...据丢失,实时掌控餐桌情况。 5顾客对消费金额一目了然,能够全面了解特别推荐菜品及酒店促销活动,无需服务员描述,及时了解已售完菜品,避免点菜失效,造成顾客投诉,无需使用手工单抄写,避免避免笔误或因字迹潦草,涂改不清而造成结账错误或者后厨下单错误。 6、体现餐厅顾客至上的理念及不断创新的精神,提升餐厅形象,提升服务品质,给顾客一种全新的面貌,为餐厅制造额外的新卖点。 7、展示明了:菜肴信息海量存储,菜肴特色,消费状况一览无余,可根据客户要求修改操作语言 8、支持安卓(Android),IOS系统 9、安装简单,成本低廉,只要在终端安装上传菜品到服务器下载就可以访问,终端数量不限。 10、客人自助点菜,或由服务员点菜。(比传统菜谱点菜效率提高65%) 11、一站式无线网络传输,点菜信息及时传送到餐厅指定位置,如:厨房、酒吧台、收银台、降低人工成本。提高餐厅桌台或包间的开台率。 12、餐厅菜谱制作更简单,更换。增加。删除菜品信息方便自如。 13、结账及时准确,顾客点完菜即可查询到消费单。 14、餐厅推出特色菜肴更加容易,直接在电子菜谱上直观面对顾客。 15、时尚电子产品,顶级使用效果,提高酒店档次。 简单点点电子菜谱:
STM STUDIO SUPPLIES 是一家位于悉尼(澳大利亚)的建材和设计供应商。经过八年的努力,我们已经从初出茅庐演变成一家为艺术家和爱好者提供舞蹈场馆, 设备,器件以及场地的领军者。从今年开始,我们把更多目光集中于亚洲市场(主要为中国市场),为此我们开设了面向中国客户的电商网站和阿里巴巴交易账户。 工作内容: 1. 响应中国客户的电子邮件,电话 2. 协助我们在中国地区的采购及销售 3. 翻译英文产品信息 详情请查看附件
...视频聊天; 3、要求操作简单,点击“通话”功能按钮即可实现通讯; 4、由于即时通讯双方可能位置很远,因此必须经过互联网传输,需要中转服务器进行语音媒体的中转。中转服务器可以采用成熟的第三方软件或者协议,但是在项目完成后可以交付给我们; 5、发送方网络的最低可能是ADSL 2M。但是延时不能超过1S; 6、语音质量要高,不能有杂音、回音等问题,需要可以用于商业行为的那种; 7、需要有可供调用的组件和调用方法,我公司可通过调用方法进行上层功能的开发; 8、需要提供所有源代码和演示版本(演示版本的运行平台包括android、IOS),以及可交付的中转服务器; 9、并不需要完整的语音通讯软件,只需要能够实现语音传送、播放的功能模块即可。 10、演示内容:A用户点击“通话”按钮,中转服务器可通过设置好的IP地址,找到B用户,并发送通话请求。B用户接受请求后,双方可以进行通话。 11、你可以采用第三方组件,例如SIP,但是需要告诉我们是哪家的,效果如何。因为考虑到我国网络问题,所以建议是自己搭建服务器。 12、我们已经开发的软件可以在安卓、苹果商店找到,叫IEMAKER,通过安卓盒子,可以实现直播,但是目前还不能实现声音直播,因此,需要开发这个模块,用于该软件。
制作一款虚拟币,名字:finercoin 简称fic区块时间:1分钟 难度调节:每区块 标准股息:1%/年 最小交易费:0.0001FIC 交易费支付给矿工 交易确认:10,成熟确认:500 最小股龄:8小时,数量无最大无限制 算法:scrypt 区块奖励:10000FIC,没有减半 最大数量:1000(该区块后,将不接受POW,只接受POS股息产生)
...网站页面基本完工后,需要在评分网站测试, 评分在80分左右为宜. 5. 网站后台支持英文控制面板,方便日后我司找阿三做SEO. 6. 网站需要支持多语言版本,基本支持语言如下: 英语, 法语, 西班牙语, 俄语, 葡萄牙语,阿拉伯语. 要求每种语言建立单独的数据库, 版面导航之类的翻译有我司提供.. 各个小语种页面不能出现另外的语言( 假如代码是贵司自己编写,这些要求不难实现) 所有小语种数据库链接地址为二级域名 例如 , , 7. 提供完整的sitemap,便于搜索引擎收录, 8. 网页顶部支持关键词编写 9. 网页底部支持自行添加内容和图片链接 10. 