Task Objectives Create an extensive course on overseas social media operations, covering TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and advanced tools to improve efficiency. Comprehensive Course Framework (Extended Outline) Phase 1: Introduction to Social Media Platforms Overview of key platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Emerging platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimiza...
Task Objectives Create an extensive course on overseas social media operations, covering TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other relevant platforms. Deliver the course in the form of documents and videos, structured systematically. Cover platform introductions, account setup, operational strategies, monetization methods, content creation, traffic acquisition, paid promotions, and advanced tools to improve efficiency. Comprehensive Course Framework (Extended Outline) Phase 1: Introduction to Social Media Platforms Overview of key platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Emerging platforms (e.g., LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter) Characteristics and demographics of platform users Pros and cons of each platform for businesses and creators Account setup and optimiza...
岗位职责: 负责公司社交媒体、广告和营销内容的视频编辑和制作工作。 根据项目需求,进行视频剪辑、音效处理、特效添加及颜色校正等。 与内容创意团队紧密合作,确保视频内容符合品牌调性和视觉风格。 参与视频创意构思,提供专业的剪辑建议和创意想法。 持续跟进视频制作趋势,优化制作流程,提高视频质量。 职位要求: 熟练掌握视频剪辑软件(如Adobe Premiere Pro、Final Cut Pro、After Effects等)。 具有优秀的视频剪辑和后期制作能力,能够独立完成视频制作项目。 有社交媒体平台视频内容制作经验者优先(如Instagram、TikTok、YouTube等)。 良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神,能够快速理解和执行创意需求。 注重细节,具备良好的时间管理能力,能够在截止日期前交付高质量作品。
运营负责人岗位职责: 1.负责产品英文网海外社交媒体平台上(instagram/facebook/tiktok等)相关账号的日常运营,通过策划内容增加粉丝数量,保持粉丝活跃度; 2、负责从0-1通过媒体社群(telegram/facebook/tiktok、discord)搭建新增用户渠道 3、通过群组运营维系早期用户,捕捉用户反馈 4、负责运营各应用商店,与用户反馈; 5. 负责和海外头部网红,kol等达成流量合作 任职要求: 1、熟悉欧美社交文化,擅长在Facebook、Instagram、Pinterest、Twitter、YouTube、事件营销、视频营销等,熟悉通过互联网实现与国外的用户有效沟通和互动交流,善于把握和引导话题,吸引粉丝; 2、有海外红人合作经验优先; 3、本科以上学历,英语要求六级以上,专八或者雅思6.5以上优先,有海外背景优先; 4、热爱社交,了解欧美约会文化,如果是约会达人有加分。 5、热爱互联网,对社会化营销有高昂的激情,具有出色的独立思考能力和较强的执行力。 6、具备海外社交运营/推广经验者
