - Proven skills in implementing secure and reliable messaging systems. - Familiarity with project listing functionalities. - A keen eye for modern design aesthetics and UX principles.
Francophone recherché pour prospection SEO avec rémunération proportionnelle au DA Description du projet : Bonjour, Nous recherchons un(e) freelance francophone pour une mission de prospection commerciale et d’acquisition de backlinks dans le cadre d’une campagne marketing. Vous serez chargé(e) de contacter des blogueurs dans le domaine du vapotage pour établir des partenariats basés sur un échange de visibilité. Vos missions : Rechercher des blogs francophones pertinents en utilisant des outils SEO comme Ahrefs ou SEMrush pour identifier leur Domain Authority (DA). Contacter les responsables de ces blogs par email ou téléphone pour leur proposer une collaboration (script fourni). Gérer les r...
I need a dedicated Lucknow-based lawyer proficient in cyber crime cases to help me secure a NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the Cyber Crime Department.
Job Posting for Freelancer.com Title: Looking for Freelancers to Find Distributors for Organic Skincare Brand in Europe countries and Gulf Region. Descript...agreements. Provide insights on market trends and strategies to expand our brand's reach. Requirements: Experience in sales, business development, or distribution. Strong network within the beauty, skincare, or organic product sectors. Excellent communication and negotiation skills. Familiarity with European and/or Gulf markets. Passion for organic and eco-friendly products is a plus! This is a freelance project with potential for ongoing collaboration. If you have the skills and network to help us grow, we’d love to hear from you. Please submit your proposal highlighting relevant experience and your approach to a...
Project Description: Development of a Cooperative Photography Platform for Sporting Events Project Overview: We are looking for a skilled freelance developer (or team) to build a cooperative photography platform. The platform will allow photographers to upload and sell their photos taken at sporting events, while providing customers with an easy way to search and purchase their photos. How It Works: For Photographers: Photographers attend sporting events, take photos, and upload them to the platform. Photos are categorized by event and tagged for easy searchability. Photographers earn money for every photo sold, based on a revenue-sharing model where the platform takes a small commission. For Customers: Customers can find their photos by uploading a selfie or searching by their b...
I'm in need of a skilled WordPress developer to help enhance my website's functionality. The primary focus will be on updating content, specifically testimonials, and making necessary UI/UX adjustments. Regular coding tasks will be required to customize site components as we improve the site together. Ideal Candidate: - Highly proficien...skills for custom implementations - Detail-oriented with a keen eye for UI/UX design - Reliable and communicative for ongoing updates and improvements Your role will involve: - Regularly updating and improving the website's functionality - Enhancing the site's UI/UX - Custom coding when necessary to adapt website components If high-quality work is your passion and you're looking for a long-term freelance partnership, I&...
I am in the process of redesigning my kitchen in a modern style and I'm seeking a freelance professional to assist me. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in modern kitchen design - Proficient in creating 3D renderings - Strong communication skills for consultations Scope of Work: - Initial on-site consultation to assess the space and discuss design ideas - Creation of detailed 3D renderings to visualize the design - Assistance with material and color selection (if required) - Space planning (if needed)
I'm seeking a dynamic and well-connected professional to join my remote Customer Acquisition Team. This is a dual-role position focusing equally on generating high...Skills: Your ability to connect and engage with people is crucial. - Customer Acquisition Background: A proven track record in generating leads and converting them into customers is highly desirable. - Proficiency in CRM systems and Digital Tools: Familiarity with these will help streamline the process and enhance efficiency. - Recruitment Experience: Prior experience in recruitment, especially in freelance marketplaces, will be an advantage. If you're a driven individual with a knack for networking and a passion for customer acquisition and recruitment, I'd love to hear from you. Message me for more inf...
We are seeking a highly skilled freelance developer with expertise in n8n workflow automation and OAuth2 integrations to assist with troubleshooting and resolving a specific issue on our platform. Project Scope: Diagnose and resolve a 404 Not Found error during OAuth2 credential callback within n8n workflows. Ensure proper configuration of n8n OAuth2 callbacks, URLs, and relevant API integrations. Test and verify functionality to ensure smooth and reliable operation. Provide guidance or documentation for the implemented solution. Requirements: Proven experience with n8n workflow automation platform setup, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Strong understanding of OAuth2 protocols and API credential management. Familiarity with reverse proxy configurations (e.g., NGINX) and debuggi...
...Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro y habilidades en postproducción (After Effects es un plus). Conocimientos en edición de color, corrección de audio y creación de gráficos animados. Pasión por la sostenibilidad, la producción orgánica y proyectos innovadores. Disponibilidad para trabajar en los meses de enero y febrero para cumplir con el calendario de lanzamiento en marzo. Condiciones: Trabajo freelance con posibilidad de colaboración a largo plazo. Pago a convenir según experiencia y alcance del proyecto. Se valorará la disponibilidad para trabajar con contenido grabado en locaciones diversas. Cómo Postular: Envía tu CV, portafolio y una breve descripción de tu experiencia. Indica ...
We are a startup manufacturing company specializing in dental prosthetics. We’re looking to build a scalable and professional e-commerce platform tailored for dental labs across the U.S. This platform will serve as a key part of our business as we grow. Scope of Work: 1. E-commerce Platform Setup • Build and customize the website using Shopify or BigCommerce to support an initial product catalog of approximately 500 SKUs, with the ability to scale to 1,000+ SKUs over time. 2. Custom Features • Enable secure customer login accounts with role-based pricing for specific customers. • Develop a bulk-ordering system with functionality to offer free units for large purchases instead of percentage discounts. 3. Product Management Assistance • We will provide produ...
Estoy buscando un desarrollador de WordPress freelance para varios proyectos, pago mensual según se finalicen proyectos. Imprescindible idioma español
...Familiarity with creating and integrating APIs for seamless user experiences. ⚡ Ability to deliver well-documented, clean, and maintainable code. ⚡ Bonus: Prior experience with transaction bundling solutions. Why Work With Us? ? Competitive pay and a chance to contribute to a growing project that benefits the developer community. ? Collaborative work environment with the potential for long-term freelance opportunities. ? Freedom to innovate and bring your ideas to life. If you're ready to dive into the Solana ecosystem and work on an exciting new tool for developers, we want to hear from you! Apply Now! This version focuses on what you’re looking for in a developer, the skills required, and what makes the project appealing. Let me know if you'd like to adjust ...