页面内所有连接指向地址全部可以自行编辑 11. 产品页面图片展示方式以相册为宜, 点击单个图片在本页面内放大, 而不是跳转到新的标签或者页面 12. 支持多媒体(视频/音频)文件上传,产品页面支持视频上传,或者支持youtube视频在网页内部播放 13. 网站banner数量自定义 14. 反馈页面所需访问者填写内容可以自定义 15. 支持访问者注册并提交邮箱. 16. 网站首页有企业邮局跳转按钮 17. 网站首页某个部位有社交网站的连接,所包含社交网站可以自定义(主要是国外社交网站) 以上所有事宜,请核准后给我司报价格。 不需要中文页面 可参考网站:
...网站页面基本完工后,需要在评分网站测试, 评分在80分左右为宜. 5. 网站后台支持英文控制面板,方便日后我司找阿三做SEO. 6. 网站需要支持多语言版本,基本支持语言如下: 英语, 法语, 西班牙语, 俄语, 葡萄牙语,阿拉伯语. 要求每种语言建立单独的数据库, 版面导航之类的翻译有我司提供.. 各个小语种页面不能出现另外的语言( 假如代码是贵司自己编写,这些要求不难实现) 所有小语种数据库链接地址为二级域名 例如 , , 7. 提供完整的sitemap,便于搜索引擎收录, 8. 网页顶部支持关键词编写 9. 网页底部支持自行添加内容和图片链接 10. 页面内所有连接指向地址全部可以自行编辑 11. 产品页面图片展示方式以相册为宜, 点击单个图片在本页面内放大, 而不是跳转到新的标签或者页面 12. 支持多媒体(视频/音频)文件上传,产品页面支持视频上传,或者支持youtube视频在网页内部播放 13. 网站banner数量自定义 14. 反馈页面所需访问者填写内容可以自定义 15. 支持访问者注册并提交邮箱. 16. 网站首页有企业邮局跳转按钮 17. 网站首页某个部位有社交网站的连接,所包含社交网站可以自定义(主要是国外社交网站) 以上所有事宜,请核准后给我司报价格。 不需要中文页面 可参考网站:
制作一款虚拟币,名字:finercoin 简称fic区块时间:1分钟 难度调节:每区块 标准股息:1%/年 最小交易费:0.0001FIC 交易费支付给矿工 交易确认:10,成熟确认:500 最小股龄:8小时,数量无最大无限制 算法:scrypt 区块奖励:10000FIC,没有减半 最大数量:1000(该区块后,将不接受POW,只接受POS股息产生)
...assignment requirement and let us know if you can do. Please answer following question before bid for the task 1. How long you can finish the assignment? Please tell us your fastest period as possible 2. What is your skype id, email and contact no? We need it for better communication purpose 3. Briefly tell us in one sentence what is our assignment requirement? We need to know if you are genuine contractor 4. What is the main challenges/ problems in completing this assignment? 5. From scale 1 to 10, how would you rate your writing skills in chinese? please noted that contractor that bid without answering the above questions will be disqualified if not have lesser chance to get the job 论文计划书要求 请选择其中一个题目(只能选红色的题...
