岗位要求: 1、精通java 和php开发语言;2、精通Oracle和MySQL数据库;3、具有3年及以上开发经验;4、有在线教育软件开发经验者优先;5、掌握流媒体开发技术;6、了解视频剪辑等操作;7、具有跨库操作经验和服务器操作经验者优先;8、精通网站支付技术。9、在华为或大公司有工作经验的。10、专职。11、工作地址:西安高新区。12、联系电话:029-88212361。13、电话:15396620756。14、公司:西安富克斯语言文化传播有限公司。
参考网站 现已用django做了首页和商品的详情页面, 。服务器租的阿里ecs,部署服务器用了nginx+uwsgi。数据库用了mysql。使用git。 现在要做的是: 1、外贸托管模块功能开发和行业信息新闻模块的开发。 (外贸托管模块是一个用户录入信息的模板页面,新闻模块就一个新闻加广告的静态页面) 2、优化服务器端的部署和日志管理 3、版面美观大方,会要求调整版面样式
我们已经有了Web应用建立在PHP / mysql. baidu地图API的集成是以下任务要求:-在地图上显示客户的位置创建/画路线的旅行从一个给定的地址到另一个地图上填充地图从DB地址创建类型在下拉菜单(引导选择)与该API的数据(搜索路名,端口名称,机场名称相关的图标)
...customer, both get a coupon) c. online appointment, appointment will be send to manager's email for approval, manager can approve from the email link d. therapist management function, can easily add/delete employee, and arrange employee on duty. e. service management function for cashier, payment calculation for employee and cashier. f. coupon management, coupon will have expire date. g. interface for manager to publish some information on the side new feed bar. h. support google map. 网页设计要求 1. 设计大方简洁,适合按摩店特色,支持手机浏览以及预约,可以支持多个按摩店(不同名字),不同主页 2. 语言支持:英文 3. 需要有适合手机浏览的页面 4. 需要有用户管理功能: 客人,经理,员工 4a. 客人注册 (电话,邮件),客人邮件需要和pommo软件同步,pommo是一个开源的邮件发送软件。 4b. 客人可以邀请其他客人 4c. 客人可以网上预约,预约邮件发送到管理员邮箱,管理员可以通过邮件确认并答复 ...
将我的产品制作成视频分享到 YouTube Twitter,Facebook marketing,google plus,pinterest,同 时将我产品的的促销信息发布在slickedeals 和fatwallet 上面; 产品信息如下: 1、50% off TotaLohan MX6 Professional Grade LED Flashlight Kit – Our Best and Brightest LED Household Flashlight, Extended Run-time, Rechargeable, Ultra Bright, 5 Modes, Zoom Lens Promo Codes:C7R7MBQX(End Date 09/13/2015 ) Buy link:
食品盒存储管理 (IOS & Android) 1. 首次安装及打开APPS会要求用户注册或登入. 1.1. 用我司CRM API 2. APPS布局 2.1. APPS上面有主TOOLBAR(Home icon, Apps na...用户把该区块拖拉到左面的种类方块存入该种类. (该种类已存数量加1) 2.4.8. 单按种类方块可显示该种类存入名称, 日期及过期日等明细 2.4.9. 点明细可修改/删除, 或加入Buying Task 2.5. Chart 2.5.1. BarChart及PieChart图显示已存食物种类分布 (可选按年, 月, 全期) 2.6. Buying Task (购买任务) 2.6.1. 从2.4.9.加入 2.6.2. 显示要购买东西清单(名称及checkbox), 例如在超市可按清单购买, 按该行checkbox, 像checklist. 2.7. Setting 2.7.1. EDIT MY DATA (用我司CRM API) 2.7.2. ABOUT US (打开我司网页) 2.7.3. VOTE (FB/Twitter) 2.7.4. SYNC TO CLOUD (用我司MySql API)
