...interests, and regional preferences Market analysis tools for selecting industries and niches Phase 4: Content Planning and Execution The content creation lifecycle: Topic research Scriptwriting and visual storyboarding Filming and editing best practices Essentials for platform-specific content: TikTok short videos YouTube long-form content and vlogs Instagram Stories and Reels Facebook posts and live sessions Content formats and best-performing templates Phase 5: Traffic Growth and Lead Generation Organic growth strategies: Engaging with communities Building long-term relationships with followers Cross-platform promotions Paid growth strategies: Sponsored posts and PPC ads Budgeting and targeting strategies for different platforms How to optimize conversion rates and generate ...
...interests, and regional preferences Market analysis tools for selecting industries and niches Phase 4: Content Planning and Execution The content creation lifecycle: Topic research Scriptwriting and visual storyboarding Filming and editing best practices Essentials for platform-specific content: TikTok short videos YouTube long-form content and vlogs Instagram Stories and Reels Facebook posts and live sessions Content formats and best-performing templates Phase 5: Traffic Growth and Lead Generation Organic growth strategies: Engaging with communities Building long-term relationships with followers Cross-platform promotions Paid growth strategies: Sponsored posts and PPC ads Budgeting and targeting strategies for different platforms How to optimize conversion rates and generate ...
购买了一台安卓双屏设备,一面为竖屏,另一面为横屏。 想要做到的效果是当顾客用竖屏来自助点餐的同时,服务员也能用横屏的POS机来为其他的顾客点餐。 1. 尝试过在两个屏幕各跑一个app,竖屏跑自助点餐app,横屏跑POS app,但是自助点餐的单传不进去POS(在两台独立的安卓单屏机的情况下没有问题),怀疑是因为同一台设备两个app一样IP导致API收不到,然后尝试了localhost还是不行。 2. 尝试过只用一个app来投放双屏,即把自助点餐和POS都写在同一个app里面,然后用Display Manager来选择投放副屏。用了DartEntryPoint来设定副屏的main(),但是副屏的显示需要手动刷新(hot reload)才会显示,而且setState没有反应。 研究了很久一直没有突破口,也不确定哪个方向是对的,所以想找一位对安卓双屏异显POS有相对经验的人来教我实际的做法。
計劃:廣告平台 計劃描述:用戶滑動觀看視頻廣告並賺取積分 技術規格: - 使用 Ionic Framework v7 的 Android 和 IOS 應用程式 - Google Firebase ------------------------------ 第一階段 主要功能 - 電子郵件註冊、用戶名、密碼、電話驗證、登入、積分顯示 - 每滑動觀看 60 秒廣告賺取 1 積分。停止滑動時計時器暫停 - 每月用戶積分排行榜(每 6 小時更新數據),每月積分重置為零 - 受邀用戶賺取的積分的 5% 也會獎勵給邀請人 - 獎勵區域 - 公告板 - 每日登入賺取 1 積分,並且連續登入每週有累進獎勵積分(例如,1+2+3+4+5+6+7),並且當天賺取的積分有相應的倍數。例如,在連續第三天登入時,賺取 3 個額外積分,並且當天賺取的所有積分有 3 倍。花費 1 積分可以追溯簽到,最多 20 天 - 為廣告評分賺取 1 積分,對廣告發表 20 字以上的評論賺取 20 積分。每日選出最有價值的評論,每個獲勝者獲得 50 積分 後端功能 - 禁用用戶功能 - 查看用戶信息 - 重置用戶密碼 - 過濾、排序和批量編輯用戶積分 - 上傳廣告 GUI:Ionic Framework 的默認用戶介面 ------------------------------ 第二階段 主要功能 - 邀請碼,每次成功使用都會為邀請人和被邀請人各自獲得 50 積分(需要電話驗證才能啟用邀請碼功能) - 被邀請人記錄 - 每日邀請量排行榜(每 30 分鐘更新一次),每日重置 - 廣告分享(中期計劃) -- 在 FB 或 IG 上點讚獲得 5 積分 -- 在 FB 或 IG 上分享獲得 10 積分 -- 在 WhatsApp 或微信上與 5 個聯絡人分享廣告並獲得有效點擊獲得 50 ...
