...csv 转换后要求的文件格式(下载得到的文件名称不固定,随意): 需要可执行的完整的HTML语句的转换程序,功能单一,就是将CSV文件的相应栏目字段数据提取出来,转换并生成对应的JSON格式的数据交换文件,具体要求如下: 一、在将CSV文件转换为JSON数据文件时,JSON数据文件内的以下字符段保留不变,这一段字符相当于固定的数据表头,不需要做任何转换,并严格保留原有JSON数据文件格式和所在的行,同时,此段字符段在JSON数据文件内只需要在最前面出现一次即可,禁止在后面的data内出现 [ { "type": "header", "version": "5.1.1", "comment": "Export to JSON plugin for PHPMyAdmin" }, { "type": "database", "name": "search" }, { "type": "table", "name": "qf_source", "database": "search", "data": [ 二、CSV文件内第一行为表头栏目说明,后面的每一行是一个独立的资料信息,各栏目字段对应JSON数据文件内的以下各字段,具体对应关系参照下面说明 以下是JSON数据文件内的资料信息字段 "sourc...
你好, 诚邀设计单位合作 我们是 ,一家在英国从事工程工具零售的公司,并在中国设有生产线。我们正在寻找一个 富有创造力和活力的设计团队,与我们共同合作完成一系列创新项目! 主要合作内容: • 产品设计: 为我们的工具设计创新且实用的产品。 • 包装设计: 开发引人注目的彩盒及详细的说明书。 • 产品及营销摄影: 拍摄高质量的专业图片,用于营销推广。 • 3D 情景图制作: 制作精美的3D产品图用于宣传。 合作机遇: • 提交符合品牌高标准的设计作品。 • 全球合作经验: 您和您的团队需与我们的中国生产基地紧密沟通,同时与英国和印度的运营团队保持联系并合作。 current artwork reference
**Translation into English:** --- **No Restriction on Programming Language: Text Processing Task** Extract group chat records from a large text file and slowly write them into individual small text files in the target folder. --- ### GitHub Repository Requirements document and text to be processed are available at the GitHub repository: []() --- ### Summary of Requirements Extract the WhatsApp group chat records from a large text file `` located in the `HistoryMsg` directory and slowly release them into the target folder. Each message should become a small file where the content is the translated version of the message. For images or other attachments (images do not
Development Document: Frontend, Backend, and Admin Panel Table of Contents Overview General Requirements Frontend Development Requirements Menu Click Limitation Copy and Debugging Protection Multilingual Support Membership Plan Selection Interface Agent Page Backend Development Requirements Software Update System Invitation System Membership Pricing and Plan Modification Agent Membership Functionality Enterprise Functionality (Management Center) Card Code Redemption System Exclusive Membership Line Settings Email Configuration FAQs and Banners Management Copywriting Management Admin Panel Requirements Multilingual Switching Login Security Enhancement Order Management User Management Online Status Display Data Statistics and Reports Task Center (Planning Center) Development No...
嗨 Worldfast Translator24, 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。
嗨 Worldtranslator, 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。
嗨 Worldtranslator, 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。
As per Chinese translate English-----用于医疗单位或家庭普通环境下的一次性卫生护理,不作为外科手术时特殊防护使用。
資料會以问卷式輸入,可以自由用任何程式建造 (Web base or apple App) 但必須能夠在ipad 上使用 ,把需要资料输入后, 可建立一份报表( html , pdf or excel 格式 ) , 报表包括pie chart , table . —————————————————— Create a questionnaire form and print out a report based on the data from questionnaire , the form should be able to run on ipad , so it can be web based or ios app , the output report can be html , pdf , excel or any else ( as long as it can be print out in A4 side ) . The report are including a pie chart & table .
