Fingerprint recognition project report visual basic工作


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2,000 fingerprint recognition project report visual basic 找到工作

...optimize some existing features for this AI platform, and we have already completed the Figma design. The developer needs to successfully help us connect to the front end so that all features can run smoothly. The back end of our website is written in PHP source code and the front end is written in , and development work needs to be done on our server. We need to add: - AI functions - Basic functions AI Chat function: Add canvas function (can be edited like the drawing function of ChatGPT) Add the same function as ChatGPT Operator (allow AI to call external web pages for operations) Add voice interaction function (turn AI text into speech mode, add interruptible effect, and connect to Ali's voice API and OpenAI's real-time API) Add AI thinking logic effects (similar ...

$2571 Average bid
$2571 平均报价
7 个竞标

...accounts. ### 5.2 Verification Process - **Workflow**: - After the password check, require a TOTP code. - **Backup**: - Provide one-time backup codes for emergencies. --- ## 6. Out-of-Region Login Verification ### 6.1 Detection - **Monitoring**: - Detect abnormal login IP/location changes by comparing current login with usual patterns. - **Data Points**: - Record device fingerprint, browser data, and geo-location. ### 6.2 Verification Steps - **Email/SMS Verification**: - Send a one-time email (or SMS if a mobile number exists) containing a link or code to verify the login attempt. - **Admin Review**: - Log all events with details for potential audit and manual review. --- ## 7. Automated Prohibited Words Replacement ### 7.1 Overview - **Purpos...

$464 Average bid
$464 平均报价
7 个竞标

...adaptation Phase 3: Industry Selection and Audience Analysis Identifying lucrative industries: E-commerce, education, entertainment, travel, etc. Understanding audience segmentation: Age, gender, interests, and regional preferences Market analysis tools for selecting industries and niches Phase 4: Content Planning and Execution The content creation lifecycle: Topic research Scriptwriting and visual storyboarding Filming and editing best practices Essentials for platform-specific content: TikTok short videos YouTube long-form content and vlogs Instagram Stories and Reels Facebook posts and live sessions Content formats and best-performing templates Phase 5: Traffic Growth and Lead Generation Organic growth strategies: Engaging with communities Building long-term relationships w...

$750 Average bid
$750 平均报价
7 个竞标

...adaptation Phase 3: Industry Selection and Audience Analysis Identifying lucrative industries: E-commerce, education, entertainment, travel, etc. Understanding audience segmentation: Age, gender, interests, and regional preferences Market analysis tools for selecting industries and niches Phase 4: Content Planning and Execution The content creation lifecycle: Topic research Scriptwriting and visual storyboarding Filming and editing best practices Essentials for platform-specific content: TikTok short videos YouTube long-form content and vlogs Instagram Stories and Reels Facebook posts and live sessions Content formats and best-performing templates Phase 5: Traffic Growth and Lead Generation Organic growth strategies: Engaging with communities Building long-term relationships w...

$250 Average bid
$250 平均报价
2 个竞标

1. Project Overview A multilingual, international customer service platform that allows users to configure multiple chatbots with GPT API integration for AI-powered responses. The platform will offer flexible permission management, business features (e.g., chatbot-based pricing, coupon support, affiliate marketing), and support user-defined group management to meet the needs of enterprise clients. 2. System Roles and Permissions 1. Administrator (Admin) • Manage global functions and configurations, including user management, subscription management, affiliate marketing, cashback rewards, etc. 2. B-End Users (Enterprise Customers/Platform Users) • Primary Account: Responsible for creating and managing chatbots, configuring customer service permissions, grouping users...