嗨 Live Experts ®, 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。
Elven L.,您好,我看了您的个人资料,想与您进行项目合作。我们可以通过聊天对话进一步讨论细节。需求是按照设计稿1:1改开发一套产品 可依照目前Github功能代码 (PC是element h5是vant) 提供竞品需参考交互 详细内容,请联系skype: live:.
I want to develop AI live broadcast face changing technology
1.现提供ionic app应用源码与应用所有的API,需要ionic源码全部转换成java语言,要求功能一致。 2.可发布app,真机测试,APP发布账号我方可以提供,服务商不能外泄。 3.服务商完工后需求交付源代码。 4.最好能看的懂中文,方便沟通。
开发工具: 本次开发使用:dcloud的5+Runtime、MUI 职位描述: 负责App(android/ios)开发工作,移动端; 任职要求: 2年以上的前端框架开发的经验; 熟悉http+json接口解析开发; 熟悉主流的前端架构,例如:angularJS、ionic、MUI等; 使用过cordova、ionic等混合应用其中一个 开发内容:关于人才技工类APP,安卓版。
你好,目前开发Ionic手机软件,对接网站是Prestashop,在用户注册,数据传回网站遇到问题,希望你能帮忙解决,费用的话我们可以谈。可以的话可以加我的QQ:892281578. 我的邮件是yifeilyf@
你好,目前开发Ionic手机软件,对接网站是Prestashop,在用户注册,数据传回网站遇到问题,希望你能帮忙解决,费用的话我们可以谈。可以的话可以加我的QQ:892281578. 我的邮件是yifeilyf@
你好,目前开发Ionic手机软件,对接网站是Prestashop,在用户注册,数据传回网站遇到问题,希望你能帮忙解决,费用的话我们可以谈。可以的话可以加我的QQ:892281578. 我的邮件是yifeilyf@
寻找在中国工作生活的中德,德中翻译的translator, 经常在线,方便交流。 我们这边的项目有些是文档的翻译,有些是需要及时的回复的1-2句德文的翻译,所以希望你经常在线,然后可以做这种短时间一句话的翻译,我们可以一次支付你一定的money,可以每周结算一次。 长期有项目,不会做几次就没活了。符合条件的,请联系我。谢谢
A games live streaming website like twitch (handling large amount of video data? ) with user registration and account information, upload video, leave comments on real time living videos. Need experienced developer who can be able to build up the front end, back end, database and server for efficiently storing and retrieving videos data. If you think the price is below your expectation, please leave the price works for you, we can negotiate it.
大家好,我叫‘马克’,我是一个英国人 I would like to gather information about 100 companies in Dong...the popular job-listing websites, locate details of an employee (company profile) 2. Complete the company profile columns B - M 3. Include any links to profiles on the job site (the source) 4. List the number of vacancies the employer is currently listing, if available 5. Make sure all links are live and clickable NOTES: 1. All phone, fax and cell-phone numbers must start with the international dialling code - Hong Kong: +852 - China: +86 2. All email and weblinks must be made a live link. The easiest way to do this is to edit the cell, then press enter and it automatically changes to a blue link that you can click 3. Column P (招聘职位) is the number of visible job vacanci...