程序是: 首先 第一步: 随机抽取5个phome_ecms_news里面的id和classid 第二步: 读取phome_ecms_news的id和classid,作为函数使用 第3步: 插入phome_enewspl_1新的内容到数据库 例子:$sql = "insert into phome_enewspl_1(plid, pubid, username, sayip, saytime,id,checked,classid,zcnum, fdnum, userid,isgood,saytext,eipport) values (NULL, '1000310000019701', '', '', unix_timestamp(), '$id', '0', '$classid', '50', '1', '0', '0', '评论内容', '48010')"; 第四步: 更新phome_ecms_news的字段plnum+1并且对应第一步读取的id值 例子:UPDATE phome_ecms_news SET plnum =plnum+1 WHERE id = 20488;
把陶渊明的《逍遥游》翻译成英文 晋太元中,武陵人捕鱼为业。 缘溪行,忘路之远近。 忽逢桃花林,夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷,渔人甚异之。 复前行,欲穷其林。 林尽水源,便得一山,山有小口,仿佛若有光。 便舍船,从口入。 初极狭,才通人。 复行数十步,豁然开朗。 土地平旷,屋舍俨然,有良田美池桑竹之属。 阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻。 其中往来种作,男女衣着,悉如外人。 黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。 见渔人,乃大惊,问所从来。 具答之。 便要还家,设酒杀鸡作食。 村中闻有此人,咸来问讯。 自云先世避秦时乱,率妻子邑人来此绝境,不复出焉,遂与外人间隔。 问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋。 此人一一为具言所闻,皆叹惋。 余人各复延至其家,皆出酒食。 停数日,辞去。 此中人语云:“不足为外人道也。 ”既出,得其船,便扶向路,处处志之。 及郡下,诣太守,说如此。 太守即遣人随其往,寻向所志,遂迷,不复得路。 南阳刘子骥,高尚士也,闻之,欣然规往。 未果,寻病终,后遂无问津者。
WOOPEHN抗老化护肤硅胶电动洁肤仪,适合所有肤质,深度温和清洁,防水,携带方便,USB充电(粉红色) WOOPHEN硅胶电动清洁仪具有4级可调振动强度和3种大小不同的刷毛,刷毛十分柔软,,可深度清洁,适用于所有皮肤类型。 采用高频振动技术疏通毛孔,清除痘痘,最终改善肌肤。特别的舒缓按摩模式,使得面部细胞更新,去除皱纹,防止皮肤松弛,延缓衰老,恢复肌肤活力! 通过光滑的硅胶接触引入高频振动波,以帮助清除毛孔中的污垢和油脂以及化妆品残留物,清理坏死性角质,建议清洁脸部的不同区域约15秒钟。 WOOPHEN硅胶洁面仪具有超长的电池使用时间,小巧精致,携带方便,可放在化妆袋中,完全防水,可在水中清洗该洁面仪 本产品采用优质医用硅胶,完全耐用,保修期为两年,30天内无理由退款。 颜色:粉红色 充电时间:少于120分钟 使用时间:150分钟至480分钟 电源:DC 3.7V 200mA 振动频率:6000rpm 重量:50克 尺寸:9.7厘米* 6.5厘米* 3厘米 防水等级:IP88 产品优势: 防水 携带方便 电池寿命长 深沉而温和的清洁 适合所有肤质 获得健康的肤色 让你的皮肤更干净 有光泽,有弹性
...显示当前日期是为了提醒用户早日申请大学),点击“进入”按钮可以进入主界面。 可以列出英国大部分的大学,点击各个大学进入各大学的页面,页面内容包括: 各大学基本信息(University Profile),含有折叠和隐藏功能,因为信息量很大。 官网,点击官网可以进入该大学官方网站。 电话:点击电话可以直接拨打大学电话。 评论框(可供用户对大学添加各种评论),同样有展开和折叠功能,因为评论信息量可能很大影响界面美观。 点赞或差评,显示用户对该大学的满意程度统计图(例如:一个圆自动显示赞的百分比和差评的百分比) 地图,定位该大学所在地。 搜索功能:在搜索框中输入大学名称可直接搜到该大学无需逐一寻找。 所有大学信息来源于
用java写一个xml文档到csv文档的转换软件。 需要源代码,文档,软件使用文档。 需要文档描述为什么采用这个方法来实现这个功能,并且说明还有什么其他方法。有什么可以提高的地方。
对多个网站的 HTML,JSON,XML的数据进行定时抓取数据,保存数据日志保存数据库。
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作Translating English into Chinese (SIMP) '
Massage Business Design Requirement 1. Page need to be simple and pretty, can be configured and deploy for multiple business 2. Support Language: English 3. Mailing list functions to send out coupons and promotions. We are using POMMO, it is good for our site where number of emails are limited. 4. The user table need to integrate with the mailing list software, such as POMMO. 5. Some functionalities a. customer registration, email validation b. customer to invite other customers, and get referral discount. (Invite another customer, both get a coupon) c. online appointment, appointment will be send to manager's email for approval, manager can approve from the email link d. therapist management function, can easily add/delete employee, and arrange em...