... -研究设计Rekabentuk kajian -采样(研究对象)Persampelan -研究工具Instrument kajian -数据分析(描述性)Analisis data (deskriptif) -小结Rumusan 基本要求: 1. 参考文献:至少20项,需包含2000年以上的文献。 2. 字数:至少5000字(第一章 2000字,第二章2000字,第三章1000字),不包含参考 文献及附录部分。 3. 写作格式: 1. Font Format (times new roman, size 12) 2. Font spacing 2.0 (double spacing) 3. margin 1.5 inch 4. Format APA edisi ke-6 5. You need to submit in word format You can choose either one of the following topic: 1. 以直观演示法提高五年级学生应用规范动词的能力 2. 华文趣味教学法以提升四年级学生的成语应用能力 3. 信息通讯技术在教学中有效提高三年级学生掌握词汇量以提升阅读能力 4. 以直观演示法减少五年级学生作文中的词类误用
项目内容: 1、公司LOGO设计,2、名片设计。 可延伸服务: VI设计、店面更新设计。 酬金:后继视本次服务另议 泰德通信有限公司 (Tedcom) 是一家以手机为主的数码产品零售公司,专注服务于住在小区及本地社区中高收入人群,提供电子数码产品最新使用技巧、产品资讯及配件服务。成立以来已经迅速扩展到12家门店后,跨上一个新的台阶,与中国电信公司深度合作成为市级连锁中介,可以受理产品包括宽带、移动号码暴力及周边配件等等服务。 使命: 创造高效的家庭信息化服务 服务口号:5分钟数码便捷服务中心 价值观: TED (科技、娱乐、设计感) 设计要求:整体感强,立体,辨识度高,视觉冲击突出。 门店设计颜色配搭见附件1 (白色底,绿色主,玫红色)
目前市场上有几个比较常见的hdmi的视频采集卡,比如天敏HDV3000E或者时立HD720A等,这些卡都支持directShow。但我们自己写的directShow的采集软件,都只能获取到他们的视频信号,不能获取到音频信号。希望能编写软件,支持这类hdmi采集卡的音频、视频数据的获取。可以只是内存数据,或者存成文件。并尽量音视频同步。 要求是Visual Studio , C++开发。 期待您的联系!
目前市场上有几个比较常见的hdmi的视频采集卡,比如天敏HDV3000E或者时立HD720A等,这些卡都支持directShow。但我们自己写的directShow的采集软件,都只能获取到他们的视频信号,不能获取到音频信号。希望能编写软件,支持这类hdmi采集卡的音频、视频数据的获取。可以只是内存数据,或者存成文件。并尽量音视频同步。 要求是Visual Studio , C++开发。 期待您的联系!
Check out: You see the following phrases: 缘分是前世感情的延续, 缘分是今世的擦肩而过。 缘分是前世不变的誓言, 缘分是今生痛苦的约定。 缘分是一次机遇的把握, 缘分是一种爱慕的流逝。 缘分是相遇时美好梦想, 缘分是别离后苦涩回忆 I need 500 10-12 word phrases on 缘分.