感谢你对我们这个项目敢兴趣! 我们需要拍20个开箱和评测视频【拍摄和发布】 出境模特:欧美(为主)& 非洲面孔;说英语(为主)或其他小语种 视频时长:1-3分钟 产品:Blucalm AI Mic noise-canceling adapter 视频类型:中文的视频样片 %E6%B6%88%E5%99%AA%E5%AE%9D?publish_time=0&sort_type=0&source=switch_tab&type=video 样品: 如果你在海外,我们会邮寄5-8个的样品给你,用于视频拍摄。 如果你是在中国的海外留学生,我们将邮寄给你或者在中国的其他城市的你的朋友,他们可以帮忙拍摄视频。 发布平台:Youtube, TikTok, Instagram 同步投放 粉丝量:1000-5000(15个);10000-30000(5个) 垂直度:没有要求,如果是10000-30000的希望他是数码科技领域的 如果你只能完成视频拍摄,KOL/KOC合作, 你自己只能完成一个视频的拍摄和平台投放,都可以私信我,说出你能完成哪一部分的内容。当然如果你能接整个项目,将是我们的最佳选择。
我们是一家跨国贸易公司,在中国和美国都设有主体,主要在美国销售推广全球优质宠物品牌产品。现中国公司要求聘用人员包含但不限于: 1. 熟练掌握英文,有软文撰写经历。有小红书、pinterest、ins等平台网红从业经历者更佳。 2. 有赴美留学或居住经历,对于美国人习惯、喜好等有基本认知。ABC加分。 3. 喜欢宠物,能够善待宠物,自己养宠者更佳。
1.英语/法语翻译(预计2-3天) 目前已有部分界面支持双语言,最好是能截图说明哪里需更改,语言文案由店家提供 包含首页,产品列表页,产品详情页,登录,注册,购物车等 之前采用的是第三方多语言切换插件“Translation Lab”,这里的适配可能得多花点时间 不包含币种翻译,币种翻译由官方还是开发者自定义未知,能否实现未知,目前发现由店铺设置默认币种,并未提供动态切换币种的方式 官方不支持“组件名称”多语言版本,如果需要支持,需要额外扩展组件参数【不建议支持,就英文的就行,如产品只会填写一个title,并不会区别多语言】 2. instagram账号展示页,参考竞品实现(预计2天) 1)需新开发一个组件实现,组件参数包含:(预计0.5天) - 标题 - 副标题 - 多组图片+链接 - 底部按钮文字+链接 2)需要支持响应式/移动端(预计1天) 3)支持手动横向滚动,但是不支持滚动轮播(预计0.5天) 3. About us部分以图文形式呈现,且文字部分可翻译(预计1天) - 新开发组件,组件难易程度由以下疑问组成: 图文形式中的图片是否固定,是否固定4个未知 是否只需要支持多语言即可 4. logo可以插到主页任意位置,以及修改页脚的all rights reserved部分(预计1天) 1)【 logo可以插到主页任意位置】新开发一个组件,组件参数包含: - 图片 - 链接可选 2)页脚的all rights reserved部分需要支持切换英语/法语,语言由店家提供 5. 在任意板块上面可以添加悬浮文字(预计1天) 1)新开发组件,组件参数包含: - 支持自定义两张图片地址以及链接 - 支持自定义标题 2)需要支持响应式/移动端 6. 在网...
这是我的网站: 此网站使用shopify 搭建,1、需要调整优化网站,包括seo优化,Robots文件,404页面,301跳转,网站地图,NOfllow,标题标签优化,图片标签,页面标题,关键词,描述,关键词布局,关键词选择:主关键词,目标关键词,长尾关键词,页面关键词,页面结构简洁,2、需要 开通facebook,facebook shop,Instagram等,引流,实现出单。
您好正在使用Jarvee, 需要jarvee的设置方式建议 对于instagram和facebook的限制感觉麻烦, 需有专家合作配置完整的机器人功能。 1.需要帮助设置服务器vps部屬 2.需要帮助proxy家用代理的建议, instagram和facebook专用家用代理 3. 2captcha-api 验证码串接,Instagram-自动电子邮件验证教學, Instagram-两因素验证 的设置, 以免被facebook及instagram阻挡 5.instagram初學者模式---facebook初學者模式 長期合作相關設定 期待您的回覆謝謝
两个项目: 第一个拍摄一家餐厅大概12张/小时的频率出片 第二个是拍摄一所公寓以12张/一个半小时出片率 _____ Two projects: The first filming of a restaurant is about 12 frames per hour. The second is to shoot an apartment with 12 sheets / one and a half hours.
两个项目: 第一个拍摄一家餐厅大概12张/小时的频率出片 第二个是拍摄一所公寓以12张/一个半小时出片率 _____ Two projects: The first filming of a restaurant is about 12 frames per hour. The second is to shoot an apartment with 12 sheets / one and a half hours.
两个项目: 第一个拍摄一家餐厅大概12张/小时的频率出片 第二个是拍摄一所公寓以12张/一个半小时出片率 ____ Two projects: The first filming of a restaurant is about 12 frames per hour. The second is to shoot an apartment with 12 sheets / one and a half hours.
