写区块链游戏白皮书,主要介绍各种人物角色,游戏规则,gamefi 、defi的经济模型等,需要designer对区块链有所了解
資料會以问卷式輸入,可以自由用任何程式建造 (Web base or apple App) 但必須能夠在ipad 上使用 ,把需要资料输入后, 可建立一份报表( html , pdf or excel 格式 ) , 报表包括pie chart , table . —————————————————— Create a questionnaire form and print out a report based on the data from questionnaire , the form should be able to run on ipad , so it can be web based or ios app , the output report can be html , pdf , excel or any else ( as long as it can be print out in A4 side ) . The report are including a pie chart & table .
1.负责平面设计方面的工作,能熟练使用Photoshop、Coreldraw、Illustrator 等平面设计软件; 2.还需掌握网页设计及视频剪辑等 3.具备优秀的审美能力和创意能力,对色彩把握能力强,思维活跃,有创意;
...card。中国有很多生产工业inkjet card的制造商, 希望您能帮忙买一些 工业使用的inkjet card 样品,以及相关的中文或者英文软件。 我们想要买一些能运行 Xaar 128 inkjet print head 或者Xaar 384 inkjet print head 或者 RicohGen inkjet print head的 printer cards。Fujifilm Dimatix (Spectre, Polaris) 我们也需要能用在普通电脑, 连接 print head connector card 和print head 的PCI Card。 如果你有找到一些相关的carriage board 会更好,在操作上有时也会需要这个。 一般来说那些相关的软件是免费提供的。 我们也需要Generic Cards, 因为我们是ink生产家,所有买回来的这些电路板都是用来测试我们所研发的ink。 这些电路板主要是用在普通的电脑系统去测试 ink和Xaar以及Ricoh printheads 的兼容性。 我们并不需要买电脑, ink supply card,ink level card, servo card, rip station,encoder等等的。。 我们希望您能: (1)通过邮件发给我以上所述电路板的相关的广告,数据,用途(Datasheets)或者相关的链接。 (2)发给我上述运行电路板相关的一些软件 (3)发一些上述相关软件的广告,名称,用途(Datasheets)或者一些提供参考相关的链接。 (4)寄给我 电脑的PCI card 和一些小型的print head connector card, 或者是连接这些电...
...printer card。中国有很多生产工业inkjet card的制造商, 希望您能帮忙买一些 工业使用的inkjet card 样品,以及相关的中文或者英文软件。 我们想要买一些能运行 Xaar 128 inkjet print head 或者Xaar 384 inkjet print head 或者 RicohGen inkjet print head的 printer cards。 我们也需要能用在普通电脑, 连接 print head connector card 和print head 的PCI Card。 如果你有找到一些相关的carriage board 会更好,在操作上有时也会需要这个。 一般来说那些相关的软件是免费提供的。 我们也需要Generic Cards, 因为我们是ink生产家,所有买回来的这些电路板都是用来测试我们所研发的ink。 这些电路板主要是用在普通的电脑系统去测试 ink和Xaar以及Ricoh printheads 的兼容性。 我们并不需要买电脑, ink supply card,ink level card, servo card, rip station,encoder等等的。。 我们希望您能: (1)通过邮件发给我以上所述电路板的相关的广告,数据,用途(Datasheets)或者相关的链接。 (2)发给我上述运行电路板相关的一些软件 (3)发一些上述相关软件的广告,名称,用途(Datasheets)或者一些提供参考相关的链接。 (4)寄给我 电脑的PCI card 和一些小型的print head connector card, 或者是连接这些电路板的其他线路和电路板。 我会在Freelanc...
