...com/bingjiw/WhatsAppGroup_to_Folder]() --- ### Summary of Requirements Extract the WhatsApp group chat records from a large text file `` located in the `HistoryMsg` directory and slowly release them into the target folder. Each message should become a small file where the content is the translated version of the message. For images or other attachments (images do not require translation), release them as individual files, one file per attachment. After writing each small file, wait for a random time between **10 and 100 seconds**. --- ### Key Details 1. **Programming Language & Runtime Environment** - No restriction on the programming language. - The runtime interpreter and program itself must use minimal memory, ideally
1. Project Overview A multilingual, international customer service platform that allows users to configure multiple chatbots with GPT API integration for AI-powered responses. The platform will offer flexible permission management, business features (e.g., chatbot-based pricing, coupon support, affiliate marketing), and support user-defined group management to meet the needs of enterprise clients. 2. System Roles and Permissions 1. Administrator (Admin) • Manage global functions and configurations, including user management, subscription management, affiliate marketing, cashback rewards, etc. 2. B-End Users (Enterprise Customers/Platform Users) • Primary Account: Responsible for creating and managing chatbots, configuring customer service permissions, grouping users...
...interaction experience. Content Moderation Interface Integrate Baidu's Text Content Moderation API to check if user-submitted text complies with the platform's safety and content policies. Documentation: Please provide the specific Baidu Text Moderation API documentation link. The moderation API supports up to 20,000 tokens per request. If the content exceeds this limit, it should be split into multiple requests. Each moderation request will consume user tokens, and usage should be logged in the backend. Risk Control Mechanism: If a user submits violating content three consecutive times, the system will: Automatically save the violating content. Freeze the user's account. Display a restriction notice. In a frozen state, users must contact platform support to ...
1:软件可以同时在安卓、苹果的手机上运行。 2:软件可以同时抢4个平台的订单,这4个平台分别是:高德(这个网约车平台的防作弊系统比较高,要规避掉,抢单原则是谁快谁优先)、哈啰(这个网约车平台需要多名司机同时竞争一个单子,我希望我的用户能在PK中胜出)、滴滴(谁快谁优先)、嘀嗒(谁快谁优先) 3:司机可以设置网约车订单的条件:时间、起点、终点、人数、金额、订单的性质(拼车、舒适拼、独享) 4:每个新用户可以试用一天。一天后软件的功能需要付费使用。 5:软件按照每周收费,具体费用我可以在后台添加。 6,我可以在后台一键清除交易数据,和其他数据。 The software should support multiple platform types, including e-commerce, social media, and others.
...template); Add new AI functions: AI UI function (copy Claude's UI generation function), AI code function (copy GitHub's code editing function and real-time code detection function), AI real-time translation function (real-time translation of videos, documents, and meetings), AI document function (copy GPT's canvas function combined with the characteristics of PDF function, can save documents, support multiple formats, support inserting pictures/links, etc., document saving cloud disk function), AI language interaction function (copy GPT's real-time voice interaction function, real-time recording of conversation records, this function can be placed in AI Chat), AI search function (copy GPT's search function), AI agent function (copy Claude's web func...
...of prohibited content. Add inappropriate content filtering system: Integrate the Baidu content review API to automatically review text, images, and videos, blocking inappropriate content. Add automatic penalty rule system: Automatically restrict access and usage rights of violating users based on predefined rules. Add manual management system: Allow administrators to manually review and handle risk control incidents, with logs of the actions recorded. 2.5 Payment Gateway Integration Add payment methods: Stripe Airwallex Cryptocurrency payments 2.6 API Call Logs Management Add API call log feature: Record and store user API call data, including text, images, audio, video, and documents. Add log download feature: Allow users to download detailed records of API calls. 2.7 ...
...suggestions. General Requirements Testing and Production Environment: Before development, use a test domain for development. After testing is passed and completed, switch to the production domain. Communication and Feedback: During development, if there are new problems or suggestions, please communicate with the project leader in a timely manner. Multilingual Support: The system needs to support multiple languages, defaulting to Simplified Chinese and supporting English, Traditional Chinese, Russian, and Iranian. It is recommended to use string resources and implement automatic translation through the DeepL API. Backup: Back up the source code before starting. Also, back up the source code during development, classify them clearly to prevent misoperations. Compatibility: Modifi...