Hello. We need someone to translate a Japanese description into Chinese. This is Product Description of Japanese Electronics that will be used on our E-Commerce site. Therefore, anyone who can write Marketing, Advertising, Sells Writing, and promise to keep this project secret is welcomed. 你好。 我们需要自由工作者把产品说明从日语翻译成汉语。 需要进行翻译的是我们即将在自己的网店使用的日本电子产品说明。 我们欢迎所有擅长营销写作,广告写作,宣传写作,并且保证不向第三方透露工作内容的自由职业者!
概述: 需要一个web页面,名称为邮件内容页, 能够读取指定邮箱的最后一封信的内容. 界面: 1.输入邮箱地址 2.输入邮箱密码 3.读取内容按钮 4.读取并最后一封信的内容 5.如果返回错误代码,需要翻译成人工能够读懂. 配置: 为节省成本,不需要录入界面,直接读取xml格式文件获取邮箱端口号等配置信息. 界面输入: 1.在界面上输入邮箱地址和密码. 2.通过post方式提交邮箱地址和邮箱密码到邮件内容页. 3.保证界面美观大方,手机要求适配. 范围: 1.必须支持pop3信箱收取. 2.必须支持 outlook/hotmail , 3.我会在需求中提出需要适配的其他pop3邮箱. 4.如果能收取以上邮箱邮件, IMAP协议不是必须支持的. 选稿: 难度应该不大,请首先制作 163读取页面并提供demo. 被选中后完善外围. 项目成果: 源文件 2.配置说明书
... 1. Go to and click 'table games then 'more table games' and click the european roulette graphic. 2. Play for Fun. 3. Click the '100-spin' button three times; each after the button clears and allows for the next click. 4. Click the 'statistics' button and view the page. 5. Look either at the top row of 5 numbers or the bar graph and look for a 'zero' above any red, black or the green zero. The top five numbers will read 'Never Hit' and show the number(s) if any that have not been hit in the last 300 spins. 6. If no numbers show, then move cursor up to 'Game Options' and a drop down line will show 'table games' then follow back to the eurorou...
Jane-how much would you charge to translate this into English?1、中国肿瘤患者转院美国权威医院就医。即由我公司负责联系客户,并进行初步问诊,而后转到美国医院治疗。贵公司主要负责美国方面提供医学翻译、接洽医院,并为病人提供接送机、室内交通、食宿、旅游等配套服务。 2、肿瘤患者远程会诊。即我公司负责联系客户,贵公司负责落实美国医院和专家,患者通过远程视频系统,或通过电子邮箱邮寄患者病例及在中国医疗机构的诊断证明,贵公司负责落实美国专家诊断,并将诊断结果回馈我公司。 3、中国医院高级管理人员培训技术交流学习。即我公司负责客户召集、会务组织,贵公司协调美国方面的权威专家。美国方面的会由贵司协调会场,食宿,接送机,美国本土包机等,培训内容和时间安排由我公司负责;按照我公司提供的培训内容和时间安排,确定授课专家并起草讲义; 中国方面办会由贵司聘请美方专家并按时到中国授课培训,或技术交流的工作,会务有我由公司负责。 4、包机。我公司所有客户,从中国到美国的签证、航班预定等工作,由我公司负责。到达美国境内后,客户如有的包机需求,空中交通,由贵公司负责。 5、诚邀Jane作为我公司波士顿大新英格兰地区业务的名誉首席执行官,请允许我公司在对外宣传当中使用您的名字及照片,以及您的个人资料(情况介绍)包括您的包机业务我们公司也无偿替您一并宣传。 二、前期工作 如贵公司愿意就以上内容与我公司合作,建议尽快落实以下几个方面的工作应在两周内。 1、美国波士顿或其他城市,寻找肿瘤权威合作机构,并以北京丽湾国际医院管理有限公司名义与联盟医疗体系或者美国前十权威医院正式签署合作文件,与权威医疗机构签署 “合作协议书”或“授权书”。顺利开展中国对美国的转诊业务。...