...printer card。中国有很多生产工业inkjet card的制造商, 希望您能帮忙买一些 工业使用的inkjet card 样品,以及相关的中文或者英文软件。 我们想要买一些能运行 Xaar 128 inkjet print head 或者Xaar 384 inkjet print head 或者 RicohGen inkjet print head的 printer cards。 我们也需要能用在普通电脑, 连接 print head connector card 和print head 的PCI Card。 如果你有找到一些相关的carriage board 会更好,在操作上有时也会需要这个。 一般来说那些相关的软件是免费提供的。 我们也需要Generic Cards, 因为我们是ink生产家,所有买回来的这些电路板都是用来测试我们所研发的ink。 这些电路板主要是用在普通的电脑系统去测试 ink和Xaar以及Ricoh printheads 的兼容性。 我们并不需要买电脑, ink supply card,ink level card, servo card, rip station,encoder等等的。。 我们希望您能: (1)通过邮件发给我以上所述电路板的相关的广告,数据,用途(Datasheets)或者相关的链接。 (2)发给我上述运行电路板相关的一些软件 (3)发一些上述相关软件的广告,名称,用途(Datasheets)或者一些提供参考相关的链接。 (4)寄给我 电脑的PCI card 和一些小型的print head connector card, 或者是连接这些电路板的其他线路和电路板。 我会在Freelanc...
Autocad for detail working drawing 3d max ffor interior design effect photoshop for some poster modify illustrator for some poster moidfy
first of first , you need to know Cantonese, if you dont, pls dont click here. second, you need have wedding video editing experience. third, pls review it before you turn it in to me, white balance / color / light correction, sound adjustment, background music and montage is needed (i have sample that i did before, so you can check and follow) . pls turn in on time. this is a Chinese in America wedding, Cantonese style. 3-5 camera angel , from tea ceremony, church ceremony , wedding boutiques whole day. here is the footage sample.
擅長運用 illustrator or corel draw ,Photoshop and sai ...來設計。
广告位置: 在網站 首页 顶部 大亨哪个位置 尺寸:245*100 广告图片元素如下: 奇迹logo 官网: 大字宣传语:现金网建站专家 (閃) 小字宣传语:低成本快速建站坐庄 15大平...广告图片元素如下: 奇迹logo 官网: 大字宣传语:现金网建站专家 (閃) 小字宣传语:低成本快速建站坐庄 15大平台免费全接入 要求 : 顏色显目 清晰 重点突出 Advertising Location: at websit : Home top tycoons which position size: 245 * 100 Advertising picture elements are as follows: 1. logo Official website: Characters slogan: 现金网建站专家 (Flash) Small print slogan: 低成本快速建站坐庄 15大平台免费全接入 Requirements: Color was clear and focused objectives
...after reading this, please ask me and do not assume you know what I need. Please follow these steps. 1. Go to and click 'table games then 'more table games' and click the european roulette graphic. 2. Play for Fun. 3. Click the '100-spin' button three times; each after the button clears and allows for the next click. 4. Click the 'statistics' button and view the page. 5. Look either at the top row of 5 numbers or the bar graph and look for a 'zero' above any red, black or the green zero. The top five numbers will read 'Never Hit' and show the number(s) if any that have not been hit in the last 300 spins. 6. If ...
请游览,基本功能完全和这网站相同,如果你有做过类似的网站,请提供链接以便我们游览。 所有的竞标者,请附上一份竞标方案,列明基本功能,实施方案,时间表和报价。 如未能提供,请勿投标。谢谢合作。
1.详细需求:请参考以下网站: - - - - 以PitchPrint和PrintNow为主要参考,更多的需求请参考FRD文档。 2. 验收标准 1.完成FRD文档内的基本功能需求 2.提交全部的源代码 3.提交全部的开发文档 3. 团队要求 希望找一个有丰富经验的团队/公司来承接这个项目。最好已有相关经验的,完成过类似的项目。 4.其它要求 需要跨平台,支持响应式设计。请您在竞标时给出具体的实施方案,基本功能列表,时间表和报价,详细的竞标方案将有助于我与您进一步的沟通,如果类似的例子,请附上网址已让我参考。谢谢。
1、熟悉网站建设的流程,具备独立进行网站项目的整体版式、风格设计能力。 2、精通Photoshop,Drewamweaver等网页设计美工软件,1年以上网页设计工作经验。 3、熟练掌握DIV+CSS的运用与制作,熟悉各种浏览器兼容性调整(至少3种浏览器ie6、ie8、ff);熟悉Javasript等并能套用和修改。 4、具有平面设计功底,熟练使用coredraw或Illustrator软件,能制作宣传单页和宣传手册。 5、具有良好的美术功底以及良好的创意构思能力,对色彩敏感,具有把握不同风格页面的良好能力。 6、有良好的组织观念和团队合作精神、敬业精神,工作积极主动,细致专注,能承受工作压力。 7、具有一定的flash广告动画设计能力,能制作精美的flash广告banner.
