是英文聊天视频,希望能剪得快节奏,有趣一点。 basically it's omegle chatting content, wish you can help make the video more interesting and fun
总体要求:最好是中国人或懂中文的开发者,方便后期沟通,本项目可长期合作完善后续的响应式网页界面、安卓端和IOS端的APP开发,后续项目价格另议;交付时需要有全部网页源代码(html/css、JavaScript、jquery文件)、图片、素材等;所有页面风格都要为中国风;三个页面的顶部导航栏和底部要统一。 1、本来有一个首页界面,现在需要将它重新设计,原界面图片私发,参照内容即可(不强制要求)。 2、登录页,需要有邮箱、密码字段;留一个滑动验证码的位置,我这边有接口。 3、注册页,需要有邮箱、密码、确认密码;也要留一个滑动验证码的位置给我。 登录注册的提交按钮需要检查字段是否符合格式、是否不为空,若不符合要求要提示;
招兼职剪接声音的人。一个声音(短则8分钟,长则30分钟) 要求:降噪,去除杂音,音量提高,去掉口癖(如这个、那个、额、长段空白、咳嗽等),笑声可保留。 输出声音格式要求:MP3,高音质,立体声,大小控制在50MB以内 ENGLISH A person who works part-time to cut the sound. One voice (8 minutes short and 30 minutes long) Requirements: Noise reduction, noise removal, volume increase, remove the mouth (such as this, that, forehead, long blank, cough, etc.), laughter can be retained. Output sound format requirements: MP3, high sound quality, stereo, size control within 50MB
该项目需要开发人员,主要技术为: ASP.net/CS/MVC/WCF框架, DIV+CSS,JS(easyui/jquery/native JS/Ajax/Json). 熟悉Oracle数据库, 精通SQL及PL/SQL. 该项目周期大概两个月,之后会有不定期项目需要开发人员 人员需驻场,地点深圳或者天津。
Chinese Travel Articles Editing 寻求旅游书/文章编辑 旅行数年的故事都写好了,打算编成一本书,奈何我不是最优质的写作者,因此文章需要编辑。想先分享其中一篇旅行文章,看看编辑编出来的成果如何,再决定是否有合作的机会。 基本上我最大的缺点就是不够简洁扼要。要是你这方面的能力特别强,欢迎接洽。谢谢!
Chinese Travel Articles Editing 寻求旅游书/文章编辑 旅行数年的故事都写好了,打算编成一本书,奈何我不是最优质的写作者,因此文章需要编辑。想先分享其中一篇旅行文章,看看编辑编出来的成果如何,再决定是否有合作的机会。 基本上我最大的缺点就是不够简洁扼要。要是你这方面的能力特别强,欢迎接洽。谢谢!
我门需要一个会讲中文的programmer。我们是一个中介,我门给英语老师安排中国的工作机会。他们来中国提前必须面试,在我们的wordpress网站用视频plugin来面试。视频面试以后要把视频automatically放在baidupan 还是其它的filesharing网站 We need a wordpress plugin customisation, to link uploaded videos to a Chinese filesharing website. You need to be able to edit the API of any of the following sites: 酷盘, 金山快盘, 百度网盘,帮助文档首页/个人云存储_API 新浪微盘, 华为网盘, 妖妖舞, (似乎非官方) dropbox,
1.基于微信端html5的小游戏 ,android多机型适配 3.熟练掌握javascript,jquery 4.熟练掌握div+css 有微信二次开发经验者优先
实现PDF转html,熟悉css/css3, 使用javascript,考虑性能与兼容除非客户要求不会用jQuery。做出成品后,3个星期内(与页面不符)只要客户发邮件提出,免费小范围修改,但是大范围的修改要加价。重要的事说三遍:存手写代码切图,存手写代码切图,存手写代码切图。
目前我们有个PHP项目(已有国外accelerator选中),主要是帮助欧洲中小企业更好地找中国大陆的产品或者供应商。 希望找一位负责任的PHP工程师,developer Laravel to mantain web application already done (90%) based on support tickets model. Requested skill: HTML, CSS e Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and jQuery, Blade, Eloquent and basic knowlege of LAMP to work in deploy mode. 目前我们考虑的是技术入股(都可以商量),有兴趣的话,其他方面都可以详聊。 (只要有心做好这个项目,在职人员、自由职业者等都可以。懂英语的优先)
