是英文聊天视频,希望能剪得快节奏,有趣一点。 basically it's omegle chatting content, wish you can help make the video more interesting and fun
...when clicked, other users can browse this entrepreneur’s detail info, and follow him/her, and chat with each other(registered users only). list:display the startup ideas and projects clicked,other users can see what's about,and know what this user needs, for example, a CTO, CMO...also,any user can give feedback to this idea or project. page:display some interesting activities, user stories and etc.. page:personal information, including id, contact, education and job certification, ideas and projects, favorites....
I need to find a great w...must possess are: 1. Proficient in SEO related knowledge 2. Have many years of writing experience 3. Must speak English and Russian (or only Russian), and can write Russian articles 4. Research on topics/themes 5. Need to be familiar with every product of our company. Need to know the functions and features of each product, and under what circumstances the product will be used. You need to clearly know how each product is used, and you can write out the operating steps. What I can provide: 1. Order at least 5 articles per month 2. 20-25$ per article of 1200-1500 words 3. Provide article structure, keywords, and articles on similar topics for your reference If you meet the above conditions, please actively communicate with me, I am very...
I am looking for Chinese translator. I have book social science book with 250,000 words. You have to pass simple test. Sample text: “在这一阶段,改革的指导思想是“科学技术要面向经济建设,经济建设要依靠科学技术”。政策走向是“堵死一头,网开一面”,即改革拨款制度,针对不同类型的科研工作,采用不同的拨款方式,以解决一切科研工作都靠国家拨款的问题。对于主要从事基础研究的机构,在保证基本事业费的同时,试行科学基金制,通过同行评议、择优支持发放基金。对以开发为主的研究院所、科研工作,逐步削减事业费,鼓励其面向经济建设的主战场。 (3)调整与渐进:1992~1998年。这一阶段以邓小平南方谈话为标志,中国经济体制开始迈入社会主义市场经济新阶段。科技体制改革的指导思想调整为“面向”“依靠”“攀高峰”,科学技术不仅要面向经济建设,而且要攀登科学技术高峰。主要政策走向也相应调整为“稳住一头、放开一片”,希望稳住基础研究工作和相应的科技人员队伍,同时放开面向社会,面向经济建设这一方面,分流人才,调整结构,推进科技经济一体化的发展。” thanks
WOOPEHN抗老化护肤硅胶电动洁肤仪,适合所有肤质,深度温和清洁,防水,携带方便,USB充电(粉红色) WOOPHEN硅胶电动清洁仪具有4级可调振动强度和3种大小不同的刷毛,刷毛十分柔软,,可深度清洁,适用于所有皮肤类型。 采用高频振动技术疏通毛孔,清除痘痘,最终改善肌肤。特别的舒缓按摩模式,使得面部细胞更新,去除皱纹,防止皮肤松弛,延缓衰老,恢复肌肤活力! 通过光滑的硅胶接触引入高频振动波,以帮助清除毛孔中的污垢和油脂以及化妆品残留物,清理坏死性角质,建议清洁脸部的不同区域约15秒钟。 WOOPHEN硅胶洁面仪具有超长的电池使用时间,小巧精致,携带方便,可放在化妆袋中,完全防水,可在水中清洗该洁面仪 本产品采用优质医用硅胶,完全耐用,保修期为两年,30天内无理由退款。 颜色:粉红色 充电时间:少于120分钟 使用时间:150分钟至480分钟 电源:DC 3.7V 200mA 振动频率:6000rpm 重量:50克 尺寸:9.7厘米* 6.5厘米* 3厘米 防水等级:IP88 产品优势: 防水 携带方便 电池寿命长 深沉而温和的清洁 适合所有肤质 获得健康的肤色 让你的皮肤更干净 有光泽,有弹性
论文的方向:marketing,关于sales performance,找一个变量与之构成模型,然后通过问卷搜集数据,用spss分析,线性回归分析其之间的关系,再得出结论及建议,120页左右(英文的)。 先完成proposal,然后设计问卷,形成初稿,修改定稿答辩。目标:合格即可。 有proposal格式和论文格式参考。
在找一个英文翻译 1篇文章最多250至300个字 1组是250篇文章 你提供的资料应该包括我们给你的一组里边儿的其中一篇250字的文章。 请你还包括你翻译文章时候所用的时间。 我们想要招聘认真工作的翻译。 Looking for translator for English to Chinese Translation 1 article = Max 250-300 words 1 package = 250 articles Your offer should cover 1 package of 250 articles Please also include your duration for translation Looking for a serious translator or group of translators