想找一位广告平面设计的朋友帮忙做一些图片处理,宣传册设计,产品贴纸设计的工作。 可以在家设计~产品合格以单件计价~交货期每次不超过三天 可长期合作,本店长期需要这类人才。 要求如下: 1.熟练使用photoshop,可以设计网站banner,宣传资料等。 2.熟练使用illustrator,定期设计产品贴纸及logo等。 有兴趣的朋友请把至少3件作品及期望的单件作品酬金发至。 谢谢哦。。。。
I need a graphic designer who can create an informative poster reflecting the customization of a vehicle, specifically one where the bullet's color is changed to black.
I'm in need of a talented illustrator for a series of children's book's about 4 butterflies targeting ages 0-3. The illustrations should be in a cartoonish style, appealing to the youngest readers. The book requires approx 10 illustrations. Ideal skills and experience: - Previous experience illustrating for children's books, particularly for the 0-3 age range - Proficiency in a cartoonish style - Ability to create engaging and age-appropriate illustrations - Strong portfolio of similar work - Good communication skills to understand and implement feedback.
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to meticulously recreate a reference image for me. The final product needs to be high resolution, perfectly suited for print. It should feature a black background, just like the reference image. Key Requirements: - Exact recreation of the provided reference image without modifications - Delivery of a high resolution image, suitable for print (70x50cm maybe) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design - Strong attention to detail - Proficiency in creating high quality images for print - Ability to work with a black background Please note, any file type can be used for the final product, as long as it can be printed out with the best result. Reply with ICECREAM if yo...
I'm looking for a modern, minimalist logo for my brand, incorporating geometric shapes and the current image. The primary colors should be blue and black. Ideally, the logo will have a sleek, professional appearance that reflects contemporary design trends. Key Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop) - Strong understanding of modern design principles - Ability to work with geometric shapes - Experience in creating minimalist logos - Good understanding of color theory and brand identity design
...Website Builder (Recommended): Bricks Builder (I've heard it's superior for performance and SEO, but I'm open to your expert opinion if you have other justified suggestions). Important: Loading speed and on-page and off-page SEO optimization are crucial. Key Requirements: Attractive and Professional Design: The store should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and convey confidence to customers. (using the colors black, red, white will provide visual strength in terms of modern and professional aesthetics). Speed Optimization (Performance): The website should load fast. User experience and SEO depend on this. Advanced SEO Optimization: I need a website built from scratch with the best on-page,...
...Brand Name: EMPACOOL Industry: Pharmaceutical – Anti-Diabetic Medication (Empagliflozin 25 mg) Logo Style: Minimalist, Modern, Professional, include a HEART AND A KIDNEY IN DESIGN, IT NEEDS TO BE PRINTED ON BOX WHICH HOLDS STRIPS. IF POSSIBLE THE TWO OO IN EMPACOOL CAN BE DESIGNED AS HEART AND KIDNEY. Primary Color: RED, BLUE or GREEN(Symbolizing energy, vitality, and cardiovascular health) Secondary Color (if needed): White or subtle gray for contrast Logo Concept: • The logo should be clean, sleek, and easily recognizable. • Avoid complex details – it should be print-friendly and scalable. • Must evoke trust, innovation, and healthcare excellence. Symbol/Icon Ideas (if applicable)...
I'm looking for a logo designer who can build on our existing concept and create a fun and playful logo for our website. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Web Design - Adobe Illustrator - Creative Thinking Please note, the elements of the existing concept that we want to retain have not yet been specified, so some exploration may be required.