... 4.购物车 5.会员登录:QQ、微信、微博链接登录,内有每个会员的交易纪录、运送信息、付费信息等(会员和公司都可看到) 6.商品详情 7.运送信息 8.评价留言板,请参考附件「好评画面」 9.商品分类寻找,如人气、评分、销量 10.支持付费方式:支付宝、微信支付、银行卡、信用卡、PayPal 11.顾客沟通页面,类似于拨打客服、客服留言等可直接与网站内发送信件沟通 12.网站建设员(您)或是公司自己能够更动网站内容,例如上载或删除某个商品、更改商品详情 13.网站安全设定,防骇、防盗等 14.每笔买卖交易都有它自己的交易号码,方便我们资料查询 15.网站分享功能,至QQ空间、微信、微博、Facebook、Twitter、Instagram等 工作需求: -开发电子商务网站的丰富经验 -请提供以往的作品连结 -长期合作关系 -将我们所提供的商品信息上载到网站 -提供完整的网站架构原始档
建立一个英文独立购物网站,风格大气简约美式,可切换多种语言,有SEO优化功能,外接分享设计网页按钮,如Facebook,Twitter, Instagram,Pinterest,Youtube等按钮,客户可以直接在上面用信用卡或PayPal直接付款,有在线聊天功能最好。 具体可参考下面链接网址 谢谢
we need a HTML 5 micro-site for a campaign. The user can upload files, images or video on the micro-site. This micro-site need to link with Wechat (a Chinese app), and he can share the micro-site via Facebook, Instagram, Wechat and other popular social media platform
文章发布流程: 1.进行产品体验(free) 2.根据体验后感想进行文章撰写,会提供产品简要 3.文章可发布于FB粉丝团/个人FB /博客/ Instagram的 请先提供预计可发布平台网址供审核( FB粉丝团/个人FB /博客/ Instagram的) 符合需求才进行商品寄送与体验写文。 地區:malaysia
文章发布流程: 1.进行产品体验(free) 2.根据体验后感想进行文章撰写,会提供产品简要 3.文章可发布于FB粉丝团/个人FB /博客/ Instagram的 请先提供预计可发布平台网址供审核( FB粉丝团/个人FB /博客/ Instagram的) 符合需求才进行商品寄送与体验写文。
工作相關: 1. 在活躍的境外deal/coupon論壇或博客(redflagdeals/hotukdeals/)上分享我們的促銷產品 2. 在SNS(Facebook/Reddit/Instagram/Tumblr)渠道分享我們的促銷產品 薪酬相關: 1. 計件付費(Paypal)(根據資源的質量,根據鏈接所追蹤到的銷售額和所吸引的流量,單件價格不同) 2. 月結 有意向者,請致信nefertari929 [at] gmail [dot] com 工作相关: 1. 在活跃的境外deal/coupon论坛或博客(redflagdeals/hotukdeals/)上分享我们的促销产品 2. 在SNS(Facebook/Reddit/Instagram/Tumblr)渠道分享我们的促销产品 薪酬相关: 1. 计件付费(Paypal)(根据资源的质量,根据链接所追踪到的销售额和所吸引的流量,单件价格不同) 2. 月结 有意向者,请致信nefertari929 [at] gmail [dot] com
I own a service-based company with proprietary processes and a solid brand reputation. I'm looking for an expert who can devise a strategy to sell my company for a 60x profit, as inspired by @robthebank on Instagram. Key Requirements: - Understand how to enhance my company's valuation beyond the typical 3x - Create a sale strategy focused on maximizing profit - Highlight and leverage our unique selling points, particularly our proprietary processes and brand reputation Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in selling service-based companies - Expertise in business valuation and sale strategy - Excellent negotiation skills - Familiarity with maximizing business sale profit I need a professional who can assist me in reaching my goal of a highly profitable ...
I'm looking for a skilled designer to create a 3D cartoon logo of myself for my brand, "Ty The Credit Guy". This logo will be the face of my social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Ideal Characteristics of the Logo: - Style: The logo should be in a modern 3D cartoon style - Expression: The character should have a thoughtful look - Background: The backdrop of the logo should incorporate credit-related icons - Bold Text: Ty The Credit Guy This project requires expertise in 3D design and cartoon creation. An understanding of credit-related themes will be a significant advantage. I have attached a picture of myself to be used for the cartoon idea. Please feel free to pose me in a positive, respectful, and professional manner.