需要一位热衷 Arduino、电子设计的玩家创客帮忙介绍一个拇指般大小 32 位 Arduino 兼容开发板给中国的玩家. 这小小 38mmx18mm 的开发板功能含: 100MHz 32bit RISC / FPU + 1MByte Flash + 212KByte RAM + 2 UART + 2 SPI + 1 PWM + 17 GPIO + GPS 接收器. 售价 $12 (不含 GPS 有源天线). 性价比远超越在群众募资网站 Kickstart上能看到的任何 Arduino 相关开发板 (Digispark, Microduino, Tinyduino, Galago, Teensy 3.0...). 目标是 10 天内帮 NavSpark 活动增加 250 位中国区的支持赞助者, $500 做酬劳, 超过或不及都照比例计算. 例如: 增加 200 位中国区支持赞助者则以 US$400 做酬劳, 1000 位则以 US$2000 做酬劳. NavSpark 活动网址:
... 参照广告语:天波矿泉水,健康每一刻 深山矿泉,滴滴珍藏 好水不多,我喝天波 矿泉水概要:纯天然有机偏硅酸型矿泉水, 天然弱碱性水 水质主要成分(毫克/升) 偏硅酸H2SiO2 ≧30.32 钙Ca2+ ≧4.05 镁Mg2+ ≧ 0.68 钾K+ ≧0.80 锶Sr ≧0.019 锌Zn ≧ 0.003 硒Se ﹤0.002 纳Na+ ≧5.00 锂Li﹤0.01 可溶性总固体≧55.11 PH值 7.2±0.5 水质介绍:天波优质天然矿泉水水源处于赣西九龄山脉地层深处,富含多种人体必需的微量元素,,属低钠低矿化度偏硅酸型矿泉水,可帮助调节人体PH值及内部微循环。 专家建议:健康饮水,首选偏硅酸型天然矿泉水。偏硅酸对人体皮肤骨骼、心脑血管有良好的保健作用,能促进骨骼和牙齿生长发育,防止骨质疏松,被誉为人体“软黄金”。 注意事项:开盖后请在12个小时内饮用完 国家标准号:GB8537-1995 鉴定文号:国土资矿水发[1998]05号 卫生许可号:奉卫食字(2003)第396号 食品标签备案认可号:360921-232 深圳市网通电子商务有限公司出品 厂址(水源地):江西奉新上富白源 客服电话:400 8825 365 生产日期:见瓶身(盖) 保质期:十二个月 其它元素:条形码,食品生产许可证标签
制作次时代实时的3D游戏引擎中使用的3D物体、场景的模型和贴图。 资历: 游戏行业从业5年 专科以上学历(艺术类相关专业)或艺术类相关院校毕业(包括建筑设计,工业设计,纺织/时装设计等)。 精通2D设计、绘画、制图等。 熟练掌握以下至少一种3D软件 (3D Studio Max, Maya, Softimage等)。 深入了解游戏,并且热衷于游戏制作。
I’m looking for a team of skilled writers to help develop a compelling outline for a film I’m working on. I want this story to be an intense, emotional roller coaster packed with unexpected twists, deeply layered character arcs, tearjerking moments, and genuinely terrifying sequences. The goal is to create a gripping, high-stakes thriller that keeps audiences on edge. Synopsis: A visionary tech billionaire invites five struggling couples each on the brink of divorce to participate in a revolutionary game experiment designed to save their relationships. The incentive? A $5 million prize for the winning couple. Promised a chance to heal and reconnec...
I must do a web application in wordpress. It must have a landing page stile, the payment of service, so creation of account, login and payment. It must have a form plugin to do questionnaire. At th eend of the questionnaire the AI must show a report baed on answers. The web must have a form plugin jotform) The job to do: make the landing pages with information of service, add the buy page of service using table price and direct ckeckout (you can use woocommerce); add jotform; integrate the questionnaire of jotform and the answer with AI to create the authomatic report. The questions of jotform and the answer of jotform must be saved inside my mysql database. So it is necessary use a plugin to create the t...
I'm looking for a professional to help with the integration of optocouplers and optoisolators in my consumer electronics project. Key Requirements: - Utilization of Transistor and Photovoltaic Output Optoisolators to perform voltage level shifting. - Handling of a voltage range from 12 to 24 volts. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with consumer electronics design. - In-depth knowledge of signal isolation components and their applications. - Proficient in managing and designing with voltage level shifting components. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed, and indicate how you would approach this task.
Here’s a concise summary for the mobile application tender for a printing company: --- ### **Mobile Application Tender for Printing Company** **Objective:** Develop a mobile app for iOS and Android that enhances customer interaction, simplifies order processing, and supports the printing company’s business operations. **Key Features:** - **User Accounts & Order Management:** Registration, order tracking, and secure file uploads for printing jobs. - **Product Catalog & Price Calculator:** Display customizable print products and provide cost estimates. - **Payment & Support:** Secure payment options, customer support chat, and push notifications for order updates. - **Admin Dashboard:** For managing orders, inventory, and customer inquiries....