I need somebody who is born in native English country and know Chinese culture or live in Chinese before, to help us translate Chinese to English. Example: 生活在北地湿寒林地带的神奇生物,因为数量极为稀少,所以几乎没有人见过它们的身影。它们拥有几乎不老不死的生命,关于它们的传说不绝于世。独角兽在漫长的生命中有一次机会遇到共生的精灵,它们多数会选择牺牲掉自己极为漫长的寿命,用来换取短暂的一生有人相伴左右。共生的独角兽死去后,尸骸将不复存在。有传说,正是亿万年前第一只选择结束生命的独角兽,死后的魂魄孕育了繁盛的精灵种族。
I need somebody who is born in native English country and know Chinese culture or live in Chinese before, to help us translate Chinese to English. Example: 生活在北地湿寒林地带的神奇生物,因为数量极为稀少,所以几乎没有人见过它们的身影。它们拥有几乎不老不死的生命,关于它们的传说不绝于世。独角兽在漫长的生命中有一次机会遇到共生的精灵,它们多数会选择牺牲掉自己极为漫长的寿命,用来换取短暂的一生有人相伴左右。共生的独角兽死去后,尸骸将不复存在。有传说,正是亿万年前第一只选择结束生命的独角兽,死后的魂魄孕育了繁盛的精灵种族。
I need somebody who is born in native English country and know Chinese culture or live in Chinese before, to help us translate Chinese to English. Example: 生活在北地湿寒林地带的神奇生物,因为数量极为稀少,所以几乎没有人见过它们的身影。它们拥有几乎不老不死的生命,关于它们的传说不绝于世。独角兽在漫长的生命中有一次机会遇到共生的精灵,它们多数会选择牺牲掉自己极为漫长的寿命,用来换取短暂的一生有人相伴左右。共生的独角兽死去后,尸骸将不复存在。有传说,正是亿万年前第一只选择结束生命的独角兽,死后的魂魄孕育了繁盛的精灵种族。
定制PrestaShop, 基于1.6版本,UK的英文网站, 大多数功能1.6版本已可实现, 不需要在线付费, 后台基本不用改, 所需四点定制如下 1. 实时更新价格 -已有live xml feed,需要根据feed每过几分钟更新一下产品价格即可 2. 根据公司现有的主网站定制shop的模板, - 只需重用现有的css,layout和图片 3. 产品价格的基础上增加percentage based commission - 类似折扣但是增加一个百分比,比如产品价格是100圆,commission是2%,那么价格应为 100 + 2 = 102 4. 扩展用户注册 - 第一步和现有的prestshop一样 - 第二步要根据公司的用户登记pdf表格增加一些信息 价格可议, 有意者请留skype,QQ 或email
Busco un desarrollador con sólido conocimiento en Flutter y experiencia en integración de servicios de live streaming y bases de datos en tiempo real para colaborar en la creación de un MVP de una aplicación de comercio electrónico en vivo. El objetivo es ofrecer una experiencia atractiva y eficiente para usuarios de una plataforma de live shopping. Requisitos esenciales: - Experiencia en desarrollo con Flutter 3.x + Dart. - Capacidad para integrar tecnologías de streaming en vivo y bases de datos de Firebase. - Conocimientos en UI Kits para comercio electrónico y streaming. Responsabilidades: - Trabajar en colaboración para definir y desarrollar las funciones clave del MVP. - Asegurar la calidad y la estabilidad de la...
...trading strategy designed for integration with the Zerodha API. The strategy should be tailored for positional trading focused on commodities. Key requirements: - The strategy must incorporate backtesting capabilities to assess performance on historical data. - It should enable automated execution of trades based on the strategy's signals. - The strategy should support real-time data feeds to enable live trading and decision making. -The strategy should give me graphs showing entry signal and exit -should give me alerts on notification or telegram Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in Python, particularly in the context of financial trading. - Familiarity with the Zerodha API. - Experience in developing and backtesting trading strategies, espe...
I'm seeking a skilled software developer to create an Android betting gaming application. This app will need to incorporate essential core functionalities, including: - User registration and login - Bet placement and tracking - Live updates and statistics Additionally, the application will need to support various user roles such as super admin, masters, admin, and agents, along with all relevant features for these roles. On the backend, the application will require: - Super admin and admin control - Agent and master management - Financial transactions tracking Ideal candidates for this project should have substantial experience in developing betting gaming applications and a solid understanding of managing user roles and backend functionalities. Proficiency in API developm...
I am looking for an experienced Ionic 3 developer to help me maintain and improve my mobile app. The project entails a mix of UI/UX enhancements, bug fixes, and the implementation of new features. Key Responsibilities: - UI/UX Improvements: Primarily focusing on the design and layout of the app. - Bug Fixes: Identifying and resolving issues to enhance app performance and user experience. - New Feature Development: Proposing and implementing innovative features to keep the app competitive and engaging. Specific Areas of Improvement: - Design/Layout: Enhancing the overall aesthetic and usability of the app. - Typography: Improving the app's text presentation to boost readability and visual appeal. Ideal Candidate: - Proficiency in Ionic 3 is a must. - Strong UI/UX desi...
