Development Requirements Document 1. Project Overview This project aims to extend and optimize the functionality of the existing system, with a focus on improving user experience, security, subscription services, payment integration, and management capabilities. The goal is to develop a versatile and flexible AI API platform that ensures system stability, efficiency, and security. Website: 2. Development Features Overview 2.1 Bug Fixes Add a fix for the logo redirection bug: Correct the error where the logo does not redirect properly, ensuring normal navigation to the homepage or the specified page. Add a check for all code bugs: Conduct a thorough code review, identify and fix all potential issues, ensuring logical correctness and stable operation of the code. 2....
Due to the business needs of the company, we are now looking for part-time interpreters in Japanese, Russian, Spanish and French related to medicine Requirements: 1. At least 3 years translation experience in related industry; 2. The daily translation volume is stable at more than 3000 words; 3. Proficient in using CAT tools such as Trados/MemoQ and Xbench; 4. Take a test translation of about 300 words.
需要一位中文交流无障碍的精通c语言和c++软件工程师, 能编程木马,木马能过国内各种杀毒软件,还有能搭建后台配合木马的选手 木马能实现远程观察到对方电脑,还能远程操控对方电脑 能来出国,包吃包住,薪资10000~30000不等,看你有多少能力, 薪资还可以谈,只要你觉得你有能力
感谢你对我们这个项目敢兴趣! 我们需要拍20个开箱和评测视频【拍摄和发布】 出境模特:欧美(为主)& 非洲面孔;说英语(为主)或其他小语种 视频时长:1-3分钟 产品:Blucalm AI Mic noise-canceling adapter 视频类型:中文的视频样片 %E6%B6%88%E5%99%AA%E5%AE%9D?publish_time=0&sort_type=0&source=switch_tab&type=video 样品: 如果你在海外,我们会邮寄5-8个的样品给你,用于视频拍摄。 如果你是在中国的海外留学生,我们将邮寄给你或者在中国的其他城市的你的朋友,他们可以帮忙拍摄视频。 发布平台:Youtube, TikTok, Instagram 同步投放 粉丝量:1000-5000(15个);10000-30000(5个) 垂直度:没有要求,如果是10000-30000的希望他是数码科技领域的 如果你只能完成视频拍摄,KOL/KOC合作, 你自己只能完成一个视频的拍摄和平台投放,都可以私信我,说出你能完成哪一部分的内容。当然如果你能接整个项目,将是我们的最佳选择。
投标前请务必仔细阅读以下的内容, 并且附上 100 字左右的中文个人简介。 【 工作要求 】 我们已经有一套既定的文案模式, 是透过全面市场分析后所拟定的, 只要跟着我们的步骤和指示完成文案就好。 在写作上,你并不需要十分精通中文, 更不需要天花乱坠的用词, 只需要擅长写广告,文笔简单直白、富有创意, 即使是同一个产品,也懂得用上万种的题材切入,吸引客户的目光,领导他们阅读文案。 【 酬劳 】 我们的酬劳将在彼此取得一定的信任和合作默契以后提高至 35% - 50%, 目前 10,000 字是 10 美元,分为 10 个篇幅,每篇幅度只需 1,000 字左右。 每周至少需要 30 篇,多劳多得。 如果你具备这些要求,也接纳目前的酬劳数额,欢迎随时投标,谢谢。