$469 Average bid
$469 平均报价
11 个竞标

Project Overview Budget: 400 USD Deadline: To be completed within one month Progress Reporting: Daily updates on weekdays Prerequisites Software Requirements: PHP 8.2 or higher MySQL 8.0 or higher Node.js 18.x or higher npm 9.x or higher Knowledge Requirements: Basic knowledge of PHP, JavaScript, and web development Familiarity with Composer and npm package managers Development Requirements Payment Gateway Integration Payment Gateway 1: Airspay Integrate the Airspay payment system, supporting one-time payments via Alipay and WeChat Pay. Use the API to generate a payment QR code directly on the platform, allowing users to scan and pay without redirection. Documentation: Payment Gateway 2: Cryptomus Support USDT payments through the Cryptomus platform with

$325 Average bid
$325 平均报价
2 个竞标

Development Requirements Document 1. Project Overview This project aims to extend and optimize the functionality of the existing system, with a focus on improving user experience, security, subscription services, payment integration, and management capabilities. The goal is to develop a versatile and flexible AI API platform that ensures system stability, efficiency, and security. Website: 2. Development Features Overview 2.1 Bug Fixes Add a fix for the logo redirection bug: Correct the error where the logo does not redirect properly, ensuring normal navigation to the homepage or the specified page. Add a check for all code bugs: Conduct a thorough code review, identify and fix all potential issues, ensuring logical correctness and stable operation of the code. 2.2 Data

$1118 Average bid
$1118 平均报价
8 个竞标

...Platform and E-commerce Customer Service Job Requirements: 1:Work 8 hours a day, with working hours from 14:00 to 20:00 Beijing time. 2:Chinese is required during work (can speak and write), and we will use Chinese for project communication. Fluent in English and Japanese (Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 2 or above). Project communication will be 3:Looking for individuals interested in long-term collaboration. Job Responsibilities: 1:Respond to inquiries from guests on the guesthouse platform within 5 minutes after receiving the question.: 2:Organize and report new orders on the guesthouse platform. 3:Answer phone calls from customers (we will provide a Japan IP phone).: 4:Provide customer service for the e-commerce platform. Working Hours and Salary...

$135 Average bid
$135 平均报价
10 个竞标
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0. Use python 3.7/3.8, and please leave some comments and notes 1. A small crawler program on Windows; I can download the file and click an .exe for running it. This program has an interface for some simple operations: there is a search box and search button in the page, a status bar, a conversion button, an import...Then I can click a button on the interface to create an excel that includes list1 and list2, and to derive a file that has the database formed in step7. I can choose where I want to save these files. 9. The program has another button for visualization. When I click the button, it can generate a picture of the mapping relations in the most recent step7 file, or in a step7 file that I choose. The visual effect should be something like the picture attached called "...

$250 Average bid
$250 平均报价
1 个竞标


$88 Average bid
$88 平均报价
14 个竞标

資料會以问卷式輸入,可以自由用任何程式建造 (Web base or apple App) 但必須能夠在ipad 上使用 ,把需要资料输入后, 可建立一份报表( html , pdf or excel 格式 ) , 报表包括pie chart , table . —————————————————— Create a questionnaire form and print out a report based on the data from questionnaire , the form should be able to run on ipad , so it can be web based or ios app , the output report can be html , pdf , excel or any else ( as long as it can be print out in A4 side ) . The report are including a pie chart & table .

$549 Average bid
$549 平均报价
5 个竞标
Project for Wu Y.
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不好意思,页面上不小心点了 Report as Spam ,是无意的,请知悉,也不知道怎么撤掉。

$250 Average bid
$250 平均报价
1 个竞标

开发一款原生app,这是一个基于地理位置的社交应用程序。 它具有泛游戏功能,支持多种语言等功能。 适用于Android,IOS,Windows和其他手机操作系统,使用Java,objective-c,Visual C ++和不同的框架进行开发。 整个项目包括设计,开发,测试,正式发布,数据反馈等。 开发人员需要提供各种文档,信息,源代码和其他所有材料。 为了说明这种情况,我们在中国。 在中国,Google,Facebook和Twitter受到限制或无法使用。 项目开发使用的地图API,当用户在中国时,只能使用百度地图或高德地图,当用户在中国境外时,可以使用谷歌地图或百度地图。 我们希望用户成为地球上的人,而不仅限于中国人或外国人。 使用搜索,第三方登录,语言时,要考虑中国的国情。 熟悉谷歌开发平台,熟悉中国的开放平台,百度、阿里巴巴、腾讯等。 目前,我们有初步的想法和草案设计。 我们需要专业人士或团队来发展和完善。 虽然它只是一个小项目,但没有很多钱,不足以匹配你的硬性工资。 如果您或您的公司可以帮助我们完成它,我们将不胜感激。如果愉快地合作,我们可以考虑长期合作。

$8 / hr Average bid
$8 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标
perfect an app
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We currently own an app which has basic function realized, but there're some other problems existing, including flashbacks, mis-matches between images and audios. We now need these problems to be solved.