I'm looking for a PowerBI report that compares the financial results of my 12 outlets against their targets. The metrics to be compared are Revenue, Expenses, and Profit Margin. Key Requirements: - The report should be user-friendly, allowing me to import the data on a monthly basis. - No historical data trends are required, just the current month's data compared against the targets. - Include a summary dashboard that highlights key metrics at a glance. - Provide interactive filters that allow viewing specific outlets or metrics easily. - Utilize visual charts such as bar graphs or pie charts for better data comprehension. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PowerBI - Strong understanding of financial metrics - Experience in...
looking for a content in designing an Pacific Quest Games for an ebay logo needs to have the initals PQG
...app is to serve as a comprehensive dealer/installer toolkit for a custom boat lift controller. Project Overview I have a custom Boat Lift Controller (Arduino/AVR-based) that communicates over USB-to-serial. I need an Android app (for phone/tablet with OTG) to serve as a Dealer/Installer Toolkit, providing: Full configuration (all settings, e.g., limit switches, motors, etc.) Setup Wizard (mandatory) with GUI screens guiding through each step of device setup. Control (move the lift up/down, set presets, toggle AUX lines, etc.) Monitoring (real-time serial terminal for manual commands, logs, etc.). Firmware Updates over USB for both the main controller and a sidekick microcontroller board. The final app must replace the need for ...
Hi Craig. I will design 12 Social Media Banners for your business and will provide all the editable files as well with all the revisions included.
I'm seeking 12 testers finish the google play closed test phase for 14 days continuously - bidders should already done this before and know the full process - bidders should have real android devices - price is fixed 20 USD steps 1- winner bid should send an email list of 12 testers names 2- this email list will be added to the project on google play console 3- wait until google play review the application and provides link to download the application 4- testers will start the process of review and test the application for 14 days continuously without missing any day (this is very important, failing to do this means google will force us to start again and i will reject the work and no money will be released) 5- after the end of the 14 days,...
I'm seeking a talented Roblox developer focused on building and modeling. The primary requirement is to create realistic structures and environments within Roblox. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in Roblox Studio - Strong understanding of realistic design principles - Prior experience in building and modeling for Roblox - Ability to create detailed and immersive environments
I need a 50-page research paper focusing on the benefits of inclusive classrooms for students with disabilities, specifically in elementary schools. The paper should heavily incorporate case studies as sources, demonstrating real-world examples and outcomes. Key Requirements: - In-depth exploration of how inclusive classrooms can positively impact students with disabilities in elementary education. - Extensive use of case studies to provide concrete evidence and examples. - Clear, academic writing suitable for a research paper. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in educational research, particularly in inclusive education and special needs. - Experience with case study analysis and interpretation. - Excellent ac...
I need a reliable and experienced Shopify developer to automate my wine club membership system on my Shopify store. This is a crucial part of my business and needs to be executed flawlessly. Key Requirements: - Implement a system for new customers to select either a monthly or quarterly wine club membership. - Allow customers to choose from 2 to 6 or 12 bottles for their membership. - Ensure the selected items go into the cart, with the total being adjusted for the applicable wine club discount (a percentage off the total purchase). - Create a mechanism for new customers to be added to an ongoing database for future wine club shipments. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with...
...experienced voice-over artist to narrate my Christian book (approx. 100,000 words / 400 pages) into a captivating audiobook. The voice should be calm and soothing, suitable for faith-based content. Requirements: - Proven experience in audiobook narration, preferably within Christian or non-fiction genres - Access to a high-quality recording setup to ensure studio-quality audio - Clear and articulate pronunciation - Ability to provide the final product in MP3 or WAV format, ready for distribution Deliverables: - A fully edited and mastered audiobook, handled entirely by the narrator - Audio divided into chapters, with appropriate pacing and clarity - Willingness to revise if needed for accuracy Please includ...