I'm running an automation agency (white label go high level) and I'm looking for an expert to help me scale my business. The ideal candidate will assist in: - Implementing systems and processes: I need help with general organisation for the business. This includes streamlining our operations to improve efficiency and productivity. - Content creation and Lead Magnets: You will be involved in creating engaging content and effective lead magnets to attract potential clients. - Enhancing Client Onboarding: Specifically, you will help with creating ideas for client training and support to ensure our clients are well-equipped to use our services. Skills and experience that will be beneficial for this job include: -...
...roll-up banners for our trade show booth. We are promoting easy CO₂ (), a brand specializing in CO₂ refrigeration solutions for supermarkets and commercial refrigeration systems. Project Details: • Five roll-up banners with a cohesive, modern, and professional design. • The banners should reflect our brand identity (colors and style from ). • Content (text and key messages) will be provided by us. • The design should be clear, engaging, and visually impactful for a trade show audience. Requirements: • Experience in trade show graphics and banner design. • High-resolution, print-ready files (PDF, AI, PSD). • Quick turnaround time preferred. If you have experience in designin...
I'm seeking a seasoned Off-Page SEO professional to enhance my E-commerce website's visibility and ranking via top-notch backlinks and strategic link-building. Key Requirements: - Exclusively utilizing White Hat SEO techniques - Securing High DA/PA backlinks - Engaging in guest posting, blog commenting, and forum backlinks - Performing social bookmarking and directory submission - Conducting competitor backlink analysis - Providing weekly progress reports ⭐ Preferred Skills: - Demonstrable experience in Off-Page SEO - In-depth understanding of Google ranking factors - Proficient with SEO tools (Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, etc.) Experience with E-commerce SEO is a plus. Your track record of improving website rankings t...
I'm looking for a creative writer and illustrator who can help me with writing and drawing for my social media marketing. This project primarily focuses on promoting my brand and products via engaging and captivating content. - Writing: The content should be catchy, relatable, and aligned with our brand's voice. The ideal candidate should have experience in writing for social media and understanding of how to create viral content. - Drawing: The illustrations should be eye-catching and capable of grabbing attention in a crowded feed. Experience in creating illustrations for social media is a plus. If you have a knack for engaging content creation and can help us promote our brand, I'd love...
I'm looking for a modern style 2D logo that incorporates both text and an icon. The project will also include a 3D mockup primarily focused on logo presentation, as well as designing a visiting card and letterhead that align with the logo's aesthetic. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - 3D Modelling - Branding - Print Design - Logo Design Please provide examples of your previous work that align with this brief.
I'm looking for a talented cartoonist/illustrator to create a character for me. The character should be a person standing with his hands inside a hoodie, wearing shorts, Nike socks, and sneakers, with a backwards snapback hat. The character's head should be bigger than its body, and there should be a stopwatch around its neck. Please note, if you have a preferred cartoon character style, a background for the character or a facial expression in mind, feel free to share.
I'm looking for a professional website, we need it simple with very few pages. examples of people in the area that we relate to are; Want a online booking feature, our team, services (with pricing), blog page and contact. Domain is purchased, needs to align with our color scheme and logo. preferably a white background Business address etc needs to be editable.
For the DUSU logo redesign, please use the following brief: The original blue and green logo was made in PowerPoint. Redraw existing logo except reduce the right side downward swooping vertical lines with thinner lines. Use the attached drafts and. Pic below for update inspiration Colors - dark blue and white (same as logo) Iterations: Blue background with white lettering and logo White background with blue lettering and logo Both with and without the tagline “investing in our future” Six iterations in total - saved as JPEG, PDF and illustrator formats Logo format/placement Burj Al Arab logo (over) “DUSU” wording (over) Tagline - “investing in our f...
I'm seeking a professional to enhance 4-6 of my existing logos for T-shirt printing via Sublimation and DTF. The enhancements will primarily involve improving the clarity of the logos and brightening their colors. Your expertise will help ensure these logos are print-ready and visually striking on fabric.