$493 Average bid
$493 平均报价
16 个竞标
Recruit English writers
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我公司是一家面对境外从事英文写作服务的机构,专业涵盖广泛,任务稳定,类型主要为Essay, Report等,工资按篇结算周期短,时间弹性大。现招聘有经验的英语写手。   酬劳:200-500元/千单词,视写作水平而定。   注意事项:   1.必须有澳洲,英国,加拿大或美国等国家的学科作业或论文写作经验,拒绝翻译写作,无经验的不予考虑;   2. 我们希望长期合作,只为解决手头暂时拮据而来应聘的,不予考虑;   3.时间充足,能提供详细联系方式;   4.责任心强,不应付,一旦发现应付,解除合作关系;   5.遵循客户要求,按时交稿,不拖稿,拖稿两次以上(含两次),解除合作;   6、做到后期耐心修改和指导。   7、熟悉金融,会计,计算机,法律,护理等专业知识的优先考虑,熟悉SPSS,Eviews等计量统计软件优先考虑,。   [Removed by Admin - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions]

$151 Average bid
$151 平均报价
3 个竞标

专业要求:商科(数据分析,金融工程,统计方向优先)、法律、计算机 (python,编程代码类优先)、数学,编程,历史,艺术,地理等以及能够写综合专业类的,要求英文功底强。 态度要求:热爱英文写作,具有认真负责的工作态度,有手机联系方式;良好的个人诚信,责任心强;有充足的空闲时间写作,拥有可供自已支配的电脑并且上网方便。 工作内容及职责: 1.长期从事英文写作文章,且全英文写作能力强,能独立查找文献资料,能独立完成文章写作(英语六级550以上,雅思写作单科6.5,以上,专八良好及以上) 2.主要负责国外大学的essay,paper需了解国外大学的论文格式,文献格式,以及注释;有写留学生原创Report、Essay经验。 3.学历要求硕士及以上,国内优秀的大学毕业也可,欢迎海外归来的优秀留学生。 4.有诚信,准时完成任务,保证稿件质量; 具备良好的职业道德,没有抄袭成分; 5.不是翻译,是写作工作,没有经验的或是只会翻译的我们将不给与答复。)初始酬劳优厚,长期合作人员薪酬将逐步提高。 优势: 工作时间和地点都是不限的,任务由你选择接与不接,我们会推送单子和任务给你,但是不接不影响下一次接单,工资 结算在稿件截稿日之日完成,特殊情况两日之内结清。如果你有数据分析、法律、计算机、数学,编程,历史,艺术,地理等方面的留学经历。对自己的ESSAY颇有心得,具有敏锐的直觉,有比较强的责任心,有充足的时间,欢迎投递简历给我们。 微信:tianxun1 QQ:2942613125

$100 Average bid
$100 平均报价
1 个竞标

We have completed the graphic design and graphic materials, to speed up the project that want additional resource to help us to code for HTML 5 pages. - Adaptive HTML for mobile devices - Multi- environment support(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - Expected 2.5 weeks to complete entire page development, 0.5 weeks for testing and fixing - Basic test from developer before releasing every build to us. Final acceptance test will done by us - NDA is needed before start sharing project infomation 目前我们正在开发一个餐厅订单后台处理的平台,需要另外一名freelance来加速HTML5的开发进程。 - 目前我们已经完成了页面额设计和PS素材的制作,开发人员可以直接使用。 - 自适应网页制作,尤其是针对不同的移动设备(Iphone 6 - 8, Iphone X and android phones) - 希望在两周半的时候完成页面的开发(希望每两两天提交代码,以便早点检查和反馈),大概3-5天做验收测试和问题修复 - 希望开发人员会做基本的自测,确保发给我们验收的内容有一定的质量。当然我们也很希望开发者可用提出一些专业的建议和意...