Job Title: Freelance Photo Editor for Instagram Company: Jayachandra Photography Location: Remote (Hyderabad-based preferred) Type: Freelance Experience: 1-2 years About Us: Jayachandra Photography is a leading photography company in Hyderabad with a legacy of over 30 years. Job Summary: We're seeking a skilled and creative Freelance Photo Editor to enhance our Instagram visuals. As a Photo Editor, you'll refine our photos using Lightroom and Photoshop, ensuring they're Instagram-ready. Responsibilities: Edit and enhance photos for Instagram using Lightroom and Photoshop Apply our brand's aesthetic and style to each edit Collaborate with our team to understand the visual direction Meet deadlines and deliver high-quality edits Requi...
...reasonable timeframe will be a key factor in determining whether we establish a long-term working relationship. This is an opportunity to demonstrate not only your technical skills but also your ability to think critically and contribute creatively to our brand. The ideal candidate will have a strong portfolio of faceless videos, an understanding of how to tailor content for platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, and experience working with lifestyle or self-care brands. You must be able to adapt quickly, pay close attention to detail, and maintain a commitment to delivering excellent work. I do have a lot of stock footage ready to use and a few sources on where to find more (if you already create videos) then you know where to find things yourself If you...
I'm seeking a dedicated full-time Social Media Manager focused on my brand's presence on Facebook and Instagram. The main goal is to boost brand awareness through engaging with pages only.
I'm seeking a seasoned social media strategist to develop a comprehensive plan focusing on Instagram and LinkedIn. The primary objective is to boost lead generation through engaging, visually appealing content and interactive posts. Key Responsibilities: - Create a detailed, step-by-step social media strategy aimed at lead generation. - Plan the content calendar, focusing on Instagram and LinkedIn. - Propose post caption + appealing content. - Develop interactive content ideas (polls, stories). Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in developing successful lead-generating social media strategies. - Strong knowledge of Instagram and LinkedIn. - Excellent skills in creating and designing visual content. - Creative in developing interactive content ideas. - Strong unde...
I'm looking for a modern-styled image designed for social media, primarily aimed at boosting engagement. The image will need to feature a text overlay, so strong skills in graphic design and typographic layout are needed. This is image will be used in Instagram and Facebook. We want to drive interest from potential buyers or sellers to think buy or sell first? Please refer to example attached (Buy or Sell) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating engaging social media images - Strong graphic design skills, particularly in modern aesthetics - Proficiency in text overlay design - Understanding of social media trends and audience engagement strategies
I'm looking for a seasoned social media marketer who can promote my brand across Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. The primary goal of these campaigns is to drive leads and sales. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement social media strategies to generate leads and sales. - Manage and oversee content across various platforms. - Analyze and report on campaign performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly in lead generation and sales. - Strong understanding of the target platforms: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. - Excellent analytical skills to assess campaign performance.
I'm seeking an Instagram content marketer and growth specialist for my Digital Marketing account. The ideal candidate will have a strong grasp on social media marketing within the digital space and be adept at creating engaging content. Content Ideas: - Digital marketing strategies - AI tools for content creation - Useful tips and quotes - (Freelancer's own suggestions) Responsibilities: - Craft compelling single image posts that drive audience interaction - Drive organic channel growth - Post 1-2 times daily (mix of regular posts, carousels and reels) that drive user engagement - Analyze performance data and refine strategies accordingly Skills and experience required: - Proven track record in social media marketing - Excellent content creation and engagement str...
I'm in search of a seasoned social media marketer who can help promote my eBook across various platforms, primarily targeting the USA. Key Responsibilities: - Promote my eBook in specific USA Facebook Groups and on platforms like Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. - Focus on targeted groups such as Grief, Angels, Religion, and Spirituality. Objectives: - The primary goal is to significantly boost eBook sales. - I need to reach 100M or more people. This is critical. Requirements: - Proven track record in social media marketing. - Understanding of how to reach and appeal to the specified targeted groups. - Provide proof of where you posted my eBook. Compensation: - This is a flat rate project, not hourly. Please provide your proposed flat rate. Please highlight ...