I'm seeking a talented web designer to create a clean, user-friendly, modern and minimalistic E-commerce website. Key Requirements: - The website should include a smooth, efficient shopping cart system. - Incorporate a section for product reviews to enhance customer interaction and trust. - Integrate a secure payment gateway for safe ...websites. - Proficiency in creating modern and minimalistic designs. - Strong understanding of integrating shopping carts and product review systems. The website should include a Homepage, Product pages, and Checkout page. I am open to color scheme and branding suggestions based on modern and minimalistic design principles. The website should feature an order history section for customers. Incorporate live chat support to provide real-time cu...
I'm looking for a seasoned website developer to create a modern and clean client portal for my new consulting company. This project involves the complete product lifecycle, from requirement gathering to deployment. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a client portal with document sharing, appointment scheduling, and live chat support. - Ensure the website has a superb UI/UX using a state-of-the-art tech stack. - Design the website to be scalable, considering anticipated visitor count and backend data storage. - Create a reliable and effective infrastructure for web development. The ideal candidate for this job should have: - Extensive experience in website development, particularly for client portals. - A strong understanding of modern and clean design principles. - Proven skills...
I'm seeking a talented storyboard artist to conceptualize and design a storyboard for a marketing campaign aimed at boosting brand awareness. Key Requirements: - Storyboard will be for a live-action film - Must convey a professional tone - Plan and depict smooth transitions between scenes Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating storyboards for professional marketing/advertisement campaigns - Strong understanding of visual storytelling and brand communication strategies - Ability to translate marketing objectives into engaging visuals The target audience for the campaign is professionals.
I'm lookin...and more user-friendly interface. - Database Integration: This aspect will also require a detailed review to ensure seamless data handling and connectivity. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in both VB6 and VB.Net with integration, MSACCESS Database The candidate will develop some parts that i will assign from time to time. I will explain each time the work to do using live video conference. I will work at the project too, so we will work at the same github repository. I am not currently looking to add any new functionalities during the conversion, but I am open to suggestions for enhancements that could improve the overall performance of the application. The pay i'm specifing is low because it will be delivered for each little part of...
...bank transfer, cash on delivery (for verified buyers). ✅ Order tracking system integrated with logistics. 4. Wireframes & Design Flow (Attach basic wireframes using tools like Figma, Balsamiq, or Whimsical to visualize key screens.) Main Screens & Layouts ? Home Screen (Product Categories + Buyer Requests) ? Buyer Dashboard (Active Requests, Bid History, Order Tracking) ? Supplier Dashboard (Live Buyer Requests, Bidding Screen, Order Fulfillment) ? Bid Comparison Table (Side-by-side view of multiple offers) ? Chat Interface (Buyer-Supplier Messaging) ? Payment & Order Confirmation Screen 5. UI/UX Design Guidelines 5.1 Reference Apps for Inspiration • Udaan (B2B trading interface) • Indrive (Real-time bidding experience) • Amazon Business (Bulk p...
...transactions. - Integration of social media for sharing and connectivity. - Incorporation of analytics tools for tracking and understanding user behaviour. - Setting up Email and Password for user authentication. - Implementation of push notifications for timely updates. - Ensuring responsive design for mobile and desktop views. - Adding search functionality to enhance user navigation. - Integration of live chat for customer support. - Ensuring SEO optimization for better search engine ranking. - Inclusion of multilingual support for broader accessibility. I'm open to any suggestions you might have that could enhance the project. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience in React Native, Tailwind CSS, and the aforementioned integrations. Looking forward to your b...
...help build trust and credibility with potential clients by showcasing our satisfied customers. - Create detailed service description pages for each type of home repair. - Ensure the website is fully responsive for an optimal mobile experience. - Integrate secure payment gateways to allow for online payments. - Add a Frequently Asked Questions section to address common customer queries. - Include a Live Chat Support feature to help customers get instant assistance. Ideal skills for this job include web development, UI/UX design, and an understanding of eCommerce systems. Experience with creating similar service-based websites will be a significant advantage. Please provide examples of previous work that aligns with these requirements. The website should feature a vibrant and col...
I'm seeking a proficient web developer to create an engaging online casino gaming website focused on a specific game: Colour...systems and gambling regulations is crucial. Key Features: - The website will primarily host the Colour Prediction game, a popular online casino game. - Essential functionalities will include user registration/login systems, live game updates, and a leaderboard to foster competition and engagement among players. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in developing online gaming websites, particularly casino games. - Profound understanding of secure payment systems and gambling regulations. - Proficiency in implementing interactive features such as live game updates and leaderboards. - Strong skills in creating user-friendly regis...