$1063 Average bid
$1063 平均报价
47 个竞标

To develop OTD KPI reports on JobBOSS: Calculate OTD archive rate by daily, weekly, monthly, there are two conditions need to be fulfilled, one is quantity delivery fulfillment, the delivered qty should equal to requested qty, another condition is delivered date, the delivered date should equal or be earlier than promised day. Scope: all cl...qty should equal to requested qty, another condition is delivered date, the delivered date should equal or be earlier than promised day. Scope: all closed SO which closed on current day, current week and current month. Set the OTD target If SO was delivered earlier on last month , then the OTD need to be included in last Month’s OTD KPI. by SO + Project number Use Chart display the OTD by day,week and month. Data source: ERP SQL DB Tool: ...

$26 / hr Average bid
$26 / hr 平均报价
3 个竞标

...Native、Redux等, 要在现有的App架构下调整与新增功能, 后端API程式已开发完成。 要实作的功能: 1. 个人资料:!AqPM7dbV2A19gQsDiRtydgboa-TT 2. 预约谘询:!AqPM7dbV2A19gQ1hUcdb7QlMDpIX 3. 相簿:!AqPM7dbV2A19gQ_NccI-ke6PWFks 撰写以上API 前,需要登入取得资讯,以下为登入的教学(不需撰写此部分) !AqPM7dbV2A19gQc136QJKAVDrPEd React Native App Development (iOS & Android) We already have a basic application development framework, React Native, Redux, etc., to adjust and add new features under the existing App architecture, and the backend API program has been developed. To implement the function: 1. Personal information: !AqPM7dbV2A19gQsDiRtydgboa-TT 2. Appointment consultation: !AqPM7dbV2A19gQ1hUcdb7QlMDpIX 3. Albums:

$691 Average bid
$691 平均报价
17 个竞标
Project for Jianhua L.
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$220 - $220
$220 - $220
0 个竞标

Basic knowledge about startup business in China, will be preferred. 最好对手机应用有兴趣和有关中国启动行业有基本知识。

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr 平均报价
14 个竞标

...送键值60,从event0读取。 2. RS485驱动 RS485需要1个方向控制脚,当向对应的UART发送接收数据时,方向脚能自动实现方向控制。 3. 蜂鸣器驱动 蜂鸣器驱动要求能设置PWM输出的频率,输出的时间,输出时间到了自动关闭PWM输出。 4. 薄膜按键驱动和USB键盘驱动 预留24个GPIO作为薄膜按键的输入,目前的驱动是作为GPIO口来读取的;最好也缴入LINUX的输入事件,按不同的按键发送不同的键值,从event0读取;外接USB键盘驱动最好也从event0读取。 5. 其他GPIO驱动 每个GPIO口都可以通过驱动设置输入/输出。 6. 触摸屏驱动和外接USB鼠标驱动 7. 触摸屏驱动和外接的鼠标驱动设备文件最好固定,例如触摸屏固定使用event2,USB鼠标固定使用event3。 ENGLISH Basic Requirements for Hardware Resources of T3 Core Board Basic Hardware Resources 1. Power Supply DC power input, 5V single power input, CPU can detect whether this power supply; Battery input, lithium battery power input; Real-time clock power supply, use button battery; 2 Display interface to support RGB, LVDS and MIPI interface, as only one interface can be used at the same time, so the three interfac...

$2789 Average bid
$2789 平均报价
2 个竞标
individual report -- 2
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$23 - $283
$23 - $283
0 个竞标

...interface design, a very simple minimal design would be used. Requirements are to be: 1. Experienced with Wechat/ Alipay or union payment integration. 2. Familiar with geo-location based services and map integrations。 3. Simple rating system for both providers and clients. 4. Familiar with Chinese source code and regulations. 5. Ability to develop the apps within 5 months max. Context: The basic outline of the app would be into 3 features where “client” will chose a service from “provider” 1. Find an available nearby provider within 1-3 Km: a timer will calculate the fee and the distance. 2. Book for a later time: A fee according the time required. 3. Awarding Service: a simple wall where Client can post a service request 1 per month detaili...