...Testing: After fixing the above issues, I need assistance in publishing the app to Google Play's internal testing track for further testing and validation. I need a developer to: Identify and fix these issues, ensuring the app runs smoothly on Android 14 while maintaining compatibility with lower Android versions. Assist in publishing the fixed app to Google Play's internal testing, ensuring the upload and configuration processes are completed successfully. Specific Requirements: Familiarity with Android Development and API Level 34's New Features and Behavioral Changes: Understand Android 14's permission changes, foreground service restrictions, network security requirements, etc., to ensure the app complies with the latest system requirements. Debuggin...
我需要对各种建筑材料的价格进行研究。此项目的核心目标是收集来自多个供应商的不同价格,以便对比和分析。 Ideal Skills: - 数据分析能力 - 市场研究经验 - 建材行业知识 Please note, the primary focus is on various construction materials, not limited to steel, concrete, or wood. You should be able to source and compare prices from multiple suppliers.
1. Can import 500 ip proxy addresses at the same time 2. Can upload picture folder 3. You can upload text files 4. Each different ip address corresponds to a different facebook registration entry 5. Each ip address can be replaced or deleted at any time 6. After successful registration, the avatar will be randomly selected from the picture folder, and the name will be randomly selected from the text file 7. Automatically apply through friends, and the time interval for applying through friends can be set by yourself 8. Integrated management of all account messages and comments 9. Real-time update statistics of the number of all friends, like, share, and comment 10. You can clear all accounts and all information with one key, and then start again, in a cycle
A calendar applet with multiple features, including time booking, team collaboration, shared calendars, online subscriptions, and more. Requirements: 1. Must have a deep understanding of the booking 2. Must be familiar with the common calendar application 3. Must have a deep understanding of teamwork and access control 4. Must be familiar with WeChat / applet / public number 一 个具有多种功能的日历小程序,包括时间预订,团队协作,共享日历,在线订阅等。 要求: 1. 必须对预订有深刻理解 2. 必须熟悉常见日历应用 3. 必须对团队协作,权限控制有深刻理解 4. 必须熟悉微信/小程序/公众号
Require translation into English. Looking for multiple people to complete the job in short time. About 12000+ words to be translated by Saturday afternoon. Sample text: 我们的责任是在执行审计工作的基础上对财务报表发表审计意见。我们按照中国注册会计师审计准则的规定执行了审计工作。中国注册会计师审计准则要求我们遵守中国注册会计师职业道德守则,计划和执行审计工作以对财务报表是否不存在重大错报获取合理保证。
Require translation into English. Looking for multiple people to complete the job in short time. About 12000+ words to be translated by Saturday afternoon. Sample text: 我们的责任是在执行审计工作的基础上对财务报表发表审计意见。我们按照中国注册会计师审计准则的规定执行了审计工作。中国注册会计师审计准则要求我们遵守中国注册会计师职业道德守则,计划和执行审计工作以对财务报表是否不存在重大错报获取合理保证。
你好IT Flex Solutions India,我注意到你的文档并想给你我的项目。我们可以能过聊天来讨论细节。
创建一个可以上传(或连接视频地址)和下载视频的网站(create a webpage which can upload or download videos)
English Version of the Ad is below ! 诚聘APP开发程序员/团队,负责开发一款提供特定服务的APP(类似滴滴快车但非打车服务),用户群暂时以上海当地用户为主。APP界面的设计将由我们具体负责,因此不会有太多APP界面的设计工作。 关于APP: 简单而言我们想实现让用户通过APP找到其所在地点附近的愿意提供服务的“服务提...of the app would be into 3 features where “client” will chose a service from “provider” 1. Find an available nearby provider within 1-3 Km: a timer will calculate the fee and the distance. 2. Book for a later time: A fee according the time required. 3. Awarding Service: a simple wall where Client can post a service request 1 per month detailing fees, service description, address/location and upload JPEG then gets notification. 4. Simple rating system for both providers and clients. We are willing to pay market price, whether fixed price or an Hourly rate as per mi...