嗨 Worldtranslator, 我想要邀请您来完成我的项目。更多细节我们可以稍后通过聊天交流。
I am looking for Chinese translator. I have book social science book with 250,000 words. You have to pass simple test. Sample text: “在这一阶段,改革的指导思想是“科学技术要面向经济建设,经济建设要依靠科学技术”。政策走向是“堵死一头,网开一面”,即改革拨款制度,针对不同类型的科研工作,采用不同的拨款方式,以解决一切科研工作都靠国家拨款的问题。对于主要从事基础研究的机构,在保证基本事业费的同时,试行科学基金制,通过同行评议、择优支持发放基金。对以开发为主的研究院所、科研工作,逐步削减事业费,鼓励其面向经济建设的主战场。 (3)调整与渐进:1992~1998年。这一阶段以邓小平南方谈话为标志,中国经济体制开始迈入社会主义市场经济新阶段。科技体制改革的指导思想调整为“面向”“依靠”“攀高峰”,科学技术不仅要面向经济建设,而且要攀登科学技术高峰。主要政策走向也相应调整为“稳住一头、放开一片”,希望稳住基础研究工作和相应的科技人员队伍,同时放开面向社会,面向经济建设这一方面,分流人才,调整结构,推进科技经济一体化的发展。” thanks
Need translation of a Chinese Handbook into English. No. of pages 23. word count. 10000 approx Sample Text: 新录用的员工从聘用之日起,需经过劳动合同中约定的试用期。 劳动合同一年以上不满三年的,试用期为两个月。 劳动合同三年以上或无固定期限的,试用期为六个月 试用期结束前,员工的主管或经理将对其表现进行评估,并对其是否符合录用条件作出决定。 正常情况下,试用期结束后,工资将不作调整。
我们需要一位有基督教背景的Free Lancer帮忙抄錄錄影。 不需要time stamp,每一video大概50-60分钟。 希望找个可以长期工作。
Long term TaiWan native customer phone call service 长期合作,招一个有责任心和耐心的台湾本地人做兼职电话客服,待遇详谈
Long term TaiWan native customer phone call service 长期合作,招一个有责任心和耐心的台湾本地人做兼职电话客服,待遇详谈
A school course introduction concerning smart city, entrepreneurship and extra. Need to be done in three days. Sample: 我们所收集到的需求内容涉及范围较广且类型多样。从基本需求类型来划分,包括客户数据分析、新城与地区设计、新科技的应用、城市发展规划、政府政策分析及产业发展研究等。从研究层面来划分,包含了产业层面、城市层面及地块层面等。从涉及领域来划分,包含空间中人的数据收集、集成和分析、能源、智能交通、建造技术、物业管理及城市研究类等。
香港翻译公司招收全职SOHO中文网络小说中翻英译员 请登录网站了解本公司 (香港工商注册号:63547843-000-07-14-6)。 本公司与网站有长期合作关系,现在需招收4-6名全职网络小说译员 1. 网络小说译员是一项全职SOHO工作,在家上班。我们只招收对中文小说翻译真正感兴趣,希望以此作为稳定职业的译员。 2. 工作性质:将著名中文网络小说,包括: 历史,仙侠,修真类等,翻译成英文版本。 3. 翻译速度要求:每天至少翻译4000中字。多翻多计稿酬。 4. 翻译质量要求:可采取机器翻译+人工编译或人工直接翻译的形式。方式不限,但交付译文的质量要求一致:英语语法native或者near-native水平,行文流畅,没有重大错译漏译。 5. 原则上每天交稿。如果需要外出,当月需要及时补交工作量要求的章节。 6. 工资标准为6000人民币/月,也可外币结算。上不封顶。 7. 稿费支付方式:每月结算,直接打入译员账号。 有意者,请提供简历、自己翻译的中翻英样稿发送到: minlingua@, 我们会筛选简历以后安排测试。 因为项目内容为三百万字的网络小说,而且后续还有长期合作,所以测试字数为1000字。这是书稿翻译的行规以及客户的要求。如果测试通过,双方签订合作合同,该试译会计算稿酬。非骗译! 以下译员请勿投送简历: 没有职业转型计划或者不打算将网络小说翻译当全职工作; 英语水平一般,没有专业英语背景。 本广告绝对真实,这段时间都有效,欢迎扩散!推荐成功有referral fee!