...容: - 为我们撰写的文章寻找30-40张符合文章内容的配图 - 将这些图片剪裁成适合微信/微博规格的大小,并且将这些图片以及由我们文案提供的文档内容在微信上进行排版。 - 其中的10张图片需要加上一些文字或者简单的设计 - 有时候为了满足我们客户一些特定的要求,可能也会有一些额外的工作。 需要注意的是这份工作需要能每天非常准时的完成工作内容,没有例外,因为对我们来说能准时发表文章是非常重要的。 这是一些我们之前为客户做的案例。 这份工作的报酬是日薪24美元/周薪120美元。可以直接从我们的上海办公室向您支付人民币。 工作开始的时间是即刻。合约可能会持续几个礼拜或者几个月,这取决于您工作的质量,以便我们决定未来是否需要招聘一名全职的平面设计师。 如果您感兴趣的话,请回复我,我会让我们上海办公室的同事和您联系,将由他们来评估您的简历,作品集,以及设计技能。 请知悉我们同时也发给了好几位其他的平面设计师,并且我们最后只会录取一位。 如果有任何问题,请让我知悉。 谢谢
在找一个英文翻译 1篇文章最多250至300个字 1组是250篇文章 你提供的资料应该包括我们给你的一组里边儿的其中一篇250字的文章。 请你还包括你翻译文章时候所用的时间。 我们想要招聘认真工作的翻译。 Looking for translator for English to Chinese Translation 1 article = Max 250-300 words 1 package = 250 articles Your offer should cover 1 package of 250 articles Please also include your duration for translation Looking for a serious translator or group of translators
在找一个英文翻译 1篇文章最多250至300个字 1组是250篇文章 你提供的资料应该包括我们给你的一组里边儿的其中一篇250字的文章。 请你还包括你翻译文章时候所用的时间。 我们想要招聘认真工作的翻译。 Looking for translator for English to Chinese Translation 1 article = Max 250-300 words 1 package = 250 articles Your offer should cover 1 package of 250 articles Please also include your duration for translation Looking for a serious translator or group of translators
A school course introduction concerning smart city, entrepreneurship and extra. Need to be done in three days. Sample: 我们所收集到的需求内容涉及范围较广且类型多样。从基本需求类型来划分,包括客户数据分析、新城与地区设计、新科技的应用、城市发展规划、政府政策分析及产业发展研究等。从研究层面来划分,包含了产业层面、城市层面及地块层面等。从涉及领域来划分,包含空间中人的数据收集、集成和分析、能源、智能交通、建造技术、物业管理及城市研究类等。
Unity3D集成原生SDK接入微信登录及分享,不能使用ShareSDK或友盟等第三方插件,要求: Studio工程,及导出的arr文件,使用微信官方SDK,供Unity3D调用; 工程,调用Android Studio导出的arr文件,集成安卓端微信登录及分享,分享图片随便找一张图代替即可; 导出的Xcode包,集成微信登录; 工程只UI需求: 4.1 登录按钮,点击后启动微信登录功能 4.2 分享按钮,点击后分享一张图片,可以选择分享到朋友圈或者给好友 4.3 Text,显示微信登录获得的Code 4.4 Text,显示分享成功或失败 5.以上只需要能获得用于获取access_token的code即可,不需要获取access_token和用户资料的代码,这些是服务器端完成的; 5.本需求非常简单,不接受$120以上的报价。
Chinese Travel Articles Editing 寻求旅游书/文章编辑 旅行数年的故事都写好了,打算编成一本书,奈何我不是最优质的写作者,因此文章需要编辑。想先分享其中一篇旅行文章,看看编辑编出来的成果如何,再决定是否有合作的机会。 基本上我最大的缺点就是不够简洁扼要。要是你这方面的能力特别强,欢迎接洽。谢谢!
Chinese Travel Articles Editing 寻求旅游书/文章编辑 旅行数年的故事都写好了,打算编成一本书,奈何我不是最优质的写作者,因此文章需要编辑。想先分享其中一篇旅行文章,看看编辑编出来的成果如何,再决定是否有合作的机会。 基本上我最大的缺点就是不够简洁扼要。要是你这方面的能力特别强,欢迎接洽。谢谢!
美国MIT毕业证+QQ微信176555708即可咨询:办理麻省理工学院毕业证文凭成绩单MIT大学真实认证书Massachusetts Institute of Technology
我需要一个500到1000个字的文章。类似顾客的回应或感想文,所以需要你去做一些研究。 -Formal -以顾客的角度来描写此产品/服务 -给予一些好的/正面的评价和为什么选择用此产品/服务。 -尽量写一些general的东西,不要让读者看出你没有经验在此产品/服务。 -可以与一些相同的公司作比较,但是不要有敌意,也不要明示其他公司的名字。
need to build a membership website, where the articles are "locked", partial is shown on website, and free members read only partial article, but paid members the article is open up for him to read with login and password. similar to this website (sorry it's in Chinese)
用英语撰写与美食相关的文章,稿件最好以英文形式呈现。Write article about foods in English.