...希望能合并到 , 做一个类似的支持页面, 不清楚默认的主题是否支持, 支持页面的最上面 保留主网站的 导航栏 Hi We are looking to build a new website that is E-commerce. The current website can be found at www.tekshanghai.com. Key Parts of the Website: - Easy to use - International and local card transactions - Feedback form - Contact us form - Real Time orders - Real time purchasing i.e online store - Easy to upload new products with pictures and price - Link with WeChat - Mobile friendly I would like to see designs of what the website can look like before purchasing. Please can you give me a quotation on the work from End to End on this. I look forward to your reply. Regards Vishal IT Manager
A games live streaming website like twitch (handling large amount of video data? ) with user registration and account information, upload video, leave comments on real time living videos. Need experienced developer who can be able to build up the front end, back end, database and server for efficiently storing and retrieving videos data. If you think the price is below your expectation, please leave the price works for you, we can negotiate it.
...our website. - Stay plugged into emerging technologies and apply them into operations and activities. - Optimize website for maximum speed. Requirements - Experience in coding with PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. - Experience with integration and APIs (e.g. google). - Understanding of SEO principles and ensuring that website will adhere to them. - Strong organizational skills to juggle multiple tasks within the timelines and budgets constraints. - Strong communication skills in both Chinese (Taiwan) and English. Benefits - Equity stake, with unique growth opportunities in a fast-growing industry. - Work virtually from home, or on a beach if you prefer. - Work on your time with flexible hours. - Make a difference with a company that donates 5% of profits, as w...
...中国传统的一种武术礼节,当代武术本着为和平与友谊服务的宗旨,被赋予了新的含义:右手握拳,寓意尚武;左手掩拳,寓意崇德,以武会友;左掌四指并拢,寓意四海武林团结奋进;屈左手拇指,寓意虚心求教,永不自大;两臂屈圆,寓意天下武林是一家。以国家和集体利益为重的武德思想。要求习武者树立理想,为国争光;爱国爱民,见义勇为;尊师爱生,团结互助;修身养性,遵纪守法;文明礼貌,举止端庄,自觉做有理想、有道德、有文化、守纪律的社会主义公民。 七星拳 少林七星拳是少林寺地区流传最广的套路。它练起来动如猫,行如虎,参照天下北斗土星定位,动作架势以它独有步型、步法而组成。步型要求两脚前后站在一条线上并齐,称为小缩身,这个动作也是考验少林武师在练习少林拳时的功夫深浅的标准。 ========================================================= please upload a doc file for me
Massage Business Design Requirement 1. Page need to be simple and pretty, can be configured and deploy for multiple business 2. Support Language: English 3. Mailing list functions to send out coupons and promotions. We are using POMMO, it is good for our site where number of emails are limited. 4. The user table need to integrate with the mailing list software, such as POMMO. 5. Some functionalities a. customer registration, email validation b. customer to invite other customers, and get referral discount. (Invite another customer, both get a coupon) c. online appointment, appointment will be send to manager's email for approval, manager can approve from the email link d. therapist management function, can easily add/delete employee, and arrange em...
we need a HTML 5 micro-site for a campaign. The user can upload files, images or video on the micro-site. This micro-site need to link with Wechat (a Chinese app), and he can share the micro-site via Facebook, Instagram, Wechat and other popular social media platform
...user’s information. Responsive: The message and communication between mobile and website, buyers and sellers should be real time. Communication methods: message, call, voicemail, email. Style of user interface: simple, fancy with good using experience. information: the posted information on this website include text, photos, video, voice Multiple-language version: mainly Chinese, English Advertising system: similar to the advertise on youtube that the advertise will be displayed during the playing of videos. Anti-spam and poor information system: The information posted into this website will be filtered out to get rid of poor and fraud information. Review system: the seller and buyer ...
要一个online shopping的网站! 可以分类我得产品-衣服-裤带-钱包-电话accessories-首饰-等等 可以自己upload我的产品照片和更改照片 可以查看快递的情况 可以注册成为我们的会员 这个网页参考!