1、需要.NET SCATTER图形控件(WPF优先,实在不行可以用WINFORM) ,不限制是自己写的还是第三方的。 2、基本效果如图。 3、控件数据源是不超过20组数组,都是画点。点的信息包含:X(double),Y(double),TAG(object) 4、点的大小可以设置。 5、每组数据源画的点颜色可以设置。 6、数据源是可以动态追加、删除的,并且会直接反映了图形改变。如数据源添加5个点,图形就会多5个点。 7、图形的宽度(指的是X范围)、左边界可以设置。如宽2000,,左150,右就是2149就是说可以显示,X>=150<=2149的点。 8、Y范围也可以设置。 9、每组数据源缓存10000点,超过自动丢弃。 10、黄色竖线为最后点画的位置。 11、其他的横线为参考线,做成可以动态设置的。 1)横线的Y可以设置,宽带就是满屏不需要改。 2)横线的颜色,是否为虚线要能设置。 12、需要源代码,如用到第3方控件 ,需要没有使用限制。
寻找在中国工作生活的中德,德中翻译的translator, 经常在线,方便交流。 我们这边的项目有些是文档的翻译,有些是需要及时的回复的1-2句德文的翻译,所以希望你经常在线,然后可以做这种短时间一句话的翻译,我们可以一次支付你一定的money,可以每周结算一次。 长期有项目,不会做几次就没活了。符合条件的,请联系我。谢谢
我们是一家德国进出口公司,我们正在寻找有才华的销售人 ! 我们可以得到大量德国爱他美。 你要得到的佣金为每销售! 销售值:5000欧元 - 佣金:100欧元 (ca. 740 人民币) 销售值:10000欧元 - 佣金:250欧元 (ca. 1800 人民币) 长期合同和更大的佣金是可能的。
寻一名精通葡萄牙语的中国人做韩语校对; 1. 精通韩语,英语的中国人 2.熟悉App 程序语言的翻译规则 3. 500字以内 我们做的是一款相机App, 已经找韩语翻译了,但是翻译是参照英文翻译的,我们担心有的翻译者理解有偏差,翻译内容不准确,希望你能参考中英文 来校对印尼语,保证翻译内容的地道和准确性,翻译内容参看截图,选中你后会给你密码进我们的系统做,满意的话可保持长期合作,一个月至少又一次这样的任务
寻一名精通韩语的中国人做韩语校对; 1. 精通韩语,英语的中国人 2.熟悉App 程序语言的翻译规则 3. 500字以内。可参看截图 我们做的是一款相机App, 已经找韩语翻译了,但是翻译是参照英文翻译的,我们担心有的翻译者理解有偏差,翻译内容不准确,希望你能参考中英文 来校对韩语,保证翻译内容的地道和准确性,翻译内容参看截图,选中你后会给你密码进我们的系统做,满意的话可保持长期合作,一个月至少又一次这样的任务
I want to put a few words in a video,I have already written,but I'm not sure ...does it read well and smoothly, observing the rules of grammar and punctuation?
我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作long-term graphic designing job'
/painting on the 5 meter long wall,in chinese restaurant
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'200 words summary( From patrick)'
可持續采捕 阿拉斯加海湾以清洁和未受污染的水域而闻名于世,而在这清澈的海水里经验丰富的潜水人员细心挑选每根海参。捕获后的海参会即时送到水面上切开,放干及存放好,预备送到认可的处理工场去。在码头上,第三方监察公司将产品量重,并从其个人配额中扣除此总数,从而确保在任何既定的区域内没有过度采捕。沸水,脱水处理后的海参再进行日光干燥,即制成淡干海参。整个处理过程受到严密监察,确保每个步骤都符合最高管理标准的要求。 季节 为期八周的采捕季节由每年十月开始,但大部分的采捕会在首四个星期内完成。选定年中这时段是为求掌握海参肌肉及表皮的最高质量和复原期。
现有一个翻译文件,字数在223字,需从英语翻译成捷克语,主要是用在电子商务的网站上,所以质量要求比较高,不能出现一些低级的错误,不然会取消付款,在翻译中需将英语替换成捷克语。 We have a translation project for a document (223 words) that needs to be translated from English to Czech. It will be used on an online business website, hence we need the quality to be high, and free of errors. We will not release payment if there are errors in translation.