食品盒存储管理 (IOS & Android) 1. 首次安装及打开APPS会要求用户注册或登入. 1.1. 用我司CRM API 2. APPS布局 2.1. APPS上面有主TOOLBAR(Home icon, Apps na...用户把该区块拖拉到左面的种类方块存入该种类. (该种类已存数量加1) 2.4.8. 单按种类方块可显示该种类存入名称, 日期及过期日等明细 2.4.9. 点明细可修改/删除, 或加入Buying Task 2.5. Chart 2.5.1. BarChart及PieChart图显示已存食物种类分布 (可选按年, 月, 全期) 2.6. Buying Task (购买任务) 2.6.1. 从2.4.9.加入 2.6.2. 显示要购买东西清单(名称及checkbox), 例如在超市可按清单购买, 按该行checkbox, 像checklist. 2.7. Setting 2.7.1. EDIT MY DATA (用我司CRM API) 2.7.2. ABOUT US (打开我司网页) 2.7.3. VOTE (FB/Twitter) 2.7.4. SYNC TO CLOUD (用我司MySql API)
我购买了类似 网站的源码 9(php+mysql)),想做二次开发. 主要是增加几个搜索分类,更改一些网页的风格设计, 去掉原来网站的标记和其它信息, 恢复网站本身所具有的功能,能够运行。
Payment cycle:- Monthly WORKLOAD :-6000 forms per agent per month POST DATED CHEQUE WILL PROVIDED AS SECURITY PAY OUT CYCLE: MONTHLY (13,20,000 INR FIX FOR 11 MONTHS)
职位描述: 1、后端开发及维护 2、支持多终端业务运行 3、单元测试 任职资格: 1. 熟悉HTML/CSS/JS,可以独立开发前端页面。 2. 熟悉/了解web开发语言/框架,如Ruby/Ruby on Rails,PHP/Yii,Python/Django,会一种即可。 3. 熟悉/了解MySQL的基本使用。 4. 熟悉/了解web服务器的基本部署、使用。如apache/nginx/lighttpd。或者像xampp这种集成环境也可以。 5. 快速适应上岗,最近2个月或更长有充足的时间投入项目 关于我们: 我们是Paiiiir,美国硅谷优秀孵化器入驻团队,成立以来备受资本关注,目前正处在高速发展时期,诚恳邀请有才华有志向有共同的梦想基因的你加入我们,一起创造下一个奇迹!
创建网站 企业门户型网站 包含尽可能完备的功能点 JSP开发三层架构, 数据库使用mysql 应用服务器与数据库需要热备。 企业功能如CRM,EMAIL都需要考虑
1. 不需要修改核心业务流程,只需要根据美工制作前端页面 2. 熟悉MySQL 3. 熟悉Codeigniter者优先 4. 1个月的工作量,大约支付1万元酬金,或者按1万元/月领取薪水 5. 必须在北京
我需要制作一个全新的在线家教和学生的平台,能够方便学生找到英语家教,要求中英文对照,我们现在有一个网站,可以参考 新制作的网站要求全面升级,改变运营模式,变为以外国家教付费模式,外教在我的平台发布自己的信息,后台可以更新图片,文章,上课时间,使用的教材,学生评价,等。 中国学生能够方便,免费的得到外教的联系方式,联系外教。 I need to upgrade my current web site this would be a bilingual site Chinese and English, a platform for native English tutor easily find Chinese students in all cities China. Tutor will pay for us, they can start an account and biuld a online class on our site, Chinese students can easily find native English tutor on our site. I have no idea about the budget, so ignore the price below, feel free to offer, thanks
平台 PHP+MySQL. 要制作一个内部配送管理系统, 安全性要求不高. 我不是技术出身, 自己摸索构建数据库并用简单的 mysql_query 制作 PHP 页. 希望外包制作的代码简洁明快多注释. 主要目的是希望将来可以自己制作这样的小型单子并且能适度扩展. 希望能把这单当作教学任务. 大概需要这样几个页面: 1. 创建用户页. 用户大概分四种: 客户(无任何权限, 只作为数据用), 客服人员(能创建订单), 仓库人员, 配送人员. 2. 客服人员工作页(订单列表页和创建订单). 页面是分为两部分的, 上部分是订单列表, 查询, 下部分是创建新单. 创建新单的同时要生成一个随机验证码, 并且通过短信平台发送到客户手机. 3. 仓库人员工作页. 为刚生成的订单选择配送人员, 确认出货. 4. 配送人员工作页. 配送结束后输入客户手机收到的随机验证码, 输入后订单自动完成. 5. 所有数据查询页. 预计最高可接受报价: 一万人民币. 联系方法: 请看我个人介绍. 时间要求是一个月内, 预计大概一周完成, 三周测试回馈修改.