我有和我们之前项目相关的持续性工作 'multi picture Upload bug of a website'
I have two floppy disk images from a DECmate computer from the early 1980s in IMG format. I need the files on the disks using some old .C code (attached) that exports those files as WordPerfect files. There are two floppy disk images. has 20 documents on it. has 5 documents. This code was written many years ago to extract the DECmate WPS files and convert them into WordPerfect 5.0 files. These disk images were processed using Transformenator into 8-bit disk images as required by the .C program. Specifically, the decmate_wps internal transformer was used. I have included the original binary dumps of the floppy
I'm looking for someone skilled with Inkscape and a writing tablet to create multiple SVG variations of printed lowercase letters a-z, capital letters A-Z, numbers 1-10, and grammatical marks. Key requirements: - All characters should mimic a handwritten style. - Use a regular font weight. - Follow specific sizing requirements I will provide along with examples. Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in Inkscape. - Experience with creating SVG files. - Attention to detail. - Ability to follow provided guidelines and examples.
I need multiple text-based PDFs re-typed into plain text. Each of these PDF documents is between 1 and 10 pages long. The ideal freelancer should have: - Proficiency in English with excellent typing skills - Experience with data entry and document re-typing - Ability to follow instructions carefully Please note that the re-typed text should not follow the original formatting of the PDFs.
...unique referral codes. For each new creator that joins using a code, a percentage of earnings is shared with the referrer. Low Commission Structure: Platform to retain minimal commission from creators’ earnings. Live Streaming: Integrated live streaming with virtual gifts (coins or tokens) for real-time interaction. Payment Integration: Secure and scalable payment processing system supporting multiple currencies. User Authentication: Two-step verification and SSL encryption for enhanced security. Admin Dashboard: Analytics and management tools for the platform admin. Requirements: Proven experience in developing subscription-based platforms or similar systems. Expertise in payment gateway integration and referral models. Strong knowledge of encryption, security standards, ...
...Gender o Interests (Property, Business, Dating, Daily Fengshui) • Store and edit personal Fengshui details. 2.2 Chatbot Integration • AI-based chatbot can answer Fengshui-related queries. • Users can interact via: o WhatsApp, WeChat, Line, Instagram, Facebook Messenger o Future support: Audio calls • Supports multi-language capabilities. 2.3 Fengshui Consultation Categories 2.3.1 Property Analysis • Upload floorplans (JPG, PNG, PDF). • AI analyzes and provides: o Bed placement o Desk positioning o Door & window orientation o Wealth corner identification 2.3.2 Dating & Compatibility • Users can store a partner’s details: o Name o Birthdate & Time o Gender • AI provides relationship compatibility analysis based on Bazi (Four...
...Then develop the plugin to our specifications. TO BE SELECTED AS THE WINNER YOU NEED TO ONLY SHOW ME EXAMPLES OF WHAT THE SITE COULD LOOK LIKE WITH YOUR ADD ON MODULE. My site is if you need to see the site you are modifying SPECIFICATIONS: When a user selects a product that has a variable price, they will enter a page that doesnt look like your typical shopping cart with multiple products on the page. instead, when they select a product it will walk them thru diferent scenarios. Our website sells theme park tickets at various prices throughout the year depending on what date they decide to visit the park. The variable pricing module is already designed to allow them to pick their date and then add to the cart. You will create the first part of the project that doesnt
...of reservation policies, such as limiting guests to one restaurant per day and imposing a cancellation fee for late cancellations. ________________________________________ ? Core Features ? Guest Booking Features ✅ Guest Authentication: • Guests must enter Room Number and Year of Birth before accessing the reservation system. ✅ Restaurant Selection: • Display a list of available restaurants with images and description for today or tomorrow only. • Guests can choose a restaurant and view its name, image, description, opening hours, and availability. ✅ Food Allergy Preferences: • Guests can select allergens to avoid, including: o Peanuts o Eggs o Fish o Lupine o Sesame o Shellfish o Milk o Mustard o Wheat o Celery o Vegan option ✅ Reservation Process: • Gue...