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Translate English to German (no more than 350 words)'
我们寻找有志愿的人,您只要是18-28岁都不是问题,有梦想才有动力,有动力才有光亮。那么Edufly学院给了您一个希望,那就是能让您慢慢的接触更多有关空姐空少的故事以及全部知识,除此之外还能够让您接触全世界的文化与美景。不但这样,对于空姐空少的薪水必定在3500-10000千之间。 Edufly学院将会带给您一个很美好的学习环境,加上我们有40年以上的专业航空空中教导,他们是Malaysia Airlines, Jet Airways (India) and Oman Air (Sultanate of Oman) 最专业空中教练 Cabin Crew Trainer (CCT) SPM/STPM 以上的您,有兴趣,不妨试试联络我哦~ 010-2727967/ whatsapp / wechat
关于customer relationship management的 lolayty progamme. 有特定的4个问题(问题联系后提供,价格详谈),3000字的小论文。
We are looking for a Chinese proofreader to collaborate with. We need to proofread 30 pages of text in Chinese Simplified and 30 pages of text in Chinese Traditional. They are the descriptions of mobile applications. Here you can see the example of a description in Chinese and English languages:
A: 职位要求: 1、对中国文化有较深了解,知道胡同、京剧等中国特色文化; 2、语言基本功扎实,精通该中文与英文的转换; 3、对翻译行业有认同感,有高度的责任感和敬业精神; 4、有3年以上的翻译经验或担任过多年兼职翻译者优先; 5、薪资范围:10000-15000元/月;兼职薪资150-200元/千字中文; 6、工作地点:武汉、上海、广州、成都任选一城市均可;
我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Edit the report which has 7000 words'
主打:留言,人气,日志.说说,花藤,管家手机赞,公益永久,微博,嘿嘿,不加后悔死你 手机名片赞;1ooo个8元,50元1oooo个(付款秒赞,稳定日刷3oo-5oo赞)说说转2ooo次10元 赞2ooo次也是10 超低超速完成 人气1oo万80元,1ooo万500元 新品:8.0空间主页赞10快2000~20块10000效果看本空间 快刷留言1oooo需要十元 50=10万再送十万人气(日刷800-1000)全面提速咯 来单就刷相册访问5块1ooo访问 20快1oooo访问 还有各种空间低价业务 欢迎咨询! _老品牌 口碑好 值得信赖!50元加入代理低价拿货联系Qq:729371492 懂的来不懂的就别问了 品牌Qq:[729371492] 所有产品均有货,你还在等什么呢,赶快加QQ咨询联系购买吧! 相册信誉截图,用心做网络,相信我们没有错,总有你喜欢的,2013快快乐乐!热晒
I'm in need of a s...videos. The purpose of the video is educational, so it should be designed to clearly convey complex concepts in an engaging and accessible way. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with our team to understand the educational content that needs to be included in the video - Create an engaging animated explainer video that is suitable for an adult audience - Ensure the video is clear, informative, and visually appealing Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating animated explainer videos, especially for educational content - Strong understanding of how to tailor content for an adult audience - Excellent communication skills for collaborating on content - Proficiency in motion video software - Ability to de...
...a skilled and results-driven SEO optimizer to enhance our Fiverr gig’s visibility and performance. This is a long-term collaboration opportunity where you will earn a 3% commission on each order generated through your optimized efforts. Responsibilities: Conduct in-depth keyword research to target the right audience. Optimize gig titles, descriptions, tags, and metadata for maximum reach. Implement on-page and off-page SEO strategies. Monitor gig performance and suggest improvements for continued growth. Collaborate on content creation to align with SEO strategies. Requirements: Proven experience in SEO optimization, preferably for Fiverr gigs or similar platforms. Strong understanding of Fiverr’s search algorithm and ranking factors. Ability ...
I'm seeking a professional who can proofread my research paper and help publish it in SCI/SSCI journals. An ORCID is preferred.