I'm looking for a professional 3D designer to create a business logo for me in 3D. The logo should be designed in a "Like for Like" style, meaning it should closely match my existing logo, but divided into parts for different colours. I need the base to be one piece with inserts for the Letters and frame pieces to be glued in as i can only print one colour at a time. For a width of 150mm and the base to be 4mm total (i will scale it up and down as needed in print software), with the 2mm Letter and frame inserts.
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a fun and vibrant grand opening flyer for my full-service beauty salon. Key Points: -Salon name is Studio Sekse - The color scheme for the flyer is cotton candy pink, black, gold, and white. - I want the flyer to highlight the range of beauty services available at the salon. - You won't need to include any specific text or taglines, just focus on creating an engaging visual design. Please feel free to clean up and enhance the attached logo as you see fit. Specific details such as the salon's address, phone number, and a QR code will be provided to the successful candidate. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, brand development, and experience with creating promotional m...
Hi , I would like a professional retoucher for some natural colour correcting for food shots ( white tablecloth and grey shadows no colour casts plus a couple of dark corners lightened . One shot has womans hand please remove hair and smooth skin please? Remove marks bottom right of shot in last screen shot And I need all of these by 2 hours please there are 11 photos.....
I'm seeking a professional designer to create a stunning wedding album. The style is classic and elegant. While I haven't finalized the number of photos or specific themes, I anticipate including over 100 pictures. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Photo Editing - Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) - Experience in Wedding Album Design Please provide a portfolio showcasing your previous album designs, particularly any wedding albums. Understanding of classic and elegant design principles will be a major plus.
...resilience, and empowerment. The purple bandana wrapped around the head is a bold statement of solidarity and support for epilepsy awareness. The aviator sunglasses with epilepsy awareness ribbons in each lens reinforce the campaign’s purpose and message. The typography is modern, bold, and confident, with "We Wear Purple" standing out in vibrant purple, and "Epilepsy Awareness" in a sleek, handwritten font for a personal touch. Typography & Style: Bold, uppercase sans-serif font for the main message ("WE WEAR PURPLE") creates a strong impact. The secondary script font ("Epilepsy Awareness") adds elegance and a human touch, making the design feel personal and supportiv...
I am seeking a graphic designer with experience in vintage and classic design styles to create a package bag for a food item. The design should be modern and sleek, yet embody the charm of vintage aesthetics. Key Aspects: - The package design should reflect a vintage and classic style. - It should be suitable for a food item. - The primary color palette should consist of earth tones. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.). - Strong understanding of vintage and classic design styles. - Experience in designing food packaging. - Ability to work with earth tones and create a cohesive design. My budget for this is 600 INR only. I need high resolution editable files
I'm looking for a modern, eye-catching flyer to promote an upcoming religious service at our church. The design should be sleek and contemporary, appealing to a wide audience while still conveying the essence of our faith. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Adobe Creative Suite - Print Design - Branding - Typography Please ensure you have a portfolio that includes similar work. Evergreen Baptist Church Sunday, March 9, 2025 Morning Service 10:30 am Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Chip Hall, Associate Minister -Mt. Carmel MBC Charlotte (first Picture) 3rd Pastor & People Anniversary at 3:00 pm Guest Speaker: Rev. Alphonso Houston, Pastor- New Foundation Missionary Baptist Church -Easley SC/Region VI President BEMCSC (Second picture) 1305 Evergreen Road, Anderson S...
I'm looking for a professional photo catalogue for my glass business. The catalogue should have images categorize...business. The catalogue should have images categorized into three sections: Shower glass, Railings, Pool Glass, Decorative glass, Safety glass, and Many More Key project elements: - Sections: The catalogue must be divided into distinct sections, each containing relevant images. - Style: The overall design and presentation of the catalogue should be modern. - Format: The final product should be suitable for both digital and printed formats. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Graphic design - Photography - Experience in creating professional catalogues - Understanding of modern design principles - Ability to deliver high...