任务描述 仿站 - 1.多用户卖家 2.积分 支付 (支持国际...多国语言(中英) 6.商品价格同时双显示人民币及美元 7.支付时,可选择特殊日子送货 8.支付时,可选项填写贺卡片祝福语(200字) 9.商城模板PC+手机+微信三合一 如需要请参考 " ShopNC " 及 " ECmall " 前台及后台演示 参考网站: 网站所需功能: 用户注册,生成用户账号 支持社交网站(Facebook/Twitter)登录 在线支付 用户发表评论及反馈 用户可填写表格 用户论坛 多语言 全站搜索 用户博客/空间 搜索引擎优化(SEO) 需要 需要技能: MySQL, PayPal, PHP
java项目功能模块开发; 项目采用strtus2+hibernate+spring框架,数据库采用mysql。 熟悉java网络编程; 熟悉并能熟练运用 freekmer 和 jstl等;
...3、帮助我与投标方沟通,主要是EMAIL和SKYPE等文字沟通,我确定选择承包方(完成后再付款30%) 4、项目进行中,与承包方的沟通。 5、承包方完成项目,我验收。(完成后付款给你余下50%) 6、如果没有合适的承包方,只要有沟通过程,我仍然会付款30%。 附(某个项目的需求中文资料),请先尝试翻译下让我了解你的专业水平: 1,只做快乐8的模拟竞猜 2,只做任选1到任选10的竞猜,参考淘宝上的快乐8。 3,使用积分投注,积分有2种,1是普通,2是赠送积分。 4、积分赠送规则,每天可以申请赠送100分(赠送完后的总分不超过100分情况下),赠送的积分类型为2。比如现有10分普通积分,点击申请赠送,总分为100分,其中90分类型为2 5、其他如用户注册、登录、资料管理等,参考淘宝彩票。 6、最好用C#,ASP.NET写,需要源代码。 附件是存储快乐8的数据库(MYSQL)
...3、帮助我与投标方沟通,主要是EMAIL和SKYPE等文字沟通,我确定选择承包方(完成后再付款30%) 4、项目进行中,与承包方的沟通。 5、承包方完成项目,我验收。(完成后付款给你余下50%) 6、如果没有合适的承包方,只要有沟通过程,我仍然会付款30%。 附(某个项目的需求中文资料),请先尝试翻译下让我了解你的专业水平: 1,只做快乐8的模拟竞猜 2,只做任选1到任选10的竞猜,参考淘宝上的快乐8。 3,使用积分投注,积分有2种,1是普通,2是赠送积分。 4、积分赠送规则,每天可以申请赠送100分(赠送完后的总分不超过100分情况下),赠送的积分类型为2。比如现有10分普通积分,点击申请赠送,总分为100分,其中90分类型为2 5、其他如用户注册、登录、资料管理等,参考淘宝彩票。 6、最好用C#,ASP.NET写,需要源代码。 附件是存储快乐8的数据库(MYSQL)
1、不断扫描记录最新的开奖信息 2、如果程序在7:00-8:00没开,当8:00打开程序时,会自动把前面丢失的开奖信息补上(只需要补最近2天的就可以,如7.1 0点至7.2 24点) 3、程序可以用C#或C++写,做成WINDOWS SERVICE,数据存储到MYSQL 5.5或更高版里。 6、数据结构大体为 乐8数据存储结构: ID 期号 开奖时间(实际开奖时间,如2014-1-1 9:05) 创建时间(生成数据的时间) 中奖号码(字符串,逗号分割) 7、需要源代码。
Joomla开发人员: 1、精通LAMP(Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP),精通PHP+MYSQL 1.1 熟练套用各种joomla模板,例如JA或者Rocket系列模板. 1.2 Form表格组件套用 1.3 Payment, logistic gateway接口对接 1.4 Newsletter组件和模块套用开发 1.5 VirtualMart二次开发 2、熟悉各种开源CMS,比如Joomla, 能懂得Wordpress, Zencart,Drupal更好, 熟练掌握Joomla 各种常用组件配置和二次开发。 例如VM, joomfish, 等等 3、了解CSS, Div、Html、JavaScript等网络常用语言。 4、有商业网站页面设计经验。 5、强有力的学习能力。具备良好的创意思维和理解能力,善于协作与沟通,必須按時完成工作及絕對需要有責任感。 6、请提供中文简历,要求提供个人独立完成的作品。 7,能独立看懂英文API和技术文档,优先考虑。