Project budget is US$10 to US$100. Also, deliver in 2 days JAN 事業 事業上崎嶇不平,工作中諸多困阻,必須謹慎操作,步步為營。 羊 財運 收入不錯,但開支較大,宜量入為出,避免財來財去。 愛情 感情生活不太穩定,需心平氣和處理與伴侶間的問題。 健康 健康運沒有太大問題,惟需注意飲食、留意胃部問題。 FEB 事業 事業上易生困局,宜積極面對,努力工作,便可開創新的局面。 猴 財運 正財運較佳,可透過閒暇時的兼職或副業賺取額外收入,不宜投資。 愛情 情侶間易因金錢問題發生口角,需多包容及體諒對方。 健康 注意肺部及呼吸道感染毛病,宜多喝水,好好保養身體。 MAR 事業 事業上會遇上考驗,宜抱信心及實力面對,即可轉危為安。 雞 財運 整體財運不錯,正財運尤為旺盛,可放膽嘗試投資。 愛情 愛情運佳,易出現追求者,但不可濫用感情,提防爛桃花。 健康 情緒上的波動較大,要調理好心態,坦然面對,以免影響身體。 APR 事業 事業上競爭較大,在辦公室人緣一般,需提防小人暗害。 狗 財運 偏財運不錯,但避免賭博及高風險投資,適當的理財可帶來回報收益。 愛情 愛情運一般,情侶間容易因瑣事吵架,需注意自己的情緒。 健康 要小心病從口入,提防上呼吸道感染及注意飲食。 MAY 事業 事業方面,有貴人的賞識及提攜,要抓緊機會,有望大展拳腳。 豬 財運 財運平穩,避免不必要的開支,宜守不宜攻,投資可免則免。 愛情 感情運勢不俗,頗有異性緣,若把握良機則可佳偶天成。 健康 健康運佳,但仍需注意咽喉疾病,遠離煙酒。 ...
I have already mentioned my requirements. 天曌山,我的山 亿万年日月经天 辉映你笑傲群芳的双眼 天曌山,女儿山 千百载风吹云卷 雕琢你妩媚如画的容颜 从此娥眉伟业高悬 红袖指点江山无限 你用纤纤兰指撩动惊天波澜 你屹立盛世开启的源头 你瞩望神州昌盛的平安 惯看日月湖水潋滟挟雷滚电 啊, 天曌山,我的山 天曌山,女儿山 山有魂,见巍然 水有灵,映九天
I have already mentioned my requirements. 天曌山,我的山 亿万年日月经天 辉映你笑傲群芳的双眼 天曌山,女儿山 千百载风吹云卷 雕琢你妩媚如画的容颜 从此娥眉伟业高悬 红袖指点江山无限 你用纤纤兰指撩动惊天波澜 你屹立盛世开启的源头 你瞩望神州昌盛的平安 惯看日月湖水潋滟挟雷滚电 啊, 天曌山,我的山 天曌山,女儿山 山有魂,见巍然 水有灵,映九天
我的網頁是用MAGENTO編寫的, 接近完成的階段, 但有以下事項需要完成 (詳情請參考附件PDF.): 1) 改PAGE LINK 2) 小量版面修改 3) 我網頁有一個FLASH的試衣程式, 需要導入網頁和輸出XML數據同步.(我的試衣程式設計員會給你指引怎樣去完成工作.) 如有任何問題請與我聯繫.
定制PrestaShop, 基于1.6版本,UK的英文网站, 大多数功能1.6版本已可实现, 不需要在线付费, 后台基本不用改, 所需四点定制如下 1. 实时更新价格 -已有live xml feed,需要根据feed每过几分钟更新一下产品价格即可 2. 根据公司现有的主网站定制shop的模板, - 只需重用现有的css,layout和图片 3. 产品价格的基础上增加percentage based commission - 类似折扣但是增加一个百分比,比如产品价格是100圆,commission是2%,那么价格应为 100 + 2 = 102 4. 扩展用户注册 - 第一步和现有的prestshop一样 - 第二步要根据公司的用户登记pdf表格增加一些信息 价格可议, 有意者请留skype,QQ 或email
整个产品拍卖系统采用B/S结构、J2EE技术框架,采用基于J2EE技术是为了充分利用众所周知的Java所具有独特的跨平台的优势。 技术框架流程 技术标准 1.基于J2EE的技术标准 2.基于SOA的标准 3.基于XML的技术标准 4.缓存技术 5.Comet技术 逻辑层采用Spring 3.0技术,主要实现对数据层的操作、事务管理及系统调度等。 持久层采用OR-MAPPING工具Ibatis 来完成与数据库、缓存池的交互。 控制层采用Struts2.3.4 来完成与数据库、页面的交互。 系统安全控制采用目前业界优秀的安全组件Acegi Security来保护网络资源及领域对象。 数据访问接口采用符合SOA(SCA )标准的JAVA +Webservices(Xfire) + XML技术 。 客户端与服务器的数据交换采用缓存技术(Ehcache)减少数据库服务器的压力,并提高客户端和服务器端交互效率。
I wanted to reorganize one of my files but I don't see what changed
...skilled video editor to enhance a short screen-recorded video. The editing criteria are specific, and if we work well together, there is potential for ongoing work with additional videos. Key Editing Tasks - Trim the video to the specified start and stop times - Speed up designated sections for a concise demonstration - Apply masking to hide specific elements like tabs, URL bars, and usernames - Insert titles, freeze frames, logos, and explainer text boxes at designated times Video Style and Tone The final product needs to be professional and clear. Text boxes that highlight key points should be created throughout the video. Branding and File Format - The final edited video should be delivered in MP4 format - I will provide branding guidelines from our website that should to b...