$5123 Average bid
$5123 平均报价
9 个竞标

我現在有一個以visual foxpro 編寫的軟件,它會自動從網上下載資料並儲存在電腦中,透過軟件的介面顯示所需資料。現在的項目想將下載並儲存在電腦的DATA擷取到EXCEL/ACCESS,從而不用透過FOXPRO 編寫的程式也可以利用EXCEL/ACCESS 作查詢。由於軟件的介面是中文,所以必需懂得中文才可以完成這個項目。

$223 Average bid
$223 平均报价
4 个竞标
Visual Media Limited
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想找一個熟悉Wordpress Web Designer,長期Freelance工作,時薪,工時彈性

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr 平均报价
5 个竞标
iMessage send Software
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I am searching a Vietnamese boy buy 2 Java Software, Software is divided into IMessage data detection (batch detection of mobile phone number is activated IMessage) and mass software into the text after the two modules But it is tragic,….the software can not be normal operation, the data detection module error, sending module does not report errors, but can not be sent... Then he ignored me, it was very sad,,, I want please help me to modify these 2 procedures, so that they normally run….. Or, if the 2 Software all joke … Then please you make it..again addition:I want to add a apple to send account timing switch function…. Please contact me, thank you, I wish you a happy life Please don't hurt me..

$200 Average bid
$200 平均报价
1 个竞标

Base on a Joomlashine Venture Pro template to build a basic multilingual website.

$218 Average bid
$218 平均报价
17 个竞标
PHP Programmer Needed
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目前我们有个PHP项目(已有国外accelerator选中),主要是帮助欧洲中小企业更好地找中国大陆的产品或者供应商。 希望找一位负责任的PHP工程师,developer Laravel to mantain web application already done (90%) based on support tickets model. Requested skill: HTML, CSS e Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and jQuery, Blade, Eloquent and basic knowlege of LAMP to work in deploy mode. 目前我们考虑的是技术入股(都可以商量),有兴趣的话,其他方面都可以详聊。 (只要有心做好这个项目,在职人员、自由职业者等都可以。懂英语的优先)

$540 Average bid
$540 平均报价
6 个竞标

客户名單,出單,Call List,Sales Report & Booking Order。

$184 Average bid
$184 平均报价
6 个竞标

关于online shopping的5000字REPORT,已经写了3000字左右,剩下research methods ,analysis finding 和 conclusion.

$169 Average bid
$169 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作hospitality economic report'

$30 / hr Average bid
$30 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标
CSGO Cevo/esea hack
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Project Description: Looking for a experienced Coder with strong knowledge of C++/C## to Design a Cheat for the Game Counter-strike:GO. With Certain Features. and Capability to bypass two anti cheat in particular. And Also be compatible on A Specific Operating System. Needs to be done in a Reasonable Amount of time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Needs to have one or two the Following Features And Proof From Leagues Smooth-Aimbot (Human Like, I want to be able to adjust the bot also) ------------------------------------------------------------- Needs to be Proof for the Following Anti-Cheats. CEVO (Paladin/CEVO) [url removed, login to view] ESEA (ESEACLIENT) [url removed, login to view] -------------------------------...

$483 Average bid
$483 平均报价
2 个竞标
Easy Money Keeper
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The app is a simple money keeper app, but it allows users to login to our website as a member to activate back up function. You can see the app visual demo here: And basically the app is similar to We need both iOS and Android version

$1140 Average bid
$1140 平均报价
6 个竞标

我有进行中的、与之前的项目相关的工作Create Basic Arena Simulation '

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

Criminal Law (basic), 非专业课,所以不需要太高的专业水平。 具体写作内容附在照片中。

$155 Average bid
$155 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'mac app testing and detail report'

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

Need an iPhone application in Simplified Chinese. See below for project requirements. APP is divided into two parts: 1. APP basic function is to allow customers to contact individual service providers in his area. App allows customers to place orders, pay through Paypal / micro-channel payments, and rated by the service providers. 2. Service providers use a separate app interface ( like Didi taxi driver version ) . Allowing him to enter personal service information , and see all of his orders. Development / functional requirements: -APP must be in Simplified Chinese - Preferably mixed-mode mobile applications (hybrid) - Paypal / micro-channel payment functions - Geographical location ---------------------------------------------------------------- APP分两大部...