预算:1万元可议价 1、网站用途:人才储备、发布招聘、求职信息。 2、项目阶段:无,需要从零开始 3、开发时间:45天周期,最后期限8月31日 4、是否有需求文档:有 5、网站类别:招聘类 6、功能参考网站:(拉勾网) 7、核心功能:信誉评分系统 8、网站风格:前端javascript/jquery/ajax 参考网站:(拉勾网) 9、运行平台:LINUX 10、技术要求: 开发语言:.net/java 是否有制定后台管理:必须要有,且是全站控制管理 开发环境:自定义 数据库:自定义 运行环境:LINUX 服务器:双方商议决定 11、对服务商的要求: 地域:不限 服务商规模:5人以上团队 是否需要网站维护:视双方前期合作情况决定。 个性化要求:希望服务商能够以自身拥有从业经验为项目提供宝贵的建议。 PS:项目主管是处女座...所以不够耐心、不够细心、手头活太多、太繁忙的、联系沟通不方便的、完任务拿点小钱儿的团队。。。请不要浪费时间。。。
做一个安卓的婚恋应用,前端界面快设计好了,产品也做了全面的规划,流程图,数据库,业务逻辑都有详细的规划。本应用开发要用到node.js,建立在leancloud云平台上。这个婚恋应用的功能包括:注册、权重计算、匹配、单身分享、活动发起、预约、聊天等。聊天有可以利用的SDK,权重计算、自动匹配、自动邀约等本后台逻辑的才是本应用的最大工作量。 大概就是这样的一个业务流程:
...4. 用UPC API查出食物名称及细节. 如找不到就提示要用户输入. 2.4.5. 区块显示食物盒颜色大小及食物名称 2.4.6. 用户自己输入EXPIRE DAY. 2.4.7. 用户把该区块拖拉到左面的种类方块存入该种类. (该种类已存数量加1) 2.4.8. 单按种类方块可显示该种类存入名称, 日期及过期日等明细 2.4.9. 点明细可修改/删除, 或加入Buying Task 2.5. Chart 2.5.1. BarChart及PieChart图显示已存食物种类分布 (可选按年, 月, 全期) 2.6. Buying Task (购买任务) 2.6.1. 从2.4.9.加入 2.6.2. 显示要购买东西清单(名称及checkbox), 例如在超市可按清单购买, 按该行checkbox, 像checklist. 2.7. Setting 2.7.1. EDIT MY DATA (用我司CRM API) 2.7.2. ABOUT US (打开我司网页) 2.7.3. VOTE (FB/Twitter) 2.7.4. SYNC TO CLOUD (用我司MySql API)
...4. 用UPC API查出食物名称及细节. 如找不到就提示要用户输入. 2.4.5. 区块显示食物盒颜色大小及食物名称 2.4.6. 用户自己输入EXPIRE DAY. 2.4.7. 用户把该区块拖拉到左面的种类方块存入该种类. (该种类已存数量加1) 2.4.8. 单按种类方块可显示该种类存入名称, 日期及过期日等明细 2.4.9. 点明细可修改/删除, 或加入Buying Task 2.5. Chart 2.5.1. BarChart及PieChart图显示已存食物种类分布 (可选按年, 月, 全期) 2.6. Buying Task (购买任务) 2.6.1. 从2.4.9.加入 2.6.2. 显示要购买东西清单(名称及checkbox), 例如在超市可按清单购买, 按该行checkbox, 像checklist. 2.7. Setting 2.7.1. EDIT MY DATA (用我司CRM API) 2.7.2. ABOUT US (打开我司网页) 2.7.3. VOTE (FB/Twitter) 2.7.4. SYNC TO CLOUD (用我司MySql API)
大家好,我叫‘马克’,我是一个英国人 I would like to gather information about 100 companies in Dongguan, Guangdong, China, including: 1. 公司名 2. 地址 3. 城市 4. 省 5. 国家 6. 电子邮件 7. 电话1 8...Include any links to profiles on the job site (the source) 4. List the number of vacancies the employer is currently listing, if available 5. Make sure all links are live and clickable NOTES: 1. All phone, fax and cell-phone numbers must start with the international dialling code - Hong Kong: +852 - China: +86 2. All email and weblinks must be made a live link. The easiest way to do this is to edit the cell, then press enter and it automatically changes to a blue link that you can click 3. Column P (招聘职位) is the number of visible job vacancies for ...