I need professional real estate photos of an empty home that have been virtually staged in a modern style. The rooms requiring staging include the living room, bedrooms, family room, and back patio. Key Requirements: - Virtually staged photos of a modern style - Staging of specified rooms - Living room furnished with a sofa and coffee table set and Dining Table - Family Room furnished with a sofa and coffee table and TV/entertainment center Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in virtual home staging - Proficiency in real estate photography - Understanding of modern design aesthetics
...title in elegant, appealing typography. Illustrations for Inside Pages: Simple yet detailed illustrations of cute, personified animals placed in various scenes. The animals will have minimal details (just basic outlines of bodies, facial features, and simple backgrounds). For example, one scene may feature an animal in a kitchen, with basic outlines of furniture like cupboards, a window, and a table. Character Consistency: There will be a recurring main character throughout the series, and it’s essential that the character’s appearance remains consistent across pages and books. Backgrounds & Details: While the animals will be simple, the backgrounds should have enough detail to create a pleasant and engaging environment (e.g., a cozy kitchen or living room), bu...
I need a professional who can convert an Instagram video into a WAV audio file for me. The audio has to be 100% perfect, with no loss in quality. I have turned down 5 or 6 people already who used third party tools and the quality wasn’t quite good enough. I can tell the difference between the original audio and the conversion. That’s not good enough. So please let me know how you plan to convert this Instagram video to audio, using the highest quality converter available. Thank you. Here is the instagram link. Send me a sample of your highest quality conversion if you’d like, and if it’s perfect conversion, I will buy from you.
I'm looking for an experienced developer to create an app, "The Real Fake Face." This AI-driven tool will generate highly realistic synthetic faces for various creative projects, primarily in advertising, film, and art installations. Key Features: - Deep learning algorithms to create fictional, yet lifelike faces. - A user-friendly interface for ease of use. - Options for different 'styles' of faces, from slightly abstract to highly detailed. -Have a option to Install gb Whatsapp or insta mod app -a repo file of codes for modify The synthetic faces need to be stylized rather than photorealistic. The ideal candidate for this project should be well-versed in deep learning and AI, with a strong background in app development. Experience in creating tools for the cr...
...shelves of storage that will be broken into four quadrants per shelf. Each of those quadrants will have a barcode as a location. We want to have an Add to Stock option that will open a form and we will be able to select the employee that is putting the item to stock, the material number of that item, the qty of the item, and the location. The same will be for the Remove to stock. The third option will be search for Material, and will have a form with a field to search the material number, and it will run a query and return the location and qty of the items that are in the storage cube. I need to be able to enter the employee into the employee table if there are new or employees that leave. I would also like a timestamp on when the entry into the cube...
...for speed and reliability. Legal & Compliance Include GDPR-compliant Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, and Anti-Piracy Agreement. 4. Design Requirements Responsive Design: Mobile-friendly and optimized for various screen sizes. Professional Look: Simple, clean, and focused on usability. Sample Inspiration: [Provide examples, if available]. 5. Project Timeline Start Date: [Insert Preferred Start Date]. Deadline: [Insert Preferred Deadline]. 6. Budget ₹50000 (negotiable based on features and quality). 7. Developer Requirements Proven experience with subscription-based platforms. Expertise in TradingView API integration and automation. Familiarity with DRM video hosting solutions like VdoCipher or AWS. Strong understanding of web security practices. Ability to p...
...* MRI data and FASTA data and ML training experience * Architectural homiomorphic monoculture of AI framework development experience * Oauth2.0 security modeling experience ( modelling experience, by hand ) * flask-JSONRPC and flask-SocketIO based application development experience ( either one ) * MAML & NLP modeling experience ( both are required ) * Prompt engineering experience * Language integration to python ( even if it compiles golang first ) * Application reverse engineering experience ( 2 month minimum ) * Application hacking experience ( python is a language usable to simplify it; I bent Linux including x11 window compositor down to qt5 ) * Xml rpc experience ( you must separate the connection points at the stemming of the function biplane from the ...