...freedom and strength. Key Elements of the Design: - The "Black Power" fist, integrated with slanted red and blue stripes and white stars. - A dagger held by the fist, featuring an eagle's wing on one side and the dagger's tip dripping with blood. Stylistic and Aesthetic Preferences: - Cartoonish is the closest I can think of only because I want people to see it and be able to redraw it (at least the outline) in a semi simple ways. But not so cartoonish that the symbol doesn't retain a message - The background is something I'm conflicted on. I'm thinking plain white or black or even a black gradient. But I'm not sure what works yet. However, I am certain that it wi...
I'm looking for a skilled photo editor to bring an old black and white photo to life by adding natural, realistic colors to the objects and background. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software - Experience with photo colorization - Attention to detail Please provide samples of your previous work in your proposal.
...accessible through a website and feature customizable routes and interactive points of interest. Ideal candidates will have experience in creating detailed, user-friendly travel maps and a portfolio demonstrating their expertise in this area. Key Requirements: - Create interactive digital maps for luxury travel packages - Incorporate customizable routes and points of interest - Ensure accessibility through a dedicated website Preferred Skills: - Experience in interactive map creation - Expertise in web development - Understanding of luxury travel requirements Project Overview We are seeking a talented graphic designer to create 5 visually appealing, branded tour maps for our luxury equestrian travel company, Equine Evolve. Thes...
...owns several franchise brands in Canada. I am looking for a skilled graphic designer who can assist us with visual designs for various marketing projects. My aim is to create a long-term collaboration, where the designer becomes deeply immersed in our brand. Key Responsibilities: - Design marketing materials such as brochures, flyers and print advertisements - Create visually appealing graphics for our social media platforms Current Brand Guidelines: - We have some brand guidelines to follow up regards of differents brand, we also have past work that you can work with. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly in creating marketing materials - Strong understanding of brand development and v...
I'm looking for a professional who can convert my logo into a 3D printable file in STL format. This is intended for marketing purposes, so the final product should be visually appealing and accurately represent my logo. Key Details: - File Format: The 3D printable file needs to be in STL format. - Size: The final 3D printed logo should measure 100mm x 100mm x 20mm. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modelling software. - Experience in converting 2D logos into 3D printable files. - Understands the requirements for marketing materials. - Attention to detail, ensuring the 3D model accurately represents the logo.
I'm in need of a modern-styled corporate logo with a green primary color. The logo should incorporate some text or initials. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in modern logo design - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator and similar design software - Strong understanding of color theory and minimalistic design - Excellent typography skills for text/initials integration - Portfolio showcasing similar styles is a plus Companys Details: Name - Success Harapan Mulia Type of business : we are an organization that trains and develop skills and empower women to find jobs. Our women are trained to be domestic workers Tagline: Empowering Women, Transforming Homes
I am seeking a skilled illustrator to bring my child's birthday book to life. The writing is already completed, and I have some pictures of the setting and equipment. You will need to create some additional, realistic illustrations of specific characters from the text. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in creating realistic, engaging illustrations - Experience with children's book illustrations - Ability to accurately depict specific characters from provided descriptions - Understanding of creating illustrations that complement written text
I need a talented graphic designer who can transform my black and white image into a modern and vibrant colored logo. The final logo should be delivered in JPEG/PNG format. Key Requirements: - Colorization should be in 'Bright and Bold' colors - Final design delivered in JPEG/PNG format - Experience in logo design essential - Prior work in colorization of black and white images preferred
I'm looking for a creative graphic designer to make a unique black and white t-shirt design featuring a cartoonish beaver. The beaver should be riding a Greek Trojan horse and the design should not have any background, just plain. beaver should have a cross hatched tail. beaver should be female, so add feminine traits. the trojan horse should be wooden. I added an example file of what I mean by simple design/ Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - T-Shirt Design - Cartoon Illustrations - Black and White Design Experience: - Prior experience in creating cartoonish designs especially for t-shirts is preferred. - A portfolio showcasing similar projects would be advantageous. - Understanding of t-shirt printing requirements and li...