我是一个在美帝的大学生,想要为班级搭建一个弹幕网站。我需要的是一个简洁美观的, 支持英文显示的弹幕播放器以及一个可靠的数据库来储存弹幕(比如说MySQL),能在美国服务器支持下工作,并能够引用Youtube,Vimeo以及新浪的视频。请各位大神帮帮我QAQ 如果能做出HTML5模式下的播放器更好了-。- 弹幕模板在开源中国上能够找到,现在来说ABPlayer和MukioPlayer应该是最棒开源的<----仅供参考
需要对VPN有一定了解,并且能实现虚拟GPS功能, 有实力的开发团队或公司 程序涉及android端 Pc 端 第三方VPN提供者 php+mysql 下面是程序运行流程,能实现的公司和团队联系我索取文档。 android启动自动优先运行守护程序 -〉设定VPN需要使用的国家 -〉启动WiFi -〉自动搜索WiFi -〉自动连接WiFi -〉自动填写WiFi密码(预设) -〉连接WiFi成功 -〉返回成功信息给守护程序 -〉守护程序连接服务器 -〉验证守护程序版本 -〉如遇到版本更新自动下载安装更新 -〉守护程序连接数据库 -〉从数据库下载运行指令(运行指令有后台进行设置) -〉提取开机设定国家的VPN账号密码、Ip和GPS信息 -〉提取成功 -〉运行指令打开VPN拨号 -〉拨号成功 -〉验证Ip是否连通 -〉连通后获取当前ip的GPS信息并设定android 虚拟 GPS -〉返回给守护程序成功 -〉下载指定APK并安装打开
Plan-B MATROMONIAL FORM FILLING DIRECT SIGNUP CONTRACT AGREEMENT 11 Month WORKING DAYS – 25 WORK LOAD 2000 /- FORM RATE – 10/- FIRST PAY – 5000/-(Refundable) BILLING – AFTER 10 DAYS AFTER TASK SUBMISSION 100% Payment Guarantee PAYMENT CALCULATION PARAMETER • 95.1% - 100% = 100% Payment • 90.1% - 95% = 90% Payment • 85.1% - 90% = 80% Payment • 80.1% - 85% = 70% Payment • 75.1% - 80% = 60% Payment • 70.1% - 75% = 50% Payment • 65.1% - 70% = 40% Payment • 60.1% - 65% = 30% Payment • 55.1% - 60% = 20% Payment • 50.1% - 55% = 10% Payment • Below - 50% = NO PAYMENT, NO REWORK, N...
项目内容 开发一个微信公众服务号,使得微信用户可以模拟车牌竞投过程和查看模拟结果。 * 界面比较简单 - 用 Sencha Touch 开发。只有一个模拟竞价页面和一个模拟竞价结果显示页面。两页面需要整合到微信服务号菜单。 * 后台用Java和MySQL开发。与微信公众平台对接。用JSON数据格式接收竞价页发来的数据,保存到数据库,以供结果页查询。 项目状态 * 目前已经写了一部分代码,页面有雏形,但需要整理,细化和美化。服务器端已经有代码可以连结微信公众账号,需要写业务和数据库操作逻辑。 自由职业者要求 技能 - 有 HTML5/JavaScript,Java 和数据库开发经验。有iOS 和 Android 开发经验优先考虑。最好移动App前端界面设计能力。 最好是在广州/佛山地区附近,寻求长期合作可能。
我需要一个Interspire邮件营销的专家或者邮件群发方面设置的专家来执行以下任务: - 优化Interspire邮件营销的MySQL服务器 - 支持使用多个SMTP服务器 - 支持使用多个IP地址和域名轮换 - 支持每SMTP每小时处理的最大邮件 - 设置DKIM签名,RDNS,PX,MX和SPF记录,DNS和ISP投诉循环 - 配置邮件服务器MTA工作Interspire邮件营销,安全,快速,和优化收件箱递送的主要供应商(hotmail, yahoo , gmail等) - 设立cron日程设置 - 它必须是可以使用随机词的同义词。 - 最重要的是,确保所有这些工作完美
网站: PHP+Mysql 系统: Linux系统 服务器: nginx+ PHP+Mysql 1,现这套网站需要代码优化,CSS,JS,等页面优化加载速度...以及部分框架的模块更改调用... 2,网站源码安全性优化 3,网站框架的优化
Windows Socket开发,C/S程序,多线程,界面开发(GPSTracker,IPcamera,USB电话机)。MySQL,SQLSever,多年工作经验,积累大量源代码,可以复用到其他的新的项目中!!希望合作愉快!!