...Gender o Interests (Property, Business, Dating, Daily Fengshui) • Store and edit personal Fengshui details. 2.2 Chatbot Integration • AI-based chatbot can answer Fengshui-related queries. • Users can interact via: o WhatsApp, WeChat, Line, Instagram, Facebook Messenger o Future support: Audio calls • Supports multi-language capabilities. 2.3 Fengshui Consultation Categories 2.3.1 Property Analysis • Upload floorplans (JPG, PNG, PDF). • AI analyzes and provides: o Bed placement o Desk positioning o Door & window orientation o Wealth corner identification 2.3.2 Dating & Compatibility • Users can store a partner’s details: o Name o Birthdate & Time o Gender • AI provides relationship compatibility analysis based on Bazi (Four...
...coin acceptors, and additional payment devices. The PCB must support various industry-standard input and output communication protocols, ensuring compatibility with vending machines, hoppers, and payment terminals. This PCB will be installed between the vending machine and the payment peripherals, allowing multiple devices to operate simultaneously (e.g., a bill acceptor on ccTalk and a credit card terminal on Pulse/Mars). Key Features 1. Universal Input Support The PCB must support multiple bill and coin acceptors, regardless of their communication protocols: Bill Acceptors: GBA-ST1+, GBA-ST2, NV9, NV10, NV200, MD100 (including bill recyclers). Coin Acceptors: NRI G13, Comestero RM5, RM5HD, and similar models. Additional Simple Inputs: Pulse/Mars input for extra payme...
I'm seeking a qualified scientific researcher with US and European credentials and a PhD to finalize and authenticate an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a real estate project in a conservation area. The EIA draft requires expansion in multiple areas and must adhere to a range of regulatory and industry standards. The specific tasks include: - Completing and verifying the draft EIA, particularly the sections on Air Quality, Water Quality, and Ecological Impact. - Ensuring the EIA complies with local government regulations, international standards, and industry-specific guidelines. - Taking into consideration various environmental concerns, including wildlife habitats and protected lands. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in environ...
I'm seeking a skilled Digital Content Coordinator to manage and streamline our website's content. Key Responsibilities: We are seeking a Digital Content Coordinator to keep our news website updated in real-time with the latest articles and multimedia content. The candidate will upload and format content, edit for clarity and accuracy, and optimize for SEO. Strong writing skills in English and familiarity with content management systems are essential to ensure our website remains the most updated site minute by minute. - Oversee the website's content, ensuring its timely and accurate publication. - Coordinate with the editorial team to manage the flow of articles, videos, and infographics. - Ensure that all content adheres to our quality standards and brand voice. ...
...to have interesting and exciting trails that extend at least 100meters up the mountain. The theme of this world is a magical time in the Middle Ages. Not dark and spooky but more like "The Princess Bride". The trails should include switch backs, trails through rock crevices, and a wooden bridge across a chasm and a wooden catwalk attached to the side of the mountain. It can all be one trail or multiple trails. At least one trail needs to go under the waterfall. The photos are just references of the type of thing I’m looking for. You do not need to replicate any of them exactly. For now, the rest of the terrain can just be flat or hilly and all forests. There needs to be an appropriate Skybox so that there are lots of breathtaking views from the trails and lots of...
I'm looking for a web developer who can design and implement a modern and sleek website for my trailer rental busi...Trailers**: The website should allow me to post and showcase my rental trailers. I want an image gallery with descriptions to display the trailers. - **Gallery Option**: There should be a dedicated section for uploading pictures of available trailers. - **Customer Login**: A secure login option for customers is essential. After logging in, customers should be able to: - View and sign contracts - Upload necessary documents - Check trailer availability The ideal freelancer should have a strong portfolio of similar website development projects, preferably in the rental business sector. Proficiency in creating modern and sleek designs is a must. The project bu...
I'm looking for a part-time admin assistant to work with me on Slack, who has a good eye for detail and can multi-task. The ideal candidate should be available in the California time zone, Monday to Friday. This role will eventually transition to full-time. Must thrive in small-team environment! Hourly pay: $4.00 per hour. Key Responsibilities: - Managing multiple clients - Reviewing documents and designs for quality assurance - Daily correspondence regarding client tasks Communication Style: - All client interactions should be formal and professional Ideal Skills and Experience: - Exceptional attention to detail - Excellent multi-tasking abilities - Prior experience in a similar administrative role - Strong understanding of quality assurance processes - Skilled in formal...