我们正在寻找一个优秀的中国平面设计师,为以中国游客为目标市场的旅游网站设计网页 (landing page) 和相关的banners。脱颖而出的设计师将会被邀请参与我们的网站设计工作。这个项目只有设计2-4 网页,2-4 个 banners 和 简单的WordPress 网站; 成功完成第一个项目的设计师将会被邀请参与我们的第二个项目(马上开始在第一个项目完成后),网站设计工作设计的要求会高和复杂。 要求如下: Web/App Graphics • ability to take design (PSD) and create web friendly op...(PSD) and create web friendly optimised graphical elements • familiar with all levels of CSS (through CSS3) • understand and ability to implement responsive design • understand browser limitations of Safari, IE, Firefox, Chrome; can design cross browser solutions Programming • competent to expert in WordPress & PHP (portfolio sites required) • understand modern javascript frameworks (minimum: JQuery) • understand SEO best practices Communications...
我们正在寻找一个优秀的中国平面设计师,为以中国游客为目标市场的旅游网站设计网页 (landing page) 和相关的banners。脱颖而出的设计师将会被邀请参与我们的网站设计工作。这个项目只有设计2-4 网页,2-4 个 banners 和 简单的WordPress 网站; 成功完成第一个项目的设计师将会被邀请参与我们的第二个项目(马上开始在第一个项目完成后),网站设计工作设计的要求会高和复杂。 要求如下: Web/App Graphics • ability to take design (PSD) and create web friendly op...(PSD) and create web friendly optimised graphical elements • familiar with all levels of CSS (through CSS3) • understand and ability to implement responsive design • understand browser limitations of Safari, IE, Firefox, Chrome; can design cross browser solutions Programming • competent to expert in WordPress & PHP (portfolio sites required) • understand modern javascript frameworks (minimum: JQuery) • understand SEO best practices Communications...