...Stuff" Column in the middle and then right side bar ) sharp modern colored simple style papers for content area and side navigation.(right side bar every page including content page) small size social plugin panel on every thumbnail-post excerpt Navigation and Category Headers banners. Unique search design function Google font installation with fonts of my choice Decorative blog post title, date and time Revisions until I am satisfied with the design PSD layered source files as I need to also have a forum designed with the same theme. Must be installed Budget is HK$2,500 (USD300), any bids exceeding that will be ignored. I will not release any milestone payments until I see the design and am 100% happy with it. I will not create a milestone payment more the...
I am seeking an experienced WordPress developer to make specific design changes and functionality improvements to my current WordPress theme. - The primary design modification will be adjusting the color scheme and add some design elements to align with my specific brand guidelines. - The developer will also need to enhance the site's functionality, which may involve coding and implementing new features. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in WordPress theme development and design, with a keen eye for detail and adherence to brand guidelines. Prior experience with functionality improvements on WordPress themes is a must. Please, provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
...Jewelry & Watches Luggage, Bags & Cases Security & Protection Products Chemicals Energy Rubber & Plastics Minerals & Metallurgy Environment & Recycling Solutions Tools & Hardware Pet Products Shoes & Accessories Prohibited items include weapons, deadly poisons, and any illegal goods. Which country/location is the targeted audience for this website? The primary target audience is based in [Insert Country/Region Here]. However, the website should have the capability to expand globally in the future. Are there any products to upload now? No products will be uploaded initially. Vendors will handle product uploads once they register and set up their stores. Have you already purchased the domain and hosting for your website? Yes, the domain...
I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a personal website for me as a professor. The site should have the following main sections: - About Me: This section will provide an overview of my professional journey, teaching philosophy, and personal insights. - Portfolio: Here, we will showcase my academic work, publications, and other relevant contributions to the field. - Contact Form: This will allow visitors to get in touch with me, whether they are students, colleagues, or interested parties. The design style I prefer for this website is 'Classic and elegant'. It should reflect a professional tone, yet be inviting and easy to navigate. A keen eye for detail and understanding of minimalist design principles will be essential.
I'm seeking a competent property manager to oversee my residential properties. Your role will primarily involve: - Tenant Management: Ensuring all tenants are happy and comfortable. - Tenant Acquisition: Finding and screening potential tenants for my properties. - Tenant Communication: Handling all communication with current and prospective tenants. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in property management, excellent communication skills and experience in tenant acquisition. A knack for maintaining positive tenant relationships is a plus.
...conferences, and networking events to represent the company and generate new leads. Stay up to date with industry trends and competitor offerings to effectively position our services. Qualifications & Skills: Experience: Proven experience in sales, with a focus on manufacturing industries (CNC machining, laser cutting, or similar fields preferred). Experience with B2B sales Communication Skills: Strong verbal and written communication skills. Ability to build rapport with customers and maintain professional relationships. Sales Skills: Strong negotiation and closing skills. Self-motivated with strong time management skills. Education: Bachelor’s degree in Business, Engineering, or a related field is preferred but not required. Sales Experience is wha...
I am looking for a professional who can create engaging digital ads for my business aimed at generating leads or sales. The primary platform for these ads will be Facebook and Instagram, so familiarity with the specific requirements and best practices for these platforms is crucial. Key Tasks: - Design and develop digital ads for Facebook and Instagram - Understand and im...Facebook and Instagram - Understand and implement strategies aimed at generating leads and sales - Create professional and appealing work that aligns with my brand Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating social media ads - Strong understanding of Facebook and Instagram advertising - Graphic design skills - Experience with lead generation and sales strategies - Knowledge of current social me...
I'm in need of a one or two page WordPress website designed like a minimalist landing page. This site will introduce my company as a leading expert in the furnished short-term rental business. It should include a professional image slider featuring images of furnished rooms from my current site, and a simple layout with a focus on providing company information. Key Features: - A modern, minimalist design style - A slider with professional images of furnished rooms - Simple, clear layout focused on showcasing company info - Contact details: my phone number and email address No updates are planned for this site in the future, so a straightforward, easy-to-navigate design is essential. Skills in WordPress and web design, with an understanding of minimalist modern aesthetics, ar...