Finish squarespace website with template-aesthetics (can’t figure out how to change one font —i have lots of copy. integrations for scheduling, invoicing, (Paperbell? Mail chimp? Acuit...a mental health coach specializing in betrayal trauma and recovery—and I just want to help people navigate it, not spend 200 more hours trying to figure out how to do it. Hoping to find an intuitive designer/tech wiz that likes to make sense of chaos (maybe it’s not as bad as I think…but…canva, g drive, files, SS, fonts and graphics—i have them all over but don’t always know how to integrate/upload. So, below I have added the template i bought and have made some progress on, as well as examples of purchased assets that I can edit in Canva—bu...
I need over 100 new products added to my Shopify website, specifically in the Pharmacy category. The selected freelancer will also be responsible for creating unique SEO optimized descriptions for each product. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Shopify - Ability to categorize products correctly - Strong SEO knowledge - Creative writing skills to craft engaging product descriptions - Experience in e-commerce, particularly in the pharmacy sector, is a plus.
i need ...**real-time chat and voice interactions**. - **Compatible with mobile and desktop** for seamless user experience. - **Hosting options:** Cloud-based (AWS, Google Cloud) for scalability. **E. Backend & Admin Panel** - **AI Response Customization:** Ability to edit responses and update knowledge. - **User Interaction Logs:** Track conversations for AI improvement. - **Scalability:** Support multiple users interacting with AI simultaneously. --- **3. Deliverables** - **Fully functional AI virtual character** integrated into my website. - **Admin panel** for AI management. - **Technical documentation** for maintenance and updates. --- **4. Timeline & Budget** - Development time: **4-8 weeks** (to be confirmed). - Budget: TBD based on t...
**Will select winner as soon as design is created that I like. I need a skilled image editor to combine two images of people for my website. The final image should convey a professional and formal style. Key requirements include: - Editing the images to place the two individuals next to each other seamlessly - Ensuring the overall tone of the image is suitable for a high-end website Experience in image editing for professional websites is a plus.
...Telegram, iMessage or other messaging platforms. If text is requested, the chatbot will respond via text. If audio is requested, it will respond in the podcast host’s voice. Scalability & Performance The system must support at least 500 concurrent users without performance issues. The solution should be optimized to be cost-effective and easy to maintain in the long term. Ease of Deployment for Multiple Podcasts I need a simple, scalable way to create new chatbots for different podcast hosts. Each chatbot should have a unique voice and respond in the style of the specific host. Technology Flexibility I am open to any tech stack, but the solution should be as simple and affordable on the long term as possible. I know that this is possible with n8n, so if you can de...
...Telegram, iMessage or other messaging platforms. If text is requested, the chatbot will respond via text. If audio is requested, it will respond in the podcast host’s voice. Scalability & Performance The system must support at least 500 concurrent users without performance issues. The solution should be optimized to be cost-effective and easy to maintain in the long term. Ease of Deployment for Multiple Podcasts I need a simple, scalable way to create new chatbots for different podcast hosts. Each chatbot should have a unique voice and respond in the style of the specific host. Technology Flexibility I am open to any tech stack, but the solution should be as simple and affordable on the long term as possible. I know that this is possible with n8n, so if you can d...
- [ ] SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLER - [ ] Key responsibilities of a social media manager: - [ ] Strategy development: Create and implement a comprehensive social media strategy aligned with brand identity and marketing objectives. Content creation: Generate engaging and relevant content across various social media platforms including text, images, videos, and stories, tailored to the target audience. - [ ] Content calendar management: Plan and schedule social media posts across platforms to maintain consistent brand messaging and optimize posting times. - [ ] Community engagement: Respond to comments, direct messages, and mentions promptly, fostering positive interactions and building relationships with followers. - [ ] Social listening: Monitor social media conve...
I'm seeking assistance in integrating a browser-based chatbot software with my FastAPI backend service. The project involves enabling multiple user logins and implementing JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for user authentication. Key Requirements: - FastAPI: Proficiency in working with FastAPI is crucial as the integration revolves around this service. - Chatbot Integration: Experience in integrating chatbots with backend services is highly preferred. - User Authentication: Implementation of JWT for multiple user logins is a key component of this project. The chatbot should be capable of facilitating synchronous communication. This project does not require the bot to answer FAQs, process transactions or assist with user onboarding.