我需要找一个中国的开发人员来使用adobe的AEM/CQ技术来做网站。相关技术是:css3,javascript, jquery, extjs, jsp, java, servlet. 这是一个长期项目。
开发一个web系统 希望你有经验 做过java web项目开发 最好前端框架用过Jquery Easy UI 熟悉Struts2 Ajax
1. User Management 2. login & signup 12:32 3. user profile edit page 4. Post Page 5. Feed Page 6. Following & Follower function
1. User Management 2. login & signup 12:32 3. user profile edit page 4. Post Page 5. Feed Page 6. Following & Follower function
经过前面的讨论我们团队认为需要把网站进行一些调整,我们还是以Teespring的模式为主,!/xr/1,具体的细节如下, 我们网站的名字是Crowddesigner: 1、 基本的构架还是以Teepsring为主,但是我们希望可以在制作的结构和布局方面有点改变,还有网站的色调和感觉我们还是希望能够更加精致和高端。 2、 这个网站基本框架: (1)首页(we may need you to help devise a wonderful and concise home page, be cool) (2)发起项目,按照Teespring来; (3)邀请朋友(); (4)设计师工厂(),这个板块我们希望展示的是我们自己注册通过的设计师,这个网站的链接是一个风险投资的,但是他的结构布局我们很喜欢,这个部分希望能按这种风格来,然后每个独立设计人能够像这个网站里面圆形的来展示,然后点击进去是他们发布的创意和个人的介绍;而且我们要求的功能是经过注册审核的设计师能够自己发布项目,而且项目下面有一个“点赞”功能;整个板块希望做的高端美观! (5)原创商城();这种感觉展示出来 上面的就是我们的主要板块,希望网站能够像外国风格那样精致、美观、高端而舒适。
熟悉HTML5, CSS3 掌握Jquery, Ajax等基本js方法或框架,了解过一些进阶的js框架,如angularjs、backbone.js等 有使用过一些ui框架的经验,如bootstrap等 能有一些作品展示 要求能驻场1到2个月,在上海黄浦区上海电信驻场 要求能尽快加入项目 每月7K到15K RMB,外加项目结束有奖金
熟悉HTML5, CSS3 掌握Jquery, Ajax等基本js方法或框架,了解过一些进阶的js框架,如angularjs、backbone.js等 有使用过一些ui框架的经验,如bootstrap等 能有一些作品展示 能快速到岗
客户端UI设计: 1) 基于ASP.NET开发; 2) Dreamweaver/ FrontPage精通; 3) 层叠样式表CSS精通; 4) JavaScript开发熟练,对于主流脚本框架的开发项目有所涉及(ExtJS/JSon/JQuery等); 5) 理解文档对象模型(DOM); 6) 有Ajax/Sliverlight/Flash等富客户端开发经验更好。
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Translate From English to Chinese using PO EDIT..'
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Edit the report which has 7000 words'
I am looking for an experienced CAD/Revit professional to edit my DWG files. Scope of Work - The main tasks involve: - Modifying existing components, including adjustments to dimensions, layouts, materials, and textures. - Ensuring all sheets match the original layout and formatting, incorporating the provided markups. - Recreating the title block and maintaining all other original sheet information. I have included: - Markup sheets detailing the required amendments (5 sheets). - The original DWG files. - A complete set of plans in PDF format for reference. - Before submitting a proposal, please carefully review all the provided materials. Requirements - To be considered, you must: - Demonstrate proficiency in CAD software and experience with DWG file editing. - Showcase strong...
I need someone to edit a 1 minute 19 seconds video to make it engaging with fun and playful effects or graphic motion. The project involves inserting subtitles (which I will provide) and making the video as interesting as possible so that the audience watches till the end. Key Skills and Experience: - Video Editing - Graphic Motion Design - Subtitle Insertion Please note, the video does not require any background music, but it does need bold and clear font for the subtitles. I am looking for someone who can complete this task in 2 hours.
...high-quality photographs and videos that showcase the energy, strength, and community of Her Fight Club. - Create content tailored for platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, our website, and print materials. - Collaborate with our team to align visuals with the brand's vision and message. - Produce a mix of action shots, class highlights, and instructor-led content that appeals to our target audience. - Edit and deliver polished content ready for use across digital and print campaigns. **Requirements:** - Proven experience in professional photography and videography, preferably for fitness, lifestyle, or similar industries. - A strong portfolio demonstrating creative and impactful campaign work. - Exceptional understanding of visual branding, storytelling, and audience engage...
I'm looking for a video editor to edit some music videos. I prefer a simple and clean editing style. The successful freelancer will need to be skilled in color grading, with a preference for vibrant and bold tones. Text overlays will also be a key part of the editing process. Minimal effects should be used, ensuring the focus remains on the music and visuals. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in video editing, specifically music videos - Proficient in color grading, with a bold and vibrant style - Ability to incorporate text overlays seamlessly - Familiarity with a simple and clean editing style - Creative mindset to enhance the music video's appeal while keeping effects minimal.