Launching an online magazine in Hong Kong, want the footer message with title 'Welcome' and 2 events content ("we are launching... Collecting articles to post, we pay ... each article and award ... each month" & "we will do something for free, post your ideas ") All 3 contents MUST BE in Traditional Chinese and copyright should not be the problem. Sample attached will be a big advantage
I want to put a few words in a video,I have already written,but I'm not sure ...does it read well and smoothly, observing the rules of grammar and punctuation?
We are releasing a product that provides a range of discount services to clients. We are going to sell this product on the chinese wechat platform. As such we need to develop articles to highlight the benefits of the product. This project is to develop 10 articles which I have developed the theme/heading and dot pointed the key issues that the article could cover. It would be preferable that these articles are developed in mandarin/simplified chinese however we would be willing to hire someone to develop these articles in English and then hire someone to translate them.
...to help me buy a virtual need to pay the chinese seller can use baidu to check the Exchange rate. 我也是一个中国女人,我现在不在国内,在美国。我不能在国外登陆中国的网上银行。所以我需要一个中国朋友帮助我买一个虚拟物品,这是一个长期项目,我需要买很多东西从国内。大多数都是虚拟物品,类似软件,和其他服务。我会给你卖家的qq号码,你需要加他然后帮我付款。使用你的国内网上银行,你最好有一个建设银行的网上银行。我经常买很多东西,如果找到合适的人可以长期合作。你会得到一个好评和赚到一些差价。这是一个非常简单的项目,你只需要帮我加一个中国卖家的qq然后支付他,然后截图支付证据,我就会给你付款。请放心,我会托管好资金。这次我要买个软件的使用权你需要帮我支付120美金。你可以使用百度查询汇率,换算成人民币支付中国卖家。谢谢
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'200 words summary( From patrick)'
可持續采捕 阿拉斯加海湾以清洁和未受污染的水域而闻名于世,而在这清澈的海水里经验丰富的潜水人员细心挑选每根海参。捕获后的海参会即时送到水面上切开,放干及存放好,预备送到认可的处理工场去。在码头上,第三方监察公司将产品量重,并从其个人配额中扣除此总数,从而确保在任何既定的区域内没有过度采捕。沸水,脱水处理后的海参再进行日光干燥,即制成淡干海参。整个处理过程受到严密监察,确保每个步骤都符合最高管理标准的要求。 季节 为期八周的采捕季节由每年十月开始,但大部分的采捕会在首四个星期内完成。选定年中这时段是为求掌握海参肌肉及表皮的最高质量和复原期。
现有一个翻译文件,字数在223字,需从英语翻译成捷克语,主要是用在电子商务的网站上,所以质量要求比较高,不能出现一些低级的错误,不然会取消付款,在翻译中需将英语替换成捷克语。 We have a translation project for a document (223 words) that needs to be translated from English to Czech. It will be used on an online business website, hence we need the quality to be high, and free of errors. We will not release payment if there are errors in translation.
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Translate English to German (no more than 350 words)'
അക്ഷരമുത്തുകള് കോര്ത്തിണക്കി ഞാന് കെട്ടുന്ന മാലകള്. ഹ്യദയo കൊണ്ടുഎഴുതുന്ന വാക്കുകളില് എന്റെ ആത്മാവിന്റെ ഒരു കുഞ്ഞു ജീവാoശo ഉണ്ട്.
അക്ഷരമുത്തുകള് കോര്ത്തിണക്കി ഞാന് കെട്ടുന്ന മാലകള്. ഹ്യദയo കൊണ്ടുഎഴുതുന്ന വാക്കുകളില് എന്റെ ആത്മാവിന്റെ ഒരു കുഞ്ഞു ജീവാoശo ഉണ്ട്.
需要某网站的自动点赞软件。软件需要如下功能: 1.定时点赞(时间可以让我自行设置 2.多开(可以在软件里填登陆信息实现多开 3.后台(最小化软件和页面也可以继续点赞 大概情况是:每个号给视频点赞都必须相隔1小时才能再点,所以比如我手上准备了60个号,我可以设置每个号开始点赞的时间以及每多久再次点赞的频率(例如一小时),保持每分钟都有一个号去点赞这样。如果我手上有120个号,号与号之间相隔30秒开始点赞,每个号点赞的频率是每1小时一次,那么视频就是每30秒有一个赞 能让我自己调节的部分:1:每个号点赞的频率 2:号与号之间开始点赞时间的间隔(例如:第一个号开始点赞之后第二个号在30秒之后开始点赞)3:多开用户名密码输入界面 4:视频地址 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 希望使用C++,Java,Python,PHP等语言编写,易语言会报毒。
关于customer relationship management的 lolayty progamme. 有特定的4个问题(问题联系后提供,价格详谈),3000字的小论文。
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Edit the report which has 7000 words'
iam excited about the prospect of helping you elevate your digital presence to better reflect the values and professionalism of Inner Zen Kinesiology. Below, I have outlined the scope of work, budget, and timeline for this project. Scope of Work 1. Branding • Research and suggest modern branding trends tailored to ...engines. 3. Booking Page & Payment Options • Integrate a booking system (e.g., Calendly) synced with your calendar. • Customize the booking page with session details and time slots. • Set up secure payment options like PayPal, Stripe, or Square. 4. High-Quality Content • Audit existing content for clarity and alignment with your brand. • Develop a content plan, including blogs, testimonials, and articles. • Create or optimize core ...