...near the Mystery Machine van, enjoying some of our product. The vibe should be fun, relaxed, and aligned with the brand’s playful tone. Here are the key details: Main Characters: Shaggy and Scooby-Doo (in a lighthearted, friendly style) Setting: The Mystery Machine van, with them smoking together nearby Tone: Fun, relaxed, with an emphasis on the cannabis lifestyle and nostalgia Length: Around [insert preferred video length, e.g., 15-30 seconds] Additional Info: [Include any other details or branding requirements, like logo placement, colors, or messaging] If you’re interested, I’d love to discuss the project further and see if your skills and style align with our vision. Please let me know if this is something you can help with, and feel free to share your po...
I'm looking for a proficient developer who can create a customizable Trading View stock screener. Key Features: - It should scan Nifty 50 stocks using the RSI divergence indicator. - It should also scan Nifty 50 stocks using the Orderflow Delta divergence. - The results from both indicators should be displayed in an on-screen table. - The screener should allow me to customize the list of stocks to scan. - The time frame for scanning should also be customizable. - Finally, the screener should be able to scan a custom list of stock exchanges. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in developing stock screeners or similar tools. - Proficiency in using Trading View and understanding its indicators. - Ability to create interactive and customizable software.
Job Description: We are looking for a skilled freelancer to help us identify and analyze URLs in our sitemap files that are returning 404 errors or other HTTP status issues. The project involves parsing our file, extracting all URLs, and checking their status codes. If any URLs are broken (e.g., 404 errors), they must be reported in a detailed and organized format. Responsibilities: Access and parse the provided file. Extract all URLs from the sitemap(s), including those linked within an index file. Perform HTTP status checks on all extracted URLs. Identify and report URLs returning 404 errors, redirects, or other HTTP issues. Provide the final report in a structured format (CSV or Excel) containing: URL HTTP Status Code Error Details (if applicable) Requirements: Proven experience w...
We have a service based ecommerce that allows to buy credits in order to get the service. When the credit finishes the service ends till the customer buy new credit. We actually send an email to tell the customer that the credit is low or finished. We want to insert an option to automatically recharge the credit. We need to integrate the Api for the payment system in order to allow the automatic recharge.
I need an image integrated into my video. The image should appear in the middle of the video and I want a cut to the image. The image will need to be displayed for 1 hour. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in video editing software - Attention to detail - Ability to follow specific instructions - Prior experience with long-duration video projects
Hello Freelancers! I have a signature as an .PDF () File and need to convert it to HTML, so I can use it as signature in Outlook. Can you help me with this?
I'm in need of a uniquely crafted clay table to: 1. Find exhibitors at an event at the NEC in Birmingham, 2. Find an appropriate contact name, job title, linkedin URL + verified email address This table will be used for an outbound email campaign aimed at generating B2B leads for one of my clients. The table must be built in an efficient, streamlined and well organised way Ideal Skills: detailed understanding of building clay tables for outbound email marketing/lead gen
I'm looking for a freelancer who can meticulously extract a large mixed data (numerical and text) table from a statistical website and transfer it into Excel without missing any details. The ideal candidate should ensure that the data is formatted in Excel in the exact same way as it appears on the website. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data extraction and Excel - Attention to detail to ensure no information is missed - Ability to format data in Excel as per the client's request
I need a skille...need a skilled Python programmer who can help in extracting table data from PDFs and converting it into an Excel file. The tables in the PDFs have varying structures, so your ability to handle different table layouts is essential. Key requirements: - Extract tables from multiple PDFs - Convert the data into a well-structured Excel file with 4 different formats across 2 sheets - Ensure the data is accurately represented as mixed data (both numeric and text) Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python, with experience in data manipulation using Pandas DataFrame - Excellent attention to detail for accurate data extraction and conversion - Prior experience in handling PDFs and Excel files With your expertise,...
Please create a DINA4 ideal for printing one pager of this company: in the CI Design of this website. Only feature 2 products with focus on the engine cleaner- also insert 2 QR codes Amazon Store and Youtube Video. Content is attached as well as Logo and product pictures. The one pager is intended to be handed out at a B2B automotive fair. Thank you!