...looking to modify our WooCommerce checkout to accommodate our shipping label generation service. We need a skilled developer who can handle the following tasks and deliver by Monday (3 days from now, including this weekend). We’re willing to pay for quality work, and we want someone who will truly commit to the project rather than just requesting a milestone. Project Requirements: Sender’s Address Section: Country (selectable from: Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg) Address Line 1 Apartment (or additional address info) ZIP/Postal Code City Phone Email Recipient’s Address Section: Same fields as Sender’s Address (Country with the same options, Address Line 1, Apartment, ZIP/Postal Code, City, Phone, Em...
necesitamos generar automatizacion en el area de comunicaciones con el cliente de nuestra verduleria virtua, principalmente la POSTVENTA. Necesitamos mejorar los tiempos de respuesta y la solucion oportuna.
Accept this quote and hire me for this project. Urgent task, 12 hours of deadline. Thank You
I'm in need of a talented songwriter who can compose songs in the Trap and Rap genres. The songs should have an inspirational theme. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in songwriting, particularly in Trap and Rap - Ability to write inspirational lyrics - Creativity and originality - Understanding of the Trap and Rap music structure and rhythms
El proyecto es por el motivo de la adquisición de equipos de computo con muy buena capacidad por parte del instituto de las juventudes municipal, se requiere de personas que puedan desarrollar un plan de estudios para jóvenes de entre 12 y 29 años del municipio en los temas de arte digital y desarrollo de videojuegos principalmente
I'm looking for a skilled designer to create a set of 3D, bright and vivid, realistic icons for various categories. The icons need to be delivered with a transparent background. Icon List: 1. Italian food 2. Mexican food 3. Breakfast 4. Grocery 5. Alcohol 6. Snacks 7. Weed 8. Pizza 9. Fast Food 10. Seafood 11. Pharmacy 12. Flowers 13. Personal Care 14. Electronics 15. Clothes 16. Beauty 17. Household Items 18. Beauty 19. Jamaican Food 20. Auto Parts 21. Asian food Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D design software - Experience in creating icons - Understanding of color theory - Ability to deliver high-quality designs on a transparent background
Description: I am looking for someone who can run a quick tender process to find and shortlist 10-12 drivers with cars for a 4-day trip in Malaysia from Saturday to Tuesday. Job Scope: • You will NOT be the driver—your job is to search, contact, and I do the negotiation with the drivers. • Find and shortlist 10-12 drivers who are available and meet my requirements. • Deliver a list of driver options with names, contact details, pricing, and vehicle details. Trip Details: • Start Location: Penang • Route: Penang → Kuala Lumpur → Johor Bahru • Duration: Saturday to Tuesday (4 days) • Budget: Looking for the cheapest options available. • Language: English is NOT a...
I'm in need of a talented individual to capture both photos and videos of cars related details and role will also involve editing these clips and images to create a dramatic and cinematic final product. Key Requirements: - Own high-quality shooting and editing equipment (DSLR or mirrorless cameras, Laptop, wide-angle lenses, drones, etc.) - Proven experience in car photography and videography - Exceptional editing skills - Passionate freelancer or college student, ideally based in Ambala or nearby, able to come to the studio daily Please submit your portfolio or sample work if you fit this description and are interested. I look forward to collaborating with a creative professional!
Hey, im working on a c++ gameserver and i reworked all my files to protocol buffer All my systems worked fine. Now i just get an crash, i was able to identificate it but i dont know how to solve. Im looking for someone which have the needed tasks in c++ and well known in protocol buffers to solve it. Aswell i have an old copy with reference to take a look over if need. Im glad if anyone can help me.
I have a form I created inAdobe Illustrator and saved as a PDF file. I need to make it fillable. I began doing it, but am having trouble organizing it so the tab function runs through the fields in order. See attached.