I need a social network manager who can work in this way: **Personalized Strategy:** We start with a plan, developing a strategy tailored to your objectives and audience. Together, we decide what to post, when, and how, to maximize impact. **Content Creation:** We take care of everything: photos,...strengthen your relationship with your clients. **Pricing:** - €100 for 1 social network - €150 for 2 social networks - €200 for 3 social networks - €250 for 4 social networks - €300 for 5 social networks - €350 for 6 social networks - €400 for 7 social networks - €450 for 8 social networks - €500 for 9 social networks **Optional management tailored to client needs, up to 9 platforms:** Google Ads, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Amazon, Twitt...
I'm in need of a skilled social media marketer to boost my e-commerce businesses on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. The primary aim is to generate leads and sales. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a comprehensive social media marketing strategy focused on lead generation and sales. - Prioritize and curate content centered around customer testimonials. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly for e-commerce. - Expertise in creating engaging content that drives sales. - Strong understanding of Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok algorithms and best practices.
I'm looking for a talented video editor to compile and edit my recent holiday drone footage. The footage was shot with a DJI Mini 4 Pro and totals about 60 clips. The final video should be approximately 5 minutes long, showcasing both landscapes and activities from my trip. Key Requirements: - Smooth a...showcasing both landscapes and activities from my trip. Key Requirements: - Smooth and cinematic editing style - Selection of suitable background music Ideal candidates should have previous experience with drone footage and a strong sense for cinematic editing. Please include samples of your previous similar work in your application. The final product is for personal use, intended for sharing on Instagram and YouTube. I'm open to using less than all of the available...
I'm looking for an expert in social media marketing, particularly Instagram, to help me increase my follower count. The primary strategy for this project will be organic growth through video/photo content. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging and innovative video/photo content to attract and retain followers - Develop a comprehensive content schedule and strategy for consistent posting - Monitor and analyze growth and engagement metrics to refine strategies Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in growing Instagram accounts, specifically through video content - Strong understanding of Instagram's algorithm and best practices for organic growth - Proficiency in video/photo editing and content creation - Ability to interpret data and adapt strategies accordingly
Im looking for someone to help design a mockup using our current websites colours and design to build a new main landing page for our latest product. Repli Desk is the latest innovation from Repli AI, designed to streamline customer service by integrating Facebook, Instagram, email, and live chat into one unified inbox. Our AI-powered helpdesk automates responses to repetitive inquiries, features an intuitive chatbot, and enhances customer engagement. We're preparing to launch this game-changing product and need a creative and detail-oriented designer to bring our vision to life. Position Overview: We are seeking a talented designer to create a mockup for our new main landing page. This design should align with our existing website's color scheme and overall design aest...
RECREATE MY LOGO ...requires the image to be recreated in more of a 'sketch' then a vector look. Font used is 'Blanka' The sketch to be inserted into the text. (text+sketch=logo) Logo to be provided in various file types Logo to have background removed so it can be used to print on merchandise. Logo to be grouped (repeated) in wallpaper for print on large scale (beach towel backing) 2nd project Social media kit - Instagram, Facebook, website, etc. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw) - Strong understanding of modern design principles - Experience in creating minimalist, text-only logos - Proven portfolio of modern-style logos - Experience in social media marketing kits Lookin...
Necesito un diseñador gráfico que me ayude a desarrollar contenido visual para un congreso de médicos. Este trabajo incluye: - 50 publicaciones para Instagram - 2-3 Banners - Diseño de Credenciales - Diseño de Lanyards - Plantilla para presentaciones en PPT Ya contamos con norma gráfica (fuentes y colores a seguir). Para la selección del freelancer definitivo, se puede solicitar alguna muestra de su trabajo. Estilo Visual: - Clásico Habilidades y experiencia ideales: - Diseño gráfico - Conocimiento de branding - Experiencia en diseño para redes sociales - Capacidad para trabajar con pautas de diseño preestablecidas - Creatividad para generar contenido atractivo y relevante.