$3670 Average bid
$3670 平均报价
8 个竞标

Our client has a news website based on Wordpress and it has a mobile adapted plugin already. What we need is an app to be wrote and submitted to the apple store and Android marketplace: Requirements: 1) Submitted successfully and be able to be searched by key words; 2) Be able to push messages to those who has installed the app; 3) Be able to read basic statistics for the administrators. The website address is : [dot]com (Pls replace the [doc] with "." )

$165 Average bid
$165 平均报价
2 个竞标
Write a Report
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طباعه ابحاث

$30 - $250
$30 - $250
0 个竞标

一个小组作业,关于Tesco的SWOT 分析,3000字,9月10号交

$298 Average bid
$298 平均报价
20 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'case analysis and paper report'

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'writing a report'

$10 - $10 / hr
$10 - $10 / hr
0 个竞标

目前市场上有几个比较常见的hdmi的视频采集卡,比如天敏HDV3000E或者时立HD720A等,这些卡都支持directShow。但我们自己写的directShow的采集软件,都只能获取到他们的视频信号,不能获取到音频信号。希望能编写软件,支持这类hdmi采集卡的音频、视频数据的获取。可以只是内存数据,或者存成文件。并尽量音视频同步。 要求是Visual Studio , C++开发。 期待您的联系!

$500 - $500
$500 - $500
0 个竞标

目前市场上有几个比较常见的hdmi的视频采集卡,比如天敏HDV3000E或者时立HD720A等,这些卡都支持directShow。但我们自己写的directShow的采集软件,都只能获取到他们的视频信号,不能获取到音频信号。希望能编写软件,支持这类hdmi采集卡的音频、视频数据的获取。可以只是内存数据,或者存成文件。并尽量音视频同步。 要求是Visual Studio , C++开发。 期待您的联系!

$666 Average bid
$666 平均报价
1 个竞标

We are looking native speaker (chinese) with basic knowledge about mobile apps to help us with publishing android apps in china android app stores. List of app stores: Baidu App Store Tencent App Gem AppChina Anzhi 360 market Lenovo ToDo: - sign up to all app stores - fill in app form (we will send app description, redy to publish .apk and graphics) - send app to review - revise app info when app will be rejected 我们正在寻找母语(中国)与有关移动应用程序,以帮助我们发布的中国Android应用程序商店Android的应用程序的基本知识。 应用程序商店的清单: 百度App Store的 腾讯应用宝石 AppChina 安志

$233 Average bid
$233 平均报价
7 个竞标

我有一个持续工作,之前与之相关的项目为'Edit the report which has 7000 words'

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr 平均报价
1 个竞标

I'm seeking a cartoonish-style mascot for my logo. This character should primarily convey a professional demeanor while still being friendly and approachable. The main goal of this logo with the mascot is to boost brand recognition. Ideal skills for this job include: - Strong graphic design and illustration abilities - Experience in creating cartoonish, yet professional characters - Understanding of brand identity and recognition strategies Please provide a portfolio that showcases similar work you've done in the past. Looking forward to your bids!

$7 Average bid
$7 平均报价
2 个竞标

Title: Google Sheets Expert Needed for Project Management Setup Description: I’m looking for a skilled Google Sheets expert to create a comprehensive project management system tailored to my needs. The setup should include: 1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) • A detailed WBS in both list format and visual chart • Progress tracking with percentages • Task dependencies to ensure proper sequencing 2. High-Level Project Timeline • Automatically generated from the WBS • Clear milestones and deadlines 3. Project Dashboard with: • Task status overview (pending, in progress, completed) • Milestone tracker for key project goals • Resource allocation to track team workload • Project countd...

$453 Average bid
$453 平均报价
71 个竞标

...colored flame candles. Key Features of the Online Store: - A visually appealing design in dark green tones complemented with gold elements. - Essential pages including Home, Catalog, Product Page, Delivery, and Contacts. - Integration of various online payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, internet banking (Swedbank, SEB, Coop), PayPal. - Shipping integration with DPD, Omniva, DHL, and Venipak. - Basic SEO optimization to ensure visibility. Expectations from the Freelancer: - Proven experience in developing e-commerce websites with a strong portfolio. - Proficiency in the chosen platform (platform can be discussed). - Ability to provide a clear delivery timeline. I will provide all necessary content including photos, videos, product descriptions, and text. A domain and hosting ar...

$185 Average bid
$185 平均报价
72 个竞标