I am in need of a seasoned Python programmer for ongoing web apps development projects. The ideal candidate should primarily focus on backend development, but full-stack capabilities will be highly regarded. Key Responsibilities: - Engaging in backend web development tasks - Potentially stepping into full-stack development roles - Integrating APIs as necessary Skills & Experience Required: - Extensive experience with Python, particularly in a web development context - Strong backend development skills - Full-stack development experience preferred - Proven experience with API integration
I am looking to immediately hire a web developer with excellent coding experience and knowledge. The selected candidate will have the ability to code both websites and apps. This will be a long term position with bonuses for each project that is completed. The first project will be a mobile app that needs to be developed for both iOS and Android platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in coding for both websites and mobile apps - Extensive experience in web development - Ability to code for both iOS and Android platforms - Familiarity with creating engaging and user-friendly mobile apps - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail
Need a native and experienced Thai translator for our long term project. Please bid only native bidders. No agencies or firma and not allow any google or machine translation. Budget: Depend on the quality. Deadline: Asap
I am seeking a professional proofreader for my historical fiction novel, which is 82,000 words long. The proofreading task will be primarily focused on basic spelling and grammar checks. There is no need for feedback on the overall structure and narrative flow of the novel. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Excellent command of English language - Proven experience in proofreading novels or similar literary work - Attention to detail Native English speakers only. I am purposely adding 5 misspelled words into the manuscript. Payment will not be made if any of these 5 are missed.
I'm looking for a professional to proofread and help publish my manuscript. The specific type of manuscript, word count, and style guidelines will be shared once we start the project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in proofreading and editing - Familiarity with various publishing platforms - Ability to adhere to specific style guidelines (APA, MLA, Chicago) - Experience with fiction, non-fiction, or academic manuscripts
I'm looking for a native Portuguese speaker to proofread a 499-word document. The purpose of the document is to be read and understood without any errors. Therefore, your keen eye for detail and understanding of the Portuguese language will be crucial.
7 Best Place for Breakfast in Christchurch - 2025 Updated List #1:- Little Poms cafe #2:- Under The Red Verandah #3:- Unknown Chapter Coffee Roasters #4:- Good Habit #5:- Hello Sunday #6:- LeBakermen Cafe & Bakery #7:- Foundation Cafe
Immediate Work! We are looking for an SEO specialist to optimize an already existing website. This is a long-term position, and the main goal is to improve organic search engine rankings and attract qualified traffic. Main Responsibilities: - Conduct an initial SEO audit of our website to identify areas for improvement. - Optimize existing content with relevant keywords aligned with project objectives. - Improve the technical performance of the site (loading speed, indexing, website architecture, etc.). - Design and implement link-building strategies to increase domain authority. - Analyze and report monthly on results achieved, including metrics such as traffic, CTR, and keyword rankings. - Research trends and keyword opportunities across various secto...
...videos Also be able to create videos from existing viral videos/sounds that relate to our niche Our Niche: Therapy needed in workplace with the goal of speaking gigs Rest for career focused women with the goal of women signing up for our classes Graphic Design Designing graphics in Canva based on detailed instructions. Ensuring the visuals align with the brand’s style, colors, and tone. Editing and creating images/videos as needed for social media or promotional campaigns. Sending follow-up emails to RSVPs and leads. Assisting with email campaign scheduling and updates. Ensuring emails are accurate, professional, and timely. LinkedIn Manager (B2B B2C leads/email list) Must know how to work sales navigator Add connections Keep profi...
I need an SEO expert for a business in Austria
I own a 1995 Tyrolean-style house with German plastered facade panels that I would like to keep for their decent insulation properties. The project involves: - Adding 10cm of exterior insulation and replacing the current cladding , which should be both maintenance-free and reasonably priced. The new cladding should reflect a traditional rustic style, but with a modern twist. - Shortening the downstairs balcony, which is over 3 meters wide and rarely used, and enhancing its appearance underneath the roof in the apartment below. - Providing a drawing or sketch of the proposed renovations. Key Requirements: - Strong understanding and experience in exterior home renovations. - Ability to mix styles creatively while keeping within a traditional rustic aesthetic. - Proficiency in...
- Review and edit the written comments for clarity and accuracy. - Locate and appropriately mark 36 locations on the map for Haryana state as...for Haryana state as per the given table. - Verify and correct the referencing in the "Interview Excerpts" section following APA 7th edition guidelines. - Format chapter headings and subheadings as 3.1, 3.2, etc., and 3.1.1, 3.1.2, etc., respectively. - Use distinct symbols on the map to differentiate between Boys' and Girls' Schools in Haryana. - Proofread for grammar, spelling, and style. - Improve sentence structure for better readability and coherence. - Add the necessary points and symbols to the map as required. - Address every request mentioned in the document. - Any other edit that ...