I'm seeking an experienced Unity developer who can procedurally create a virtual world terrain based on a three matrices of numbers, to be seen on a laptop, phone and Oculus headset. To start, for this initial MVP, it should be visible as a 3D walkable world on a laptop. In further projects it should bi visible as ...I am a Unity Developer and have taught courses on interactive AR, VR and MR -but would not consider myself a high level commercial expert. This is a evaluation to see if I can do future work with you. I can personally do this in my own way in 4-5hrs with some finesse, a days work at the most 7-8 hours. I would own the code you create and of course you’ll be paid for the time taken. I would work live and collaboratively with you to see how you plan, design, wo...
I need a professional web developer to create a website for my company. The primary purpose of the site will be to showcase our company information. Key Features: - The site needs to highlight our services and offerings, as well as our company history and mission. - I would like the website to include interactive elements such as service inquiry forms and a Live Chat feature. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development with a strong portfolio of company websites - Expertise in creating interactive elements on websites - Understanding of showcasing a company's history and mission on a website - Excellent communication skills for understanding and implementing my requirements
...integrations (Stripe, PayPal, Crypto payments) 📜 Premium Intelligence Reports & Content Access: ✅ Content management system (Admin dashboard for publishing investigative reports) ✅ Paywall system (Preview available, full access for paid members) ✅ Categorized reports (Cybersecurity, geopolitics, intelligence leaks, etc.) ✅ Member-only video reports & live analysis 🎥 Live Webinars & Exclusive Events: ✅ Live-streaming & on-demand webinar functionality ✅ Ticketed events with VIP access tiers ✅ Automated email notifications for upcoming events ð&Y...
...- Integrate with popular shipping services to provide real-time shipping rates and tracking. - Incorporate social media buttons and sharing features to increase engagement and reach. - Add a newsletter signup feature to capture emails and build a mailing list. - Include user analytics tools to monitor traffic, sales, and customer behavior on the site. - Provide a customer support system, such as live chat or a contact form, for user assistance. - Implement a wishlist feature so customers can save items they are interested in for future reference. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Shopify - Strong design skills, particularly with vintage aesthetics - Knowledge of e-commerce best practices - Experience integrating product review systems on Shopify Please provide examples of ...
...should have at least a -27% discount. - Once it finds such skin it should buy it as fast as possible. - I would like there to be an option of selecting a price range that the script or bots use. The website specifically is called Skinport (), however if you have some experience with other markets I'm willing to try. You can filter the website by going on new and then pressing live, this will show in real-time skins being listed. The process is quite simple, you need to add the skin to your basket, click checkout, and then press 2 checkboxes and press 1 more button. Finally, you insert your credit card info and press purchase. There are other people doing this, so there is competition. Which is why the code has to be fast. My budget is $50 - $200. Thank you. Ideal skil...
Hello ? I am looking for someone able to do : 1) create sound design from scratch in Metasound with effects, themed around galaxies, stars, and planets? The project will be similar to this: I also need to control audio and effects live during a 5-minute performance. Could a simple digital controller be created, even more basic than this one? As for the budget it's around 50 usd and I will need it for next Friday 7th February Let me know if it's something you can do, have a nice one !
...managing patient files. Key Objectives: Highlight Company core features and benefits Showcase real-world applications in education and healthcare Create a compelling narrative that appeals to universities, government bodies, ed-tech firms, and international clients Video Requirements: Duration: 2–3 minutes Style: Modern, dynamic, and professional (motion graphics, explainer style, or a mix of live-action and animation) Tone: Engaging, informative, and persuasive Voiceover: Professional voiceover (preferably with an option for multiple languages) Scriptwriting: Assistance with script development based on key product highlights (if needed) Resolution: Full HD (1080p) or higher...
I'm seeking a freelancer to design and develop a web application for a new stock market competition. The application should be user-friendly and feature-rich, making it easy for competitors to engage with the stock market in real-time. Key Features: - Live Stock Market Updates: The application should provide real-time updates from the stock market, allowing users to make informed decisions based on current market conditions. - Leaderboard: A competitive aspect is crucial, so a leaderboard should be included to track user performance and foster competition among participants. - Backend: A robust backend is essential for managing user data, stock updates, and the leaderboard efficiently. Security Measures: - User authentication will be kept simple with a Basic login/logout syst...