Hi, I'm Dan! I've just embarked on my TikTok journey, aiming to establish a humor and lifestyle account that explores vegan spots and shares my daily life. Alongside this, I want to promote my...embarked on my TikTok journey, aiming to establish a humor and lifestyle account that explores vegan spots and shares my daily life. Alongside this, I want to promote my book, my theater school, and the creation of my podcast. My goal is to grow organically and build a genuine community on TikTok and Instagram, with the vision of eventually launching a YouTube channel. I'm looking for a partner to form a team with and to help elevate this project together. - TikTok handle: @dancortijo5 - Instagram handle: @dancortijo I appreciate any ideas or proposals you may have f...
...experienced developer to complete a set of pending tasks, estimated at **8 days of work**. Details of the tasks are as follows: 1. **Stripe Integration Issues** - Adjust the logic for using Stripe keys based on agencies (FR, BE, LU). - Resolve the appearance of Bancontact on inappropriate versions of the site. 2. **Photo Frame Tool Integration** - Add, view, and delete photo frames in the event space. - Ensure compatibility with all browsers and platforms. 3. **Navigation Issues on Mobile and Desktop Adjustments** - Fix account creation issues on iPhone SE. - Resolve button visibility issues for promo codes on desktop. - Ensure smooth navigation across all screen resolutions. **Long-Term Collaboration** After completing the initi...
Hi, Description: We are looking for a skilled and experienced digital marketing freelancer to help us create and launch a Facebook and Instagram lead generation campaign for our property maintenance and callout services. The ideal candidate will handle the entire process, from creating the ad campaign to integrating data collection and payment workflows, ensuring a seamless journey for potential clients to managing the Facebook campaign. Responsibilities: 1. Ad Campaign Setup: • Create a high-performing Lead Generation campaign on Facebook and Instagram using Meta Ads Manager. • Design eye-catching visuals and engaging ad copy aligned with our brand and services (property maintenance, emergency callouts). • Define and refine the target audience (e.g.,...
...skilled and results-driven professional to help grow my online music theory program. The focus is entirely on finding and converting students for virtual music theory classes conducted via Zoom. There is a tight deadline where we have to meet the target of 75 new students signed up. Responsibilities: Identify and engage potential students (or their parents) through platforms like Facebook groups, Instagram, and other online channels. Send outreach messages to leads with the goal of converting them into trial lesson sign-ups (templates and guidance will be provided). Effectively communicate the value of our music theory program in a professional and engaging manner. Pass qualified and interested leads to my team for scheduling and follow-up. Requirements: Proven experience in lea...
I'm seeking a skilled ad creator to develop high-converting video advertisements for my dropshipping business. The platforms for these ads include Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Google. Requirements: - Design engaging video ads tailored for e-commerce. - Utilise strong storytelling and persuasive copywriting skills. - Deliver fast, high-quality work consistently. Interested? Please reach out with: - A brief self-introduction. - Previous ad examples. - Your rates and turnaround time.
...with trends and make content shareable. • Brand Awareness & Marketing: Plan and execute strategies to grow brand awareness, engagement, and visibility across multiple platforms. • Captions & Hashtags: Write effective captions and research the best hashtags to maximize reach. • Social Media Management: Utilize provided scheduling tools to plan, post, and optimize content for platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Also engaging in the post the main thing is to help these accounts grow with ACTIVE followers • Performance Analysis: Monitor the performance of posts and ads, providing regular feedback and improvement suggestions. • Tools Usage: Use tools like Canva, MidJourney (or similar AI platforms), and other design/video editing soft...
... Design Software Skills: Proficient in CAD or similar software to deliver detailed and precise plans. Traditional Design Knowledge: Experience with traditional-style design elements, including mullions, frames, glazing details, and joinery techniques such as mortise and tenon. Project Details: Windows include casement designs with both outward and inward-opening sections, as well as fixed upper transoms. Sizes and layouts will be provided (e.g., a 5'4" x 3'1 1/2" double-opening casement window with specific pane configurations). Plans need to detail how components like mullions and frames connect for a robust and authentic construction. What I’ll Provide: SketchUp models and drawings of the cottage and window designs. Dimensions and design refer...