I'm looking for a professional web developer with extensive experience in Wix Studio. The project entails creating an Admin Dashboard for my e-commerce site, focused primarily on product management and sales analytics. Here's a breakdown of the key components: Product Management: - The ability to add, edit, and delete products - Product categorization Analytics: - The dashboard should include sales reports User Roles: - Access control for Admin, Manager, and Staff The ideal candidate should have a strong background in e-commerce platform development, specifically with Wix, and should be proficient in creating user-friendly interfaces with robust back-end support. Prior experience with product management systems and s...
Need a freelancer who can make Video Platform like you tube (For College Project) using MERN Stack Programming Language.
I'm in need of a skilled Android app developer to create a mobile-based social networking app. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a user-friendly and engaging Android social networking app. - Ensure the app is compatible with a range of Android devices. - Implement features typical of social networking apps, such as user profiles, friend requests, messaging systems, and news feeds. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Android app development, particularly for social networking platforms. - Strong knowledge of UX/UI principles for mobile applications. - Excellent understanding of the Android SDK and Android Studio. - Ability to deliver on time and to a high standard. Please, include...
I need assistance with resizing and converting 9 JPEG images. Th...with resizing and converting 9 JPEG images. The final dimensions should be 12 inches wide and 6 inches high, maintaining the original aspect ratio. I am not looking to pay a lot, this is a really quick project for someone who knows how to use photoshop (so not me!). I need someone who can do this IN THE NEXT HOUR since i need to go print it! Key Requirements: - Resize images to specified dimensions whilst preserving original aspect ratio - Convert images into PDF format Quality Control: - Maintain original image quality throughout the resizing and conversion process - No color or brightness adjustments needed Ideal Skills: - Proficient in image editin...
I need assistance with resizing and converting 9 JPEG images. Th...with resizing and converting 9 JPEG images. The final dimensions should be 12 inches wide and 6 inches high, maintaining the original aspect ratio. I am not looking to pay a lot, this is a really quick project for someone who knows how to use photoshop (so not me!). I need someone who can do this IN THE NEXT HOUR since i need to go print it! Key Requirements: - Resize images to specified dimensions whilst preserving original aspect ratio - Convert images into PDF format Quality Control: - Maintain original image quality throughout the resizing and conversion process - No color or brightness adjustments needed Ideal Skills: - Proficient in image editin...
I'm looking for a skilled writer with a strong understanding of SEO to craft 30 articles about cryptocurrency and water filtration. The target audience for these pieces is the general public, with the aim of educating them about this complex and exciting field. Each article should be between 700-1000 words. Each article must contain three references from authoritative links that rank on Google, while reference overlap is allowed, each article should contain unique links. No personal language, written in an educational tone. SEO Keyword topics are: 1- water filter wrench 2- glass water filter pitcher 3- camping water filter 4- water filter installation 5-glass water filter 6- activated carbon water filter 7- lead water filter 8- counter top water filter 9-...
We will update the content across three pages. ( Shockwave therapy, Dry Needling and Pelvic Floor ) Also change the image for Pelvic Floor.
I'm seeking an expert in Google Lookerstudio to help me build a performance tracking dashboard. This dashboard should help in tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The project requires: - Extensive experience with Google Lookerstudio (absolutely required) - Extensive experience with Jira (absolutely required) - Ability to provide clear, step-by-step instructions - Proficiency in integrating and manipulating data from Googlesheet and Jira - Understanding of performance tracking and KPI metrics Due to confidentiality concerns, all work will be conducted over a video call. I will execute the instructions you provide in real time. Payment will be hourly based on the time taken to complete the dashboar...
I'm looking for an architect who can transform a residential property into a new layout space with part of it being commercial. The commercial section will primarily be a showroom and content and event studio. Key Requirements: - Design a residential property with a showroom area - Ensure the design meets all necessary building codes and regulations - Create plans that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in both residential and commercial architectural design - Strong understanding of building codes and regulations - Excellent design skills with a portfolio of visually appealing work