I'm looking for a skilled reels creator for social media to create engaging, mixed media (both animated and live-action) videos for Instagram about new job openings and the job market news. Key Requirements: - Video content should be similar in style to the provided Instagram link. - Videos should primarily focus on job openings. - Creative use of both animated and live-action elements is key to capturing viewer interest. similar to below My job page is here
...and configure a blogging section for regular content updates. 3. Enable advanced product filtering options like price range, categories, and color. 4. Add and configure a customer review section to build trust and and configure a WooCommerce-compatible furniture theme 5. Integrate Google Analytics and configure it to track website traffic and user behavior. 6. Implement a live chat support feature to assist customers in site branding (logo, colors, fonts) 7. Set up multilingual support for international customers. 8. Add a wishlist feature to allow customers to save their favorite up homepage sections and menu navigation 2. Plugin Installation & Configuration 10. Configure a gift card purchase option for customers. 11. Add social
I need to create a cartoon/Disney/Pixar-style filter/faceswap using existing tools that can be applied to a live camera feed (preferably for multiple people). The filtered output should then be usable as a virtual camera for photobooth software or allow taking a screenshot. An example is shown in the attached file.
Fix Camera Issue in LDPlayer I am looking for an expert who can fix the camera issue in LDPlayer. Currently, the camera is not working correctly in both windowed and full-screen modes. Instead of displaying a proper live feed, it shows an incorrectly formatted or broken view (see the attached screenshot). Problem Details: The camera does not work properly in both windowed and full-screen modes on LDPlayer. The feed appears incorrect, possibly due to resolution, rendering, or compatibility issues. BlueStacks does not have this issue, meaning a working approach exists in other emulators. I need a fix that ensures the camera functions normally and displays a proper feed. Requirements: Analyze the root cause of why the camera is not displaying correctly. Develop a fix that makes the c...
...design, or Python. - If Freelancer.com prevents you from bidding on this project or if you want to avoid “spending” one of your Freelancer bids you can apply "passively” for this project by pasting "MicroPython_ESP32_11_September_2019" into your Freelancer profile. Please see the section below in this posting called *** APPLYING "PASSIVELY" *** for more information. *** LOCATION *** You must live the Western Balkans in one of the following countries... Bosnia and Herzegovina, or Serbia, or Montenegro, or Kosovo, or Macedonia, or Albania. *** RATE *** I will pay you $10 (ten US dollars per hour) on Freelancer.com. However, normally Freelancer.com takes a 10% commission. Therefore, I expect you will be receive $9 per hour (nine US d...
I need a professional UI/UX designer to upgrade the overall design aesthetic, navigation and usability, as well as performance and responsiveness of my existing app which is currently live on both the App Store and Play Store. Key Areas of Focus: 1. User Profile: This is our primary focus area. We need to make this section more intuitive and user-friendly. 2. Home Screen: I want to revamp the visual design and layout, enhance user interaction and flow, and reorganize the content for clarity and ease of access. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in UI/UX design - Previous work with mobile applications - Strong understanding of design aesthetics and usability principles - Ability to enhance app performance and responsiveness - Excellent skills in visual design and content organizati...
I'm seeking an experienced ML engineer to assist with the installation and running of the MuseTalk model from GitHub (). Key Deliverables: - Recommend a suitable GPU service provider with hourly rental rates. - Install the model and run a live demo. Ideal skills include: - Machine Learning expertise. - Proficiency in model installation and configuration. - Experience with GPU service providers. - Knowledge of Linux, Windows, and MacOS.
I'm looking to develop an app that connects small content creators on various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. The idea is to help these creators grow their online presence by exchanging follows, likes, and comments. Key Requirements: - The app should support Facebook, In...will include in-app purchases for additional features and perks. Post-launch, basic maintenance including bug fixes and minor updates will be required. Provide an overview of engagement metrics like likes, comments, and follows in the user analytics. The app will authenticate user accounts through manual input. Add a quick setup wizard to expedite the onboarding process for new users. Integrate live streaming support to allow users to interact in real-time on Facebook, Instagra...