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to help edit a short live-action video. The editing will primarily involve basic cuts and transitions, as well as adding special effects. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience with live-action video editing - Creative in adding special effects to enhance the video - Attention to detail for smooth cuts and transitions
I have an Instagram account with around 750 photos on the grid, with approximately 80% including my children. I need someone to take those photos, edit them by blurring out my children’s faces and then reloading the photos in the same order with the same caption. Requirements: - Use a medium blur on my children's faces so they cannot be identified - Edit using a software of your choice (No specific software preference) - No need for additional edits (Color correction, Cropping, etc.), just the face blurring - Re-upload the photos in correct order with the same captions Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing - Experience with Instagram - Attention to detail - Ability to maintain privacy of children on social media I look forward to your bids.
I'm seeking a professional editor and proofreader for my educational book aimed at elementary/primary students. The book focuses on an academic subject and requires meticulous attention to detail to ensure it meets the highest standards of clarity, consistency, and correctness. Key Areas of Focus: - Grammar and Punctuation: The text needs to be free from any grammatical or punctuation mistakes. - Clarity and Readability: The content should be accessible and understandable for young learners. - Consistency and Accuracy: The information presented in the book needs to be consistent and accurate throughout. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in editing and proofreading educational materials, particularly for elementary/primary levels. - Strong background in grammar and pun...
I'm looking for a video editor to edit some music videos. I prefer a simple and clean editing style. The successful freelancer will need to be skilled in color grading, with a preference for vibrant and bold tones. Text overlays will also be a key part of the editing process. Minimal effects should be used, ensuring the focus remains on the music and visuals. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in video editing, specifically music videos - Proficient in color grading, with a bold and vibrant style - Ability to incorporate text overlays seamlessly - Familiarity with a simple and clean editing style - Creative mindset to enhance the music video's appeal while keeping effects minimal.
I'm seeking a skilled video editor to assist with content creation for my vlogs. The purpose of these videos is to share personal stories and experiences, so the ideal freelancer should have a knack for storytelling through video. Key Requirements: - Proficient in video editing software - Understanding of pacing, sound, and visual storytelling - Ability to edit footage into engaging, coherent vlogs - Experience with personal story editing preferred - Good communication skills for discussing project specifics and timelines.
I'm looking for a video editor to shorten an existing 2 hour video to 2 minutes for a Facebook post, and zoom in on some sections. The video features a street artist in a drain, using different mediums to complete a mural in a partially-lit subterranean setting. Shot on iPhone a while back. I would like the video shorted to 1 minute and 47 seconds, zooming in to the artists progress in sections to give the audience a view of their tools colouring the surface. Perhaps 2 or three of these, I will leave it in the hands of whoever takes up this task. For the sake of any headaches in posting this for the featured artist, he has requested to have his face blurred out at all freeze frames, or obscured discreetly. I have no experience in video editing and while it is only a single an...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor who can edit my videos in a storytelling and narrative style similar to this: Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Ability to edit with a focus on storytelling and narrative - Experience editing interviews and testimonials Key Requirements: - Apply only if you are comfortable with a limited budget of 800-1000 INR per project, as we have multiple projects lined up - Your edits should feature smooth and subtle transitions - You should be able to integrate audio and soundtrack seamlessly - Please provide examples of your past work that aligns with this style I look forward to seeing your application.
I have a PowerPoint presentation on Civility in the Workplace that needs both content and design improvements. Requirements: - Content edits to improve understanding and delivery. - Design and layout enhancements to make the presentation visually appealing and engaging. Specific Tasks: - Help with structuring the content for better organization and flow. - Text editing for clarity, conciseness, and impact. - Upgrading visual elements with enhanced graphics and images. - Improving the overall aesthetic with better color schemes and fonts. - Ensuring a consistent slide layout and transitions throughout the presentation. - Incorporating some short video examples in a seamless manner. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in PowerPoint editing and presentation design. - Strong understanding of...