...Photoshop: Yes/No Available to complete 3 projects by this Sunday, regardless of time commitment required: Yes/No Access to Microsoft Programs: Yes/No Access to ChatGPT or Other AI Tools (Specify): [Write here] Agreement to Payment Terms ($30 or $40 depending on your selection): Yes/No Ability to Work with Limited Questions and Supervision (Based on Detailed Instructions): Yes/No What is the due date for the first 3 projects? [Answer here] Which payment option do you prefer? [Answer here] Will you be able to complete the first 3 projects by Sunday, January 12, at 5:00 PM MST? Yes/No Please only apply if you are confident you can meet the urgent Sunday deadline and have the time and internet reliability required for the ongoing role. I am looking for someone reliable, detail-orie...
We have 2 SQL databases. A source database and a target database that have completely different structures (tables, field names/types and relations). We're doing some migration planning from source to target and need some consulting advice on how to best map tables and fields for ETL migration. We are looking for a solution that uses AI and/or ML to avoid doing this all manually the schema mapping. Please put "SCHEMA123" at the start of your proposal so we can filter out automated responses. Please list any details of your experience in doing a project like this. Thanks!
Candidate must be very experienced in Windows MFC Visual C++ programming in Visual Studio 2022. The project is to develop ex...Allow mixing of y-axis for channels with same scaling • Add function to change plot order • Fix X-Y plot conditioning • Fix bug when some channels are not plotted • Save/open desktop layout • Fix maths wizard • Add sort by name/date etc. to open file dialog • Add bit masking to show bit status for on/off values • Add drag of y-axis to change size • Allocate colours to channels automatically • Add function to choose speed channel for distance calculation The current software can be installed, it is attached to the project so that it can be viewed in its current condition. Potential...
...growth potential, etc.). • Customize ratings based on individual client preferences (e.g., focusing more on return on investment or potential for growth). 4. CRM Integration: • Integrate the system with an existing CRM to display ratings and help the sales team make informed decisions quickly. 5. Maintenance: • Implement a solution that allows for regular updates to ensure data is always current and accurate. What We Need From You: • Build the system to integrate and clean data from external sources. • Develop algorithms for calculating property ratings based on relevant metrics. • Integrate the system with an existing CRM platform. • Provide ongoing support and maintenance. • Work independently and ensure the system runs with mi...
I require an expert in PDF editing services to help me rectify some errors in a document. The job will primarily entail: - Editing text and images in a PDF - Correcting typos and errors It's essential that throughout the editing process, the current format of the document is maintained. Therefore, experience with preserving document layout during edits is a key requirement for this project.
...task is to create a minimalist yet creative logo that captures the spirit of football and the unique features of the Balkan region. Key Requirements: - The logo should be set against a white background, promoting a modern and uncluttered aesthetic. - Incorporate green elements in a subtle manner, representing growth, energy, and our connection to the game. Think of inspirations from a football field or natural foliage. - The design should be sleek, professional, and instantly recognizable, fitting well within the football industry. - The logo should appeal to both players and partners, reflecting our agency's ethos. - The final deliverables include high-resolution versions of the logo in multiple formats (JPEG, PNG, SVG) and a source file. I'm looking for a designer w...
I'm looking for an expert in WordPress who can convert my current HTML website into a fully functional WordPress site. Key Requirements: - The new WordPress site should maintain the same design as the current HTML site. - The site should be equipped with a contact form, SEO tools, and social media sharing buttons, as well as other similar features to the current website. - The professional should have a keen eye for detail to ensure the design is replicated accurately. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and HTML - Experience with SEO and integrating social media tools - Strong skills in web design and attention to detail.
We're a real estate company seeking an expert photo editor with a quick turnaround time. We have an in-house photographer, but the demand for high-quality edited photos has outstripped our current capabilities. Key Responsibilities: - Edit 50-75 photos per job, typically received daily - Color correction and lighting adjustment - Lens correction and straightening lines - Enhance images to attract clients and potential buyers Requirements: - Expertise in Lightroom or equivalent cutting-edge software - Experience in real estate photo editing preferred - Ability to deliver within a 24-hour timeframe We're open to your professional suggestions for style and presets. Please provide a portfolio of your previous work, particularly if you have experience with real estate photo...