am excited about the prospect of helping you elevate your digital presence to better reflect the values and professionalism of Inner Zen Kinesiology. Below, I have outlined the scope of work, budget, and timeline for this project. Scope of Work 1. Branding • Research and suggest modern branding trends tailored to h...engines. 3. Booking Page & Payment Options • Integrate a booking system (e.g., Calendly) synced with your calendar. • Customize the booking page with session details and time slots. • Set up secure payment options like PayPal, Stripe, or Square. 4. High-Quality Content • Audit existing content for clarity and alignment with your brand. • Develop a content plan, including blogs, testimonials, and articles. • Create or optimize core ...
...Personalized loan recommendations. • Dedicated support at every stage. • CTA: • [Find a Business Loan] 3. Loan Finder Tool • Interactive Features: • Filters to search loans by industry, province, loan type, or eligibility. • Personalized loan recommendations based on user input. • User Support: • FAQ on how to use the tool. • CTA: • [Search Loans] 4. Resources • Knowledge Hub: • Articles: • “Top 10 Business Loans for Canadian Startups.” • “How to Maximize Loan Approvals.” • Templates: • Loan Application Checklist. • Financial Planning Template. • Videos and infographics for simplified guidance. • Guides: • Step-by-step tutorials on busi...
I'm seeking a skilled web developer familiar with Wix to create a website for me. The primary goal of the site is to educate potential customers about my products and also to facilitate online sales of these physical goods. Key Requirements: - Set up an online shop on Wix for selling physical products. - Incorporate a section for market education using blog articles and infographics. - The website should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for both desktop and mobile views. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Wix website development. - Experience in setting up e-commerce sites. - Knowledge in designing and integrating blog and infographic content. Please provide your portfolio of similar projects you've completed in the past.
...targeted keywords each week. Anchor texts, descriptions, and hyperlinks should be accurately crafted and linked to both main and inner pages of our website. To support this process, we will provide well-written, niche-relevant articles to be used for posting. All backlinks must originate from aged, stable domains with a clean and non-spam history. A minimum of 300 approved and live links will be required for milestone release. All links must also be permanent, verified as active, and comply with current SEO best practices. 2. Submission Process: The provided articles, descriptions, and keywords must be utilized for link submissions. All backlinks should be submitted using the designated email ID and password that will be shared for tracking purposes. 3. Additional Requ...
...style that works with my website () - Incorporation of both an icon and text - The icon must either include the initials IL or something inspired by psychotherapy. Managing to merge the initials with psychotherapy theme is ideal but it should not be forced. - The text must include the words "Iuliana Lungu" and the subtitle must include the words "Psiholog Clinician" and "Psihoterapeut CBT". The word "si" (meaning "and" in English) can be used as a connector or some other interesting graphic element. - Use of my website's color palette (black, mocha). - The logo MUST NOT include trees, lotus flowers and brains. - Ideally it should suggest empathy and support. - Must work on both light and dark backgrounds (busi...
I'm in need of a Joomag specialist who can create a digital magazine for me. The purpose of this magazine is to evaluate its suitability for my study in Canada online magazine. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a digital magazine using Joomag. - Incorporate various contents such as articles, images, videos, and interactive elements. - Implement interactive media elements within the magazine to engage the audience. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in creating digital magazines on Joomag. - Strong skills in content creation and multimedia production. - Ability to incorporate interactive media elements effectively. - Familiarity with the requirements and standards of educational content. - Excellent attention to detail and creative thinking skills.
DEAR ALL MY BUDGET IS JUST 120 $ I need a comprehensive ecommerce platform that offers both printing and design services. The primary products will include business cards, posters, T-shirts, wall decor, and various advertising materials. Key Requirements: - Development of a user-friendly online store. - Integration of a printing facility within the ecommerce site. - Creation of a selection of pre-made templates for customers to use. Ideal Skills: - Ecommerce development experience. - Knowledge of printing service integration. - Ability to design and create pre-made templates. Please note, I do not want to offer custom design from scratch or an option for customers to upload their own design at this stage. A clear, concise, and engaging proposal will be appreciated. Thank you...